presentation1 music magazine (4)

The making of my magazine By Billie Wilson

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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The making of my magazine

By Billie Wilson

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First of all I started by brainstorming ideas for names and fonts.By this point I decided I wanted to make a childish/teen magazine for a range of genres but mostly pop.My three main ideas were:Rising starsWhat's hot?ObsessionI thought of rising stars because the magazine would be full of new artists in the charts. What's hot, was thought of as its would show what is hot in the charts. But overall I decided on obsession because music is everyone's obsession but who your obsessed with always changes so its going to be filled with obsessions.

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So once I chose obsession I tried to find lots of different fonts. As my magazine was for teens and children I decided to make it fun with colour boxes and bubble writing.

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Once i had chosen my mast head i decided to create a house style for my magazine. I used all the normal conventions of a magazine and added my own twist of the bar down the side to put other stories on it. Until i took m y own pictures i used a picture of the internet.

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Once I took some lady gaga style pictures i added them to the house style. But for the pictures the house style looked too young so i decided to change the age range to a classy early adult magazine like cosmopolitan but for music.

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So then i tried to find a classy subtle title for my new style of magazine. I still liked the name obsession though as everybody has obsessions.

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Then after taking some more pictures with older looking models I put the mast head on the top. But I thought this didn't look like a magazine so i was back to the drawing board.

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Then I found a prefect simple yet elegant title which would attract the audience I wanted, of women who want to find out more about their favourite types of music. I then chose a picture I liked out of the many I took and started to create it. This then started to look like a magazine. I added a strap line. This summed up what my magazine was about. It gave a message to the audience as obsession didn't get across the music vibe but the strap line did!

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Then I added the cover story, of my main artist, Lilly Rose. I also put on a cell line, which included free posters which would attract my audience. Posters seem quite young so I added special edition to make it more of a feature. I also added a barcode as every magazine needs one

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But then I thought about the conventions of a music magazine and I thought that the greys purples and pinks looked more like a fashion magazine so I decided to change it to red as that is more of a conventional music colour, and a lot more striking. I thought red would stand out and get people to pick it up off the selves whereas the purple isn't very bold and it just blends in.

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This is my finished magazine front cover.

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After thoroughly looking through my magazine front cover I decided that it didn't strike me as a music magazine without reading about it, so to make it clearer to the audience I decided to add music to the mast head. I thought at first about overlapping music into the obsession mast head but that wasn't that clear and took away from the actual masthead, so in the end I settled for putting it just underneath the masthead

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Cell linesWords like exclusive and wow draw the reader in. The target audience would catch on to names they had heard of which would make them want to read it. For example the band echo. If people had heard of that then they would want to find out about their split. Another way this shows attraction to target audience is its for teenagers and young women, so best friends touring would make people excited and want to read more. Because its the genre they like they will cant to find out about concert realise dates. And if their are first ever interviews this makes this magazine totally stand out from others on the self and makes people more interested.

These are known conventions of a magazine and they are needed on every magazine. This is ways they can pay for the magazine through the bar code. It also has the date and price and issue number. The price is not as cheap as gossip magazine but for a music magazine it is a normal price so that's why its not big as its not a selling point as its not too cheap. The website allows the audience to get involved.

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The mast head is in capitals which tries to grab the readers attention straight away. It takes up the whole width of the page so isn't squished in a corner. The font is bold yet italic, with quite a classy look to it. It defiantly attracts the right audience by the look of the whole magazine.

Another selling feature is the bold FREE and the fact it says special edition posters makes it sound more classy and grown up then usual posters. Free things always are what people look for when buying a magazine so if i make these posters sound amazing with special edition in front it is more of a selling point.

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You can tell the genre is mostly pop due to the main image, the girl is wearing very up to date ‘in’ clothes that reflect pop. But also with a folk indie kind of twist with the hat, which reflect a Taylor swift type of artist. The picture is obviously staged and modelled showing she is going to be quite a big thing in the future. The photography is very striking with the red lip stick and the direct stare at the audience dragging them in . But the eye contact also makes her look friendly and approachable. The mise en scene of the costume is very fashionable but also quite plain, because she was once just an ordinary girl like the readers of this magazine. The fact she is quite young also attracts a young audience. The background is very plain but she kind of blends n with it too, this is later explained through the fact she has only just been spotted before she was nobody.

The cover story is very bold with a innocent twist to the font and name. The anchorage text is showing new ways of finding out about brand new artists. This makes the audience want to find out about never seen before things.

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These are some of my first ideas for my contents page, I tried to make it look conventional but not the same as everyone else's. At first I wanted to go for a look that wasn't just writing it was more pictures with the page number but s like 60 pages on it so I couldn't put 60 pictures on one page so then I decided to change the la out to something else but still with the red involved like from my front cover.

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Then I started to add to add page numbers to see what it would look like and asked for peoples different opinions. They said the second one looked more conventional so I started to work on it.

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I decided to work on my this contents page. The first one looked a bit squished up and I didn’t like where ‘features’ was placed. So I rearranged and spaced everything out until I was happy.

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This is my finished contents page.I used the idea of obsessions of the week in my contents page to link into my mast head. I included a subheading of features and exclusive to make it look more clearer and professional. This also makes it easier for my audience to read. I use the same color palette all the way through my magazine so everything links together. There are large numbering to attract attention and stand out for the audience. There are lots of lures in the bold writing so people get to see sneak peaks of what they are going to read.

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Obsessions of the week – this links in with the name of the magazine and gets across the message I wanted my name to get across, that you change your music obsessions every week and my magazine will show everyone's obsessions. The contents in the corner makes it clear what this page is and shows the date. There are also pictures which have the page number to where you will find this article.

This is how I lay out the page number at the bottom of my page. It shows what issue the magazine is, what its called and the page number so you know all the way through.

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In the features article it says the page number and what is on this page with a brief overview of what it is underneath. This has to grab the readers attention straight away so they turn to this page. Then once again there are pictures with the page numbers in the corner to say where you will find out more about this picture. The girl I used on my front cover I put another picture of her in my contents page with exclusive and the page number in the corners to show exactly where to find this main article. You can tell it’s the main article as it’s the biggest picture.

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This is my finished double page. On my double page spread I have used lots of pictures. All of them are medium close up shots. The main image is looking directly at you as a good focal image. I then used lots of smaller images to show her look and make the page more interesting. All the outfits and pictures link to the genre of pop/indie. The color palette contents the same red look like all the way through my magazine which makes it more conventional.

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Here are some larger pictures of my magazine. Here is a quotation I got from my interview which I thought would draw in the reader as soon as they got onto the page. The interview is in two different fonts so you know who the interviewer is and who the interviewee is which makes it clearer for the reader.

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These pictures allow you to see more of what this new artist looks and dresses like. Some of the pictures have a guitar with them to make you know more about her genre of music

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The cover story heading shows who the interview is about and the cell line above it saying attention to grab attention and summarise the article. I overlapped quite a lot on this page to make it look more professional. The house style is very conventional to a magazine article with columns and small font size.The first start of the article is called a stand first which introduces the article. There is also a drop capital at the front of the article to make it look more proffessional.

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SkylineMast head


Cover story

Cell lines

Anchorage text

Price and



Selling points

Strap lines





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mast head


Page number



Pictures and page




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Cover story


QuotesPage numbers

Colour scheme
