practice news · 2018. 12. 6. · issue 11 winter newsletter peel house medical practice peel house...

Appointment system update: We introduced a new appointment system in October which included paents being able to register for on-line appointment booking and prescripon ordering. This has been very popular and we have had some posive reports about the new system. The system is being monitored closely and we welcome any addional feedback. Rerement: Dr Woodcock is preparing for his rerement in the spring and we will keep you informed of when this will be in the next newsleer. Dr Woodcock will be greatly missed by all of us he has been a valuable member of the team since 1988. Congratulaons to Dr Westwood: We are proud to announce that Dr Westwood has been awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of General Praconers following his dedicated work with trainees. FRCGP is an honour and mark of achievement recognising a significant contribuon to general Pracce and there are currently only 6% of doctors naonally that have been awarded this. We are proud of the fact that Dr Westwood and Dr Wallworth are included in this. number. Practice News CQC Inspecon The Care Quality Commission came in to inspect our pracce on Wednesday 30 th October 2013. Whilst the CQC were in pracce they spoke to a doctor, members of staff, members of the Paent parcipaon Group and also paents who were in the waing room at the me of their visit. We are pleased to say that we met all the standards inspected which were: Respecng and involving people who use services Care and welfare of people who use services Safeguarding people who use services from abuse Supporng workers Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision The report will be available in the waing rooms and via the pracce website in due course. Issue 11 WINTER NEWSLETTER Peel House Medical Practice Peel House Medical Pracce Accrington PALS Primary Health Care Centre 1 Paradise Street Accrington BB5 2EJ Tel: 01254 282282 Fax: 01254 395520 Opening Times: Monday 8.30 ll 6.30 Tuesday 8.30 ll 6.30 Wednesday 8.30 ll 6.30 Thursday 8.30 ll 6.30 Friday 8.30 ll 1pm and 3pm ll 6.30pm Date for your diary Healthy Living Fesval 2014 23rd May 2014 Accrington Town Hall We are on the Web!

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  • Appointment system update:

    We introduced a new appointment system in October which included patients being able to register for on-line appointment booking and prescription ordering. This has been very popular and we have had some positive reports about the new system. The system is being monitored closely and we welcome any additional feedback.


    Dr Woodcock is

    preparing for his

    retirement in the

    spring and we will keep

    you informed of when

    this will be in the next

    newsletter. Dr

    Woodcock will be

    greatly missed by all of

    us he has been a

    valuable member of

    the team since 1988.

    Congratulations to Dr

    Westwood: We are

    proud to announce that

    Dr Westwood has been

    awarded Fellowship of

    the Royal College of

    General Practitioners

    following his dedicated

    work with trainees.

    FRCGP is an honour and

    mark of achievement

    recognising a significant

    contribution to general

    Practice and there are

    currently only 6% of

    doctors nationally that

    have been awarded this.

    We are proud of the fact

    that Dr Westwood and

    Dr Wallworth are

    included in this.


    Practice News

    CQC Inspection

    The Care Quality Commission came in to inspect our practice on Wednesday 30th October 2013. Whilst the CQC were in practice they spoke to a doctor, members of staff, members of the Patient participation Group and also patients who were in the waiting room at the time of their visit. We are pleased to say that we met all the standards inspected which were: Respecting and involving people who use services Care and welfare of people who use services Safeguarding people who use services from abuse Supporting workers Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision

    The report will be available in the waiting rooms and via the practice website in due course.

    Issue 11

    WINTER NEWSLETTER Peel House Medical Practice

    Peel House Medical Practice

    Accrington PALS

    Primary Health Care Centre

    1 Paradise Street


    BB5 2EJ

    Tel: 01254 282282

    Fax: 01254 395520

    Opening Times:

    Monday 8.30 till 6.30

    Tuesday 8.30 till 6.30

    Wednesday 8.30 till 6.30

    Thursday 8.30 till 6.30

    Friday 8.30 till 1pm and 3pm till 6.30pm

    Date for your diary

    Healthy Living Festival 2014

    23rd May 2014

    Accrington Town Hall

    We are on the Web!

  • Most people who take antibiotics do not get better any faster than people who do not take them. Antibiotic resistance is an emerging threat to public health.

    Most common infections do not get better with antibiotics

    Most children with a cold, cough, sore throat or earache, who see their GP, will still be ill 4 days later. This does not mean that they need treatment or need to be seen again

    One third of children who have seen their GP with a cough will be

    still coughing 2 weeks later. This does not mean that they need treatment.

    Only children with signs of more serious illness generally need to be seen by a doctor or nurse. These signs include:

    Excessive drowsiness

    Difficulty breathing

    Cold or discoloured hands &/or feet with warm body

    Abnormal pain in arms &/or legs

    Abnormal colour (pale or blue)

    Page 2

    When should you (or your child) go back to your GP practice or contact NHS 111 ?

    (Listed in order of urgency, with the most urgent symptoms first)

    1- If you develop a severe headache and are sick.

    2- If your skin is very cold or has a strange colour, or you develop an unusual


    3- If you feel confused or have slurred speech or are very drowsy.

    4- If you have difficulty breathing. Signs that suggest breathing problems can


    Breathing quickly;

    Turning blue around the lips and the skin below the mouth; and

    Skin between or above the ribs getting sucked or pulled in with every breath.

    5- If you develop chest pain.

    6- If you have difficulty swallowing or are drooling.

    7- If you cough up blood.

    If hearing problems develop or if there is fluid coming out of your ears.

    Antibiotics are important medicines. They help fight infections that are caused by bacteria. Antibiotic resistance (when an antibiotic is no longer effective) is a major problem. It is one of the most significant threats to patients' safety in Europe. The world economic forum recently reported that “arguably the greatest risk…to human health comes in the form of antibiotic resistant bacteria”

    Antibiotic resistance is driven by overusing antibiotics and prescribing them inappropriately. It's important that we use antibiotics the right way, to slow down resistance and make sure these life-saving medicines remain effective for us and future generations.

    Antibiotic resistance is a quickly growing, extremely dangerous problem.

    How Long will my

    illness last ?

    Earache – 4 days

    Sore Throat – 1 week

    Common cold – 1 ½ Weeks

    Sinusitis – 2 ½ weeks

    Cough or bronchitis – 3


    Issue 11

    Do Antibiotics help ?

  • winter newsletter

    P r a c t i c e / P h a r m a c y

    M e d i c i n e s W a s t e R e d u c t i o n I n i t i a t i v e

    The practice is looking towards reducing the amount of medicines that are wasted when they are ordered, but are not required, by patients. Often patients simply tick everything on their repeat order slip, without thinking if they really do need them that month. If you don’t need an item or only use it occasionally then please don’t order it – you can always request it next time you order your medicines.

    Did you know?

    · Only 50% of patients take their medicines as prescribed by the doctor

    · Unused medicines cannot be recycled – whether they have been opened or not

    · Unused Medicines cost the NHS in the North West over £40 million a year

    £40 million could pay for:

    8,000 MORE hip replacements* OR 5600 MORE heart bypass operations* 56,000 MORE cataract operations* OR 1,200 MORE community nurses* 7,200 MORE knee replacements* *Based on average costs.

    How Can You Help?

    Please let your GP or Pharmacist know if you’ve stopped taking any of your medicines Check what medicines you still have at home before re-ordering

    Discuss your medication with your GP or Pharmacist on a regular basis

    Think carefully before ticking all the boxes on your repeat prescription forms and only tick those you really need

    If you don’t need the medicine please don’t order it! If you need the medicine in the future you can still request it.

    Paracetamol to help

    reduce symptoms


    Lozenges could

    provide effective

    pain relief from a sore throat

    due to an upper respiratory

    tract infection.

    Page 3


    Vitamin C

    supplementation is

    worth considering for

    people prone to recurrent colds,

    especially if they exercise.

    Probiotics might help

    to prevent Upper

    Respiratory Tract

    Zinc (lozenges or

    syrup) can reduce the duration

    of a cold by 1 day.

    Supplementation in children for

    at least 5 months during the cold

    season reduced the likelihood of

    developing a cold by 36%, and

    absence from school by 0.4 days

    and prescribing of antibiotics.

    Medicine Wastage

  • Winter Word search

    Can you find the missing word ?

    Frost, snow, snowman,

    robin, blanket, gloves, warm,

    hat, jumper, handkerchief, sniffles

    S Y V O R H M R W Z R M

    V N K H S A B X O P B G

    G L O B K N E H G B L K

    C Z M W S D I W N O I E

    C T C G N K R F V V F N

    F E F Z O E I E F Y B S

    W K R P W R S K P L L F

    T N O D M C Z J M M E E

    A A S I A H J E L O U S

    H L T K N I I V V J P J

    Y B I A X E K Z Y Z Y G

    F N J C X F K O L U V E

    Puzzle Corner

    Patient Participation Group News

    The PPG has been busy over the last few months and you may have seen us in and around

    the practice. We have developed a patient information leaflet and have worked closely

    with the practice to help develop the new appointment system.

    Alcohol Awareness Week 18th to 23rd November— We held a week long Alcohol Awareness Event to

    coincide with the National Alcohol Awareness week. As a group we came along to a Friday afternoon

    staff training session where we were given brief intervention training on alcohol. We have given out

    alcohol unit/calorie calculator wheels and glasses to patients which educate on the amount of units in

    different types of alcohol. The event was a huge success and we had a lot of people trying on beer

    goggles and attempting to “walk the line”. Future events as always will be advertised in surgery.

    Healthy Living Festival 2014—We have now confirmed the Town Hall as the venue for the annual

    Healthy Living Festival and this will be held on Friday 23rd May 2014—10.00 am to 2.00pm. This is a

    showcase of local community groups offering an opportunity for the general public to access free expert

    advice and practical help. There will be stalls and demonstrations throughout the day, as well as free

    refreshments. The event was a big hit this year and we hope to make it bigger and better for 2014.

    As a patient group we are shocked at the number of failed to attend appointments and would remind people that there is a dedicated cancellation line. 01254 282282 option 2. In October alone there were a total of 286 Nurse appointments and 161 Doctors appointments wasted through patients failing to

    attend ! Please do let the surgery know if you are unable to attend for your appointment.