prerna - methodology, vision, mission.pptx

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  • 7/31/2019 Prerna - Methodology, Vision, mission.pptx


    Welcome toPrerna

    It is not that I am different, I just learn differently

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    Governments Role CBSE board has made certain concessions for dyslexicchildren like extra 30 minutes to complete the exams,

    Exemption from 3 rd language, Exemption from paper IIin mathematics and use of writer for examinations.

    Maharashtra state government on July 13, 2004 passedan order allowing 20,000 students with LearningDisability who had not been able to submit theircertificates from psychologists registered with RCI intime to avail leniency in exam paper corrections.Students with LD from class I to XII are given 30minute extra for exams, need 20% marks to pass, canchoose an examination center close to home and areoffered alternatives to subjects like algebra, geometry,languages and practicals with which they may facedifficulties.

    The Tamil Nadu Government Order issued on February 18, 1999, marks a progressive step towards helpingchildren with dyslexia, which is now recognized as alearning disability. The order now allows certainconcessions in school board examinations to childrenaffected by dyslexia.

    The Delhi High Court has ordered Delhi University togrant admission to dyslexic students under a three percent quota for people with disabilities.

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    Schools Role Awareness of the problem Early identification Refer the child for screening Collaborate with parent and professionals Modification in seating, curriculum, teaching

    techniques No multiple instructions Over-learning Extra time for writing No cutting of marks for spelling errors Reader for exam Writer, if required Monitoring completion of paper Teaching as per the level Exemption from a third language Avoid labeling Work upon self confidence and self esteem of the

    child Facilitate a Prerna cell within the school

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    Parents Role Understand how the problem is

    affecting the child Use positive attitude and appreciation Keep out the clutter Model good thinking behavior

    Educate oneself with all theinformation about the problem,assessment and provision of help

    Collaborate with the teacher andother professionals helping the child

    Follow therapy till it is required Identify the strengths and get child

    involve in that activity Help the child with reading and areas

    which are difficult

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    Calorx Prernas Vision

    There are estimated 3 million in India who have Dyslexia (inother words 20% of all school going children and even adultsare dyslexics).

    One Prerna in Ahmedabad, will never be able toaccommodate as well as reach out to all the 3 million and

    therefore, the aim of Prerna is to help other educationalinstitutions replicate the Prerna Model in their own schoolsand create a Resource Centre for Dyslexic Children, whereCalorx Prerna will hand- hold the school, till its resource centreis independent.

    We have begun this process, and one successful model is in place at Calorx DPS, called DPS Prerna.

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    Calorx Prernas Mission

    The objective of Calorx Prerna is toprovide education that will help thestudents to overcome their learning

    difficulties and develop into well-balanced personalities with sound

    values of love, kindness, caring, anddevotion.

    The school strives to achieve this through professionals-Doctors, Psychotherapists, Counselors and SpecialEducators.

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    Comparison of MainstreamSchool with PrernaMAIN STREAM

    Large No. of Children ineach Class.

    No Individual Attention

    More of Audio Oral Teaching. Less VisualInput.

    Less Use of Computersin Teaching.

    Teacher Oriented Content based


    PRERNA Very Small No. of Childrenper Class. Individual Attention toeach Childs Difficulty Multi Sensory TeachingMethods

    Frequent Use of Computers

    Interactive Teaching Project Based &Conceptbased. Pace based on EachChilds grasping power.

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    About Prerna An initiative of Calorx Foundation, Prerna is situated inAhmedabad, Gujarat INDIA, that caters to the Dyslexic

    children and offers education solutions to childrenbetween Grade 1 and 12.

    Prerna currently follows the guidelines of the CBSE andhas specially trained teachers to hand-hold children andmake them overcome the hindrance of processing thewritten information.

    The School Prerna started on September 03, 2001 with 3 students

    and 4 teachers. Today we are expanding and moreand more students are becoming a part of thePrerna Family.

    The classes on Prerna campus are offered fromGrade 3 to Grade 10, where the students areprepared not only for their upcoming Board exams,but they are also provided with real-life skills that willhelp them become independent both as individualsas well as learners, throughout their lives.

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    Our Philosophy Research states that each individual has a specific

    learning style and pattern. Therefore, there can never be a uniform way in which everyone learns. Statisticallyspeaking, a lot has been done for an average learner as well as a slow learner., however, this leaves out thegifted child who needs a customized educationsolution too! Our Dyslexic children are of mostly above-average intelligence. Therefore, at Prerna we offer:Education Solutions to Dyslexia

    Broadly speaking, we can put both the aboveprogramme into Specific Learning Needs (SLN), whichfor us is an organizing difficulty. It can be either developmental in nature or can be Acquired. Itinterferes with an individuals ability to store andprocess information, thereby creating a disparitybetween his ability and performance. This can affecthis/her ability to read, write, speak, compute, spatialorientation, directions, sequencing, short-term memoryand perception. Therefore, what we do at Prerna is tocreate a space as well as environment where they aregive enough stimulation to match up the performanceaccording to his/her ability, keeping an academicfocus in mind.

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    Our Philosophy Prerna in Ahmedabad is a co-educational

    English medium program following the CBSEsystem.

    Prerna offers an independent study programfor students with Learning Difficulties. Theseare children who perform poorly in academicsdespite having an I.Q. that is Average or aboveAverage. The institute runs classes from III-XII.It is ideally suited to students with LD whowish to complete their 10th Std utilizing aflexible pace and/or alternative method of instructional delivery.

    IEP (Individualized educational program) of courses, activities and learning packagesleading to the NOS program of studies, allowstudents to work at their own pace.

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    Prerna Initiatives Creating awareness about dyslexia

    among the mainstream schools inAhmedabad via various IQ tests.

    Conducting regular parent teacherworkshops and interactions to help

    understand and support dyslexicstudents Trying to create a common national

    platform for dyslexia awareness inassociation with various nationalinstitutes who are working for similarcause

    Having an ambassador to lead thedyslexia cause nationally.

    Creating National awareness throughmedia support

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    The Admission Process The admission process begins with

    either a parent directly approachingus for guidance or from teacher-referrals. Then, we take counselor feedback. After which a protocol aslisted below in points, is followed.

    Parent feedback and consent Screening of Vision and Hearing Screening by Pediatric Neurologist Refer child to appropriate specialist, if


    Conduct standardized tests Meeting with parent and child

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    Teachers areundergoing rigoroustraining, everySaturday, to ensure

    the delivery ofIntegrated-Active-Learning.

    Training SpecialEducators

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    Teachers learn techniques Techniques are then used in theclassroom to deliver concepts

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    We have a melange of: Constructivist Approach Multiple Intelligence

    Project Based Learning (John Dewey) The Silent Way (Cleb Gattegno) Multi-Sensory Cognitive Enhancement Community Learning

    Audio-Lingual Method Multi-Sensory Approach Individualized Education Plan

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    OUR PEDAGOGICALTOOLSWe make a balanced use of: Flash Cards Colour Codes

    Acronyms Role Play Body Space Multi-sensorial

    Suggetopathy Directive learning Open-Ended learningAnd many more

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    Grade 8 to 10Assessments are taken including exams

    Grade 3 to 7

    Tangible and Intangible assessmentsKnowledge is assessed through testsSkills are assessed through rubrics and tasks

    Apply the conceptual knowledge in a real life situation

    Inside the classroom the Conceptual Knowledge is constructed

    Learning tools are created for the child (based on the construtivist and multiple intelligence throries

    Academic needsare sought through psychoeducational testing

    A Dyslexic student

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    For learning contentfrom Grade 8 onwards,a multi-sensorial

    approach is beingintegrated, where thebody and spacebecome learning tools.

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    Children begin learning their 10 th course right fromgrade 9, so that the conceptual learning is strong,

    and at the students pace.

    Grade 9 students after working on a play in their Englishclass, perform a skit during the assembly.

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    Grade 8 students (left), as

    part of their Social StudiesClass, prepared a Referencebook on Revolutionaries andpresented it at the assembly.Now activities are being doneto memorize the samecontent.

    Grade 9 and Grade 10, attend aworkshop by Mr Hitesh Porwal onSoft Skills, these help students

    develop communication, positiveattitude and techniques

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    A Social StudiesClass in Progress.

    Students recreatingArtifacts of variousperiods under study

    Grade 9 students engrossed in

    their task.

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    Laughter on campus and Happinessof students is our prime concern

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    Learning from Each other

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    Space as a learning tool

    Grade 6 students learning the concept ofDirections with the help of Visual representation,spatial awareness and body as a learning tool. Thestudents created their own tool and played gamesover it to concretize their learning.

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    We want our students to be

    bold and expressive

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    Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember.Involve me, and I'll understand.

    Native American Saying

    The aim of education, should be rather to teach ushow to think, than what to think. James Beattie

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    Assessments at Prerna

    What do we want to assess?

    1. Memory OR 2. Knowledge, understanding

    and application ofconcepts

    At Prerna, we give more importance to the 2nd

    point, but while preparing them for the boardexams and so we also consider the 1 st.

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    Assessments continued

    There are two kinds of assessments:

    Formative assessment

    Summative assessment

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    Formative assessment is

    Continuous, Ongoing Taken during the formative stages of

    learning a concept

    Part of the learning process Based on shared objectives Applied to ongoing work

    Regular feedback sessions

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    Summative assessment is

    Taken at the end of learning aconcept to sum-up the learning

    Judgment is made by teacher atpredetermined intervals

    Also under Summative is theNormative Assessment , wherespecified norms are set. Marking isdone on the basis of the pre-determined norms. Our boardexams are normative.

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    In Formative assessment, students

    can demonstrate theirunderstanding in multiple ways:


    Cartoons Graphs Maps Charts Paintings

    Storyboards Role-plays Debates Presentations Websites Songs

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    Normative assessments are traditionally done throughunit tests and exams.

    At Prerna, we are helping Dyslexic students learn aswell as express what they have learnt.

    They have to be comfortable to express their thoughts and inferences before appearing for exams.

    Hence Formative Assessments will be taken atregular intervals. (Not Weekly Tests)

    Only from grade 8 upwards, students will prepare

    for exams and unit tests, which again will be takenonly after concrete learning takes place.