presentation for posters

Be Creative Poster Campaign Thursday, 13 December 2012

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Page 1: Presentation for posters

Be Creative Poster Campaign

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 2: Presentation for posters

Brief• For the task for this unit is to create a three posters that promote young

people to respect the film and Television industry in the UK for this I will need to need to do some research into what i need to and also look up other pieces of work to draw more inspiration from before I can begin planning my project after reading the brief i made a list of what I need to do. These are some of the requirements that I will need to do for the project

• looking at a teenage audience 

• Brainstorm ideas

• Look up the client

• Research copyright

• Peer evaluation


Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 3: Presentation for posters

Film and TV support• Before I could start to look into ideas for the Brief I needed to know the

way That Film and TV could be supported

• - Buy DVD's

- Go and watch the film in a cinema

- Watching the program or film on the television

- Become a fan on their facebook or twitter pages

- Buy the posters of the film to show support

- Watch the trailer on youtube 

- Download a official trailer onto your phone to watch exclusive content 

- Follow their website for updates

- Download films from websites such as Netflix or Now Tv  

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 4: Presentation for posters

Identify the purpose of the research

• I need to understand my target audience. what gets them interested to go and see a film?, what type of films/TV shows seems to be popular?, do people try and help with British Production? I need to gain an understanding into What my target audience like and why does it seem so appealing to them?

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 5: Presentation for posters

Design the research

• To gain an understanding into my target audience I need to know what makes them interested and if more mainstream British films seem to be more popular than a low budget film or TV program do this I need to get some Quantitative research into the target audience. below are the questions that I thought will help me gain an understanding into my target audience

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 6: Presentation for posters

Questionnaires• 1.  What is your gender -  Male              -  Female

 2. Which of the following is the definition of British cinema

 - Harry Potter - Shaun of the Dead - Trainspotting -  This is England

 3.How often do you go and watch a British film at the cinema

 - Once a week - Twice a week -Three or more a week -Once a month - Not often

4. Have you ever gone to see a film or watch a program after seeing it on a poster (if Yes state the names of the programs/films that you have gone out to see)

5. Have you ever helped a British film by either liking it on Facebook or Twitter or even helped on set or even a small scale project which has been shown list any that you have done

6.  are you aware of the copyright law and the consequences that you can face if caught. -Yes                                    -No

7. Have you ever illegally downloaded a film or television program online.

 -Yes                                    -No 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 7: Presentation for posters

Data Collection• With the questionnaires completed I collected the results and then created

bar and pie charts to show the results of the questionnaires.

Gender? Which film do you think is the definition of british cinema?

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 8: Presentation for posters

How often do you go to the cinema?Have you ever gone to see a film at a cinema after seeing the poster of the film?

Have you ever supported a film before i.e liking it facebook before it came out or even helped support a independent film?

Are you aware of the copyright law and the consequence you can face if caught?

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 9: Presentation for posters

Analysis of resultsHave you ever downloaded a film illegally before?

With the results complete and also creating the graphs to clearly display the results that I have created I can now start to gain a clear understanding of the results and what the ideas of the target audience what in a poster with my results being mostly male it shows that my results will vary from person to person. with the first pie chart of the films which I feel define british Cinema (not Harry Potter though in my opinion). the results show that over a third of the results are for Harry Potter. The second pie chart shows that more people either go quite often to the cinema or occasionally if their is film that they want to go and see but their are no real cinema goers on here so it shows that more people are willing to wait for it to come out of DVD or TV to watch the film so it does show you need to have an adverting campaign which will encourage people to go and watch the film.

But when looking at the bar graph of the it shows that an effective poster will get people to go and watch the film or program which is something I am looking into and now I have so ideas of what I want to do now this question has helped me a lot to show that poster are effective if it appeals to the right audience.Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 10: Presentation for posters

Analysis of results continued

The fifth bar graph shows that half of the people do help follow films on facebook or even helping out with a film as well but also most people might not know and wait until they see the film or program being advertised and some people they also like the page after the film as come out.

The copyright law was no surprise that every single person knew the consequences if your are caught and also looking back and the copyright video is very effective and people understand copyright law. this gives me the idea that it is a subject that does need to be touched even though is not the task I am looking at

The last bar graph shows that people do download films online to either watch the film before it comes it the UK or rather watch the film instead of paying money to go and watch a film and then realise the film is rubbish and not worth the time and money to watch a film where you have no idea of what the viewer response will be and it's something that I will look into because the task is to promote british film and TV and a good campaign poster will get people to watch a film and looking at the results it shows that it works and can be very effective if it doesn't annoy anyone when looking at it.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 11: Presentation for posters

Schedule • With the results done I now can start to plan my ideas for the project to

keep on track with the deadline I made a schedule to know where I should be during the lessons the numbers show where I feel I should be for the lesson 1. Plan and develop Ideas create results chart 2. produce pitch 3. presentation and feedback 4. refine designs 5. submit 6. evaluate 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 12: Presentation for posters

Research into successful campaigns

• Where ever you look their is always some form of poster advertising a campaign for something and some poster are more memorable than others these are some of the poster that most people will recognise straight away.

The first and very famous war poster from World War 1 is the general kitchener poster of Your country needs you. this is still one of the most effective poster campaigns ever because it targets everyone. you look and the typography the letters are very small and basic and then the 'YOU' which makes you think me it makes you feel important and targets you the poster feels unique to everyone. even the finger pointing no matter where you stand it always look like it is pointing straight at you it's almost 3D like in a time where there was no colour printing the basic stained background a very luminous yellow stands out against the very dark image of general kitchener but the poster is still well remembered almost a hundred years on and it shows the effective of it it's very basic but the message is clear and it gets it's point out.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 13: Presentation for posters

• The second is the Barack Obama poster designed by Shepard Fairley is the poster campaign for Obama's fight for his first term at the White house what makes this poster so memorable is that the poster has been used it different ways but it shows that the presidential campaign can be also targeting audiences that feel they can be persuaded and this image shows the definition of 'A picture can tell a Thousand words'. looking at this I get the feeling that he is confident, smart, appealing, powerful and more terms to sum this picture up when you look at the poster the main feature is Obama and the colours are very basic making up the American flag to show he is proud to be American and shares the same sprit. the text a very basic and very bold and noticeable 'HOPE' shows that the picture aims to show people I am the one and the picture depicts him looking up showing that he is looking in the right direction.

The final poster is the KONY 2012 campaign where the video became one of the most videos ever and the task was simple to raise awareness to a tyrant who was running lives in Uganda even though later Kony has not been in the country for 14 years and was already dead which lead the to the meltdown of the creator. but from that He created the poster for people to post out around the world to raise awareness. the poster is a very simple design it shows the two main American parties joining together to help hunt down KONY in one night and the following night the posters were stuck every where in major cities the poster is very basic but it get's it's point across to the viewer  

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 14: Presentation for posters

Techniques into poster making

• With looking into famous poster campaigns I now want to look into how I can create a Good successful poster campaign the main points for the project that I need to make sure they included are the following 

- Tells A story 

- Can be read from more than 5 meters away

- is interesting and eye-catching

- has a simple and uncluttered design

- uses clear language and images in a logical sequence

- summarises key points without excess detail

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 15: Presentation for posters

illustrator work• To create the poster I will create the poster on illustrator having no experience with illustrator

before I had to get a clear understanding of illustrator to start of was to use the basic tools that illustrator have such as the pen tools and the shape tools and then start to master the techniques. I started of by making basic shapes and using the pen tool to make lines and curved lines. for the final piece I had try to create a object of my choice using the knowledge that I have gained already. in the end I made a very basic drawing of a random man but I know with the more time I spend on illustrator the quicker I will learn and understand how it works and what techniques I am going to use for the final project. so all this time is valuable in the time that I have to create the posters.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 16: Presentation for posters

Icons work• With that done the next task was to create icons of everyday items that I either use or have to do

this I would have to use the shape tools and then start to join up the shapes to fit each other using the pathfinder tool I could then either join up any shapes together or make all the anchor points form a shape using the unite tool. I could also make some shapes overlap other objects as well to create curves or sharp edges using the intersect tool. with this I had to create ten objects of my choice and the only colour that the objects could be are Black and white. I looked up at other designs to give me an idea of how the objects were designed so I knew how to go about this task even though I did not get the ten shapes the following objects I have created I feel up to a good standard.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 17: Presentation for posters

Tile• I made a new file of 400x400 and then using the objects I have created I then dragged the image

into illustrator and placed it around the edge of the canvas which then I had to then copy the image on the other sides but I couldn't just copy the image and then place it on the other side I had to move the image going onto object transform and then move. I had to move the object to the other side I know that the canvas is 400x400 so I have to move it by 400 either + or - to get into the right position if the object went backwards it meant that I would have to either make it a positive or negative number vertically and the same for horizontal as well with the edges fill up I could then add anything else in the middle.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 18: Presentation for posters

illustrator copy images• These are some of the images that i have traced using illustrator. the task was to trace the image of any

object of are choice and using the pen tool trace around the image and then fill in the colours to do this I needed to find the image of my choice and then place it into illustrator and then lock the image in the middle of the screen and then put the opacity down to 50% so then I could see the lines are visible and also to notice were the pen lines are to create the traced image I would have click were the line will begin and then end to trace around the image until I have got the outline after the outline was done I could then move onto to making the more detail in the centre of the image the image get tougher as some need to be round around the corner this were you can drag the the anchor point and then curve the line to fit the rounded part of the image which create a circle instead of points.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 19: Presentation for posters

initial ideas • With the illustrator work completed I can now start to form so ideas that I will present to people to gain

feedback to see which ideas that I will continue with into the final project. looking at the brief I need to create something that celebrates british film and TV so I need to look into productions that form an understanding of British production. my ideas are to look at past films that have gained a wide following such as Harry Potter, Shaun of the dead, Trainspotting and James Bond. maybe looking at certain characters that can attract viewers so maybe using a well known character and a useful phase can be eye-catching to the viewer. another idea that I have drawn is a map of Britain with the country being filled in with well known British film and television names to create the map of Britain which I feel could be the best option for me to do.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 20: Presentation for posters

Initial ideas continue• The other posters that I have put forward are a camera that will be filled with the names much like the

map of Britain but just slightly different with a different slogan that I am still think of. other ideas i have put forward are a film poster that has you create the film support British Production there are more ideas that I am currently designing and will present them at a latter date.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 21: Presentation for posters

Julian Opie self protrait• I took a picture of myself and then placed into illustrator and then putting the opacity down to 50% and

then locking the picture so it doesn't move about when drawing once that was done I could then start to sketch the outline of the picture the problem being with photoshop you can trace the lines carefully put illustrator you have mark the anchor points and then drag the line to create the curve and then place into the right shape from the distance that I marked the anchor points to I could complete the edge of the face and ears without doing any of the facial features as these are not required once that was done I then traced over my neck and clothing to make the picture look more authentic to which then lead onto the hair. the problem being with my hair is it's all different sizes it meant trying to create sharp edges to make it look more realistic instead trying to draw the main standout points of my hair.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Page 22: Presentation for posters

Julian Opie drawing analysis

Sung Jin arrives In London

the first thing that captured me was the expression on the face it shows him looking very puzzled possibly by the culture or something has caught his eye and makes me think about what he is looking at and why is looking so puzzled or interested it wants me to look more into the painting the image uses a lot of detail in the face to create the emotion. I also like how one side is dark and the other is bright. the first thing I thought was does it represent from where he's come from from one side to the other and the passing of the sun? maybe it has something to do with his expression? but that's what keeps me interested the picture tells a story and it's something I want to know about. overall the picture is fantastic the detail on the picture is something Julian Opie rarely does and the detail which he has created in a digital piece as well is fantastic to say the leas. this picture is something look at if I wanted to create a portrait of someone.  

Thursday, 13 December 2012

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• I need now to gain some feedback from my initial ideas from a range of people to see which design is popular with most people and also see what needs improving so I can then start to draw some rough ideas before starting the final posters which then needs to be completed for the deadline which is January 21 2013.

• I need to write up my evaluation for the project explaining the project process to how it became possible.

Thursday, 13 December 2012