presentación ale zuzenberg - ebeauty day 2016

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eBeauty Day
Alejandro Zuzenberg


Apps: un reto cada vez ms difcil

+50% de la inversin en B2C mobile start-ups es en app marketing

App Economics

27Mobile apps por mes75%Del tiempo en 4 appsLa interaccin es apps concentradasSource: comScore Mobile Metrix, June 2015 In US on average a person accesses 27 (26.7) apps in a month (Nielsen)

27 apps out of 3.1 million: that means people are using 0.00087% of the apps in existence.

Think about your own experience -- look at your phone and think about what apps you use, how frequently and how much time. Just like mobile is unique and personal for each person, so are our apps: you may use Uber to order a car once or twice a day, read your twitter feed, do your banking, check your sport scores, etc. But each of us have our own app habits and use cases.

For U.S. Android and iPhone 18+, that is 65% MORE time each month using apps than they did just two years ago.

The average person uses approximately 27 mobile apps per month

Why so many apps for single use? Because people want efficiency, speed, and personalizatation when it comes to their mobile experiences/communications.

Consumer preference for mobile apps vs mobile sites should also be thought through as part of mobile strategy.


Top 6 apps llegan al 20% de frecuenciaSource: eMarketer Mayo, 2015 - Brasil

4 de las top 5 apps son/tienen mensajeraIn US on average a person accesses 27 (26.7) apps in a month (Nielsen)

27 apps out of 3.1 million: that means people are using 0.00087% of the apps in existence.

Think about your own experience -- look at your phone and think about what apps you use, how frequently and how much time. Just like mobile is unique and personal for each person, so are our apps: you may use Uber to order a car once or twice a day, read your twitter feed, do your banking, check your sport scores, etc. But each of us have our own app habits and use cases.

For U.S. Android and iPhone 18+, that is 65% MORE time each month using apps than they did just two years ago.

The average person uses approximately 27 mobile apps per month

Why so many apps for single use? Because people want efficiency, speed, and personalizatation when it comes to their mobile experiences/communications.

Consumer preference for mobile apps vs mobile sites should also be thought through as part of mobile strategy.



360 VIDEO WHAT IS IT: 360 degree video is video that has been captured on a special camera that shoots all 360 degrees simultaneously. When the video is playing you can choose what angle you want to see it from.WHO SHOULD CARE: This will be positioned to advertisers as a new creative option for video. It isnt a new ad unit, its just a new file format thats supported (and automatically detected) in the video upload flow.WHEN IS IT LAUNCHING: 9/24: Oculus Connect announcements, Android and WWW Rollout, November: iOS

Businesses on Facebook

360 VIDEO WHAT IS IT: 360 degree video is video that has been captured on a special camera that shoots all 360 degrees simultaneously. When the video is playing you can choose what angle you want to see it from.WHO SHOULD CARE: This will be positioned to advertisers as a new creative option for video. It isnt a new ad unit, its just a new file format thats supported (and automatically detected) in the video upload flow.WHEN IS IT LAUNCHING: 9/24: Oculus Connect announcements, Android and WWW Rollout, November: iOS


En el futuro cercano, todas las empresas, marcas, productos

y eventos tendrn sus robots, a quines podremos preguntarle

sobre su dominio y nos resultar no slo normal,

sino que ser lo esperado.

De Instagram directo al chat para comprar

Usos ms comunes

Bots de respuesta preguntas frecuentes: FAQ

Bots para generacin de leads: captura de datos en la web y FB

Bots de suscripcin: crear audiencias y activarlas por chat

Bots como canal de venta: mobile commerce en messaging

Bots para eventos y ferias: informacin general y captura de datos

Bots de atencin al cliente y resolucin de consultas

Bots para juegos

Bots para el desarrollo de la voz de una marca

Caso: Belcorp



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Pulse para editar los formatos del texto del esquemaSegundo nivel del esquemaTercer nivel del esquemaCuarto nivel del esquemaQuinto nivel del esquemaSexto nivel del esquemaSptimo nivel del esquemaOctavo nivel del esquemaNoveno nivel del esquema

Pulse para editar los formatos del texto del esquemaSegundo nivel del esquemaTercer nivel del esquemaCuarto nivel del esquemaQuinto nivel del esquemaSexto nivel del esquemaSptimo nivel del esquemaOctavo nivel del esquemaNoveno nivel del esquema
