print issue 8-19-2011

NEWS Your Rose State College news-magazine, serving the campus since 1972 V o l u m e X L I , I s s u e 1 Sept. 19, 2011 IN THIS ISSUE: ...Page 2 Oklahoma Heat Wave ...Page 3 •Your LRC •Raider Rush ...Page 4 •Rose Blooms From the Ashes •Your Wellness Center ...Page 5 •RSC Food Services •HOW TO: Access D2L & Student Email •QR Codes ...Page 6 •RSC Honors Programs •Tuition Rate Hike •RSC Student Senate ...Page 7 •Movie Review: “Rise of Th Planet of The Apes” •Student Success Center ...Page 8 •Weekly Event Calendar •Weekly Puzzles A rainbow was seen over the cam- pus as RSC faculty and staff at- tended a semester commencement breakfast on Wednesday. To add to the cheerful atmosphere, Dr. Britton presented awards to more than 30 RSC faculty and staff, who had each reached personal milestones in their RSC service. Acknowledging the good omen, Dr. Britton said, “Steve Carano wanted to take credit for the beau- tiful rainbow over Rose State. I suppose that makes this the pot of gold.” Dr. Britton reminded those in at- tendance of the upcoming bond election. “On September 13, the Mid-Del School District will hold a special Bond Election to build, renovate, and equip schools throughout the District.” Dr. Brit- ton said, “Rose State College will be well served in the future if the bonds pass.” Dr. Britton encour- aged those that live in District I-52 to vote. “Go out, willing to vote ‘yes’ on the 13th,” Dr. Britton said, “If you’re going to vote ‘no,’ go on the 14th.” e last bond elec- tion did not pass, falling 16 votes shy of the 60 percent super major- ity required in school elections. “A vocal minority has a strong anti-education bias, …” Dr. Brit- ton said, “… but we have some new ideas, and as we apply them, they will work.” In the face of budget cuts, Dr. Britton stressed the need for slow and steady enrollment growth. “We need to find one thousand new students …” Dr. Britton said, “Many of them will come from the Ticket to Rose program.” e program is being expanded to include, not only Mid-Del high schools, but also all home school students and private schools with- in the Mid-Del districts. In addi- tion, there are plans to reach out to the Native American population. “You have students with young dreams, but you have more stu- dents who’ve had their dreams deferred.” Dr. Britton said, “Public education is necessary to maintain a democracy.” Welcome to the 15th Street News, your source for the latest Rose State College news, events and information. We are a free press paper, where student editors make all content decisions with- out advanced approval or censor- ship. Feedback is appreciated; so feel free to share your opinions with us. All comments are subject to editorial approval. Vulgar or otherwise offensive comments will not be considered for publication. Disagreeable questions or com- ments can be directed to the editor in chief at 733-7400, or the Stu- dent Publications Board chairper- son, Dr. Kent Lashley, 733-7490. e latest issue of the 15th Street News is available Fridays, except for school holidays, and is avail- able in newsstands across campus during the fall and spring semes- ters. by the Office of Student Publications, 6420 SE 15, Mid- west City, OK 73110. 15th Street News is a member of Oklahoma Collegiate Press Association, which has designated this paper top junior college newspaper six years, and Associated Collegiate Press. e editorials, columns, commentaries and letters to the editor are the personal opinions of individuals and do not neces- sarily represent the views of 15th Street News, Rose State College, or its other students, faculty or administrators. Welcome News ROSE STATE COLLEGE: A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY By: Logan Pierce Editor-in-Chief 1. The Student Success Center is the first line of de- fense in resolving issues students may have. 2. Early alerts from faculty feedback allow for problems to be caught early. 3. An academic success plan empowers students with the resources needed to rise above aca- demic shortcomings. 4. Individual case management is tied closely to the success plans and offers several different op- tions for students. 5. Mentoring programs provide students with per- sonalized guidance. The Ticket to Rose program utilizes gap funding, which covers the part of tuition and fees that federal financial aid may not cover. Experimented with previously, the Ticket to Rose program launched at RSC two years ago, allowing Mid-Del high school seniors an easy transition to college. The three high schools eligible from the beginning were Carl Albert, Del City, and Midwest City. One year later, the program was expanded to include Choctaw High School. Achieving the Dream Initiative : Five safeguards for student success Dr. Britton speaks on expanding the Ticket to Rose program. (photo by Tracie Bullen) “Public education is necessary to maintain a democracy.” - Dr. Britton F ri d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 0 9 s V o l u m e X X X IX , Is s u e 4

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Front Page: Back to School Page 2 • Editorial: OK Heat Wave Page 3 • Your LRC • Raider Rush Page 4 • Rose Blooms from the Ashes Page 5 • HOW TO: Access D2L and Student Email • RSC Food Services Page 6 • Tuition Rate Hike Page 7 • Movie Review: “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” Page 8 • Weekly Calendar and Weekly Puzzles


Page 1: Print Issue 8-19-2011

NEWSYour Rose State College news-magazine, serving the campus since 1972


e XLI, Issue 1

Sept. 19, 2011

IN thIs Issue: ...Page 2

Oklahoma Heat Wave

...Page 3•Your LRC•Raider Rush

...Page 4•Rose Blooms From the Ashes•Your Wellness Center

...Page 5•RSC Food Services •HOW TO: Access D2L & Student Email•QR Codes

...Page 6•RSC Honors Programs•Tuition Rate Hike•RSC Student Senate

...Page 7•Movie Review: “Rise of Th Planet of The Apes”

•Student Success Center

...Page 8•Weekly Event Calendar•Weekly Puzzles

A rainbow was seen over the cam-pus as RSC faculty and staff at-tended a semester commencement breakfast on Wednesday. To add to the cheerful atmosphere, Dr. Britton presented awards to more than 30 RSC faculty and staff, who had each reached personal milestones in their RSC service.Acknowledging the good omen, Dr. Britton said, “Steve Carano wanted to take credit for the beau-tiful rainbow over Rose State. I suppose that makes this the pot of gold.”Dr. Britton reminded those in at-tendance of the upcoming bond election. “On September 13, the Mid-Del School District will hold a special Bond Election to build, renovate, and equip schools throughout the District.” Dr. Brit-ton said, “Rose State College will be well served in the future if the bonds pass.” Dr. Britton encour-aged those that live in District I-52 to vote. “Go out, willing to

vote ‘yes’ on the 13th,” Dr. Britton said, “If you’re going to vote ‘no,’ go on the 14th.” The last bond elec-tion did not pass, falling 16 votes shy of the 60 percent super major-ity required in school elections.“A vocal minority has a strong anti-education bias, …” Dr. Brit-ton said, “… but we have some new ideas, and as we apply them, they will work.”In the face of budget cuts, Dr. Britton stressed the need for slow and steady enrollment growth. “We need to find one thousand new students …” Dr. Britton said,

“Many of them will come from the Ticket to Rose program.”The program is being expanded to include, not only Mid-Del high schools, but also all home school students and private schools with-in the Mid-Del districts. In addi-tion, there are plans to reach out to the Native American population. “You have students with young dreams, but you have more stu-dents who’ve had their dreams deferred.” Dr. Britton said, “Public education is necessary to maintain a democracy.”

Welcome to the 15th Street News, your source for the latest Rose State College news, events and information. We are a free press paper, where student editors make all content decisions with-out advanced approval or censor-ship. Feedback is appreciated; so feel free to share your opinions with us. All comments are subject

to editorial approval. Vulgar or otherwise offensive comments will not be considered for publication. Disagreeable questions or com-ments can be directed to the editor in chief at 733-7400, or the Stu-dent Publications Board chairper-son, Dr. Kent Lashley, 733-7490. The latest issue of the 15th Street News is available Fridays, except

for school holidays, and is avail-able in newsstands across campus during the fall and spring semes-ters. by the Office of Student Publications, 6420 SE 15, Mid-west City, OK 73110. 15th Street News is a member of Oklahoma Collegiate Press Association, which has designated this paper top junior college newspaper six

years, and Associated Collegiate Press. The editorials, columns, commentaries and letters to the editor are the personal opinions of individuals and do not neces-sarily represent the views of 15th Street News, Rose State College, or its other students, faculty or administrators.



rose state college:A Golden

opportunityBy: Logan Pierce


1. The Student Success Center is the first line of de-fense in resolving issues students may have.

2. Early alerts from faculty feedback allow for problems to be caught early.

3. An academic success plan empowers students with the resources needed to rise above aca-demic shortcomings.

4. Individual case management is tied closely to the success plans and offers several different op-tions for students.

5. Mentoring programs provide students with per-sonalized guidance.

The Ticket to Rose program utilizes gap funding, which covers the part of tuition and fees that federal financial aid may not cover.Experimented with previously, the Ticket to Rose program launched at RSC two years ago, allowing Mid-Del high school seniors an easy transition to college. The three high schools eligible from the beginning were Carl Albert, Del City, and Midwest City. One year later, the program was expanded to include Choctaw High School.

Achieving the Dream Initiative : Five safeguards for student success

Dr. Britton speaks on expanding the Ticket to Rose program. (photo by Tracie Bullen)

“Public education is necessary to maintain a democracy.” - Dr. Britton

The 21st century brought with it an inundation of information. Virtually any topic you could delve into is only a click of a mouse away on the Internet. However, in a world where we are flooded with data—some of it relevant to us, some of it not so much—how do you keep track of the people you don’t want to lose touch with ? Social networking sites provide the answer. The big three of the social networking sites—Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter—all give opportunity to be aware of what our friends, family, and colleagues are doing at any particular mo-ment. Basically, social networking sites turn our local communities into a “global” community. Each of the following provides competing services, and whether you use all three or none of the above, they are changing the way

the world communicates. MySpace- This social network-ing site gives its members a place on the Internet where they can set up a customized profile. Features include photo and video uploads, song playlists in which people can hear what you’re listening to at the moment, and “friend requests” where you link yourself to the people you know. Launched in Jan. 2004, MySpace has 130 million monthly active users, according to the site’s fact sheet. Facebook- Facebook users can update their status, and in turn, comment on the statuses of mem-bers to whom they are linked. To become linked to someone on Facebook is as easy as sending a request and having it confirmed. Once friends on Facebook, you can write on members’ virtual “walls” for others to read. Face-book launched in Feb. 2004, and it boasts 300 million users, ac-cording to the site’s press room.

The amount of users makes it now the largest social network-ing site. Twitter- Most recent of so-cial networking sites, Twitter began offering

its service publicly in August 2006. The brainchild of Jack Dorsey, Twitter allows members to update with “tweets,” snippets

simply answering the ques-tion, “What are you do-

ing?” Users have the option of following

other users’ “tweets” and responding to


RSC’s student newspaper since 1972



ing Art, ... page 4

Office of Job Placement

and Career Ser-vices, ... page 5

Puzzles, ... page 2

Spotlight: Amanda Walters,

... page 3

Peek into “9,”... page 4



iday, September 18, 2009




sVolume XXXIX, Issue 4






By: Bryan MangieriFeatures Editor

“I use Facebook just to keep in touch with people from high school,” Thomas Kobyluk, business major, said. Kobyluk said he once used MySpace, but some-one hacked his account. Kobyluk added social net-working is “a waste of time.”

Leahanne Frazier, el-ementary education ma-jor, said she primarily uses MySpace because most of her friends subscribe to it, making it easier to keep contact with them. “I think you should be careful when using [social networking sites] because there are people out there who like to steal your identity.”

Although Erik French, accounting major, keeps a Facebook account, he said he hardly has time to use it, preferring to use D2L so that he can complete coursework. “I don’t have to have [Facebook],” he said. “I don’t have to use it.”

“I barely use MySpace because texting is easier,” Mary Patton, psychology major said. “I think if more people could get MySpace and Facebook portable they would use it more.”

Quatrele Smith, theater major, said, “Twitter is cool. I mean, especially if you’re bored. It’s kind of like a site for stalkers because everybody every second knows what you’re doing.” Smith also is a member of MySpace and Facebook.

Social networking for all: Help or hindrance in the realm of communication?

Student senators prepare for new semester. “Let’s makes this the best student senate,” President Terry Britton said at the Student Senate Inaugura-tion, Tuesday, Sept. 15th. Sixteen new student sena-tors were elected last week to serve the RSC student body. “We have a lot of new senators coming in so I’m really excited,” Senate President, Amanda Wal-ters said. Along with add-ing the element of online voting through D2L, this year’s elections saw a re-cord numbers of voters. There were a total of 7,543 students who voted this

year. Walters said that this was a record number as more people voted on the first day of elections this year than both days of vot-ing last year. Newly elected senator, Robby Ray, says his reason for running for senate was “to be as involved as I can.” He commented that a lot of students aren’t always aware of what is going on, so he wants to help other students get connected. Ray is a freshman from Oklahoma City and is ma-joring in music. Associate Vice President for Student Life Dr. Kent Lashley announced that he would be filling in for Kirby Harzman as senate adviser while she is on ma-ternity leave.

Student senate is seeking a new vice president. Ap-plications will be accepted until noon Monday, Sept. 21. The student senate will select a new vice president at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22. To be eligible to run for vice president, candidates must have a 3.0 GPA, be enrolled in 9 college credit hours, and be available for Tuesday senate meetings. (2 p.m. every Tuesday in SC 123.)

What is a DMA?DMA stands for Division Merit Appointee. Accord-ing to Kirby Harzman, senate adviser, “DMAs are appointed by the deans of their respective divisions. Their duties are the same as elected senators, but

with an obligation to com-municate back with their deans on behalf of the Stu-dent Senate.  The report-

ing requirements can vary based on the preference of the division dean.”

By: Samantha MaloyNews Editor

By: Miranda LimingContributing Writer


Amanda Walters, presi-dentGavin Hart, interim vice president and social sci-ences DMATracy McDade, treasurerChristina McDade, sec-retary

DMAs: Josh Maxwell (Business), Madeline Miller (Hu-manities), Myka Phillips (Health Sciences) and Mark Sauerwald (Engi-neering and Sciences).

SENATORS: Robbie Barthel, Grace Bedford, LaTasha Brun-er, Trena Byas, Rendon Chambers, Levi Fisher, Grace Garcia, Shawn McCreary, Eric Neary, Michael Neary, Mikah Abdul-Raheem, Robby Ray, Myka Sederis, Kelsie Tucker, Camilo Ulloa and Matthew Webb. Bedford, Byas, Chambers, and Tucker are all returning senators.

Student Senate members

Senate Session ResumesSworn in - Twenty-one students take a pledge to serve the student body, uphold the responsibilities of their office, and follow the guidelines of the senate at the inauguration

ceremony. Students elected sixteen of the members last week. Five others were appointed by division deans. The ceremony was held Tuesday, Sept. 15 on the campus mall. (Photo by Danetta Butler)


(MCT Campus)

Page 2: Print Issue 8-19-2011

This summer has been one of the hottest on record. The heat index has registered tempera-tures as high as 110 degrees, and there may be more to come. Since weather recording began in 1895, only one other month in Oklahoma’s history, ( July 1954), has come close to these temperatures, and we broke it this year. This summer there has been 16 heat-related deaths in Oklahoma. Is this the result of global warm-ing, or just a freak surge in climate? Meteorolo-gists are saying that the “heat dome” as its come to be called is an effect of the La Nina system, which often results in drier weather in the cen-tral US.

In the first week of August, the average high was 107 and the average low was 77 de-grees, with no sign of relief of the horizon. The National Weather Service Climate Predic-tion Center is predicting the drought will last through the end of October, or later. While the drought affecting crops is an issue for many farmers, is the hot temperature itself such a bad thing?

To put things in perspective, does anyone remember winter 2010-2011? Oklahoma set a new state record for cold, when Bartlesville’s temperature dropped to -28 degrees in Febru-ary. Within hours Nowata reported a low of -31. Many complaints were voiced over the subzero conditions, but that’s hardly abnormal. Each season complaints are heard over the weather conditions, “It’s too hot,” “It’s too cold,” it’s always “too something.”

Let’s pose this question to students, would you rather it be hot and sunny, where shorts and tees are standard attire, or cold and snowy, where layer upon layer is required in order to maintain a reasonable amount of warmth?

Personally, the heat is a good thing. It’s a hot, dry heat and not a humid heat that makes the air sticky and hair frizz out. It’s a good heat.

The pool is a welcome sight, with water at an enjoyable temperature.

Another added benefit of the sun and heat is alternative, clean energy. Solar power is a re-newable resource. “Snow-lar” power is not. So-lar energy does not generate CO2 emissions, therefore is not damaging our environment…with the exception of the drought. Noise pol-lution is also reduced. Solar panels are easy to maintain, and in the long run, money is saved and recouped. They are also reasonably easy to install, as they don’t require all the wires and power sources that are required for many other products. Just make sure to keep snow away, as the wintery precipitation doesn’t mix well with solar panels.

On the other hand, the heat has affected many aspects of the local economy and com-munity. When Oklahoma City Public Schools

started school on August 1, nearly 200 air conditioners throughout the district were not working. Farmers throughout the state are butchering their livestock due to the drought; there is simply not enough food to feed their animals. Crops are also being counted as a loss. Expect the cost of food to be raised in the near future, especially meat prices.

Heat detractors will argue that the cold weather is preferable because when it’s cold, you can always “put on a coat.” Whereas with hot weather, there are only so many layers that can be removed before you run out of options.

Whether you prefer colder or warmer weather, with 2011 being a record-breaking year on both end of the spectrum, it’s apparent that the weather in Oklahoma has something to offer for everyone.

RecoRd heat bReaks oklahoma

Staff MeMberS

Editor in ChiefLogan Pierce ([email protected])Assistant EditorChelsea Ratterman ([email protected])Features EditorNarges Taghavi ([email protected])Assignment EditorD.J. Gosnell ([email protected])Online EditorMelissa Strout ([email protected])News EditorMelissa Lam ([email protected])Graphic ArtistMichele Penix ([email protected])PhotographerTracie Bullen ([email protected])Circulation ManagerAmber Stafford ([email protected])Coordinator of Student PublicationsJulie Lesko-Bishop (

Sharon Motley ([email protected])Computer GuruScottie Seger ([email protected])VolunteersVictoria Beechum (staff writer)Leiden Pierce (cartoonist)

Letters to the Editor The 15th Street News welcomes and encourages letters to the editor. Letters should be no more than 300 words and may be edited for clarity, length, or to avoid obscenity, libel and invasion of pri-vacy but tideas will not be altered. Student submissions must include the student’s name, ID number, and major. The ID number will not be printed. Faculty and staff letters must include the writer’s name, title, and extension. The extension will not be printed. Anonymous letters will be read, but not printed. Letters to the editor may be hand delivered to FA110; sent by mail to 15th

Street News, Rose State College, 6420 SE 15, Midwest City, 73110; e-mailed to the secretary, [[email protected]] or recorded nights on PhoneMail at 733-7400 between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Policies The 15th Street News is a designated public forum. Student editors have the authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. Columns, commentaries and letters to the editor are personal opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of 15th Street News or other students, faculty or administrators of the college. Publication of all materials is at the discretion of the editor. Anyone having a complaint may call the editor in chief, 733-7400, or the Student Publications Board chairperson, Dr. Kent Lashley, 733-7490. 15th Street News, a student newspaper serving the RSC community, is published weekly, except school holidays, on Fridays

during the fall and spring semesters by the Office of Student Publications, 6420 SE 15, Midwest City, OK 73110. 15th Street News is a member of Okla-homa Collegiate Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press. This publication is printed by Shawnee News Star, issued by RSC and authorized by the Coordinator of Student Publica-tions. This paper is recyclable. RSC, in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Executive Order 11246, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orienta-tion or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services.

OpiniOn2 August 19, 2011

Graphic courtesy of Gary McManus , Associate State Climatologist of the Oklahoma Climatological Survey


REnDER unTO CAESAR...rise of the planetof the apes review

Page 3: Print Issue 8-19-2011

For many who go to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the subtle technique of blending a meaningful plot with lots of computer graphics and action may be a bit overwhelming.

The movie trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes is filled with action and mayhem in an all out battle for freedom. This action however, is only an end result of a far greater plot.

Beneath the story of rampaging Apes in down-town San Francisco, is a tale of a Chimpanzee lost in a human world that is neither chimp nor human and the subsequent result of animal testing and drug experimentation.

Caesar (Andy Serkis) born in the Gyn Sys lab comes to know the world through Will Rodman’s ( James Franco) attic window and later through the Ape sanctuary in the outskirts of San Francisco.

The trouble starts when Caesar begins to question his existence as a free being. When Will explains to Caesar how his mother Bright Eyes came to die, he begins to transition from an experiment to a free be-ing.

Caesar’s tragic role as hero is brought to life by Andy Serkis, who portrays the fierce resolve of the impromptu Ape leader Caesar with great skill and emotion.

“It’s a great journey of this innocent who has a profound moment of self-recognition that he’s not part of the species he’s been brought up and loved by, and so he’s this outsider, this freak who has yet to re-ally find out who he is,’ Serkis added, in an interview with Rebecca Keegan during San Diego’s Comic-Con

International.” While Serkis’ performance was animated through

the use of computer graphics, he still managed to bring to human eyes the pain and crisis of animal cruelty throughout the world.

In the film’s trailer, viewers can see the apes jump-ing through trees, throwing steel fencing as spears, and see the ape Buck jump onto a helicopter from The Golden Gate Bridge.

The action in this movie yields high expectation, yet the action is limited and most scenes are driven by the emotional character development. Though the action scenes do offer top-notch computer graphics that give the audience a look at astounding feats of acrobatics, speed, and strength.

Andy Serkis’ cohort in bringing to life the time of genesis for the apes, is James Franco who plays as a desperate son looking for a cure for his father’s, Charles Rodman ( John Lithgo), Alzheimer disease. If there is any fault in Franco’s acting, it is his laid-back smile that plays odds with the hyper-tense sin-cerity of his character Will.

Franco’s strength in this movie is ability to per-form the innocent and tense sincerity of Will, while Will tries to overcome the trials that block his road to finding a cure for Alzheimer disease.

While Rise of Planet of the Apes has some flaws, it offsets its over-publicized trailers with its meaning-ful story and call for awareness in animal cruelty and pharmaceutical experimentation.

On the surface it might just be a bunch of apes running wild through San Francisco, but for the discerning viewer there is always more to the story beneath the flashy computer graphics.

Movie Review Features

REnDER unTO CAESAR...rise of the planetof the apes review

August 19, 2011 7EntErtainmEnt

By: Dennis GosnellAssignment Editor

The Rose State Student Sen-ate offers students the chance to be heard. Any student who is part of the Student Senate receives not only an opportunity for leadership experience, but also a 12-hour tuition waiver and the ability to make a difference. Every candidate must be enrolled in six credit hours and is required to have a 2.5 GPA. The responsibilities of the Student Senate include the disbursement of Student Activity funds.

Kirby Harzman, coordinator of student activities commented on how the Student Senate helps establish a group of new leaders. “The purpose of Student Senate is to give the student body an outlet to provide recommendations to the administration regarding our campus.” Harzman said, “Being involved in student senate pro-vides opportunities to develop leadership skills such as collabora-tion, presentation, parliamentary procedure, event planning and awareness. It gives our student body a voice.”

Friday, September 2nd is the deadline for students interested in running for Student Senate. Candidate applications must be dropped off at the Student Activi-ties Office by 5:00pm. Senate elec-tions will be held September 7th and 8th on D2L.

For more information on the Student Senate call 733-7376 and they shall be happy to answer any of your questions.

RSC Student SenateSeeking new Leaders

By: Narges TaghaviFeature Editor

Caesar, the film’s primate pro-tagonist, is played by Andy Serkis through motion capture. Similar special effects were used for Ser-kis’ portrayal of the title char-acter in Peter Jackson’s “King Kong.” (photo provided).

Will Rodman (James Franco) coming to terms with the can-

cellation of ALZ112; the hopeful cure for his father’s alzheimer

disease. (photo provided below)

“Being involved in student senate provides opportuni-ties to develop lead-ership skills such as collaboration, presentation, parlia-mentary procedure, event planning and awareness. It gives our student body a voice.”

Page 4: Print Issue 8-19-2011

As new and old students begin the fall semester, many may find themselves looking for help, or in need of some assistance. The RSC Student Success Center is here to help. Every semester the Student Success Center puts out flyers for all students with information about upcoming workshops and other student needs programs. For example, from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. on August 30th, there will be a College Survival 101 workshop for students that may need help with instruction on how to efficiently navigate through the Rose State D2L system, how to use the Oasis enroll/drop system, and how to check and maintain the Rose State student email system, which are all key components to being a successful student at Rose State College.

When asked about the different programs the Student Success Center uses, Philip Troutman, Student Success Center staff member said, “Students come in for help, and our program gives them a chance to build up their test scores.” Troutman also said the Student Success Center, “is a place for students with low ACT or Compass test scores to come for help, while also providing tutoring for students who may be struggling with a class.”

Carla Robinson explained that

there are 3 programs that the Student Success Center uses to help students with their test scores and learning enhancement. The first and most commonly used is P.L.A.T.O., which is a program, designed to help students with their COMPASS test scores and ACT test scores. P.L.A.T.O utilizes reading, writing, and math software to help with a student’s improvement. The next program is Rosetta Stone to help students learn Spanish or English. Lastly is the Mavis Beacon to help students learn to type, or to help improve typing skills.

When asked about the effectiveness of the Student Success program, Melissa Aguigui, director of student success said, “Students who use the Student Success Center tend to have higher GPA’s, continue with their academics and qualify for scholarships, than those who don’t.” One of the ways the Success Center provides study help for students is to try and develop a system that lessens the complexity of the higher education process. Through individual contacts the Student Success Center has in the past provided services for 5,414 students, and 13,645 students through its outreach contacts. When asked what kind of programs were available for students who are having trouble or problems outside of school Aguigui said, “We offer workshops to help students deal with life-skills like note taking strategies, test taking strategies, stress management, and college survival.” For students who may be having difficulties with addictions there is help. Students with these dilemmas can be referred to Dr. Joanne Stafford for counseling and advice.

To find the RSC Student Success Center, walk down the hall of the Student Services building and find room 106. There, friendly staff members wait to help students anyway they can. Also in the Student Center there are more advisors to talk with, just look for the Student Success signs.

Located in the Fine Arts build-ing is the new office for the Hon-ors Program offered on campus. Students who display motivation and a desire for enriched curricu-lum can apply for the Program. Requirements are:

High school cumulative GPA 3.5 or higher on 4.0 scale

ACT of 27 or higher, SAT of 1200 or higher, or equivalent COMPASS score certified by the Honors Director.

Completion of six credit hours of honors coursework with A or B. Demonstration of special skills, which provides evidence of ability for honors-level coursework.

“Of most importance is that any student can contract with a professor for honors credit in any class the student is taking if that student wants additional intel-lectual or creative challenge,” Prof. Antoinette Castillo said.

Students may earn honors credit in a class in three ways:

1) Enroll in a class that is noted in the course schedule as an hon-ors section,

2) At the beginning of the semes-ter fill out an Honors Contract with a professor in which the student commits to complete a project for the course that goes significantly beyond the regular course content, or

3) At the beginning of the semes-ter sign a Great Issues Honors contract in which the student would work with the Honors Program director to view a se-ries of films and lectures and write six short critical essays in response to them. 

The 3.5 GPA must be retained in order to graduate with Honors Designation. The GPA is checked upon admittance and application for graduation.

Scholarships are offered for fall and spring terms. They are based on GPA, and first applicants receive some priority. They are tuition wavers, not cash awards. They must be resubmitted each year. Students may also apply for the Honors Program Book Loan

Program. The Program will buy a specific book and loan it to the stu-dent for a semester. Honors hours are transferrable to a four-year institution upon admittance to the institutions Honors Program.

The Honors Program also funds at least two students in at-tending and presenting their work each at the seven state regions Great Plains Honors Council Conference.

Awards are given each year based on selection of the RSC Honors Committee, so long as the student is eligible. The awards available are:

• Outstanding Honors Con-tract Award

• Outstanding Honors Mentor Award

• Outstanding Honors Pro-gram Student Award.

• Over $1500 dollars in cash awards to students and pro-fessors doing honors work. 

The Honors Program will host two casual receptions for students to visit the Honors Pro-gram offices at the beginning of the semester. This allows students to talk with experienced Honors Program students and look at samples of some of the work done for honors credit last year.  The receptions  will be held from 2-6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 29 and 30.  Complete information about the Honors Program can also be found at  or by con-tacting Toni Castillo at 733-7512 or [email protected].

raidEr LifE6 August 19, 2011

Raider Life Features

HOnORS PROgRAM RAISES THE bARBy: Chelsea Ratterman

Assistant Editor

StudentS Seeking Support Should Search the SucceSS center

By: Dennis GosnellAssignment Editor

Fine tune your RSC experience at the Student Success Center

(Photo by Tracie Bullen)

The Honors Program bulletin board calls out to the honor stu-

dents in each of us (Photo by Tracie Bullen)

Page 5: Print Issue 8-19-2011

The Learning Resource Cen-ter is a valuable asset on campus. Faculty and students utilize the various services of the LRC to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Everything from the library to video viewing services is contained within the building on the east end of the campus. The LRC issues a biannual newsletter, “LRC Connections,” to inform faculty and staff of new resources available to them.

A main attraction of the LRC is its Library, which spans both floors. It contains more than 98,000 items, which can be ac-cessed within the library, or checked out with a valid student ID. Magazines and e-books are also available. Some textbooks are on reserve for students who need them. Reference, audiovisual materials and periodicals are avail-able, but may not be checked out. Fines for late books are 5 cents a day. LRC patrons can use the Interlibrary Loan (ILL), where a book, that isn’t available here, can be requested from another library. The Library Club also meets here twice a month, to promote the li-brary and its services.

“The LRC has a variety of resources for you to be a success-

ful college student. Please let us know how we can help you. Stop by the reference desk on the LRC first floor for assistance,” Sharon Saulmon, LRC dean said.

When the LRC is closed, there are still resources available to stu-dents. Students can email a refer-ence librarian at [email protected]. The Ask-A-Librarian feature is available online, where students can join a chat room that is open 24/7 and is linked from the LRC website at

Contained on the 1st Floor of the LRC is the Testing Center, where exams from various classes can be taken. Bring your photo ID, class name, instructor’s name, and test number. Major exams such as CLEP, ACT and COMPASS can also be taken here.

Tutoring Services are avail-able for general education classes. After signing up, students will be matched with a live tutor for such classes as English and Algebra, two of our more popular courses. Online tutoring is also available 24/7; where students may up-load specific math problems or paragraph drafts for their tutor to review. The most popular online subjects are physics and chem-istry. Also contained here is the Reference Computer Lab, with Microsoft Office products and a

reference librarian close by to as-sist with research needs.

The Audiovisual Services and Computer Lab, located at the north end of the 2nd Floor, con-tains 41 computers for student use. Students can also view over 1500 different videotapes. The circulation desk for the library is located on this floor. This is where you can apply for the OK-Share card that allows you to checkout books from any participating li-brary. The Distance Learning Of-fices are located here, where you can find information on Internet courses and telecourses.

For more information and oth-er numbers, check out or the LRC website, You may ac-cess many different databases for research, find out more about LRC services, as well as have quick links to all of your log-ins--D2L, Stu-dent eMail, and OASIS (student information system). You must log into a campus computer once each semester to be able to access databases from off campus. If you need assistance with the learning management system, D2L, please stop by an LRC computer lab or LRC206.LRC Hours7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday-Thursday7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday1 to 8 p.m. Sunday

LRC pRovides many ResouRCes foR students

Raider Life

With the school year getting ready to begin, new students will be introduced to the campus for the first time. In order to help familiarize them with the campus and student life a Student/Family Orientation Session, or “Raider Rush,” is to be held from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Friday, August 19, at the Communication Center. Topics discussed will include a range of services offered on campus and general college information. After the sessions, lunch will be pro-vided in the Student Center Main Dining Room, as well as inflatables and live music by Dante and the Hawks in the Campus Mall from 12 p.m.-2 p.m.

Dante and the Hawks, Tulsa based pop/rock band has played here before, when they headlined the Rose State Spring Fest on April 14. Dante and the Hawks is comprised of Dante Schmitz, vocalist; Teddy Scott, guitarist; Promo Dave, bassist and Matt Thompson, drummer. A self-titled EP was released in 2008, and their new EP, “Into the Wild,” was re-leased in May.

“The Hawks have played for several student events at Rose State and we always seem to have a lot of fun,” Dante Schmitz said, when asked via e-mail about their experiences.

To RSVP for Raider Rush, call 733-7409

Get a free copy of their new

EP when you mention this article to the


(Limited quan-tities available)

Hats off to Dante and the Hawks

Photo courtesy of

Dante Schmitz of Dante & the


August 19, 2011 3nEws


By: Chelsea RattermanAssistant Editor

By: Chelsea RattermanAssistant Editor

Vacant tables will soon fill with students, eager to utilize the LRC’s many services (Photo by Tracie Bullen)

Page 6: Print Issue 8-19-2011

fEaturEs4 August 19, 2011

The RSC Health and Wellness Center is committed to the idea that exercise and proper nutrition is the key to achieving overall good health. Chris Leland, health and wellness activities director said, “Come on in and play, equipment is only good if it is used.” Various types of exercise equipment are provided in the Center including, Cardiovascular, Strength Train-ing, and Stretch Equipment. Other equipment includes dumb-

bell weights, medicine balls, mats, elliptical and treadmill machines. The Wellness Cen-ter also features a basketball court, access to the Aquatic Center Open

Swim, and group classes (up to room capacity) to students and faculty.

For current credit students (six credit hours or more), faculty and full-time staff to register:

1. Go to the Wellness Center Information Desk and com-plete a Membership Applica-tion, a Participant Informa-tion Form, and a Waiver of Liability.

2. Students, faculty and staff must have a valid Rose State College I.D. Card.

For Individual Community Membership Registration:

1. Go to the Continuing Edu-cation Office and enroll in the class titled Individual Community Wellness Cen-ter Membership.

2. Pay your enrollment fees and receive your parking permit.

3. While there, you will be provided a Membership Ap-

plication, a Participant Infor-mation Form and a Waiver of Liability that you must complete.

4. Next, go to the Student Ser-vices Building, Room 100 and get your I.D. Card.

5. Finally, take the completed Membership Application Form, Waiver of Liability, and your I.D. Card to the Wellness Center Informa-tion Desk.

The RSC Wellness Center is open 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday – Friday and 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Satur-day. The Center is closed Sundays and all other days that the campus is closed, including federal holi-days and in the event of inclement weather.

For more information check RSC’s homepage at, and click on Student Services, and then click on the link, “Wellness.”

By: Melissa LamNews Editor


A better life within reAch fOr studEnts & cOmmunity

During the 2010 fall semester it was announced that RSC would be tobacco free as of August 1st, 2011. Chris Leland, director of the health and wellness center, emphasized that the campus will be tobacco free; not merely smoke free. “Any tobacco or simulated tobacco product is not allowed,” Leland said.

Signs posted around campus raise awareness of the new policy. The tobacco ban is all encompass-ing. No ashtrays will remain on campus. Individuals in the parking lots found using tobacco products in their cars will be subject to fines. “If you smoke anywhere on cam-pus property, you’re violating the policy,” Leland said.

Within the last five years, electronic cigarettes have risen to prominence as an alternative for those who want tobacco where smoking is not allowed. These

“e-cigarettes” use liquid car-tridges containing various levels of nicotine and release water va-por into the air instead of smoke.

Studies on the effects of second-hand water vapor are ongoing. Le-land said that artificial tobacco de-vices go against school policy. “No electronic cigarettes.” Leland said, “They’re like Splenda cigarettes.”

By becoming a tobacco free school, Rose State College quali-fies for government grants, Leland said. The Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (OTSET) receives funds from the government to help reduce the effects of tobacco on society. The money is funneled to different lo-cal organizations; one of which is the Oklahoma County Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition (OC-TUPC). They allocate these funds to compliant public entities wish-ing to support smoking cessation programs.

“Tobacco use is detrimental to your health and the health of others.” Leland said, “It’s an addic-tion; an addiction to chemicals. We’re not telling you that you can’t smoke, but you can’t do it here; and if you’d like to quit, we’re here to help.”

To aid smokers who want to

“kick the habit,” the Health and Wellness Center is offering a to-bacco cessation resource guide that includes activities to help conquer cravings and information about a “stop smoking” iPhone app.

Leland said that the cessation resource guide is only one of many options available. “No one thing works for everybody.” Leland said, “You have to keep trying. For most, it takes multiple times to quit smoking. If something doesn’t work, try a different approach.”

Working in conjuncture with the American Lung Association, the Health and Wellness Center will provide classes for students

on smoking cessation. “This isn’t a one-time workshop.” Leland said, “This is a year-long class that’s free for current students.“ Leland said that to succeed in this class you need to be able to say, “I want to do everything within my power to become tobacco free.”

Regarding public opinion for the new policy, Leland said that most feedback has been positive. “I’d like students to think ‘I’m go-ing to college to better my life, so maybe quitting smoking is part of that’.”

For more information visit American Lung Association at

ROSE bLOOMS fROM THE ASHESRose by any other name would smell tobacco free

Students can breathe easier knowing their campus is Tobacco free (Photo by Tracie Bullen)

By: Logan PierceEditor-in-Chief

Raider Life

The Wellness Center is weighting for you. The tredmills are a great way to exercise when not walking

to classes. (Photos by Tracie Bullen)


Page 7: Print Issue 8-19-2011

on smoking cessation. “This isn’t a one-time workshop.” Leland said, “This is a year-long class that’s free for current students.“ Leland said that to succeed in this class you need to be able to say, “I want to do everything within my power to become tobacco free.”

Regarding public opinion for the new policy, Leland said that most feedback has been positive. “I’d like students to think ‘I’m go-ing to college to better my life, so maybe quitting smoking is part of that’.”

For more information visit American Lung Association at

There is a sign of change in the RSC Food Services. Red neon signs glow softly in each of the food and beverage serving areas. The new signs were picked to bring in an aesthetic look the students would appreciate. However, students may find the signs hard to read and be unsure where to go to in order to find the kind of food they are looking for. In front of the register is the Fresh Market Salads venue where students and faculty members can purchase a made-to-order salad. Further up is the Chef ’s Specialty area where a taste of the food services daily special can be found. After the Chef ’s Specialty counter is the Fit and Lite counter that offers an assortment of yogurts and healthy foods.

To the right of the check out register is the Markets Grill where students and faculty can order a wide variety of different sandwiches, deep-fried foods, and hamburgers. Just to the right of the Markets Grill is the International Special counter where any lunch or breakfast goer can get an exotic taste of another country. To add to the convenience, menus are included in the check out area and include a wide variety of food choices available.

When asked about the new changes made to the RSC Cafeteria, A.J. Viers, manager, said, “We have broadened our food selections to include a daily special, international special, yogurt and other light foods, such as salads for those students that are in a hurry.” Also added to the caf-

eteria’s stock, are energy drinks, a wide variety of sodas, and sports drinks. Viers said there are still a variety of mixed opinions from students and faculty as to the prices and quality of food but she is optimistic about the changes and thinks they are better for both the students and faculty.

Regarding the new food services, Mark Smith, manager of the Campus Bookstore said, “The prices are fair and reasonable; if you were to go anywhere else off campus the prices would be about the same.” Smith also said that the

quality of the food, cleanliness, and professional-ism of the staff has greatly improved, remarking

that, “it will get better as time goes on, but it’s good right now.”Some students and faculty are less optimistic regarding the new

food services. Their complaints include the length of time it takes to be served, the difference in pricing, and their inability to decipher the signage. During the fall semester the length of time a student or staff member has between classes is roughly 15 minutes. One anonymous RSC employee said, “There was no line and it still took 15 minutes to get my food and it was more expensive.”

The changes made by the new food services managing staff are not well received by some, though with the times changing and prices sky-rocketing around the world, some of these changes may be necessary to help keep the services alive. How RSC students feel about these changes will be what makes or breaks RSC’s new food services.

The refurbished cafeteria and Java Rose are the hot new things on campus, but leave some patrons cold.

(Photo by Tracie Bullen)

August 19, 2011 5fEaturEs

Setting up your RSC email ac-count:

In order to receive vital infor-mation from the college as well as communicate with professors, each new student is provided with an RSC email account. Each stu-dent will need to log in to their email to set personalized prefer-ences.

“By providing students with email accounts, a standardized method of electronic communica-tion can be established between the campus and its students,” John Primo, vice president of informa-tion technology, said.

Step 1: Visit the RSC homep-age,

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Student Login” link.

Step 3: Once there, click on the “Student E-mail Login Page” link.

Step 4: This new page will ask you to type your student email and password into the corresponding fields.

• Your student email is your first name-last [email protected]

• Your password is your birthday

in the mmddyyyy format with no spaces. It is recommended that you change your pass-words from the default and don’t share it with anyone.

• In the event that two students share the same first and last name, a number will be added to the end of the last name. Students curious about the state of their name’s singularity may login to OASIS and click on the “Personal Portfolio” link.

• Once you’ve logged in to your student email, you can change your password by clicking on the “options” link in the top left. The “change password” link will then appear in the top left.

Smart phone carriers will be happy to know that the 15th Street News will be including QR (quick response) codes in each issue, so we can share with readers links to polls and other information.

QR scanners are popping up everywhere from magazines to the tables of fast food chains. While we may not link you to McDon-ald’s website, these scanners are becoming very popular and a fresh way of distributing news.

All you have to do is download any QR scanner app from your smart phone’s market, and when you see a square barcode in any is-sue of the 15th Street News:

1. Open your QR Scanner App2. From “Scan” tab, select “From

camera”3. Make sure to center the QR

code in your camera’s view-finder

4. The scanned information should be shown immediately

The addition of QR Codes is something the 15th Street News is excited about, and hopes that everyone enjoys this new feature to the paper.

However, if you do not own a smart phone you can vote in our polls online at The polls are open to everyone. Let your voice be heard.

Also, to stay current on the lat-est RSC news, follow our tweets on twitter @15thStreetNews.



By: Narges TaghaviFeature Editor

By: Logan PierceEditor-in-Chief

thE rsc cafEtEria “sOup OpEra”By: Dennis GosnellAssignment Editor

EmaiL LOgin fOr studEnts

Qr codeS provide entertainment, information for the maSSeS

The 21st century brought with it an inundation of information. Virtually any topic you could delve into is only a click of a mouse away on the Internet. However, in a world where we are flooded with data—some of it relevant to us, some of it not so much—how do you keep track of the people you don’t want to lose touch with ? Social networking sites provide the answer. The big three of the social networking sites—Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter—all give opportunity to be aware of what our friends, family, and colleagues are doing at any particular mo-ment. Basically, social networking sites turn our local communities into a “global” community. Each of the following provides competing services, and whether you use all three or none of the above, they are changing the way

the world communicates. MySpace- This social network-ing site gives its members a place on the Internet where they can set up a customized profile. Features include photo and video uploads, song playlists in which people can hear what you’re listening to at the moment, and “friend requests” where you link yourself to the people you know. Launched in Jan. 2004, MySpace has 130 million monthly active users, according to the site’s fact sheet. Facebook- Facebook users can update their status, and in turn, comment on the statuses of mem-bers to whom they are linked. To become linked to someone on Facebook is as easy as sending a request and having it confirmed. Once friends on Facebook, you can write on members’ virtual “walls” for others to read. Face-book launched in Feb. 2004, and it boasts 300 million users, ac-cording to the site’s press room.

The amount of users makes it now the largest social network-ing site. Twitter- Most recent of so-cial networking sites, Twitter began offering

its service publicly in August 2006. The brainchild of Jack Dorsey, Twitter allows members to update with “tweets,” snippets

simply answering the ques-tion, “What are you do-

ing?” Users have the option of following

other users’ “tweets” and responding to


RSC’s student newspaper since 1972



ing Art, ... page 4

Office of Job Placement

and Career Ser-vices, ... page 5

Puzzles, ... page 2

Spotlight: Amanda Walters,

... page 3

Peek into “9,”... page 4



iday, September 18, 2009




sVolume XXXIX, Issue 4






By: Bryan MangieriFeatures Editor

“I use Facebook just to keep in touch with people from high school,” Thomas Kobyluk, business major, said. Kobyluk said he once used MySpace, but some-one hacked his account. Kobyluk added social net-working is “a waste of time.”

Leahanne Frazier, el-ementary education ma-jor, said she primarily uses MySpace because most of her friends subscribe to it, making it easier to keep contact with them. “I think you should be careful when using [social networking sites] because there are people out there who like to steal your identity.”

Although Erik French, accounting major, keeps a Facebook account, he said he hardly has time to use it, preferring to use D2L so that he can complete coursework. “I don’t have to have [Facebook],” he said. “I don’t have to use it.”

“I barely use MySpace because texting is easier,” Mary Patton, psychology major said. “I think if more people could get MySpace and Facebook portable they would use it more.”

Quatrele Smith, theater major, said, “Twitter is cool. I mean, especially if you’re bored. It’s kind of like a site for stalkers because everybody every second knows what you’re doing.” Smith also is a member of MySpace and Facebook.

Social networking for all: Help or hindrance in the realm of communication?

Student senators prepare for new semester. “Let’s makes this the best student senate,” President Terry Britton said at the Student Senate Inaugura-tion, Tuesday, Sept. 15th. Sixteen new student sena-tors were elected last week to serve the RSC student body. “We have a lot of new senators coming in so I’m really excited,” Senate President, Amanda Wal-ters said. Along with add-ing the element of online voting through D2L, this year’s elections saw a re-cord numbers of voters. There were a total of 7,543 students who voted this

year. Walters said that this was a record number as more people voted on the first day of elections this year than both days of vot-ing last year. Newly elected senator, Robby Ray, says his reason for running for senate was “to be as involved as I can.” He commented that a lot of students aren’t always aware of what is going on, so he wants to help other students get connected. Ray is a freshman from Oklahoma City and is ma-joring in music. Associate Vice President for Student Life Dr. Kent Lashley announced that he would be filling in for Kirby Harzman as senate adviser while she is on ma-ternity leave.

Student senate is seeking a new vice president. Ap-plications will be accepted until noon Monday, Sept. 21. The student senate will select a new vice president at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22. To be eligible to run for vice president, candidates must have a 3.0 GPA, be enrolled in 9 college credit hours, and be available for Tuesday senate meetings. (2 p.m. every Tuesday in SC 123.)

What is a DMA?DMA stands for Division Merit Appointee. Accord-ing to Kirby Harzman, senate adviser, “DMAs are appointed by the deans of their respective divisions. Their duties are the same as elected senators, but

with an obligation to com-municate back with their deans on behalf of the Stu-dent Senate.  The report-

ing requirements can vary based on the preference of the division dean.”

By: Samantha MaloyNews Editor

By: Miranda LimingContributing Writer


Amanda Walters, presi-dentGavin Hart, interim vice president and social sci-ences DMATracy McDade, treasurerChristina McDade, sec-retary

DMAs: Josh Maxwell (Business), Madeline Miller (Hu-manities), Myka Phillips (Health Sciences) and Mark Sauerwald (Engi-neering and Sciences).

SENATORS: Robbie Barthel, Grace Bedford, LaTasha Brun-er, Trena Byas, Rendon Chambers, Levi Fisher, Grace Garcia, Shawn McCreary, Eric Neary, Michael Neary, Mikah Abdul-Raheem, Robby Ray, Myka Sederis, Kelsie Tucker, Camilo Ulloa and Matthew Webb. Bedford, Byas, Chambers, and Tucker are all returning senators.

Student Senate members

Senate Session ResumesSworn in - Twenty-one students take a pledge to serve the student body, uphold the responsibilities of their office, and follow the guidelines of the senate at the inauguration

ceremony. Students elected sixteen of the members last week. Five others were appointed by division deans. The ceremony was held Tuesday, Sept. 15 on the campus mall. (Photo by Danetta Butler)


(MCT Campus)

Page 8: Print Issue 8-19-2011

Across1 Cookie quan-tity6 Partner of a mani, salon-wise10 “Dancing Queen” group14 Hawaiian hi15 Neural conductor16 Area out-side the city, briefly17 Rhetorical question on a sultry day20 Appear to be21 Illness suffix22 Blood lines23 Enjoy a chaise longue, say25 Subtlety26 Shellfish order31 Striped cat32 __ polloi33 Deck swab-bers37 Cavity fill-ers’ org.38 Pitcher’s malady42 Tennis do-over43 “Sexual Healing” singer Marvin45 Meaning of a wd.

46 Shrek’s love48 Off one’s rocker52 Boutonniere spots55 Striped fish56 Earthy tone57 Lion’s den59 West Point, e.g.: Abbr.63 What you’re solving (in more ways than one, based on the starts of 17-, 26-, 38- and 48-Across)66 Lottery-like game67 Look at leeringly68 Italian white wine69 Original sin site70 Carpenter’s supply71 U.S.-Can-ada defense acronymDown1 Scroogean outbursts2 Natural balm3 Shopping bag4 Class with flasks and beakers5 Solo in “Star Wars”6 Stopped briefly

7 Vet8 Homer Simpson out-bursts9 Having one flat, musically10 How lovers walk11 Poker tournament entrance fee12 Rodeo bucker13 Nasty treat-ment18 Slimy stuff19 Latin egg24 Writers Lowell and Tan25 Neet rival26 Party with-out women Exclamation with a flourish28 Cybermar-ketplace29 Master slic-ers and dicers30 Hawaii’s Mauna __34 Scads35 Russo of “Get Shorty”36 Marquee luminary39 Las Vegas numbers40 “The Crying Game” actor Stephen41 Advanced degs. for writ-

ers44 “Nature” author47 “What cra-ziness!”49 Brewpub pints50 Tolerated51 Heavenly music maker52 “Social con-tract” philoso-pher John53 Like a big landowner54 Call up57 Nike’s Swoosh, e.g.58 Folk singer Guthrie60 Drug king-pin61 Edison’s middle name62 Ownership document64 “Golly!”65 Mil. branch with ships


Crossword PuzzlepuzzLE & EvEnts8 August 19, 2011

Calendar of Events for week of August 22- 26

August 22First day of Fall Semester

Raider DayzInhofe Breakfast 8 a.m.

August 23Raider Dayz

August 24Wii Wednesday- Wellness Center

3– 8 p.m.

August 25President’s Leadership Reunion

August 26Campus Closed

Last Day to Enroll

Find the answers to your puzzles right here, next week!