preserving liver health through ayurveda by

Preserving Liver Health Through Ayurveda The liver organ is considered a fire or pitta organ in Ayurveda. Good health of the liver requires the balance of the pitta dosha . If the liver is overloaded with toxins it will burn too hot and become inflamed causing problems throughout the body. The imbalance is treated with a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes as well as herbal remedies. Web: Help line: +91- 9015525552 Email:

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Preserving Liver Health Through Ayurveda

The liver organ is considered a fire or pitta organ in Ayurveda. Good health of the liver requires the balance of the pitta dosha .

If the liver is overloaded with toxins it will burn too hot and become inflamed causing problems throughout the body. The

imbalance is treated with a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes as well as herbal remedies.

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Ayurvedic Liver Detox

A. Ayurveda recommends following a detox programme at the junction of each season, particularly at the beginning of spring.

B. Cleaning the liver in spring clears toxins that have accumulated during winter.

C. The junction between the end of summer and beginning of autumn is good time to cleanse liver to eliminate excess pitta that accumulates during summer.

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Pitta Dosha

There are 5 types of pitta dosha namely, Pachaka pitta, Ranjaka pitta, Alochaka pitta, Sadhaka pitta and Bhrajaka pitta.Amongst them pachaka pitta and ranjaka pitta play a vital role in the proper functioning of liver.

Pachaka Pitta:The juices, enzymes and various acids involved in the process of digestion contribute to pachaka pitta.

Ranjaka Pitta:The complex process of production of blood cells , balancing body chemistry and all those activities which are responsible for giving pigmentation, be it to the skin or the red colour to the blood, are all carried out by ranjaka pitta.

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Causes for the Vitiation of Pitta

This may occur due to:• Excessive consumption of spicy, sour and salty food• Consuming alcohol in excess• Over exposure to hot sunny climate• Short temperedness• Using dried vegetables• Indigestion of food

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Pitta Balancing Diet• Eat food that is cool, dry, light, sweet and bitter• As there is imbalance of agni, diet should be an easy to digest one.• Drink adequate quantity of water.• Improve fibre intake

• Beans, green vegetables, sweet fruits, and vegetables like cauliflower, carrots and broccoli are good.

• Fresh papaya or carrot juice is a very effective home remedy to protect liver. Most fresh fruits are good except for the acid forming fruits.

• Bitter herbs are the best to pacify pitta. Bitter herbs cause a reflexive secretion of gastric juices and tone the muscles of digestive tract. They also support detoxification by helping the liver to process incoming nutrients and filter impurities from circulation. They also have anti-bacterial and pitta reducing properties.

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The Don’ts of Pitta Diet

• Cut down on heating foods and tastes, oil, salt, hot spices, tomatoes, alcohol, vinegar, egg yolks, red meat and refined flour.• Do not eat late at night • Avoid irregular eating habits.• void day time nap, exposure to hot sun, exertion, anxiety and smoking.

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Ayurvedic Aspect of Liver Diseases

• When there is vitiation of paachaka pitta, the ranjaka pitta situated in liver becomes deranged and does not get its nourishment. This invariably results in liver diseases. In other words, all liver diseases occur due to imbalance of pachaka pitta.

• Now apart from vitiation of pitta , there is vitiation of vata as well particularly vyana vata. This results in the blockage (srotorodha) of blood carrying channels and as a result pitta does not reach ‘grahani’ (duodenum). It, in turn, gets circulated all over the body via rasa , rakta (blood) dhatus.

• Vitiation of ranjaka pitta thus can cause hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, anaemia, or chronic fatigue syndrome.Web:

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Herbs Supporting Liver Health Certain herbs support liver functions and can pacify the imbalanced pitta and

reduce liver congestion. Some of them increase bile flow, others support enzymatic detox process and nourish and stabilize liver.

1. Curcumin (BUY HERE) speeds up liver detox process. Curcumin prevents alcohol and other toxins from being converted into compounds that may be harmful to the liver. In case of congestive heart diseases, curcumin and turmeric are not advised. Turmeric is avoided if you suffer from painful gall stones, obstructive jaundice, acute bilious colic and extremely toxic liver.

2. Milk thistle prevents liver toxicity during chemotherapy. It nourishes and strengthens the liver.

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• Juice of Tinospora cordifolia (guduchi) with honey once a day in empty stomach detoxifies liver.

• Black salt with tomato juice once a day detoxifies the liver.

• Ayurvedic medicines like Tiktakam kashayam tab + Punarnavadi kashayam tab each 3 times a day before food is very effective.

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Other Herbal Formulations

A. Arogya vardhini vati is the best for liver disorders.

B. Formulations like Bhoomyamlaki , Kaalamegha, Punarnava, and Katuki are effective in treating liver problems.

C. Liver Fit is a herbal supplement which aims at managing and preventing serious and chronic liver diseases.

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