presentation on lighting

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  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting




    A colorwheel or color

    circle is an abstractillustrativeorganization of color hues around a circlethat showsrelationships betweenprimary colors,

    secondary colors,tertiar colors etc.

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


    PRIAR! C"#"$R%In theory, the Primary Colors are the root of every

    other hue  imaginable. &he primary pigments used inthe manufacture of paint come from the pure sourceelement of that 'ue. &here are no other pigmentsblended in to alter the formula.

     &hin( of the three Primaries as the Parents  in the

    family of colors.

    Colour wheel

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


    %econdary colours  +hen youcombine any two of thePure Primary Hues, youget three new mi*turescalled %econdary Colors.

     &hin( of thethree Secondaries as theChildren in the family ofcolors.

     Yellow Red - ORAN!Red  Blue - "#O$!% orP&RP$!Blue  Yellow - R!!N

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


     &eritory colours  +hen you mi*a Primary and its nearest

    Secondaryon the asicColor +heel you createsi'new mi'tures called

     &ertiary colors.

     &hin( of the si* %ertiaryColors as therandchildrenin the familyof colors, since their geneticma(eup combines a Primary

    and %econdary color. Yellow  Oran(e - Y!$$O)*ORAN!Red  Oran(e - R!+*

    ORAN!Red  "iolet - R!+*

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting



    /atural lighting0

    1aylighting is the practice ofplacing windows or otheropenings and re2ectivesurfaces so that during the

    day natural li(ht providese3ective internal li(htin(.Particular attention is givento daylighting whiledesigning a building when

    the aim is to ma*imize visualcomfort or to reduce energyuse

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


    -* #ncandescent lam./ $ntil recently the most commonelectric light source was theincandescent lamp. &his is still

    widely used, although itsrelatively low energy e@ciency isleading to its replacement byother more e@cient lamps suchas the C:#.

     &he connection to a light 4ttingis either by screw thread orbayonet.

    A large variety of shapes, sizes

    and power is available, as well asdi3erent colour ranges. &ypicallamps for household use rangefrom about ; to 7 +, giving alight output of ;8 to 79Blm atthe typical lamp e@ciency of

    about 78.

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    0* Com.act 1uorescent lam./ &he compact 2uorescent lamp >C:#? was designed as a moree@cient replacement for incandescent lamp. It is supplied with the

    same 4*ing system >screw or bayonet?, and can be used in manylight 4ttings designed for incandescent lamps.

    Power ratings of C:#s that can provide appro*imately the e5uivalentlight output to incandescent lamps are shown in the table below,together with their e@cacy ratings.

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    2* 3luorescent tu4e/ :luorescent tubes are the main form of lighting for o@ces and commercialbuildings.

     &hey are a form of gas discharge lamp, and are formed in a long thin glasscylinder with contacts at either end that secure them to the 4tting >orluminaire? and provide the electrical connection.

     &he tube contains mercury vapour at low pressure, and the inner wall ofthe glass is coated with a phosphor that reacts to ultraDviolet radiation.+hen electricity is passed through the vapour it emits $E radiation that isconverted by the phosphor to visible light.

     &he most e@cient 2uorescent tubes are the &

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    5* +ischar(e lam.s/1ischarge lamps wor( bystri(ing an electrical arcbetween two electrodes, causing

    a 4ller gas to give o3 light.

    1i3erent metals and 4llergasses can be used to provide arange of colour and brightness.

    1ischarge lamps provide highluminous e@cacy combined withlong life, resulting in the mosteconomical light sourceavailable

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    6* $i(ht !mittin( +iode7$!+8/#=1s use semiDconductors toconvert electrical energydirectly into light. &hey are onlyrecently becoming available asa light source for lightingpurposes, and are highlye@cient and long lasting.

    #=1 torches are becoming verypopular, as they provide a farlonger battery life than othertypes of light source.

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    +irect $i(htin(/  #ighting provided from a source withoutre2ection from other surfaces. In daylighting,this means that the light has travelled on a

    straight path from the s(y >or the sun? to thepoint of interest. In electrical lighting it usuallydescribes an installation of ceiling mounted orsuspended luminaires with mostly downwardlight distribution characteristics.Advantages0Eery energy e3ective lighting.Plastic display of three dimensional obGects, eg.sculptures.+ell suited for zonal or accent lighting.Can create a vivid environment with attractivelight and shadow patterns eg. on wall surfaces.1isadvantages0 &he ceiling is relatively dar(, which can cause aHcave li(eH environment.#uminaires with wide opening angle that arebadly positioned can cause re2ected glare on

    computer screens, dar( He*ecutive styleH des(surfaces or glossy paper.

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    #ndirect $i(htin(/ #ighting provided by re2ection usually from wall or celiling surfaces. Indaylighting, this means that the light coming from the s(y or the sun isre2ected on a surface of high re2ectivity li(e a wall, a window sill or aspecial redirecting device. In electrical lighting the luminaires are

    suspended from the ceiling or wall mounted and distribute light mainlyupwards so it gets re2ected o3 the ceiling or the walls.Advantages0Creates a soft, undisturbing environment suitable for concentrated wor(or viewing paintings or drawings.Re2ective glare on computer monitors can be controlled more easily.

    1isplays human faces advantageously for social gatherings.Can be installed without disturbing the ceiling surface >eg. in historicalbuildings or a painted ceiling?.1isadvantages0It can be disturbing if the ceiling is the brightest surface in a room.a(es it di@cult to recognise details on three dimensional obGects.

     &here is very little contrast in the room which can be boring./ot ver ener e3ective.

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    1I::$%=1 #I'&I/ D #ight that is scattered and spread out as opposed to specular light. +i9used li(ht is softer than direct light, with shadows that are lesssharplyDde4ned >lower contrast?. #ight that has been softened by cloud

    cover or any other translucent element. +i9used li(ht comes from alight source that is so large relative to the subGect that it illuminates fromseveral directions. "n a hazy or overcast day, illuminationcomes from theentire dome of the s(y, not from the brighter, but smaller, sun. 1i3usedlight that which is not harsh and direct, it has been softened in some way.A great e*ample is when you are outside and the sun is shining, with no

    clouds in the s(y. &he light is harsh and you will notice that there will be alot shadows falling on or around your subGect. ut,if  clouds are in the s(y

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    %emiDindirect lighting0#ighting from luminaires that direct BJ to KJ of their emitted light upward and the balance downward. &he images in this section showe*amples of semiDindirect lighting in an interior space

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    -* of $i(ht 'tures accordin( to li(ht function/ &here are 4ve basic types of light 4*tures according to the function or aimof using it as follows0

    Ambient >general lighting?. &as(.Accent.Informational lightingFuidance #ighting.1ecorative lighting.

     A* Am4ient li(htin(/  Ambient lighting provides an area with overall illumination. Also (nownas general lighting, it radiates a comfortable level of brightness withoutglare and allows you to see and wal( about safely. Ambient lighting isoften provided by traditional pendant type 4*tures, down lights,chandeliers, or ceiling mounted 4*tures etc. &he general decor and

    aspect of the room will a3ect the amount of general lighting re5uired.'aving a central source of ambient light in all rooms is fundamental to a

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  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


    C* Accent li(htin( /Accent lighting is also a sort ofa directional lighting that addsdrama to a place by creating

    visual interest. As part of aninterior design scheme, it isused to draw the eye tohouseplants, paintings,sculptures and other prized

    possessions. It can also beused to highlight the te*tureof a bric( or stone wall,window treatments or outdoorlandscaping.

     &o be e3ective, accent lightingre5uires as least three timesas much light on the focalpoint as the general lightingsurrounding it.

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    +* #nformational li(htin(7uidance $i(htin(8 /It is designed to help us seeour way safely. &he light in

    your closet, the light byyour doorbell, and nightlights, as well as pathlighting and motion lights,are all good e*amples of

    informational lighting. &hephoto to the right is atypical night light with aphotosensor. Informationallighting can be beautiful aswell as functional, and cancreate dramatic statements.#ights inset on stairs cancreate pathways thatenhance architecture, whileoutdoor informational

    lighting can create

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    !* +ecorative li(htin( /#ight strips, pendants, chandeliers, and sconces are alle*amples of light 4*tures that draw attention to themselvesand add character to the place being lighted. any are also

    used for general lighting.

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    #ndoor li(htin(:orms of lighting include alcove lighting, which li(e most otheruplighting is indirect. &his is often done with 2uorescent lighting

     >4rst available at the 7K9K +orld6s :air? or rope light,occasionally with neon lighting, and recently with#=1 strip lighting. It is a form of bac(lighting.

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    So;t/%o@t or close to wall lighting can be general or a decorative wallDwash,sometimes used to bring out te*ture >li(e stucco or plaster? on a wall,though this may also show its defects as well. &he e3ect depends heavilyon the e*act type of lighting source used.

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    Recessed lighting >often called Hpot lightsH in Canada, Hcan lightsH or 6highhatsH in the $%? is popular, with 4*tures mounted into the ceilingstructure so as to appear 2ush with it. &hese downlights can use narrowbeam spotlights, or widerDangle 2oodlights, both of which are bulbshaving their own re2ectors. &here are also downlights with internalre2ectors designed to accept common 6A6 lamps >light bulbs? which aregenerally less costly than re2ector lamps. 1ownlights can beincandescent, 2uorescent, 'I1 >high intensity discharge? or #=1.

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     &rac( lighting, invented by #ightolier,MNO was popular at one period of timebecause it was much easier to install than recessed lighting, andindividual 4*tures are decorative and can be easily aimed at a wall. It hasregained some popularity recently in lowDvoltage trac(s, which often loo(

    nothing li(e their predecessors because they do not have the safetyissues that lineDvoltage systems have, and are therefore less bul(y andmore ornamental in themselves. A master transformer feeds all of the4*tures on the trac( or rod with 78 or 8; volts, instead of each light4*ture having its own lineDtoDlow voltage transformer. &here aretraditional spots and 2oods, as well as other small hanging 4*tures. Amodi4ed version of this is cable lighting, where lights are hung from or

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    A sconce is a wallDmounted 4*ture, particularly one that shines up andsometimes down as well. A torchiere is an uplight intended for ambient

    lighting. It is typically a 2oor lamp but may be wallDmounted li(e asconce

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      &he portable or table lamp isprobably the most common 4*ture,found in many homes and o@ces. &he

    standard lamp and shade that sits ona table is general lighting, while thedes( lamp is considered tas(lighting. agni4er lamps are also tas(lighting.

      &he illuminated ceiling was once popular in the 7KBs and7KNs but fell out of favor after the7Ks. &his uses di3user panels hungli(e asuspended ceiling below

    2uorescent lights, and is consideredgeneral lighting. "ther forms includeneon, which is not usually intended toilluminate anything else, but toactually be an artwor( in itself. &hiswould probably fall under accent

    lighting, though in a dar( nightclub it

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    valance lighting0#ighting from sources that are concealed and shielded by

    a board or panel at the wallDceiling intersection. &hislighting may be directed either upward or downward.

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    cornice lighting0  Accent lighting that is positionedhigh on a wall behinda shield and

    distributes light alongthe wall.

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    Ceiling 4*tures0:lush mounts are ceilin( li(hts thatattach to theceilin( with little to nogap between the light'ture andthe ceilin(. %emiD2ush are ceilin(li(hts that attach to the ceilin( witha stem or part that creates a gap

    between the ceilin( and the light.


    Ceiling 1ome Also called the light source>s? are hidden behind atranslucent dome typically made of glass, with some combination offrosting and surface te*turing to di3use the light. &hese can be 2ushmount 4*tures which are mounted right up against the ceiling, or semiD

    2ush 4*tures which are separated by a small distance >usually about 9D78H?."pen ceiling dome the translucent dome is suspended a shortdistance below the ceiling by a mechanism that is hidden with thee*ception of a screwD(nob or other device appearing on the outerdome face, and pulling this (nob releases the dome=nclosed ceiling dome &he translucent dome mates with a ring that is

    mounted 2ush with the ceiling

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    A chandelier FSTUn.dVlWXVrF is a decorative ceilingDmounted light 4*ture.M7O

     Chandeliers are often ornate, and normally uselamps. Crystal chandeliershave more or less comple* arrays of crystal prisms to illuminate a roomwith refracted light. Chandeliers are often located in hallways, living room

    and recently in bathrooms.

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    +all 4*tures

      +hile they can contribute to a general lighting plan,wall 4*tures usually serve as accent or tas( lighting. +all 4*tures that

    employ e*posed or partially e*posed light bulbs are well suited for useas tas( lights such as along a bathroom mirror. &hey can be used forgeneral lighting as well, but if used without any ceiling lighting, thee3ect ma(es the ceiling seem lower.As they)re often seen at eye level, wall 4*tures have a strong in2uenceon the decor and mood of the room. any &homas #ighting wall

    4*tures are part of a complete collection, so you can match them withyour ceiling 4*ture of chandelier.Install wall lights where they will not be in danger of being hit bynormal tra@c in the home.

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    #ighting in hotels

    As owners and operators of business and statementDclass hotels, dining

    establishments, and resort facilities, you need to create sustainable andengaging branded enviroments that support comfort and personalizede*periences. #ighting really does ma(e or brea( the traveller)s hotele*perience, something which is illustrated by recent e*tensive researchconducted by "sram suggesting that of 7, recent hotel reviews in#ondon most guests complained about the dim, bad and sparse lighting

    in their rooms.

    -< Aesthetics &he 4rst thing to consider is the aesthetic of the product, does it loo( thepart and 4t in with the overall design conceptY Interior designers are

    pushing the boundaries more than ever before, always loo(ing to createuni5ue interior schemes for hotels that o3er something di3erent andinevitably lighting is an essential part of that. It)s often as(ed whethertable or 2oor lamps can ma(e a di3erence in a guestroom or are theysurplus to re5uirement. +ell they most certainly can by adding ambientlighting and creating atmosphere in what has become an increasingly

    multifunctional space.

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    5< !;ciencylending cutting edge style with the latest technological developments isbecoming more important than ever but we constantly need to as(ourselves whether we can ma(e the lighting e*perience better for the

    hotelier by saving money on running and maintenance costs. #=1s arenow an essential light source in many hospitality spaces as sustainabilitymoves to the forefront of the minds of developers and designers. +hilstthey don)t answer every possible lighting re5uirement, the option of #=1shas o3ered increased design possibilities when integrating thistechnology into our 4ttings for future energy saving

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    'otel lighting was once a Hmust haveH basic function,

    but now lighting provides more than illumination D it complements furniture,architecture, and artwor(L it saves energyL and it provides the 4nishingtouch that brings a room to life.+ith great lighting, even an ordinary room can loo( fabulous and can havea strong impact on ma(ing guests feel welcome. &here are three basic types of hotel lighting0 >7? tas(, >8? ambient, and >9?accent. &as( lighting is used for areas where wor( ta(es place D such as reading,computing, or serving of food. It6s achieved with 4*tures that focus bright,direct light onto the wor( surface.Ambient lighting is often called the Hgeneral light in the roomH which

    provides a soft, comfortable level of light for watching television or having aconversation.

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    Another way to thin( of lighting in the typical room is as three HlayersH Dwith tas( lighting and table lamps at eye heightL with chandeliers orceiling 4*tures as providing ambient lightL and with ceiling cans, trac(lights or pinpoint spotlights being decorative focal lights.

     &o successfully achieve these types of lighting re5uires part art, partscience. &he art is in creating the right ambiance, while the science is inselecting the right mi* of lighting products D some decorative, somefunctional D from options that include chandeliers, pendants, ceiling mount

    4*tures, and sconces plus wall, des(, 2oor, and table lamps.Remember that selecting the right products also means being aware oflocal electrical and energy codes, as well as re5uirements of theAmericans with 1isabilities Act >A1A?.Public space provides the greatest lighting challenges because of the largeopen spaces and because lobbies today are used for many purposes D for

    eating, for computer wor(, for watching television, or for socializing withfriends and fellow travelers.

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    'owever, guests chec( into a hotel to rest and refresh, which are activitiesthat are centered in the guest room, so lighting the guest room shouldremain an important focus for hoteliers.In fact, the two most common lighting complaints from guests are poorvanity lighting in the bathroom and poor reading light. &o avoid these and

    other complaints, the typical guest room should feature seven types oflighting07? general ambient lighting for the room and bath, which sets theatmosphere plus provides proper lighting for safety and cleaning8? tas( lighting for reading in bed and wor(ing at the des(, preferably witha dimming feature

    9? mirror lighting D perhaps even as part of a personal mirror D thatprovides su@cient face light in the bath or dressing area

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  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting



     &he 2oor is often called Hthe 4fthwallH D in other words an area that

    shouldn6t be ignored and shouldreceive as much attention as thetraditional four walls of a room. &reatment options are almost limitlessand include hardwood, laminate,carpet, ceramic and porcelain tile,

    vinyl, area rugs, granite, marble, andeven decorative concrete. &heseoptions vary signi4cantly in loo(,cost, and maintenance D so givecareful consideration to your choicesaccordingly. !ou can gain both aesthetic appealand functional durability with tile,marble, or granite. A variation is touse tile, marble, or granite as adecorative HfringeH that leads in to

    carpeted area. Carpet can bespeciallyDwoven to feature a pattern

    &h i i i

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     &here is a common e*pression inhospitality that carpet doesn6t wearout, it uglies out. 'owever, newcomputerized manufacturingtechnology e*tends the design life of

    hotel carpeting and has changed therules for selecting that carpeting.%peci4cally, today6s dyeDinGectionprocedures are vastly superior to thescreen printing processes of the pastbecause they ma(e possible bigger,crisper patterns with brighter colorsand better color matching. And froman economic standpoint, turnaroundtimes are 5uic(L installation times Dand therefore installation costs D are

    lowerL and product life and durabilityare longer.At a time when every hotel is tryingto ma(e a Hsignature statement,H it6shard to do with a standard carpetpattern that can be seen in many

    other properties. Customizationmeans di3erentiation D and modern

    : l tt f

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    :or e*ample, patterns frombedspreads, draperies, or wallpapercan now be scanned into thecomputer and produced as matchingor complimentary carpet. And while

    patterns used to repeat every threefeet, new carpet manufacturinge5uipment permits patterns to e*tendfor up to 7 feet before there is arepeat."f course, once you6ve createdbeautiful custom carpet, it6s vital tomaintain the loo( and e*tend the lifeof that carpet with propermaintenance. Carpet care falls intothree categories0

    7? preventative,8? routine, and9? periodic.

    Preventative maintenance attempts

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    Preventative maintenance attemptsto catch dirt before it gets on thecarpet, for e*ample, with wal(Do3mats placed strategically atentrances and high tra@c areas.

    Routine maintenance includes dailyvacuuming and occasional spotcleaning.Periodic maintenance involves deepcleaning with a hotDwater or drye*traction procedure every fewmonths, depending on tra@c patternsand usage.#ighting and carpeting D they are twoareas of furnishing a hotel that can beeasily overloo(ed, shortDchanged or

    ignored, but they6re ones that clearlycontribute in a big way to creating animpact and to enhancing a hotele*perience.

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    And in the process, lightingand carpeting alsocontribute to such factorsas site di3erentiation andimproved guest satisfactionscores D factors whichenable a hotel to chargehigher room rates andachieve better 4nancialperformance in return on

    investment >R"I? andaverage daily rate >A1R?.

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation on Lighting


    1.#aminate :looringCommonly (nown as a [cheap version of wood\ laminate is truly a

    wor(horse. As a very durable material, this substance rarely fades, isresistant to stains and is pretty easy to install. +hile laminate 2ooring has its ups, it doesn)t generally ma(e your homeworth more from a buyer)s perspective. If it should discolor, it)s notpossible to rehabilitate or re4nish the material. Another downside is it isvery susceptible to damage from standing wate

     &ypes of 2oorings

    2.'ardwood :looringIf you have hardwood 2oors, you already (now its value. It is one ofthose home improvements that will actually be a selling point if you areabout to put your house on the mar(et. &his type of 2ooring, even if it)sold and worn has another positive ] you can re4nish it. $sing hardwood in a business environment has mi*ed blessings. +hile itgives o3 an inviting loo(, since it)s sensitive to warping from too muchmoisture, it may become a problem. 'ardwood 2ooring is not too eyeDfriendly when it comes to dings and dents.

    'ardwood 2ooring gives value, but it also ta(es it away at the verybeginning of its lifeDcycle. In other words, it)s one of themoreDe*pensive options to cover your 2oor.

    3 %tone :looring

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    3.%tone :looring%trong, thic( stone used in covering a 2oor is a choice for the ages. Andsince it)s nearly indestructible, it)s there for the long run. &he history of stone 2oors gives them a classic appearance, but isincreasingly thought of as having a contemporary side, too. #i(e

    hardwood, stone 2oors can add value to your e*isting home. %ealed,4nished stone is also water and moisture resistant. %tone 2ooring, though, doesn)t come cheap. And along with the cost, itretains the cold. It can also become slippery when wet. It)s alsosomewhat hard to install. :actor in maintenance. /ot only will it re5uireregular cleaning, it can chip, causing the owner to have to ta(e drasticsteps to bring the 2oor up to speed.

    4. &ile :looring1o you have a highDtra@c area in your houseY &iles can be a greatsolution. A bene4t over stones are that tiles can be fairly easy to replace.ut byDandDlarge, this type of 2ooring is e*tremely durable. &iles were

    meant for wet places. &iles, nonetheless, are not indestructible. Chipping and crac(ing arecommon when heavy obGects are dropped on them, or something thatweighs a lot shatters an individual tile. &hese are very noisy 2oors thatcan become slippery when 2uids are spilled on them.

    5 Carpet :looring

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    5.Carpet :looring &he handsDdown softest of all theoptions is carpet. eing a verypopular choice, carpet 2ooring can bean economical way to cover a room

    or entire house. /ot to say that it)scheap, there are e*pensive materialsthat can be Gust as costly ashardwood or stone. &he patterns,colors, te*tures and designs ma(ecarpet the perfect addition as it canget along with interior. "ccasionally, some carpets are notmade for the longDhaul. +ear andtear could be a dis5uali4er. 'owever,with modular carpet tiles, this issuemight be onDtheDway to being solved.In a worn spot, using the modularmethod, it)s relatively easy to popDoutthe bad piece, replacing it with a newtile.+hatever your choice, you can