problem statement develop a concept that is effective in defending an suv against a rocket-...

Download problem statement Develop a concept that is effective in defending an SUV against a rocket- propelled grenade attack

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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design selection matrix LiftLaunchAccelerateCylinder Accuracy Repeatability Functionality Damage Ease of Use Simplicity Practicality Originality Universal Deployment Total


problem statement Develop a concept that is effective in defending an SUV against a rocket- propelled grenade attack design selection matrix LiftLaunchAccelerateCylinder Accuracy Repeatability Functionality Damage Ease of Use Simplicity Practicality Originality Universal Deployment Total Lift Struts Hydraulic Gas Expansion Technologies Breakaway system Explosive Bolts design highlights calculations Power = Work/Time Work = Force * Displacement Force needed 32,300 N Power needed 43,000 J prototype Counter-attack possibilities Strut Technology Materials Armor Support Structure summary