presidents of the philippines and their achievements and

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  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Presidents of the Philippines and

    their Achievements and


    Presented By:Group II

    Presented To:Mam Ruthmarie Tubogand Classmates

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    General Emilio Aguinaldo(anuary !"# $%&& ' April $# $&$)

    • *as a +ilipino general# politi,ian#and independen,e leader ofChinese and -panish des,ent.

    • /e played an instrumental role in

    Philippine independen,e during thePhilippine Re0olution against -painand the Philippine1Ameri,an *arthat resisted Ameri,an o,,upation.

    • /e e0entually pledged his allegian,e to the 2-go0ernment.

    • In the Philippines# Aguinaldo is ,onsidered to be the,ountry3s first and the youngest Philippine President.

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    • Post1Ameri,an Era

    In $&4# President Elpidio 5uirino appointedAguinaldo as a member of the Coun,il of -tate#

    6here he ser0ed a full term.• 7eath

    Aguinaldo died on +ebruary 8# $&89of ,oronary thrombosis at the eterans Memorial

    /ospital in 5ue;on City. /e 6as &9 years old. /isremains are buried at the Aguinaldo -hrine in

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


     Tejeros Convention and execution ofBonifacio

    Bonifa,io refused to re,ogni;e there0olutionary go0ernment headed by Aguinaldoand attempted to reassert his authority#

    a,,using the Aguinaldo fa,tion of treason. AtAguinaldo3s orders# Bonifa,io and his brothers6ere arrested and# in a mo,= trial lasting oneday# ,on0i,ted of treason# and senten,ed todeath. After some 0a,illation# Aguinaldo initially,ommuted the death senten,e. Andr>s andPro,opio 6ere e?e,uted by firing s@uad on May

    $# $%& at Mount Buntis# Maragondon# Ca0ite.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    •+irst president

    •oungest president ' he be,ame the ,ountrys leader at age !%•longest1li0ed president ' he died 6hen he 6as &9

    •one of the a,ti0e leaders of

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Manuel Duis 5ue;on(o0ember $4# $&"4 ' August $# $&99)

      otable fa,ts about Manuel Duis 5ue;on

    is that# he is =no6n as the F+ather ofational Danguage.

    5ue;on# 6as born in Calamba City# Daguna in thedistri,t of El PrHn,ipe. /is parents 6ere Du,io5ue;n (died $%&%) and MarHa 7olores Molina(une # $%9 ' $%&")# both of 6hom 6ere-panish1Mesti;os

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    • ser0ed as president of the Common6ealth ofthe Philippines from $&"4 to $&99. /e 6asthe first +ilipino to head a go0ernment of the

    Philippines# and is ,onsidered to ha0e beenthe se,ond president of the Philippines# afterEmilio Aguinaldo ($%&'$&$).

    • 5ue;on fought for passage of the Tydings1M,7uffie A,t ($&"9)# 6hi,h pro0ided for fullindependen,e for the Philippines $ years

    after the ,reation of a ,onstitution and theestablishment of a Common 6ealthgo0ernment that 6ould be the forerunner ofan independent republi,

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    • /e ran for go0ernor of Tayabas pro0in,e in$&4.

    • 7eath: August $$%%1August $# $&99 atage of 88 be,ause of Tuber,ulosis.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements :

    • first -enate president ele,ted as President of the

    Philippines• first president ele,ted through a national ele,tion

    • first president under the Common6ealth

    • he ,reated ational Coun,il of Edu,ation

    • he initiated 6omens suffrage in the Philippinesduring the Common6ealth

    • he made Tagalog J +ilipino as the nationallanguage of the Philippines

    • he appears on the t6enty1peso bill

    • his body lies 6ithin the spe,ial monument on5ue;on Memorial Cir,le

    • 9th Pla,e# $&" Bar E?aminations

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    ose P. Daurel (K,t. $9#$&9" ' Aug $# $&94)

    • Daurel 6as the third to sit at the offi,eduring apanese o,,upation of *orld *arII. /e 6as the only +ilipino president toha0e been shot outside of ,ombat.

    •  6as the president of the -e,ond

    Philippine Republi,# a apanese puppetstate 6hen o,,upied during *orld *ar II#from $&9" to $&94.

    • Daurel began his life in publi, ser0i,e 6hile a student#

    as a messenger in the Bureau of +orestry then as a,ler= in the Code Committee tas=ed 6ith the,odifi,ation of Philippine la6s

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    • In 1925 he was elected to the Philippine Senate.

    Martial law• Laurel declared the country under martial law in 1944

    through Proclamation No. 29 dated Septem!er 21

    "artial law came into e##ect on Septem!er 22 1944 at

    9 am..$nd ended Septem!er 2% 1944.

    • &eath' "arch 9 1(91)No*em!er + 1959. ,ecause o#

    -eart attac..

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    • he 6as ,onsidered as the legitimate president ofthe Philippines

    • he organi;ed

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      -ergio KsmeLa(August $# $&99 ' May !%# $&98)

    • -ergio KsmeLa 6as the se,ond

    president of the Common6ealthhe su,,eeded 5ue;on after hisdeath.

    • first isayan to be,ome President ofthe Philippines.

    • /e 6as the founder of the ationalist Party andpresident of the Philippines($&991$&98)

    • 5ue;on1KsmeLa ri0alry

    KsmeLa 6ere friends and ,lassmates 6ith Manuel5ue;on .*hen the ones Da6 6as passed#5ue;on 6as ele,ted as -enate President andKsmeLa retained his post as -pea=er.

    • Born and died in -eptember $%%1K,tober $


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    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    •he 6as 84 6hen he be,ame president' ma=ing himthe oldest president to hold offi,e

    •he 6as the first isayan to be,ome president

    •he Noined 2- Gen. 7ouglas M,Arthur in Deyte on

    K,tober !# $&99 starting the freedom of thePhilippines from the apanese during *orld *ar II

    •during his time# the Philippine ational Ban= hasbeen rehabilitated and the ,ountry Noined the

    International Monetary +und•on his time# the Bell Trade A,t 6as appro0ed by the2- Congress

    •-ergio KsmeLa appears on the 4 peso bill

    M R

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Manue Ro?as(May !%# $&98 ' April $4# $&9%)

    • Ro?as 6as the fifth president of the

    Philippines o0erall but he 6as,onsidered as the third and lastpresident under the Common6ealth andthe first of the Third Republi, of thePhilippines. /e only sat in the offi,e for

    $ year# $ months and $% days.• /e 6as popularly =no6n as the F+irst President

    of theThird Republi,. 

    • he 6as ele,ted ($&9$) to the Philippine -enate# but

    6as unable to ser0e until $&94 be,ause of theoutbrea= of *orld *ar II.

    • Ro?as ser0ed Common6ealth from May !%# $&98 touly 9# $&98 for short period of time.

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    • +irst President of the Third Republi,($&98'$&9%)Manuel Ro?as3 term as the President of the

    Common6ealth ended on the morning of uly 9#$&98# 6hen the Third Republi, of the Philippines6as inaugurated and independen,e from the2nited -tates pro,laimed. The o,,asion# attended

    by some "# people# 6as mar=ed by thesimultaneous lo6ering of the -tars and -tripesand raising of the ational +lag# a !$1gun salute#and the pealing of ,hur,h bells. Ro?as then s6orethe Kath of Kffi,e as the first President of thene6 Republi,.

    • 7eath: anuary $# $%&!1April $4# $&9%. Be,auseof heart atta,=.

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    Contributions and A,hie0ements :

    • 6as inaugurated as the ne6 and first

    president of the ne6 Republi, be,ause thePhilippines 6as finally free after the ** II

    • in his time# the ,ountry has startedre,onstru,tion from 6ar damage and the

    Philippines started breathing 6ithoutforeign rule

    • under his term# the PhilippineRehabilitation A,t and Philippine Trade A,tla6s 6ere a,,epted by the ,ongress

    • he is in the $ peso bill

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Elpidio 5uirino(April $#$&9% ' 7e,. "# $&4")

    • /e 6as the 0i,e president at

    Ro?as time. /e be,amepresident 6hen the presidentdied in $&9%.

    • 5uirino 6as ele,ted as -enatorfrom $&!4 to $&"$ representingthe +irst -enatorial 7istri,t

    • Elpidio 5uirino3s si? years as president 6ere

    mar=ed by notable post6ar re,onstru,tion#general e,onomi, gains# and in,reasede,onomi, aid from the 2nited -tates.

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    • Kn uly $# $&9%# the Congress appro0edRepubli, A,t o. """# amending Common6ealthA,t o. 4!# de,laring 5ue;on City the ,apital of

    the Philippines in pla,e of Manila e0ertheless#pending the offi,ial transfer of the go0ernmentoffi,es to the ne6 ,apital site# Manila remained tobe su,h for all effe,ti0e purposed.

    Duis Taru,1 Deader of /u=balahap• Integrity Board1To ,ope 6ith the insistent ,lamor

    for go0ernment impro0ement and ,reated theIntegrity Board to reports of graft and ,orruptionin high go0ernment pla,es.

    • 7eath: o0ember $8# $%&1+ebruary ! $&48.Be,ause of heart atta,=.

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    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    • under his term /u=balahap mo0ement 6asa,ti0e

    • he ,reated -o,ial -e,urity Commission

    • he also ,reated Integrity Board to monitor

    graft and ,orruption• in $&9%# 5ue;on City 6as the ,apital of

    the Philippines

    peso and dollar e?,hange rate at his time6as $ 2- O P!

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Ramon F7el +ierro Magsaysay(7e,ember "# $&4" 'Mar,h $#$&4)

    • *as the se0enth President of the

    Republi, of the Philippines• +rom $&9! to $&94# during *orld*ar II# he organi;ed and led theguerrilla for,e that fought theapanese.

    • Man of the Masses

    • /e is also ,alled FMon,hing.

    • 7eath: August "$# $&1Mar,h$# $&4. Be,ause of Plane ,rashin FMt. Pinatubo.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    8 Reasons *hy Ramon Magsaysay *as The BestPresident E0er:

    $. /is brilliant ,ounterinsurgen,y efforts 6ere

    unpre,edented.1The /u= rebels 6ere tra,=ed do6n and their

    members surrendered one by one# ,ulminating to DuisTaru,s arrest on May $# $&49 during his time.

    !. /e ga0e land to the landless.1/e impro0ed the land tenure system through

    the Agri,ultural Tenan,y A,t in $&49# 6hi,h ga0etenants the Ffreedom to ,hoose the system of tenan,y

    under 6hi,h they 6ould 6ant to 6or=# and the DandReform A,t of $&44# 6hi,h 6as passed to enhan,elandlord1tenant relations. Publi, lands 6ere alsodistributed to @ualified settlers.

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    ". /e ,reated a go0ernment of the people# by thepeople# for the people

    1Magsaysays most memorable a,hie0ement 6as his

    effort to earn ba,= peoples trust to the go0ernment.

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    4. /e refused spe,ial treatment.

    1Kne of the reasons 6hy President Magsaysay6as so lo0ed by the masses 6as the fa,t that he

    didnt thin= highly of himself. /e earned peoplestrust be,ause of his humility and sin,erity toaddress the needs of the ordinary ,iti;ens

    8. /e banned nepotism and ,orruption.

    12npretentious# selfless# and ,ompletelyuninterested in money# President Ramon Magsaysayhad all the @ualities that an ideal politi,ian shouldha0e.

      1/e hates nepotism and ,orruption.epotism1the pra,ti,e among those 6ith po6er orinfluen,e of fa0oring relati0es or friends# espe,iallyby gi0ing them Nobs.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    • 6as a ,hairman of the Committee on GuerillaAffairs

    • 6as the first president s6orn into offi,e 6earingBarong Tagalog in his inauguration

    • his presiden,y 6as referred as the PhilippinesGolden ears for it 6as the ,leanest and ;ero1,orruption

    • the Philippines 6as ran=ed !nd in Asias ,lean and6ell1go0erned ,ountries

    • he established ational Resettlement andRehabilitation Administration (ARRA) among hisagrarian reforms

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Carlos P. Gar,ia(Mar,h $%# $&4 ' 7e,ember "# $&8$)

    • Carlos P. Gar,ia 6as the eightpresident of the Philippines and 6as apoet# tea,her# and guerilla leader too.Born from Bohol# he 6as the 0i,e

    president of Magsaysay and se,retaryof +oreign Affairs for 9 years. /ebe,ame president 6hen Magsaysaydied in $&4.

    • +ather of the +ilipino +irst Poli,y• 7eath: o0ember 9# $%&81une $9#

    $&$. Be,ause of /eart atta,=.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    DA*- A7 PRKGRAM-:

    • +ilipino +irst Poli,yThis is the la6 that 6as passed by the Gar,ia

    administration# to gi0e lo,al businessmen morepriority o0er foreign in0estors. The go0ernmentse,tor 6ould help lo,al businessmen are enteringindustry that 6as filled 6ith foreign ,ompetitors andgi0e them aid and sometimes finan,ial assistan,e.Produ,ts of +ilipino businessmen 6ere also preferredo0er foreign produ,ts.

    • Bohlen'-errano AgreementThe Bohlen1-errano Agreement 6as the la6 that

    shortened the original && year lease of 2- bases herein the Philippines to !4 years# the agreement 6asrene6able for periods only up to 4 years.

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    • Austerity ProgramThe Austerity Program 6as implemented by Gar,ia inorder to ,urt the rampant graft and ,orruption 6ithin

    the ,ountry. The program ,entered on 6ise spending#industry# thrift# trust6orthiness# integrity andhonesty. /e also urged people to a0oid lu?ury itemsand to li0e a simple life and reminded go0ernmentoffi,ials and employees ,orruption destroys thepeoples trust in the go0ernment.

    • Republi, Cultural A6ardsThe Gar,ia administration also put emphasis on,ultural re0i0al# due to the ,oloni;ation of many

    ,ountries he felt that the re0i0al of the +ilipino ,ulture6as needed. The a6ard 6as gi0en to +ilipino artists#s,ientist# historians and 6riters.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    • he 6as =no6n for F+ilipino +irst Poli,y 

    he established the Austerity Program fo,using on+ilipino trade and ,ommer,e

    • 6as =no6n as the FPrin,e of isayan Poets and the Fbard from Bohol 

    ,ultural arts 6as re0i0ed during his term• 6as the first president to ha0e his remains buried at

    the Dibingan ng mga Bayani

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    7iosdado Ma,apagal(7e,. "# $&8$ ' 7e,. "# $&84)

    • /e 6as born in Dubao# Pampanga#7iosdado Ma,apagal is the father ofGloria Ma,apagal Arroyo# the $9th andse,ond 6oman president of the

    Philippines. /e 6as a la6yer and aprofessor.

    • &th President

    • Poor Boy +rom Dubao

    • 7eath: -eptember !%# $&$17e,ember "# $&8$. Be,ause ofPneumonia.

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    • There 6ere many uprisings against theA@uino administration

    • There 6as a 6idespread of po0erty

    • Graft and ,orruption throughout the

    ,ountry• Continues to undergo the e,onomi,

    ,ontrols that had been in operation sin,e$&9%

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    DA*- A7 PRKGRAM-:

    • Kpened Mala,anang to the Publi, ho6e0er it

    didnt last long be,ause people started to only loftaround.

    • 7ismissed Corruption in the go0ernment 6henthe offi,ial ,ouldnt Nustify his sudden a,@uisition

    of 6ealth.• Changed the 7ate of the Philippine Independen,e

    from une $! to uly 9.

    • Agri,ultural Dand Reform Code of $&8"

    Abolished share tenden,y on ri,e and ,ornfarmlands and establishment of a leaseholdsystem 6here farmers 6ould pay rentals tolandlords instead of har0ests.

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    • the Agri,ultural Dand Reform Code of $&8" (Republi,A,t o. "%99) 6hi,h pro0ided for the pur,hase ofpri0ate farmlands 6ith the intention of distributing

    them in small lots to the landless tenants on easyterm of payment. It is a maNor de0elopment inhistory of land reform in the Philippines#

    • Independen,e 7ay

    1Ma,apagal appealed to nationalist sentiments byshifting the ,ommemoration of Philippine independen,eday. Kn May $!# $&8!# he signed a pro,lamation 6hi,hde,lared Tuesday# une $!# $&8!# as a spe,ial publi,holiday

    • Minimum 6age la6 is the body of la6 6hi,h prohibitsemployers from hiring employees or 6or=ers for lessthan a gi0en hourly# daily or monthly minimum6age.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    • he established the first Dand Reform Da6

    • he pla,ed the Philippines ,urren,y ' peso#on the ,urren,y e?,hange mar=et

    • he made une $! $%&% as the PhilippinesIndependen,e 7ay.

    • he signed the Minimum *age Da6.

    he signed the ,reation of the Philippineeterans Ban=

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    +erdinand Mar,os (7e,. "# $&84 ' +eb. !4# $&%8)

    • +erdinand Edralin Mar,os 6as ala6yer and -enate President for" years. /e 6as president for !$

    years and only @uit offi,e afterthe People Po6er Re0olution

    • . /e 6as one of the best andbrightest presidents.

    • 7eath: -eptember $$# $&$1-eptember !%# $&%&. Be,ause ofDupus.

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    CK7ITIK K+ T/E P/IDIPPIE-• There 6as a de,rease of freedom and demo,ra,y

    during the se,ond term of +erdinand Mar,os.

    • Be,ause of the de0elopments (e,onomi,ally#industrially# and infrastru,tures) Mar,osa,,omplished# there 6as a massi0e in,rease intourism rates.

    • The Mar,oses established good relations 6ith 6orldleaders# therefore bringing the Philippines image tohigher grounds. +oreign relations brought foreignin0estments in and made the e,onomy boom. 7uring

    this time# the ratio of the peso to a dollar is $:$./o6e0er# the e,onomy too= a do6nturn during hisse,ond term and the pri,es of the mar=et in,reased.

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    • Corruption allegations against thego0ernment and peoples oppositions tothe la6s Mar,os brought about uprisingsand reformation mo0ements to oust thepresident.

    • There 6as an in,rease in Nob opportunities

    but it de,lined e0entually. In relation tothis# huge e,onomi, a,,elerations fromK+* remittan,es 6ere o,,urring.

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    DA*- A7 PRKGRAM-:

    Martial Da6($&!1$&%$)

    Martial Da6 6as de,lared by Mar,os tosuppress the in,reasing ,i0il dis,ord andthe threats of ,ommunist ,on@uest. Thede,laration 6as initially granted by some

    se,tors bit it e0entually be,ame unpopularto the people and the masses be,ause ofthe human rights abuses by the military.

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    PRKMI-E- 72RIG T/E EDECTIK-: Reformation of International and 7omesti, Poli,ies(Politi,al# -o,ial# E,onomi,al# and Degal -ystems)

    Reno0ation of Roads# Buildings# Publi, *or=s andother Infrastru,tures +i? the Nudi,iary systems of the Philippines 7iminish# pre0ent# and atta,= the problem of the

    go0ernment regarding ,orruption Ma=e the Philippines rise to greatness on,e more FThis nation ,an be great again. This I ha0e said o0erand o0er. It is my arti,les of faith# and 7i0inePro0iden,e has 6illed that you and I ,an no6

    translate this faith into deeds.  E,onomi, 7e0elopment and Good Go0ernment

  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


    Contributions and A,hie0ements:

    • he 6as the first president to 6in a se,ond term

    • he de,lared Martial Da6 on -ept. !!# $&!• he in,reased the si;e of Philippine military and armed


    • in $&%# GP 6as 9 times greater than $&!

    • in $&%8# the Philippines 6as one of the most indebted,ountries in Asia

    • he built more s,hools# roads# bridges# hospitals andinfrastru,tures than all former presidents did

    ,ombined• is the only president 6hose remains interred inside a

    refrigerated ,rypt

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  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And


  • 8/20/2019 Presidents of the Philippines and Their Achievements And
