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October 2018 – June 2019 Preparation for Holy Communion at Sunday Mass

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October 2018 – June 2019

Preparation for

Holy Communion at Sunday Mass

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Introduction 3

Practicalities relating to the Enrolment Ceremony 6

October 2018 Called and Chosen:

Enrolment Ceremony at Sunday Mass 7

Enrolment Ceremony 12

November 2018 We Celebrate the Saints 17

December 2018 We Wait for Jesus’ birth 20

January 2019 We Listen to God’s Word 23

February 2019 I’m Sorry 26

March 2019 Lent 29

April 2019 We Give Thanks 32

May 2019 We Receive the Body of Christ 35

June 2019 We Are the Body of Christ 38

Appendix: Dates and Gospel readings 42

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Welcome to our parish programme for Autumn 2018 – Spring 2019. This programme

offers you as a parish, a way of acknowledging and supporting children and their

families as they journey throughout this special year towards the celebration of Holy

Communion. The child’s faith journey is developed through participation and

cultivating a sense of belonging at the parish Mass.

As a parish community, we gather as God’s family of families to pray together and to

live the joy of the Gospel by reaching out in loving service in our communities. The

parish community intentionally expresses the reality of being companions on the

journey by welcoming children and their families who are preparing for the first of

many communions, and integrating this journey in the Sunday Mass.

Family is the primary locus of growing in love and in faith. In the love of a parent’s

gaze, we are opened to discover the love of God and others. Robert Frost recognised

that “We begin in infancy by establishing correspondence of eyes with eyes”. In

prayer, we are encouraged to look at God looking at us, loving us. In this tender

regard, a personal relationship with God is nurtured. Of its nature, it cannot remain

private. It finds its expression in loving action and concern for others.

The religious education programme Grow in Love also serves as a link in the home -

school – parish partnership and is also a significant component in this special time of

preparation towards the celebration of Holy Communion.

How to use this booklet

The programme follows the liturgical year from October to June and highlights the

Saturday evening / Sunday Mass as a celebration where we gather, are nourished by

the Word of God and the Body of Christ and are sent out to live the Gospel. It is

coordinated by a preparation team of parents in collaboration with the priest,

members of the Parish Pastoral Council, Liturgy group and Music Ministers.

The programme is designed to be flexible to suit the needs and possibilities of your

parish context. Choose a Sunday of your choice for this monthly programme.

Complement it with practices that have worked well for your parish in the past.

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1. Involving different members of the community

• Ask a member of the Parish Pastoral Council to introduce the Gathering Rite

(Reader 1).

• Ask a number of people to be involved in the Mass: Invite a parishioner to read

the Prayer of the Faithful or you may like to invite a parent to read the

Communion Reflection. Invite a family to bring up the Gifts.

2. Creating a Sacred Space

• This creates a focal point and acts as a reminder that God speaks through signs

and symbols as well as words.

• You might like to invite the children who are preparing for Holy Communion to

bring their candle, received at the Enrolment Ceremony, and to place it in the

Sacred Space. To be ready for collection at the end of the Mass, please ask an

adult to quench the candles after communion. Remember - do what is practical

and possible in your parish in liaison with your Liturgy Group.

• For the month of December: You might like to consult with the Liturgy Group

to establish where the Advent Wreath will be located. It is always helpful to

practise lighting the candle/s with the child or family member before Mass.

Have a discussion with the Liturgy Group to see if it might be possible to have

the crib empty for the first week of Advent, and then gradually include animals

and key figures each week. In this way there is a build-up, adding to a sense of

expectation. Place the kings at the back of the church initially and have them

journey to the crib.

3. Choosing Music

In preparing for the monthly celebration, you might like to consult with the

Music group so that they can incorporate some of the songs the children have

been learning in line with the liturgical season and preparation theme.

Some suggestions from Grow in Love

Oct: Called and Chosen Grow in Love (p.138)

Nov: We Celebrate the Saints Prepare Ye (p.120)

Jan: We Listen to God’s Word Following a Star (p.122)

Feb: I’m Sorry I’m Sorry, God (p.165)

Mar: Lent Grow in Love (p.138)

Apr: We Give Thanks This is the Day (p.212)

May: We Receive the Body of Christ Eat this Bread (p.191)

Jun: We Are the Body of Christ Circle of Friends (p.44)

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4. During the Mass

To enable the children grow in confidence with the various responses and

movements during the Mass, the use of the Diocesan Congregational Card

could be encouraged. In order to promote inclusion in the community

celebration, the priest could invite people to come for a blessing if they do

not wish to receive Communion.

5. Proclaiming the Word and Prayer of the Faithful

Ministers of the Word will proclaim the Readings. For the Prayer of the Faithful,

an older family member could be invited to read or the Minister of the Word

assigned on the Parish rota. If the children preparing for Communion are

writing their own prayers, please follow the suggested headings:

▪ For Pope Francis / all leaders…

▪ For parents and families…

▪ For children preparing for the Sacraments…

▪ For the needs of our world…

▪ For people in our parish…

▪ For the dead…

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Enrolment Ceremony

The journey towards Holy Communion begins with the Enrolment Ceremony in

October. This is preferably during Sunday Mass, highlighting the parish context of the

faith journey. However, a parish might decide to have a separate service due to the

size of the group involved where several schools come together.

Practicalities: Enrolment Ceremony at Sunday Mass

• The enrolment ceremony takes place after the Gospel.

• If you are giving a candle to the family of each child preparing for Holy Communion, confirm numbers beforehand. Place these candles on a table in the sanctuary or in the sacred space ready for distribution at the end of Mass.

• According to the size of the group preparing for Holy Communion, if feasible, have a photocopy of the commitment and responses for each person. This can be taken home and kept in their sacred space / stuck on the fridge as a reminder of the promises involved in this special year of preparation.

• Where individual photocopies are impractical, simplify the response of the parents and guardians / parish community to “I do”.

• Before the Concluding Rite, the candles are brought from the sacred space / table by the Altar Servers and distributed with the help of a member of the Parish Pastoral Council.

Practicalities: Enrolment Ceremony at another time

• Where possible this would take place in the local church rather than the school,

inviting members of the parish community to participate by their presence and

prayer in this enrolment ceremony. Invite parishioners via announcement at

Mass and the parish newsletter.

• Ensure you have enough candles beforehand for every child who is preparing

for Holy Communion. Place these candles on a table in the sanctuary or in the

sacred space ready for distribution at the end of the ceremony.

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Enrolment Ceremony

at Sunday Mass

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 Today we gather for our Sunday Mass and are delighted to welcome

especially the children who are preparing for their Holy Communion.

All of us gathered here today began our faith journey when our parents

chose for us to be baptised. We recall that initial moment now with the

lighting of our Paschal Candle.

Lighting the Paschal candle

Reader 1 As we light the Paschal candle, may we be reminded of God’s

love aflame in our lives.

Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling of Water Altar server holds bowl of water in front of priest

Priest Dear brothers and sisters, let us humbly beseech the Lord our God to

bless this water God has created, which will be sprinkled on us as a

memorial of our baptism. May God’s grace help us to remain faithful to

the spirit we have received.

Brief pause of silence…

Almighty ever living God, who willed that through water, the fountain of

life and the source of purification, every soul should be cleansed and

receive the gift of eternal life; be pleased, we pray, to + bless this water,

by which we seek protection on this your day, O Lord.

Renew the living springs of your grace within us and grant that by this

water we may be defended from all ills of spirit and body, and so

approach you with hearts made clean and worthy to receive your

salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Priest sprinkles himself, ministers and congregation

May almighty God cleanse us from our sins, and through the celebration

of this Eucharist make us worthy to share at the table of his kingdom.

All Amen.

October 2018

Called and Chosen

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Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Enrolment Ceremony

Reader 2 Now we will have a short ceremony of enrolment for the children who are preparing for the first of many communions throughout their lives. In the Grow in Love programme, the children have been learning that through our Baptism each person has been called and chosen by God. Every time we gather as a circle of friends, as family, as a parish faith community, we do so in the company of our friend Jesus. I invite the children who are engaging in this time of preparation for Holy Communion to stand. The response to each promise is We Do. After the priest’s blessing, say Amen.


Children, you have been preparing to receive the gift of Jesus through Holy Communion since you were small. Next year you will celebrate the first of many times you will receive communion, to nourish and strengthen you in life. As you prepare in a special way in the coming months, do you promise to listen carefully to all the people who will help you learn about God’s love for us?

Children We do.

Priest Do you promise to try to get to know God better by praying at home with your family, by being a friend to Jesus and by coming to Mass?

Children We do.

Priest +May you know God’s enormous love for you. May you experience much joy growing in love with Jesus. May this joyful love flow out to your families, friends and wider community.

All Amen. Reader 2

Girls and boys thank you, you may now sit down. I invite all parents and guardians to stand for their commitment.

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Priest God has called and chosen you to be parents and guardians. You have asked that your children continue the faith journey that they began at their Baptism. Do you promise to help your child grow in love with Jesus by praying together at home and by committing to engage in the Grow in Love homework with your child?

Parents I promise to pray with and encourage my child’s faith learning in this year of preparation for Holy Communion.

Priest Do you promise to love, support and pray with your children as members of this parish community through regular celebration of Sunday Mass?

Parents Priest All

I promise to pray with my child and I commit to accompanying my child to Sunday Mass. +May God bless you abundantly with wisdom, patience, joy and laughter. May you discover on this faith journey more than you could ever imagine as your family grows in love. Amen.

Reader 2

Priest All Priest All Priest All

Would all our parishioners please stand. As members of the family of God it is our responsibility to be a welcoming, compassionate faith community. Do you, parishioners, promise to welcome and enable these families to deepen their faith and together as a faith community be a compassionate presence in our world? We do. As your priest, I commit to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus joyfully that together we may be a community gathered in love. Amen. Together we profess our faith: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth…

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest Loving God, you call us to be your friend. Just as true friends listen and care for one another, hear the prayers of our hearts. The response is Lord graciously hear us. Reader 3 For the Church, that we may be welcoming and caring. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Reader 3 For all leaders, that they may be patient and kind. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Reader 3 For parents, that God’s love may be reflected in their gentleness and generosity. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Reader 3 For those who are sick, that they may encounter God’s tenderness in the people that care for them. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Reader 3 For the deceased members of our families and community. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Priest Generous God, you know the prayers in our hearts.

Continue to deepen our faith and help us to grow in loving one another day by day, moment by moment. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 4

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects:

I would like to ask you all a question today.

But each of you keep it in your heart and take it home.

You can regard it as a kind of “homework”. Only you must answer.

How are things when it comes to joy at home? Is there joy in your family?

True joy comes from a profound harmony between persons.

The basis of this feeling of deep joy is the presence of God,

and God’s love, which is welcoming, merciful, and respectful towards all. Pope Francis

Before the Concluding Rite*

Priest I invite the children who are preparing for Holy Communion to come up

to the sanctuary to receive a candle on behalf of their families. This

candle may be lit when you pray at home as a family or when you are

discussing the Grow in Love homework or at other special moments

shared together at home.

When each child has received their candle:

Priest Receive this candle. May lighting it at home remind you that this faith

to families community joins with you as a circle of faith friends to welcome,

encourage and support you. May Christ’s light always shine brightly in

your hearts, your homes, in our parish and in the world.

All Amen.

Concluding Rite as usual

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Enrolment Ceremony at another time

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 Today we gather for our Enrolment ceremony and are delighted to

welcome the children from Rang a Dó who are preparing for their Holy

Communion. All of us gathered here today began our faith journey

when our parents chose for us to be baptised. We recall that initial

moment now with the lighting of our Paschal Candle.

Lighting the Paschal candle

Reader 1 As we light the Paschal candle, may we be reminded of God’s

love aflame in our lives.

Priest In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All Amen.

Priest May God, who through water and the Holy Spirit has given us a

new birth in Christ, be with you all.

All And also with you.

Priest The blessing of this water reminds us of Christ, the living water, and of

the sacrament of Baptism, in which we were born of water and the Holy

Spirit. Whenever, therefore, we are sprinkled with this holy water or use

it in blessing ourselves upon entering the church or at home, we thank

God for his priceless gift to us and we ask for his help to keep us faithful

to the sacrament we have received in faith.

All Amen.

Opening Hymn: BAPTISM SONG

1. Water holy water. Over our heads. x 2 2. Candle, burning candle. God is with us. x 2 3. Garment, white garment. Sign of love. x 2

We are baptised in God’s name We are the children of God.

October 2018

Called and Chosen

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Priest Loving God you have chosen each one of us to be here tonight. During

this special time of preparation for Holy Communion, open all our hearts

and continue to draw us closer to your friendship.

Help us become followers of Jesus by loving and serving one another in

our homes, school/s and parish community. We ask this through Jesus

Christ our Lord.

All Amen.

Reader 2 We stand to listen to God’s word.

Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have made

known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. Alleluia!

Priest A reading from the Gospel of John John 15:18-21

Jesus said to his disciples:

‘This is my commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. A person can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall not call you servants anymore, because a servant does not know his master’s business; I call you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I commissioned you to go out and to bear fruit, fruit that will last; and then the Father will give you anything you ask him in my name. What I command you is to love one another.’

The Gospel of the Lord.

All Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

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Homily notes

In the Grow in Love book that Rang a Dó use in school and at home, we see a friendly Jesus who is

smiling, waving to friends to come join him, or sitting at a table sharing a meal. We learn more about

Jesus through stories from the bible, from what parents and grandparents tell us about him and

from what the priest tells us at Mass on Sunday.

Children also teach us who Jesus is with their own unique take on the bible stories. A grandmother

recently shared how her granddaughter sidled up to her and asked if she preferred sweets and

chocolate or Jesus and prayers. Tough question given Granny’s sweet tooth! So granny wisely put

the question back to the young girl. She paused for a moment before replying “I’d choose Jesus and

prayers – I love talking to him.”

During this year of preparation for Holy Communion, take time to discover together more about

Jesus, who generously loves us no matter what. He chooses us and calls us friends. We grow in our

faith through the 4 Ls: learning, living, listening and loving.

In the month ahead, I invite you to grow in learning more about our Christian faith. Treat yourselves

to a colour Bible or download an app. At home, or during a car journey, share your favourite Bible

stories – why do they appeal to you? Who is the Jesus that you meet in them? Describe how you

picture him.

Enrolment Ceremony

Reader 3 Now we will have a short ceremony of enrolment for the children who are preparing for the first of many communions throughout their lives. In the Grow in Love programme, the children have been learning that through our Baptism each person has been called and chosen by God. Every time we gather as a circle of friends, as family, as a parish faith community, we do so in the company of our friend Jesus.

I invite the children who are engaging in this time of preparation for Holy Communion to stand. The response to each promise is We Do. After the priest’s blessing, say Amen.


Children, you have been preparing to receive the gift of Jesus through Holy Communion since you were small. Next year you will celebrate the first of many times you will receive communion, to nourish and strengthen you in life. As you prepare in a special way in the coming months, do you promise to listen carefully to all the people who will help you learn about God’s love for us?

Children We do.

Priest Do you promise to try to get to know God better by praying at home with your family, by being a friend to Jesus and by coming to Mass?

Children We do.

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Priest +May you know God’s enormous love for you. May you experience much joy growing in love with Jesus. May this joyful love flow out to your families, friends and wider community.

All Amen. Reader 3 Thank you, children, you can now sit down. I invite all adults to stand. The

next set of promises is for parents and guardians. Then the parish community will also commit to supporting you during this time.

Priest God has called and chosen you to be parents. You have asked that your children continue the faith journey that they began at their Baptism. Do you promise to help your child grow in love with Jesus by praying together at home and by committing to engage in the Grow in Love homework with your child?

Parents I promise to pray with and encourage my child’s faith learning in this year of preparation for Holy Communion.

Priest Do you promise to love, support and pray with your children as members of this parish community through regular celebration of Sunday Mass?

Parents Priest All

I promise to pray with my child and I commit to accompanying my child to Sunday Mass. +May God bless you abundantly with wisdom, patience, joy and laughter. May you discover on this faith journey more than you could ever imagine as your family grows in love.


Priest All Priest All

As members of the family of God it is our responsibility to be a welcoming, compassionate faith community. Do you, parishioners, promise to welcome and enable these families to deepen their faith and together as a faith community be a compassionate presence in our world?

We do. As your priest, I commit to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus joyfully that together we may be a community gathered in love.


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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest Loving God, you call us your friends.

Hear the concerns of our hearts as we turn to you.

Reader 4 We ask you Lord to bless all in leadership… Pope Francis, Bishop Ray,

priests, all parents, guardians and teachers. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 4 We ask you Lord to heal all who are suffering at this time… may our

practical concern offer hope in action. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 4 We ask you Lord to grant eternal rest to those who have died…. Lord

hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Priest Loving God who call us by name,

look with kindness on your friends gathered here tonight.

Throughout this time of preparation for Holy Communion,

may we continue to grow in love with you and with one another.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Priest We pray the prayer that Jesus taught us Our Father…

Priest As friends of Jesus, let us reach out and offer one another a sign of


optional Receive this candle. May lighting it at home remind you that this faith

community joins with you as a circle of faith friends to welcome,

encourage and support you.

Priest +May Christ’s light always shine brightly in your hearts, your homes, in

our parish and in the world. .

All Amen. Closing Song

Circle of friends all around you. Circle of friends, strong and true Circle of friends, always there for you.

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Preparation for Holy Communion

at Sunday Mass

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 During the month of November we remember the Saints. Who are the

saints? These are the people who have shown great love of God often in

simple and ordinary ways – by praying, sharing, being kind. They

continue to pray for us from heaven and we can ask them to help us live

our lives with love.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily Notes

On All Saints’ Day we heard the gospel of the Beatitudes - “Happy are the Poor” or “Happy are the

Peacemakers”…take one line that catches your attention. Like a favourite sweet that can be

savoured, linger with this gospel, read it, mull over it… Happy, also means blessed, specially chosen

by God, or a blessing for others… you’re in the right place! Contemplate your children in the garden,

a toddler splashing in a puddle – wholly present to that moment… connect this living expression

with the Gospel “happy the pure in heart they shall see God”. If any of you have asked your children

to pour a glass of juice, you know they’re very generous…it sometimes spills over. Yet this is how

we’re called to live our faith, our love, our joy. Pope Francis encourages us to “Live the present

moment, filling it to the brim with love”. Connect this thought of the Saint as one who lives lovingly

with the relevant gospel of the Sunday. Let’s look. Let’s listen and let’s live lovingly.

• First Sunday: the Gospel text encourages transparency of action. Let us draw on God’s love and

let that love nourish kindness and justice in our relating to others.

• Second Sunday: the centenary of the ending of the First World War – let us be peacemakers, like

the Bridesmaids of the Gospel, an enlightening presence waiting in hope.

• Third Sunday: World Day of the Poor. In the gospel of the Talents – how will you use your gifts

to as an expression of God’s love in our world?

• Fourth Sunday: the Gospel celebrates Christ the King and dramatically addresses end times. Do

we ever ponder our death and reflect on how we are living? As the poet Mary Oliver asks, “What

will you do with your one wild and precious life?” For what do you want to be remembered?

“True holiness does not mean a flight from the world; rather it lies in the effort to incarnate the

gospel in everyday life, in the family, at school and at work, and in social and political involvement”

– the outward expression of inward change is the secret of sainthood. If you were creating a

recruitment poster for a Saint, what qualities would you be looking for? If you look around your

family members, friends and parishioners, in whom do you see these qualities already in action?

November 2018

We Celebrate the Saints

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest As we celebrate the Communion of Saints, we offer our prayers to the


Reader 2 For Pope Francis, Bishop Ray and all leaders that they may constantly

allow the light of Christ to shine through the words and actions. Lord hear

us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For us all that we may be peacemakers in our homes and in our

community, bringing harmony and sharing God’s love. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For families and especially children who are preparing for Holy

Communion or Confirmation next year that they may grow in God’s

friendship. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all who experience poverty, sadness, loneliness or isolation, that

we may respond in our listening and in acts of service to the poor. Lord

hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all who have died. We are grateful for the love and the faith they

handed onto us. This week we remember especially… Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Priest Loving God you listen with an attentive heart to our prayers.

Give healing to those who mourn

and a generosity of spirit to those gathered,

that we, like the Saints, might use our gifts for your greater glory.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects on The Saints next door:

“I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people:

in those parents who raise their children with immense love,

in those men and women who work hard to support their families,

in the sick,

in the elderly religious who never lose their smile.

Very often it is a holiness found in our next-door neighbours,

those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence.

We are all called to be witnesses,

but there are many actual ways of bearing witness.

We are called to be holy by living our lives with love

and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.”

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Preparation for Holy Communion at Sunday Mass Gathering Rite

Reader 1 In preparing for a special occasion at home, it tends to get busy around

the house. Preparation is important. We are called together today to

meet Jesus… through the community assembled here to pray, through

our priest, through listening to God’s word in the Readings, and through

gathering around the table of the Lord to be fed. Each time we come

here, God wants to speak to our hearts. In order to make space and

listen, take a relaxing breath and focus on the flame of hope as we light

our Advent wreath.

Lighting of Advent Wreath

Reader 1 As we light this candle on this 1st or 2nd or 3rd Sunday of Advent,

may God bring light to our hearts now and always.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily Notes

Why are you here? You might say because your parents brought you, or that your faith is something

you value. And yet why are you here …in this world? … Your being part of this world is all part of

God’s plan! God made you. God knows you. God loves you. You are from Love and created for Love.

Love is God’s dream for us and for the whole human family. In Advent, we are waiting for Jesus’

birth, the gift of Love in our world. Each Sunday in this time of active Advent waiting, we are given

a distinct message. Choose the Gospel of the day. Let’s look. Let’s listen and let’s live God’s invitation

to continue to grow in love:

• First Sunday: Stay awake! Now is the time of grace…today… awaken to the gift of God’s

love today.

• Second Sunday: Prepare a way! What will help you welcome Jesus into your family?

• Third Sunday: Be a witness to light! Like John the Baptist who brought hope, trust and

forgiveness through his words and actions. Or like Mary, we are all called to

work with God, so that love becomes a reality wherever we are.

When Pope Francis was in Croke Park he spoke of love and family life: No one said this would be

easy. You know that better than I. It is like making tea: it is easy to bring water to the boil, but a

good cup of tea takes time and patience, it needs to brew! So it is that each day Jesus warms us with

his love, infusing our whole being. From the treasury of his Sacred Heart, he offers us the grace that

heals our infirmities and opens our minds and hearts to hear, understand and forgive one another.

This Advent, perhaps our family prayer could be a cuppa together, sharing where Jesus has warmed

our hearts today.

December 2018

We Wait for Jesus’ Birth

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest As God’s family, we entrust our prayers as we wait in hope for Jesus’


Reader 2 For Pope Francis and all leaders – church, political, business and

community leaders – that they implement life-giving decisions for all


Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all who are waiting – in hospitals for treatment, in housing shelters

for a home, that they may know of God’s love through our care and

compassion. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For parents who are helping their children get ready to receive the

sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation in the months ahead,

that this time of preparation may be one of deepening understanding

and growing in love. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all of us as we wait for Jesus’ birth, that we will take the time to

create a welcoming space in our homes and in our hearts. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all of our loved ones who have died, we ask for the gift of your

eternal peace. We remember especially… Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Priest Gentle God, grant these our prayers

and help us to live each day

with awareness of your generous love for us.

Grow your joy in our hearts

as we wait for the birth of your Son this Christmas.

Through Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.

All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

God, our Father,

We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son,

one family, in the Spirit of your love.

Bless us with the joy of love.

Make us patient and kind,

gentle and generous,

welcoming to those in need.

Help us to live your forgiveness and peace.

Protect all families with your loving care,

especially those for whom we now pray:

Increase our faith,

strengthen our hope,

keep us safe in your love,

Make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share.

Pause for a moment …

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Preparation for Holy Communion

at Sunday Mass

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 Today we bring our attention to listening to God’s word. What helps

you hear and to be able to listen closely? St. Benedict invites us to open

the ears of our heart. Jesus is often described as a best friend, who

speaks to us heart to heart. Take a moment to arrive and settle, to be

here now where God will speak to you.

Liturgy of the Word Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily Notes

Baptism is the very first sacrament we all received. We probably don’t remember as we were only

small babies at the time. During the ceremony, the priest made the sign of the cross on our eyes,

ears, mouth and heart saying the word “Ephphatha” – Be opened! It‘s like we received a superpower

from God - to hear God speak to us. And like any superpowers we need to practise them.

The Gospels this month offer us wonderful texts on how God communicates and the art of listening.

These are great stories - from the action adventures of Magi crossing the deserts, to a fringe festival

riverside baptism away from the traditional religious centres, a romantic village wedding that nearly

runs dry to an epic liberation story. Let’s look. Let’s listen and let’s live what God is saying to us.

• First Sunday: The Magi following an inner compass arrive at Jesus’ stable by following the

wisdom of the stars, always following the brightest light in the night sky to arrive in the

presence of the Lord of Light. They are warned of King Herod’s deathly plotting in a dream

and seek a new way home.

• Second Sunday: When Jesus is baptised by his cousin John, he is at prayer when he hears

God our loving Creator speak to him “You are my Beloved, my favour rests on you.” When

we hear how much our parents love us, our hearts expand, growing in love. God is

constantly saying this to us – take time to hear God say these words to you.

• Third Sunday: At the wedding feast of Cana, Mary is attentive and watching all that is going

on behind the scenes. She nudges her son into action. She is calling forth his giftedness.

Our parents, teachers, family and friends all call us to be the best we can be.

• Fourth Sunday: In reading from the Old Testament, Jesus immediately goes to a text that

resonates in him. This is why I’m here! This is what I’m about. And what’s more, Jesus says

that “This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen” … that we may have life, that we

may know God’s love for each of us intimately, and that we may share this Good News to

make our world a better place.

January 2019

We Listen to God’s Word

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest Loving God, you invite us to be on the alert for you speaking to us in every moment of our days, no matter how hectic or messy. With trust, we bring you our prayers.

Reader 2 For all leaders, that they may listen and respond generously to the

plight of migrants and refugees. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For parents who are helping their child prepare for the sacraments of

reconciliation, communion and confirmation.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all families, that they may develop the art of listening to each other.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all who seek new beginnings, that they discover deeper hope, trust

and faith through our encouragement and support. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all who have died, that they may be held close in your love. We

remember especially… Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Priest Ever loving God,

in your kindness answer our prayers

and deepen in us the gift of listening heart.

Through Jesus Christ your Son,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever.

All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects:

Really listening is never easy,

many times it is easier to play deaf!

To listen means wanting to understand, to value, and

to respect what the other says.

Listening to God requires more than our ears,

it requires our hearts and hands.

God speaks

and we turn to God to listen

so as to then put into practice what we have heard.

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Preparation for Holy Communion

at Sunday Mass

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 The February Saints Brigid and Valentine remind us of God loving us at

all times – gifting us with peace, faith, kindness. Reconciliation is about

remembering we are always loved and responding to this great love.

There are times when we forget this or ignore it and need to change our

thoughts, words and actions. As we begin our celebration of Mass, let’s

pause for a moment and remember God’s great love.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word Homily Notes The Gospel tell of Jesus’ presence and conversations among the people. It is a provocative story

encouraging belief in action shows us how we can follow Jesus and make good choices in our

everyday circumstances. For all of us it’s about growing in loving action. In preparing for the

Sacrament of Reconciliation, we acknowledge the times where we got it wrong and made a poor

choice. It’s a nuanced learning: doing something wrong / knowing it is wrong / doing the wrong on

purpose. Do my words or my actions grow love? or do they block love? Let’s look. Let’s listen and

let’s live forgiveness.

• First Sunday: A reminder that God is at work even as we listen;

• Second Sunday: A challenge to go beyond our comfort zones;

• Third Sunday: An acknowledgement that we’re in the right place if we are caring for


• Fourth Sunday: A call to compassionate action.

Pope Francis has three words that make all the difference: “Please, Thank you, and I’m sorry.” He

continues “When you quarrel at home, be sure that before going to bed you apologise and say you

are sorry. Before the day is done, make peace… All it takes is a look, a soft word… Children learn to

forgive when they see their parents forgiving one another.” In the week ahead, let’s listen to these

words and let’s put them into practice: “Please, Thank you, I’m sorry.”

February 2019

I’m Sorry

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest Loving God you promise us your care for each of us at all times. With trust, we now bring the prayers of our hearts to you. Reader 2 For leaders of churches and nations, may they always actively promote movement towards forgiveness and reconciliation. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For parents, who are helping their children prepare for the sacraments, may the encouragement of forgiveness surprise you in unexpected ways. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For family members experiencing estrangement, and for all who are hurting at this time, may they know our support on their journey to a place of healing. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For your creation which is under threat of pollution or destruction, that we might reconcile our current wants with future needs for the sake of generations to come. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For our dead, that they may know true reconciliation in your presence. We remember especially… Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Priest Gracious and patient God, bring healing to our lives, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.

We make these and all our prayers through Christ your Son, our Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit. One God, for ever and ever.

All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects:

“Forgiveness is a special gift from God that heals our brokenness

And draws us closer to one another and to him.

Small and simple acts of forgiveness, renewed each day,

are the foundation upon which a solid Christian family life is built.

They force us to overcome our pride, our aloofness

and embarrassment, and to make peace.

How many times do we get angry at one another

and then want to make up, but we don’t know how!

It is embarrassing to make peace, but we still want to do it.”

… The secret: “Please. Thank You. I’m sorry.”

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Preparation for Holy Communion

at Sunday Mass

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 This month we’ve entered into a special time in the Church’s calendar

known as the Lenten season. It is a period of 40 days preparation for the

celebration of Holy Week and Easter, when we remember that Jesus died

and rose again – all because he loves us! Let us pause for a moment and

make space in our hearts and minds for this Good News.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily Notes The 40 days represent Jesus’ 40 days in the desert. We talk about Lent being journey-time and there are three key actions that we nurture on this pathway to God: Prayer, Fasting and Charity. Prayer is about talking to God, heart to heart, like you would to your best friend. We like to spend time with our friends, so Lent is an opportunity to give some more time being with God – at home, in church, out in nature. We sometimes talk about giving something up such as sweets / sugar / alcohol… or perhaps we fast from our tv / phones for an evening to be present to our loved ones. Or we can take something up such as calling into visit a neighbour on their own or sharing your toys with children who have none. The Sundays in Lent are not counted in the 40 days as Sundays are days of celebration! Let’s look. Let’s listen and let’s live with trust in our loving God this Lent.

• First Sunday: the Gospel reflects how we can be left in the wilderness relationally through judgemental attitudes.

• Second Sunday: the Gospel points to the art of making life-giving decisions and the subtlety of temptations.

• Third Sunday: we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The Gospel tells us that we’re called to abundant life when we trust God.

• Fourth Sunday: the call to fullness of life is echoed through the loving patience with which the gardener works for a more fruitful harvest from the fig tree.

• Fifth Sunday: trusting in the patient love of God is highlighted in the story of the Prodigal Son.

God is always waiting for us, loving us. How will you respond…personally or as a family? What action will you take this Lent? What will this look like in your everyday life?

March 2019


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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest God’s love for us never wavers. With trust we bring our prayers to the

Lord who is compassion.

Reader 2 For Pope Francis, Bishop Ray and all leaders, that God’s message of care

may be seen in actions that promote healing and hope. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For the work of Trócaire and all who support community development

initiatives overseas whilst creating awareness through education

programmes in our schools and parish. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all children preparing for Holy Communion, that this time of

preparation deepens their awareness of God’s love for them through

our encouragement and support. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For each of us, that this time of Lent may be a healing experience and

an encounter with the compassionate person of Christ. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For the dead, that they will rest in your loving embrace. We remember

especially… Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Priest O God you are present in our hearts this day. Open our ears to hear your forgiveness. Open our eyes to see your loving presence active in our homes and in our community. We make these and all our prayers through Christ your Son, our Lord, All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects:

Encountering Christ, letting yourselves be caught up in

and guided by his love,

enlarges the horizons of existence.

Faith is no refuge for the fainthearted,

but something which enhances our lives.

It makes us aware of a magnificent calling, the vocation of love.

It assures us that this love is trustworthy and worth embracing,

for it is based on God’s faithfulness

which is stronger than our every weakness.”

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Preparation for Holy Communion

at Sunday Mass

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 The word Eucharist comes from a Greek word eucharisto meaning an

expression of gratitude or thankfulness. This expression can be in the

form of words and /or actions. In our Mass, we have two movements:

The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the

beginning we actively listen to God’s words, and then starting at the

Offertory Procession our attention turns to the transformation of our

gifts of bread and wine into Jesus’ self-gift in Holy Communion. So before

we begin our celebration of Mass, pause and think of what you are most

thankful for this week.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily Notes To give thanks is the greatest prayer of all times. We give thanks both in our words and especially in

our actions. As we heard earlier, the word Mass comes from a Greek word eucharisto meaning

thnaksgiving or gratitude. And so each Sunday we celebrate our faith by remembering Jesus’

actions…all for love of us, he gave us his Body and Blood that we would be nourished and receive

strength in Him. Let’s look. Let’s listen and let’s live with appreciation.

• First Sunday: Jesus offers the woman caught sinning deep compassion. He doesn’t condemn

her. He invites her to enter into a new way of being, a new pattern of relating. Her thanks is

an Amen “let this be so”, starting out again with hope. In what area of your life do you long

for a fresh start?

• Second Sunday: Palm Sunday

• Third Sunday: Easter Sunday

• Fourth Sunday: the Light of the risen Jesus shines through the darkness with joy, hope and

a peace that perseveres. We are reminded of this gentle peace which carries us through our

own joys and doubts.

Where have you seen gratitude at work this past week? Where have you heard thankfulness

expressed? How will you live a thankful life in your words and actions this week ahead?

April 2019

We Give Thanks

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest Generous God, you embrace with tenderness all that exists. With thanksgiving for your love, we bring you our prayers.

Reader 2 For our Church, that our gratitude shines through kind words and

sincere actions to make our community a welcoming place for all.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For people living in warzones and in situations of conflict, that they may

know our support and solidarity. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all engaged couples preparing for marriage, that they may grow in

understanding that love is God’s dream for the whole human family,

and that they may support each other with hope, strength and

forgiveness at rocky moments. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For the children preparing for receiving their first Communion, that

they may always know God’s loving welcome through the Eucharist and

through each of us. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For the gift of creation, that in thanksgiving we may protect life and

beauty. Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all of our loved ones who have died we ask for the gift of your

eternal peace. We remember especially… Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Priest Gentle God, hear our prayers, stirring gratefulness in our hearts

towards care for our brothers and sisters.

Through Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.

All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects:

To be serenely present to each reality however small it may be,

opens us to much greater horizons of understanding and personal


It is a way of living life to the full.

Experience what it means to appreciate each person and each thing,

learning familiarity with the simplest things and how to enjoy them.

This attitude of the heart,

approaches life with serene attentiveness,

is capable of being fully present to someone,

accepts each moment as a gift from God to be lived to the full.

Other considerations

April: You might like to get a prayer card printed as they

continue their friendship with God - with your parish name and

date to commemorate this time of preparation and celebration of

the first of many communions.

May: For the celebration of First Holy Communion, please ensure that

a rota of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist is in place.

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Sunday after

First Holy Communion

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 As we gather together to pray and celebrate Sunday Mass, we

take a moment to pause and be present. As a parish, this is the

place where we share our lives and our faith. This is where we

are nurtured by God’s Word and through Communion, not just

for personal benefit but for the good of all our community.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily notes One of the early saints, St. Augustine invites us to become the one whom we receive. In other words,

we are asked to become Love, to be like Jesus. Through our words and actions, others will know we

are friends of Jesus. The Gospel is all about Love: what we receive from Jesus and how we are to

become more like this for others: at home, in school, at work, in our parish community. Let’s look.

Let’s listen and let’s live our faith.

• First Sunday: A lakeshore breakfast revealing a risen Jesus who cares, nurtures, forgives

• Second Sunday: The Good Shepherd who looks after his flock, offers calm leadership

• Third Sunday: An invitation to keep Christ’s message alive by loving one another

• Fourth Sunday: A call to deep peace constantly seeking stillness and rest in Jesus, no matter

what our circumstances.

If we look at the action verbs in the Gospel: caring, nurturing, forgiving, leading by example, loving,

holding, calming and holding tenderly… these are all actions that we see at home in our homes.

There are joyful moments and there are messy, strained times also. Through all the experiences,

our parents and families are the ones who show us that we belong and are loved. We receive the

love of Jesus every day in our homes in the ordinary experiences of eating together, helping one

another, saying sorry… In the week ahead, pick an evening when you’re all together as a family and

share where you receive, and where you are, Jesus’ love in action.

May 2019

We Receive the Body of Christ

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest With confidence we bring our prayers to God who smiles at us with enormous love.

Reader 2 For Pope Francis that he be given the strength and support needed in

his ministry of leadership. Lord hear us…

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all families that in their relating they experience a revolution of tenderness. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Reader 2 For all children who celebrated their Holy Communion this month, that they continue to grow into this life-long friendship with Jesus. Lord hear us… Lord graciously hear us. Reader 2 For all in our parish that we may become more like the One whom we receive in Communion, offering acts of loving service at home, in school, in our local community and online. Lord hear us… Lord graciously hear us. Reader 2 For all who have died, that they may rest in peace. We remember especially…. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us. Priest Lavish God we thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us we pray in our struggle for justice, love and peace. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus, your Son, our Lord. All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

Loving God,

Creator of the universe,

you have made all things good

and given us the earth as our home.

You call each of us by name,

to proclaim the Good News of your Son, Jesus Christ

through witness, worship and service.

May your Spirit guide us

as a welcoming and compassionate community;

responding to the needs of those most vulnerable;

and sharing our gifts for the good of all people to the glory of God.

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Corpus Christi

Gathering Rite

Reader 1 In our celebration of Mass today, we rejoice in the gifts of faith and

family. Most of us received our faith through our families: parents,

grandparents, godparents, relatives and family friends. Faith is also

nurtured in our parishes through prayer and service to others. On this

feast of Corpus Christi, let the strength of Christ renew you to become

his compassion in our parish and in our world.

Liturgy of the Word

Readings of Sunday liturgy are proclaimed by Ministers of the Word

Homily notes “If everyone does something, then we can do a lot.” It doesn’t sound too radical, yet these words of

parish priest Pino Puglisi caused him to be murdered by the Italian Mafia when he spoke out against

social injustice. Jesus’ teaching that we love one another cannot be silenced. Our actions and our

words give life to the Gospel wherever we are, whatever age we are. Let’s look. Let’s listen and let’s

be agents of compassion and justice.

• Fourth Sunday: Corpus Christi – in the sharing of the five loaves and two fish, we discover

that when we share what we have, somehow there is enough for everyone. Gathered as

parish, we receive Christ’s strength and encourage each other to be love.

For Jesus’ contemporaries, the expression “body and blood” was a way of expressing the whole

person. Body ‘soma’ connotates the whole physical person while bood ‘haima’ is the life force. This

feast celebrates Christ’s total self-gift, nothing held back. Through the Eucharist we receive and are

invited to remember to “do this in memory of him”. We both receive the Body and Blood of Christ

and are asked to emulate his whole way of being with and for others.

Who is your Christian hero alive today? Why so? How do you share Jesus’ friendship with others?

Remember, if everyone does something, then we can do a lot. Let’s be the compassion of God to all

whom we encounter at home, on the streets, online.

June 2019

We Are the Body of Christ

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Prayer of the Faithful

Priest As God’s family we bring our prayers to our loving Creator.

Reader 2 For all Christians, that we may give witness to our belief through

everyday choices to support social justice and conflict resolution. Lord

hear us…

Lord graciously hear us.

Reader 2 For all children who received the sacraments of Baptism, Communion or Confirmation this year, may their faith continue to be nurtured at home and through our parish. Lord hear us… Lord graciously hear us. Reader 2 For all young people who are preparing for, or already sitting exams, may they be inspired by the Spirit to give the best answers they can. Lord hear us… Lord graciously hear us. Reader 2 For the gift of creation, that during the long summer days ahead we will respectfully care for our common home. Lord hear us… Lord graciously hear us. Reader 2 We pray for the dead, remembering this week… Lord hear us… Lord graciously hear us. Priest Generous God, in your abundant love, hear the prayers we make today in the name of your Son, Jesus, our Lord. All Amen.

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Reflection

Reader 3

In this moment of communion with Jesus,

let us pause and join our faith and our lives before him.

In his writings, Pope Francis reflects:

God bends down and uses us, you and me,

to be his love and his compassion in the world.

If I encounter a person sleeping outdoors on a cold night,

I can view him or her as an annoyance, an idler, an obstacle in my path,

a troubling sight, a problem for politicians to sort out,

or even a piece of refuse cluttering a public space.

Or I can respond with faith and charity,

and see in this person a human being with a dignity identical to my own,

a creature infinitely loved by the Father,

an image of God, a brother or sister redeemed by Jesus Christ.

That is what it is to be a Christian!

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Date Intention Sunday Gospel Theme October Called and Chosen

7 Day for Life Ordinary 27 Mark 10:2-16 Let the children come to me 14 Ordinary 28 Mark 10:17-30 Everything is possible with God 21 World Mission Sunday Ordinary 29 Mark 10:35-45 To be first is to serve 28 Ordinary 30 Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus November We Celebrate the Saints 4 Ordinary 31 Mark 12:28-34 Wholehearted 11 Prisoners Ordinary 32 Mark 12:38-44 Giving from what you have 18 World Day of the Poor Ordinary 33 Mark 13:24-32 Reading the signs 25 Christ the King John 18:33-37 December We Wait for Jesus’ Birth 2 Advent 1 C Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 Stay Awake 9 Advent 2 Luke 3:1-6 Prepare a way 16 Advent 3 Luke 3:10-18 What must we do? 23 Advent 4 Luke 1:39-44 Visitation 30 Holy Family Luke 2:41-52 Jesus is found in the Temple January 2019

We Listen to God’s Word

6 Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12 Following the star 13 Migrants and Refugees Baptism of Jesus Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 You are my Beloved 20 Christian Unity 18 – 15 Ordinary 2 John 2:1-11 Weddingfeast 27 Catholic Schools Week Ordinary 3 Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 Mission statement February I’m Sorry 3 Ordinary 4 Luke 4:21-30 No prophet accepted at home 10 World Day for the Sick Ordinary 5 Luke 5:1-11 Put out into deep water 17 Ordinary 6 Luke 6:17, 20-26 Beatitudes 24 Temperance Ordinary 7 Luke 6:27-38 Be compassionate March Lent 3 Ordinary 8 Luke 6:39-45 The plank in your eye 10 Lent 1 Luke 4:1-13 Temptations 17 St. Patrick Lent 2 Luke 5:1-11 Hooked – work with me 24 Lent 3 Luke 13:1-9 Patient work 31 Lent 4 Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 The Loving Father April We Give Thanks 7 Lent 5 John 8:1-11 Forgiveness 14 Palm Sunday Luke 22:14-23:56 Passion and Death 21 Easter vigil Luke 24:1-12 Jesus has risen 28 Divine Mercy Easter 2 John 20:19-31 Peace be with you May We Receive the Body of Christ 5 Easter 3 John 21:1-19 Lakeshore breakfast 12 Vocations Easter 4 John 10:27-30 Good Shepherd 19 Easter 5 John 13:31-35 Love one another 26 Easter 6 John 14:23-29 Do not let your hearts be troubled

June We are the Body of Christ 2 Ascension Luke 24:46-53 You are witnesses 9 Pentecost John 14:15-16, 23-26 We make our home in you 16 Trinity John 16:12-15 Spirit of Truth 23 Corpus Christi Luke 9:11-17 5 loaves and 2 fish shared

Appendix Liturgical Calendar

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