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Scan & CTRL is now called: Measuremen New name emphasises international character

LONDON – Scan & CTRL has a new name: Measuremen. Since 2004, Scan & CTRL has provided insight in the actual use of working environments by collecting data on workplace occupancy. The new name explains Scan & CTRL’s further focus on international expansion; widening its services and putting their people at the heart of what they do: They measure workplaces.

Creating an ideal working environment

Measuremen collect data on the occupancy of workstations, employee working activities and their

experience in the workplace. Measuremen also measure employee behaviour ‐ if and how they use

the spaces and facilities ‐ meeting rooms, breakout spaces, shared areas, restaurants, etc ‐ to find

out if it meets their needs. This data helps organisations to understand and create the ideal

working environment for each and every employee.

Workplace strategy

Real estate is a large cost component for any organisation with offices. The data that Measuremen

collect helps organisations to develop their ideal workplace strategy; with a good mix of work,

meeting room and social spaces, and an efficient use of square metres. A strategy that matches

actual needs. And helps implement activity based working. With Measuremen’s extensive

database and knowledge, organisations can also benchmark their data to make better decisions.

Client portal

Measuremen do not provide consultancy. They measure, analyse and connect the dots. This

objective data can be viewed through a personalised online portal. Awareness is the first step to

changing employee behaviour. The client portal provides at‐a‐glance visibility on how office space

is used and how people behave in the workplace. A good starting point for discussion and decision


As technology and human behaviour in the workplace changes all the time it's important to keep

monitoring. Repeat measuring helps organisations to continually improve their working



With branches in Amsterdam and Brussels, the team behind Measuremen have been working

internationally for some time now. The company is currently active in twelve countries, including

Australia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Romania, Germany, Spain and France. By 2025,

Measuremen aim to have improved 10 million workstations worldwide ‐ to date they’ve measured

250,000 workstations.

About Measuremen

Measuremen measure and analyse the actual use of the office working environment. They provide

insight into the behaviour and experience of employees. The team at Measuremen perform

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occupancy and behavioural measurements, in combination with sensor technology, surveys and

smartphone apps, to measure how people really use the workplace and what they honestly think

of their working environment. Measuremen works directly for end users and consultancy firms. It’s

their goal to improve workplaces and create added value for their clients.

Note for editors

For more information: Vincent le Noble, Founder and CEO

Contact details: +316 4335 7951, [email protected],

For UK contact: Ian Foulds, Countrylead UK & CCO

Contact details: +44 7540 497769, [email protected],

Logo: Measuremen_logo_RGB.jpg

Photo: Press_release_Measuremen_20160229.TIF

Photographer: Milan Hofmans

Caption: One of the measuremen performing a measurement.