practical n 9

-PRACTICE II, DIDACTICS OF ELT AND PRACTICUM AT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL. Prof. Adjunto Regular Estela N. Braun, auxiliar docente Prof. Liliana Monserrat. PRACTICAL N° 9: ANALYSIS OF NAP for Foreign Languages: 1) When were they produced? NAP for Foreign Languages were produced in 2012 2) What are the purposes of the NAP? During Primary and Secondary education, schools should offer learning situations which promote on the students(s): Comprehension, expression and contextualized and meaningful interaction about the language they are learning. Collective and individual comprehension and production of diverse texts (written and oral) which encourage the reflection and interchange of ideas. The development of different strategies for the comprehension and production of oral and written texts in the languages they learn. Reflection about language, it functioning and use according to the specificity of each language and, particularly with Spanish, the schooling language. Reflection about the own learning processes related to comprehension, interpretation and production of oral and written texts. Confidence on the possibilities of learning a Foreign Language according to their own rhythm and learning styles and mistake recognition as part of the learning process. Progressive construction of autonomy in the use of the languages they learn, in speaking, reading and writing practices in sociocultural experiences.

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Practical 9


-PRACTICE II, DIDACTICS OF ELT AND PRACTICUM AT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL. Prof. Adjunto Regular Estela N. Braun, auxiliar docente Prof. Liliana Monserrat.PRACTICAL N 9:ANALYSIS OF NAP for Foreign Languages:1) When were they produced?NAP for Foreign Languages were produced in 20122) What are the purposes of the NAP?During Primary and Secondary education, schools should offer learning situations which promote on the students(s): Comprehension, expression and contextualized and meaningful interaction about the language they are learning. Collective and individual comprehension and production of diverse texts (written and oral) which encourage the reflection and interchange of ideas. The development of different strategies for the comprehension and production of oral and written texts in the languages they learn. Reflection about language, it functioning and use according to the specificity of each language and, particularly with Spanish, the schooling language. Reflection about the own learning processes related to comprehension, interpretation and production of oral and written texts. Confidence on the possibilities of learning a Foreign Language according to their own rhythm and learning styles and mistake recognition as part of the learning process. Progressive construction of autonomy in the use of the languages they learn, in speaking, reading and writing practices in sociocultural experiences. Critical assessment about technological resources the students are provided for the Foreign Language Learning. Recognition of opportunities inside and outside the school to use the Foreign Language they learn. The enjoyment of the learning process of the Foreign Language, the possibilities of meaningful communication and the opportunities of opening to other worlds. The capacity to identify sociocultural aspects in written and oral texts in the Foreign Language and the reflection about the role they play in the senses production or interpretation. Respect for the languages and their varieties, understanding that people use different ways to communicate according to certain contexts and belonging groups. The recognition that speaking , reading and writing in FL promote learning, a wider social integration and the cultural universe expansion. Disposition to work cooperatively and collaboratively (inside and outside the school), to present ideas and proposals, to listen and share decisions on the bases of available knowledge and done experiences, appreciating the participative dialogue. The own languages and cultures enhancement from the rapprochement to other languages and cultures. The appreciation that the Foreign Language Learning in the framework of a multilingual and intercultural perspective is a valuable formative experience that goes beyond the school period.

3) Read the introduction: Which are key concepts/assumptions developed by the NAP?The key concepts developed by the NAP includes intercultural and multilingual perspective, linguistic education, cognitive development, sociocultural identities, language and culture, multidisciplinary knowledge, education for citizenship and peace, democratic processes, metalinguistic awareness, intercultural awareness, and sociocultural and linguistic diversity.4) How were they organized? Why?The NAP for FL are organized in four different possible processes of different duration, considering different levels of complexity Period


Process of 4 periodsLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4

Process of 3 periodsLevel 1Level 2Level 3

Process of 2 periodsLevel 1Level 2

Process of 1 periodsLevel 1

This organization was chosen because, on one hand, it reflects what exists and respects what is already established and, on the other hand, it makes available the widening of the languages varieties which can be offered in each jurisdiction, always considering the possibility of different starting points and, also, it allows thinking about ways of organizing the students process of learning along their schooling. 5) Which are the main axes?The main axes are: In relation to ORAL COMPREHENSION; In relation to READING; In relation to ORAL PRODUCTION; In relation to WRITING; In relation to REFLEXION ON THE TARGET LANGUAGE; In relation to INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS6) Which teaching situations are expected?It is expected that the organization by axes favors the dialogue and the articulation with the teaching of Spanish as schooling language, and it is also expected that the teacher provides students with oral comprehension and production activities as well as reading and writing ones, in order to make the children capable of being reflective on the target language from an intercultural perspective. In this way, the aim of this organization is that students understand the general meaning without looking every single word in the dictionary. 7) Recorrido de 3 ciclos. Nivel I de III. focus on EACH OF the different axes. Why do we choose this sequence for our province?From the analysis of the different axes, we can conclude that we choose this sequence for our province because, in La Pampa, ELT is compulsory from fourth year of primary school to the last year of secondary school.


Gua de lectura de Versin Preliminar de Materiales Curriculares1 y 2 ciclo de la Educacin Primaria. Lengua Extranjera Ingls

1. Identificar cinco conceptos clave de la Fundamentacin que considere relevantes y discutir por qu razones. Reconocer el Marco Legal considerado y sus implicancias en estos Materiales Curriculares.

Algunos conceptos que identificamos dentro de la fundamentacin y consideramos relevantes incluyen brindar oportunidades equitativas, heterogeneidad de situaciones en el sistema educativo, plurilingismo durante la infancia, interculturalidad, y formacin en valores. Consideramos que estos conceptos son importantes y estn interrelacionados porque a partir de brindar oportunidades equitativas a nuestros alumnos y, teniendo en cuenta que la educacin en lengua extranjera vara no slo de acuerdo con el lugar en el que se ensea, sino tambin con la edad a la que se exponga a los alumnos a la aprehensin de dicho conocimiento, estamos favoreciendo la formacin de ciudadanos globales capaces de reconocer su propia cultura y las ajenas como iguales en cuanto a valor e importancia y promoviendo el respeto mutuo. Estos materiales curriculares fueron formulados a la luz de la Ley de Educacin Nacional N 26.206 en su artculo 27 y la ley Provincial 2511 en su artculo 29.

2. Leer los propsitos y objetivos y discutir sobre su pertinencia al nivel y jerarquizacin de los mismos.

La creacin de los materiales curriculares apuntan a la formacin de los estudiantes como individuos capaces de conocer no slo la lengua extranjera, sino tambin su cultura, y de ese modo, reconocer y revalorizar la propia para as propiciar el respeto haca la propia cultura y la que se est aprendiendo. Consideramos que, ms all del orden jerrquico que presentan los propsitos y objetivos, no hay uno que sea ms importante que el resto ya que, todos interrelacionados, hacen a la formacin en valores y saberes de nuestros alumnos.

3. Fundamentacin de los ejes: sintetizar la relevancia de cada uno de ellos. Eje en relacin a la comprensin oral: la comprensin oral es importante en la adquisicin del lenguaje debido a que precede a la posterior produccin oral que el estudiante pueda llevar a cabo. En este punto es fundamental la ayuda brindada por el docente para facilitar la comprensin del estudiante. Eje en relacin con la lectura: una vez que los nios desarrollan la capacidad de comprender la lectura en su lengua materna, puede transferir rpidamente esa destreza a la segunda lengua. El principal desafo para los nios est dado por la complejidad de la relacin grafema-fonema en ingls. Por otro lado, la lectura ampliar su conocimiento lxico, sintctico y semntico. Adems, la insercin en la lectura, promueve en los nios el conocimiento de nuevas culturas en relacin a la lengua que estn aprendiendo y propicia la construccin del proceso de escritura. Eje en relacin a la produccin oral: la oralidad se desarrollar primero en forma guiada, con andamiaje por parte del docente, componente fundamental de interaccin social que provee un adulto o un par con ms conocimiento para as promover su competencia comunicativa y permitirle expresarse de forma fluida y libre. En este sentido, los adultos no corrigen, sino que expanden la idea del nio para que ste sea capaz de comprender y as autocorregir sus propios errores. Eje en relacin con la escritura: cuando los nios tienen oportunidad de experimentar, la escritura aparece a partir de sus primeros trazos, mucho antes de que aprendan el sistema propio de su cultura; para ello, debern poner en prctica varias destrezas a la vez y ser necesario el apoyo del docente, considerando que la escritura es un proceso complejo y que lleva tiempo adquirir. En este sentido, el docente deber proveer temas o tpicos que sean de inters para los alumnos para as hacer significativo el aprendizaje. Eje en relacin con la reflexin sobre la lengua que se aprende: la gramtica en la enseanza de ingls para nios pequeos se adquiere mediante un contexto significativo, resaltando un aspecto nuevo del lenguaje, a travs de la intervencin docente para que puedan aprehenderla. Esta incorporacin gradual de la gramtica en contextos comunicativos ayudar a los nios a expresarse mejor en ingls, tanto en forma escrita como oral. Eje en relacin con la reflexin intercultural: de acuerdo con Jannet Bennet, la comunicacin intercultural es un proceso simblico, interpretativo, transaccional y contextual, destacando que no puede hablarse de contacto entre culturas, sino entre personas portadoras de cultura. Promover el desarrollo de la competencia intercultural y el fortalecimiento de la propia identidad cultural favorece los procesos de integracin social. Una posibilidad de integrar las prcticas interculturales es incluir la literatura infantil en el aula de lenguas extranjeras.

4. Cul es la diferencia entre contenido y saber? Los saberes detallados son pertinentes con cada ciclo respecto del recorrido al que pertenecen?, resultan claras y suficientes las implicancias para cada saber?

5. El agrupamiento de los saberes en los ejes identificados, resulta pertinente?

6. Qu saberes de LCE podran ser resignificados para ser parte de la formacin para la ciudadana y para promover el respeto por la diversidad cultural? Socialicen experiencias.

7. Estos materiales pueden convertirse en una herramienta funcional de uso cotidiano? Qu elementos incorporara para facilitar su uso y apropiacin?

8. Analizar las Orientaciones Didcticas propuestas: cules de ellas prioriza Ud. en su prctica ulica? Cules otras podra incorporar? Para cules de ellas necesitara instancias de capacitacin?