pr dr salman

1. Beda Lactulac (lactulose) dengan Laxadin (bisacodyl) -Lactulac untuk konstipasi kronis. Lactulose is a synthetic sugar used to treat constipation. It is broken down in the colon into products that pull water out from the body and into the colon. This water softens stools. Lactulose is also used to reduce the amount of ammonia in the blood of patients with liver disease. It works by drawing ammonia from the blood into the colon where it is removed from the body.Dulcolacto®, Constipen®, Dulphala®c, Lactulax®, Solac®, dll. -Laxadin untuk yang akut misalnya bilas usus pre dan post –op, untuk sebelum pemeriksaan radiologi. Bisacodyl is used on a short-term basis to treat constipation. It also is used to empty the bowels before surgery and certain medical procedures. Bisacodyl is in a class of medications called stimulant laxatives. It works by increasing activity of the intestines to cause a bowel movement. Bicolax®, Dulcolax®, Laxacod®, Laxamex®, Stolax®, dll. Laxadine® yang kandungan di dalamnya berisi phenolphthalein, liquid parafin, glycerin. Gunanya sebagai pelincir sehingga defekasi tidak menjadi sakit. Jangan lebih dari 1 minggu pemakaian. Psyllium hydrophillic mucilloid, branded name nya Mulax®. Mulax® bersifat seperti mucilago yang berfungsi sebagai pengembang. Microlac® yang kandungan didalamnya berisi natrium lauryl sulfoacetate, natrium citrate, sorbitol, PEG400, sorbic acid. Dimasukkan lewat dubur/ rectal. 2. Mekanisme penyerapan kalsium Kalsium dibutuhkan dalam proses metabolisme tubuh, transmisi syaraf, pengaturan detak jantung, konstraksi otot, membantu proses pembuahan (keberhasilan proses kehamilan), mempercepat pembekuan darah, mengaktifkan sistem pertahanan tubuh, dan lain-lain. The sodium/potassium ATPase produces a concentration of Na + outside the cell that is some 10 times greater than that inside the cell a concentration of K + inside the cell some 20 times greater than that outside the cell.

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Post on 12-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Pr Dr Salman

1. Beda Lactulac (lactulose) dengan Laxadin (bisacodyl)

-Lactulac untuk konstipasi kronis. Lactulose is a synthetic sugar used to treat constipation. It is broken down in the colon into products that pull water out from the body and into the colon. This water softens stools. Lactulose is also used to reduce the amount of ammonia in the blood of patients with liver disease. It works by drawing ammonia from the blood into the colon where it is removed from the body.Dulcolacto®, Constipen®, Dulphala®c, Lactulax®, Solac®, dll.

-Laxadin untuk yang akut misalnya bilas usus pre dan post –op, untuk sebelum pemeriksaan radiologi. Bisacodyl is used on a short-term basis to treat constipation. It also is used to empty the bowels before surgery and certain medical procedures. Bisacodyl is in a class of medications called stimulant laxatives. It works by increasing activity of the intestines to cause a bowel movement. Bicolax®, Dulcolax®, Laxacod®, Laxamex®, Stolax®, dll. Laxadine® yang kandungan di dalamnya berisi phenolphthalein, liquid parafin, glycerin. Gunanya sebagai pelincir sehingga defekasi tidak menjadi sakit. Jangan lebih dari 1 minggu pemakaian.

Psyllium hydrophillic mucilloid, branded name nya Mulax®. Mulax® bersifat seperti mucilago yang berfungsi sebagai pengembang.

Microlac® yang kandungan didalamnya berisi natrium lauryl sulfoacetate, natrium citrate, sorbitol, PEG400, sorbic acid. Dimasukkan lewat dubur/ rectal.

2. Mekanisme penyerapan kalsium

Kalsium dibutuhkan dalam proses metabolisme tubuh, transmisi syaraf, pengaturan detak jantung, konstraksi otot, membantu proses pembuahan (keberhasilan proses kehamilan), mempercepat pembekuan darah, mengaktifkan sistem pertahanan tubuh, dan lain-lain. The sodium/potassium ATPase produces

a concentration of Na+ outside the cell that is some 10 times greater than that inside the cell a concentration of K+ inside the cell some 20 times greater than that outside the cell.

The concentrations of chloride ions (Cl−) and calcium ions (Ca2+) are also maintained at greater levels outside the cell EXCEPT that some intracellular membrane-enclosed compartments may also have high concentrations of Ca2+ (green oval) .

Depolarisasi : Natrium masuk

Repolarisasi : Kalium keluar

Page 2: Pr Dr Salman

- IVFD Asering/ 12 jam Ca++ 3 mEq, Na + 130 mEq, CI- 109 mEq, asetat 28 mEq

tiap liter larutan infus. Pengobatan asidosis yang berhubungan dengan dehidrasi

dan kehilangan ion alkali dari tubuh

- Rantin 2x1

Hiperasiditas, gastritis, tukak peptik, esofagitis, duodenitis kronik, hipersekresi


- Ulsafat syrup 3x1C obat tukak lambung

- Pelastin 1x1 gr antibiotik utk infeksi

- BK III 3x1

- Ambroxol syrup 3x1 mukolitik

- Etambutol 2x1

- INH 1x1

- Rifampicin 1x1

- Omeprazole 2x1 PPI utk kurangi asam lambung