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    Principles & Practices of Software Production Group Assignment Page 1 of 67

    Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2011




    PT0981 [CSE]


    GROUP NO. 5

    Hand out date: 17th

    Aug 2011

    Hand in date: 14th

    Nov 2011

    Submitted by: Submitted to:

    Akhilesh Bamhore (PT0981105)[GL] Mr. Prateek Mishra

    Durgesh Kumar (PT0981128) Module Lecturer

    Ravi Kumar (PT0981123)

    Yogesh Kumar Yadav (PT0981121)

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    (Affiliated to Staffordshire university & Approved by AICTE)


    This is to certify that Akhilesh Bamhore, Durgesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar and Yogesh Kumar

    Yadav of Software branch (Level-2) have completed their assignment and submitted it in due

    time and have followed the appropriate steps which are prescribed by the University.

    NameAkhilesh Bamhore

    (Group Leader )Durgesh Kumar Ravi Kumar Yogesh Kumar


    Intake No PT0981105 PT0981111 PT0981126 PT0981109


    Branch : Software, Level-2, Sem-5

    Module : PPSP

    Mr. Prateek Mishra

    Signature of Module Lecturer

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    We a re g r a t e f u l t o o u r a c a d e m y A P I I T S D I N D I A t o g i v e u s t h i s

    a s s i g n m e n t . F i r s t o f a l l w e w o u l d l i k e t o t h a n k e v e r yb o d y w h o h a s h e l p e d u s

    i n c o m p l e t i n g o u r a s s i g n m e n t . We a r e v e r y t h a n k f u l t o Mr. Prateek Mishra w h o

    i s o u r l e c t u r e r . H i s t i m e l y g u i d a n c e a n d s u p p o r t a t c r u c i a l j u n c t u r e s m a d e

    t h e u n d e r t a k i n g o f t h i s p r o j e c t a n e n r i c h i n g l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e .

    T h e l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e w h i l e d o i n g t h i s p r o j e c t w a s a g r e a t

    a c h i e v e m e n t f o r us . A n d f i n a l l y h e a r t f e l t a p p r e c i a t i o n t o f a c u l t i e s a n d o u r

    m a t e s o f A P I I T , w h o h a v e s u p p o r t e d u s i n a l l t h e s t e p s w e h a d u n d e r g o n e i n

    c o m p l e t i n g o u r p r o j e c t .

    Thanking You,

    Akhilesh Bamhore (Group Leader)

    Durgesh Kumar

    Ravi Kumar

    Yogesh Kumar Yadav

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    1 Introduction 6

    2 Problem Background 8

    3 Proposed Solution 8

    4 Project Planning Control 10

    5 Project Management 13

    6 Schedule Planning 17

    7 Selection of Methodology 21

    8 Cost Estimation 23

    9 Risk Management 26

    10 Requirement Analysis 34

    11 Process Modeling 38

    Context diagram 38

    1. Level 0 DFD 39

    2. Level 1 DFDs for the Level 0 processes 40

    12 Process Specification 41

    1. Structured English 41

    13 Data Modeling 43

    14 Logical Data Models: 44

    1. Entity Relationship Diagram

    2. Entity Life History


    15 Data Dictionary for Proposed Systems 47

    1. Data flows 47

    2. Data Stores 47

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    3. Processes 47

    4. Source and Sink 47

    16 Design Principles and Concepts 52

    17 Architectural Design 55

    18 Interactive Screen Design 57

    19 Programming Environment 62

    20 Testing 63

    21 Conclusion 66

    22 References

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    client. This interview session is created to make both the trainer and trainee

    comfortable for the other sessions.

    2.2 In this step the main work begins for the training session. The instructor has the

    authority to use the car for the personal work also. The trainee is given the training

    lesson by lesson.

    2.3 Once the training is over the client will ask for the exam to be conducted. The trainer

    will prepare the trainee for the both exam written as well as practical.

    Task: As a software engineer we are assigned to make an efficient computer based system

    which will carry on the day to day task of the A2 motor driving school.

    Scope of the Proposed System: This system can be deployed on the server and can be used

    by the remote system to access the files and upload their data as well. This system can be

    used by all those driving schools which do not have their computer based database and are

    working on the file based system today also. The scope of this project is very large as

    compared to others similar type of project.

    Objectives: this system will add the details of the new student, instructor details, lesson

    details, add new branch (only admin has this privilege), change the instructor in between the

    course(Student has this option), schedule the lesson etc.

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    Chapter 02-Problem Background

    A2 Driving School was established in Delhi in 2002. Since then, the school has grown

    steadily and now it has several offices in most of the main cities of India. The administrative

    staffs from different branches need to communicate very often which is tedious. Also there is

    no such method from which the director can view the details of the students studying in his

    company and he is not able to find out daily progress on time. To monitor the whole

    organisation there is a need of developing a efficient system. The working of the system is as


    1. Register the client

    2. Schedule Interview

    3. Take Interview and check for the valid provisional driving licence of student

    4. Book lesson

    5. Schedule training

    6. Record day to day progress of student

    7. Register student for driving test

    8. Record the result and if student fails give the reason for it (for instructor only).

    Chapter 03-Proposed Solution

    A2 Driving School is facing a lot of problems related with the system e.g. the people from

    different branches are not able to contact with each other in an efficient way. They are not

    able to provide an up to date system to a client who are willing to learn motor driving. So the

    director of the A2 motor Mr. Shiv Chand has hired us as software engineer. So as to develop

    software which will help the A2 motors running in a good manner this system has been

    developed. As the system is being developed for a new system so there is a need of

    registering each and every component of the driving school. E.g. the system has to register a

    lesson before scheduling lesson, register an instructor, register a branch etc. the access

    privilege has been given accordingly to the user of the system. The module for each and

    every components of the system along with their accessibility is given below.

    Administrator (Director): Mr Shiv Chand is the director of A2 motor school and he has the

    highest access privilege. He can view all the reports generated in the system.

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    Branch Manager (Senior Instructor): This is usually the senior instructor of the system.

    He/she will have the highest access privilege for that particular branch only where he/ she is

    assigned to do the work. E.g. he/ she can see the instructor details, add or modify lessons,

    costs, vehicles etc. Further he/she is responsible for the day-to-day running of the office.

    Instructor: Instructor has the authority to view the details of only those clients who are

    under their guidance. View the schedule of the lessons. Register the student for the test. Give

    the feedback for the student and take the interview of the client i.e. student.

    Receptionist: He/she has the very low priority but very important work to do i.e. to register a

    student for the driving lesson, book a lesson, change the instructor on the demand of student,

    and schedule a lesson.

    Student: He/ she have the lowest priority and can only view his/ her details and result only.

    To obtain a full driving license the client must pass both the practical and theoretical parts of

    the test. It is the responsibility of the Instructor to ensure that the client is best prepared for all

    part of the test. The Instructor is not responsible for testing the client. If a client fails to clear

    the test for the driving license, instructor must record the reasons for the failure.

    To do all these activities the system is developed on asp.net platform with MS access

    database. This is software with many forms and links with a normalized database which has

    been shown in the ER diagram.

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    Chapter 04-Project Planning Control

    Planning any software means identifying each element of the specific tasks that must be

    accomplished to complete that particular task. Division of works must be done so that who

    and when that work will be done. Planning also comes handy in deciding and identifying the

    activities and the outcomes or the deliverables of the project. Good project planning means

    identifying, early and continuously, the specific tasks that must be achieved; considering the

    resources in money, personnel, facilities, and time available. Project planning is necessary to

    keep a control on the various factors affecting the project so as to deliver the project on time

    within the constraints of cost and risk. The quality management also plays an important role

    in any project planning and control keeping the documentation standards high and accurate.

    Management expects and demands that technical work be administered and controlled

    effectively. The planning done in this system is as follow:

    Understood the scope of the system i.e. A2 Driving motor school. This provided the

    destination in terms of the solution to the current problems.

    Various entities (Vehicles, branches, fares, etc.) in are covered under planning

    activity and it helped the system to define priorities and the project constraints.

    The student has the facility to change the instructor in between the course and opt for

    a particular instructor.

    This system is intended to identify how it can ensure quality in terms of Software

    quality Assurance Plan, Documentation standards, Programming standards all of

    which are discussed later.

    Risks have been considered at all the stages of the planning and the risks that will

    have high impact and high probability in the development and delivery of the system.

    This system is made more realistic in terms of software development process.

    For the final plan of the project, the system has undergone Boehms W5HH Principle. It

    follows as:-

    1. Why is the system being developed: This system is being developed to help A2

    motor driving school in an easy and efficient way. This will help in running the

    organisation in a successful way.

    2. What will be done: The different functionalities have been listed down as proposed

    solution for the current system. This includes the functionality to be built and the

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    tasks required to meet the needs of the Driving school and the work would be done as

    per the prepared format. The reports of the system will be generated in efficient way.

    3. When will it be accomplished: The scheduling of the project is covered under the

    topic schedule planning of the project.

    4. Who is responsible for a function: A rough Work break Down Structure was made

    and distributed among the group members each being assigned some common and

    some specific functions.

    5. Where they are organizationally located: the identification of branches of the

    driving school and the developers location, the same was studied for other

    stakeholders like members, non-members, branches etc.

    6. How will the job be done technically and managerially: After establishing the

    scope for the project, a management and technical strategy for the project has been


    7. How much of each resource is needed: Keeping resource allocation in mind the

    costs planning has been done.

    The other Project Control activities have been mentioned below:

    1. Software Configuration Management: Configuration Management is unique

    identification, controlled storage, change control, and status reporting of selected

    intermediate work products, product components, and products during the life system.

    Following are the features of SCM:

    a) Versioning: As this project progresses, many versions of individual work products has

    been created. The repository is there to save all of these versions to enable effective

    management of all product releases and to permit the system to go back to previous versions

    during testing and debugging.

    b) Dependency tracking and change management: The relationships between the

    enterprise entities and processes have been made and all these are stored in the repository.

    c) Requirements tracing: This special function provides the system the ability to track all

    the design and construction and deliverables that result from a specific requirements

    specification (forward tracing). It also provides the ability to identify which requirement has

    been generated and what are the given work product. (Backward tracing)

    d) Configuration Management: This facilitates us to keep a track of a series of

    configurations representing specific project milestones and product releases.

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    e) Audit Trails: It helped the system to establish additional information about when, why,

    and by whom changes are made. All the information about changes can be entered as

    attributes of specific objects in the repository.

    By implementing the SCM in this project the system got a series of tasks like identifying all

    the items that collectively define the software configuration, to manage the changes on one or

    more of these items, to facilitate construction of different versions of this A2 motor driving

    school and to ensure that the software quality is maintained as the configuration evolves over


    2). Software Quality Assurance Plan: its an umbrella activity, incorporating both quality

    control and assurance that is applied at each step in the software process.

    a) The system has focused in maintaining the standards of ISO 9126, a quality standard since

    1980 which consists of attributes like functionality (Suitability, Accuracy, Interoperability,

    Security), reliability (Maturity, fault tolerance, recoverability), usability (Understandability,

    learnability, operability), efficiency, maintainability, portability.

    b) A SQA plan has been made and reviewed by the system and other suitable stakeholders

    and all the quality assurance activities were performed by the system and governed by the


    c) Any process that the system has taken has been reviewed in compliance with the A2 Motor

    Driving policy, internal software standards, and externally imposed ISO 9126 standard.

    2. Documentation Standards: The complete system has been reviewed in adherence to

    high quality standard and will be handed to the A2 Motor Driving School at the time

    of software delivery. This will involve the documentation to match to the standards of

    ISO 9001:2000 fulfilling effectively all the 20 requirements that must be present for

    an effective quality assurance system. A set of policies and procedures are to be

    established to address each of the 20 requirements as per the ISO 9001:2000 standard.

    3. Risk Management Plan: The system has its own risk management plan where the

    software risks have been be viewed within the context of the system only in which it

    is a component of the A2 Motor Driving School so that the problem is intended to be

    solved. The system also thought and still thinking about the risks that may arise in the

    future such that all of them are manageable. Planning to integrate any risk

    consideration in this software development has been undertaken. The system

    encourages open communication from all the stakeholders to suggest risks at any time

    in a formal or informal manner. The main risk related with any system is the risk of

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    not being developed on time, for this system has already prepared a demo of the


    4. Programming Standards: The system has maintained good programming practices

    in this software development process. The documentation has gone parallel to

    programming. All the indentation rules will be followed and the variable names have

    been taken as that of a meaningful one to the attribute its focusing on in the system.

    Proper validations have been added when and where required for all the fields in any


    Chapter 05-Project Management

    Project Management involves the planning, monitoring, and control of the people, process

    and events that occur as software evolves from a preliminary concept to an operational


    It is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific goal. It includes

    developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying

    tasks or how goals will be achieved, what resources are need, and associating budgets and

    timelines for completion. Implementing the project plan, along with careful controls to stay

    on the "critical path", that is, to ensure the plan is being managed according to plan. Project

    management usually follows major phases, such as feasibility study, project planning,

    implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance.

    The distinctive characteristics of the project management are:

    Scope: It defines what will be covered in a project (already defined in the chapter 1).

    Resource: It defines the objects or the equipments required to complete the project.

    Time: It describes the tasks to be performed according to the schedule and the period

    for which the work will continue.

    Quality: It is the spread or deviation allowed from a desired standard.

    Risk: It defines what threats a system can face and search for a prior solution to

    manage all the risks.

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    Resources required: Needful action is very much important in developing any software

    projects along with the proper allocation and management of the resources available.

    Different hardware resources required for developing the system are:

    1. Hardware Requirement: Computer for each developer members equipped with

    keyboard and mouse, So that every developer member can parallel work upon

    coding, testing, documentation and other software development component.

    2. Software Requirement: For the development process

    i. ASP.net (platform for developing code and design of the system),

    ii. MS Access (Back End for storing data)

    iii. MS Word (documentation purpose),

    iv. MS Access (creating and maintaining database),

    v. MS Visio (DFD designing),

    vi. Web browser (to gather necessary details).

    Besides these human resources is also important and its the job of group leader to assign the

    task of each of the group members based upon the skills of the individuals. The percentage of

    the work done by each member has been discussed in the workload matrix section.

    Major tasks performed by the team:

    Each group member was assigned to do a particular task and every task and the main task

    performed by the team as a whole are as follows and the explanation of each of the task is

    being taken care of in the further part of the documentation:

    Project planning and scheduling

    Requirement analysis

    Selection of methodology

    Cost estimation Risk management

    Process modelling

    Architectural Design

    Project monitoring and reviews

    System testing

    Project planning: It is probably the most time consuming project management activity

    and is a continuous activity from initial concept through to system delivery. Plans must be

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    regularly revised as new information becomes available. It is a part of project

    management which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and

    subsequently report progress within the project environment. Types of project plan are as


    Plan Description

    Quality plan Describes the quality procedures and standards that will be used in

    the project. In our project the team tried to maintain the consistency

    in each form by designing the master page.

    Validation plan Explain the approach, resources and schedule used for system

    validation. During the project the team strictly followed the

    validation for each of the unit and application wherever necessary.


    management plan

    Express the configuration management procedures and structures to

    be used. For more detail refer to project planning control.

    Maintenance plan Predicts the maintenance requirements of the system, maintenance

    costs and effort required. Flexibility has been provided to set the

    rules & regulation and coding will be done in such a way that the

    enhancement can take place anytime whenever required.

    Staff development


    Elucidate how the skills and experience of the project team

    members will be developed. Work divided according to the

    experience, capability and talents among the team members.

    Project planning process:

    Table 1

    Establish the project constraints: Project constraints can be proposal writing, project

    planning & scheduling, project costing, project monitoring

    & reviews, personnel selection & evaluation, report

    writing & presentations and etc.

    Make initial assessments of the project parameters: Prepare task schedule chart and

    follow the schedule strictly. Keep monitoring and

    reviewing of the project after a regular interval of time.

    Distribute the work among the team members according to

    the talent and experience of each individual.

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    Define project milestones and deliverables: Milestones are the end points of any project

    which must be completed within the specified frame of

    time in order to make the project a successful one.

    Different activities along with the deadline have been

    mentioned in the Gantt chart.

    While project has not been completed or cancelled loop: Perform the understanding

    activity till the condition become false.

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    Chapter 06-Schedule Planning


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    A1 A5









    Requirements A6Analysis Implementation


    Testing A8


    Maintenance Documentation


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    PERT CHART (Network Diagram)

    Introduction ProblemBackground ProposedSolution SchedulePlanning SelectionofMethodology

    1 2DAYS 2 2Days 3 3Day 4 2DAYS 5 5Days


    11 Fri8/19/11 Sat8/20/11Mon8/22/11


    Thu8/25/11 Fri8/26/11 Thu8/25/11Wed8/31/


    ProjectPlanningControl CostEstimation RiskManagement ProjectManagement RequirementAnalysis

    6 3Days 7 3Days 8 5Days 9 2days 10 5Days

    Thu9/1/11 Mon9/5/11 Thu9/1/11 Fri9/2/11 Tue9/6/11 Mon9/12/11 Thu9/8/11 Fri9/9/11 Tue9/13/11Mon9/19/11

    ProcessModeling DataModeling DataDictionaryDesignPrinciplesand


    11 5Days 12 3Days 13 5Days 14 11Days 15 6Days

    Tue9/20/11Mon9/26/11 Tue9/27/11Thu9/29/11 Fri9/30/11 Thu10/6/11 Thu9/29/11Thu10/13/







    (Layout)16 4Days 17 4Days 18 3Days 19 5Days 20 5Days

    Mon10/24/ Thu10/27/ Tue10/25/ Sun11/13/

    11 11 11Fri10/28/11

    Fri10/28/11Tue11/1/11 Tue11/1/11Mon11/7/11Tue11/8/11




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    No. Components Max










    1 Introduction 2 20% 40% 20% 20%

    2 Problem Background 2 40% 20% 20% 20%

    3 Proposed Solution 4 25% 25% 25% 25%

    4 Schedule Planning 2 20% 20% 40% 20%

    5 Selection of Methodology 5 20% 40% 20% 20%

    6 Project Planning Control 5 20% 20% 20% 40%

    7 Cost Estimation 5 20% 20% 40% 20%

    8 Risk Management 5 40% 20% 20% 20%

    9 Project Management 5 20% 20% 40% 20%

    10 Requirement Analysis 5 40% 20% 20% 20%

    11 Process Modeling 10 25% 25% 25% 25%

    12 Data Modeling 5 20% 40% 40% 20%

    13 Data Dictionary 5 20% 20% 20% 40%

    14 Design Principles & Concepts 8 25% 25% 25% 25%

    15 Architectural Design 8 25% 25% 25% 25%

    16 Interactive Screen Design 5 40% 20% 20% 20%

    17 Report Design 5 20% 20% 20% 40%

    18 Programming Environment 2 20% 20% 20% 40%

    19 Testing 7 25% 25% 25% 25%

    20 Overall Documentation


    5 25% 40% 25% 25%


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    Chapter 07-Selection of Methodology

    Its very important to go through a series of predictable steps, whenever we are going to build

    a system- a road map that helps us to create a timely, high-quality result and the road map

    that we follow throughout our project is known as a system methodology.

    Why selection of any methodology?

    It is advised to adopt a specific methodology to develop a system because of the following


    Provides stability to the system development process.

    Provides greater control over the system development.

    For allocating the right resources at right place.

    The focus remains clear and time estimation can be made which can be followed

    throughout the project.

    Every methodology has its own characteristics and scope, so its very important to select the

    best suitable methodology based upon the nature of the system and its respective parameters.

    These parameters can include resources available, stipulated time estimation, budget, risks

    involved and etc. Various system methodology persists in todays world are;

    waterfall(lifecycle) model, prototyping model, rapid application development(RAD)

    model, incremental model, spiral model, hybrid model and etc. Out of these model Hybrid

    model has been selected for the development of the system keeping in view of the various

    parameters that can affect the system development.

    Methodology Selected: This system has adopted the hybrid model of system development.

    Purpose of selected methodology:

    Hybrid model is basically a mixture of waterfall and spiral model which encompasses nearly

    the best features of these models. It makes the use of a structured method for the requirement

    analysis and specification stages. It follows waterfall model till the requirement analysis

    phase and further the spiral model comes into the picture for physical designing and

    construction phases. Finally waterfall is being followed for implementation and operation &

    maintenance phase.

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    Reasons to select Hybrid Model:

    Provides flexibility in meeting the user requirements which is a very difficult scenario

    in waterfall model.

    Less time consuming as it doesnt follow the approach of throwing and rebuilding the


    It doesnt require ample of human resources to work on the project simultaneously.

    Ensures requirements analysed and well documented.

    Ensures rapid user-driven software delivery.

    Useful and is mostly used model where implementation is a prototype.

    Scope of Hybrid Model:

    Documentation takes place in parallel with the system development; if any change

    arises in the requirement then the whole documentation may needs to be modified,

    which results in an expensive and time taking documentation.

    The attainments of ultimate goal of the project that is to learn the software

    engineering concepts as well as completion of the project on time.

    Determine and understanding well in advance the appropriate flow of the project how

    sequence of the progress will flow.

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    Chapter 08-Cost Estimation

    Software cost estimation is the process of predicting the effort required to develop software

    System .Software cost estimation is not an exact science. Variables like human, technical,

    environmental, and political, etc. affects the ultimate pricing of the software. However, many

    cost estimation techniques each having its own set of distinctive strength and weaknesses

    have been proposed in the last 30 years, which have transformed cost estimation from a black

    art to a series of systematic steps that provides estimates with acceptable risk. The various

    cost estimation techniques available today are:

    Expert judgment: One or more experts in both software development and the

    application domain use their experience to predict software costs. Process iterates

    until some consensus is reached.

    Estimation by analogy: The cost of a project is computed by comparing the project

    to a similar project in the same application domain.

    Top-down estimation: Start at system level and work out how the system

    functionality is provided. It takes into account costs such as integration, configuration

    management and documentation.

    Bottom-up estimation: Start at the lowest system level. The cost of each component

    is estimated individually. These costs are summed to give final cost estimated.

    Algorithmic Cost Modelling: Cost is estimated as a mathematical function of

    product, project and process attributes whose values are estimated by project


    Parkinsons Law: The project costs whatever resources are available

    Pricing to win: The project costs whatever the customer has available to spend on it.

    Constructive Cost Model: The model was first published by Dr. Barry Boehm in

    1981, and reflected the software development practices of these days. This is

    described below.

    Selected model: For this system COCOMO Model has been selected and its reason for

    selection is given below.


    The original COCOMO stands for Constructive Cost Model. The word "constructive" implies

    that the complexity of the model can be understood because of the openness of the model,

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    a and c, b and d are developed by Boehms own experience and judgement rather than

    statistical analysis, depend on the development mode of the project.

    2. No. of People, N=E/D


    1. Calculating Adjustment Multiplier, m(X):

    Cost Driver(Xi ) Rating Value

    Required Software


    High 1.15

    Size of the Database Low 0.94

    Complexity of the System Low 0.85

    Computer Turnaround


    Low 0.87

    Capability of Analysts High 0.86

    Applications Experience Nominal 1.00

    Capability of Programmers Nominal 1.00

    Programming Language


    High 0.95

    User of Software

    Development Tools

    Very low 1.24

    Existence of Required

    Development Schedule

    Very High 1.10

    Now, m(X)=m(Xi)

    Table 2



    Estimated Lines of Codes: 3500Lines of Codes=3.5LOC

    Therefore, Development Effort, E=aSbm(X)

    In this case,

    a = 3.2 (for Intermediate Organic COCOMO)




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    Thus, E=3.2*3.51.05

    *0.891=10.6=11 person-months

    Development Time, D=c*Ed

    Here, c= 2.5


    Therefore, D=2.5*110.38

    =6 Months

    Number of people, N=E/D=11/6=2 persons (approx.)

    Therefore, the project can be finished within 3 months by a group of 4 persons this is what

    required by the A2 motors driving school.

    Chapter 09-Risk Management

    Risk management is a project management tool to assess & mitigate events that might

    adversely impact a project, thereby increasing the likelihood of success.



    Risk control


    Risk AnalysisRisk






    Fig 4:- Risk Management Activities

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    Gold plating 2


    L= Rs. 15,000

    R.E. = 7,500

    First of all the entire criteria of

    project specification to be fulfilled

    and further the additional features

    will be met. Each of the team

    members will be aware of the system


    Poor understanding

    of the system

    development tool



    L= Rs. 7,500

    R.E. = 3,000

    All the group members gone with the

    concepts of PHP and its

    implementation for better

    understanding of the system

    development tool.

    Continuing stream

    of requirements




    L= Rs. 8,500

    R.E. = 1,700

    Hybrid model has been followed to

    overcome this risk.

    Personnel shortfalls 5


    L= Rs. 5,800

    R.E. = 2,320

    Assigning the task according to the

    talent of the group members and

    rotate the system deliverables among

    the members.

    Risks associated

    with incorrect &

    optimistic status




    L= Rs. 7,000

    R.E. = 2,100

    Regular monitoring of project and its

    respective module assigned to

    responsible group member is to be

    taken care of.

    Developing the

    wrong functions

    and user interface



    L= Rs. 9,000

    R.E. = 1,350

    Analyzing the meaning of each line

    given in the project specification and

    concentrate on what is required by

    the user of the system. We will

    strictly follow the design principals

    Table 3

    Risk management is a central part of any organizations strategic management. It is the

    process whereby organizations methodically address the risks attaching to their activities with

    the goal of achieving sustained benefit within each activity and across the portfolio of all

    activities. The focus of good risk management is the identification and treatment of theserisks. Its objective is to add maximum sustainable value to all the activities of the

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    organization. It marshals the understanding of the potential upside and downside of all those

    factors which can affect the organization. It increases the probability of success, and reduces

    both the probability of failure and the uncertainty of achieving the organizations overall

    objectives. Risk management should be a continuous and developing process which runs

    throughout the organizations strategy and the implementation of that strategy. It should

    address methodically all the risks surrounding the organizations activities past, present and

    in particular, future. It must be integrated into the culture of the organization with an effective

    policy and a program led by the most senior management. It must translate the strategy into

    tactical and operational objectives, assigning responsibility throughout the organization with

    each manager and employee responsible for the management of risk as part of their job

    description. It supports accountability, performance measurement and reward, thus promoting

    operational efficiency at all levels.

    The software risk components are as given below:

    Performance Risk

    Cost Risk

    Support Risk

    Schedule Risk

    Technology Risk

    Types of Risk Management

    Performance risk: - It is the risk which might be thought like whether the system will

    perform well or not. This risk has been discarded as before developing the system. The

    developers have gone through the analysis and planning phase in a good manner.

    Cost Risk:-At the time of planning the system we estimate a budget that will decide the cost

    expenditure of project, but when system completed and cost came more than estimated cost,

    so, we have to manage it, this is called Cost Risk like. In A2 motor driving school only the

    basic functionalities have been provided so there is no fear of cost risk

    Support risk: - It suggest that different type of supporting tool which will apply to develop

    the system, if it will not work properly at the time of implementation so this type of risk

    called as support risk, it generally happens when we make the program of system but at the

    time of debugging it shows errors which makes the system halt, so that working of system get

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    stop, this risk called as support risk. This risk was sort out during the development as there

    were two systems in back up.

    Schedule risk:-It suggest that activities which will perform on system on given time , it

    didnt completed successfully on the scheduled time , it cause delay of project completion for

    any organisation such risk called is known as schedule risk , this risk has been avoided by

    completing the projects individual tasks on time.

    Technology Risk: - This Risk factor come, when we will develop new features for our

    system but it will not work well at the time of implementation thus it causes some technical

    error on the system, so system software working became stop and hang the system .such risk

    are known as Technology Risk.

    Risk Identification

    A checklist of the risks that may arise during the development of this system are identified as


    Schedule Slippage-. The delivery date of the software may vary due to the delays in

    developing the system. Unfortunately the customer may have to wait for a period in

    order to receive the system

    Poor design- A private software company is adopted for the development of this

    system there is every possibility the designer has rushed through the design process in

    order to get the coding started quickly.

    Competitive risk- Existing system in the market pose a great risk towards other

    newly implemented systems. Motor Driving School Systems are being developed on

    daily basis; hence the system which will be implemented will depend on how

    competitive it is in the market.

    Substandard quality- The programmer got behind schedule and desperately needed

    to catch up. To catch up, the programmer decided to quickly code the next feature

    and not spend the time testing the feature as they should have. Once the feature went

    to the. Testing team, a lot of bugs were found, causing the testing / fix cycle to extend

    far beyond what was originally expected.

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    Project cancelled- after numerous schedule slips the customer loses confidence that

    the project can never be completed. Another reason might be that the Business

    process changes, which leaves the software incapable of solving the new business

    problems. So the customer decides to cancel the whole project.

    System built with basic feature- there are very few advanced features used in the

    system as a result customer is not satisfied with the system.

    False feature rich- the system has great feature but unfortunately they are not useful

    according to the customer but the programmer thinks they are great feature.

    System crash- there is a possibility of a hardware failure during the development of

    the system.

    Over budget- Chances that the system will cost more than the estimated budget is


    Risk Analysis

    After identifying the possible risks there analysis starts in two phases, one the possibility of

    its occurring and the second is the consequences of them. Here is the analysis done by the

    team after identification-

    Schedule slippage- The risk of having a schedule slippage is not so high. However

    the consequence caused by it is very high. The customer can lose faith in the team; he

    can abandon the system also.

    Poor design- There is a high possibility of a poor design due to the adoption

    Waterfall methodology. This causes problem for the programmer while coding and a

    design which is reusable allows changes to be made quickly and also lessens testing.

    Competitive risk- this is the biggest risk in front of the development team. There is a

    high possibility that customer switches over to some other system if he comes to

    know that a better system is present there in the market.

    Substandard quality- to add some advanced features programmer lags behind in the

    schedule and there is a moderate possibility that such a thing can happen. This result

    in the development of a very ordinary quality system due to which the competitors

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    gets an edge. It also increases the work of testing team as they are busy in removing

    bugs of the system.

    Project cancelled- it is not a high risk however there is possibility if the customer

    loses faith in the development team. This will result in the loss of customer by the

    team as well as the reputation of the team. It will also lead to wastage of all the work

    and the cost that the team has already put into the development of the system.

    System build with basic feature- There is a high possibility of this risk due to the

    lack of time. This will result in the dissatisfaction of the customer and the next time

    he needs a system he might not call us.

    False feature risk- there is a slightly less chance of occurrence of this risk. This will

    result in the false advertisement of the system and also the customer might not use the

    system to its full potential.

    System crash- this is possibly the least probable risk that might occur during the

    development of the system. This will result in losing up of all the data and also all the

    work that has been contributed in it.

    Over budget- it has a moderate risk of occurrence but if it happens then the client

    may not buy the system and the team will incur a heavy loss not only in terms of

    money but also in terms of work.

    Risk Assessment

    The following things need to be done to remove or reduce the risk that has been identified:-

    Schedule slippage- The project is split into small release cycles. In each cycle

    something valuable to the customer is implemented as a result even if the project gets

    late, the most important and valuable parts would be working.

    Poor design- The only way to overcome this risk in not to rush through the design

    phase in order to get the coding and starting connectivity of databases with Webpages.

    Competitive risk- knowledge about the competitor should be kept in order to be

    competitive in the market.

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    Substandard quality- first all the required features of the project will be done and

    then only work on some advanced features will be started in order to increase the

    quality of the project.

    Project cancelled- the A2 Motor Driving School is involved in each of the release

    cycle so that he has an idea about the project in which way it is headed. This will help

    him change the direction of the project as his business need changes. Also if the

    project gets late he has the most important parts working so he will be less inclined in

    cancelling the project.

    System build with basic feature- proper planning about the development of the

    project will reduce this risk to a great extent as now the team will have sufficient time

    to add extra features to the project.

    False feature rich- in each release cycle, the customer will be allowed to pick

    features that are important to him - he will be picking features that are relevant to his

    business process and not the processes that are a programming challenge.

    System crash- A backup of all the work will be made at the end of each release cycle

    so that if the system crashes programmer will have all the data of the previous release


    Risk prioritization

    The risk based prioritization using the core set of information has been carried out during the

    registration phase and result in easy registration for substances shown to be of low concern.

    Only if a concern has been identified and if safe use cannot be demonstrated should the

    natural progression be to move on to the evaluation phase and subsequently to the

    restriction/authorization procedure.

    Prioritization based on risks will help focus the use of resources on hot spots:

    Time and (limited) financial resources that would have been devoted to the collection of

    data on lower risk substances (as in the current draft) with little if no improvement of

    health and environmental protection, can be saved or better redirected to address higher

    priorities. The system is made more cost effective for all.

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    Details of Instructors as well as branch manager

    No. of students registered per day.

    They can easily generate reports.

    He has the highest access privilege.

    4. Instructors:

    Can view the details of student under his/her guidance

    Can give feedback to the system about the students progress.

    View Scheduled lessons

    Register the student for the test

    Register the student as pass or fail after the exam.

    5. System Developers: The requirements of the developer team to make the system are

    as follows.

    Proper software and hardware availability.

    Proper preparation of milestones.

    Proper work scheduling.

    Co-relation between the team members.

    Functional requirements from the system: It describes the functionalities and performanceof the A2 Motor Driving School system. We have found the requirements based on our


    Record of all staffs as well as the students.

    Instant report Generation for all the functionality

    Payment and billing records.

    Day to day reports of all fields

    Interface Specification: The system which we are developing for this assignment is based on

    client server architecture. Following are the hardware and the software requirements for this


    Hardware Interface: P4 processor.

    Software Interface: ASP.net.

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    Communications Interface: Screen, Keyboard

    Memory Constraints: 128 MB.

    Data Requirements:

    INPUT- Data input comprises of data being entered in

    Student Registration Input

    Admin Registration Info

    Schedule Interview

    Book Lessons for a particular student

    Register a particular lesson

    Register an Instructor

    Feedback from the instructor

    Change of an Instructor as on demand of student

    Register a new Vehicle

    Modify the above records

    OUTPUT- Data out will provide information in form of output

    Student Details(By student, all)

    Instructor details (for admin access only by all or by branch)

    Slip of payment with lessons details for student purpose.

    Vehicle details

    All other details from the above input fields

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    Techniques used in Requirements Elicitation, Analysis and Requirement Validation

    Elicitation Techniques

    The various elicitation techniques used in our project are brainstorming session (a meeting is

    held where every member gives there idea and does a brainstorming), storyboarding (It

    clearly explains the series of steps needed to complete the business event to the

    customer/user), Prototyping/Mock-up (It is built for developers, users, and customers to

    better understand system requirement).

    Requirement Analysis

    It basically deals with the relationships among various requirements and shaping those

    relationships to achieve a successful result. The various requirement techniques used in our

    project are Define the system, specify the goals, constraints and boundaries of the system.

    Requirement Validation

    It ensures that the requirement satisfies the condition of the system. The various requirement

    validation techniques are Requirements reviews, Prototyping and Test-case generation. It is

    always found that the longer the error is undetected the more the cost of correcting it .So, it

    was very important to detect errors in the requirements before actual designing of A2 Motor

    Driving School System could start. The work product that we got after requirement

    engineering was accessed for quality here. Under this stage we examined all the gathered

    information to insure that all software requirements have been stated unambiguously and

    errors were gathered and corrected. The whole process was divided into primary and

    secondary levels. The primary level consists of formal technical review team consisting of

    group members and some end users who looked for areas where further modifications can be

    done. In order to do this we came up with validation checklist that had subsets like:-

    Are requirements stated clearly? Can it be misunderstood?

    Is each requirement testable?

    Is the initial state of the system defined?

    Are the responses to exceptional conditions specified?

    Are possible future modifications specified?

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    Give Money




    Request for test

    Request for register

    Monitor exam




    Send Result

    Give Report


    Book Lesson

    Save Report

    Send Invoice

    Send account Report8.0

    GenerateSend exam Schedule/

    Send Result






    Invoice Send Report


    Send Report

    Send report



    Lesson Report

    Book Lesson




    Lesson Report




    Train Client

    Schedule Interview

    1.0 6.0Schedule Training


    Dept.Book Client Register

    ClientDriving Service



    Client Info.


    Scheduling drive

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    Chapter 12-Process Specification

    This includes description of data structure for some of the important processes in the A2

    Motor Driving School System. Each of the records mentioned below corresponds to a table in

    a central database. It gives information of the necessary and optional fields in the processing

    of required data for the process fulfillment. Some of the processes are shown below and for

    more details please look at the Level 0 and Level 1 diagram.

    Using Structured English

    Process: View Reports

    Authorization = ID + Password

    The reports will be shown according to the authorization. E.g. Manager can view details of

    each and every instructor but vice- versa is not true.

    Process: Student Info

    Customer Record = Id+ Provisional Driving License No.+ Name+ Fathers Name+ Date of

    Birth+ Permanent Address + Address of Correspondence+ Email + Instructor Id + Contact

    no. + Date of joining the institution.

    Process: Vehicles

    Vehicle Record=Vehicle No. + Vehicle Model

    Process: Lesson Cost

    Cost=Type of lesson + discount.

    Fare Record = Rout Number + Business Class (Fare) + Economy Class (Fare)

    Process: Change Instructor

    Record=Instructor Change no. + Old Instructor Name+ New Instructor+ Student Id

    Process: Register Lesson

    Record=Lesson No. + Lesson Cost+ Lesson Details

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    ER Diagram(A2 Motor Driving School)



    NameDate of










    Vehicle_no V_model







    has Rides



    Booking Dept. Schedules

    Primary Key Stud_id




    ost InstructorsForeign Key Inst_id*

    Stud_id Date












    Inst_mob Inst_payment

    Page 1

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    Chapter 15-Data Dictionary

    The data dictionary of the proposed system consists of 4 elements.

    1. Data Flows

    2. Data Stores

    3. Processes

    4. External entities (Source & Sink)

    Data Flow: - Data Flow are groups of data that move and flow through a system from

    one place to another. It Include names of all individual elements of data moving. Data

    flow is represented by arrow arrows depicting movement of data

    E.g. Status of student

    Current Status, Test status, Final grade

    Data store: - Data Store refers to data at rest that may represent one or many physical

    locations. Each data store has a label and number (number of files location). Data

    store is represented by a rectangle

    E.g. data about students

    D1 Exam/grad file

    Processes: - Process are the action performed on data so that they are transformed

    (manual or automatic), stored or distributed, each process includes a name & processnumber. It is represented by rectangle with rounded corners or a circle as shown in the

    level 0 diagram.

    E.g. Register Student



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    Source and Sink: - Source and Sink are the origin (sources) and/or destinations

    (sink) of the data i.e. that supplies or receive data. They refer to external entities (or

    outside) to a system; boundaries of the system; boundaries. Each source/ sink has a

    name that states what the external agent is, e.g. students


    Data Dictionary (LEVEL 0) for A2 Motor Driving School

    Name Student

    Description Student is the most important entity of the system. Student has

    to be registered to the A2 motor driving system firstly to

    obtain training.

    Input data flow Student gives all required information about his/her name,

    address, contact no, Email ID etc.

    Output data flow Scheduling of the interview is done.

    Table 4

    Name Administrator

    Description Shiv Chand is the administrator of the system one who is

    responsible for registering the Branches, branch managers,

    view payment and billing information and Maintenance of the

    system.Input data flow View, Update and Insert.

    Output data flow Request for report.

    Table 5

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    Name Lesson Booking

    Description Before the lesson starts the student has to book the lesson.

    Input data flow Student id, instructor id, lesson id, date etc.

    Output data flow Booking Confirmed.

    Data structure Student id[Number], Instructor Id[Number], Lesson

    Id[Number], Date[number/text]

    Table 9

    Data stores:

    Name Login record

    Description Stores information of user name and password.

    Input data flow Stores login details

    Output data flow Provides user name and password

    Table 10

    Name Student Record

    Description Store Student information

    Input data flow Student id

    Output data flow Student details

    Table 11

    Name Instructor Record

    Description Stores the information of instructor

    Input data flow Instructor id

    Output data flow Instructor details, schedule details etc.

    Table 12

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    5. The design should exhibit uniformity and integration The system developed

    follows this principle. We have followed Hierarchy model which so whenever the

    system found that it should change its master page according to the new ideas, the

    designed has been changed accordingly. A design is integrated if care is taken in

    defining interfaces between design components.

    6. The design should be reviewed to minimize conceptual (semantic) errors there

    is sometimes the tendency to focus on minute details when the design is reviewed,

    missing the forest for the trees. Design is not coding, coding is not design Even

    when detailed designs are created for program components, and the level of

    abstraction of the design model is higher than source code.

    7. The design should be structured to accommodate change The design should be

    assessed for quality as it is being created

    in the design concept we are shows the process of work how it fallow. There are

    seven concepts which this system is using to justify the design.

    The seven concepts of design are -

    1) Abstraction: - It allows designers to focus on solving a problem without being concerned

    about irrelevant lower level details (procedural abstraction - named sequence of events,

    data abstraction - named collection of data objects). We have used control abstraction in

    our design that means that our program control is flowing without showing its internal

    working to its users. It allows designers to focus on solving a problem on a generalised

    standard without being concerned about irrelevant lower level details. The designer

    analyse the problem related to the interface design of the system i.e. button, menus and

    other visual design elements.

    2) Refinement: - It is process of elaboration where the designer provides successively more

    detail for each design component. According to the three steps system has done the

    refinement concept. The three steps are:

    1st refinement: In this we refine the problem in the system. According to

    requirement analysis and data gathering we found some problems faced by the current


    2nd refinement: After finding out the problems we are going to identify what the

    user actually needs. This was carried out by the data gathering technique.

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    The design of client-server systems should reflect the logical structure of application that is

    being developed. The client-server architecture can either be of 2-tier or 3-tier.

    2-tier architecture is a client-server architecture where the server is versatile, i.e. it is

    capable of directly responding to all of the client's resource requests.

    In 3-tier architecture however, the server-level applications are remote from one

    another, i.e. each server is specialized with a certain task (for example: web

    server/database server).

    The 3-tier architecture distributes processing is more effective than 2-tier architecture.

    However system management is more complex as application functionality is spread

    across many different computers. So, the implementation of this architecture was not

    economically feasible for this system which has a limited number of users.

    Selected Architecture: [2-tier approach of client-server architecture]

    So, the 2-tier approach of client-server architecture has been adopted for the implementation

    of the system for the application. The user requirements as well as the database requirements

    are very limited in this system. So, the database and the application are deployed in the same

    server. The user interface for these systems is migrated to PCs and the application itself acts

    as a server and handles all processing and data management. The results are then displayed in

    the presentation layer as per user requirements.


    1. Easier to maintain

    2. Cost Effective

    3. Suitable for small applications where the number of users are limited and also the

    database requirements is minimum.






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    Report of


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    Chapter 19-Programming Environment

    A2 Motor Driving School System is purely developed on ASP.Net platform. The backend is

    Microsoft Access for storing the data. ASP.Net is a sophisticated program for creating,

    editing, and testing web pages.

    Why ASP.Net?

    ASP.Net allows creating dynamic web pages i.e., web pages whose contents are

    generated dynamically and can be easily customized.

    It provides user controls it gave the system developers flexibility to add own feature,

    methods and event handlers.

    Its session state provided security as Session variables can be set to be automatically

    destroyed after a defined time of inactivity, even if the session does not end.

    It provides performance benefit over other script based technology as it compiles

    server side code to one or more DLL files or web Server.

    It also drastically reduces the amount of code to build large applications.

    Its more secure than any other platform for webpage.

    Tools used to develop the system








    Table 15

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    Chapter 20-Testing

    Testing the system means finding out the errors and components that are missing which isspecified in project specification and is not followed. Software testing is a critical element of

    software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design, and code

    generation. There exists a particular team of testers for testing the systems. It is recommended

    that testing should begin in requirements phase of SDLC. It plays important role for the quality

    project. The types of testing are:-

    Unit Testing: Unit testing is a done with the components individually having no

    interdependency. It basically focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software

    design and on the internal processing logic & data structures within the boundaries of a


    Integration Testing: In Integration testing the system has combined individual

    components and tested them as a group. It is followed after Unit Testing. The main use of

    Integration testing is to verify the functionality, the performance and the reliability. There

    are different approaches for Integration testing i.e. Top Down Approach and Bottom

    Up Approach.

    Test case name Date of Student Registration

    Test case ID TbDOR_01

    Purpose of test To take the input only in the form of dd-mm-yyyy.

    Testing object Unit

    Test Attribute Date of Registration(textbox)

    Test focus Validation

    Test type Unit

    Test process Initial StateDate of Registration textbox isrequired to be filled.

    Output expected

    Accept only current date andin proper date format.

    Test results Accept date in proper format and didnt accept past date.

    Action No Action Required, working properly and take right input.

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    Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2011

    Test case name Date of Examination

    Test case ID TbDOE_02

    Purpose of test To take the input only in the form of dd-mm-yyyy.

    Testing object Unit

    Test Attribute Date of Examination(textbox)

    Test focus Validation

    Test type Unit

    Test process Initial State

    Date of Examination

    textbox is required to be


    Output expected

    Accept only current date and in

    proper date format.

    Test results Accept date in proper format and didnt accept past date.

    Action No Action Required, working properly and take right input.

    Field Name Table Name Expected Input ExpectedOutput

    Net Result


    Stud_Id Student Character Error FailNumber No Error Pass


    Error Fail

    Blank Error Fail


    Character No Error Pass

    Number Error Fail


    Error Fail

    Stud_dob Blank Error Fail

    Date No error PassCharacter Error Fail

    Number Error Fail


    Error Fail

    Blank Error Fail

    Stud_address Character No Error Pass

    Number No Error Pass


    No Error Pass

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    Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2011

    Field Name Table Name Expected Input ExpectedOutput

    Net Result


    Inst_Id Instructor Character Error Fail

    Number No Error Pass


    Error Fail

    Blank Error Fail


    Character No Error Pass

    Number Error Fail


    Error Fail

    Inst_dob Blank Error Fail

    Date No error Pass

    Character Error Fail

    Number Error FailPunctuationMarks

    Error Fail

    Blank Error Fail

    Inst_address Character No Error Pass

    Number No Error Pass


    No Error Pass

    Field Name Table Name Expected Input ExpectedOutput

    Net Result


    Man_Id Manager Character Error Fail

    Number No Error Pass


    Error Fail

    Blank Error Fail


    Character No Error Pass

    Number Error Fail



    Error Fail

    Man_dob Blank Error Fail

    Date No error Pass

    Character Error Fail

    Number Error Fail


    Error Fail

    Blank Error Fail

    Man_address Character No Error Pass

    Number No Error Pass


    No Error Pass

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