prelims with answers

TECHNOTRYST- 2k15 GENERAL QUIZ PRELIMS With great powerpoint comes great responsibilty

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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With great powerpoint comes great responsibilty

• After a gap of over 20 years, X was released in India at

Shrinathji temple in Nathdwara, Rajasthan, on March 6

by Rajiv Mehrishi.

• In 1994, production of X was stopped predominantly due

to the high cost involved.

• Identify X which is now pink and green in colour.

• This phrase derives its origin to the days before

anesthesia was invented.

• A wounded soldier, about to undergo surgery

was given X to clamp in his teeth and bear down

on, so he wouldn't sink his teeth into his tongue

from the pain.

• What phrase thus evolved?

• In his previous birth, X was a Gandharva (angelic being)

who had been cursed to be born on an earthly planet as

a sudra for singing glories to the demigods instead of the

Supreme Lord.

• X is believed to be the first journalist on Earth.

• Id X


• X is a type of comedy based on deliberately clumsy

actions and humorously embarrassing events.

• The name comes from the Italian word bataccio ,a club-

like object composed of two wooden slats. When struck,

the battaccio produces a loud smacking noise, though

little force transfers from the object to the person being

struck. Actors may thus hit one another repeatedly with

great audible effect while causing very little actual

physical damage.

• Examples of this type of humor include Charlie Chaplin,

Laurel and Hardy, Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes among


• Identify this genre of comedy.

• X is a photo-blog and bestselling book featuring street

portraits and interviews collected in a particular city.

Started in November 2010 by photographer Brandon

Stanton, over 6,000 portraits have been gathered thus far

and X has developed a large following through social


• On October 15, 2013, the X book, which is based on the

eponymous photography blog was released. As of

January 20, 2015, the book had been on the New York

Times Bestseller list for 28 weeks.

• Identify this photo-blog/book.

• question 5.mp4

• Following the California summit between Presidents

Barack Obama and Xi Jinping, Chinese micro-bloggers

picked up on an uncanny resemblance between a

photograph of the two strolling through the Sunnylands

estate and X. The two images were published side by

side on the Chinese social media site Weibo.

• But the posts were almost immediately “harmonized”, as

censors appeared to take exception to the comparison

between their president and a X with a penchant for


• What was the analogy?

• Amid the Parisian upheavals of May 1968, a group of young doctors decided to go and help victims of wars and major disasters.

• This group of doctors were called MSF in French, known internationally in English as _______ ___________ ________.

• For their efforts in war-torn regions they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.

• Dr. James Orbinski, receiving the prize on behalf of the organization stated,

“Silence has long been confused with neutrality, and has been presented as a necessary condition for humanitarian action. From its beginning, MSF was created in opposition to this assumption. We are not sure that words can always save lives, but we know that silence can certainly kill.”

Expand MSF or fill in the blanks.

• Medicens sans frontiers

• Foetus

• Log

• Yearner

• Soldier

• Freefaller

• Starfish

Types of what?

X Airways was an American company

headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida,

that specialized exclusively in air

transportation of X, using contracted

small air carriers. The airline claimed to be

the first in the world for designing aircrafts

specifically for X.

It commenced operations in 2009. In February 2012, The New York Times reported that X Airways had run into financial problems, cancelling flights at the last minute, leaving customers and X with no recourse. As a result, in 2013 the airline permanently ceased operations.

Identify the airline.

• X is a technique for anonymous communication over

a computer network.

• Messages are encapsulated in layers of encryption and

hence its name.

• The encrypted data is transmitted, or rather, slingshot

through a series of network nodes or servers, each of

which "peels" away a single layer, uncovering the data's

next destination. When the final layer is decrypted, the

message arrives at its destination. The sender remains

anonymous because each intermediary knows only the

location of the immediately preceding and following




• _________ _________ is a name given to three women

(shown below) sent by anthropologist ________ for a

undertaking a particular study.

• Identify all the three women or fill

in the blanks.

• John Barrymore

• Clive Brook

• Raymond Massey

• Basil Rathbone

• Peter Cushing

• Jeremy Brett

What in-exhaustive list is this?

• In the 16th century, a Dutch shipmaster used heat to

concentrate wine in order to make it easier to transport,

with the idea of adding water to reconstitute it when he

eventually arrived to his destination.

• This led to the Dutch people discovering that

concentrated wine is much better than watered down

wine, and therefore the concentrated wine became very


• How do we know this concentrated wine, the word

tracing its etymology to the Dutch word for ‘burnt wine’?

• X originated in 1923 by Frederick Stanley

Mockford (1897–1962). A senior radio officer at Croydon

Airport in London, Mockford was asked to think of a word

that would indicate distress and would easily be

understood by all pilots and ground staff in an

emergency. Since much of the traffic at the time was

between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he

proposed X which meant “help us” in French.

• Before the voice call X, SOS was the Morse

code equivalent of X. In 1927, the International

Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington adopted X in

place of the SOS Morse Code call.

• Gimme X.

• Feb 9, 2015:

• "ISIS: We will hunt you, Take down your sites, accounts, emails, and expose you.

• From now on, no safe place for you online…

• You will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure…

• We own the internet…”

• As of Feb. 10, at least 800 ISIS-affiliated Twitter accounts were brought down.

• Within three days of the operation, 1,000 ISIS websites were brought down.


Anonymous declares Cyber War on ISIS