pratibimb - · the institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the b -...


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Page 1: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,



Whiteboard Developing Environment Friendly Businesses

Brandscan & S. C. O. P. ECoverage

Our Esteemed Alumni

Page 2: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

T. A. Pai Management Institute

T.A. Pai Management Insitute is a premier management institute situated in Manipal and is well known for its academic rigour & faculty - student interaction. The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine.

Founded by the visionary, Late Shri. T. A. Pai, TAPMI’s mission is to provide much needed impetus to the task of building professional management capability in the country. In the process, it has also played a role in strenghtening the existing educational and health infrastructure of Manipal

Our Mission

“To excel in post - graduate management education, research and practice”

Page 3: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

Director’s Message

The milestones are reached only by those who have dreams and have spirit to achieve the dreams with constant perseverance. TAPMI, through one of its platforms “Pratibimb”, ensures that students hone their written skills and be ready to scale higher challenges to be faced at the organisation level. The response for “Pratibimb” has made it achieve yet another milestone. Henceforth, the magazine would be in the printed format available for the read. I wish the editorial team all the very best for the e�orts put in for the issue.

Dr. R. C. Natarajan

Director, TAPMI

Page 4: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

Welcome to the all new winter issue of Pratibimb! The end of the year is nearly upon us and as this eventful year draws to a close, we get a chance to reminisce what this year has been.

The year 2015 has been an interesting and exhaustive one with events lined up one after another. The months of October and November saw TAPMI host two of its big �agship events – namely SCOPE and Brandscan. S.C.O.P.E’ – Supply Chain and Operations Exposition is the �agship event of Operations Forum of TAPMI Manipal. The 2015 edition of SCOPE was held on 31st October and 1st November which witnessed a host of dignitaries from across the country sharing their experiences and knowledge with the students. The second event was the eminent marketing research event of TAPMI: BrandScan. BrandScan 2015 kicked o� on 24th October 2015 with a road show at Kundapura and was brought to a close in the metro city of Bangalore. The famed event was held on a grand scale at three locations – Kundapura, Manipal and Bangalore.

In this closing issue of Pratibimb for the year 2015, we have picked the theme of Environment and Business going hand in hand. Environment preservation and sustainable development have been the keywords of this decade and this issue deals with how businesses are going the extra mile to incorporate environment friendly measures in everyday business operations. We have brought to you some insightful and thought provoking articles on the same.

This December has also been the month of Alumni reunions with both the batch of 1995 and batch of 2006 having their annual meets on 18th and 26th of December respectively. In the event of the prestigious launch of this issue of Pratibimb at the 2006 Alumni Meet at TAPMI campus, we have also included interviews with several alumni in the magazine.Whatever the year 2016 may bring, the Pratibimb editorial team and I will continue to bring to you the very best in TAPMI news and insight.

I wish you a peaceful and prosperous holiday season and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Enjoy the read.

Shweta VarmaChief Editor, Pratibimb


Ex- O�cio Editor - in - ChiefDr.Vidya Pratap


Chief EditorMs. Shweta Verma

Mr. Aditya TirumalaiMs. Anisha Venkatesh PaiMr. Nayan K SarafMr. Peter JosephMs. Nandita SyamsundarMr. Mahesh Ramesh DeshpandeMr. Sreehari N Mr. Mayukh Bhattacharya


Prof. Aparna BhatProf. Prashant YatgiriProf. R. C. NatarajanProf. Vinod Madhavan


Page 5: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,



“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”

This is not just a quote but a responsibility which few understand. The world has transformed itself according to the 21st century and the global economy has boomed thanks to the rapid growth of the corporate sector. But is this growth really what we want? It may be what we want now but not what we want for the coming generations. What is the point of being surrounded by huge buildings when there are no trees to soothe our eyes from the strain of working? It’s high time we all join hands and work towards a more sustainable development and a greener future.

Quite a few businesses, both big and small, have already started working for a better future. Or rather, a more ‘habitable’ future. Let’s take the example of one of the most valuable brands in existence-IBM. This company can be touted to be the absolute winner in the green race. It is ranked the second most Green Company in the U.S. and the number one company for leaders according to Fortune, but how did it become so? They have used many strategies and tactics to become what they are today.

They follow a simple principle- that of not being afraid of doing things that no one else does. They show their innovation to the world periodically and include their customers in their e�orts. There goals are not just goals, but sustainability goals. Executive management is involved throughout each step of the sustainability program. All across the organization, internal teams evaluate and implement these sustainability programs. Sustainability is ranked as one of the top �ve priorities within real estate and facilities business. Dedicated budgets are established for energy or sustainability investments and projects which are energy –e�cient are invested in heavily. Energy-class technology is used to support sustainability initiatives.

The company is implementing changes and achieving all of its pollution reduction goals. Energy e�ciency, and not supply chains or operational e�ciency, is the top priority for organizations that achieve sustainability with develop-ment and IBM is one such organization. Professionals are consciously focused on environment protection and corre-spondingly they prioritize targets and produce evidence of real and attainable dividends in terms of reduced energy and environmental impact and �nancial return. Energy e�ciency within the facilities also helps in cost-e�ective improvements.

Achievers at IBM identi�ed three key tactics that they employ to reduce energy use and improve environmental perfor-mance in facilities: Introduction of operational improvements, Investment in building retro�t projects and Implemen-tation of space management programs. Given below is a study conducted among the employees of IBM on the tactics used by the organization to reduce energy consumption. Organizational success requires the availability of crucial information so that energy and environmental preservation can be fully understood and resources prioritized, and hence the organization collects energy and environmental data from facilities. Organizations aiming to reduce energy use and environmental impact need to prioritize their e�orts through improved facility energy e�ciency—which means they must decide which individual facilities are to be targeted for increased e�ciency and also choosing amongst the worst performing facilities as to which to remodel and redesign. Once the organization selects facilities on which to focus its capital and resources, they must decide which projects provide the best ROI—which projects o�er the greatest �nancial and environmental return on the invested capital.

To achieve all this IBM implements technology and enterprise-class solutions to streamline the measurement of energy and environmental performance, as well as the evaluation and implementation of energy and environmental projects.

Incorporating environmental friendly measures in today’s business

Page 6: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

Not just IBM, but around ninety-two percent of the organizations surveyed in America have established some level of environmental sustainability policies and goals, yet only a third of them have actually achieved them. Other big companies which are known for their green policies are Sony, Samsung, Volkswagen, and Walt Disney.

Incorporating environment-friendly measures in everyday business is just a matter of changing the way you work, work remaining the same. It’s not that every company needs to directly aim for sustainability, it can be achieved through the smaller changes as well. A company can just start with their o�ce rooms to implement these changes. The organization should understand the energy bills and aim at it being reduced. There could be regular monitoring and maintenance of electrical units, light dimmers can be introduced, smart control systems with timers and motion sensors could also be installed.

Such measures are not just environment friendly but cost-e�ective as well. Energy e�cient models can be incorporated in the system such as the usage of Cloud storage and Green Ethernet. Power �ushing the central heating system can reduce fuel wastage by a third. Water charges can be saved along with the conservation of water using methods like rainwater harvesting and using instant electric hot water taps. Recycling and reusing are some of the common practices that not just a business but a common man should also adopt.

Adoption of such measures requires everyone to be aware, so spreading awareness regarding this topic should be our �rst objective. In this time and age it is not a di�cult task to spread awareness among people. Making everyone literate should be the �rst step and the rest can carry on. Today businesses are growing, tomorrow something else will, but one thing that we should never forget is our environment and our home-Our Mother Earth.



Page 7: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,



Considering the global environment issues, we have seen various business houses opting for environment friendly practices. But it is the only thing that makes di�erent. They not just include environment-friendly practices in their day to day business, instead they do a business full of the environment. It is an organization that pioneered in India as a green organization that promotes gifting of greens that is, plants.

They have a plethora of options to gift greens to your near and dear ones. But the thing that makes them di�erent is their option of corporate gifting of plants. We all know that in this era of concrete jungles, we are getting away from nature and its repercussions can be seen all around. From deteriorating health due to less fresh oxygen to giving up all the respect towards nature.

So the organization not just follows environment but encourages other corporates to include plants. Several of their corporate clients have gifted plants to their employees and clients. Many have kept indoor plants as well to keep the atmosphere less electronic and mechanical. There are many such examples of corporates who not only follow environment-friendly practices but also encouraged such among other business houses as well.

With all these plantation alone, a company cannot be termed as environment-friendly. With increasing carbon footprints across the globe, various MNCs have taken an initiative to support the environment in the true sense. They do not just try to reduce the use of paper and go e-way to save trees but also have taken measures for sustainable development. Wipro was ranked 1st in the 18th edition of "Greenpeace's Guide to Greener Electronics". Their initiative of managing the e-waste has established an example to other MNCs as well. ITC's "ozone treated chlorine free" bleaching technology has helped it to be a carbon and water positive corporate.

But above all these, there is one corporate that should be ranked as number one in introducing the environment saving zeal among the citizens of our country. No kudos for guessing, Idea telecom network by Aditya Birla group. Its advertisement with a tagline “Use Mobile, Save Paper" initiated a green campaign that educated not only other small business houses and corporates to take up more environment-friendly practices but had its mass appeal for common citizens as well.

Thus incorporating sustainable and environment-friendly practices in everyday business not just helps corporates to skip from the claws of government's environmental laws or give them a publicity. But also ensures their sustained growth as they have more resources to use and share with the world. All that is required in addition to MNCs is the adoption of such practices by government PSUs and agencies to help the world, making it a better place to live.

Corporates and Environment

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We are all a product of what we take from our environment and we are all shaped by it. When our forefathers said that it was important to have spent some part of our lives in a village, perhaps what they had in mind was to give oneself exposure to what a simple world would look like, one free from too many people and too much pollution, one where you know what it is like to live in constant appreciation of everything around you.

Globalization, rapid industrialization and the unending zeal to constantly develop and modernize puts a heavy strain on our resources and our environment. The best way to go forward then is to do this in the most e�cient way possible causing minimal damage to our life saving resources. This means companies can save money in future as they comply with all the carbon footprint regulations that governments impose. Also associated with going green is an image of a ‘responsible’, ‘forward-thinking’ or ‘mature’ company which creates a positive association in the minds of their consumers.

This is the reason companies go out of their way in making the world well aware of their green initiatives. A certain amount of passion and zeal in certain areas can make signi�cant changes in making our planet a greener and healthier place. Large strides are being made in this respect by top global giants, with IBM leading the trend followed by notable changes in this segment by Google, the technology goliath of the 21st century. One of the innovations at Google includes an application plug in that enables automobiles to predetermine where they are going, thereby minimising fuel cost and power consumption. This technology, called ‘prediction’ uses real time data to identify driving patterns and uses complex pattern matching algorithms to e�ectively reduce carbon emissions by working with engineers at Ford.

In terms of electronic waste disposal and energy saving as well, Google is much ahead of the benchmark set by the rest of the industry or even nations. One such method Google uses to achieve this is by redirecting the excess energy in its data centres to power its o�ce spaces by using e�cient energy consumption models. Google is also reported to use its advanced satellite services to track deforestation and make this information available to indigenous tribes.

Constantly searching for new ways to ensure that it never consumes excess gas, the company also has shuttles that work on bio diesel to reduce carbon emissions. Other than that it also focuses on building an eco-friendly system all around by encouraging its employees to ride to work using bikes, scooters or skateboards. E�ciency is no longer the only goal companies can set to aspire to. Society has reached a point where any institution or body that takes something signi�cant from our environment feels obligated to return it at least partially.

Though government policy and public awareness measures have dictated that companies adopt more environment-friendly measures in both their production and administration functions, it requires special commitment and perseverance from an organization’s management and employees to stitch together a successful initiative. A major challenge in environmental conservation is that it is not a goal-oriented process. Rather, it is one that requires continuous monitoring and optimization over long term, with tangible results not immediately evident.

However, refreshingly, lots of companies have shown the imagination and commitment to take forward the message of sustainable development, by adopting e�cient processes and developing CSR initiatives. The potency of a CSR campaign lies in the fact that apart from helping directly in conservation, it spreads awareness of the issue and helps create an environment where people are informed of the bene�ts of conservation and a concern for their immediate environment.

Incorporating Environment-friendly Measures in Everyday Business

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Recruitment 4.0 was all about driving value, gami�cation, and crowd sourcing. The latest model is more technology driven and emphasizes on big data, personalization and reliability.

The prominent features of recruitment 5.0 are: Mobile recruiting. Personalization. Big data analysis on the talent pool. Augmented reality. Gami�cation.

Mobile recruiting

According to Forbes, over a billion job searches are conducted on mobile devices every month. A research conducted by Kelton Global research in June 2015 revealed that more than 25% of large companies are still using sites with are not mobile-optimized even though 70% of the applicants are willing to apply through mobile phones. Career websites are taking the �rst step in identifying the need and then catering to it by launching m-sites (mobile sites). These sites are mobile friendly and have a user-friendly interface.

There is still a lot of work to be done. Companies and HR managers must become tech savvy and develop a strategy to e�ectively utilize mobile recruiting.


Millions of DNA footprints are getting imprinted every minute on the Cloud. Footprints here refer to cookies. E-commerce industry has realized the importance of personalization early and is utilizing this resource e�ectively. Whenever we shop on an ecommerce website, we leave a footprint which can be traced back to us. This helps in further suggestion of products and honing recommendations that the consumer might be interested. This is called personalization.

The HR managers should take a leaf out of the ecommerce industry playbook and utilize this resource optimally. If companies can keep track of applicants, they can accordingly suggest future jobs based on the candidates quali�cation, location, age, etc, and also maintain a database of potential talent pool.

Big data analysis on the talent pool: The term big data has become ubiquitous in this technology driven era. According to Deloitte global human capital trends 2015, a study on 3000 plus HR and business leaders in over 100 countries revealed that 75% of companies believe that data analytics on the talent pool is important but less than 10% felt that their companies were e�ective in this area.

There are more than 1.5 billion people on social media and data scientists are trying to �nd innovative mechanisms to pro�le people and group them into segments. HR analytics can help HR professionals in identifying the right kind of candidates who share the same vision by pro�ling them based on their social networking activity.

A recent study by Forbes revealed that the data is doubling every year. With the attrition rate increasing in this mercenary era, companies should invest heavily in HR departments, HR analytics to be speci�c, to achieve high e�cacy.

Recruitment 5.0 and beyond

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Augmented Reality [AR]

AR is a live direct or indirect view of the real world, physical environment whose elements are supplemented [Augmented] by computer generated sensory inputs such as audio, video, GPS data or graphics.One of the key areas where AR could be used is recruiting. Applications can use augmented reality to overlay information, images, links, etc., onto whatever you are viewing on your mobile device. In one perspective, it is no di�erent than the scoreboard superimposing during the live telecast of a cricket match. But in a di�erent perspective, it is a whole lot more.

Review sites such as ‘Yelp!’ have already integrated augmented reality into their operations. A person using ‘Yelp!’ can point his/her Smartphone at a restaurant and see information such as menu, review, price, or even how the restaurant was started. So how is this going to help an HR in recruiting? Well, a job seeker could just point his/her smart phone at the o�ce or building and get to see all the job openings, description, employee testimonials, etc. This wow factor will serve as the di�erentiating factor for the company.

Besides recruiting there are other various ways in which AR will help this area. There are devices called AR glasses, which are similar to Google glasses but with augmented reality functionality that can help in HR activities like

Interviews: Body language assessment, fact checking, etc. Performance management discussions: Since context is everything in these discussions, we can have a feed of peer reviews scrolling by and explain particular scenarios that were taken into account and give e�ective feedback. A HR could e�ectively make quick decisions if he has all real-time data available with him right before his eyes.


Gami�cation is the application of typical gaming elements like rules of play, scoring points, competition, etc., to other activities. A latest research by Gallup shows why companies are emphasizing on gami�cation. The study �nds that only 31% of employees are engaged at work, the rest are either partially disengaged or actively disengaged. The most eye-catching part of the study is the generation segmentation. According to Gallup, the Millennial generation is the least engaged generation. Millennials claim that their low engagement is due to the lack of opportunity to showcase their best work or have a medium to contribute their suggestions and ideas.

Human resource departments of Fortune 500 companies are already in the process of launching gami�cation pilots. Brian Burke, the vice president of Gartner estimates that employee targeted gami�cation applications have overtaken customer based gami�cation application. In the last 2 years, to fully engage the potential candidates, ‘PwC Hungary’ set a goal. They found out that a candidate spends less than 15 minutes on their career website. The �rm was interested in creating a more professional candidate.

To achieve this they developed a game called Multipoly. Multipoly allowed candidates to virtually check whether they were ready to work at the �rm by making them work in teams and solve real world business problems. By playing this game, the candidates were given an experience as to how the job is going to be at PwC.

The ones who performed well in this game were hired. Noemi Biro, the recruiting manager at PwC observed that candidates who played the Multipoly game were performing better than those who didn’t as the game pre-educated them about the job requirements, skills and vision of PwC. Since the launch of Multipoly, PwC reported a 190% increase in job applications.



Page 11: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

Gami�cation has been used in various ways in various companies. Walmart uses gaming in short bursts to reinforce safety training. Walmart wanted to deliver safety training to all its employees.

By using gami�cation, Walmart created a competition among its employees about who adhered to all the safety norms and who �nished �rst. Within a few weeks, most of the employees were conversing about who scored the highest. After introducing gami�cation, there has been a 54% decrease in HR related incidents.

Qualcomm also uses gami�cation to increase internal collaboration. Here, the employees asks technical questions on the website and any other employee can answer his query. The person who answers it �rst will be rewarded with a badge which increases recognition. This badge will later be translated into monetary terms during performance and appraisal reviews.

There are still a few important issues that creep up in recruitment 5.0. One of them is that candidates often feel that their privacy is violated when companies pro�le the candidates based on their social networking activity. There is still a long way to go as far as recruitment 5.0 is concerned but the initial signs are positive. The companies are realizing the importance of adapting and are willing to take a chance on technology. HR managers are also becoming more and more tech savvy. The future is tough for the inept and rewarding for the diligent and talented candidates.



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Corporate Edge

Mr. Narayana KuttyKarayangal




Page 13: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

Jasprit Singh BhatiaManager Connected Enterprise ServicesWipro

How do you look back at your time spent in TAPMI?

I recall the time in TAPMI as two of the best years of my life. I have very fond memories right from the day of induction till the day of convocation. To start with, I was elected the class representative and since then had a good time. Had quite a good and meaningful interaction with some of the faculty members like Dr. R.C.Natarajan, Prof. Vidya Pratap, Prof. Anuradha, Dr. Simon George, Dr. Rudran etc. At times I had very long interaction with them which was absolutely not related to the course but about how the things are, how the things should be, what we should be doing after TAPMI. I remember Prof. Bala who used to take our courses on International Business, Time Management etc. He used to interact with students talking about MBTI types and what career they are interested in after MBA. I would say I was very fortunate to get chance to interact with faculty members who shared their knowledge and wisdom about life beyond classroom. I was not good in terms of grades and thankfully, in contrary to natural beliefs, my batch mates and faculty members hardly ever made me realize that. If I have to re�ect completely on my two years in TAPMI then certainly I have to write what will be titled "Two Point Someone"

How important is it to stay in touch with your alumni network?

It is very important to be connected to the alumni network. In fact I believe one should stay connected to the institute through any means possible, be it committee or forum or placements. Whenever alumni meet happens in Bangalore. I de�nitely make it a point to be there. Personally I feel very good to meet anyone and everyone associated with TAPMI.

Where do you see TAPMI in the near future?

TAPMI is in very able hands right now. It has a very strong alumni base and has alums who are occupying senior positions across the industry. I know some of my batch mates who are doing very good in corporate world and also about alums from various senior and junior batches. So using the good alumni base and combining the current active leadership which is coating the base I see TAPMI going places. I hope the active administration it has now should continue and I wish Dr. Natarajan and his team all the very best in their endeavors of taking TAPMI places.

Our Esteemed Alumni

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R NatarajanDeputy Vice PresidentAnalytics Unit - HDFC Bank

How do you look back at your time spent in TAPMI?Time spent in TAPMI will de�nitely feature as the most memorable phase of my life. More so because for me personally it was a �rst time I was living in a hostel environment. After spending close to 10 years in corporate world and interacting with several of my seniors, peers, juniors from other institutes, I do feel that the academic rigor in TAPMI, concepts such as Associate and Core Groups, FAS, participation in various student committees, events such as Atharva and Brandscan prepared us quite well for the corporate world. While the academic rigor helped in creating a strong foundation, all the extracurricular activities, interacting with a diverse group of batch mates, helped in improving our soft skills which is also a very important aspect in doing well in a corporate world.

How important is it to stay in touch with your alumni network?A strong well connected Alumni network is always a win-win situation for both the institute and its current and past students. Any education requires a serious investment and getting the maximum return on that investment will take more than grades. A strong alumni network can turn out to be an especially e�ective kind of social network. Alumni network is the best way to leverage learning from real life situations, A strong alumni network is a like a self-feeding machinery which will propel the professional and personal growth of past and present students.

Where do you see TAPMI in the near future?TAPMI de�nitely has a very bright future, and the same is already being evidenced by improved rankings year after year, and all the international accreditations, collaborations which the institute is getting. The alumni of TAPMI are very well placed in the industry and are extremely well known �gures in their respective area of expertise. Already in some of the companies fresh graduates from TAPMI are treated at par with graduates from institutes like IIM-A, B, C, XLRI in terms of compensation, organizational hierarchy and fast track career paths. With a great infrastructure, strong academic rigor, experienced faculty, well connected industry associations, and a top notch alumni network, TAPMI has all the right ingredients for a bright future. Here’s wishing all the stakeholders of TAPMI the very best.

Our Esteemed Alumni

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Kapil JainBusiness Analyst HSBC, UK

How do you look back at your time spent in TAPMI?

My time at TAPMI is one of the best ever in my life. I cherish the union and lifetime friends I made there. Things we learnt there are impossible to "unlearn".

How important is it to stay in touch with your alumni network? TAPMI alumni network is an underutilized asset currently. Tapmians are doing great in several �elds and always would be a great learning insight resource for others.

Where do you see TAPMI in the near future?

TAPMI deserves to be a top management institute nationally and I have no doubts it will excel in all ranking parameters.

Amol SarafDirector Saraf Trading Corp Pvt Ltd

How do you look back at your time spent in TAPMI?

The time spent in TAPMI became a sort of foundation stone for my progress in these last few years. I learnt the value of adjustment and living day in and day out amongst people from diverse backgrounds. But what I will value most is the emphasis that was given on ethics and discipline which has stood me in good stead over the years.

How important is it to stay in touch with your alumni network?

I believe staying in touch is not just for professional networking but also to grow as people and stay in tune with changing thought processes. There is a lot to be learnt from the junior and senior batches as much as there might be to share with them.

Where do you see TAPMI in the near future?

I "hope" to see TAPMI as an institution that does not forget its core values in the face of commercial pressure. I hope that quality is never compromised in the race for rankings.

Our Esteemed Alumni

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How would you like to describe your journey as a PG fresher at Johnson & Johnson to your current position at DHL?I began my career as a medical representative; and every four years I got promoted to �nally reach the position of Regional Sales Manager. I owe the consistent and smooth growth to the well-de�ned organizational structure at J&J, which shaped me and gave me the right direction. I was also fortunate to have my superiors who guided me well enough. A lot of hard work was absolutely essential for this to blossom into the career I had envisaged. The willingness to adapt and the attitude to learn has made me reach where I am today.

As an extension to my previous question, you began your career with a sales orientation and then moved onto the operations management; but this is not the general trend that is observed. What could be your advice towards this aspect?The general aspirations of any individual as one grows over the years is to soon head a business unit, now to do that as a sales guy, one cannot just have the domain understanding of sales and marketing only; familiarity with Finance, Credit control, Operations, Customer servicing, etc. All of it is required. Thus unless one is willing enough to move across these domains and view it from one’s own perspective, one cannot be a leader in an organization. As one goes higher and higher up the corporate ladder, a single decision of the individual echoes across various departments; here is where a good manager and a good leader understands the e�ect of the taken decision. Thus the active conscious-ness and experience in each of these sectors will in�uence the decisions taken, which otherwise would have only been taken in one’s comfort zone. My advice hence would be that one must learn to observe things from another’s perspec-tive and not just self alone.

If I may ask, how well were your business career aspirations aligned with the business environment you were exposed to at that time and how did it help you grow?It is to be understood �rst is that there are certain things outside that are beyond one’s control. The business environ-ment will keep changing with respect to the economy. So what is in control is that we ought to be �exible to move around the above. Now if one has to grow, one has to be get across conditions not ideal to one’s nature or orientation – inclusive of reliance on only basic amenities and public transport in extreme conditions. Thus the attitude which one brings to the fore front of such scenarios helps one to enjoy what one is doing, these external factors would cease to be a source of worry. What places me apart here is that I gladly accepted all challenges put forward to me. Coming from an era of less access to any business school, any exposure to new circumstances was welcome. Qualities like eagerness, inquisitiveness, etc. if developed, one will not easily be put down by the fore mentioned external situations. These qualities will develop in time, with its own share of struggle and bad luck; this time is the most ideal period for learning. So this is how I reached where I am today. It is only luck to be at the right place at the right time.

What is the e�ect of the ‘Make in India’ concept at DHL? Has the rise of start-ups in the recent past and industries which are moving across to a digital platform and thus expanding their channels across the country a�ected the business model at DHL?It is a belief at DHL that even in times of war, things have to move. The physical produce has to move. The rise in many start-ups is actually a boon to DHL as we present to them as a logistics solutions partner by providing solutions and expertise with the help of BlueDart and DHL Express. We ful�l the warehousing and storage requirements for these organizations along with last mile delivery – anything from Commercial to Retail requirements. These developments are very good for DHL and would de�nitely help us grow. It’s an advantage to DHL!

With so many responsibilities on your shoulder as Senior Director, how do you manage your work-life balance?Honestly, I �nd it hard to maintain a work-life balance. But I do simple things – as an early riser, I go for a stroll in the morning and meet up with my apartment colleagues and socialize a bit. When at home, we as a family ensure we have dinner together, since my daughter and son as well as my wife are all working individuals. This helps us spend some quality time with each other. Hobbies would be reading �ction and listening to soothing music.

Corporate Edge

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S. C. O. P. E 2015

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‘S.C.O.P.E’ – Supply Chain and Operations Exposition is the �agship event of Operations Forum of TAPMI Manipal. The 2015 edition of SCOPE was held on 31st October and 1st November which witnessed a host of dignitaries from across the country sharing their experiences and knowledge with the students. This year’s theme was “Make in India: New Paradigm in India’s Supply Chain.”

The conclave was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr. Pramod Sant, Vice President, Siemens Ltd and the key note address was delivered by Mr. V Raju, Vice President, Adani Logistics. The �rst day of the conclave saw a variety of events which acted as an amalgamation of academic knowledge and industry expertise. The topic for the ‘Socius’ panel discussion on Day 1 was “Making Make-in-India a Reality: Revive, Compete and Lead”. The question answer session that followed the discussion helped students in understanding the intricacies of supply chain management. Day One of the conclave also saw the ‘Words Worth’ series of guest lectures by industry stalwarts like Mr. Rohit Sarma, Mr. Satish S V and Mr. V Raju.

Three new events ‘Battle of States’, ‘Canvas’ and ‘Ops Quiz’ was introduced in SCOPE 2015. Battle of States was a unique and one of a kind event which witnessed intense competition with twenty teams representing various di�erent states of the country, �ghting it out to the �nal by convincing the panel of esteemed judges. The teams gave a short presentation vouching for their chosen State to get the maximum budget allocation under the “Make in India” initiative. Canvas – The Digital Poster competition encouraged students to create original art inspired by the theme “Make in India- New Paradigm in India’s Supply Chain”. Ops Quiz, one of the most exciting events of SCOPE 2015, was a unique quiz challenging the operations acumen and knowledge of the students. The �nals of ‘Battle of States’ and ‘Ops Quiz’ were held on Day One of SCOPE 2015 itself.

Day Two of the Conclave gave the industry experts an opportunity to judge the analytic prowess of the students of TAPMI through ‘Animus’, the Case challenge competition. Second day also witnessed the �nals of ‘Canvas’ competition as well as the ‘Words worth’ guest lecture series by industry stalwarts like Mr. Narayanankutty, Mr. Y J Rao and Mr. Pramod Sant. The dignitaries discussed about the possibilities of building an export ecosystem in India in the ‘Socius’ panel discussion. The two day conclave turned out to be a huge success in bridging the industry-academia gap, there by helping the students garner a greater insight into the challenges faced by businesses across the country. The winners of various events were declared during the valedictory ceremony. At the end of the speeches, Professor Animesh Bahadur o�cially declared the closing of SCOPE 2015.

S. C. O. P. E 2015

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Page 20: PRATIBIMB - · The Institute has been recently ranked the top 1 percent of the B - Schools in India & 2nd in the South Zone by The Week Magazine. Founded by the visionary,

BrandScan 2015, the annual market research event of TAPMI, was conducted in its full glory this year. The annual �agship event of TAPMI was held in three locations including a rural market in Kundapura, the metro city Bangalore and the educational hub, our very own Manipal.

The event took place in 3 di�erent phases in the three di�erent locations. A week prior to the commencement of the event, Road shows were performed by the BrandScan team in and around Manipal and Kundapura to create public awareness and stir excitement about the event.

BrandScan 2015 kick started on 24th October 2015 at the Junior College Grounds in Kundapura. The projects in Kundapura which were handled by the market research team included Spandana TV, Zee Kannada, Bombay Stock Exchange and Bajaj Financial Services. The major draw for the audiences in the area were two special events namely Mr. Biker and the Dance Competition Kundapura’s Got Talent. Both were hugely successful. Mr. Biker is an event where bikers display some really incredible stunts. Super Bikes like Harley Davidson were on display. The dancers enthralled the audience making it one of the most entertaining evenings for the Kundapura crowd. The respondents had fun playing the games and answering questions posed by the project teams. The local population were asked questions in Kannada due to the language barrier.

The second phase of the event was held at Kasturbha Medical College Greens, Manipal on 25th October 2015. The title sponsor for the event was Country Inn Resorts. The highlight of the event was that the whole place was enabled with Reliance Jio 4G enabled Wi-Fi connection. In fact, one of the project teams worked on Reliance Jio project as well. Apart from Reliance Jio, the other projects included BSE, Pepsi, Lavasa, WildCraft and Rio Soft Drink. Rio Soft drink was the beverage sponsors for the event.

BrandScan in Manipal was marked by three primary events. These were Mad Ads, The Dance competition and the Fashion Show called Panache. The fashion show was a huge crowd puller. The participants from various colleges put on a very entertaining show.

The �nal phase of this BrandScan was held at Phoenix Market City mall, Bangalore on 14th and 15th of November 2015. The whole event in Bangalore had a Digital backdrop to it. The title sponsor for the event was Irish Fragrance. The super bike ‘Triumph’ was on display during the event. All in all, Bangalore played host to a range of projects which included BSE, Bajaj Financial Services, Reliance Jio, Tanishq, Mia, Godrej Locks, L’Oreal and Phoenix Mall itself. Being a two day event and in a city like Bangalore, the Brandscan team faced several challenges di�erent from the �rst two editions and had to put their best e�orts.

On top of these challenges, weather proved to be another di�cult obstacle as both days saw some really heavy rainfall in Bangalore which disrupted the �ow of events. Nevertheless, the Brandscan team and all the project members showed great character and commitment and were able to get more than the targeted number of responses. Two events were also held for audience attraction - a Dance competition and a Live Rock show event which engaged the youth.

All in all BrandScan 2015 was a brilliant success due to the unrelenting e�orts of the whole BrandScan team, the sponsors, the project leads and their respective teams, the faculty professors, Prof. Simon George and of course the audience who participated in such great numbers.


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Gopika SanalBKFS 1

Akshay AnandBKFS 1

Monica VeerBKFS1

Being a miser with respect to non-renewable resources isn't a bad choice. Carbon footprint is not a legacy that you would want to leave behind for your future generation. Go Digital !!

Why not to think of 'Eco Marketing', when we can easily think of Eco friendly products? 'Eco Marketing' involves the practice of improving the ecology and economy of marketing through green back-end business practices, paperless, interactive and social media marketing techniques.

It is better idea to scrap the whole paper work in the banking system where a customer needs to sign 100 times on 100 documents before formal procedure, and should replace it with bio-metric techniques which would be time saving, cost e�ective and paperless, in short Eco friendly.

With the advancements in human behaviour and psychology, the organisations need to incorporate the habit of moving with the society's timeline. So, one good method would be to have gifts or rewards to each person who does one good deed (environmental). And gifts NOT in cash!!

White BoardTAPMI students pen down their thoughts on the theme

Regulation and Red Tape

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Vamsi KrishnaBKFS 1

Rhea KamalSharmaBKFS 1

Nayan SarafBKFS 1

Janani Rajendran


Entrepreneur could surely exploit E-waste recycling systems which will shred discarded, obsolete computer and electronic products into raw materials that can be recycled into the industrial production chain. The road less traveled by entrepreneurs.

Innovative design of the product is also a very unique way to be environment friendly and the cost e�ective. Same used product could be recycled and feed back into the production process if it is designed that way.

There is a niche market for the Eco- friendly products which is very lucrative. The best way to grab this market segment is to promote not only your product but entire supply chain like green packaging, Eco- conscious vendors etc. Food for thought.

Before Housing-bubble, if government would have forced borrowers to use only Eco-friendly products in their houses, it might not have prevented crisis of 2007, but would have de�nitely put us into a safe environment

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Betty AvirachanBKFS 1

Sai PrabhakarSundariBKFS 1

Why can't government give the huge tax bene�ts to the organizations who will use environment friendly practices? Tax collection might be less, but the future investment in saving environment would be far less.

As long as organizations won't �nd enough Eco- friendly customers, they would neither try to bring Eco -friendly products nor the practices in their business. Customers' inclination and awareness are the key factors.

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T.A.Pai Management Institute

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