presentation done by klauss haasis

MFG - Mehr Innovation mit IT und Medien © 19.10.2010, Klaus Haasis, MFG Baden-Württemberg | 1 Learning Clusters in Challenging Environments Klaus Haasis CEO, MFG Baden-Württemberg Director, TCI Global Cluster Network 3rd December 2010

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MFG - Mehr Innovation mit IT und Medien © 19.10.2010, Klaus Haasis, MFG Baden-Württemberg | 1

Learning Clustersin Challenging Environments

Klaus HaasisCEO, MFG Baden-Württemberg

Director, TCI Global Cluster Network

3rd December 2010

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MFG - Mehr Innovation mit IT und Medien © 19.10.2010, Klaus Haasis, MFG Baden-Württemberg | 2

1. Cluster & CommunitiesMichael Porter & Peter Senge

2. The Senge Concept of the Learning Organisation

3. New Mental Model “Openness”4. Individual / organisational /

regional Learning5. The humanistic approach on Clusters

6. What do we need for the future?

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1. Cluster & CommunitiesMichael Porter & Peter Senge

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„CLUSTERS“Agglomeration & Competitiveness

Business Networks

Figures, Macroeconomicsand Statistics

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Change 1970 – 2010


Information Society / Internet


Creative SocietyStart of Digitalisation

Printing Industry / Scanner1975 Microsoft foundationVHS vs. Betamax Videorecorder1973/1979 Oil Crisis1972 Club of Rome: The Limits of Growth

‚Multimedia Hype‘1999 The Matrix1997 Bird Flu1996 Ebay Start1995 Netscape IPO

‚Web 2.0 Hype‘2008 Lehman Brother Crash2005 Google IPO2001 first iPod2001 9/112000 Mapping Human Genome ‚New Media Hype‘

1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall1986 TschernobylPrivate Broadcasting

1983 Interactive Videotex1981 IBM PC 1980 Apple IPO





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„CLUSTERS“ „COMMUNITIES“Agglomeration & Competitiveness

Learning & Change

Relationships, Trust and Collaboration

Business NetworksSocial Networks

Figures, Macroeconomicsand Statistics

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Michael E. Porter:Facts & Figures

Peter M. Senge:Learning

ü Born in 1947ü Professor @ Harvard

Business Schoolü The Competitive

Advantage of Nations published 1990

ü Born in 1947ü Professor @ MIT Sloan School of

Management in Cambridgeü The Fifth Discipline: The Art and

Practice of the Learning Organization published 1990

Personal Mastery

Mental Models

Shared Vision

Team Learning

System Thinking

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2. The Senge Concept of the Learning Organisation

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§ Our personal growth§ from a creative

viewpoint§ In continual learning

mode§ „The journey is the


Personal Mastery

Mental Models

Shared Vision

Team Learning

System Thinking

„structures“ that control ouractions

§ Crucial to harmonizeindividuals‘ energies

§ Team learning is the process of aligningand developing the capacity of a team tocreate the results its members truly desire

System Thinking helps to deal with the complexity of our world“…. a discipline for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots


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Michael E. Porter:Facts & Figures

Martin E.P. Seligman:Well-Being

ü CompetitivenessIndex (Global)

ü „Winning“

ü Positivity promotes learningü Well-Being Index (Europe)ü „Flourishing“

1. Switzerland2. Sweden3. Singapore4. United States5. Germany

6. Japan7. Finland8. Netherlands9. Denmark10. Canada

1. Denmark2. Switzerland3. Finland4. Norway5. Ireland

6. Austria7. Cyprus8. Sweden9. UK10. Spain

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New „Mental Models“

Working à „Nomadic Work“

Knowledge à „Life long learning“

Leadership à „Facilitators“

Organizing à „Networkers“

Products à „User driven Innovation“

Media à „Social Networking“

Knowledgeavailable globally,Knowledge Migrants

Reversion ofBusiness Models

Openness asnew paradigm

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3. New Mental Model “Openness”

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Wiki Leaks = organization that publishes submissions of otherwise unavailable documents from anonymous sources and leaks

§ New York Daily News: WikiLeaks listed first in a ranking of "websites that could totally change the news"

§ Afghan War Diary: more than 76,900 documents. Iraq War Logs: a package of almost 400,000 documents

Breaking News 28.11.: WikiLeaks claims it has 251,288 cables sent by American diplomats between the end of 1966 and February 2010, which it will release

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Love Parade 24.7.2010, Duisburg, Germany

§ Love Parade organizerRainer Schaller was suspected of beingresponsible for thiscatastrophe

§ To defend himself he published 22 hours ofvideo material fromthe fatal day in theinternet – opento public

During the Love Parade 21 people died, 510 were injured

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Regional Learning Process #S21in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Pro & Contra Participation/ Mediation

Shared Vision

InnovationEco-CreativityConnected to the World

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5. Individual / organisational / regional Learning

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Individual Learning

Organisational Learning

Regional Learning

Learning in Companies andCluster Organisations

Learning Regionsand Learning ClustersA “Learning Organization” actively

creates, captures, transfers and mobilizes the ability to adapt

to a changing environment.

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MFG Academy:From individual learning to team learning

§ More than 70 events / year§ 1.700 participants§ Individual and Team Learning§ Virtual Learning Communities

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Business Excellence Community Baden-Württemberg: Connected

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80








Consulting & CoachingMarketing PlatformCooperationsCollaborate with othercompanies in a Special Interest Group Information SourceFurther education(events / tutorials)Networking & Socializing

Nr. 3 Cooperations

Nr. 2 Learning

Nr. 1 Networking

Member survey 2010: Your benefits from bwcon…

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Mannheim = Music

Karlsruhe = Digital Media, Arts, Games

Baden-Baden = Public Broadcasting

Pforzheim = Fashion Design

Friedrichshafen/Konstanz = Mobile Services

Ulm = Design, Media & ICT

Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg = Publishing, Digital Media, Film,

Advertising, Architecture

Freiburg/Offenburg = Publishing/Media

Baden-Württemberg Creativity Network: travel time north – south: 4 hours, 350 km„Cluster Learning Process“

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6. The humanistic approach on clusters

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Thoughts2 sec

Feelings 1/100 sec


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Carl R. RogersAbraham Maslow


Acceptance Congruence


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7. What do we need for the future?

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What do we need for the future?ü Expanded understanding of Relationships

and of Cluster Managers as Relationship Managers

ü Relationship Skills in additionto Business Expertise

ü Humanistic Community Approachü Acknowledgement Cultureü Learning Cluster Communitiesü Development of New Cluster Concepts

including virtual social Networks

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Training Session for Cluster ManagersThe Power of Relationships:

Learning & Change in Cluster Management3rd December, 10:00 – 11:30 h, Facilitator: Klaus Haasis13th TCI Annual Global Conference, Delhi NCR 2010

Learn about the success factors empathy, acceptance and congruence

Interact with people who havedifferent cultural backgrounds

Trust needs Touch Learn about trust building as the most important instrument in team building

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@ Hindustan Times