pricing your product or service april 27,2009

JERRY R MITCHELL April 27,2009 1 Pricing your product or service

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Learn secrets of properly pricing your products


  • 1.Pricing your product or serviceJERRY R MITCHELL1 April 27,2009

2. In business, few decisions are more crucial than the priceyou charge for your product or service. Interestingly,research indicates that many owners of businesses andprofessional practices under price their products andservices. JERRY R MITCHELL 2 April 27,2009 3. In theory it might seem that only the seller offering theproduct or service at the lowest price ought to do anybusiness. But in reality, the highest priced seller might bemoving the greatest number of units.JERRY R MITCHELL 3April 27,2009 4. As a general principle, you should charge as much as possiblefor your merchandise or services. But there are dozens offactors (kind of customer you want to appeal to, competition,selling for cash or credit, your willingness to accept returns,guarantees) to examine before you can figure out your bestprices.JERRY R MITCHELL4April 27,2009 5. You can offer the lowest prices possible, but to do so youwill probably give up amenities that others in yourindustry offer: personal attention, delivery service, promptreplacement of defective merchandise, unquestionedrefunds, and/or easier credit terms. JERRY R MITCHELL 5April 27,2009 6. If you dont offer such service, be prepared to loseshoppers who want it and are willing to pay for it. Manybusinesses fail to realize that, with low-cost competitors,its often more effective to position a product/servicehigher upscale than it is to cut the selling price. JERRY R MITCHELL6 April 27,2009 7. For Example:Japanese motorcycles are priced around 25 percent underHarleys. But Harley-Davidson stresses custom styling,American origin and the mystique of a powerful roadmachine. The image is reinforced by heavy advertising andthe customers club. The message? Only Harley offers thereal thing - anything else is a cheap substitute.JERRY R MITCHELL 7April 27,2009 8. Lower than average prices generally fail to increase salesenough to raise profits if any of the following are true: You fail to advertise low prices widely Items are rarely bought Customers lack a clear basis for comparison Luxury items are involvedJERRY R MITCHELL8 April 27,2009 9. There are many ways to price a product. Lets have a look atsome of them and try to understand the best policy/strategy invarious situations. JERRY R MITCHELL 9April 27,2009 10. Product pricing is hard. There is no magic formula that will determthe best price for your product. I cant provide any easy answers, bI can give you some things to think about as you make your pricingdecisions. In the end, you will just have to make a decision using yown judgment. There will be times you will wonder if you made theright decision. You may never know for sure. JERRY R MITCHELL10 April 27,2009 11. JERRY R MITCHELL 11 April 27,2009 12. Let us first say that our goal is to find the price at which profit ismaximized. If we say that a price is "too high" or "too low," weare saying that our profit could have been greater if we had setthe price either lower or higher.JERRY R MITCHELL12 April 27,2009 13. You set prices when you develop a new product orservice, when you market to new customers, and whenyou bid on new contract work. JERRY R MITCHELL13 April 27,2009 14. Follow these six steps when setting a price for yourbusiness product or service: 1.Select the pricing objective for your product or service. 2.Determine the demand for your product or service. 3.Estimate the costs for your product or service. 4.Analyze your competitors prices, products andservices 5.Select a pricing method for your product or service 6.Select the right price for your product or service.JERRY R MITCHELL 14 April 27,2009 15. SELECTING THE PRICINGOBJECTIVE. JERRY R MITCHELL 15 April 27,2009 16. First decide how you want your price to position your business.Consider pursuing one of the following four major objectivesthrough your pricing: JERRY R MITCHELL16 April 27,2009 17. 1. Survival, if your business is plagued with overcapacity, intense competition, or changing consumer wants.JERRY R MITCHELL17 April 27,2009 18. 2. Maximum current profit JERRY R MITCHELL 18 April 27,2009 19. 3. Market-share leadership, if owning the largest market sharewill result in your business enjoying the lowest costs andhighest long run profit (achieved by setting prices as low aspossible). JERRY R MITCHELL 19 April 27,2009 20. 4. Product-quality leadership (achieved by charging a high price to cover the high quality of your product or service).JERRY R MITCHELL 20 April 27,2009 21. DETERMINING DEMAND.Each price you charge for a product or service leads to adifferent level of demand. Therefore, demand largely sets aceiling to the price you can charge for the product or service. JERRY R MITCHELL21 April 27,2009 22. ESTIMATING COSTS.Costs set the floor for your pricing. The price must cover allcostsof producing, distributing, and selling the product orservice, including a fair return on effort and risk. JERRY R MITCHELL 22 April 27,2009 23. Consider the following costs:Cost Per Unit of product. This is a variable cost that isduplicate with every unit of product sold. It includes:JERRY R MITCHELL 23 April 27,2009 24. Cost of the productOrder processingShipping and packagingPostage to mail the productOverhead and an allowancefor bad debtJERRY R MITCHELL 24 April 27,2009 25. Campaign and Overhead Costs.These are fixed costs that vary little with changes in thenumber of products sold. These include: JERRY R MITCHELL 25 April 27,2009 26. Printed materials (cover letter, brochure, etc.) for a direct mail pieceMail preparation to stuff envelopes, sort and mail a direct mail piece.Postage to send mail piecesAdvertising costs for display and classified ads.Other marketing costs such as telemarketing, card decks, the Internet, etc.Overhead costs such as accounting and office expensesJERRY R MITCHELL 26 April 27,2009 27. ANALYZING YOUR COMPETITORS PRICES, PRODUCTSAND SERVICES.While demand sets a ceiling and costs set a floor to pricing,competitors prices provide an in between point you mustconsider in setting prices.JERRY R MITCHELL27 April 27,2009 28. Several pricing strategies are available toyou to seek an advantage over thecompetition: JERRY R MITCHELL28 April 27,2009 29. 1.Price-discount strategy: Offer customers a product or servicecomparable to the leading competitors at a lower price.2. Cheaper-goods strategy: Offer customers an average- or low-quality service at a much lower price.3. Prestige-goods strategy: Launch a higher-quality product or service and charge a higher price than the leading competitor. JERRY R MITCHELL29 April 27,2009 30. SELECTING A PRICING METHOD.Given the demand, the costs, and competitors prices,you are now ready to select a price.JERRY R MITCHELL 30 April 27,2009 31. Price is a promise.Each time a buyer chooses a product, they match up a pricewith its promises. So, as the owner of a small business, it isyour job to understand what are the price and promises foryour service. JERRY R MITCHELL31 April 27,2009 32. Determine your promises .As you set your prices (or consider raising them), take stockof all the value factors that go into your price. Whatattributes of your product or service are noteworthy? Beloware some examples of value factors that go into a productsor a services price:JERRY R MITCHELL32 April 27,2009 33. For a product:Quality of the raw materialsFinished product performancePackagingOn-time deliveryAfter-sale serviceJERRY R MITCHELL33 April 27,2009 34. For a service:Experience level of the service providerBottom-line impact of the final deliverableAppearance of the service providerTurnaround time on phone calls/emailsAbility to meet deadlines JERRY R MITCHELL 34 April 27,2009 35. As you can imagine, your ability to deliver various factors,over and above your competitors, directly impacts the pricesyou set and get. If you promise certain factors, yet fall shorton delivering them, your price will be challenged throughcustomer complaints, delayed payments or customerdefections.JERRY R MITCHELL 35 April 27,2009 36. Explore Pricing Methods.Use a variety of ways to arrive at your price. JERRY R MITCHELL36 April 27,2009 37. One big mistake I see small business owners make is using onlyone method to calculate their prices. But, what if your calculationsare wrong? Then, you are stuck with a bad price. Instead, Isuggest that businesses use several different methods tocalculate their prices.JERRY R MITCHELL37 April 27,2009 38. Method No. 1 Costing out a price . JERRY R MITCHELL38 April 27,2009 39. This first method takes into account your costs, your desiredprofit, and then totals. These indirect costs cover everythingyou need to keep your business operating every day,whether or not you make any sales.After youve uncoveredwhat all your direct and indirect costs are, add them up..JERRY R MITCHELL39 April 27,2009 40. One person I know sells ad specialties (custom-t/shirts),so lets use them for our next example.JERRY R MITCHELL40 April 27,2009 41. Just for fun, lets say they estimate they can sell 20,000 t-shirtsin a year. They know that their expenses will be $100,000 on thistransaction.JERRY R MITCHELL41 April 27,2009 42. Dividing their $100,000 in expenses by the 20,000quantity, you end up with a breakeven of $5.00/t-shirt.This breakeven price is the lowest price you can chargeand still cover all your costs. JERRY R MITCHELL 42 April 27,2009 43. The next step is to ask yourself what profit you want. Lets sayyoud like to have $100,000 to live on during the year. This isyour profit.OK, now take that $100,000 and divide it by the 20,000 t-shirtsyou expect to sell, and you come up with $5.00/t-shirt. Add thisto your $5.00/t-shirt cost and the price you should charge is$10/t-shirt.JERRY R MITCHELL43 April 27,2009 44. Method No. 2 Pricing competitively .JERRY R MITCHELL44 April 27,2009 45. After youve established your cost-based price, you want tocompare this price against market prices. These are prices yourcompetitors are already getting, and are a key determinant ofyour own pricing. JERRY R MITCHELL 45 April 27,2009 46. Finding competitive information isnt all that hard; it justtakes a little creative work. If I were an ad specialty salesperson like in the example above, I would visit 5 othert-shirt shops and inquire about their pricing.JERRY R MITCHELL46 April 27,2009 47. Then Id ask myself do they offer the same quality t-shirts as mycurrent supplier? If their prices are higher, what else are theyoffering to justify the price? If their prices are lower, is theirproduct quality (or service) noticeably lower? This kind ofcompetitive surveillance is crucial when determining your prices. JERRY R MITCHELL47 April 27,2009 48. Now, what if you are in a business-to-business market, a service? Here are some common sources of informatcompetitive prices:Your preferred customers who can supply you with price sheets f competitors.Trade associations who might monitor pricing among the trade.Job candidates interviewing with your companywho come from competitors.JERRY R MITCHELL 48 April 27,2009 49. Pricing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.JERRY R MITCHELL49 April 27,2009 50. The Worst Pricing Decision You Can Make.When you think, We need the work. For now, well set ourprices really low. Then, as we get more business, well raiseour prices, alarm bells should go off. This is one of the worstmarketing mistakes you can make. JERRY R MITCHELL50 April 27,2009 51. Why? Because youll struggle from the outset just to coveryour costs. And, even if you do have some profit left over,youll resent working so hard for such a little payoff. JERRY R MITCHELL51 April 27,2009 52. Youll also position your company as lower in quality versusmost of your competitors (whether or not it is true). Avoid thissituation at all costs and price your service right the first time. JERRY R MITCHELL52 April 27,2009 53. Why Its Better To Make A Mistake On The Side OfHigherPricingJERRY R MITCHELL 53 April 27,2009 54. If you have two price points you are considering, but are unsure,which is right, choose the higher one. This will position you ashigher quality and will ensure adequate profitability from thebeginning. JERRY R MITCHELL 54 April 27,2009 55. And should you meet resistance at this price, you can discountdown to an acceptable price. The alternative is choosing atoo-low price, which leaves no room for negotiationor profit. JERRY R MITCHELL 55 April 27,2009 56. The Second Worst Pricing Decision You Can Make JERRY R MITCHELL56 April 27,2009 57. Have you ever said something like OK, if I lower my price to$15/widget, will you buy? The problem with discounting yourprice like this is that it communicates your price is over- inflated.And if the buyer perceives this, they will feel compelled tonegotiate until they find out what your true price is.JERRY R MITCHELL57 April 27,2009 58. Instead, its much better to couple any price discounts with anequal reduction in services or product offered. So for example,you might say OK, I can reduce my price to $15/widget byreducing our 5 year warranty to 3 years. This way, youveshown flexibility in meeting the needs of your buyer, yet havemaintained your pricing integrity. JERRY R MITCHELL58 April 27,2009 59. Commit Your Pricing Strategy To PaperOnce youve finalized your pricing strategies, write them down.This commits you to a plan of attack, and gives you somethingto go back to when you plan again next year. It should looksomething like this:JERRY R MITCHELL 59 April 27,2009 60. Pricing strategy:We will premium price our products in the top third of ourmarket.We will do this because it (rationale): JERRY R MITCHELL 60 April 27,2009 61. 1.Positions us as higher quality than ourcompetition.2.Further justifies our additional services.3.Ensures adequate margins now and in thefuture.JERRY R MITCHELL 61 April 27,2009 62. Remember pricing is a financial matter, but just as important,its a marketing matter that impacts your positioning, yourselling abilities and your brand. Follow the steps outlinedabove and youllensure you setand getthe right prices. JERRY R MITCHELL62 April 27,2009 63. Figuring Costs And Profits For A Consultant Service JERRY R MITCHELL 63 April 27,2009 64. Pricing services, where your own labor or expertise is used, isdifferent from pricing services that use materials and otherlabor.For instance, most consultants price their services by the hour.Senior consultants charge more for their time than do their lessexperienced counterparts. JERRY R MITCHELL64 April 27,2009 65. Remember to charge for an adequate number of hours. Traveltime is usually listed as an extra charge.It is unlikely that all of your time will be billed to clients. Therefore,hourly or contract fees must be set high enough to coverexpenses during slow periods. That is why one-half of the totalnormal working hours for a given year are used in figuringoverhead rates.Try to obtain long-term, monthly, or contract assignments whenpossible.JERRY R MITCHELL 65 April 27,2009 66. SummaryYour pricing structure and policy are major components ofyour public image and are crucial to securing and keepingyour clienteleJERRY R MITCHELL 66 April 27,2009 67. Pricing for service businesses may be more complex thanproduct pricing. However, the result is the same: cost, andoperating expenses, and desired profit, equals the servicesprice. JERRY R MITCHELL67 April 27,2009 68. The key to success is to have a well-planned strategy.Establish your policies; constantly monitor prices andoperating costs to insure profitAccuracy increases profits! JERRY R MITCHELL68 April 27,2009 69. Formula A-Price Per Hour of Service.Labor expenses per hour + overhead and variableexpenses + profit = price per hour charged.JERRY R MITCHELL69 April 27,2009 70. Formula B-Price Per JobIn lieu of charging an hourly rate for your service, you maywish to have a per job charge. To figure out this price,determine the total hours to do the job, and then add thisfigure to this formula.Labor expenses per hour x hours needed to do job +overhead and variable expenses + profit = price chargedper job. JERRY R MITCHELL70 April 27,2009 71. Remember, the key to setting prices for your product or serviceis to set them high enough to cover all your costs and lowenough to encourage people to buy. Learning to set pricestakes some business experience. The information in this factsheet is presented as a helpful guide; some degree offlexibility is needed. JERRY R MITCHELL71 April 27,2009 72. I am often asked if there are any standards or rules of thumbfor setting prices for a consulting business. There arent reallyany standards for setting the price for services rendered, butthere are some basic approaches you can follow that will helpyou determine what you want to charge.JERRY R MITCHELL 72 April 27,2009 73. Here is a basic formula you can use to getstarted in setting your fees:P = (H x B x R) EWhere:P = Profit on a project;H = Hours worked;B = % of those hours that are billable;R = Your hourly rate; andE = Expenses.JERRY R MITCHELL73 April 27,2009 74. You should charge your profit plus your expenses or,P + E.For example, you want to make $20,000 for a job you arebidding on. You estimate it will take 400 hours to do, of whichonly 300 hours can be directly billed to the project. Youestimate that your expenses will be $4000 to complete theproject. What do you charge per hour?$20000 = (400 X .75 X R) - $4000$24000 = (300 X R)$24000/300hrs = RR = $80/hr.JERRY R MITCHELL74 April 27,2009 75. Suppose you have a set hourly rate of $80 and you want toknow how much you will make on a project. Assume yourexpenses are still $4000, it will still take you 400 hours to dothe project and only 300 hours are billable. You can use thesame formula:P = (400 X .75 X $80) - $4000P = $24000 - $4000P = $20000JERRY R MITCHELL 75 April 27,2009 76. If you want to make more money, you have to lower yourexpenses, increase your billable hours, or raise your rates.The math here is simple. Whats hard is selecting theapproach you take to choosing the numbers you plug into theformula.JERRY R MITCHELL 76 April 27,2009 77. There are 2000 working hours in a year (50 weeks x 40hours).Suppose that only half of that time, or 1000 hours, is actualbillable work. Suppose also that your overhead and otherexpenses are$30,000 for a year. Assume you want to make$160,000 net income.$160,000Net income+30,000Cost$190,000Gross incomeDivide $ 190,000 by the number of billable hours (1,000) to getthe hourly rate:$190,000/1000 hrs = $190/hr JERRY R MITCHELL77 April 27,2009 78. Sell Your Own Product via the Net JERRY R MITCHELL 78 April 27,2009 79. If there is one thing I have learned trying to make moneyonline, it is this: you will succeed if you have your ownunique product...JERRY R MITCHELL79 April 27,2009 80. This might be your own e-book or even a tangible productthat you think might sell well on the Internet. As youprobably know, information is what sells best online JERRY R MITCHELL80 April 27,2009 81. Do YOU have unique information or a very specific area ofexpertise? Even if you answer "yes", you must also askyourself: Is there an online market for my product/service?Otherwise, you may be putting forth a lot of wasted time. JERRY R MITCHELL81 April 27,2009 82. Ask yourself:What do I know better than anyone else?What can I offer online that would be of value to aspecific group of customers?Can I make things with my hands or with tools?Can I write well?JERRY R MITCHELL82 April 27,2009 83. What did I do in the offline world?Can any of this expertise be translated to the Internet?As mentioned above, information is the best-selling onlineitem today. It will probably remain this way for theforeseeable future. JERRY R MITCHELL83 April 27,2009 84. Perform a survey:Hopefully, you already have newsletter subscribers orsome sort of opt-in list. If so, you can simply send a surveyto each one of them. Make it very simple, just yes or noanswers. JERRY R MITCHELL 84 April 27,2009 85. Ideally, just have them be able to click on one link for"yes", and another link for "no". Try not to ask more thanfive questions. Keep your language simple. A lot of mynewsletter subscribers are not from the United States. JERRY R MITCHELL85 April 27,2009 86. If you are just starting out, you may have to findan ezine that relates to your product or service.Then write to the ezine publisher and tell himwhat you need. He might let you run your surveyin his ezine, charging you his usual ad cost. Hemight even help you with the formatting. Best ofall, he might send it out to each of his subscribersas a single ad. They might think he is offering thesurvey. JERRY R MITCHELL 86 April 27,2009 87. They will be much more likely to answer a survey thatseems to be coming from their publisher, someone theyknow and trust.If you are lucky, you will get enough responses to come toa logical conclusion. You need at least 25(this is veryminimum). If you dont get at least this many, try anotherezine. Once you have all your responses together, throwout any widely divergent answers.JERRY R MITCHELL87 April 27,2009 88. Heres another way to do the same thing. Startyour own ezine and advertise it in one of those"pay for subscribers" places like( You can pay as low as0.16/subscriber. If you do this, make sure yourdescription is accurate and interesting. This is BYFAR the fastest way to build your own true doubleopt-in list. One more thing, be sure to let Topicasponsor your newsletter. Its only about $100/year,but its well worth it.JERRY R MITCHELL 88 April 27,2009 89. If you ask how much people would be willing to pay foryour products, and most answer in the range of $50-$60,then this is a range you can trust. You must throw out thetwo guys willing to pay $80 and $100, as well as the threepersons who would only pay $25, $30, and $35. With thesefive divergent opinions, I am assuming you have at least20 persons willing to pay $50-$60 for yourproduct/service. JERRY R MITCHELL 89 April 27,2009 90. Customers want the best value for their money, and thusthey will almost always do a quality comparison and makepurchases based on the best price for the best value. Toillustrate, put yourself in your customers position.JERRY R MITCHELL 90 April 27,2009 91. Suppose you go into an office-supply store to buya ream of paper for your printer, and you find thatthere are dozens of options to choose from. As youscan the shelves, you notice that most reams costabout $7.99, but you notice one ream for $5.99.You may be tempted to pick it up, but if yourelike most consumers, you automatically think toyourself, "Why is this so cheap? Maybe thequality isnt as good, and maybe it will jam myprinter. Or maybe the ink will bleed through." Toease your mind, you likely buy one of the higher-priced reams. JERRY R MITCHELL91 April 27,2009 92. As with most rules, however, there are exceptionswhen it comes to pricing. For example, if youhave a product or service that is in exceptionallyhigh demand, you will usually be able to get awaywith selling it at a higher price. Remember a fewyears back when Mazda came out with the Miata,and the little sports car sold like hotcakes?JERRY R MITCHELL92 April 27,2009 93. Mazda was able to capitalize on that boomand raise the cars price because the demandwas so great that consumers were willing topay the extra money. Similar circumstanceshappen every year around Christmas withmust-have toys for children, as was the casewith Cabbage Patch Dolls in the late 80sand Tickle-Me Elmos in the 1990s. Whenyou have such products that are "all therage," you can set your own prices. JERRY R MITCHELL93 April 27,2009 94. Another time you may get away with overpricing is if yourproduct or service is perceived by the public to be worthmore because of your companys brand name. Forexample, a bottle of perfume may have $10 worth ofperfume in it, but add the name "Calvin Klein" or "Chanel"to the bottle, and suddenly the perfume sells for $50. Theseare situations in which the highest-priced products will bepurchased by status-seeking consumers because of theirperceived value, whether it is a reality or not JERRY R MITCHELL94 April 27,2009 95. Additionally, if you are in an industry where the productschange quickly, such as high-tech, you may have to setprices a little higher, knowing that you only have a smallwindow of opportunity in which to sell. The computerindustry is a prime example of this: What is on the markettoday may well be defunct in a year or two. Thus, this isone of those rare cases where you may have to overprice inorder to sell quickly and make a profit. JERRY R MITCHELL 95 April 27,2009 96. Remember this golden rule when setting prices:perception is everything. How customers viewyour product or service and what they are willingto pay for it is based upon those perceptions. Inthe end, customers will tell you loud and clearthrough their purchasing behavior whether or notyour prices are too high, too low or right on themoney.JERRY R MITCHELL96 April 27,2009 97. Stickiness -- this is customer loyalty with a twist. Oncesomeone buys from you, does it quickly become too costlyfor her to switch to a competitor? The costlier it is toswitch...the stickier is your product.JERRY R MITCHELL 97 April 27,2009 98. Shaver handles used to be expensive. And they only fit acertain brand of blade. The cost of switching to anotherbrand was the cost of buying another expensive handle, socustomers had to continue to buy expensive refills. Hencethat old phrase... the "razor-and-blade" strategy. JERRY R MITCHELL98 April 27,2009 99. Consider free Web site hosts like Geocities. Once youbuild a site, it becomes tough to move it elsewhere. Also,the amazingly cheap online brokers are remarkably"sticky" -- it takes a while to learn a system and seteverything up. Once you do that, you dont want the hassleof switching. JERRY R MITCHELL 99 April 27,2009 100. SummaryWell, here we are at the end of the presentation. Youve heard thewhole thing, and just like I threatened at the beginning, you donthave any simple answers. JERRY R MITCHELL 100 April 27,2009 101. Ive given you a whole bunch of guidelines and issues toconsider as you face your pricing decision. Ive said somethings here which conflict with other things Ive said here.Which issues are you supposed to consider?JERRY R MITCHELL101 April 27,2009 102. You should consider all of these issues, and probably a few morethat are specific to your situation. Look at the decision from everypossible angle. Anything youve heard on the subject of pricing ismerely an aid to your own judgment, not a substitute for it. JERRY R MITCHELL 102 April 27,2009 103. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the perfect price. Thereis that mythical price that gives the customer excellent bang forhis buck and the company excellent profits for its efforts, buteven that price point cant be considered the perfect price. Thatscalled compromise, not perfection. JERRY R MITCHELL103 April 27,2009 104. Are Your Prices Where They Should Be?Ask yourself the following questions regarding your prices.1)Do I need to generate more revenue that I cant achieve fromproduct or service improvements?2)Do I want a higher market share that will lead to lower coststhrough higher volume?3)Is the economy suffering a downturn or a recession?4)Have one or more of my competitors recently lowered theirprices? JERRY R MITCHELL104 April 27,2009 105. 5)Are my prices set according to the quality of my product or serviceas compared to that of my competitors?6)Is my revenue level suffering because of the effects of inflation?7)Is the economy enjoying an upturn or boom?8)Is my product or industry likely to be obsolete a year from now?9)Have one or more of my competitors recently raised their prices?10)Is there a greater demand for my product or service than I can supply?JERRY R MITCHELL 105 April 27,2009 106. If you answered yes to any of questions 1-5, you may want toconsider lowering your prices. If you answered yes to any ofquestions 6-10, you may want to consider raising your prices.If you answered no to all or nearly all of the questions, chancesare your prices are at the right level.JERRY R MITCHELL 106 April 27,2009 107. Email [email protected] www.jerryrmitchell.comBlog http://jerryrmitchellblog.comRegister for my newsletter send a blankmessage to [email protected] JERRY R MITCHELL107 April 27,2009