problems and issues in the philippine educational system


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Issues concerning the Philippine Educational System



2. A topic presented in the course Educ 303 (Economic Foundation of Education) 3. Prof. James L. Paglinawan 4. Home Page 5. Home Page 6. Present Date Decline in the quality of Philippine education at the elementary and secondary levels. Reality Check: Results of NAT among elementary and high school students and NCAE were way below the target mean score. 2004 High School Readiness Test: 0.64% scored 75% or better or 8,000 students out of 1.2 million examinees passed. Quality of Education Next slide 7. Present Date Quality of Education (cont) Reality Check: Self-Assessment Test for English: 19% scored 75% or better or 10,000 out of 51,000 teachers. Decline in Quality of Education in the Philippines Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) as of year 2003. Math: Philippines ranked no. 43 out of 46 countries Science: Philippines ranked no. 42 No. 1 Singapore No. 2. Taipei Return to Sub-Menu 8. Present Date Affordability of Education Big disparity in educational achievements across social groups. Reality Check: Socioeconomically disadvantaged students have higher drop out rates in elementary level. Most of the freshmen students at the tertiary level come from relatively well-off families. Return to Sub-Menu 9. Present Date Budget for Education The Philippine Constitution has mandated the government to allocate the highest proportion of its budget to education. Reality Check: Philippines still has one of the lowest budget allocations to education among the ASEAN countries. Return to Sub-Menu 10. Present Date Mismatch: There is a large proportion of "mismatch" between training and actual jobs. This is the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also the cause of the existence of a large group of educated unemployed or underemployed. Home Page 11. Historio graphy Problems and Issues in the Philippine Educational System Home Page Internationa lization Emascula tion Fly-by- night Cultural Insensitive Abandon ment Substandard Textbooks Contractuali zation Specializa tion Copy-Pasting Culture Mcdonal dized Nonsustaina bility Poor Liberal Art Purveyor of myth Marginali zation Monolithic education Boring Teachers 12. Giving heavier premium to the history of the colonizers in the Philippines, and not to the history of Filipinos. Teaching of History subjects from the elementary to tertiary levels and will most likely perpetuate in the next generations to come. The history of the Filipino people and the colonial history of the Philippines are two different topics altogether. Sub-Menu 13. To be skillful in arithmetic and computer literacy, fluent in foreign languages (specifically English and Nihonggo) Docile in order to serve as workers of the transnational businesses of the advanced, capitalist countries. Call center phenomenon in the Philippines, India and other developing states. Sub-Menu 14. Victimized by the over-worked and under-paid policy of the system of the past and present dispensations. Leads to the emasculation and demoralization of their ranks. Explains why the teaching profession is not attracting the best and the brightest from the crop of students anymore. Sub-Menu 15. Teachers, more often than not, are victimized by the over-worked and under- paid policy of the system of the past and present dispensations. This leads to the emasculation and demoralization of their ranks. This probably explains why the teaching profession is not attracting the best and the brightest from the crop of students anymore. Sub-Menu 16. The proliferation of fly-by- night educational institutions is counter-productive. Produces a pool of half- baked, unprepared, and incompetent graduates. Sub-Menu 17. Women, the common tao and the indigenous people are almost historically excluded from the Philippine historiography in favor of the men, heroes from Luzon and the power elite. Sub-Menu 18. The statein an incremental fashionis abandoning its role to subsidize public education particularly in the tertiary level. This comes in the form of matriculation, laboratory and miscellaneous fee increases in order to force state colleges and universities (SCUs) to generate their own sources of fund. Sub-Menu 19. Some textbooks which are already circulation are both poorly written and haphazardly edited. Take the case of the Asya: Noon at Ngayon with an identified total number of more than 400 historical errors. This is a classic case of profit- centeredness without regard to social accountability. Sub-Menu 20. In the name of profit, owners and administrators of several private schools commonly practice contractualization among their faculty members. Contractual employees unlike their regular/tenured counterparts are not entitled to fringe benefits which consequently reduces the over-all cost of their business operation. Job insecurity demeans the ranks of the faculty members. Sub-Menu 21. Some colleges and universities, even for high schools, encourage their faculty pool to be generalists (under the guise of multidisciplinary approach to learning) in order to be able to handle various subjects all at once. But some faculty members have turned out to be objects of mockery and have lost their self-esteem since some of them were pushed to handle Technical Writing, General Psychology, Filipino, and Algebra at the same time. Sub-Menu 22. Over-dependence to the cyberspace has dramatically reduced the capability of students (even teachers) to undertake research. Copy-pasting has even turned into a norm among some students whenever they are tasked to submit a research paper or even a film review. Plagiarism has already transformed into a more sophisticated form in the context of todays electronic age. Sub-Menu 23. The system, methodology, and even content of education in the Philippines are mere haphazard transplantation from the West. It is therefore Eurocentric, culturally insensitive, and non-reflective of the local milieu. This is based on the xenocentric (foreign- centered) premise that other culture or system is far more superior than ones own. Sub-Menu 24. Teachers, administrators and publishers are all left in limbo whenever the DepEd would come up with another totally different directive from what it used to have in a rather very sudden interval. The case of the grading system, timeframe allotted to various subjects, MAKABAYAN program, readiness test, and learning competencies (LC). Sub-Menu 25. Liberal education is intended to form a holistic individual equipped with communication, critical thinking, mathematical, creative, inter- personal and intra-personal skills. This explains why we also have Philosophy, Languages, Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science, Physical Education and even Theology in our college curriculum, and not only our major subjects. Equally alarming is the lack of enthusiasm and motivation exhibited by some professors to handle the subject especially if they believe that it has nothing to do with the course or area of specialization of their students Sub-Menu 26. Education has been very effective in mainstreaming and perpetuating the social myths in a subtle and indirect manner. Some of these myths are the perceived superiority of white, educated men, official history as advanced by the western point of view, Globalization is the only way to achieve economic development, and stereotypes against the minoritized and the disenfranchised. Sub-Menu 27. In the name of profit and as a response to the dictates of the market forces, colleges and universities prefer to offer more courses in line with the health sciences like nursing, medical transcription, and care-giving. This is done at the expense of the already undersubscribed yet relevant courses like Area Studies, Pilipinolohiya (Philippine Studies), Development Studies, Philippine Arts, Art Studies, Community Development, Social Work, Islamic Studies, Clothing Technology, and Ceramics Engineering. Sub-Menu 28. Some educators in the name of conservatism and for the sake of convenience, prefer the old-style teaching paradigm where they view themselves as the fountain of knowledge and their students as nothing but empty vessels to be filled up (banking method of education). Sub-Menu 29. There are no boring subjects, only boring teachers. But at least we should recognize them because they still serve a purpose. They serve as bad examples. Home Page 30. Facts and Figures on Philippine Education Problems, Issues and Concerns 31. The problematic education quality in the country as well as the hindrances faced by Filipino students in gaining good education begin at the early childhood and kindergarten education stage. 32. Republic Act 6972 or the Day Care Law, which mandates the establishment of a day care center in every barangay, has improved the number of day care centers to about 87 percent (36,338) of the total barangays in the country as of the second quarter 2010 from 78 percent (31,464) in 2002. 33. The gross enrollment rate of the four- to five- year-old children from 19.2 percent in 2004 to 24.7 percent in 2008 or reducing to about four in 10 the number of five-year old children not in school. 34. Real expenditures per student of DepEd (in 2000 prices) 35. The relatively low investment of the Philippines on education may be the reason for the declining education quality. 2007 GDP Per Capita 36. The lack of research in HEIs is also seen as another factor in the low quality of tertiary education in the Philippines. 37. In 2010 , the share of DepEd budget to total education expenses was 85.7 percent, up from 81.7 percent in 1998. 38. The high population growth in the country is also another factor in the high persistence of high pupil-teacher ratio (PTR). Another reason is the failure to adequately implement the teacher deployment policy. 39. Teachers report that boys are difficult to discipline, have a hard time sitting still, do not participate in class and are unable to focus on written tasks such as assignments and exams. 40. The government has imposed a moratorium on the establishment of new SUCs. The rationalization of HE system will also reduce the number of duplicative programs 41. The Scholarship system in the Philippines is also problematic as the country's student assistance efforts to date are meager and fragmented. Home Page 42. Some Reforms Proposed 43. Home Page 44. Present Date Burgonio, T. Congress adds P4B to budget of DepEd. Philippine Daily Inquirer. June 5, 2006, p. 1. Del Mundo, F. State of RP Education. 2nd of a series. Philippine Daily Inquirer, p. A22. Cheryl M. Arcibal . Updated May 25, 2012. Osorio, E. When our teachers say goodbye. Philippine Daily Inquirer. June 4, 2006, p. 28. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Editorial. Same old problems. June 6, 2006. Robles, J. Ground zero. Standard Today. Une 5, 2006, p. 6. Secretary Lapus outlines the state of Philippine Education. educnews. December 2006, p. 1. Prof. John N. Ponsaran. Notes About the Problems and Issues in the Philippine Educational System: A Critical Discourse. Tubeza, P. Challenge to big business: Put more cash in school plans. Philippine Daily Inquirer. July 30, 2006, p. 7. Tubeza, P. Govt needs P120B a year to save public school system. Philippine Daily Inquirer, p. 11. Sources: Home Page 45. Issues in Philippine Education End of Report NEXT >> PREVIOUS