practice with coach buddies

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Post on 05-Mar-2016




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Practique whith coach buddies


  • Circle of Life - Peer Coaching One to One practice sessions with your coaching buddies

    Practice_with_coach_biddies CoLJan31, 2007 1

    Set a time that is doable. It is best if you can allow 30 minutes each (1-hour total), but some weeks that will not be realistic, so at least 15-20 minutes each. Or break it into separate sessions: one half hour one day, the other another day in the week (the partner takes their 1/2 hr turn). Go over the 6 Sections listed on the next page, so that you will be ready to present this to your practice group.

    Option One You both want or need to practice your Circle of Life Presentation or Introduction. The first person gives their introduction, then your partner will give you feedback about what they like, and what they suggest you could add or change. Then you switch, and the other person gives their Introduction and is given feedback. You each decide how you want to use your sessions time.

    Option Two If you don't feel the need to or want to practice any of the 6 sections, you would rather practice coaching each other, using the CoL structure of the Blueprint for Change process worksheet, then do that. Every person ends their time by stating their Intention, Affirmation/ Visualization and the Action Step(s) that they will be accountable for next week. Each week you have a new partner. When you are you are being coached... Start your session the same way: state your intention, affirmation and the action step you took - or did not take - from the previous week. Discuss the victory of taking your action step, or the victory in what you learned by not taking the action step! Then choose how you want to use the remaining part of your time. Take turns: When it is your coaching buddy's turn, they start their time exactly the same as you did. You may use your time to work more on your original intention, or add another area for the upcoming week.

  • Circle of Life - Peer Coaching One to One practice sessions with your coaching buddies

    Practice_with_coach_biddies CoLJan31, 2007 2

    Time Management: As Circle of Life Coaches you will need to really honor and manage the time, so both people get a turn to coach and be coached. This is great practice for facilitating groups. After each person coaches, the one who has been coached states one thing you liked about the session or what the person did well, and one thing they might add or change. Remember that Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions! So, support each other through constructive feedback.

    Practice in Leading in any or all of these 6 areas 1. Introduction: Introduce yourself and group members. Introduce the process & benefits of Circle of Life / The (Life) Boat Analogy / or The 15 powers 2. Circle of Life Assessment: acknowledge and share strengths and victories 3. Readiness for Change: direct participant to Part Two to their chosen area 4. Blueprint for Change: guide the participant (or your coach-buddy) through the worksheet 5. Self-Care practices: describe/instruct/model how to do one or more self care practices you have chosen 6. Guided Imagery: discuss metaphors / rituals / blessings / Intention / ritual / or some way of accessing the Inner Self.