presentation skills lee ann kendrick, regional advocacy specialist october 2013

Presentation Skills Lee Ann Kendrick, Regional Advocacy Specialist October 2013

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Presentation Skills

Lee Ann Kendrick, Regional Advocacy SpecialistOctober 2013

Presentation Skills

• Strategies for becoming a better public speaker

• Strategies for developing stronger presentations

• Strategies for calming nerves

Who is afraid of Public Speaking?

Top 10 Global Fears

Six Strategies You Can Use

• Planning• Practice• Engaging your audience• Body Language• Thinking Positively• Calming Nerves

Planning• Structure what you want to say

– Outlines help!• Strong opening

– Attention grabbers– Humor

• Closing remarks• Planning helps you think on your feet, especially

during unpredictable Q & A• Make it your own!

Practice• Practice, practice, practice!

– In front of family– PTA meetings– Video yourself

• Things to look for– Verbal stalls– Are you smiling?– Gestures– How did you handle interruptions?

Engaging your Audience

• Ask leading questions• Encourage your audience to participate• Make eye contact• Pay attention to how you are speaking• Do Not READ to your audience• Using a podium

Body Language

Research has shown that up to 94% of communication is non-verbal.

Body Language

• Stand up straight• Refrain from crossing your arms• Standing on one foot • Avoid gestures that feel unnatural

“ The way you overcome fear and shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid” Lady Bird Johnson

Calming Nerves

• Know your audience• Know your material• Structure your presentation• Calm yourself from the inside

Know your Audience

• Ask before hand who will be your audience?• What do they already know about your topic?

– Are they experts?– Will your information be brand new?

• Is there a meeting before/after? What topics will be covered?

Tip: Greet people at the door

Know Your Material

• Read the modules! • Do your own research about the topic• The audience is looking at you as the “Expert”• Do not try to cover everything you know

about the topic– Select points that are relevant for this audience

Structure your Presentation

• Key phrases on index cards or Power point• Avoid Memorizing what you want to say• Create natural breaks within your

presentation– Ask a question– Provide an activity

Calm yourself from the inside• Practice deep breathing• Drink water• Smile• Use visualization techniques• Speak more slowly than you would in a

conversation• Move around during your presentation, this

expends nervous energy


Nerves are not your enemy and you do not have to fear public speaking!


For more information contact:Lee Ann Kendrick, Regional Advocacy Specialist

(571)[email protected]