prayer from the heart - hermon

For internal circulation only Vol 34 No 03 19 January, 2020 Prayer from the Heart “In these days He went out to the mountain to pray, and all night He continued in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12). Introduction Prayer from the heart can be difficult. As one pastor said, “There are times in my life I’d rather die than pray.” When it comes to communion with God through prayer, we often attempt to find other distracting things to do than to quieten our heart to pray and commune with God. In the process, we miss out on the blessings that God will bestow on us when we pray and spend time with Him. F.B. Meyer, the author of the book, ‘The Secret of Guidance’ said, "The great tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but un-offered prayer." As God’s redeemed people, prayer should be akin to our daily routine, like breathing, eating, touching, walking and talking. However, because of our hectic lifestyle and pre-occupation with the cares of this world, prayer has become like that little glass covered box on the wall that says, "Break in case of emergency." It is sad but true that we often associate prayer with crisis management in our life. Jesus’ Devotion to Prayer A good start for us to find encouragement is to consider the prayer life of Jesus. Instead of being discouraged at our lack of prayer, we should look to Jesus and see if His example can help us in our understanding and devotion to prayer. Jesus’ ministry on earth was marked by a devotion to prayer. Prior to His selection of the 12 Disciples who would go on to turn the world upside down, He prayed. And He prayed all night through (Luke 6:12). When led and tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, He prayed and sought the Father’s strength and wisdom to overcome the Devil. When

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For internal circulation only Vol 34 No 03 19 January, 2020

Prayer from the Heart

“In these days He went out to the mountain to pray, and all night He continued in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12).

Introduction Prayer from the heart can be difficult. As one pastor said, “There are times in my life I’d rather die than pray.” When it comes to communion with God through prayer, we often attempt to find other distracting things to do than to quieten our heart to pray and commune with God. In the process, we miss out on the blessings that God will bestow on us when we pray and spend time with Him. F.B. Meyer, the author of the book, ‘The Secret of Guidance’ said, "The great tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but un-offered prayer."

As God’s redeemed people, prayer should be akin to our daily routine, like breathing, eating, touching, walking and talking. However, because of our hectic lifestyle and pre-occupation with the cares of this world, prayer has become like that little glass covered box on the wall that says, "Break in case of emergency." It is sad but true that we often associate prayer with crisis management in our life.

Jesus’ Devotion to Prayer A good start for us to find encouragement is to consider the prayer life of Jesus. Instead of being discouraged at our lack of prayer, we should look to Jesus and see if His example can help us in our understanding and devotion to prayer.

Jesus’ ministry on earth was marked by a devotion to prayer. Prior to His selection of the 12 Disciples who would go on to turn the world upside down, He prayed. And He prayed all night through (Luke 6:12). When led and tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, He prayed and sought the Father’s strength and wisdom to overcome the Devil. When

fighting against the forces of darkness at the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of His betrayal, He prayed. His prayer was so earnest that His sweats were like blood drops dripping from His forehead. In our Lord Jesus, we see what it means to truly depend on God and be devoted to Him.

Paul’s devotion to Prayer Paul’s devotion to prayer and his love for his fellow believers are evident throughout his Epistles to the early church. His prayers are deep and sincere from his heart. To the Philippian church, he writes, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy…” (Philippians 1:3,4). To the church at Colossus, he exhorts, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 4:2). To the Ephesian church, he bursts out, “For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers…” (Ephesians 1:15,16).

Some of us don't feel like praying, as the feeling of joy is gone. But Paul encourages us that we are not to live by our feelings but to live by sincere faith and devotion to God. To Paul, prayer is the lifeline of privileged commune between God and His people, between God and those who love Him.

A Deeper Desire George Muller, a renowned and devoted prayer warrior, encourages fellow believers to persist in reading God’s Word and laboring in prayer, in order to experience the blessings from God that come to those who persist: "It is a common temptation of Satan to make us give up the reading of the Word and prayer when our enjoyment is gone; as if it were of no use to read the Scriptures when we do not enjoy them, and as if it were no use to pray when we have no spirit of prayer. The truth is that, in order to enjoy the Word, we ought to continue to read it, and the way to obtain a spirit of prayer is to continue praying. The less we read the Word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray."

As we begin a new year, may the Lord help us to experience a deeper desire to spend more intimate moments with Him in prayer, allowing His Spirit to fill our heart with love and thanksgiving and being enriched to be a channel of blessing to those around us.

Eld Elgin Chan

(Editorial Writers: 26 Jan – Dn Luwin Wong/02 Feb – Dns Malar Thomas)



“I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from

the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify

them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have

sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also

may be sanctified in truth.” John 17:15-19

CHURCH Hermon Children and Youth Ministry – Ask the Lord to help our Hermon Christian parents see times in the day when they could steer conversations with their children naturally towards godly things. Pray that the families will grow closer to each other and to the Lord as they review the Sunday School lessons together.

Communications Day (today) – Pray for good attendance and participation as the leaders and members meet for a time of sharing of Hermon’s direction and land search. While praying for Hermon’s future, let us be sensitive to God’s leading regarding our discussions with Hebron on the status of the MOU after 2024. Pray that our actions will be God-honoring.

Chinese New Year – As we celebrate the holidays with our loved ones, may the Lord empower us to be a good witness for Him in our reunion dinners and visitations. May He give us discernment to be sensitive and inclusive towards others as well.

WORLD EVENTS Taal volcano, the Philippines – The volcano has been spewing lava and ash in the last week, causing thousands to be evacuated and the country on standby. Pray for wisdom upon the local authorities and residents that they would know how to proceed in this uncertainty and for their safety during this period.

Avalanches and landslides, Pakistani Kashmir – Avalanches and landslides have occurred over the past week with Neelum Valley among the worst affected areas. Pray for the safety of ongoing rescue work as well as for good weather so that aid can be delivered swiftly to those in need.

PASTORAL CARE Birthdays (19-25 Jan 20) – We rejoice with our members whose birthdays fall this week: Zebedee Lee, Michelle Yap-Ho, Joanna Li-Choy, Gayle Sim, Daniel Chong and Peggy Koh-Tan.

19 Jan – Deborah Engelsen/26 Jan – Angela Choo

PRAYER MEETING – Wed (22 Jan) 8.00pm @ Peter room #04-02 Prayer leader: Eld Peter Seah Focus: Worship & Prayer



A warm WELCOME to all who are here this morning. If this is your first time with us, please fill in a Visitor’s Card and drop it in the offering bag during the Offertory. We invite you for fellowship after Service at the Love Fellowship Hall on the ground floor.

We are glad to have had Ms Valerie worshipping with us last Sunday.


CHINESE NEW YEAR PUBLIC HOLIDAYS – In view of the CNY Eve, Church Office will be closed on this Fri 24 Jan at 1.00pm. Please send in the 26 Jan Herald announcements to Peggy Tan by tomorrow, 20 Jan.

FELLOWSHIP LUNCH & COMMUNICATIONS DAY (today, 19 Jan) – Let us stay back for fellowship over a free-will offering lunch, followed by our Communications Day. All communicant members are invited to be seated at Jerusalem Sanctuary by 1.30pm for a time of sharing with our leaders.

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP – Fri 31 Jan, 730pm at Hope Courtyard. This is the 1st Men’s Fellowship meeting of the new year! Please come and enjoy the fellowship. Bento dinner would be served (please order with Dn James Quek), followed by a time of worship and games. We will share the Men’s Fellowship programme for 2020. The Theme for 2020 is “MAN RESTORED”. You are all invited! Please come. Core Team: Sandor Wang / David Chia / Bak Chim / Alvin Yeo / Wee Toon / Kwee Beng / Dn James Quek (94558888).

BRISKWALK (Sat 22 Feb) – We will meet at 5.00pm at Sembawang mrt station. We shall be walking towards the Sembawang Hot Spring. Let’s invite your neighbors and friends to join us. Kindly let us know if you are able to join us. – Amy & Eld Yoo Keong

NEW CATECHISM CLASS will start on Sun 29 Mar for 7 sessions. Time: 1.30pm-2.30pm. The Baptismal Service will be held during our Church Anniversary Service in July. If you have been worshipping with us for more than six months and have decided to settle in Mount Hermon as a member by baptism (a public confession of your faith), membership transfer (from another Bible-believing church) or re-affirmation of faith (for children above 12 and have been baptised during childhood), please get a form from the Steward i/c after Service today.




CHANGE OF CONTACT – If you have any change in residential address, email, HP or home number, please notify the church office by filling in the Accountability Exercise form inserted in today’s Herald. Thank you.

HIM SEMINAR – Understanding Mental Health Biblically on Sun 23 Feb, 1.30pm-4.30pm after church service at Jerusalem Sanctuary. Speaker is Dr Valentino Gonzales from the School of Counselling, SBC. For more details of speaker, log in

gonzales/ Registration starts today at Love Fellowship Hall after Service. – Dn Simon Toh

CCKBC KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE & REGISTRATION – 1) Open House on Fri, 28 Feb (9.30am to 10.30am). Pre-registration is required. 2) Registration for siblings and church members – 02-03 Mar (Mon & Tue) from 9.00am to 2.30pm. 3) Public registration – 04-06 Mar (Wed to Fri) from 9.00am to 2.30pm.

We offer classes from N1 to K2. For year 2021, N1 is for children born in 2018 and N2 for children born in 2017. For more information, please call kindergarten office 67637502 or visit website at

NEW BABY – Our congratulations to Tan Jiahan & Melissa on the safe delivery of their 1st born on Fri 17 Jan. Both mother and son are well. We share the joy with Gene & Peggy as grandparents and Jiayi as uncle.

2020 (FEBRUARY-JUNE) THANKSGIVING FLOWERS CHART is displayed on the Notice Board at Love Fellowship Hall. Offering thanksgiving flowers is a gesture for an answered prayer, an expression of thanks to God or for a happy occasion. Each bouquet is $35. Please sign up and make cash payment to that week’s floral arranger. – Jessie Lim-Choy

CAR LIFT NEEDED to pick up Vivien Ng from the Sasco Home at 10.30am and/or to send her back after Service. Please sign up and indicate the dates on the roster at the Love Fellowship Hall Notice Board.



Vocal Team Practice 8.45am–9.30am Paul room #04-14

Worship Practice 8.45am–10.50am Ebenezer Chapel

Communication Day #1 1.30pm–3.30pm Jerusalem Sanctuary

02 Feb YM Sunday Fellowship 1.30pm–3.00pm

Hope Courtyard

16 Feb Faith Fellowship Hall

09 Feb, 01 Mar CG Leaders Equipping 1.45pm–3.45pm Peter room #04-02





CG & Leader 2020 Venue Agape Lester Cheng 01 Feb, Sat, 7.30pm Phelip & Liddy’s home

CCK Open Care 31 Jan, Fri, 7.30pm Room 02-03A

de Vine Jennifer Seah 14 Feb, Fri, 9am Eld & Mrs Tan Kim Ping’s home

El Shaddai Gillian Lim 08 Feb, Sat, 9am Room 02-03A

Immanuel Karen Sim 08 Feb, Sat, 10am Gideon room 04-07

Jehovah Jireh Dns Malar Thomas 15 Feb, Sat, 7.30pm Joshua & Wendy’s home

Klema Dn Richard Yew 07 Feb, Fri, 7.30pm Moriah Sanctuary

Koinonia (Clementi) Dn Mike Fong TBA TBA

Koinonia (W’lands) Dn Simon Toh 07 Feb, Fri, 7pm Jeremiah & Leticia Chan’s home

Lakers Dawn Tan TBA TBA

Living Water Daniel Woon 15 Feb, Sat, 7.30pm Peter room 04-02

Morning Glory Jeanette Ler-Lee 07 Feb, Fri, 9am Peter room

Paideia Gene Tan TBA TBA

Young Adults Dn Luwin Wong 07 Feb, Fri, 7.30pm Peter/Gideon/Samuel rooms

YOUTH BIBLE CLASS Time: 11.30am–1.00pm


Youth (Pr 6 - Post Sec) Peter (#04-02) Teaching Leader:

John Chua No bible classes

in view of Chinese

New Year

CHILDREN BIBLE CLASS Time: 11.30am–12.30pm


Faithfulness (P4-P5) Nehemiah (#02-04) Ng Zhe Hui / Kenan Ng

Goodness (P1-P3) Abraham (#01-04) Choong Kai Xin

Peace (Nursery–K2) Jacob (#01-06) Inez Tan / Lydia Li



Fund Last week Month Total Jan-to-Dec

Adults 211 Children 18 Total 229

General Fund $12,480.35 $32,381.10 $32,381.10

Dev Fund $8,242.00 $11,418.00 $11,418.00


Issue cheque to Mount Hermon BP Church

PayNow to UEN S88SS0035HGF1 or use QR Code on the right


Issue cheque to Mount Hermon BP Church – Development Fund

PayNow to UEN S88SS0035HDF1 or use QR Code on the left

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. (2 Corinthians 9:7, 12)



Date: 19 January, 2020 Speaker: Dn Luwin Wong Sermon Title: Watch Scripture Text: John 17

1. Pray for a Glory that __________ 2. Pray for a Unity that __________ 3. Pray for a Unity that __________ Reflection Questions: - How has your prayer life been lately? What does it reveal about your

view of self (identity), your understanding of God (theology) and your priorities in life (heart)?

- How will the priorities of Jesus’s prayer in John 17 shape your prayers from today onwards?

- Pray that you may be the answer to the prayer of Jesus.


Order of Worship 19 January, 2020, 11.00 am

COMMUNION SUNDAY Church Theme 2020: “Keep Strengthening Our Roots”



Call to Worship Revelation 22:1-5, 20

Opening Song Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)

Opening Prayer

Worship in Songs The Power of the Cross Worthy is the Lamb

Holy Communion The Lord is my Salvation At the Cross For the Cause


Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Reading John 17

Message Watch

Closing Song Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

Benediction/Three-Fold Amen

Speaker: Dn Luwin Wong Worship Leader: Lenard Cheng Pianist: Lenith Cheng Scripture Reader: Daniel Koh Vocalists: Phoebe Li (ic), Abigail Wong and Priscilla Chan Announcer: Zebedee Lee Pastoral Prayer/ Benediction: Eld Choo Yoo Keong PA: Samuel Chan, Joel Mak and Joseph Ho Projectionists: Marcus Lim and Leong Kam Chew Communion Elements: Fong May Yee & team Stewards: Shaji Thomas & Team A Thanksgiving Flowers: Gene & Peggy Tan Floral ic: Liddy Bay Chrysalis: Mary Lim & team Fellowship Lunch: Living Water CG

NEXT SUNDAY’S SERVICE (26 JAN '20) Sermon text: Acts 8 Speaker: Eld Peter Seah Worship Leader: Lenith Cheng Pianist: John Chua Scripture Reader: Yeo Soon Yii Vocalists: Phoebe Li (ic), Angela Wong and Divina Thomas Announcer: Dns Malar Thomas Pastoral Prayer/Benediction: Eld Elgin Chan PA: Daniel Woon, Edward Lim, Benson Fong and Ken Lee Projectionists: Benjamin Chua and Steven Chua Stewards: Nelson Chong & Team B Chrysalis: Mary Lim & team No Floral arrangement and Refreshment.

Pastoral / Ministry Staff

Rev Daniel Tan (Pastor)

9751 7740/O-Extn 11

[email protected]

Dn Luwin Wong

9230 5363/O-Extn 12

[email protected]

Mr Zebedee Lee

8813 8944/O-Extn 13

[email protected]

Dns Tang Lai Kin

9842 6551/O-Extn 14

[email protected]

Board of Elders

Eld Peter Seah (Moderator)

Rev Daniel Tan

Eld Elgin Chan

Advisory Pastor

Rev (Dr) David Wong


Dn Mike Fong

Dn Lee Pak Choon

Dn Lee Pang Wee

Dns Justina Ng

Dn David Oh

Dn James Quek

Dn Sim Chow Meng

Dns Tang Lai Kin

Dns Malar G. Thomas

Dn Simon Toh

Dn Luwin Wong

Dn Richard Yew


Ms See Siew Kee

97477726/O-Extn 18

[email protected]

Sunday Service 11.00am- 12.30pm

Children & Youth Bible Class


Prayer Meeting Every 2nd & 4th Wed


10 Choa Chu Kang St 52

#04-01 CCKBC

Singapore 689284

Tel: 6766 8903

[email protected]


In December 2019, 2 teams of missions trippers visited our missions outreach in Shwe Pyi Tar (Myanmar) and Phu Khieo (Thailand). Here are some of the trippers’ reflections. I thank God for opportunity to go back to Faith Evangelical Church and the time spent with the ladies. This time round, we also visited the three centres where they held Children Ministry on Saturdays. There were no chairs or air-conditioned rooms. Children were eager to squeeze into small rooms to learn and hear about Jesus. They recited memory verses with respect to Scriptures. They enjoyed the time in the room which was warm, packed and without any facilities, even when the floor was with holes and the risk of falling into the murky water below. What motivate them to be there every Saturday? We also shared how to use the resources we brought over with the space limitation. The ladies came with expectation of learning. What should I share with them? What do they need to learn in their context and pace? It was a busy month before I arrived in Myanmar, with a back to back overseas camp with the GB girls. I asked Ps Daniel for advice and prayed that God will prepare me to minister to the ladies. God sent me off with peace though I was not well prepared and expecting Him to use me in areas He deems fit. I started off with sharing from the book of Ruth and how we, ladies, could learn from Naomi and Ruth as some ladies there do not have husbands. When we completed the first day of learning, God opened the opportunity for me to share the languages of love the following day. I thank God that the ladies learned how they can love their husbands and children as some shared the frustrations of husbands not appreciating them and they do not feel loved. It has been a meaningful learning trip for me as I shared with fellow ministry workers and the ladies. They have so much zeal and love for the Gospel and neighbours, and the ladies’ eagerness to learn put me to shame. Lord, help me to have zeal and love for your Gospel.

Dns Tang Lai Kin, tripper to Shwe Pyi Tar, Myanmar (other trippers – Elder Peter Seah and Rebecca Li)

During one of the trip’s evangelistic meeting at Wang Muang’s home, four village boys raised their hands to receive Jesus into their lives.

How this happened affirms that God saves the lost and still reigns. It

led me to rejoice and praise God. When Bro Richard shared the gospel using Watermelon with Nin as the translator, he ended with prayers without making an altar-call that evening. However, Pi Pet, who was involved in the PA music and games, for some reason, decided to make an altar-call. We were all pleasantly surprised that the four boys responded to receive Jesus as Lord of their lives. Dn Richard and I later spoke with Pi Pet about the altar call to understand what prompted him. Pi Pet explained that the boys have been attending Sunday school at Thai Ezra for a while already and that he felt that evening was the time to challenge them. Thank God for their salvation and Pi Pet for being sensitive to the work of the Spirit. Pi Pet also volunteered to follow-up on them. We encouraged him to continue to do that and prayed for him and the four boys. I am especially thankful for the warm fellowship where needs were highlighted and prayed before God, grateful for the opportunities to observe and participate in their various out reaches around Phu Khieo, glad to have a safe journey and thankful for Sister Tan and Pi Pet for ferrying us to the various churches.

Bro David Goh, tripper to Phu Khieo, Thailand (other trippers – Dn Richard Yew, Amy Yew and Tan Wee Kok)

On 14th December we went to Eld Thong Dee's house. He was not there as he was busy harvesting in the farm. There was a children's gathering. Before the games started, Richard presented a message. After the message was the start of the children's activity. I enjoyed listening to the children's laughter as they played. On 15th December we attended church service and I was impressed that they put up the Singapore flag in the hall. During the service, I presented a Christian Thai song with my harmonica. Thereafter Richard presented a message. In the evening we went to Muang village. There we did the watermelon party and origami. The children enjoyed the origami contest. I presented 2 songs on the harmonica. Richard presented a message and four boys accepted Christ. Before the programme ended, I became the Santa Claus to give out the stationary gifts. When they looked at me, they laughed because I had no beard. On the 16th we visited two churches and one house outreach. The church belongs to Ps Adul and Ps Somchai. In the evening we visited one outreach.

19 Jan’20 Herald insert

This trip is a trip of renewing ties with Ps Boonma and his family. I did a massage treatment for Ps Boonma. I am glad to meet up with Sumali and Bill and good to know that Mdm Janjit and Weit were back in the church.

Bro Tan Wee Kok, tripper to Phu Khieo, Thailand

I almost cancelled my trip because prior to flying up, I had a lot of reservations, doubts, anxieties of my girls being left home alone for the first time, back to back missions and family trip, work commitment, etc. I felt very inadequate too because the team wanted to fold origami as one of the activities and no matter how I tried, I just could not get it right. With these, I wrestled daily with God but each time the negative thoughts, uncertainty or anxiety came to mind, God spoke – through my devotional readings, through my prayer partner, my family, my colleagues – of His assurances that all be fine and I just had to obey and go. I flew to Phu Khieo very deprived of sleep as I was very busy with work a week prior to the trip. I began to worry if I ever could catch up with the much needed sleep whilst on the missions trip and how I could ever enjoy the family trip thereafter. I was so very wrong in my presumptions and worries. God gave me complete rest and peace throughout the whole trip. Also, right at the last minute, whilst driving towards the village to fold the origami with the villagers, I somehow got it right! Amazing, praise God! There is no greater joy then to have 4 boys accepted Christ in the trip. It was an impromptu sharing of the “watermelon” gospel message, unplanned and totally unprepared. We were told to prepare the message whilst driving towards the village. God works according to His plan and His schedule. At His will and in His time, His grace and mercy reigns. Salvation belongs to Him and we just need to do our part and share the good news and be a part of His calling. I went with the prayer that I will be a blessing and encouragement to the Thai Ezra brothers and sisters but it turns out otherwise. I felt God’s love for me exhibited through the warmth and hospitality through the fellowship with Rev Booma, his family. Their worship, their faith, their work - deeply encourage and touch me. I thank God that I made it to this trip.

Mrs Amy Yew, tripper to Phu Khieo, Thailand