presentation on japanese american history

assimilating places japanese immigrants & american urban planning Ayanna yonemura, ph.d. Monday, November 17, 14

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  1. 1. assimilating places japanese immigrants & american urban planning Ayanna yonemura, ph.d. Monday, November 17, 14
  2. 2. lecture synopsis The then-emerging eld of urban planning impacted the United States governments World War Two-era policies on Japanese Americans as the policy of resettling Japanese Americans out of government camps was an attempt to use cities to assimilate Japanese Americans to Euro-American norms. Monday, November 17, 14
  3. 3. lecture overview Introduction & Pre-WWII History WWII, Forced Removal & Incarceration Dillon S. Myer & Resettlement Policy Conclusion Monday, November 17, 14
  4. 4. introduction & pre-wwii history Background of U.S. & Idea of White Superiority Oppression of Indigenous Population & Slavocracy Cheap Labor Anti-Immigration Laws & Assimilation Theories Monday, November 17, 14
  5. 5. asians in the us, pre-wwii (Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a different shore.) Monday, November 17, 14
  6. 6. pre-wwii racism (hayden, dolores. the power of place.) Monday, November 17, 14
  7. 7. anti-japanese racism (hayden, dolores. the power of place.) Monday, November 17, 14
  8. 8. wwii, forced removal & incarceration timeline Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Dec. 7, 1941 US govt imprisoned 2000 Japanese immigrant men Week of Dec. 7, 1941 Pres. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066 re. military areas Feb. 1942 Executive Order est.s War Relocation Authority March 1942 Monday, November 17, 14
  9. 9. camp locations Monday, November 17, 14
  10. 10. typical war relocation authority camp Monday, November 17, 14
  11. 11. dillon s.myer & the resettlement policy Myer as a Pre-Planner, the New Deal & Tugwell The Idea of Euro-American Cultural Supremacy Environmental Determinism & the Chicago School of Sociology Implementing Resettlement Monday, November 17, 14
  12. 12. dillon s. myer war relocation authority director Monday, November 17, 14
  13. 13. resettlement demographics (dorothy swayne thomas, the salvage.) Monday, November 17, 14
  14. 14. temporary leave application Monday, November 17, 14
  15. 15. resettlement timeline Text Loyalty Questionnaires Feb 1943 Myer attends Race Relations Conference, University of Chicago Early 1943 Resettlement Implemented for 36,000 March 1943-Dec 1944 War Relocation Authority terminated June 1946 Monday, November 17, 14
  16. 16. war relocation authority leave permit, 1944 Monday, November 17, 14
  17. 17. resettlments legacy Japanese American Demographics The Ideas of Place, Environmental Determinism & Assimilation Native Americans, African Americans, Vietnamese, poor people, immigrants Monday, November 17, 14
  18. 18. japanese americans, 2000 census Monday, November 17, 14
  19. 19. 1940 90% 1947 55% 1950 60% 1960 70% 2000 80% 2010 71% % of Japanese Americans on the West Coast (out of those on the mainland U.S.) Monday, November 17, 14
  20. 20. 2010 top japanese american Urban areas (U.S. Census. The Asian Population in the United States: Results from the 2010 Census, pg. 19, May 2012.) Honolulu, Hawaii Greater Los Angeles, California San Francisco Bay Area, California Greater San Jose Area, California Los Vegas, Nevada Monday, November 17, 14
  21. 21. conclusion Emerging urban planning impacted resettlement policy Place & assimilation became intertwined in public policy Ideas of cultural superiority remain Monday, November 17, 14