presentation question 1


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Page 1: Presentation question 1

Question 1

Page 2: Presentation question 1

My media product is based as a music magazine, I have chosen to focus on the pop genre for my

magazine I have used a bright colour scheme in relation to other pop magazines which have an active

background, sell lines surrounding the front cover linking to the contents inside and a large scale image of

the artist as the figure is the key point in that issue.

The magazine Billboard was a key influence during the construction of my

magazine, during my research process this magazine ticked the boxes for what I

wanted to include in my magazine. The highlight of Billboard’s style is the large scale

image placed in the centre of the page making the artist noticeable to the audience

thus attracting their interest.

With similarities between the styles used, my magazine is able to stand out more

with the vibrant colour scheme in use and the position of my models. In my magazine

I have included sell lines around my main image to show the audience the extended

information located inside. My magazine relates to the pop genre as my masthead is

located behind my models making them more important also to colour scheme is consistent throughout my

magazine. The use of a medium shot in my magazine shows the body language of the models in relation

to the pull quote.

Like other magazines I have included a bar code clearly located on the front cover

stating the UK price and the international price of the magazine. The added use of a

website for my magazine helps in relation to the dominant use of technology in everyday

life by having the convenience to subscribe to my magazine the audience can receive

interviews, news, gig locations and dates all from their smart phones. With the use of

internet my magazine can appeal to a wider population of my target audience.


Page 3: Presentation question 1

Front CoverMy music magazine has a consistent colour scheme of blue, yellow and white these colours were

chosen in relation to main pop magazines which are usually bright , eye catching and has a busy layout. I

believe my magazine covers these areas as shown with the front cover

and the contents page. Sell lines are placed around my main image,

this makes my cover appear more attractive as the information shows

what my magazine can supply to my target audience (17-19 years).

The body language of my models relates to the pull quote ‘time to

talk’ one model is smiling as seen in most pop magazines while the

second model’s smile is faint this shows the two sides to my main article.

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Contents PageI have made my page busy and kept to my colour scheme, I have

also placed my magazines logo on the top right of the page. Using

bars to highlight my page numbers to make them stand out more with

the added boxes for text my page shows my magazine has a lot to

offer to the audience. With an added list to give the audience a taste of

what is found on each page.

My magazine includes a up to date list of albums which are in the

most popular in the charts this information is most popular in music

magazines. I have also included a subscribe box with a image of the

magazine with added information to how the audience can subscribe,

also I have advertised Facebook and Twitter on my pages as these

popular social network sites would appeal to a variety of audiences

(my target audience and more).

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Double PageContinuing my colour scheme my page has a

variety of fonts and the use of these fonts makes

the page attractive, I have placed my masthead

design on the page keeping with the flow of my

magazine. The images used on my double page

relate to the ‘time to talk’ quote located on my

front cover, the exclusive interview goes into

depth of the artists past, present and future. The

convocations are clearly separated this gives a

nice flow when read. The pull quotes are located

next to the images this allows them to stand out

and both correspond to the positions of the
