practice work (session 2019-20)

Practice Work (Session 2019-20) *All practice work needs to be done in the practice notebooks of the respective subjects. *The work must be done by the students on their own.

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Practice Work (Session 2019-20)

*All practice work needs to be done in the practice notebooks of the respective subjects.

*The work must be done by the students on their own.


Subject- English

Question Bank-Level 1(Based on U.T)


Writing Skill-Unseen passage, Story writing, Paragraph


Grammar- Noun, Pronoun and Articles

Dictation – Chapter -1 (Hues-1)

Q1.Unseen passage 1

1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

The Foolish Lion

Once there lived a lion in the jungle . One day he felt hungry. He looked around for

some animals for his food. He saw a rabbit playing under a tree. The lion pounced

towards him. As soon as the rabbit saw the lion approaching, he began to run

swiftly. The lion chased the rabbit until he caught him. The lion held the rabbit by

his ears and was about to kill him when he saw a deer. The lion thought that the

small rabbit would not satisfy his hunger. So, he let off the rabbit and began to

chase the deer.

Seeing the lion the deer ran off with long strides. The lion chased it for a long time

in vain . The Lion felt very sorry for letting the rabbit go off.

a) Fill in the blanks:-

1)Once there lived a lion in a ____________.

2) The lion saw a __________ playing under the tree.

b) Find out the opposite of the following words from the above passage

1) Big- 2) Short-

c) Answer the following questions:-

1)Where did the lion find the rabbit?

2)Why did the lion let the rabbit go off?

3)What did you learn from the story?

*Unseen passage2

2. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:-

We live on the planet earth. Various kinds of animals, plants and human beings

live on this planet. This is possible because there is water, soil, air and sunshine on

our planet. We all know that the earth moves round the sun.

Our earth is huge and it is many years old. Most of the earth is covered with

water. Only a small part of it is land. There are many mountains on the earth. Mt.

Everest is the highest mountain peak.

Ques. Tick ( ) the correct answers:-

1) We live on the ____________.

a) Earth b) Moon

2) Most of the earth is covered with _________.

a) Land b) Water

3) We all know the earth moves round the ____________.

a) Moon b) Sun

Ques. Give one or two – word answers:-

1) Which is the highest mountain peak?

2) What are the different kinds of life forms found on the earth?

3) What makes it possible for us to live on earth?

*Unseen passage 3

3.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees: workers,

drones, and queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead,

the other bees will stop their work. Bees are very wise and busy little creatures.

They all join together to build cells of wax for their honey. Each bee takes its

proper place and does its own work. Some go out and gather honey from the

flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. It is not safe for children to

handle bees. Bees have a painful sting that they use in their defense.

(a)Bees live in a ________.

(b) Name the three kinds of bees who live in a hive ?

(c) Find a word from the passage which means : collect - __________________

(d) How many queen bees live in a hive?

(e) What will happen if queen bee is lost or dead?

(f) Why is it not safe for the children to handle bees?

(g) Find a word from the passage opposite in the meaning to- Build


(h) Say ‗Yes‘ or ‗No‘ : All the bees go out and gather honey. _______________

(i) Complete the sentence ―Bees are very wise and


(j) Give a suitable title to the passage __________________________

*Unseen passage 4

Read the passage given below and answers the following questions.

Once upon a time there lived a business man in a city, by the name Shyamakant.

He was owner of a big business. The city in which he lived was situated near a

river. Once, due to heavy rains the river was flooded. The whole city got

submerged in the neck deep water. The crop, houses and factories in the cities

where damaged and hundreds of people and cattle perished in the flood.

Now answer the questions in very short:-

a) Where did the businessman live?

b) What was the name of the businessman?

c) Where was the city situated?

d) What was he doing in the city?

f) Write the opposite of the following:- rich ------- near--------

g) Write the plural of village ----

h)Complete the sentence:- Once upon the time there …….a……in a city.

*Unseen passage 5

Read the passage given below and answers the following questions:

Mother, your baby is silly! She is so very childish! She does not know the

difference between the lights in the streets and the bright stars. When we play with

pebbles, she thinks they are real food. She even tries to put them into the mouth.

When I open a book before her and ask her to learn abc, she tears the pages.

After reading the above passage answer the following questions in very short:-

a) How was the baby?

b) Who was very childish?

c) Write the opposite of Open ………

d) Complete the following sentence:- She does not know the difference between

the lights……………

e) Give the past form of Play ……..

f) Write down the plural of Pebble …………

g) Arrange the letter to make a meaningful word ROEHTM

h) Write the singular form of Streets ………

i) Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks:- She even tries to put them into

her……………..(mouth, pocket)

Q2.Read any one book from the list given below:

1. Malgudi Days by R.K. Narayan.


2.The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

Based on your reading of one of the book given above, choose your favourite

character.Draw and describe the character using suitable adjectives on an A4 size

sheet.(Minimum 10 adjectives)

Q3.Story Completion

1. Complete the story using the given clues.

Money, died, found, sowed , help, ill, treasure ,dug, good

A farmer had four sons. They did not___________ their father in this work. One

day the farmer fell seriously_______.He called his sons and told them that there

was a hidden ___________in his field. But he could not tell the exact place. The

farmer then ______________ .The sons ___________ the field but__________ no

treasure.They _____________ the field with wheat.They had a very

____________ crop that year.They sold it and got a lot of ______________. Then

they realized that their father had spoken the truth.

Moral:- No pains, no gains

2.Complete the story using the given clues.

Honesty,poor, woodcutter,Mercury,weep, dived, golden, pleased ,happy

Once there was a __________. One day he was cutting wood sitting on a tree. By

chance his axe fell into the water.The woodcutter was very _________. He could

not buy a new axe. He began to ________. After sometime, the god

______________appeared . He asked the woodcutter, ― Why are you weeping?‖

The woodcutter told his story . The god dived into the water .He brought out

a_________axe. But the woodcutter said,‖ This is not mine.‖ The god _______

again. This time he brought out a silver axe. But the woodcutter did not take this

axe also. At last the god brought out the iron axe. The woodcutter was

_____________ to see it. He said,‖ This is my axe.‖ The god was ____________at

his honesty. He gave all the three axes to the woodcutter.

Moral:- _________ is the best policy.

Q4.Paragraph writing

*Write a paragraph on ―My School‖ from the clues given below.

School‘s name, numbers of teachers, number

of classrooms, facilities, school‘s building, location of school, playground

* Write a paragraph on ―My Family‖ from the clues given below.

Type of family , number of members, siblings , parent‘s occupation


Q1.Circle the correct article (a / an / the) in each sentence:

1. He carried a/an axe.

2. My mom poured lemonade from a/an pitcher.

3. That cat is stuck in a/an tree.

4. A/an elephant has a long trunk.

5. The truck was driving down a/an dirt road.

6. There is a/an chair at the table.

7. Mary ate a/an egg for breakfast.

8. Tom runs as fast as a/an cheetah.

9. There is a/an inky spot on my pants.

10. I love to read a/an book.

Q2.Write the correct article (a / an / the) before each noun:

_______ flower

_______ baseball

_______ oven

_______ apple


_______ rake

_______ logs

_______honest man

Q3.Exercise: A or an?

Look at the pictures, then complete the sentences with a or an.


Bradley gave his teacher _________ apple.


She is holding _________ pencil.


Emily is in __________ garden.


There is _________ fountain in the middle of the park.


John is looking at _________ yellow map.


She is wearing _________ red dress.

Q4.Identify the common noun in each sentence:

1. Sarah finally got her degree

A – Sarah, B –her, C – degree

2. Jennifer and her brother are going to Disneyland next month.

A – Jennifer, B – brother, C – Disneyland

3. I told Donald that I prefer vegetarian food.

A – told, B – Donald, C – food

4. Harry went to the park with his friend Keisha.

A – Harry, B – park, C – Keisha

Q5.Is the highlighted word in the sentence a common noun or a proper noun?

My friend grew up in a small town. _____________________

My aunt shifted to Kanpur. _____________________

My grandparents live in Bihar. _____________________

The last game of this series was very interesting.__________

I have two dogs. _____________________

We live in Ghaziabad. _____________________

Did Rita win the prize? _____________________

The teacher punished the mischievous boy. _________


I think mice are rather nice,

Their tails are long, their faces small;

They haven‘t any chins at all,

Their ears are pink, their teeth are white.

They run about the house at night,

They nibble things they shouldn‘t touch;

And, no one seems to like them much,

But, I think mice are rather nice

**Note: Do English Cursive Writing in book till Page no-20.


* Fill in the blanks:

a. The smallest 3 – digit number is ………………….

b. The greatest 4 – digit number is ………………….

c. On adding 1 to the greatest 3 – digit number, we get ………………….

d. When the numbers 4821, 4128, 8421 and 1428 are arranged in

ascending order, then the third number is ………………….

e. When the numbers 2759, 7259, 2579 and 5729 are arranged in

descending order, then the second number is ………………….

f. The place value of 3 in 9387 is ………………….

g. The face value of 7 in 7001 is ………………….

h. The smallest 4 – digit number formed from the digits 2, 5, 0, 3 is


i. The greatest 4 – digit number formed from the digits 1, 9, 6, 7 is


j. On subtracting 1 from the greatest 4 – digit number, we get


k. Nine thousand eighteen is written in numbers as ………………….

l. 10 more than 5109 is ………………….

m. 100 more than 5109 is …………………..

n. 1000 more than 5109 is …………………..

o. 10 less than 6954 is ………………….

p. 100 less than 6954 is ………………….


Hues – 1 : (Ch. – 1, 2, 3)

* Write the predecessor (number before) and successor (number after)

of the following numbers.

S.No. Predecessor Number Successor

1. 6453

2. 437

3. 1000

4. 9375

5. 2438

6. 9009

7. 555

8. 4290

9. 1010

10. 716

*Write the greatest and the smallest number formed from the

following digits without repeating any digit.

S.No. Digit Greatest Number

Smallest Number

1. 5,3,0

2. 1, 9, 0, 6 3. 2, 1, 7, 8 4. 3, 0, 6, 9 5. 2, 4, 3

*Express the following Hindu Arabic Numerals in Roman


(i) 16

(ii) 31

(iii) 19

(iv) 37

(v) 14

(vi) 21

(vii) 15

(viii) 36

* Convert the following Roman numerals into Hindu

Arabic Numerals:

(i) X

(ii) XVI

(iii) XXI

(iv) XXXIV

(v) XL

(vi) XVIII

(vii) XXVII

(viii) LXI

* Write 4 numerals formed by the Roman digits using

both I and V.

* Form 5 numerals with the help of the Roman digits

using I, V and X.

* Which Roman digits are used twice or thrice to form


* Which Roman digit is never written to the left of X to

form a Roman numeral?

* Match Roman numerals in column A with Hindu Arabic

Numerals in column B:

Column A






Column B






* Write ‘yes’ for the true statements:

(i) The numerals V, X and L stand for 5, 10 and 50.

(ii) There is no sign for 0 in Roman numerals.

(iii) The value of XXXIX is 39.

* Write the Hindu Arabic Numbers of the following

Roman digits:

(i) I

(ii) V

(iii) X

(iv) L

* Write the value of the following English digits:

(i) 42

(ii) 27

(iii) 31

(iv) 100


I. Label the parts of plant:-

II. Categorize the following plants as Taproot or Fibrous root:-

Grass, Beetroot, Onion, Turnip, Wheat, Mustard, Maize, Bean, Rice, Radish, Carrot.

III. Draw the structure of a leaf and label its parts.

IV. Draw a diagram of a plant showing the process of photosynthesis.

V. Draw or paste pictures of five living and five non living things.

VI. Fill in the blanks :-

1. Plants and humans are ________________________ things.

2. ________________ moves towards the direction of the sun.

3. Snakes move by ________________.

4. All living things breathe in air to stay ________________.

5. The air through the nose reaches the ___________________.

6. Food provides __________________ to do work.

7. ________________ flowers open during sunrise and close at night.

8. The ______________ of a plant are present below the ground.

9. The ________________ system includes stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.

10. Hard woody stems are called ______________.

11. _______________ grow into new plants.

12. Flowers turn into _______________.

Syllabus covered:

Ch -1 Living And Non – Living Things

Ch -2 Parts of Life

13. _______________ prepare food for the plants.

14. Tubes running through the leaf are called _____________.

VII. Match the following :-

1. Root Touch-me-not

2. Flower Produces flowers

3. Mimosa Plant Spiracles

4. Cockroaches Takes minerals from soil

5. Radish Many seeds

6. Mango Root we eat

7. Apple Single seed

VIII. Give reasons for the following:-

1. Creepers take support of things around them.

2. Leaves are called the food factory of the plant.

3. Plants die without sunlight and water.

4. Sunflower moves towards the direction of the sun.

IX. Answer the following questions :-

1. Give 3 points to differentiate between living and non-living things.

2. Differentiate between tap root and fibrous root.

3. How do fish and frog breathe?

4. Why do animals need to move?

5. What is the function of stomata?

X. Key terms:-

1. Chlorophyll

2. Germination

3. Lifespan

4. Stomata

5. Spiracles

XI. Give 2 examples of each of the following :-

1. Creepers

2. Climbers

3. Herbs

4. Taproot

5. Fibrous root

6. Non – living things

7. Living things

XII. Activity

1. Make a forest with dried leaves, sticks, flowers, animals (pictures) mounted on a

hard board, put a cellphone sheet on it to preserve it. [Label it]

2. On an A3 size sheet make the picture of a plant by pasting real leaves, flowers, stem

and roots on it and also label it.

3. Make a creative leaf collage on an A3 size sheet. Name the leaves.

4. Be a scientist

Aim : To prove that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.

Requirements : A plant, sunlight, a black tape.

Method : Take a leaf attached with the plant, cover a small part of it with a

black tape for two days.

Then open the tape, observe the leaf and compare it with other


Observation :

Reason :

5. Germinate Plants

To germinate seeds, wet a paper towel or coffee filter. Choose a towel that‘s strong when

wet. That type holds moisture longer and doesn‘t shed lint on seeds (lint can give mold a

place to grow). Coffee filters work well because seedling roots don‘t penetrate filter

paper, which makes it easy to shift germinated seeds to soil.

Place seeds inside the damp towel or filter, and slide it into a sandwich baggie. Don‘t seal

the baggie tight, because that can provide good conditions for mold to grow. Stash the

baggie in a warm spot (65-75°F)—a laundry room, southern window or sunroom.

Monitor the towel for moisture and the seeds for signs of mold. Mist the towel if it dries


Seeds should germinate in a few days to a week. Once growth is visible, shift the seed to

moist soil. Place small seeds on top of soil without covering; bury other seeds to the

depth recommended on the seed packet. If the root grows into the towel, at planting time

cut the towel around the root and bury it with the root.


I. Fill in the blanks :-

1. _____________ is an exact model of the Earth.

2. Globe is slightly _____________ just like the Earth.

3. __________________ maps which can be hung on a wall are called wall maps.

4. __________________ can be easily folded.

5. Globe is ______________ in shape.

6. We can find directions with the help of a ________________.

7. The actual shape of the Earth is ________________.

8. ____________________ is the fifth largest planet in the solar system.

9. Our Earth has both _________________and _________________.

10. Earth is the only planet which contains ________________ in the atmosphere.

II. Match the following :-

1. Blue planet Oblate spheroid

2. A sailor from Portugal Asia

3. Shape of the Earth Globe

4. Largest continent Ferdinand Magellan

5. Model of Earth Earth

6. India is a Pacific

7. Largest ocean country

III. Write True or False for the following statements:-

1. India is a continent.

2. We can find directions with a compass.

3. Astronauts do not wear space suits when they travel into space.

4. Blue colour on the globe stands for water.

5. Europe is not a continent.

6. There are three directions.

7. There are five oceans.

8. There are six planets in the solar system.

9. The Earth is flat at the top and bottom.

10. Artificial satellites are sent into space.

IV. Name the following:-

1. Three fourth of the Earth is covered with it.

2. It causes change in season.

3. This planet supports life.

4. It causes day and night.

5. An instrument to find directions.

6. Person who travels into space.

7. Smallest continent.

8. India is a part of this continent.

9. This gas is essential for us to breathe.

10. It is the third planet from the sun.

V. Answer the following questions:-

1. What do you understand by rotation?

2. What do you mean by orbit?

3. Why is the Earth a unique planet?

4. Why is oxygen important in the Earth’s atmosphere?

5. How many continents are there? Name them.

6. How many oceans are there? Name them.

7. Write three differences between Globe and Map?

8. How many directions are there?

9. What is revolution?

10. Why do we need compass?

VI. Diagrams :-

1. Draw a diagram showing day and night on the Earth?

VII. Activity

Make a creative 3D model of solar system using balls.

Class – III ( Computer )

Revision -1 (Syllabus Covered-C-6 to 10) __________________________________________________________________

Q1. Tick the correct answer : i) Hardware is the _______________ part of the computer.

a) Local b) Invisible

c) Imaginary d) Physical

ii) MAC OS is ______________ software.

a) Application b) Input

c) System d) Basic

ii) Scanner is an ______________ device.

a) Processing b) Output

c) Storage d) Input

iv) ________________ is a collection of instructions.

a) Input b) Hardware

c) Software d) Output

Q2. Write T for true and F for false for the following statements:

1. Monitor and printer are the input devices.

2. Calculator is not used for calculations.

3. computer has only one part, Hardware.

Q3. Fill in the blanks:

1. Software is also called a computer________________.

2. Paint is an _________________ software.

3. Hard disk is a ______________ device.

4. Computer software can be divided into ______________ and ___________


Q4. Match the following:

1. Hardware Storage device

2. Software Mouse, keyboard

3. Hard disk Paint

Q5. Answer the following question.

Q1.Name 3 hardware and 3 software.



Q2. What is a storage device?



Q6. Activity-Draw 2 application software and 2 system software logo from

page number 9,10 from the book.




Instructions: Do practice this worksheet in your divinity notebook

Note: Divinity exam will be conducted on basis of information shared in this


1) Name of ten Sikh Gurus in the right order.

Ans i) Guru Nanak Dev Ji

ii) Guru Angad Dev Ji

iii) Guru Amar Das Ji

iv) Guru Ram Das Ji

v) Guru Arjan Dev Ji

vi) Guru Hargobind Ji

vii) Guru Har Rai Ji

viii) Guru Har Krishan Ji

ix) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

x) Guru Gobind Singh Ji

2) Name of the four Sahibzadas.

Ans – Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji, Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji,

Sahibzada Zorawar Singh Ji, Sahibzada Fateh Singh Ji

3) Name of five Panj Pyares.

Ans – Daya Singh, Dharam Singh, Muhkam Singh, Himmat Singh, Sahib Singh

4) Common prayer of the Sikhs. Ans-Ardaas

5)Author of the first part of Ardaas covering the invocation to the first nine Gurus.

Ans Guru Gobind Singh Ji

6) Name five Sikh martyrs to whom the following lines given below are part of sikh Ardaas :

“ Jinhan singhan singhanian ne

dharma het sis dite, band band kataye, khoprian lohaiyan,charkhiyan te charhe,----------“

“On basic of above lines , write down” names of five Sikh martyres to whom the lines are


Ans(i) Bhai Mani Singh ji (ii) Bhai Taru Singh ji (iii) Bhai Mati Das ji (iv) Bhai Subheg Singh ji

and (v) Bhai Shahbaj Singh ji

7-Questions &Answers

Qi) Name one occasion when the Ardaas is said with most of the congregation sitting?

Ans Wedding Ceremony(Anand Karaj

Qii) Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a) The Ardaas is generally led by the Granthi.

b) Young persons ,if well –versed,can also lead the Ardaas.

c) Women or girls cannot lead the Ardaas. (False)

Qiii) Where do Sikh go for worship? Ans – Gurdwara

Qiv) Mention one important Feature of a gurdwara?

Ans Gurdwara is always open to all.

Qv) Give two other names by which the Golden Temple is referred to in common speech?

Ans Harmander Sahib and Darbar Sahib.

Qvi) What is the meaning of ‘Sat Sri Akal’? Ans- God is truth

Qvii) Name the Sikh Practices:

i) Paath (ii) Shabad Kirtan (iii) Ardaas (iv) Langar (v) Dastaar Bandi

Qviii) Name the Sikhs festival:

i) Gurupurab ii) Baisakhi iii) Hola Mohalla iv) Bandi Chor Diwas

8) Activity: Learn the first part of Ardaas Pritham Bhagauti simarke Guru Nanak laeen dhiaye.

Phir Angad Gur te Amar Das, Ramdase hoeen sahaye.

Arjan, Hargobind no, simro; Sri Har Rai.

Sri Harkrishan dhiaeyai jis dithhe sab dukh jaaye.

Sab thaeen hoay sahaye.

Daswen Patshah Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj,

Sabh thaeen hoay sahaye.

Dassan Patshahian di jot, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

De path deedar da dhiyan dhar ke, bolo ji: Waheguru!