presentation pfizer

Second Question: What structural implication - good and bad - does this approach have?

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Second Question:What structural implication - good and bad - does this approach have?

Office of future conceptOffice where they can connect their all offices around the world with each other and where any staff of the office can communicate, share information with another staff from one office to another office around the world

Organizational design elements

Division of WorkDepartmentalizationHierarchy DevelopmentAuthority, Responsibility and DelegationCentralization Vs. DecentralizationCoordination

Division of WorkDivision of the work means divide a job into different part. In the new organization structure Pfizer also divide their work into different part and also reduces the work load of their employees by specialization.

DepartmentalizationFor different specialization Pfizer facilitated by putting specialists together in departments under the direction of a manager.

These departments are typically based on : work functions performed the product or service offeredthe target customer or clientthe geographic territory covered, or the process used to turn inputs into outputs.

DepartmentalizationIn new organizational structure Pfizer also departmentalize through different geographic area. For example: a employee of Pfizer can take any kind of information through one country employee to another country.

Hierarchy DevelopmentIn Pfizer for the new organizational structure hierarchy development is also followed. In this structure a single worker have to request to its upper level and after he or she receives the permissions. He or she can start to assign a team to complete the work. Here they also have to follow a hierarchy level from upper side to downside.

Authority, Responsibility and DelegationIn the new organizational structure of Pfizer the Authority, Responsibility and Delegation of each employees is also been decide.The authority of level is higher than the lowest level workers Responsibility is also high for the upper level and low for the lower level.

Centralization Vs. DecentralizationPfizer also choose the amount of centralization or decentralization that will allow them to best implement their decisions and achieve organizational goals. In new Organizational structure Pfizer also decentralized more rather than centralized like by using Microsoft outlook, employee can connect with another employee of the organization of different geographic place.

CoordinationCoordination is the process of integrating the activities of separate departments in order to pursue organizational goals effectively. In new organizational structure Pfizer employee can easily coordinate with each other even though they are in different place with the help of OOF (office of future) concept where they can easily coordinate their work.

Structural implication

Work specialization - Pfizer has divided its works into different parts and also reduced the work load of its employees by specialization.Departmentalization, - Pfizer departmentalizes through different geographic areaChain of command - New organizational structure hierarchy development is followed in Pfizer.

Structural implication

Span of control - As Pfizer has large span of control, so it is efficient.Centralization and decentralization - Pfizer chooses the amount of centralization or decentralization that will allow them to best implement their decisions and achieve organizational goalsFormalization - Pfizer is a less formal organization as it puts much importance on creativity

This new organizational structure brings good prospects to the Pfizer Company and it also maintain by the six organizational design elements which made a good implication.