presentation - joseph massad, islam in liberalism

Anas Mahafzah Arabic 288 – Prof. Gana Psychoanalysis and the Challenge of Repressing Islam – or, why a psychoanalytic session with Joseph Massad might be traumatic (yet revealing) if you’re a Europeanized Arab/Muslim intellectual The Construction of the Liberal Identity o Islam, as I will show, resides inside liberalism, defining its iden tity and its very claims of difference. It is an internal con stituent of liberalism, not merely an external other (1) o though the ruse of ex ternalizing them as outsiders intends to hide the operation of projecting them as an outside so that liberalism’s inside can be defined as their opposite, as their superior. (1) o unless one is a barbarian, a despot, an irrational psychopath, a neurotic, a totalitarian, an intolerant brute, a misogynist, a homophobe, in short, a Muslim, the answer must be the latter. (2) o As Talal Asad put it, the liberal mission is to have the Islamic tradition “remade in the image of liberal Protestant Christianity.”6 (3) o The multiplication of referents (4) See page 5 o Translation: Contexts of power (7); ‘untranslatable words’ (8-9) o What I seek to understand in this book is the intellectual and political histories within which Islam operated as a category of Western liberal ism, indeed, how the anxieties about what this Europe constituted and constitutes— despotism, intolerance, misogyny, homophobia—were pro jected onto Islam and that only through this projection could Europe emerge as democratic, tolerant, philogynist, and homophilic, in short Islam-free. (12) o Orientalism included Semitism initially… it broke off when Semitism became Zionism. In this way, Muslims needed to be expelled not only ‘psychologically’ but ‘physically.’ Who Wants to Psychoanalyze Islam? Anybody? Helloooo? o Islamists for Psychoanalysis Inc. (306-307)

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Anas MahafzahArabic 288 Prof. GanaPsychoanalysis and the Challenge of Repressing Islam or, why a psychoanalytic session with Joseph Massad might be traumatic (yet revealing) if youre a Europeanized Arab/Muslim intellectual The Construction of the Liberal Identity Islam, as I will show, resides inside liberalism, defining its iden tity and its very claims of difference. It is an internal con stituent of liberalism, not merely an external other (1) though the ruse of ex ternalizing them as outsiders intends to hide the operation of projecting them as an outside so that liberalisms inside can be defined as their opposite, as their superior. (1) unless one is a barbarian, a despot, an irrational psychopath, a neurotic, a totalitarian, an intolerant brute, a misogynist, a homophobe, in short, a Muslim, the answer must be the latter. (2) As Talal Asad put it, the liberal mission is to have the Islamic tradition remade in the image of liberal Protestant Christianity.6 (3) The multiplication of referents (4) See page 5 Translation: Contexts of power (7); untranslatable words (8-9) What I seek to understand in this book is the intellectual and political histories within which Islam operated as a category of Western liberal ism, indeed, how the anxieties about what this Europe constituted and constitutesdespotism, intolerance, misogyny, homophobiawere pro jected onto Islam and that only through this projection could Europe emerge as democratic, tolerant, philogynist, and homophilic, in short Islam-free. (12) Orientalism included Semitism initially it broke off when Semitism became Zionism. In this way, Muslims needed to be expelled not only psychologically but physically.

Who Wants to Psychoanalyze Islam? Anybody? Helloooo? Islamists for Psychoanalysis Inc. (306-307) European (lack of) interest Freud: I dont know dudeits probably just a repetition of Judaism. (275) Islam is an empty space in the theory of psychoanalysis. (276) Arab intellectuals Treated it seriously.with a glossary to boot (277) French Arab intellectuals (beginning in the 80s) Moustapha Safouan (Egyptian), Fethi Benslama (Tunisian), Adnan Houbballah (Lebanese), Abdelkbir Khatibi (Moroccan), Jurji Tarabishi (Syrian). Islam as (Reified) Analysand Multiple Islams Multiples of What? (281-282) Slipping from Islams to Islamism (Islam?) Islamism (Islam?) as neurosis (278-279) Problems of Construction (280-281) Islam was born from the stranger at the origins of monotheism, and this stranger remained a stranger in Islam. (281) [Which Islam?!] While Benslama explains at the outset that the many Islams he posits are diverse, various, and sometimes unconnected, even though they may all hide behind the singular name Islam,37 he soon abandons this multiplicity in favor of a singular Islam whose signifieds and referents remain multiple but unspecified even as they are presented consciously and ideologically as singular. (285) This is indeed a culture of individuality, but one that is essentially governed by an identification with God. (288) 302: What is an individual? Benslama ambivalently posits this singular Islam, as the other (or the Other?) of liberalism. How? Contemporary Islamism; fear and wish Houbballah Individual is eclipsed by al-raiiya the caliph rules by divine order. Thats why democracy has failed to take hold. European concepts! (the kings subject) Once again, religion is not separated from science/authority Dont seem to be aware of internal debates about the compatibility of Islam and science (i.e. the Afghani-Renan debate). In turath: `ada vs. shar Safouan and language: inherited Orientalist tropes (283-284) The Problem of Definition (282) Abandon or Deliverance Is Islam submission (khudhu)? Balibar: Why is it that the very name which allows modern philosophy to think and designate the originary freedom of the human beingthe name of subjectis precisely the name which historically meant suppression of freedom, or at least an intrinsic limitation of freedom, i.e. subjection? Translation as a Gateway to the Unconscious he wants to insist that translation in this case gives access to the unconscious of the tradition ( son insu). While this may be so, it does not do away with his initial concern. Translation in this case is not annexation but assimilation , in that Benslamas Freudian deconstruction, whether it uncovers an Islam that is individualist or anti-individualist, can only do so in relation to a modern liberal European value that Benslama posits as universal, namely, individualism. The Bifurcation of Languages into Formal, Elite and Informal Language of the Masses Modern Standard and Classical Arabic: Borrowing Misnomers from the Orientalist Why isnt this a problem for Latin? What does this have to do with psychoanalysis? Yes, Islam Blows But wait, theres another Islam! Declaration dinsoumission A Declaration of anti-Islam! Benslama is very critical of those Western psychoanalytical pronouncements on Islam and Muslim cultures that represent it as the obliterating of the individual, and which see the Western achievement that gave birth to the individual as the ultimate achievement of civilization tout court . (287-288) The reference to multiple Islams might be said to be an ideological position (the position of political correctness?) and/or an expression of a wish , while the references to one singular Islam in the many slips seem to betray what Benslama actually fears to be the case. While Benslama cautions us (and perhaps himself) to use a new vocabulary and to adjust to a new epistemology wherein we (he) must hear Islams when we say Islam, it would seem that he often remains deaf to his own warning. My Islam is the Right one Unless youre crazy It is possible here that Benslama is engaged in deploying this Islamic individualism as a way of passing his Islam off as European, and that this passing off is indeed a form of resistance to Orientalist liberal accounts of Islam as lacking in individualism, while simultaneously condemnatory of Islamist resistance to this passing off, which he brands as pathological or as suffering from some form of group delirium ( dlire collectif) But heres the catch: Benslamas use of these taxonomies of rationalism and irrationalism, science and faith, knowledge and ignorance, is in fact shared by many Islamist thinkers. Wheres the Psychoanalysis?* Benslama: It is in the context of discussing contem porary Islamisms, however, that Benslamas book shows less engage ment with psychoanalytic thought and concepts and moves to liberal critiques concerned with the individual, freedom of thought, tolerance, and the separation of the theological from the political. (281) Safouan: Arabs were open to foreign science until they lost poweror maybe it was the Turks who destroyed science actually, its the fact that the Muslims unlike the West refuse to separate religion from science. The church in Islam = the state (orientalist tropes) Homayounpour: Traditional cultures (i.e. Muslim?) settle for castration to avoid being killed Shiism created by Iranians to assert independence against Arabs (didnt happen until centuries later) Muslims as the primitive modern: Taking responsibility for our neuroses

Im Not CrazyYoure Crazy What is not thought in these propositions, though, is the possibility that the return of the repressed is a feature of these thinkers own anxiety and not only, or necessarily, that of other Muslims or Islamists. (279) This return reopens the scene of the trauma, for these thinkers, of the persistence of Islam as not only religion in the life of Arabs and Muslims; and this causes some of our psychoanalytic thinkers embarrassment and shame before their European counterparts and, more importantly, before their Europeanized selves. (279) 310: Liberalism as universal neurosis Benslama: Repressing Salamah 308

Questions: 1. Isnt Massad (and Asad, and others) making the reverse mistake of the liberal who defines his identity in terms of anti-Islam? If Islam is at the heart of liberalism, as Massad puts it, and if Massad is correct in suggesting that Islamists today define Islam (much as liberals do) as the other of Liberalism, then is liberalism really doing violence to Islam by constructing an Islam in its own image? If assimilating into liberalism comes at a cost of abandoning tradition, then isnt this an implicit acknowledgment that Islamic tradition does, in fact, stand in contradistinction to liberalism?2. Given, as Massad has masterfully demonstrated, that psychoanalyses of Islam reveal more about the psychoanalysts than about Islam, isnt it high time that we question (again) whether or not psychoanalysis has any potential of working outside a European/Europeanized context? 3. Is it possible for a Muslim to seek reform without being Europeanized?