premium ads and sponsored stories guide

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  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


    Facebook Ads &

    Sponsored Stories:Premium Opportunities

    2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    3/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.


    At Facebook, we believe businesses will be better in a connected world.

    We connect 800 million people to their friends and the things they care

    about, including your business. These real connections enable authentic

    conversations that unlock business potential. After all, people have always

    relied on friends to make decisions and discover new things. On Facebook,

    when people hear about you through a friend, they are twice as likely to

    engage. Facebook delivers the wisdom of friends, all the time, everywhere.

    We build social technology that drives business growth.

    Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories enable you to reach your customers,

    their friends, and broader targeted audiences.In this guide, youll find an overview of these products, including product

    specifications and policies.

    2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    4/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.


    Overview of Premium Ads

    Page Post Ads

    Like Ads

    Poll Ads

    Event AdsStandard Ads

    Premium Sponsored Stories

    Advertising Guidelines









  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    7/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Page Post Ads


    Anything you can post on a Page,

    you can turn into an ad.

    Engage people with 6 different

    kinds of Page Post Ads: status

    updates, videos, photos, questions,

    links, and events. Facebooks ad

    targeting puts your ideal message

    in front of your ideal audience.

    Initial appearance of Page

    Post Ad to non-fan

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    8/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Page Post Ads


    When shown to fans and friends

    of fans, Premium Page Post

    Ads display in a larger format

    with the names and pictures of

    friends, at no extra cost.

    When people see the combination

    of your businesss message and

    what their friends are saying

    about your business, the ad is

    much more effective: ad recall

    can double and engagement



    When your Premium Page Post

    Ad is shown to your fans, it will

    automatically be displayed in a

    larger format that includes an

    interface that lets people like

    and comment on the post directly

    from the ad, at no extra cost.

    Page Post Ads create a seamless

    experience between interactions

    on your Page, in your ad, and inthe News Feeds of fans and

    their friends.

    Appearance of Page Post Ad to fan

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    10/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Like Ads drive engagement by letting people

    see which of their friends have already liked

    your business.

    Nielsen research shows that there is a 1.6x

    increase in ad recall and a 2x increase in

    message awareness when people see a

    friends name associated with an ad.*

    The Premium Like Ad can include the names

    of friends who like the business. When people

    see that their friends like a business or product,

    it increases their trust in that business and

    the likelihood that they will

    engage with the ad. If none of the

    users friends currently like the

    business, the ad displays the total

    number of people who like the

    business among the Facebook

    community. This is another way of

    providing trust and validation.

    * Advertising Effectiveness: Understanding

    the value of a Social Media Impression.

    April 2010, The Nielsen Company.

    ** The option to like the News Feed or Profile story

    does not appear if the user already likes the brand.

    Initial appearance of Premium Like

    Ad unit

    Click the Like button to connect

    to the brand

    Profile story **

    Newsfeed story **

    Like Ads

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    12/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Poll Ads

    Poll Ads encourage interaction with your

    brand by asking a question and letting

    people instantly see the results.

    * Text will state You like [business] if the user already likes the business.

    ** User must be someone who likes the business to see the Poll published

    into their Feed.

    2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    1. 3.


    1. This ad unit asks a

    question and offers

    two or three responses.

    2. When someone selects

    their response, the

    poll results reveal the

    answers of everyone

    who has already

    answered the poll.

    3. People can also click on

    a link to see how their

    friends voted and/or to

    like the business.*

    Premium Poll Adsgenerate wall stories

    on your Page, which can

    appear in the News Feeds

    of people who have liked

    your business.

    Results are shown once the user engag-

    es. The user can then click to see how

    friends vote and/or like the business

    Users friends photos appear when user

    clicks to see how their friends voted

    Initial state of Poll Ad


    Wall story on Page & News Feed story**

    Profile story

    News Feed story

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    13/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Product Specifications

    Poll Ads Production Guidelines

    Title (25 characters)

    Links to Page on Facebook

    or client specified URL

    Image or Video Thumbnail

    (110x80 px) Links to Page on Facebook

    or client specified URL

    Question (40 characters

    ending in a question mark)

    Responses (25 characters) 2 or 3 choices

    Poll Ad Unit

    Total size:

    240 px wide (variable height)

    Poll + Video Ad Unit

    Total size:

    240 px wide (variable height)


    Text: Title25 character maximum

    Body copy135 character maximum

    Question40 character maximum

    Responses25 character maximum

    for each of the 2 or 3 choices

    Note: No comparative/competitive

    claims can be made in the creative.

    Image: 110x80 px, 4K RGB JPG,

    GIF or PNG (must submit thumb-

    nail image with video)

    Clicking video thumbnail will

    play the video.

    Link: Links to Page on Facebook

    or client specified URL

    Page: Client must have a live,

    published Page.

    Adheres to FacebookAdvertising Guidelines (p 19)

    Creative Requirements

    Body Copy

    (135 characters

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    14/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Event Ads

    Invite people to RSVP to an event and let

    them spread the word on your behalf.

    1. 3.


    1. This ad lets you invite

    people to events.

    2. Once a person

    responds, the Ad

    expands to show

    friends who are

    attending the event,

    as well as the total

    number of Facebook

    attendees. The act of

    RSVP-ing to the event

    is public and may

    appear in friends

    News Feeds.

    3. People are also giventhe option to send an

    invite with a message

    to friends and/or to

    like the event.*

    Users can write custom messages to

    friends that they invite to the event

    RSVP to event

    Invite more friends to event

    News Feed story

    Profile story

    * Text will state You like [brand] if the user already likes the brand.

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    15/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Product Specifications

    Event Ads Production Guidelines

    Event Name (25 characters)Links to Page on Facebook. Title

    should match title of event.

    Image or Video Thumbnail

    (110x80 px) Links to Event on


    Date Enter start date and end

    date to Event page (ad takes the

    start date). End date of event must

    not be earlier than ad flight end.

    Location Enter location to Event

    page (28 character maximum).

    Event Ad Unit

    Total size:

    240 px wide (variable height)

    Event + Video Ad UnitTotal size:

    240 px wide (variable height)


    Text: Title25 character maximum

    Body copy135 character maximum

    Image: 110x80 px, 4K RGB JPG, GIF or

    PNG (must submit thumbnail image

    with video). Thumbnail image should

    materially represent the linked Event.Video play button gets added auto-

    matically to all Video ad submissions.

    Clicking thumbnail plays the video.


    Title must link to Event.

    Title should match the title of the

    linked Event.

    Event: Client Page must host

    and publish a live Event to run

    an Event ad.

    Date: Must be a specific date

    and start time*

    Location: Must be a specific

    location (physical or website


    28 character maximum

    Page: Client must have a live,

    published Page.

    * Date and location are pulled

    from Event Page details.

    Adheres to Facebook

    Advertising Guidelines (p 19)

    Creative Requirements

    Body Copy

    (135 characters

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    17/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Premium Page Post Like Story

    How Sponsored Stories work:

    A person engages with your Page, app, or domain.

    This activity generates a story in their friends News

    Feeds. Due to the dynamic nature of News Feed,

    their friends may or may not see this story.

    By including Sponsored Stories with your FacebookAds campaign, this persons friends can also see

    the story appear in the right-hand column of pages

    throughout Facebook.

    Premium Sponsored Stories

    Appearance of sponsored

    story to friend of fan

    People are naturally interested in things their

    friends care about. Thats why the News Feed

    is such a central part of Facebook: News Feed

    stories give friends an easy way to share what

    they like.

    Now with Sponsored Stories, you can increase

    the visibility of these powerful News Feed

    stories when they relate to your organization

    or business. Due to the dynamic nature of News

    Feed, people dont see every story their friends

    share about your business. Sponsored Stories

    broaden your reach by putting stories from

    peoples friends into the right-hand column of

    pages throughout Facebook, allowing your fans

    to help their friends discover your business and

    connect with your Page.

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide

    18/19 2011 Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.

    Like (is a fan of) a Page

    Liked a Page postin the last 7 days

    Commented on a Page post*in the last 7 days

    Checked into a place orclaimed a dealin the last 7 days

    Voted on a question**in the last 7 days

    RSVPed to an event**in the last 7 days

    Page App

    Select Sponsored Stories in step 1 at

    Used an app/ played a gametwice or for >10 min in the last


    Shared an appin the last 14 days


    Liked, shared, or postedcontent from your domainin the last 7 days

    What kinds ofstories can Ipromote?

    I want to promotestories from my

    the friends of the person who engaged with my Page, App or Domainto

    How do I start?

    * Currently only available in Premium.

    ** Currently only available in Premium or the Ads API.

    Pro tip:

    Run Ads and Sponsored Stories at the same time. Ads put your businesss voice in front of your

    ideal audience. Sponsored Stories drive engagement and reinforce your message by showing

    people how friends have already engaged with your business.

    For example, combine Page Post Ads with Page Post Like and Page Post Comment Sponsored

    Stories to boost everything happening on your Page in an engaging, personal way.

    Premium Sponsored Stories

    Its easy to turn the actions people take with your Page, app, or domain into Sponsored Stories.

    Like Facebook Ads, Sponsored Stories are non-disruptive and respect peoples privacy settings.

    Additionally, Sponsored Stories appear only to friends of the person who took the actionthe

    same people who would naturally see them in their News Feeds. The chart below shows the kinds

    of activity you can promote with Sponsored Stories.

  • 8/3/2019 Premium Ads and Sponsored Stories Guide


    At Facebook, we believe that every part of our site, including

    the ads, should contribute to and be consistent with the overall

    user experience. Thus, we are committed to protecting our user

    experience by keeping the site clean, consistent, and free from

    misleading advertising. We believe that we can help transform

    existing advertising into messages that are highly relevant to

    every person on Facebook. We want people to discover and

    share products and services they care about.The following guidelines apply to all ads appearing on Facebook,

    including ads within canvas pages of Facebook Platform

    applications. In addition, all advertising on Facebook must

    comply with the Privacy Policy and Statement of Rights and

    Responsibilities. Advertising appearing within applications on

    Facebook Platform must comply with all additional Facebook

    Platform Policies. Facebook reserves the right to reject or

    remove advertising that we deem contrary to our ad philosophy.

    These guidelines are subject to change at any time and Facebook

    may waive any of these guidelines at its discretion.For further information, please visit

    Advertising Guidelines