practice newsletter

VISIT THE PRACTICE WEBSITE FOR REGULAR UPDATES AND NEWS Let’s talk to……….Dr Azra Khan How long have you been a GP? I have been a doctor for seven years, and a GP for the last two. Was being a GP always your first choice or had you considered a different ca- reer path? I had previously wanted to be a general surgeon, but over Ɵme I realised that I wanted to form long term relaƟonships with paƟents so decided on general pracƟce. What brings you ŵost saƟsĨacƟon in your work? PaƟents geƫng the right care they need at the Ɵme they need it gives me saƟsfacƟon. SomeƟmes, having a hunch about a diagnosis and geƫng it right also feel good! Do you have a sport you like to Ĩollow? I love tennis, football and one day cricket and watch them all when I have Ɵme. I am a big Arsenal fan. Which Ĩour Ĩaŵous people (past or present) would you like to have a dinner party with and why? :oey from friends ;if ĮcƟonal characters are allowedͿ. LeonarͲ do Di Caprio, to pick his brain on his movies and climate change. Arsene Wenger, because whatever people say, I love him! Rafael Nadal, my favourite tennis player and hes just won the French open. How do you best like to relax? I love reading ĮcƟon, so ideally just holed up in a corner of my home with a good book. With the benefit oĨ hindsight, what advice would you give your teenage selĨ? Be stronger in character and have the courage of your convicͲ Ɵons, things always work out in the end. Do you have a Ĩavourite holiday desƟnaƟon? Not a favourite favourite, but Paris never gets old. I love its classical beauty and never ending romance. What philosophy underpins your liĨe? Do good and good will come to you. @siŵpsonhouseŵc Ĩacebook/siŵpsonhouseŵc Siŵpson House rated ‘Good’ by Care Quality Coŵŵission In :uly ϮϬϭϲ the pracƟce was inspected by the Care Yuality Commission ;CYCͿ who are responsible for regulaƟng all health and social care establishments in England. This was a very intensive one day inspecƟon with a team of ϰ inspectors. Although it took a while for the report to come back, we were pleased to learn that the overall raƟng we received was GOOD. We received many posiƟve comments about the pracƟce and the work we do, for edžample The strong values and vision shared by all staī to deliver eīecƟve care and treatment to our paƟents, the way we manage complaints, share reŇecƟve learning and oīer candour, how we work with mulƟdisciplinary teams to understand and meet the range and compledžity of paƟents needs, how we involve our paƟents in the care they receive. They also made some recommendaƟons on how we could improve the service we provide, these included beƩer monitoring of our Smear processes and how we recall paƟents, improving paƟent saƟsfacƟon with contacƟng the pracƟce by telephone and introducing a new policy for how we manage our prescripƟon pads. We have an acƟon plan in place to address these points and have already implemented a new Smear Process, PrescripƟon Security Policy and installed a new phone system. PaƟents can view a full copy of the report by visiƟng www.cƋƟonϭͲ55Ϯϲϰ3ϲ98. We would like to thank the paͲ Ɵents that provided their feedback on the day, and the members of the PaƟent ParƟcipaƟon Group who were interviewed by the Inspectors. Has the PracƟce got the right nuŵber Ĩor you? Please ensure you update your details when they change. Contact ZecepƟon to update. The newsletter of the Simpson House Patient Participation Group ISSUE 10—SUMMER 2017 In Day ϮϬϭϳ our RecepƟon Danager, Debbie Doel, celebratͲ ed Ϯ5 years at Simpson House. We were lucky enough to be joined by some familiar faces to help us celebrate the occasion as well as thank Debbie for all her hard work over the years. Debbie joined the PracƟce in ϭ99ϳ as a RecepƟonist and has seen many changes to both the NHS and the pracƟce over the years. Dany of you will know Debbie, who is always happy to help and to listen when anyone has a problem. 25 YEARS AT SIMPSON HOUSE 25 YEARS AT SIMPSON HOUSE 25 YEARS AT SIMPSON HOUSE 25 YEARS AT SIMPSON HOUSE The Team at Simpson House are very grateful for the dedicaƟon Debbie has shown and recognise the pivotal part she plays in running the PracƟce we would be lost without her. Thank you Debbie! HAYFEVEZ—DO YOU NEED TZEATMENT? Hay fever season is almost upon us, meaning many of us will soon be suīering from the runny noses and itchy eyes which can blight our Spring and Summer. There are many diīerent medicaƟons that can help relive the symptoms of hay fever including Hay fever tablets ;or liƋuid for young childrenͿ AnƟͲallergic eye drops Nasal spray to help you decongest If you are known to suīer with hay fever and reƋuire a prescripƟon to relieve the symptoms its not necessary to make an appointment to see your GP. zou can simply Įll out a form at RecepƟon or online and return it to the PrescripƟon bodž. If you do not receive free NHS prescripƟons then it is cheaper to buy hay fever medicaƟon over the counter. For more informaƟon about hay fever and its treatments you can visit hƩpwww.nhs.ukCondiƟonsHayͲfever

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Page 1: Practice Newsletter


Let’s talk to……….Dr Azra Khan

How long have you been a GP?

I have been a doctor for seven years,

and a GP for the last two.

Was being a GP always your first choice

or had you considered a different ca-

reer path?

I had previously wanted to be a general

surgeon, but over -me I realised that I

wanted to form long term rela-onships

with pa-ents so decided on general prac-ce.

What brings you &ost sa's(ac'on in your work?

Pa-ents the right care they need at the -me they need

it gives me sa-sfac-on.

Some-mes, having a /hunch0 about a diagnosis and it

right also feel good!

Do you have a sport you like to (ollow?

I love tennis, football and one day cricket and watch them all

when I have -me. I am a big Arsenal fan.

Which (our (a&ous people (past or present) would you like to

have a dinner party with and why?

2oey from friends 3if 4c-onal characters are allowed5. Leonar6

do Di Caprio, to pick his brain on his movies and climate

change. Arsene Wenger, because whatever people say, I love

him! Rafael Nadal, my favourite tennis player and he0s just

won the French open.

How do you best like to relax?

I love reading 4c-on, so ideally just holed up in a corner of my

home with a good book.

With the benefit o( hindsight, what advice would you give

your teenage sel(?

Be stronger in character and have the courage of your convic6

-ons, things always work out in the end.

Do you have a (avourite holiday des'na'on?

Not a favourite favourite, but Paris never gets old. I love its

classical beauty and never ending romance.

What philosophy underpins your li(e?

Do good and good will come to you.

@si&psonhouse&c (acebook/si&psonhouse&c

Si&pson House rated ‘Good’ by Care Quality Co&&ission

In 2uly 89:; the prac-ce was inspected by the Care <uality Commission 3C<C5 who are

responsible for regula-ng all health and social care establishments in England. This was

a very intensive one day inspec-on with a team of = inspectors.

Although it took a while for the report to come back, we were pleased to learn that the

overall ra-ng we received was /GOOD0. We received many posi-ve comments about

the prac-ce and the work we do, for e>ample?

The strong values and vision shared by all sta@ to deliver e@ec-ve care and treatment to our pa-ents, the way we manage

complaints, share reAec-ve learning and o@er candour, how we work with mul-disciplinary teams to understand and meet

the range and comple>ity of pa-ents0 needs, how we involve our pa-ents in the care they receive.

They also made some recommenda-ons on how we could improve the service we provide, these included beBer monitoring

of our Smear processes and how we recall pa-ents, improving pa-ent sa-sfac-on with contac-ng the prac-ce by telephone

and introducing a new policy for how we manage our prescrip-on pads.

We have an ac-on plan in place to address these points and have already implemented a new Smear Process, Prescrip-on

Security Policy and installed a new phone system.

Pa-ents can view a full copy of the report by visi-ng;=3;98. We would like to thank the pa6

-ents that provided their feedback on the day, and the members of the Pa-ent Par-cipa-on Group who were interviewed by

the Inspectors.

Has the Prac'ce got the right nu&ber (or you?

Please ensure you update your details when

they change. Contact 3ecep'on to update.

The newsletter of the Simpson House Patient Participation Group


In Iay 89:J our Recep-on Ianager, Debbie Doel, celebrat6

ed 85 years at Simpson House. We were lucky enough to be

joined by some familiar faces to help us celebrate the

occasion as well as thank Debbie for all her hard work over

the years.

Debbie joined the Prac-ce in :99J as a Recep-onist and has

seen many changes to both the NHS and the prac-ce over

the years. Iany of you will know Debbie, who is always

happy to help and to listen when anyone has a problem.


The Team at Simpson House are very grateful for the dedica-on Debbie has shown and recognise the pivotal part she

plays in running the Prac-ce? we would be lost without her. Thank you Debbie!


Hay fever season is almost upon us, meaning many of us will soon be su@ering from the runny noses and itchy

eyes which can blight our Spring and Summer.

There are many di@erent medica-ons that can help relive the symptoms of hay fever including?

• Hay fever tablets 3or liCuid for young children5

• An-6allergic eye drops

• Nasal spray to help you decongest

If you are known to su@er with hay fever and reCuire a prescrip-on to relieve the symptoms it0s not necessary to

make an appointment to see your GP. Kou can simply 4ll out a form at Recep-on or online and return it to the

Prescrip-on bo>.

If you do not receive free NHS prescrip-ons then it is cheaper to buy hay fever medica-on over the counter.

For more informa-on about hay fever and it0s treatments you can visit hBpLDDwww.nhs.ukDCondi-onsDHay6fever

Page 2: Practice Newsletter

A Message (ro& the Chair……

Summer has arrived! The weather is beau-ful and for many of us it is a -me when we can

feel energised and enthusias-c to get out in the garden and enjoy the sunshine.

However, the weather brings its drawbacks of hay fever and other allergies, so I hope you

are not su@ering.

Over the past months, I have aBended the Harrow Pa-ents Par-cipa-on Network 3HPPN5

mee-ngs where wider NHS issues and innova-ons are discussed.

Late last year, a new /Pa-ent App0 was produced in conjunc-on with the Clinical Commis6

sioning Group 3CCG5 to enable pa-ents to go online to 4nd health resources that are

available in Harrow.

The app is now available for pa-ents to access. It gives a lot of informa-on and some advice on health issues and

directs pa-ents to the most appropriate service for their needs. The app is easy to nego-ate online and by using it,

we may not need a visit to the doctor0s surgery or A&E.

It is hoped that self6care will improve if we are more informed and this is what the app aims to do. The website is . Give it a try!

The other big issue country6wide is /co6commissioning0. What is co6commissioning you may ask. Well, in a nutshell

it is the process whereby CCGs can directly commission primary medical services and performance manage

prac-ces. Some local authori-es have been opera-ng this system since 89:=. The CCG in Harrow took this respon6

sibility in April this year. Co6commissioning aims to support the development of out6of6hospital services based

around the needs of local people. If you would like to know more about this, you can look it up on the BIA website

or simply google /what is co6commissioning0. The important thing is that none of this will change the e>cellent

service we receive from doctors and sta@ at Simpson House.

If you want to be involved in improving health services in Harrow or get involved in how the health service is run as

well as working with our own GP Prac-ce to ensure that the best service for pa-ents is delivered, then why not

come along to the Pa-ents Par-cipa-on Group mee-ngs. We need people of all ages and backgrounds who are

enthusias-c about inAuencing and improving the local health care services. Our PPG mee-ngs take place four -mes

a year in the Conference Room at Simpson House, they are friendly mee-ngs and any pa-ent of Simpson House

Iedical Centre is welcome to aBend. If you would like further informa-on, please contact me at

[email protected] .

Iay you enjoy the coming summer season and 3hopefully5 warm weather.

Best wishes from

Bernice Phillips

Chair, Pa-ents Par-cipa-on Group

Are you experiencing do&es'c violence?

Do you know so&eone who is experiencing abuse and &ay need help and support?

The Freephone 8= Hour Na-onal Domes-c Violence Helpline, run in partnership between

WomenOs Aid and Refuge, is a na-onal service for women e>periencing domes-c violence,

their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.

The Helpline can give support, help and informa-on over the telephone, wherever the caller

might be in the country. The Helpline is sta@ed 8= hours a day by fully trained female help6

line support workers and volunteers. All calls are completely con4den-al.

Transla-on facili-es for callers whose 4rst language is not English, and a service for callers

who are deaf or hard of hearing are available.

The Prac-ce is dedicated to suppor-ng and looking aPer those that care for someone else and we recognise the

impact that focusing on someone else0s health and needs can have on your own. Unfortunately at the moment,

only about a Cuarter of our /Carers0 are known to us. We would really like to change this so that we can make sure

we support as many of you as possible.

With the focus on someone else0s health it is easy to forget your own. Carers are much more likely to su@er ill

health than others, sta-s-cs show. However short of -me you are, it is important you aBend all you own medical

appointments and keep track of your health. Iake sure the surgery know that you are a carer. Iake sure you eat

properly and that you get enough sleep. But most importantly, make sure you don0t become socially isolated.

There is a lot of support available to carers in Harrow and we want to encourage those that need it to access it.


Come and join our Carers Support Group Co@ee Iorning, which is held on the

third Friday morning of the month at :9.39 am at South Harrow Iethodist Church,

opposite Simpson House Iedical Centre on the corner of Walton Avenue. If you

are unable to leave the person you care for, it0s OK to bring them with you. There

are no steps or stairs to nego-ate, so a wheel chair is no problem.

Please join us, you will be most welcome. If you have any Cues-ons, please con6

tact Bernice Phillips on 989 8=88 9=8J or Cherry Tinson on 989 88;= 8J8;.

Harrow Carers will be running Wellbeing Support and Informa-on Sessions for Carers throughout the Summer.

At these sessions you will?

• Learn how to keep well and look aPer your own health and wellbeing

• Understand your rights as carers and the help you are en-tled to receive

• Find out how to get prac-cal support such as help with personal care, adap-ons to your home, breaks for

you and the person you care for

• Receive informa-on about organisa-ons that can o@er help and support locally around advocacy, housing

and welfare bene4ts and 4nancial and legal advice.

• Know where to 4nd local support groups and where you can talk to someone about dealing with your wor6

ries and stress.

The sessions will last 8 hours and will take place on a number of dates throughout the year. Kou can 4nd a full

list of dates on the Prac-ce website. To book a place on one of the sessions or to 4nd out more informa-on you

can contact Harrow Carers directly on 9898 8;8 588= or by email [email protected].


I( you needed an organ trans-

plant would you have one?

If so please help those in need

of a transplant by op-ng to

donate organs and -ssue.

Visit or

call 9399 :83 83 83 for more



That -me of year is nearly here and it is important that you get your Au vaccine

early. InAuenRa is an acute viral infec-on which spreads easily from person to

person. Vaccina'on is the &ost effec've way to prevent in(ec'on

The people most at risk are the over ;5s, those with chronic respiratory disease

such as asthma and chronic bronchi-s, people with diabetes mellitus, those with

an under ac-ve immune system and pregnant women. We will be holding walk6

in Au clinics from :pm to 8pm on the following days 3No appt necessary5?

Tuesday 19th Septe&ber - Monday 25th Septe&ber -

Tuesday 26th Septe&ber - Tuesday 3rd October

We will also be holding two Saturday clinics 3booked appointments only5.

Contact Recep-on for more informa-on.