prestressed introduction

Introduction to Prestressed Concrete 2nd Part of Reinforced Concrete II LB3 Civil Engineering ITS Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Last Edited Feb-2015 (ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete II First Ed Feb 2015 1 / 39

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  • Introduction to Prestressed Concrete2nd Part of Reinforced Concrete II

    LB3 Civil Engineering ITS

    Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan PerencanaanInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

    Last Edited Feb-2015

    (ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete II First Ed Feb 2015 1 / 39

  • References

    Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures, T.Y. Lin, Ned H.Burns, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.

    Prestressed Concrete, a Fundamental Approach, Edward G.Nawy, 5th Ed, Prentice Hall, 2006.

    Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design, Fundamentals,Antoine E. Naaman, 2nd Ed, Tecno Press 3000, 2004.

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  • Objectives

    Upon completion of this topic, student will be able to:Understand basic concept of prestressed concrete.Understand the effect of low strength steel and high strength steelto prestressing.Distinguish three principle of prestressed concrete.Understand the advantages and disadvantages of prestressedconcrete.Understand the loading stages of prestressing.

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  • Introduction

    Developement of prestressed concrete.General principle of prestressed concrete.Classification and Types.Stages of Loading.Reinforced vs. Prestressed vs. Partial Prestressed Concrete.Design Codes for Prestressed Concrete.

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  • Definitions:

    Leonhard F.The basic idea of prestressing is that the concrete should,beforeexternal loading is applied, be put under compression in all partswhere the loading produces tensile stresses, so that on the tensile sidethese compressive prestresses will first have to be cancelled before anytension actually occurs in the concrete.

    Naaman A.E.Prestressing is the deliberate creation of permanent internal stresses ina structure or system in order to improve its performance. Suchstresses are designed to counteract those induced by external loading.

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  • Definitions:(cont.)

    Abeles,P.W. ;Bardhan-Roy,B.K; Turner,F.H.Prestressing may be defined as the purposeful creation and controlledcreation of permanent stresses in a structures member, before the fulldead and live loads are opplied, so as to counteract all of part of theseloads. It serves two main purposes: to inprove the resistence of themember to the dead load and live loads(service load) and to modifythe behavior of the members or structure in such a way as to make itmore suitable for its intended purpose.

    Guyon Y from FreyssinetPrecontraindre est une construction, cest y crer artificiellement avantapplication des charges exterieures ou simultanement avec celle-ci, descontraintes permanentes tellque composes avec les conterintes dueaux charge exterieur les contraint totales restent en tout point, et pourtous les cas envisage de compris entre les limites au contraintes que lamatiere peut uporter infinement.

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  • Concept

    Basic ConceptPrestressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal stresses of asuitable magnitude and distribution are introduced so that the stressesresulting from the external loads are counteracted to a desired degree.

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  • History

    The application of pre-stressing in concrete structures is not the onlyinstance. There were some earlier attempts made.Two of the instancesare provided below

    Force-fitting of metal bands on woodenbarrels.The metal bands around the barrel induce astate of initial hoop compression tocounteract the hoop tension caused by fillingof liquid in the barrels.

    Pre-tensioning of spokes in a bicycle wheel.The pre-tension is applied in the spoke tosuch an extent that there will always be aresidual tension in the spoke

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  • Prestressed History

    1886 Jackson, P. H., (USA)Introduced the concept of tightening steel tie rods in artifi-cial stone and concrete arches.

    1888 Doehring, C. E. W., (Germany)Manufactured concrete slabs and small beams with embed-ded tensioned steel.

    1908 Stainer, C. R., (USA)Recognised losses due to shrinkage and creep, and sug-gested retightening the rods to recover lost prestress.

    1923 Emperger, F., (Austria)Developed a method of winding and pre- tensioning hightensile steel wires around concrete pipes.

    1924 Hewett, W. H., (USA)Introduced hoop-stressed horizontal reinforcement aroundwalls of concrete tanks through the use of turnbuckles.

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  • 1925 Dill, R. H., (USA)Used high strength unbonded steel rods. The rods weretensioned and anchored after hardening of the concrete.

    1926 Eugene Freyssinet (France)Used high tensile steel wires, with ultimate strength as highas 1725 MPa and yield stress over 1240 MPa. In 1939,he developed conical wedges for end anchorages for post-tensioning and developed double-acting jacks. He is oftenreferred to as the Father of Prestressed concrete.

    1938 Hoyer, E., (Germany)Developed long line pre-tensioning method.

    1940 Magnel, G., (Belgium)Developed an anchoring system for post-tensioning, usingflat wedges.

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  • Development of Building Materials



























    Reference: Lin, T. Y. and Burns, N. H., Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures(ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete II First Ed Feb 2015 11 / 39

  • First Patent

    Original Length of Steel = L

    Steel is Prestressed

    Prestressed is Lost

    lengthening of steel

    Shrinkage and creepof concrete

    = 0.00062L

    = -0.00062L

    The first patented method were notsuccessful because the low tensileprestress in the steel was soon lostas result of the shrinkage and creepof concrete.Consider an ordinary steel barprestressed to a working stress of124 MPa. If modulus of elasticity ofsteel approximately 200 103 MPa,the unit lengthening of the bar isgiven by:



    200000= 0.00062

    Shrinkage and creep of concrete induce comparable amount ofshortening in concrete.

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  • Modern Prestressed

    Original Length of Steel = L

    Steel is Prestressed

    Prestressed is Lost

    lengthening of steel

    Shrinkage and creepof concrete = -0.0008L

    = 0.0050L

    effective strain insteel = 0.0042L

    Using high strength steel wire forprestressing. Such wire, withultimate strength as high as 1725MPa, and yield point over 1240MPa, are prestressed to about 1000MPa, creating strain of:



    200000= 0.005

    Assuming the total lost due to shrinkage and creep is 0.0008, the netstrain of 0.0050-0.0008=0.0042 would still be left in the wires, which isequaivalent to a stress of:

    f = E = 200000 0.0042 = 840MPa

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  • General Principles

    Three different concepts may be applied to explain and analyze thebasic behavior of prestressed concrete.

    Prestressed to transform concrete into an Elastic Material.Prestressing for combination of High-strength Steel with Concrete.Prestressing to archive Load Balancing.

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  • General Principles: Elastic Material

    First concept Prestressing to transform concrete into elasticmaterial.

    concentric tendon

    (Force F )

    Beam Prestressed and Loaded




    FA McI

    FA +


    FA McI

    The stress distribution is given by:

    f =FA My


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  • Example : First Concept

    A beam of 200x300mm with the span of 8m, prestress with forceF = 240 kN placed at c.g of beam, Concrete weight= 25 kN/m3, thedistributed dead load qDL = 1.5 kN/m

    Moment at mid span MDL,mid =18qDLL2 = 12 kN.m

    Moment at 1/4 span MDL,L/4 =332

    qDLL2 = 9 kN.mStresses:caused by Compression force:



    200 300 = 4MPa

    caused by moment at mid span:


    =12 106 150112 200 3003

    = 4MPa, (3MPa ,for L/4)

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  • concentric tendon

    (Force F )

    Beam Prestressed and Loaded

    4 -4



    4 -3 1


    Stress at mid section

    Stress at L/4 section

    Stress due to F Stress due to M Stress combination

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  • Example : First Concept, add excentricity

    Put the prestressed 100mm below concrete center of gravity (c.g.c), thestresses are:

    Beam Prestressed and Loaded

    4 -4

    4 0

    Stress at mid section

    Stress at L/4 section

    e = 100c.g.c

    c.g.sF F

    b = 200

    h = 300

    f = FA FeyI MyI





    MDLyI f =

    FA FeyI MyI

    4 -3

    3 -1





    MDLyI f =

    FA FeyI MyI

    stress at any section

    capable of additional load :

    MLL = fIy = 8



    MLL = 24kN.m or

    qLL = 3 kN/m

    there is tension (-1 MPa)at top fiber on 14L section

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  • Parabolic tendon

    The ideal tendon geometry is the same shape of the moment diagram,which is:

    Mx =(

    12qL)x 1

    2qx2 or Mx =

    12q(l x2)

    The ideal curve set by parabolic equation:

    y = ax2 + bx+ c

    by finding a, b, and c we get:

    y =4fh(l x)


    where h is depth of parabola. (our case f = e = 100)by putting x = 14 l = 2000mm will get:

    y =4 100 2000(8000 2000)

    80002= 75mm

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  • the y = 75mm is excentricity of prestressed at 14 l of the section.the stress at 14 l section is:

    f =FecI

    =240 103 75 150

    112 200 3003

    = 6MPa.

    Stress at L/4 section

    4 -3

    3 1





    MDLyI f =

    FA FeyI MyI

    the advantages of parabola curve that there is no tension at any sectionof the beam.

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  • General Principles: C-line Method

    Second Concept Prestressing for Combination of High-StrengthSteel with Concrete.This concept consider prestressed concrete as a combination ofsteel and concrete, similar to reinforced concrete. with steel takingtension and concrete taking compression so that the two materialsform a resisting couple against external moment.From figure it is evident that the C-line is varying distance a fromthe T-line. The moment given by:

    M = Ca = Ta

    while excentricity e is known, so e = a e, since C = T, a = M/Te =

    MT e

    from figure:

    f t =CAc


    and fb =CAc Ce


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  • aC = 0

    T = 0

    w = 0



    C = C1

    T = T1

    w = w1



    C = C2

    T = T2

    w = w


    T = p

    w = 0


    C = p


    a = 0

    T = p

    w = w1


    a = a1 = e

    C = p

    T = p

    w = w



    C = p


    (a) (b)


    (e) (f)

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  • Example: C-line Method

    From previous parabolic tendon with excentrivity 100mm, at midlesection M = 12 kN.m , T = C = 240 kN

    a =MT

    =12 106240 103 = 50mm

    e = a e = 50 100 = 50mm below cgc

    ft =FA Fe


    =240 103200 300

    240 103 50 150112 200 3003

    = 0

    fb =FA


    =240 103200 300 +

    240 103 50 150112 200 3003

    = 8

    We get similar result compared to previous example.

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  • General Principles: Load Balancing Method

    This technique is based on utilizing the vertical force of the draped orharped prestressing tendon to counteract or balance the imposedgravity loading to which a beam is subjected. Hence, it is applicable tononstraight prestressing tendons.

    F R


    F wb


    (a) (b)

    Parabolic Tendon Profile.:Let the parabolic function

    y = Ax2 + Bx+ C

    represent the tendon drape; the force F denotes the pull to which thetendon is subjected.

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  • Then for x = 0, we have.

    y = 0, C = 0dydx

    = 0, B = 0

    for x = l/2,

    y = a, A =4al2

    But from calculus, the load intensity is

    q = F2yx2

    This will yield:

    q = F4al2 2 = 8Fa

    l2Hence, if the tendon has a parabolic profile in the prestressed beamand the prestressing force is denoted by F, the balanced-load intensity

    wb =8Fal2

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  • Example: Load Balancing Method

    As previous example, calculate balancing load:

    wb =8Fal2

    =8 240 0.1

    82= 3 kN/m

    This upward balancing load will hold the dead load from structure,the balancing load it self have twice the value of dead load (1.5kN/m).The unbalance load (reserved capacity):

    wub = 1.5 3 = 1.5 kN/mor equivalent to:

    M =18

    1.5 82 = 12 kN.mThis potentially used to carry live load and supper imposed dead load.

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  • Classification and Type

    Based on method ofprestressing

    pre-tensioningPost-tensioningSelf stressing

    Based on position of tendons.External prestressingInternal prestressing

    Based on tendon shapesLinearCircular

    Based on concretingIn-situPrecast

    Based on level of prestressingFull prestressingPartial prestressing

    Based on concrete steelinterface


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  • Advantage of Prestressed Concrete

    1 Section remains uncracked under service loadsReduction of steel corrosion: Increase in durability.Full section is utilised: Higher moment of inertia, Lessdeformations, Increase in shear capacity, Suitable for use inpressure vessels, Improved performance (resilience) underdynamic and fatigue loading

    2 High span-to-depth ratiosReduction in self weight.More aesthetic appeal due to slender sections.More economical sections.

    3 Suitable for precast constructionRapid constructionBetter quality controlReduced maintenanceSuitable for repetitive constructionMultiple use of formworkAvailability of standard shapes.

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  • Disadvantage of Prestressed Concrete

    1 Prestressing needs skilled technology. Hence, it is not as commonas reinforced concrete.

    2 The use of high strength materials is costly.3 There is additional cost in auxiliary equipments.4 There is need for quality control and inspection.

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  • Stages of Loading

    Initial stageBefore Prestressing:

    Support yield should be prevented,Controlled curing is important,Shrinkage crack should be prevented.

    At transfer of Prestress:

    Maximum tendon stress is limited (0.8fpu or 0.95fpy)Crushing of concrete at the anchorage is prevented

    Decentering and Retensioning:

    False work maybe removed after prestressingThe stresses at various stages of tensioning must be studied

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  • Stages of Loading

    Intermediate stageThis is the stage during transportation and erection. It is occur only forprecast member when they are transported to the site and erected inposition. It highly important to ensure

    The member are properly supportedThe member are properly handledproper support condition and loading.

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  • Stages of Loading

    Final stageThis is the stage when actual working loads come on stuuctures.

    Sustained loadControl of camber and deflection.Working LoadCheck for excessive stresses and strins.Cracking LoadInvestigate the cracking load due to use of structures.Ultimate LoadFor code requirement, ultimate load should be calculated usingload factor and strength reduction factor.

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  • Reinforced vs Prestressed vs Partial Prestressed

    Typical Load


    Cracked withdeflection underdeadload andfull service load

    Reinforcing bar

    Dead Load

    Full Service Load

    Prestressing TendonPrestressedConcrete

    Uncracked withlikely camberunder dead loadand prestressed

    Dead Load



    Full Service Load

    Uncracked underdead load

    Cracked underService Load

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  • Design Code for Prestressed Concrete

    SNI 2847-2013 or ACI 318-11 already integrate the design of reinforcedand prestressed concrete design.SNI 2847-2013 or ACI 318-11 already use unified provision, meaningsthat there is no difference in strength reduction factors for reinforcedconcrete or prestressed concrete.Prestressed concrete sections shall be classified as eithertension-controlled, transition, or compression-controlled sections, inaccordance with 10.3.3 and 10.3.4. The appropriate strength reductionfactors, , from 9.3.2 shall apply.The provisions of Chapter 18 of SNI/ACI were developed primarilyfor structural members such as slabs, beams, and columns that arecommonly used in buildings.For bridges structures AASHTO-LRFD Bridge Design Specificationsnormally used or for indonesia RSNI T12 2004.

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  • Terminology

    Tendon:stretched element used in a concrete member of structure toimpart prestress to the concrete.Anchorage:A device generally used to enable the tendon to impart andmaintain prestress in concrete.Pretensioning:A method of prestressing concrete in which the tendons aretensioned before the concrete is placed. In this method, theconcrete is introduced by bond between steel & concrete.Post-tensioning:A method of prestressing concrete by tensioning the tendonsagainst hardened concrete. In this method, the prestress isimparted to concrete by bearing.

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  • Posttensioned Beam

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  • Pretensioned Beam

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  • External Prestressing

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  • Home Work

    Find the prestressed structures that you think it is most attractive andmost innovative use of prestressing.Pictures/ figures/ skets is good.

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