presentation on peter drucker


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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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Presentation on Peter Drucker, the slides are collection data from internet.



Dan Schaeffer probably should read the section on the relationship between the CEO and the Board. the New Manager Development Course

“The most mature and most cogent statement on Scientific Management is still the testimony Taylor gave before the House of Representatives in 1912.” LWS - Foreman has the toughest job. Workers view him as mgmt. Mgmt views him as a worker

Output is limited by the scarcest resource Time is the limiting factor, the most scarce resource

Can always acquire more money or people But one cannot obtain more time

The Supply of Time is totally inelastic No matter how high the price, the supply cannot increase

It helps pave the way for thinking about effective management.

Lesson 1 : First know what’s right

Lesson 2 : Boundary conditions for effective decisions

Lesson 3 : Know thy time

Lesson 4 : What our business is, will be, and should be.

Lesson 5 : Develop disagreement rather than consensus

Lesson 6 : Effectiveness over universal expert.

You can’t be an expert in all things. You can

round out your knowledge and get the basics,

while still specializing in a few areas.

Lesson 7 : Focus on the customer

Lesson 8 : Manage by objectives

Lesson 9 : Planned abandonment

Lesson 10 : Productivity objectives

Lesson 11 : Innovation Objectives

Lesson 12 : Resource objectives

Lesson 13 : Social responsibility objectives

Lesson 14 : Leadership is defined by results only

Lesson 15 : Opinions over facts

Lesson 16 : Effectiveness over efficiency

Lesson 18 : Employees are assets

Lesson 19 : How much profit do you really need to make?

Lesson 20 : 5 bad entrepreneurial habits

Lesson 21 : Non-profits provide fulfillment

Lesson 22 : Learning is a lifelong process

Lesson 23 : No plan means no commitment

Lesson 24 : Of those things, which are right for me?

Lesson 25 : Service to others

Peter Drucker has added significance to the lives of many people over the

span of decades and for that we are grateful. The world has lost a great

man, but I suspect that Heaven will become a more efficient place as a result!