principals of fluids and electrolytes management

Principals of fluids and electrolytes management Ram Elazary, MD General Surgery Department Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center Campus Ein-Kerem, Jerusalem

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Principals of fluids and electrolytes management. Ram Elazary , MD General Surgery Department Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center Campus Ein-Kerem , Jerusalem. Total Body Water. body weight%Total body water% Total 60100 I ntracellular 4067 E xtracellular 2033 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Principals of fluids and electrolytes management

Principals of fluids and electrolytes management

Ram Elazary, MDGeneral Surgery Department

Hadassah Hebrew University Medical CenterCampus Ein-Kerem, Jerusalem

Page 2: Principals of fluids and electrolytes management

Total Body Waterbody weight% Total body


Total 60 100Intracellular 40 67Extracellular 20 33Intravascuar 5 8Interstitial 15 25

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Composition of Fluidsplasma interstitial intracellular

CationsNa 140 146 12K 4 4 150Ca 5 3 10Mg 2 1 7AnionsCl 103 104 3HCO 24 27 10SO4 1 1 -HPO4 2 2 116Protein 16 5 40

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Control of VolumeKidneys maintain constant volume and composition of body fluids

– Filtration and reabsorption of Na

– Regulation of water excretion in response to ADH

Water is freely diffusible– Movement of certain ions and proteins

between compartments restricted

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Control of VolumeEffective circulating volume

– Portion of ECF that perfuses organs

– Usually equates to Intravascular volume

Third space loss– Abnormal shift of fluid for Intravascular

to tissues eg bowel obst, i/o, pancreatitis

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Normal Water ExchangeMean daily (ml) Minimal daily (ml)

SensibleUrine800-1500 600Intestinal up to litersSweat up to liters 500

InsensibleLungs/Skin 600-900 600-900( 10%/1 o rise in Temp)

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Normal source of water

~2000ml - 1300 free water intake

700 bound to food

additional water from catabolism

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Water and Eletrolytes ExchangeSurgical patients prone to disruption:

• NPO• anaesthesia• Trauma (surgery)• sepsis

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Fluid and Electrolytes Therapy

Surgical patients need: •Maintenance volume requirements•On going losses•Volume excess/deficits•Maintenance electrolyte requirements•Electrolyte excess/deficits

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1 .Volume Deficit • vital signs changes

– Blood pressure– Heart rate– CVP

• Peripheral temperature and capillary filling time

• urine output low

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1 .Volume Deficit •Decreased skin turgor•Sunken eyes•Oliguria•Orthostatic hypotension•High BUN/Creatine ratio•Plasma Na may be normal

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Fluids resusitation

• Adults:1000 ml

• Pediatrics:20 ml/kg

Fluids of crystaloids (NS or RL)Repeated dose

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2. Maintenance RequirementsThis includes: insensible loss

urinarystool losses

Body weight Fluid required0-10Kg 100ml/kg/dnext 10-20Kg 50 ml/kg/dsubsequent Kg 20ml/kg/d

15ml/Kg/d for elderly

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70 Kg Man Needs

1st 10kg x 100mls = 1000mls

2nd 10kg x 50mls = 500mls

Next 50kg x 20mls= 1000mls

TOTAL 2500 mls /d

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Maintenance Electrolyte Requirements

Na 1-2mEq/Kg/d K 0.5 - 1

mEq/Kg/d• Usually no K given until urine output is adequate• Always give K with care, in an infusion slowly - never bolus

(max 0.2% KCL through peripheral IV)

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• Na 1gr = 17 mEq• K 1gr = 13.6 mEq

• 70 KgH2O 2500ml Na 70*2 =140 mEq = ~ 9grK 70*1 =70 mEq = ~ 5gr

2500 0.45NS + 0.2%KCl 100ml/h

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fluids composition

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3 .On Going Losses• NGT

• drains

• fistulae

• third space losses

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4 .Volume Excess• Over hydration• Mobilization of third space losses

Signs• weight gain• pulmonary edema• peripheral edema• S3 gallop

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Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy

Goals• normal hemodynamic parameters• normal electrolyte concentration

Method replace deficits

normal maintenance requirementsongoing losses

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Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy

Normal maintenance requirements• use BW formula

On going losses• measure all losses in I/O chart• estimate third space losses

Deficits• estimate using vital signs• estimate using U/O

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Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy

The best estimate of the volume required is the patients response

After therapy started observe • vital signs• Urine output (0.5mls/Kg/hr)• Central venous pressure

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Time Frame for Replacement

• Usually correct over 24 hours

• For ill patients calculate over shorter period and reassess e.g. 1, 2 hours or 3 hours for e op cases

• Deficits - correct half the amount over the period and reassess

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Postoperative Fluid Therapy

• Check IV regimen ordered in op form

• Assess for deficits by checking I/O chart and vital signs

• Maintenance requirements calculated

• Usually K not started

• Monitor carefully vital signs and urine output

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Postoperative Fluid Therapy• Urine specific gravity may be used (1.010 -


• CVP useful in difficult situations (5-15 cm H20)

• Body weight measured in special situation e.g. burns

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Concentration Changes• changes in plasma Na are indicative of

abnormal TBW

• losses in surgery are usually isotonic

• hypoosmolar condition usually caused by replacement with free water