pplii^^ - nys historic...

PPlii^^ --• A - •'• 3MM: 3;N.I>.. - MOR«i?f,:Oi Sew Yo-rfe. S'r'iieirtenaof'Sciyeiaiciri '- ': .For g ;vaa^WO^EH;.of Moimwv •• CSI'CKlflibvi '" " Kepitfrljcan- Cjcrantj^ Ztomjna^oiig. .'- J-'t>r'5Iwiit)Rt;oJJxsseinbIy,..'. ^OffiJ O. WJ?TGH.i,:c '.•." '••'.."• 3?OK-Slieriff, £h '• •Ay^.c-oajg^^T.u^ PCJ^iaeuvpit?? Titis',#jp:fe dp ^o&iti-mAZ.&t'Gigk- -r*-t*>'*^^r~'.mTrrrT*- mwni?n- tJT?\T- CYX?-Xf.t?S . E.- ^ ;x iK~&\ ••iJsS&'AfAB : "-s ; &;£;-^cm§l-."!O, ; ;iu;T?' ; SHE."•ipEES'^.SifesGBimJBS «j£ y r. ITJ Q ft cheat isjVf •\Vpek.aiid. .'. the lp/^iittec 10 taliivUfe jaame; off-.tho.. tioket ;h.ecatiseo;f Ms ;ijemg. ' -fouml; 'lie tire, iqie &f a j-eyGHUe de SiiiltijPy Wi&cTKinot f hiak'.Khat Instea Yoi;ls ; e, add^ theahjyanofe- ^ ffe f.l'e to corojpiete its ^ ijJ n: 3BE0n, .'the- Contention.. jit•-.:fae i e : - ofthefaet . tltaVhehkd. sMednacst positively fhatlie \xpuM 'not accept ii*' ;| iressect and Bpisrepresented-for .the express ptojjfee of deceivadg : the <?&riyen^Qo.iiito'ti%belief tfiat Mx . Se^niMt .would xxiix, .'fhisiiaTefac trie"!? -was^erpetraf ed by '$ccmuel- Ji ' Tiletm : t%e.refc>7ine}\..WjSdp.jot:woii- ii M& sfate ; hw.e-repudiated t3jjs tricls- ery' : .of;fiMen's. 1$ Is however too late, to Tepato theM^QHg daie,•"-•.• J .any ..one./ ' Saeh deception--stamps him to-be .the--man;:that honorable demqcfat^'ch^aterl^ed him. before the-.St.-IjQms fcbniVefitibn, a i'hmrt- * bbgreform-er 1 'axsd a Sritudupon tlie people." •'-'• • .. ; ; county . ........ -tee* .at 4ts organization:' Jasf week chose" % ^.-l^ewiSj--3Ssqc, chafrnjan . Mr.."Ii;is" one .of the:-most indefa -, tlgable 'workers-- i n . j he.pftrtyj and : he-Will 4 leave n&stqne' tinitfrned t seenre an honorable/victory." -. Th cotoJDaibtee' ; also voted to. divide th pateobage. equally between, th ^riafjes^ >M. journal, there ' befe: only fbax vbtes : ouE.oEsistee.ii' agfiins ' the- ftsblutiba. "We bs&h siacef re- ceived.aiettef'from one of the-epm ' niittee dis^almin'g the action..of -M; subsfittite, a^d frora'anbther deelai . ing'he did not imcterst.arid the."ftues ftoti... ^?e have h^afd;this action .troubles "our. frigodti of - the - Jour nal^.&nti: that they are. eircuiatin a- pajser 'begging.|he- eounnitteo •' rfeVIse •'' their -action., :Vv& ="•*> ".-n troubled aboaii thgae srnai bttf ;we.feugge£6 "io-om1-ate .... , .... ...„ ©f the county comnaJttee. to. let th presejitGqtoinattee kmowtlie. amouii >sid -for ; pii'pting.lasj;' year, irieatttina.© the TIMES ;§team ^tabljshnieitfe js.&i th to .axe -no In . !'!'JJbjshejnaer no-W v.^^^.v Bow Itwouid rejoice the hay seed democracy. Jbo, Mr. fiftrsheinaer. resJgrr, aid sa-ve yourself the e,3t ti'enie mortiHeatioa of the. wors kind of defeat. You can make ! "note QBi't,"' m Capt,CBtfl& says" the ^'bay-seed" wilt go foi' you, TO" 1 mistake, there Is bloofl In their You Wanted to be G03 wanted Seym©»r to Vtxn; ^y ?0.f j % e had-ft'eM-lf tip .to {be Indigriar iioii of hoM deip:ocrats arid riepiifili^ tans-forifsmeaiT,'pefty sliglifc oKoiie; fits' 0\VTI party, Mr.'^esfc,^ last; has a few.gingerly^ morels copied,; h_. ufeuaV-froni jinpffiei'. papeiv.Ip avor .of Mr.. .ikKest for- Goveinpi'. Fvqm-QUi advices/wethink it quite- jirobable--thftt MrrWestjriight h&ye; been: riofet|pajtfetl "if he, had received a iu|$ax£jto3m. his homo p£peiv .took: h\ua,,niosfc of the tinae tb- crtteli the VI^BE h%.£M:5va>rae!i into 'ite, hers ia his own eouhty r an(i he iad.-to. neglect" other loealttie.-'jf the State.vai a ; tits© ^vjfren^ite^ should' fia-ve- beGu-ahrbad iDsfeaii-. of a& ; h?).' :i^gain ' we.'say. shame; oil io • ' '';" : Saving's Since oih" article, pri reeks ago! ^neither rotten', concern in; if.ew riSTarlt has gone into, a receiver's; hands... As -we- remarked before, the aiand Tor xsciixey'at a; large- tate of jti- terest. ;But ^vhe'Etfeby-roeisetidea's of finance . aiid ijusinJess. are" brought' down totbe level ofa'legitimafe biisjr ss,, ttiere is DOtlemaatiI .for-raoiieyf at above tpet'eept.', aM'atthat yate' thfese'liitlng. •sasiiigs- banks Qi'.ust fail. It is.a 5 veigt^seriaus. inatfer-:.tp-hav6.' 6ne*s ITfe'sr savings brust«kl away-m a-in'inirte;aoid• VFitboufcwaniing,.-.-.. "^ riiust.fii the; tefy-.natitre of .the c§sebgsp^ii.'pTaee.fai'-the'deposft of trust fundsi ^o .long-as ourgo'y* Srninent is-.a boi-row-'cr-^ahd.: it-must be for tKo^'Ticxfe hvufired-yeai'l,.it would Seem-to. be -the plainest duty po,?siWe ; foiv Jt.to use Its -wn..eitij5en§ : ipofiej*, instead.6C:-Ii©i'3?()fl"idg.in fof- eigp-. cfiuiifxif«. -.Thtis.. ,it Ayoald; at diae. fijr. vhe .nieeesaties. of* " pj Postal Ba.nlvS--iiieels• .<Ire-tsse; ezactljt,.-.'ii thj-. people ."agitate, this .g'uesiion,. and Qltii^ugh-. money. Ieakki3 .will •the ; prppositionvifc will.pi-fevatJ; .-For h ih 110;oth'ci'-\yayi' .. .. ._ .. .... tpectedifewweek ago,.is.le?seive<Mn sbrne. <5egr.ee JJ£ the anusualrj' hot'- weatlier-.:. lu .majSy sccfio/rs- .the' drouth.^ has riiateyiaiiy lessoned the -grain crppWlrilGtheip; tairage in some' parts t part|eular;Tyjn tills - BbfitPi Is -almost. d ried a'pv Tei^,. the wlioie-, i t .is svifk to. conclude that the. crop will be -ftili upti>,the : .av : erageV \. Prises .ifafG -Wtherto.' ruled Itoy; There are. hidleatjpns however, that, the' boUijrniiras beeii-r.i?aebed-, and that t>ii.ces Tvi-ll ; g o c o ' lower, :but.pn the -e0Etrapy.-wlil;. impEQve.- jN-eyi fe{ieles3,.we thiak.lt a.poar policy gen- erally, :to jipHV beyond,-tire.-"aaari :seaso>i" to. sxAi pfoduoc -Tliere. are exeeptions,..b!it'the'^gfeiiexal.itiTe& goodj. "to- h*eii Wh'ea the buver wants to "tuy.?. %f!o;see• iipthlng £0le^dns. .;U> b-claev-e"that- exireBie pricesfoeany ftiutls .of ..prodj.ic ; e : will- ;be realized" VVe"t nileaS'o'r to keep cur rea^ers'post ed, as.tp-pricesiB di.®i'<Jri : t niarlvets. so' that" they Will be aijloloftirrflan iytelliji'ent -opinion :.as to -.niarki.l p.nee& aud: : "the pyoijer ^ tinie •• to sell We cannot foEbea-r - to remark that-ii .is; .a po'or time to sell' produceon .cred- it,-. "Better t*>- xealtes a-EtrtaHer-". price than .tO'ttast contingencjes ft>t' Vh" fiitiipc. '-jBsy.dqxeit; -oiighk -to b.e.'tli univerbal rule-,w.Eh ! .iaTm.prfe:fiuce. F ertu , paper,-says: .... it\ new§ is Hiat of-Seynjou-^s" de- If t.be. deejara- tion to"th&convention that SeymaU bad- accepted Was a deliberate.fraud; Whose, -p'nj'pose was to', force {Sey tqou- to aeiuept.- Mr; Seymour caii not' bi blamed for-his^eciinaiion-^indeed. it: is" in" "every respect creditable 1 t hina, ''.bat'....the;- whole•-.transaEtjou- tlitows-ii>e raosfc..unpleasant. Ugh' upcfn- tiioie "people velip were bound to force- Seymour's" iietniiiatibn; aiid: uniess-t.be State"'cbinl&iittee rbake th wisest use of their rprivilegeKthe re- sult of thi? bad business; Will be . to throw the. "election into the bji.ntls o' IncUgninit -The-Auburn Slowing J$fem l oi"Sat- ai-day-j contains tlie following - "It is With relttetancew^ annaunec1 foour readers this rDopning that -we *—~ 'teketi frorn -the head of our co: Che ticket, nominated.' aj: gaftiio^ai H-o r ether eottrse is "consistent'With our selfr-respect-i and eur 'regard-'foj the. . traditions .of ..'tibe .deraogratie .party. Avjllainous. fraud., has b,eex> practiced,, and' wifebou't prompt- aii-f decided action : air.Irreparably wro'oi cfotte tTie;g3rea6.:Cdnseryatlve : patty 01 this Stirte». 'The. dispatches of Gov- ernor SeychQljrv tttterfy .refusing tc aecept'th# nooiiBationi were pgrpose- ly 'snppressedv and" the• subsequen action <)f the" convention '—• ••-«»•«•-- lipon the tfokH"-names; upon tbe ticskH names;- tbat'-svotito I only have been placed tli^re upbh an t : erroueous 'assnwpfion' aiid :assertion only have been placed tli^re upbh an erroueous 'assnwpfi.on' a.iid :as-sertion of -nis ac.eeplau.ee, %e repudiate as b,ased. upon ; a -.frauij .aiid a. ielieat .'I'lieie-.is but dne way oiit.of the d.rffi eMty. jNo eomrnittee most' aEtcnip to •pafteli np mattea.'. 0 ; The' j'eas Serobling of tbe eo.nVention. and thi nomlHation of ajlieketina fairjopeja handedrnaimer \HT tt ff nomlHation of ajlieketina fairjopeja" handed...rnaimer, \?.HT start us off' on the.eainpaigfl,stronger tbati •&¥&. I tbatas tte uJtiniatutn,it is no' -fl ip niinee weirds^ Dilatory a etion oh the pai-t of the State committee haz soceeas of the iiatioua pn the pait ar^ds , the tiekef." s - ; teL m , These iav6..-"hftTd' tiities." ' I'll yoa-wby. The nation* is speDding tnase nioney far intoxicating drinks thai}.for.all the. clothes it-wears, td' toe- popk&ifca'eads) or^airthe.cbu"i'0bei> hnas.eveKbailt. -ll'^Sery/one-nf itS accursed drinking s«lcpti» *ould he . shut up, iind every bpttte w^p smashed fbrevec, we should, nave good times in thirty, days.—JS T cm York Mercantile Journal. p AJbatry 2%Hc%idem6er'atrr. f tjr mands.. p l a t n ^ ' arid- T iinecxiiivftiJally .| fcttM TilfeiifeediaplaeeU Jkovathe ' a^tiija ticket.". It; Teprinta-the lot [csivingfrpin. 'ths -.WbrlcPs deupanji in LS68 'fol-'the atsplaeemejit of Ffttnlc••: fer,'Viz.':. . .•'; : :'- . ..'•.• ""'•''•• : . .is xtqt-biag'to lie:gatae*.l>y-Hie- iii--" epstiBt. amlvfflKlles'3- o.onti-^dJOtiou by otir'. pyty organs of a.calnniny ivlijcli tlic i&pnlj-. .iron organs •wUti^.peai'i'aster/thajl-wec.ftn int ilie "eontraiilcUQiis. iyhicti nearer rB'acJi' Qgvk'i Ttie" ^vitifle Etttodis educated b eeisl ; ] i ^ ar»iipnts » ; ^ W ^ p | o t ^ e oTCntot'SuoWa.ria- ,>ira tljat no. ybjtSr;.iii tTSe ^nlted States 6Mi igooreit,'; of such significance ttiat It cast-toy We ;BitsiO:tsq)f cteai - *." - •'•':' dohtsto wi»"thie election. i ij ivo spoli6tt'in|elligjljl3r-.oricmgl> fo imfl; most coii.cf!-riig.tg.,.Uvl;(s".pttEiaian- ' 7 " ' - " ''-; : '•'• '••';•' \ ' : ' •'• ' ' ' 7 . .; ; - addsr-.-Su'eh- "was a a a by a leading, dexnocrafie oxgaii of th^, country, at 'tliat t.raie, based n;a i '3JiiCin3'' ) ;;as' si'lfy'hs it'waS g p j j Soppose the. TFofZrfshouldapplythe IogJc of it^'ar.tlQlepf 1888 "to.the can'' vass. df; 185G,'ah4^vH-at"'.si r Qiild be ibo sequence,? -llr..•Tild^p-T-ittoairig. as 'a "'••'•retbrmer"^-is. .as&#ile.d;• 'every, day. by.'th4'leadiiig;.J;epttK{ipttStTomans, and by »j.any ; . : powefful ludependen't'jouv-. naTs,.and chaigeS.withserio.us <jria)«s'j and.Afith ni^eh^whieh, M t|u6, wtould .nia-Ka bite '/uafty.' -in; the language fMiOtlte^l'fe b ' l > l oite^l.feo b?emelesl st n. ,*fo£nj.. eaiiyass-; -pharges of ' latltoad .^icicljing' shinjlaster ^ ^ j It. must be ligen 6 ; &dh' 8a1'6f th%se 8oaie1;6f th%s eontrajiieted-i aeeusatioiii'", fa: ejy, and .even. TVcraM seein that. ''they&.Wflqlhi;^.to? be -gained:' by-Era& incessabi an si en fa lesa <jont]E%die6ion by oux-ipaii-y Ovgaiis of eaiium-nies SvJjidti. i'e'pulilieanofgatfs will -repeat .faster thftnl Sye'can prfat tne, coatEadietipiiBi \yb : lch : n*ev r er- reach i!/iiir ; r6(idevs.•'••"TIJ^' publie uitocl-'^ , p i i y i!/iiir ; r6(idevs._•'••".TIJ^' publie .edueatei-quickly.Sy^BVJEN} s y by.-'arguiBents.- Wbaf-is- needed- W soxnoiei'^nt .6f...siich a .na'tiiro'that.no.: y6tei ; .jU:the XJnitedTStatescau ignore it, and...ihls%ite?,be• done '''•ttx'.yfjtH the eie(Jtion.' ( -:..-;.-•••.-•'.. •-.,••'•:, ! '•"•• 'We trust- vse.have -sppfepniuteHigi- bly enotigJi for' those wbonir If roost by; ; the'.Ke-irV^Yprte •''•Wfflti,- 'ca'o'-.be dpepied.,wlse, ifK&Ir; -BeyinDur is to fun fpr.aii-6rHeeat.-.aIi)- then/for liaftnj' reasohs.iaa : v 'eVen t",sh'o«M pj rigbt<b& bH'^ ;ftev-.0anvftSs"where lof ngs'- .Jt is yet early,'and . is- tipft tm .a revplii bfth^ -m.'B..- J E d w i p .X|i_« v Siorgan. .is i,-td'the; ^dl .too woTktoreqiiiTeaiiy itrpSuetiOri to thera- 'at.-'fhis time.'' Eot the Ja$t oredtpih ef the second time %y 'ait'. edmaj(JEii^ l !/d^^p^& and/-a;;cerlalii-.eK;ctioiji;. .He- ed in. the Seriate of tBe/poH and/ basiiiQie I'ece^itly.ijeeh:- cbntieet .edwith: lhft?3Sratip'paj Bexnibjicari -Odm.jnit|e"'0 ,a«Its Chaffiiiatu •'• jFi'dffli the'b.egifijiing.of his.. p.qEtlcai ^p until now, tfOT; Morgaii' has pi-pyed .true£&.feveirytriixsteonJLdPd' ia';:iift\, &.nd It Is' §afe't6: paytha'tth"6Fets; rio nmn iniffie'Sta.te.'of ^e^'Tb.rk; Boy In;the'eh$re : coaatry.• ; \yhbhas_:the \y.ameivapprov^l or the inore aeVdr ted: cbijfldeneV 6f 'honest' men" than, he. -ije has never-been? soe of those .asplrarxts for poiiMcalihe'not-^hose constant effort is' to' court'popular favor, lie has' iieirfiK trimiiiecl his political sails, to.. citeli tlie bimtji :-6f approval: from any •cliiiue 7 .ofmgn or'ahy class..Of sed.ety: He has fec4 .^•uerfoils cotrvictibh's frora.fltet to lSst.\ JEEe 'has'"acted-IH.% duty as lie- has.seen it, '.carel^ otebnseetueikes^ HiS'PQljttjeal caf^ier aiid. Eis present; •standing beforQ-th&jpeopie -of-this •Stateasthe'paoHiinee fdi-:Groyerrioi . aie". evitteh'ces. of tjie . appEeaatipn Which-this-ctiui'SeOf aetib'S has. on forhfitT, (xov;^I..begfn ji'fe-fbi;Jiiia- self as clerk, in.a store, at' Hartford' .•Cpnri.,and -viasacthe'ii^e p'f tweaty aclMitted: to' paiineigtrtp. -witjii -.his employer..' In J8$C he caffie.to. Ke.^ Yorl?and-starfedapomiialssion atfd 'grocery liiiisliaess with & eapital .of. 8,000;.. Twenty; -years aftlr .lie wfa? one of to, foreia<jst and taosl; sub- stptialnierehant' fii Hew-'York, fciiVib reptitatiori #r -in- fties that g. p tio'd '.as: a:^hH.sipess,;mah^ . arid the Satp&qualMel exhibited "in. the vmS ious- -palCtieal- bffiQes' :yhicb; h'e'had •h.^ia, h^ve. naarfeeQ hjni: sis,,oxi&:of kthe ^ostviiifeljigettf;'- and' faitaifu* I'tib'lic'servaBts .of tlie s couRtry. Ii •tiass nOt'.'.su.tpr.Mng'•'.thaihewasth tftie : ftia;rkediriai) -^h ,the State of jSTew ; itbrk: for.- th/e Ee- "p;uhlican pa.r;ty in the the third year "*"' ...BXistenee of :thafc':paiiy as,a such that, hfebeqairte .a wan,"' He;hated' iaft©systeta, se&d considered it § national.disgrac6. He' did Tiot, yhoweyer, glass h'iiqselir •ks'^n : Abolitionist.' -H&-acted.^Bh- i ty- until atl;- oppoifuni- hjoj'to joitta-better., 33*ai opportoMfg? was given in 1§58 when- the-iiepBtJlieap; -RraS fo Go^f..Morgan- a'tteiidexiits "fir^e v.entiQn, \sMcft> -waS 'befit "at. Pitts-. bur-gii.in May;, iSpQ. Bt&'was chosen ^ T ic«jj£ > resid,eht' of. .the GohventIoT?j and sub'seciueHtty tiectie^ Chairman of tte-Ttfatie-nal CorAtfiltlfe. Acting jn-.the latter. capaci'tyj.Jie galled to order the iPhrladel phia C'Ohverition Whieh-HOirflih^ted Qeu;. Fremont for the:Presiden<!y. -..ji'rQjft thattatne to •the present he has been-'eoJinent fot his ability'a.n?t integrity.-. His- rep- utation, ij?national. '.I*et us :gathei' .aroundhija., .plftceija,Jiisliandsthe 'banner ; "EJ?eelsior,''- -aad• we..• shall siinpjy iespond to the popular in- talfians of the State and give an earnestytctorj. -. ' Don'tioofc.too hard,, except for something, agreftabie- - We can find all the disagreeable things in. the World between our owin hats and b o o t s . .."••".• ^.jgxie; of.all!%lii).-irraiti,teiii tlje• prindples ftf^ur restoiect'ljnioja, M* etee as-feJlovp^: "=";: -' : '-";! ,. i^^ adopted. t e^aJ.pa^ Ci^tibi of ^qne;!^: MIS*, afixl heajrSly.approve; She- principles .set; foiiii in the-tettei-Sof oui 1 n'ataoEiail" rididtS, Bu,thei?|or'(|. i 4:5Kte l^fiUan to^ which iiithfe/Iight.Q piiblic charaetisr : ajitl itffc^ fi^iijf ^ \vte M raeiitp; . ... ;. U--^W^ . especially,. approy;e emphasfa& tlie declaMia.omfo.r a- prnesJ ijubljb.seryicS,- hased upbh. honesty^ s fldelity.HUdi;eapaeity) |n&- w;e accept ffiejaaniyaiiffl tt^eq ul^oeffil' dealai-atio'tt iapbnthtitstiMeef, ofiour -the. truev.hajrrflbijy ; ot ttfe.tJitfdn on th^r basis pftlie attien.d;ed eopgtitutidn. au;cl : o'f a justaij(| geJieL-puSia'tidTiS't pilcy^ We jalso"insiS.t ..ih'at ; theeqiial. righ#. and: an'd.'thejl|ves<y£ ajl qifcl- z;eps,,musfe ^nd. shall r M ^rpte&ted,' aiad. that, the g&y£rnfflep.t : must Be restOTeft'&QHi-.ihgeorjs€scj;u_eiiees pf ^e"H^'"sie<i'"'it'aij:d e\^.^l^^3S^eH^osiye<iitaij: 't.hy tliofee "whq'.att.einpted.'tq.-da 03t.it.- .'S9''Jong 5 .as.-thJe'vinights, of any- cieizeii ; .af e-ii^ecurej, ; So; lohg r .as as the publichonor jgthreaten©d.,.'So ; fong 'as' ant irredeeriiable," euyreiiey: •u A" ^~ « • J.-^ t' -JZlk-'rt "Ti WV ' •.•YiT" r~n~' *'.' • j past-;'- ?-!^Th^ interest of in lipii of spECie pa^meht& fmx, w SS, the- legalstenSeraidtes made, by thG-vte.r r h3s .'of-, the' l^esuin'pti^ii #ei pi^aMe .in : coM •' oti" and after JTan; 1-,; •18+9,;^s yalftl ;afid legal- o^llga'tiQns r^;^i^t^'Stftt^"'todV' ! ^.Sftt^toV. .the-:pa3'me'nt'.of aiarig rii'6' /inter g , taaturityutis o^ tie 'very essfenie^of -its.fiill^aud'entii'o.yaiiij.ity;.and- tnft tfejest from the date of tEe, pi ; 6Msed p^m'ent, we'.-^herefote, denounce the. repeal-.of : vC|ie:|Iat¥pf speciel^r- sumpt|oh b.y.:W^ 3&BBflo'cratici Souse •of.fi«jpresen:tal|xff&i without taaMnf |hfe -dishoiiored-ii6tes .br t t^t^ gp •anact:.of-rp0% aiiefcan open. Violation o|i.|i :6f. th.ei Jfour.tee.ri th ^ Aniefafmjent #? tlie- , ^tJnite.d.'.gt^feB .'XjQpsfitutiQri; Which ;pr0yTd<?S" that- Jhe". validity'. tf. f H'e ijubjie defcta'uthoilzscti by laws shal'J^riot becraeBtroAe'Qv-$he4laerlty seritati'ves' to; jepeaT^the date offhe payment- 'bf •"; United" -B'tates'- notes, .Wit&ottt: •qQ.ri'sidei-atloii" in .the- fbiha' of }»'tej*s.tj.aiia-VSa : iio}atibii-'j0^ tise plighted 1 ; faftli-of' ilie ftfl«mmest-, showS-that'thBy.&re'p. , 7 _... ,.... .. iiiflS of- t h e 'ijatioHai-faith,:and'-that c '- T -«jy.-^0; puhlie "honprf-miuijjes the.- .'-"ii^taiiiial cSdfelu'fstj-atfbn iiotbe, subjec.! to. their <;p»ti'oVi : •the fat'ttliat ths- 35s^Gutiye, i aucl.aftef ., .,, ilsf pairty asi-ts;P resl deptial didattj in \iepudiatmg:.:; they pledge of spkie resotoptrou..-.lhron.gllb% ilre couhiry at' .1;ri©$aijle.-"diite,..&tr3 cdito.- pelia'Hgtihe '.peojaieef Syew 3ferfc. id. pay in.gtsld and:.dt : -th'b''sajnefeknede- nviHjttherijeEth^to do It* • • .. •:• Skiki^Ehd ApHioeiatJc'.-Patoiy, in Ws eoBtpoffiBg Sjjiritis fai4e.at1d.vun-. trn,st^b'r-thy':O0'fevery.li-Vipg-' issued %fee:4n;-practical gbWj. ; nr)ieBt,'fi>r:l£s" •ejght-mbnUis bf.power in-;Cotigtess are-barren pfg'o'od .reshlfs-; false.-to .eqttal #gl\ts and .tlje.Bew guaraii,tees 6ttiyeGons ( .i=liTEipti'5 false biiiSie/C ..reiipy,- fgr .Ib openly- r.epucjfiates jft^pJipiE^e.jpne:tig.es tioa<}i-tho-safet^dftbe sc^pcdsjrfo' the: sondiSemqcraitjc 'voi§lan'th fti the: sond.iSemqcraitjc voi§lan.the ftiaitsd BiaJres Sefiate ciefeatedai ft*J^ egilate;-. waiendtneiifc to' pi'Oteet iifc hbobsyste:to7riomgeefaji ; iian : at# sohbobsyste:to7iomgeef;ajiiianat#^^ aftd-false oji 'cl-vllssryke ieforin •. -for iS'sigpalifedttsflptttrc)'! ofJbe:BC06 •the p'ersbpB-:Of' loyal- Wnibn SDldiers 'anxl by the-:appGlatineitfc of -corrup- tlisnists. ;and.-Svhose SQie-claita ~" serviCie in. fhe 'COBTederate. Arhi •-. 'SSeventh-fS'&a .'repeated cja&tl "the-"-large •redAipiidft'.Qf'ta^ttibn in this State' is- cli^e itb-the'pieseii.fc. es ecutl^e we. 'prbnouHce: .utterly lin^ fouadejd', aQdvconfidently. appeal to tbe-i-ecard foi: proof,.',-.£n• 1S89tbe .cotjhtry debt, was o\tef. g$o,uOO,<)0$ In four years aDenaQGratic adin&aia .tigition:- paid, otf : •5,^0D f fl0(>. -. in-the foiir sucqeediug years : « Efipaljlicaii •adiainistratton p,aM$l&,o()6,fl00, and Jfeffrless tbaii l,OQO;O9p.ienaainlng to be.pai'dr" So.ijiuch less. debt-fSipay naakes -so- ;n3u"ch ; ,..less imi to} raise •Jn J875"t-he: fax tdc pay bff iJx& deb' •was^Ba^Sgt.jitt pjTOiieau•-• JuegisiaTure,.; IE -IS •my } zm i The:reduetioii of tases;-thus conae's .not Jrona.redTietipnr. bf espeiis^. feut fratB'.redueing i t h e a«)ot. ;effec.ted in reforiii'.of i^d has g ^, &aam©at, menita'the eansjitufidii -W-hiGh cuts 'oft' all -.extra -co'nipgnsa.tioii,. tocofl itraciqi's oh the canals. '*&'complet the .gpocV' ; woi%.-; approve-, and cbnagj ejjd-.-.-1& : ^ .-iihiS ' t:ve0 . pending arrien&BGritsi which refoito t h e sys- tem of canai-andr-prison - d i i t tion* r J?ho Bepufelicana o President.of the. Tfaitr eS States,'''tipbii"-*he. : :aRproacliing. eaffiipfefibh- bf'his- olBeial teirtV'the •assufanc0 -or' Shetf pi:pfo.Und>ire?pect; and. "gratittide fyr-.'those Illustift _-_.*u.-^ -:--i, pa^rlofcife; services. "Vphi^, '*"'"•' name ~sm irripeflsha : Interest,: -W© of ten n>tefor One Jiifctle reason: When': there are a thaasajiti 'wtoj # d^ '" "' ' It-is"fourteen jears apfde ayments werestonpe.din tijelGffiited tatesv;" •" ' • - ; • • ' : : •-"•'• -.The saimo'a pufcintpthe'Cpnnieti- cat river twd:y€ats..agb^ aKeiiQW from .Jour.to six: inches iQng. •. . . ' <-.- fiie lasrffljiiiryearitlieim ports of Osina^a, have ie^eeecled th .exports by .^liOiOOQ.OOOj an«l the coolcder^tiQrl the "debt i ^S^&^;' Ttie . a l t t e .eornrnfii^d -jast "ai" -th.fe: party .'reached Aleiiriafk "the"-fel-- fQllcivFJiig-are details of '"'the -ehgagB-', menli•: -'Khg, - b^ttlo was Sustsiiilea•-.- U ni-' ititflJy for •e]fey<?fi> A'b.hrft 1 a;ii;4 ft. tfa^4^••••s? QlJ l4 w ' the-Scjyiaji|"bad-'nVad© the' StrbiigeStin tliisiJouMTy:-' "Ifwas the ' Jk4f dfecislve. eBe •ware} to, aod Waswfiilihg.^.no^ tijre that ;eou.id' irnpjivt. hdrribfe grandeur to- the struggle, on'.ovie; sMe. for ; supi'ema.ci R i and-oa• theothtj' foi 1 ' x|ktence'" '' ' _ jlgraiiosaysi ;Ali_, , a ^ ___.... —. fl .^^" waa-eompietelj: beaten^ tli(i.Bej:yia.us..(|id jiptilyah.-tlisotcTer.. •T&eyWn*ge£e%-their ."rei-eat SvitB "s.uete" :st'<3a'gine|%; '.th'air .,fth'e..-'.TtTr.l;S ! Vd.iclrvn.ot d'eeui^^ji;t : .advisab.le fo^,f(>libiw.u.p..t.:hek .viet&yi ,'.irbe:clefe4t iis^iiQtllie.iiiscif^ lei' ffcSertlawhl(jh-an esdtfi^-Vpia^'" ia^^-...)jaa.;ma.3S.--."i^,i-...Tli|?isB-is;"stjlT- qnihapeB.eci.'* .eo&jfnunieaWon.'. with iT "~ : "M;s4y. W^toh..is,- occupied by •.a- !h " i ' 1 '" 1 . force. -.Jkiiotutii'great B>ii>rY, - Bepi.;. Cr—The foilowing call'has-been issued :.'']?he : denioc'rfttie repTiblicau' State" .c&nveBtioh,'which ifiet ' in-.. '.Saratoga. -on -Wednesday, A-qgust.1?0. r ;is,here.By>.6qM.est'ed...'t0^^ j . .o#, "V^fedlries.d^yj •Segt^TObs'-i' !§•' at .twelve d^Toeli'. noon, ; fo'r ttf'e. miirpose. <jf noipinatinff a. .caijdidate; pr^oSterJjorln tus- pla.ee of •'Spratio S.ej"iii.biia k decBnert;' •'/•'•['J- ',>..".'...- •"."•'.'.' ' ' . D.- MAQOTSE, JK.; - •' :.v •- '•-• pK'01 ?r; -TT; Sfate'Coisi: - feC6'' . ;The .-1H3-W trial ofeFd'efl- Smith-, -. of .JoHnstoWn,. foi; Arspii,. ca'mnveiiced tQ7aay;' ' • /'•'-: •; •' '•''";• ":' 7y,;. _ / _ ; _ _ , . ; :. It|s".said tjiat.. aiapth^r 'niaiiijii-Qth •hotei-is tofbe? Mlitt'atiSai'h'toga for tlie -tise of people of; mociejate means. •.-•. Mts : S'tufgfe,-'"meflier of'-jiieuf.'SttH. iSi' -.wli.e. Ayas. ballf A: iii.'the-: Cti.$tex u g b f e j a s b j a b n i i f ' la-ugb-fev jias-.bjaebniei-insarj.e ftov rief,•• iifte'.was'her only '.son,-'-.'. . -;".".'- $be lAnbtial fail- o# the Esse $be. -. fail- =o#. the- Esss torAt^pciety Will be :- j-his. -a\nnnar\.faiir .of |h^. : .^Yerniont State" •"A#'.J!e.u]£uft]Li; -SocTetv-. will be licld 1 at" &t-. Alhivi^'Septeiteiier ;p;; IS riU vM. •-©eii; ,3ne.- JCarvvleyV : oi' Coy- _.:"es.-•.—<. --«-ii .i-i';'..--i.-*iu-- i j j ~ : . : s . -.-.-• - ••• Hay;is puiy-:.$ll -a'toh in jSEopsa val"tey^". fhq' lowest-for jpaQ^yea'i's bHfe I '& valtey^. fhq lowest-for jpaQ^.yea'is. '"She fobH'fea crop In '&& .'Ooniieetteul Talley; Is ef -jjne' iraaiiiy.'-an<l..'. heavy "gi'^v&,'a^tfi?btiu'g.'ra : fflffl-y-hUt;$eSt- i .-. 'llhe;.- ahanUafit.rsiipffly:-'•.ati,4;,*ide : difJ-rIiJu'tiou:Qf. tiie-ptei.eb.-t^p.Jai.tog'eSrb.-r er-.-vvi.th other fiivatR fiw-e-suatug; ha§ ha.fi-fche eflfeef fe>,adranqe the ptieeupf "jfruiija'rs tooth liere ixiui 1'u 'tlw "Wes- trij m¥kteti < ' : " ''"''''' "' . .?rh6.'T«£sday'.i>ultei 1 '"piarRet ai.St .A.lba.fe,'yt*rla'st"'W.e"'ck r "-.wa's'"&7nv;tqr '-o.oabutter^b'af -diill "tor pooF'toiM-ity. SO.feeCbeanu.-tHs. •('Spe.e'tecl.sb'e will Oe ready itu: her Irjal trip jii y.atolj.er ;j' All' Abe-"-western-- counties of. this State.-ar^.'begi.npjii-jf..' to cry.' oiat for aiBv .thti .eaan-ti'}* -K! .•.•cb-old-iig -w-ifib. dust> v^gel£btipjB.-l5^ii»s>to "'svilt-j, -tjunxl. tha.j.tS'eai«3.a'i«-'-,SG -few that.-vi!la.g'e sportsm'eii«hy thatt*6iHare^etUixily' sportsmeii-«hy that.t*6iH-.,are^etUixily gcttitig:• sjmiiiw«ed-i a tlie .br.oQIi iig'cfe'.; A- bleocb Kettle. ria>a& W.otfe,"" LMweli, ."ou. t b e . kiiiln^ it Ayorkjuan uained JPa'ti'iek •Maguiro, .50 y ea-i» ofag.e.-Trhg dtjroage, inelitding delay .lo the Wj&rks^ is abaiit •|^-flpi)-.; .... ,•...:;. ••' Thoworai -is -ravagiHg ifieixrtlqa ; e : rbp; "in.f?ou,th' Atobatna. ALaaybe- Hewetlrat nofc'iiiore than'ahalf .ci'-oj ;-wil.l .bo-:taade. -. if "fihe w.oroas" •.are ex- '.tensive i-B.."'t-ueir i:"aVages,"tiie- "price .of pn WHladVaflOe,.•lf.afen,.0:iopis j-eotfsj.a. :wil,l iiot he wordi iiicre i i ; bM : ' open TBursday, .and there are. i .9atj,6'.ns.that'about the •u.stial.nuinler .Will enter •" tBe freshman : class/ Aa litanyhave jilreaSv .tsee'ii^xajjBiiied'as Wgiest.fihis.fitneAyeariigo. Theexr. aftiinatioh: of eantlt'lates occurs the 9ay'the termbegiiisJ.'•'••- ' ' ..'&KASSHO>JPSB.S' 'IX fiS^fSdTA.. Xh& ravage's Of t'hb'grasshoppers' in t^lvo. iiortliwes.tern •' coufities''• of triiieh' SuffeiSng'- anipng 'tiib: 'fawner's : Qisre; 7 He -says :they ; Will" not reafizf : mbVe : "tiia.n eight" jt.« ten.'bushels- Q . Wheat to. tb%-aere>oji an •av.eitige', ..atii •,fha : tso.i»'e : lifMa \fere-. entijcely -devas tated.' t'orpv -;oats a'nd"-iJa.-El«?y Save '•su"aer,edviQ.alike : ^ipgi*e€.•••;•• ' - Wind anrt ralij stoi'ih •passed ©ver s _t;)6rt-i&ii ; 6F'Wek(ejii MSlissonri", -espff'Jia 1 ;ly:afongi the Ch&ago- &-BoeK. felan .raiiroiicl, oil; Saturday eyejiing;- '•£ .'Edgerten -'.-depot'"'"'several. ; d'Welto,. hdifsa?- aii<J sho'b'i=i i irere-(Ie§tE ; oye ! a anrl ;bvv?> 01* tbre-e- oeeiiEpapts. injured -Jjacge-. ire^ wei'a u|iro.siifid or.twistedt ofi"li]se'.pi|it:siteB.)J!j;and the eKops^par- fictfiarly- corn, tola ffiitonWe sroan-d The;-. .damai?e : .--wlHiin.••• thirty =tiit|es ;sg.itai"e Is estiiiialeit .icireij thousand dc 11 ' at- :day, J8tb, at-Ppftsmotf%4?. Ja.,.; !wel| iyto which: John .Biii'livaii JbacT "dssGemcfed; foi?. the .|)iirpose of a\- ;tjlpp'ef, 'cayed-;iD ; . .|p -a lost;tjlpp'ef, ; yffiiiii forty -feet b.etow ,th« -inar face.';.I/arge gang* 0f'wprkmeja wete inim^diatel-y-.-faat'.afc vyw-'b t<? ^stfi him from- his "pen3&us' position,, aiid atH:3p o'clock at nigkt; ttjeK- fexer- ; tidris %vi?re iewardeS fejf safely, lapd-- ing Bulfivan on terra; fihipjavafter an ainpFisoum^ut "of pi even; b;&ivr$ tuid a half, IiAvasjS..Wpcdedftjl^'scape••frb'ru "deaihvv •• •{ . '' ' ' ' i% •HBeti-ry-'.'-S; t if 'Sj ; fpran-rly ?f Stjttte. fpif Jtje at«ti« o) .^QwlEpik, and fur-.niany >ears a proniinef4t ; mariiti publlji afiairs,- died jri GorttancT^ N . ' ^ , , .oil Mpnday,.-i4fh': ag«d sixtysiS; years!B^wasMeeie gd xty.S; y B ^ w M e tary of State in 1852, a.iiit Was the aTi- thpr: of the law creating the i y,' He Wrote.*- ilfe^ofJ : feffe*son r Several w^Eka p.n ; %heep ,h. : usb.aoj^ afld w,as. acquaintecl: yvith literary nieh" and matters; Atftpnghispftpeis werefQirad.lettersffona l ifcussi.ng tite clnratipn of ititti' ; 61* Anthony 'Coijistofe]!, IJnited. Statss, Mall j^geni' and : fe^regentative' of y. §p.pt;ssg yie,,s ^ after att -active, campaign- of o'ne. week ia the -'wea% where he tda-Je.'iSevfirat arrest?*.. One of tjie ac^ iasedis F.. Q, Farr^Qf Indianapolis BtrklfeU destroyer of tbo Jjuaj.au -race-; Of bop.e-KjfjoS^ttie harbinger ofHI-* Baiie-oftheearlh. Itleadsinitstrain Qrha poverty, a-ntl.pestiJecce, and deatli; . And more than nil the Jiqri?!b]e faixa of d there' were seiz&L- OjfiQO' bhscene at- ticTes 4 :.notadm3tt^^^ besides.eirculars'andpaiBphfeti; J3& adm'Med .his guil4%at)d%as hel H o«r<?. •' , ; - •."••" i li$i:|3.am6.a^ BaimSfi.mibeis^ .SM was I |teteete.d; in- v :C0na uetinig \&n.. 1^.7 iam..pBS 4o>j>dspokdehcf - -with' young school girlSi and -^oath of. bath : j3exes : In every pari of tha country;.. .-Iti fli(S'^e\ol'Vrette£s t l:ece]ty^itg3iife St fin&e tjrii -well'as alt parts- ie E f 4i di as d y,. the let- ters receiyea wei'e; -written largplyi AXig' this vile.-"wonsaii's'effeets" also fotiada large 'amount..6f e'd- matter o|" tbte' vflesfi- Kind,- &TM among tha Ie'ttei:s-a3ee : several hundred frpjii .youug mSsfis; of .then! at, school..- Leftexi? f.6unct'&Qja- -Grand' a-venue, J^tqfe iy^n, Oceati,Grave,eie.,aidin-bh.e.of •thsse- latter case's the 'na'mespf mai es rt-«^ W^v-f\Tr<W^i^:-«™ •it.«i**.K i'i« «_:-^u'j. Q *r;e.racj .apd .suggests that'-.jarerits'slio'uld" b.e -bpt- "tei hrfojerned'. xespectfeg those : with whoifl theit children eGrfes|50nd. -In onje : i ostaiiee;tDiseeuisinoi'e'posiiive .of-.anjartless' miss, "' a?t" ^tcr-ij i'Li w^; ; ?j ^ g was. held. T io appiaai; In ±he default of $2,-000-' baM, to appeaf. ift t'nfted,States'Cbm-fc : ' '• ' " " able Effe '.. The following fa a e^Btii th;e«6a ; l .sales at •the.#eat' eo tton-injctioh MUeW^orltr ffh"> of tons/-.-of. W4 as •SeraiitQii- coaL." T«H ,_. , .of 'stea.ifter started. ai-$2»85> fell- to : $l.W,' -ttteh- to' ^.ir '" " ' "' .gOjflgp toy ' '"' "^""""••"""^jf^- y &#o a apta: §M7'&n"d'"t2.Sp5 yo^OGO'tons of steve- were: started - at : $$M,' iapMly tofcr-of 'ch'estnhit'w&jat off at- $ 2 : ^ J>2Mi-a ; nd427a-:;- w' ~ :••:±^ MIB B(;kt.lo;feconsistecr6f. tons? :of •the Eh ; iJa.de};phra;:& Bes#ii>jg Coal arjd; irbsc- CJompaw." Of this atid-the- P, Q, •$>,"#. Eort Bichriabnd> ..^ .. enty-frve 'thqasaiid: ton$- w.(ir6-'.'Srst pu£/up. arid;S,060 t*ra§M egg.-weht at §2:§7A j'23 a fl()U tons' of-tne'satBe staf t- : e.d' : ia-GQj' ady-aneed'.' "ip -I2.62. 1 ., w«?rit doto'.'tb $2:60,. then to. 82,5%-.aarl •th'ea''fo "S2.'f0-, at ; whlbii^" flatter :.prl<Je; the balance VfeaSTaouightfijli; §I> ; OUU •toXis.stote eoinmencedat$3.*20y/ •at once tQ S8. f 22|rand then'adivE f& SSi'S; 'W,Mtf-$o0 : ' chestn'a't •tor -S2.20.;' l;Oip,O(J tons steafflfeg^t, de- •HxTibVnKiri: o*'' v ttrtV»*-"' t^v/»iiV«^;-n<'TL - Q7j^ started :at S2-.45 and'then; juaip.ed to tlJTQ- ind': then $g.S5, j ,s-peeulato.r buying;'; §,«00 'tonk" at •.$2.45 ;;35^tW tpnsAr eggi sanie' cpn^' dfcj, wefe iexfc'-offered,' ftnd l^ttoo t . at". $ZM.: > The- blddin aiid then to'^S^dVi, at which pride i •*- [ T ^ l - « * - r - r ' W ^ ' : z ^ e £ at whichJ .pri.e^vtbebaiantje .of the. lo|j' cbusisung. dit," § 3 00ij, tdnsj" was' •brought up:i ;Io, : 0U0 tqns 6.f;eh.etinitt &mmM0^o^MML .(l flaially tfie ppee dwindtedto Si.T^ at' which, the. btilan^e.. was. .ijonigh.fc.Mp.'--;. - •• -.;..:'•'.•-.•'• . 1?he next- I&t offered ^onsi&ted of 80,000 tons of tlie PennsykaiiJaCoiil. (pbrafmny ;-2&,eOO Ions of'^ra'te sold •at S*.6r^-atid"I&70-, -S,<jOtf. ions-.of s.teanier-w6iitoff quickly-afe$2.8SJ5 -7,i!W.tQt)SJ)£egg cbmiiienced at $2.85 and"closed at-§20$.ZqMlj-"tons oi stove >veie; next' put up aiid '5,.0tU3 boagJiiat'$aS()5 lliepricefeiiqulcii- ly $3.75, then to §8S(3, ai_.. T _. balance was disposed.Qf at-the latter piice- Tlbe last sale ojt- the'day con-* sistedolA&)0tonsof ehestnixti. : The Biddiug oeeaine brisk!" and'buyers seeineti' anxious f"Q be in at the riniblu The first sale was" at t3.4±l, ahd'thb price qdickly ran "u-p to f3.oO, and•-tiien; to &Mi then/ SS,7W, and finally the. baitanee was disposed •of'At' S3. Tills eoneiuded the sale,: and. the "bayers" dispersed, Fflces h.ave'tunatlVd froni $1 \o §2 per ton pa all grades of* coal." It-fe"said coal -sales wift -soon -,.4..y^.j,o v.jLjJujjji, Fa;,- A u g v 29;—-Huw prices realized.by-tbe aiictiptt safe of vq&l iii New" Ybi'fewere 'apxiQiis- ly rocked for by-Ji'Ii engaged in the coal-.' trade. '"-.-' Much., stir prise' and' ,&tac8? was shown.:as. ilje- pdcer Were'bu|let±ned 7 thegeiieialespect- , aff<jn- being that tn'o sale#bulu be ;adjo.'ijrned..if"$$»oQ...per ton, as .the lowest ^gurevCbiild;'not;, be obtained, Th> coal operators:-say the prices brought will' eoaipel them allto suspend opei-ationa Unless tolls and Lapps eau, be yedneBd tb a .much **„•.• «~u-i.^ *K^ „, preserrt^with v^ v chances against.' t&,eiv», even ot r:gr.eat rediictionj as-.the:miners will r lurdly subnait to iswer "prices than are BOW prevailing;, a.ad the, sttua- tlon haga gloohiy b; Cushpig, the. sculptor, has received a cbm^'^PD to ?fei>ft) d u # lili pifasteje cast btjst of'the late Cierflt Siaith- In. i8&tffli&i and he is gdi^ the wort,, f J?fag bust WOM-ENS ants. ii. s, i.A^pnEK, -j A s . stalks it o'ei: the woriil .stride?, . • . . Marring the.beauty of tlie 5-ou,ng and pure, ^tlJike.,tti& deadly eWuoprnj-pofeoniag all. is liiere BO hana to lay the tyrant low . • Audi saya -our cowolj'y Xrom his' foarXul -.- pbwr? .. •- .. _•, .... Stetesmeii. and heroes J.-wUlyou no.tunite T-j Stay Jiis' wily inflneiice.in our land,. 'Ere all, our 'youth ftfe t-bared irjilito h"s '' " " Te whotoivfe"corneda'nsuno" j.tBpc.iJ.-iUabie, . •By science aided j'.'neath' the <leep blue ' ' ' ' in o?cean's.coral cayefj.liaYe.saleiy laid .. .Thi»linjc that Ijiiids Euxope .lobur shores, J p y , $ Messom 'hoiy land; ^t>iiis -uhspofefid,' ap-\vh'.to.aee shall pass; Then- feriglit sh'ait he me clear- a^ii The wlfe4trdTn.otlfe!-AT-eio: tbestsiJofjwy, O"h;_lheB a ijeight crsvrn yo.a too may-wfiar. Its idsfergiv'eu by Mite'great KiWg of-lia-n'gs,. U}<J •wilfe.on eart1i.-yoiirjiam.es .' •', .'-."graTed.. • - • - . •.-. - . - - -• :* 1 Upon..odr.heart, of faearfaT-in Heaven yoitt . - >; , S ? a t ..'.:"_'...-,•." .... ;." - , , - '.-. . Wijt .be.anioh.,;. Hie. iwgfls evermore 1 . ' ' •'.. • '. -. -M&a-.ti" ~ .•jaellii', 5F, %.-., -..-., State Pomeutlon. ilie thfid^ awfitial .C0n,v£htti>ii of the- aSTew;. i^brk"; State- -^ i'mperaffG^.ti'tiiOflj \vllt. be lldld. In- the city- of "'Syracuse',. Tuesday,:i5ep.. i : a, jtrid.feojitli three day^. It is Hoped every aax' iJIaty.'^Onimi- in ;the State," Will fee represented In th.eConveti.tlon.," yar- iotis-tbpK'-s'S'ill tedfeeusse'(\ ;a'B3.ring. Which-Will;-be.-. - •-- , .... '..* •-. .--. -.-."The 'lifrpor-tanc'e.----of- '.J.uvewil '_"••;" What.iaii; 'WotiieTi:.do Wltha'ef- eretice .fc .the political. aspect of'the. T i B f ^ ' ' "XsTeuipefancB/ \veife. .'Cbqiv \V0tW i "' : [ "'.'-'""• '"'; "••; '::';[ ":-> [ ,.- The- -deiegateA. "as?&; requested; to •coiae prepartd- to'speak-ti-pon -these s u b j e c t s . . ' ' ' " - '• ' . •-.;••;. .-•••-'• •'•• ^ s K^-Mrs;. IMIOB ;-"]jutfer, Syracuse."..". ' "'- • -.' .. ".-.-' .!"".•' '.' - CoPvJ-^-Et.TiJf-t.Aiiy—ilir.f,' Dr.Yiirse- j j Syfttcus??'.''. •'.'". . •''••' '-•'•"- '••" ; i ir.vii v^frii- "Mary. Ov ' ' ' ' •'.T-EJ^ASVKJht—,3Ii^,; S., S.-'iTriiaif,. yxaeisi?"'/ : i /i : ' '"'' ' " : ' ' ' sead rheir names to;; Jt|rs.'. G. iJ;Gi : eeiy, KQ, ,60. ;3,^rren Street, Syracuse, by the I'rtth of .Septeaiber, and enters Oif. arriving, in. the. Xuiy they will please .report .ttttfiei -Priendiy -l^xn on". Pjcankiin'.Street, where ei "' -..The Sseeuttve i^ would which gives' direct iorf'fof. feecpnaiag a u x i l l a i ^ "" ; : ; '''"''' ' : ''': '- AkQ.io -Ariicle Six of .lhe';Constt tatio'iv 6f tlie ^a^«rial I|nion, vv&It'h to Its ;Ocnayei> Tequires tKe'cteiegates tions'.to toe chosen,' one'froia. each CongxegsTonal District- in-the States. . Thitee-'IMegatesaretobe' elected bj; the Jlepreieritetives of the. Dis^ ,tr&tsaf.|be Attiijial'-; Mefeting.of .the $.tafeUnrari. " •'.'• • / ... "--.. •' ..'•" 3ft "Isgreatly'.'-'desired' .ih'at' every 'District in'-the- State" of Kew> r ork ' d the Annual ineet- •Ing-.iiiByrae.Uie, September. 19th.' £Oth »«d;^lst,ism ; . •..--.". • • • • • - ' : ' '."-. ":' :' MBS.P.STBS.-KEB.-Ch'n-. .' --SAS- 'M.jS&hHAiz^&EitK -"* - Veoin feittee' "of -WV C.. T, .'-. '.7i3.iipei'dnce Cnionyof.pm-State df ' ' M ' York,.-..'.' ..-' .... •. "-."* 1 >-E:S;I ^rsTjjKs-TTl-ouare earnestly soiicifj iito-identify yo.ufselves-.with 0Ut".S; .tie .vcprlr. If you are strong we ii. yd, you. ' If'you are weafe'yoa ••vigfid-, Qur.'' sfeehgtli, and' joidy: by CQiiibjhliig the full strengtlVof our- .tbrceiea-n' we .cprnbafc yfiili. success, the enemy'against 5vhich-w« are-ar- ray^ed... We-wan^tofeel.the sh.oul- -.(ler of «ver=y Ghrlstiaii.Woman -firni-. |y. sustaining .o.uy' rainis, falfeejtfing Jno:fc, thtiUigh darkness gad dlscoui> ageuient appear;; •••;:.. ••': •, ' •' Th&.taleiio ~aad e^p jrienee. of the jnostsiiG^sful laboi-ei^in this aiid, Qthej $t&tes are foiind. at our ings., Instructiiig, en eoaraging aiid strengtheriHig sill, department's «f our.work.- l)o you sot. neecl.such Mlpi.fQr the' perpetuating' aiid iu- terest of;y<3uar society, "Gom.e, go v?ith 'as, 1 , .and we will surely do yoa good.. ' MRS. ^LLEX BX'TLER, Pres. ii i P. S^i A.tamper;'.&•%.:C,; Gf-i'and liodge of JieW Yorfc t is wan of steriiig' Wortn.- By mofaSz sioji, a lawyer, hg ha? afeadyjae--. quired a fine -reputation for legsrablj-'; ily, and'soineyeais 'since, took apos- - atlon of p^bmljaeBeeinthfifratejcnity'. For years he- ba»' be^n 'pa\ ^cfcivej : earniest; aneiigetie and '.efflcreiit ineift- ber of tks Qr&nd 3Lo3ge,' Hlei has held aiid filled aeceptahly. the oflficep of •. Q... %.$„. By W, -43^ anfl Member of.. tlie Board of JCanagers, 'Se.'haEf graced these 'several pagitians by his .. i ^ ^ ,. ii. GjmEiA^'Cor. Sec. '.. .. W..i\ T: &mon,.qfState of 2S r .T . If..this.', comes to the notice <sf any society not having f eceived It .from the Secretary.^ please act'upon IE as ifMdBsedpe&onally.. f. \VilI E ase CJopy," ' •. jr as Domestic M . J£c Maies jittti ehatey ofStdckton, CJaMforiiia, has for a yeav or two been raising quafte in a vefy successful Way, He reeeiitty set fifty Quails eggs under. & hen, and some-days, sines thirtj'elght of tneliyeliest Fjuai- hlebees' evsr^een.wexehatcfied- put. Then seem tb take particular- delighi in their big Ujtrfher, gathering arotiiid and. under- her consjanly, obeying her call and ia^iB^th'e food she scratches for tbem^ ^litjle she is the proudest old hea tbjai; «ver laia fin egg or raiseaa family." Mr, iitt ilehale has besides thirty or forty growa quails thatkeep thelainily in eggs,whfchJalioughsmall, lie asserts to be of Aner aad richer-flavor tliaii any other he eyer ats«. The qnall^ are. .of two "species, ttie mountain quails, brown,, With whiteAnd lilaek spots, md the valley quails, P" 5 ~ w ', with blacktuftson ^ESOBifls of flie ; 4?iiid.tofle«. of Good : :-'.V; ; ;-•:^effipiar%:" i ' - ; V :.-.;-.;-,. niedes >f the. order,. 1 .ijrk-fisperieuce-V ' th^e%verat"4epa*tp;^ ineptfy. fitted, him rfor/thfe Isig .responfeibie jodsJUbii/Gf ; -G. "W." •>-... He" has the cp.riflQejiee of £b'e eij^re., oi dpr, anil audgir. Ms. adpiiiiistrattai uen. aydhealtby- impetusrattst be ii=t>"v. Wrii. iR".'• Hp]iQj=, is a nariie iiot unfcnovru in .G.'Li iiistory,.. Par jeai$ Irfi- has heen'J tin aptive. nje.nUjer.. ttee'teroM Lodge, -aotl ageQd\.p'cfr-- ti.qn.o?.tf}ft.ti'nie has.-.Seised:as GV- W, . (' A d v o t d SjtVrhhif eoted eervaSjtVrthehiifefer, lie" ha% coflsserateu 'bis., high, talent - to thefcerviCfiof hairrjanj1y,a3H^'arriOnf' its workers.!b|re ai^'nou'e tmuce earn- 4M d&xoiJ'andj'] ' ' i fy K-eleoted to tijeresponsiblepoiit-ioti of . G. B::J':'T- nxidli. $¥y%%5salady ; ; Wjio 'lias w a i e C f t h h i j " Wjio '.lias wai % honoTs.ije- past- y g.b'e ftViogs to aid. lief iu.itw.rWorli. - The cause .«ftbg:.Jii.vg»i3e3-wiil''. ! lwt., scffilr tfnder Met* admjms.trati'on and .we liespeak the.aotive- ixttens'st..a : tTd;. hearty .corop.pratiolj of-our entire or- '• D. W^feofeer,G^W forth.e fftprth- tifie txfAj.stBost re-! •spousi-bfe' posi'ticHiV *s. ;a.-i^taiil r every 5v-ay : fi,ttecL-fcr-thfi.ptoe^. ."Sigh"Bj-todr ; .. -eel,- bo.iJorab}.e 1 .smjpttibasjjr -eotiscis-ii- "• tious, and entirsly.efevoted-to the best interest;"bf th*;-ofd?ri'imd wifbaJL'a, i h ; .car'isiifl:o',*-fre.'lias a.jpe f .nfe{neiriberahi^' /. v -.-. ; ... \D. M-^aii Cottj-tbe ijeWJy elected.' / ;G^W."Treasurer,*is ayauiig •niaa.'of •: "• i i ^ , a y i g iaa.of : tianilugj-UliidY afiiable; earliest, ^vho - . wbQ. Ms pbSiti& ^y'.wHi-Bing.-ljje-' he^ts .of. the .Giind.iodgel- The- .;•" (3l^nd .liOilge' niayV sVfel^ trust Mill.. , With their-ire.aWaiyi%.;••>. -.. •.:'"-••-"•-.--* '•; ; ': HMV.:. T3?l'Parker, 4 ^ < i i needs..... •.' no mcjjtiony. llis'WiitliigshaveHjkde-., ; : Ii'ini Xitnioas. .Be' has-.been a inem. .ber of (he boar*!', of Maixageis,' Q'. $j? f ';•"' ." ' C;, -and'has. .perforr^ed .;thesa. .several ..... dntfes w'itta honor to "Mmseif.aid to ' the orfiefc • "" "':'• ' ' '' " " has for three sui/efesrro;yfesres stuod'ut. •.. tke'beael of -the 'oidtr, arfd iilminte- . tei'ed- 'itaafiki^-to.lls'cn-tir« : .5aUsfee-' •' '•;. ^ . U Mop.,- as was evidenced by .the uiiaiji^ it H b b i i iu.-t-he p p ber of thjj ijaard ,t>S' jilanagers, aiwl. = -. •Beiifesentatfye to.-tlie ;B..- Wv<*X%r, • •':- ieacIiiiKithat aelegation'©t;'£?Bfctoii Kat gt,.©;£ "has . ; been fyr. the -last .eiglit y . * a . . Urety engagetl'in proip&tlng.theIn- . . ierest of" tbe f?rder. Jn-ae^epting the. ' ;'"': position.^f Gi"'W.vt\'T., he saeriJTCeCJ . . largely a ,'JucEatiVelatitl. iiacreasiiag ; ". J3"Qsraet;gt&- attend io.the WPPk of thft •-• order, jlebronght totliat work'Jarge . .'.'•' espci-tence and a rare es«euKve abitj^ ty. - HI? positicfn on..the . JBbarf ef : . : Hauagers ^3 a" nseful aiid" Impsjitant '•• . one.* - : ; :- ; .. ; -; -r.". •'•'.";.••?• •.'•- ;..-/• : "- : /'-' ." -The .Board of ifaijiagers Consists of E..E; Buitou,. :4V-B- E'%t,;;33;rv ; ..'G..'.'' : j Boughi<in. Three jnen Mpwjghighlv -" • (jMalifled for. t Ii is .Jmjpi^aikfr position ." . could searei4y be foir&cL JSS3jericn=eed and suecees'ftd- bgsi^ess nien^Xyith .;•'• hiarts taf«wgh.Fy";'^BHsred-.'. hV. Hit* ."•-.' cavise of Initeaiitty, they possess j dt-t .. • V ii |n.| sssaiy t suc<is?ss ill wiiat ever shall, pfjOn inferesfe ofaor belayed -reform. - .to of. ih$ :ciffle6rs p posiMofiS. at the Jjisi ^sesMorir ,Did .. .- space, allo-w.we sbbdld beglaSto. men-.: tLon iii .tietall' th.eaBpo.HJfed<iUi«ew. . • and JR.. 'WJ Q-.;.L,; it t . .; Lodge generally. 'Siiffice.it t% say-. !- that oar ofdei .ibMHgliouitlie.^tate" '.; " should ral|y re (iie ^u^pQi-t ©f t h e present a/toinistojawti..' Trie*, tra.f,. r , and able leaders -in. every capacity are . • at the bigmi tbose In w'hoiai perlteti. ;"- trustandcoafideiieeis.reposed; .iSTmy; let the iHehiherabvprise- jf.o.a;seiisejof .'• ; tbe imporfence of' tbje >ispirkj .ep&se'-r."; fii^te tiiernseiTes-uni-e'tervedly totjieir . ; task of *'saving the fa 1 lea and keep- ingothsrs fponifalllagr," ivntfa vtvvk.'•:•\ befitting this grapjl'.'OVnteuBM^ear :. ..: niay'b'e acCQroptilhss.S. JSiotbers'.tiD5: *• sisteti, Ie| tfe-iaii j iff tlie-rescue of ha-. - .uianriyy."front the driafc ©r^e, remeni* ' bering -rliiat the "libMof |i$RtB'!';Js. ...•-. bur Leader, and: trasling to .Siaa We "shall b t t i " An Arab, under seirfeiice o A3fk h E i d •lit idouedj hnX to:ba.aiio>t««i W> bft e ?f uteCby.. .the .sabre. IiiiiieiVfl of -tfie- illotio'e """ " • ' ' " " ''/ ' " . Huppy the jnaa.iYbo.cfn : 'eij4urfc- tlie-'htgUest an<| lowest'ioxtunei' "Jje- Wbo Sfedtei fei Wbo ias eaSfed:steiii Hfeisijtadi.S with equawialtnMyyha&deprlvvG mi's- fermTieofi^power. •. ;.*. •• • - ' The leases x>Z thk tjiree/tifeaiMS owned, by. tlie ©Ity 'of .^wlsi-sw^-^i" to 3:^iin:<r--"&^" inwiifclpaltty' W8 ' V '-V, y y wli^^i 1 to 3:^,iin:<.r--"&^" inwiifclpaltty.'- W8i then 601 the. l3U.it#ngs : at' publle auc- tion-having feund-tlieat' a traifle^' some ana. ; u i JktBHif Who bad-' : been, Wpnntieij fei a railroatiaeGideni- was d e n i e d d i i sion. .to « hotel, 4it Gafelnuyj €i cause, ue iaigbt fc*"n*.-i|ie'bb awafeej. smt- Id. th«. poraing Qie boarSeis' Sit Jefl hepaBse he 3iad oot jiteJf

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Page 1: PPlii^^ - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1876-09-05/ed-1/seq-2.pdfPPlii^^--• A - •'• 3MM: 3;N.I>..-MOR«i?f,:Oi Sew Yo-rfe.S'r'iieirtenaof'Sciyeiaiciri


--• A -

•'• 3 M M :

3;N.I>..-MOR«i?f,:Oi Sew Yo-rfe.S'r'iieirtenaof'Sciyeiaiciri '-

': .For

g;vaa^WO^EH;.of Moimwv ••C S I ' C K l f l i b v i ' "

" Kepitfrljcan- Cjcrantj Ztomjna^oiig.

. ' - J-'t>r'5Iwiit)Rt;oJJxsseinbIy,..'.^OffiJ O. WJ?TGH.i,:c

'.•." ' • • ' . . " • 3?OK-Slieriff,


'• •Ay^.c-oajg^^T.u^ PCJ^iaeuvpit??Titis',#jp:fe dp ^o&iti-mAZ.&t'Gigk--r*-t*>'*^^r~'.mTrrrT*- m w n i ? n - tJT?\T- CYX? -Xf.t?S .

E.- ^

;x iK~&\


; SHE."•ipEES'^.SifesGBimJBS «j£yr. ITJ

Q ftcheat isjVf •\Vpek.aiid.

.'. thel p / ^ i i t t e c 10 taliivUfe jaame;off-.tho.. tioket ;h.ecatiseo;f Ms ;ijemg.

' -fouml; 'lie tire, iqie &f a j-eyGHUe deSiiiltijPy Wi&cTKinot f hiak'.Khat Instea


e, add^ theahjyanofe-^ ffef.l'e to corojpiete its

^ i j J

n: 3BE0n,

.'the- Contention.. jit•-.:faeie:- ofthefaet

. tltaVhehkd. sMednacst positivelyfhatlie \xpuM 'not accept ii*'

; |iressect and Bpisrepresented-for

.the express ptojjfee of deceivadg:the<?&riyen^Qo.iiito' ti% belief tfiat Mx. Se^niMt .would xxiix, .'fhisiiaTefac• trie"!? -was^erpetraf ed by '$ccmuel- Ji' Tiletm:t%e.refc>7ine}\..WjSdp.jot:woii-

iiM& sfate;hw.e-repudiated t3jjs tricls-ery':.of;fiMen's. 1$ Is however toolate, to Tepato theM^QHg daie,•"-•.•

J.any ..one./ ' Saeh deception--stamps• him to-be .the--man;:that honorable

demqcfat^'ch^aterl^ed him. beforethe-.St.-IjQms fcbniVefitibn, a i'hmrt-

* bbgreform-er1'axsd a Sritudupon tliepeople." •'-'• • ..; ;

county . „........-tee* .at 4ts organization:' Jasf weekchose" % .-l ewiSj--3Ssqc, chafrnjan

. Mr.."Ii;is" one .of the:-most indefa-, tlgable 'workers-- i n . j he.pftrtyj and•: he-Will4 leave n&stqne' tinitfrned tseenre an • honorable/victory." -. Th

• cotoJDaibtee';also voted to. divide th• pateobage. • equally between, th

riafjes >M. journal, there ' befe:only fbax vbtes:ouE.oEsistee.ii' agfiins

' the- ftsblutiba. "We bs&h siacef re-ceived.aiettef'from one of the-epm

' niittee dis^almin'g the action..of -M;subsfittite, a^d frora'anbther deelai

. ing'he did not imcterst.arid the."ftuesftoti... ^?e have h^afd;this action.troubles "our. frigodti of - the - Journal^.&nti: that they are. eircuiatina- pajser 'begging.|he- eounnitteo •'rfeVIse •'' their -action., :Vv& ="•*> ".-ntroubled aboaii thgae srnaibttf ;we.feugge£6 "io-om1-ate ...., .... ...„©f the county comnaJttee. to. let thpresejitGqtoinattee kmowtlie. amouii

>sid -for; pii'pting.lasj;' year,irieatttina.© the TIMES ;§team

^tabljshnieitfe js.&i th

to.axe -no


. !'!'JJbjshejnaer no-W v.^^^.vBow Itwouid rejoice the hay seeddemocracy. Jbo, Mr. fiftrsheinaer.resJgrr, a id sa-ve yourself the e,3tti'enie mortiHeatioa of the. worskind of defeat. You can make !"note QBi't,"' m Capt,CBtfl& says"the ^'bay-seed" wilt go foi' you, TO"1

mistake, there Is bloofl In theirYou Wanted to be G03wanted Seym©»r to Vtxn;


?0.f j %e had-ft'eM-lf tip .to {be Indigriar

iioii of hoM deip:ocrats arid riepiifilitans-forifsmeaiT,'pefty sliglifc oKoiie;fits' 0\VTI party, Mr.'^esfc,^ last;

has a few .gingerly^ morels copied,;h_. ufeuaV-froni jinpffiei'. papeiv.Ipavor .of Mr.. .ikKest for- Goveinpi'.Fvqm-QUi advices/wethink it quite-jirobable--thftt MrrWestjriight h&ye;been: riofet|pajtfetl"if he, had received a

iu |$ax£j to3m. his homo p£peiv.took: h\ua,,niosfc of the tinae tb-

crtteli the VI^BE h%.£M:5va>rae!i into'ite, hers i a his own eouhtyran(i heiad.-to. neglect" other loealttie.-'jf the

State.vai a; tits© ^vjfren ite^ should'fia-ve- beGu-ahrbad iDsfeaii-. of a&;

h ? ) . ' :i^gain ' we.'say. shame; oilio • ' '';" :


Since oih" article, prireeks ago! neither rotten', concern in;

if.ew riSTarlt has gone into, a receiver's;hands... As -we- remarked before, the

aiand Tor xsciixey'at a; • large- tate of jti-terest. ;But vhe'Et feby-roeiset idea's offinance . aiid ijusinJess. are" brought'down totbe level ofa'legitimafe biisjr

ss,, ttiere is DO tlemaatiI .for-raoiieyfat above tpet'eept.', aM'at that yate'thfese'liitlng. •sasiiigs- banks Qi'.ust fail.I t is.a5 veigt^seriaus. inatfer-:.tp-hav6.'6ne*s ITfe'sr savings brust«kl away-ma-in'inirte;aoid• VFitboufcwaniing,.-.-.. •

" ^ riiust.fii the; tefy-.natitre of.the c§sebgsp^ii.'pTaee.fai'-the'deposftof trust fundsi ^o .long-as ourgo'y*Srninent is-.a boi-row-'cr-^ahd.: it-mustbe for tKo 'Ticxfe hvufired-yeai'l,.itwould Seem-to. be -the plainest dutypo,?siWe;foiv Jt.to use Its -wn..eitij5en§:

ipofiej*, instead.6C:-Ii©i'3?()fl"idg.in fof-eigp-. cfiuiifxif«. -.Thtis.. ,it Ayoald; at

d i a e . fijr. vhe .nieeesaties. of*"

pj PostalBa.nlvS--iiieels• .<Ire-tsse; ezactljt,.-.'iithj-. people ."agitate, this .g'uesiion,. andQltii^ugh-. money. Ieakki3 .will•the;prppositionvifc will.pi-fevatJ; .-For

hih 110;oth'ci'-\yayi'

.. .. ._ .. .... tpectedifewweekago,.is.le?seive<Mn sbrne. <5egr.ee JJ£ theanusualrj' hot'- weatlier-.:. l u .majSysccfio/rs- .the' drouth.^ has • riiateyiaiiylessoned the -grain crppWlrilGtheip;tairage in some' partst part|eular;Tyjntills - BbfitPi Is -almost. d ried a'pv Tei^,.

the wlioie-, i t .is svifk to. concludethat the. crop will be -ftili up ti>,the:.av:

erageV \. Prises .ifafG -Wtherto.' ruledItoy; There are. hidleatjpns however,that, the' boUijrniiras beeii-r.i?aebed-, andthat t>ii.ces Tvi-ll; g o c o ' lower, :but.pnthe -e0Etrapy.-wlil;. impEQve.- jN-eyife{ieles3,.we thiak.lt a.poar policy gen-erally, :to jipHV beyond,-tire.-"aaari:seaso>i" to. sxAi pfoduoc -Tliere. areexeeptions,..b!it'the'^gfeiiexal.itiTe&goodj. "to- h*eii Wh'ea the buver wantsto "tuy.?. %f!o;see• iipthlng £0le^dns..;U> b-claev-e"that- exireBie prices foe anyftiutls .of ..prodj.ic;e: will- ;be realized"VVe"t nileaS'o'r to keep cur rea^ers'posted, as.tp-pricesiB di.®i'<Jri:t niarlvets.so' that" they Will be aijloloftirrflaniytelliji'ent -opinion :.as to -.niarki.lp.nee& aud:: "the pyoijer ^ tinie •• to sellWe cannot foEbea-r - to remark that-ii.is; .a po'or time to sell' produceon .cred-it,-. "Better t*>- xealtes a-EtrtaHer-". pricethan .tO'ttast contingencjes ft>t' Vh"fiitiipc. '-jBsy.dqxeit; -oiighk -to b.e.'tliuniverbal rule-,w.Eh!.iaTm.prfe:fiuce. •

F ertu

, paper,-says: ....it\ new§ is Hiat of-Seynjou-^s" de-

If t.be. deejara-tion to"th&convention that SeymaUbad- accepted Was a deliberate.fraud;Whose, -p'nj'pose was to', force {Sey tqou-to aeiuept.- Mr; Seymour caii not' biblamed for-his^eciinaiion-^indeed.it: is" in" "every respect • creditable1 thina, ''.bat'....the;- whole•-.transaEtjou-tlitows-ii>e raosfc..unpleasant. Ugh'upcfn- tiioie "people velip were boundto force- Seymour's" iietniiiatibn; aiid:uniess-t.be State"'cbinl&iittee rbake thwisest use of their rprivilegeKthe re-sult of thi? bad business; Will be . tothrow the. "election into the bji.ntls o'


-The-Auburn Slowing J$femloi"Sat-ai-day-j contains tlie following - "I t isWith relttetancew^ annaunec1 foourreaders this rDopning that -we *—~'teketi frorn -the head of our co:Che ticket, nominated.' aj: gaftiio^aiH-or ether eottrse is "consistent'Withour selfr-respect-i and eur 'regard-'fojthe. . traditions .of ..'tibe .deraogratie.party. Avjllainous. fraud., has b,eex>practiced,, and' wifebou't prompt- aii-fdecided • action :air.Irreparably wro'oicfotte tTie;g3rea6.:Cdnseryatlve: patty 01this Stirte». 'The. dispatches of Gov-ernor SeychQljrv tttterfy .refusing tcaecept'th# nooiiBationi were pgrpose-ly 'snppressedv and" the • subsequenaction <)f the" convention '—• ••-«»•«•--lipon the tfokH"-names;upon tbe ticskH • names;- tbat'-svotito

I only have been placed tli^re upbh ant: erroueous 'assnwpfion' aiid :assertiononly have been placed tli^re upbh anerroueous 'assnwpfi.on' a.iid :as-sertionof -nis ac.eeplau.ee, %e repudiate asb,ased. upon ;a -.frauij .aiid a. ielieat.'I'lieie-.is but dne way oiit.of the d.rffieMty. jNo eomrnittee most' aEtcnipto •pafteli np mattea.'.0; The' j'easSerobling of tbe eo.nVention. and thinomlHation of ajlieketina fairjopejahandedrnaimer \HT t t ffnomlHation of ajlieketina fairjopeja"handed...rnaimer, \?.HT start us off' onthe.eainpaigfl,stronger tbati •&¥&. Itbatas t t e uJtiniatutn,it is no'-flip niinee weirds Dilatory a etion ohthe pai-t of the State committee haz

soceeas of the iiatioua

p nthe paitar ds , thetiekef."s - ;


, These iav6..-"hftTd' tiities." ' I'llyoa-wby. The nation* is speDdingtnase nioney far intoxicating drinksthai}.for.all the. clothes it-wears, td'toe- popk&ifca'eads) or^airthe.cbu"i'0bei>hnas.eveKbailt. -ll'^Sery/one-nf itSaccursed drinking s«lcpti» *ould he

. shut up, iind every bpttte w^p smashedfbrevec, we should, nave good timesin thirty, days.—JSTcm York MercantileJournal.

p A J b a t r y 2 % H c % i d e m 6 e r ' a t r r . f t j rmands.. p la tn^ ' arid-T iinecxiiivftiJally .|fcttM TilfeiifeediaplaeeU Jkovathe 'a^tiija ticket.". It; Teprinta-the lot[csivingfrpin. 'ths -.WbrlcPs deupanji inLS68 'fol-'the atsplaeemejit of Ffttnlc••:

fer,'Viz.':. . .•'; ::'- . . . '• .• " " ' • ' ' • • : ..is xtqt-biag'to lie:gatae*.l>y-Hie- iii--"

epstiBt. amlvfflKlles'3- o.onti-^dJOtiou by otir'.pyty organs of a.calnniny ivlijcli tlic i&pnlj-.

.iron organs •wUti^.peai'i'aster/thajl-wec.ftnint ilie "eontraiilcUQiis. iyhicti nearer rB'acJi'

Qgvk'i Ttie" vitifle Etttodis educatedb e e i s l ; ] i ^ a r » i i p n t s» ; ^

W ^ p | o t ^ e oTCntot'SuoWa.ria-,>ira tljat no. ybjtSr;.iii tTSe nlted States 6Miigooreit,'; of such significance ttiat It cast-toy

We ;BitsiO:tsq)f cteai - *." - •'•':' •dohtsto wi»"thie election.

i ijivo spoli6tt'in|elligjljl3r-.oricmgl> foi m f l ; most coii.cf!-riig.tg.,.Uvl;(s".pttEiaian-

' 7 " ' - " ' ' - ; : ' • ' • ' • • ' ; • ' \ ' : ' •'• ' ' '7 . .; ;- addsr-.-Su'eh- "was a a

a by a leading, dexnocrafie oxgaiiof th^, country, at 'tliat t.raie, basedn ; a i ' 3 J i i C i n 3 ' ' ) ;;as' si'lfy'hs it'waS

g p j jSoppose the. TFofZrfshouldapplythe

IogJc of it^'ar.tlQlepf 1888 "to.the can''vass. df; 185G,'ah4^vH-at"'.sirQiild be ibosequence,? -llr..•Tild^p-T-ittoairig. as'a "'••'•retbrmer"^-is. .as&#ile.d;• 'every, day.by.'th4'leadiiig;.J;epttK{ipttStTomans, andby »j.any;.

:powefful ludependen't'jouv-.naTs,.and chaigeS.withserio.us <jria)«s'jand.Afith ni^eh^whieh, M t|u6, wtould.nia-Ka bite '/uafty.' -in; the language

f M i O t l t e ^ l ' f e b ' l > loite^l.feo b?eme le s ls t n. ,*fo£nj.. eaiiyass-; -pharges

of ' latltoad .^icicljing' shinjlaster

^ ^j It. must beligen 6 ;&dh'

8a1 '6 f th%se8oaie1;6f th%seontrajiieted-iaeeusatioiii'", fa:

ejy, and .even.TVcraM seein that. ''they&.Wflqlhi;^.to?be -gained:' by-Era& incessabi an si en falesa <jont]E%die6ion by oux-ipaii-y Ovgaiisof eaiium-nies SvJjidti. i'e'pulilieanofgatfswill -repeat .faster thftnl Sye'can prfattne, coatEadietipiiBi \yb:lch:n*evrer- reachi!/iiir;r6(idevs.•'••"TIJ^' publie uitocl- '^

, p i i yi!/iiir;r6(idevs._•'••".TIJ^' pub l i e.edueatei-quickly.Sy^BVJEN} s yby.-'arguiBents.- Wbaf-is- needed- Wsoxnoiei'^nt .6f...siich a .na'tiiro'that.no.:y6tei;.jU:the XJnitedTStatescau ignoreit, and...ihls%ite?,be• done'''•ttx'.yfjtHthee i e ( J t i o n . ' ( - : . . - ; . - • • • . - • ' . . • - . , • • ' • : , ! ' • " • •

• 'We trust- vse.have -sppfepniuteHigi-bly enotigJi for' those wbonir If roost

by;; the'.Ke-irV^Yprte•''•Wfflti,- 'ca'o'-.bedpepied.,wlse, • ifK&Ir; -BeyinDur is tofun fpr.aii-6rHeeat.-.aIi)- then/for liaftnj'reasohs.iaa :v'eVen t",sh'o«M


b H ' ^

;ftev-.0anvftSs"where lofngs'- .Jt is yet early,'and

. is- tipft tm .a revpliib f t h ^

-m.'B..-JEdwip .X|i_«v Siorgan. . is

i,-td'the; ^ d l.too

woTktoreqiiiTeaiiy itrpSuetiOri tothera- 'at.-'fhis time.'' Eot the Ja$t

oredtpih efthe second time %y 'ait'.edmaj(JEii^ l!/d^^p^&and/-a;;cerlalii-.eK;ctioiji;. .He-ed in. the Seriate of tBe/poHand/ basiiiQie I'ece itly.ijeeh:- cbntieet.edwith: lhft?3Sratip'paj Bexnibjicari-Odm.jnit|e"'0 ,a« Its • Chaffiiiatu •'• jFi'dfflithe'b.egifijiing.of his.. p.qEtlcai ^ puntil now, tfOT; Morgaii' has pi-pyed.true£&. feveiry triixsteonJLdPd' ia';:iift\,&.nd It Is' §afe't6: paytha'tth"6Fets; rionmn iniffie'Sta.te.'of ^e^'Tb.rk; BoyIn;the'eh$re: coaatry.•;\yhbhas_:the\y.ameivapprov^l or the inore aeVdrted: cbijfldeneV 6f 'honest' men" than,he. -ije has never-been? soe of those.asplrarxts for poiiMcalihe'not-^hoseconstant effort is' to' court'popularfavor, l ie has' iieirfiK trimiiiecl hispolitical sails, to.. citeli tlie bimtji :-6fapproval: from any •cliiiue7 .ofmgnor'ahy class..Of sed.ety: He has fec4.^•uerfoils cotrvictibh's frora.fltet tolSst.\ JEEe 'has'"acted-IH.% duty as lie-has.seen it, '.carel^ otebnseetueikes^HiS'PQljttjeal caf ier aiid. Eis present;•standing beforQ-th&jpeopie -of-this•Stateasthe'paoHiinee fdi-:Groyerrioi. aie". evitteh'ces. of tjie . appEeaatipnWhich-this-ctiui'SeOf aetib'S has. onforhfitT, (xov;^I..begfn ji'fe-fbi;Jiiia-self as clerk, in.a store, at' Hartford'.•Cpnri.,and -viasacthe'ii^e p'f tweatyaclMitted: to' paiineigtrtp. -witjii -.hisemployer..' In J8$C he caffie.to. Ke.^Yorl?and-starfedapomiialssion atfd'grocery liiiisliaess • with & eapital .of.8,000;.. Twenty; -years aftlr .lie wfa?one of to, foreia<jst and taosl; sub-stptialnierehant' fii • Hew-'York,

fciiVib reptitatiori # r -in-

fties that g . ptio'd '.as: a:^hH.sipess,;mah^ . arid theSatp&qualMel exhibited "in. the vmSious- -palCtieal- bffiQes' :yhicb; h'e'had•h. ia, h^ve. naarfeeQ hjni:sis,,oxi&:of

kthe ^ostviiifeljigettf;'- and' faitaifu*I'tib'lic'servaBts .of tliescouRtry. Ii•tiass nOt'.'.su.tpr.Mng'•'.thaihewasthtftie: ftia;rkediriai) -^h,the State of jSTew; itbrk: for.- th/e Ee-"p;uhlican pa.r;ty in the the third year"*"' ...BXistenee of :thafc':paiiy as,a

such that, hfebeqairte .a

wan,"' He;hated' iaft©systeta, se&dconsidered it § national.disgrac6.He' did Tiot, yhoweyer, glass h'iiqselir•ks'^n: Abolitionist.' -H&-acted.^Bh-

i ty- until atl;- oppoifuni-hjoj'to joitta-better.,

33*ai opportoMfg? was given in 1§58when- the-iiepBtJlieap; -RraS foGo^f..Morgan- a'tteiidexiits "fir^ev.entiQn, • • \sMcft> -waS 'befit "at. Pitts-.bur-gii.in May;, iSpQ. Bt&'was chosen^Tic«jj£>resid,eht' of. .the GohventIoT?jand sub'seciueHtty tiectie^ Chairmanof tte-Ttfatie-nal CorAtfiltlfe. Actingjn-.the latter. capaci'tyj.Jie galled toorder the • iPhrladel phia C'OhveritionWhieh-HOirflih ted Qeu;. Fremont forthe:Presiden<!y. -..ji'rQjft thattatne to

•the present he has been-'eoJinent fothis ability'a.n?t integrity.-. His- rep-utation, ij?national. '.I*et us :gathei'

.aroundhija., .plftceija,Jiisliandsthe'banner ;"EJ?eelsior,''- -aad• we..• shallsiinpjy iespond to the popular in-talfians of the State and give anearnestytctorj. -. '

Don'tioofc.too hard,, except forsomething, agreftabie- - We can findall the disagreeable things in. theWorld between our owin hats andb o o t s . • . . " • • " . •

^ . j g x i e ; of.all!%lii).-irraiti,teiii tlje•prindples ftf^ur restoiect'ljnioja, M*e t e e as-feJlovp^: "=";: - ' : ' - " ; !,. i ^ ^adopted. t e ^ a J . p a ^C i ^ t i b i of qne ; !^ : MIS*, afixlheajrSly.approve; She- principles .set;foiiii in the- tettei-S of oui1 n'ataoEiail"

rididtS, • Bu,thei?|or'(|.i 4:5Ktel^fiUan

to^ which iiithfe/Iight.Qpiiblic charaetisr: ajitl

itffc^ f i ^ i i j f^ \vte

Mr a e i i t p ; . . . . ; .

U--^W^ . especially,. approy;eemphasfa& tlie declaMia.omfo.r • a-

prnesJ ijubljb.seryicS,- hased upbh.honesty^sfldelity.HUdi;eapaeity) |n&-w;e accept ffiejaaniyaiiffl tt^eq ul oeffil'dealai-atio'tt iapbnthtitstiMeef, ofiour

-the.truev.hajrrflbijy ;ot ttfe.tJitfdn on th^rbasis pftlie attien.d;ed eopgtitutidn.au;cl:o'f a justaij(| geJieL-puSia'tidTiS'tpilcy^ We jalso"insiS.t ..ih'at; theeqiial.r igh#. and: an'd.'thejl|ves<y£ ajl qifcl-z;eps,,musfe ^nd. shall rM ^rpte&ted,'aiad. that, the g&y£rnfflep.t: must BerestOTeft'&QHi-.ihgeorjs€scj;u_eiiees pf

^e"H^'"sie<i'"'it'aij:de\^.^l^^3S^eH^osiye<iitaij:'t.hy tliofee "whq'.att.einpted.'tq.-da03t.it.- .'S9''Jong5.as.-thJe'vinights, of

any- cieizeii ;.af e-ii^ecurej,;So; lohgr.asas the publichonor jgthreaten©d.,.'So;

fong 'as' ant irredeeriiable," euyreiiey:•u A" ~ « • J.-^ t' -JZlk-'rt "Ti WV ' •.•YiT" r~n~' *'.' •

j past-;'-?-!^Th^ interest of


lipii of spECie pa^meht& fmx, wSS, the- legalstenSeraidtes made, bythG-vte.rrh3s .'of-, the' l^esuin'pti^ii #eipi^aMe .in :coM •' oti" • and after JTan; 1-,;•18+9,; s yalftl ;afid legal- o^llga'tiQns

r^;^i^t^ 'Stf t t^" ' todV' !^ . S f t t ^ t o V ..the-:pa3'me'nt'.ofaiarig rii'6' /interg ,

taaturityutis o^ tie 'very essfenie of-its. fiill^aud'entii'o.yaiiij.ity; .and- tnft

tfejest from the date of tEe, pi ;6Msedp^m'ent , • we'.-^herefote, denouncethe. repeal-.of:vC|ie:|Iat¥pf speciel^r-sumpt|oh b.y.:W^ 3&BBflo'cratici Souse•of. fi«jpresen:tal| xff&i without taaMnf|hfe -dishoiiored-ii6tes . b r

t t^t^gp• a n a c t : . o f - r p 0 %aiiefcan open. Violation o | i . | i:6f. th.ei Jfour.tee.ri th Aniefafmjent #?tlie- , tJnite.d.'.gt^feB .'XjQpsfitutiQri;Which ;pr0yTd<?S" that- Jhe". validity'. tf.f H'e ijubjie defcta'uthoilzscti by lawsshal'J^riot becraeBtroAe'Qv-$he4laerlty

seritati'ves' to; jepeaT^the date offhepayment- 'bf •"; United" -B'tates'- notes,.Wit&ottt: •qQ.ri'sidei-atloii" in .the- fbiha'of }»'tej*s.tj.aiia-VSa:iio}atibii-'j0^ tiseplighted1; faftli-of' ilie ftfl«mmest-,showS-that'thBy.&re'p. ,7_... ,.... ..iiiflS of- the 'ijatioHai-faith,:and'-thatc'-T-«jy.-^0; puhlie "honprf-miuijjes

the.- .'-"ii taiiiial cSdfelu'fstj-atfbniiotbe, subjec.! to. their <;p»ti'oVi:

•the fat'ttliat ths- 35s^Gutiye, i

aucl.aftef ., .,,ilsf pairty asi-ts;P resl deptial

didattj in \iepudiatmg:.:; they pledge ofspkie resotoptrou..-.lhron.gllb% ilrecouhiry at' .1;ri©$aijle.-"diite,..&tr3 cdito.-pelia'Hgtihe '.peojaieef Syew 3ferfc. id.pay in.gtsld and:.dt:-th'b''sajne fekne de-nviHjttherijeEth^to do It* • • . .•:• Skiki^Ehd ApHioeiatJc'.-Patoiy, inWs eoBtpoffiBg Sjjiritis fai4e.at1d.vun-.trn,st^b'r-thy':O0' fevery.li-Vi pg-' issued%fee:4n;-practical gbWj.;nr)ieBt,'fi>r:l£s"•ejght-mbnUis bf.power in-;Cotigtessare-barren pfg'o'od .reshlfs-; false.-to.eqttal #gl\ts and .tlje.Bew guaraii,tees6ttiyeGons(.i=liTEipti'5 false biiiSie/C..reiipy,- fgr .Ib openly- r.epucjfiatesj f t ^ p J i p i E ^ e . j p n e : t i g . e stioa<}i-tho-safet^dftbe sc^pcdsjrfo'the: sondiSemqcraitjc 'voi§lan'thftithe: sond.iSemqcraitjc voi§lan.theftiaitsd BiaJres Sefiate ciefeatedai ft*J^egilate;-. waiendtneiifc to ' pi'Oteet iifc

hbobsyste:to7riomgeefaji;iian:at#sohbobsyste:to7iomgeef;ajiiianat#^^aftd-false oji 'cl-vllssryke ieforin •. -foriS'sigpalifedttsflptttrc)'! ofJbe:BC06

•the p'ersbpB-:Of' loyal- Wnibn SDldiers'anxl by the-:appGlatineitfc of -corrup-tlisnists. ;and.-Svhose SQie-claita ~"serviCie in. fhe 'COBTederate. Arhi

•-. 'SSeventh-fS'&a .'repeated cja&tl"the-"-large •redAipiidft'.Qf'ta^ttibn i nthis State' is- cli e itb-the'pieseii.fc. esecutl^e • we. 'prbnouHce: .utterly lin^fouadejd', aQdvconfidently. appeal totbe-i-ecard foi: proof,.',-.£n• 1S89tbe

.cotjhtry debt, was o\tef. g$o,uOO,<)0$In four years aDenaQGratic adin&aia

.tigition:- paid, otf: •5, 0Dffl0(>. -. in-thefoiir sucqeediug years: « Efipaljlicaii•adiainistratton p,aM $l&,o()6,fl00, andJfeffrless tbaii l,OQO;O9p.ienaainlng tobe.pai'dr" So.ijiuch less. debt-fSipaynaakes -so- ;n3u"ch;,..less imi to} raise•Jn J875"t-he: fax tdc pay bff iJx& deb'•was^Ba^Sgt.jitt

pjTOiieau•-• JuegisiaTure,.; • IE -IS •my}zmi

The:reduetioii of tases;-thus conae's.not Jrona.redTietipnr. bf espei is^ . feutfratB'.redueing ithe a«)ot. ;effec.ted

i n reforiii'.ofi ^ d


g ^ , &aam©at,menita'the eansjitufidii -W-hiGh cuts'oft' all -.extra -co'nipgnsa.tioii,. tocoflitraciqi's oh the canals. '*&'completthe .gpocV';woi%.-; w© approve-, andcbnagj ejjd-.-.-1&: • .-iihiS ' t:ve0 . pendingarrien&BGritsi which refoito t h e sys-tem of canai-andr-prison - d i i ttion* rJ?ho Bepufelicana o

President.of the. TfaitreS States,'''tipbii"-*he.::aRproacliing.eaffiipfefibh- bf'his- olBeial teirtV'the•assufanc0 -or' Shetf pi:pfo.Und>ire?pect;and. "gratittide fyr-.'those Illustift_-_.*u.- -:--i, pa^rlofcife; services. "Vphi ,

'*"'"•' name ~sm irripeflsha:


-W© of ten n>tefor One Jiifctle reason:When': there are a thaasajiti 'wtoj #

d^ ' " "' 'It-is"fourteen jears a p f d e

ayments werestonpe.din tijelGffiitedt a t e s v ; " •" ' • - ; • • ' : : • - " • ' •

• -.The saimo'a pufcintpthe'Cpnnieti-cat river twd:y€ats..agb^ aKeiiQW from

.Jour.to six: inches iQng. •. . . ' <-.-fiie lasrffljiiiryearitlieim

ports of Osina^a, have ie^eeecled th.exports by . liOiOOQ.OOOj an«lthe coolcder^tiQrl the "debti ^ S ^ & ^ ; '

Ttie .a l t te .eornrnfii^d -jast "ai" -th.fe:party .'reached Aleiiriafk "the"-fel--fQllcivFJiig-are details of '"'the -ehgagB-',menli •:-'Khg, - b^ttlo was Sustsiiilea •-.- U ni-'i t i t f l J y for •e]fey<?fi> A'b.hrft1a;ii;4 ft.

tfa^4^••••s?QlJl4w ' the-Scjyiaji|"bad-'nVad© the'StrbiigeStin tliisiJouMTy:-' "Ifwas the

' J k 4 fdfecislve. eBe•ware} to, aod Waswfi i l ihg.^ .no^tijre that ;eou.id' irnpjivt. hdrribfegrandeur to- the struggle, on'.ovie; sMe.for;supi'ema.ciRi and-oa• theothtj' foi1'x | k t e n c e ' " ' ' '

_ jlgraiiosaysi ;Ali_, , a ^___....—.fl. ^" waa-eompietelj: beaten^tli(i.Bej:yia.us..(|id jiptilyah.-tlisotcTer..•T&eyWn*ge£e%-their ."rei-eat SvitB "s.uete":st'<3a'gine|%; '.th'air .,fth'e..-'.TtTr.l;S!Vd.iclrvn.otd'eeui ji;t:.advisab.le fo ,f(>libiw.u.p..t.:hek.viet&yi ,'.irbe:clefe4t iis^iiQtllie.iiiscif^lei' ffcSertlawhl(jh-an esdtfi^-Vpia^'"ia^^-...)jaa.;ma.3S.--."i ,i-...Tli|?isB-is;"stjlT-qnihapeB.eci.'* .eo&jfnunieaWon.'. withiT"~:"M;s4y. W^toh..is,- occupied by •.a-

!h"i'1'"1. force. -.Jkiiotutii'great

B>ii>rY, - Bepi.;. Cr—The foilowingcall'has-been issued :.'']?he:denioc'rfttierepTiblicau' State" .c&nveBtioh,'whichifiet ' in-.. '.Saratoga. -on -Wednesday,A-qgust.1?0.r;is,here.By>.6qM.est'ed...'t0^^

j . .o#, "V fedlries.d^yj • •Segt TObs'-i'!§•' a t .twelve d^Toeli'. noon, ;fo'r ttf'e.miirpose. <jf noipinatinff a. .caijdidate;pr^oSterJjorln tus- pla.ee of •'Spratio

S.ej"iii.biiakdecBnert;' •'/•'•['J- ',>..".'...-• " . " • ' . ' . ' ' ' . D.- M A Q O T S E , J K . ; -

• ' :.v •- '•-• • pK'01 ?r; -TT; Sfate'Coisi: -


. ;The .-1H3-W trial ofeFd'efl- Smith-, -. of.JoHnstoWn,. foi; Arspii,. ca'mnveiicedtQ7aay; ' ' • /'•'-: •; •' '•''";• " : '7y,;. _ / _ ; _ _ , . ; :.

It|s".said tjiat.. aiapth^r 'niaiiijii-Qth•hotei-is tofbe? Mlitt'atiSai'h'toga for tlie-tise of people of; mociejate means. •.-•.

Mts:S'tufgfe,-'"meflier of'-jiieuf.'SttH.iSi' -.wli.e. Ayas. ballf A: iii.'the-: Cti.$tex

ugbfe j a s b j a b n i i f 'la-ugb-fev jias-.bjaebniei-insarj.e ftovrief,•• iifte'.was'her only '.son,-'-.'. . -;".".'-

$be lAnbtial fail- o# the Esse$be. -. fail- =o#. the- E s s storAt^pciety Will be

:- j-his. -a\nnnar\.faiir .of |h^.:.^YerniontState" •"A#'.J!e.u]£uft]Li; -SocTetv-. will belicld1at" &t-. Alhivi^'Septeiteiier ;p;; IS

riU vM. •-©eii; ,3ne.- JCarvvleyV :oi' Coy-_.:"es.-•.—<. - - « - i i . i - i ' ; ' . . - - i . - * i u - - i j j ~ : . : s . -.-.-• -

••• Hay; i s puiy-:.$ll -a ' toh in jSEopsaval"tey ". fhq' lowest-for jpaQ^yea'i's

bHfe I '&valtey^. fhq lowest-for jpaQ^.yea'is.'"She fobH'fea crop In '&& .'OoniieetteulTalley; Is ef -jjne' iraaiiiy.'-an<l..'. heavy"gi'^v&,'a^tfi?btiu'g.'ra:fflffl-y-hUt;$eSt-i

.-. 'llhe;.- ahanUafit.rsiipffly:-'•.ati,4;,*ide:difJ-rIiJu'tiou:Qf. tiie-ptei.eb.-t p.Jai.tog'eSrb.-rer-.-vvi.th other fiivatR fiw-e-suatug; ha§ha.fi-fche eflfeef fe>,adranqe the ptieeupf"jfruiija'rs tooth liere ixiui 1'u 'tlw "Wes-t r i j m ¥ k t e t i < ' : " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' "'

. .?rh6.'T«£sday'.i>ultei1'"piarRet a i .S t.A.lba.fe,'yt*rla'st"'W.e"'ckr"-.wa's'"&7nv;tqr'-o.oabutter^b'af -diill "tor pooF'toiM-ity.

SO.feeCbeanu.-tHs. •('Spe.e'tecl.sb'e willOe ready itu: her Irjal trip jii y.atolj.er;j' All ' Abe-"-western-- counties of. thisState.-ar^.'begi.npjii-jf..' to cry.' oiat foraiBv .thti .eaan-ti'}* -K! .•.•cb-old-iig -w-ifib.

dust> v^gel£btipjB.-l5 ii»s>to "'svilt-j, -tjunxl.tha.j.tS'eai«3.a'i«-'-,SG -few that.-vi!la.g'esportsm'eii«hy thatt*6iHare^etUixily'sportsmeii-«hy that.t*6iH-.,are^etUixilygcttitig:• sjmiiiw«ed-i a tlie .br.oQIi iig'cfe'.;

A- bleocb Kettle.ria>a& W.otfe,"" LMweli, ."ou. tbe.kiiiln^ it Ayorkjuan uained JPa'ti'iek•Maguiro, .50 y ea-i» ofag.e.-Trhg dtjroage,inelitding delay .lo the Wj&rks is abaiit•|^-flpi)-.; ....,•...:;.

••' Thoworai -is -ravagiHg ifieixrtlqa;e:rbp; "in .f?ou,th' Atobatna. ALaaybe-Hewetlrat nofc'iiiore than'ahalf .ci'-oj

;-wil.l .bo-:taade. -. if "fihe w.oroas" •.are ex-'.tensive i-B.."'t-ueir i:"aVages,"tiie- "price .of

pn WHladVaflOe,.•lf.afen,.0:iopisj-eotfsj.a. :wil,l iiot he wordi iiicrei i ; b M :'

open TBursday, .and there are. i.9atj,6'.ns.that'about the •u.stial.nuinler.Will • enter •" tBe freshman: class/ Aalitanyhave jilreaSv .tsee'ii^xajjBiiied'asWgiest.fihis.fitneAyeariigo. Theexr.aftiinatioh: of eantlt'lates occurs the9ay'the termbegiiisJ.'•'••- '

' ..'&KASSHO>JPSB.S' 'IX f iS^ fSdTA. .Xh& ravage's Of t'hb'grasshoppers' int ^ l v o . iiortliwes.tern •' coufities''• of

triiieh' SuffeiSng'- anipng 'tiib: 'fawner's: Qisre; 7 He -says :they; Will" not reafizf:mbVe:"tiia.n eight" jt.« ten.'bushels- Q. Wheat to. tb%-aere>oji an •av.eitige', ..atii•,fha:tso.i»'e: lifMa \fere-. entijcely -devastated.' t'orpv -;oats a'nd"-iJa.-El«?y Save

' • s u " a e r , e d v i Q . a l i k e : ^ i p g i * e € . • • • ; • • ' -

Wind anrt ralij stoi'ih •passed ©ver s_t;)6rt-i&ii;6F'Wek(ejii MSlissonri", -espff'Jia1

;ly:afongi the Ch&ago- &-BoeK. felan.raiiroiicl, oil; Saturday eyejiing;- '•£.'Edgerten -'.-depot'"'"'several. ; d'Welto,.hdifsa?- aii<J sho'b'i=iiirere-(Ie§tE;oye!a anrl;bvv?> 01* • tbre-e- oeeiiEpapts. injured-Jjacge-. i r e ^ wei'a u|iro.siifid or.twistedtofi"li]se'.pi|it:siteB.)J!j;and the eKops^par-fictfiarly- corn, tola ffiitonWe sroan-dThe;-. .damai?e:.--wlHiin.••• thirty =tiit|es

;sg.itai"e Is estiiiialeit.icireij thousand dc11'

at-:day, J8tb, at-Ppftsmotf%4?. Ja.,.;!wel| iyto which: John .Biii'livaii JbacT"dssGemcfed; foi?. the • .|)iirpose of a\-

;tjlpp'ef, 'cayed-;iD; . . | p-a lost;tjlpp'ef, ;

y f f i i i i i forty -feet b.etow ,th« -inarface.';.I/arge gang* 0f'wprkmeja weteinim^diatel-y-.-faat'.afc vyw-'b t<? ^ s t f ihim from- his "pen3&us' position,, aiida tH:3p o'clock at nigkt; ttjeK- fexer-;tidris %vi?re iewardeS fejf safely, lapd--ing Bulfivan on terra; fihipjavafter anainpFisoum^ut "of pi even; b;&ivr$ tuid ahalf, IiAvasjS..Wpcdedftjl^'scape••frb'ru"deaihvv •• •{ . '' ' ' '

i% •HBeti-ry-'.'-S;t if 'Sj

; fpran-rly?f Stjttte. fpif Jtje at«ti« o)

.^QwlEpik, and fur-.niany >ears aproniinef4t;mariiti publlji afiairs,- diedjri GorttancT^ N. '^, , .oil Mpnday,.-i4fh':ag«d sixtysiS; years!B^wasMeeieg d x t y . S ; y B ^ w M etary of State in 1852, a.iiit Was the aTi-thpr: of the law creating the i

y, ' He Wrote.*- ilfe^ofJ:feffe*sonrSeveral w^Eka p.n ;%heep ,h.:usb.aoj^afld w,as. acquaintecl: yvith literarynieh" and matters; AtftpnghispftpeiswerefQirad.lettersffonal ifcussi.ng tite clnratipn of

i t i t t i '

; 61*

Anthony 'Coijistofe]!, IJnited. Statss,Mall j^geni' and: fe^regentative' of

y. § p . p t ; s s g y i e , , s^ after att -active, campaign-

of o'ne. week ia the -'wea% where hetda-Je.'iSevfirat arrest?*.. One of tjie ac^iasedis F.. Q, Farr^Qf Indianapolis

BtrklfeU destroyer of tbo Jjuaj.au -race-;Of bop.e-KjfjoS^ttie harbinger ofHI-*Baiie-oftheearlh. ItleadsinitstrainQrha poverty, a-ntl.pestiJecce, and deatli; .And more than nil the Jiqri?!b]e faixa of


there' were seiz&L- OjfiQO' bhscene at-ticTes4:.notadm3tt^^^besides.eirculars'andpaiBphfeti; J3&adm'Med .his guil4%at)d%as hel

Ho « r < ? . •' , ; - •."••"


li$i:|3.am6.a^ BaimSfi.mibeis^ .SMwas I |teteete.d; in- v:C0na uetinig \&n.. 1 .7iam..pBS 4o>j>dspokdehcf - -with' youngschool girlSi and -^oath of. bath:j3exes:In every pari of tha country;.. .-Itifli(S'^e\ol'Vrette£stl:ece]ty^itg3iifeSt fin&e tjrii-well'as alt parts-i e E f

4i di asd

y,. the let-ters receiyea wei'e; -written largplyiAXig' this vile.-"wonsaii's'effeets"

also fotiada large 'amount..6fe'd- matter o|" tbte' vflesfi- Kind,-

&TM among tha Ie'ttei:s-a3ee: severalhundred frpjii .youug mSsfis;of .then! at, school..- Leftexi?f.6unct'&Qja- -Grand' a-venue, J^tqfeiy^n, Oceati,Grave,eie.,aidin-bh.e.of•thsse- latter case's the 'na'mespf mai esrt-«^ W v-f\Tr<W i :-«™ •it.«i**.K i ' i « «_:-^u'j.

Q * r ; e . r a c j .apd.suggests that'-.jarerits'slio'uld" b.e -bpt-"tei hrfojerned'. xespectfeg those : withwhoifl theit children eGrfes|50nd. -Inonje :i ostaiiee;tDiseeuisinoi'e'posiiive

.of-.anjartless' miss,"' a? t " ^tcr-ij i ' L i

w ^ ; ; ?j^ g was. held.Tio appiaai; In ±hedefault of $2,-000-' baM, to appeaf. iftt'nfted,States'Cbm-fc : ' '• ' " "

able Effe

'.. The following fa a e^Bt i ith;e«6a;l .sales a t •the.#eat' eotton-injctioh MUeW^orl t r



tons/-.-of.W4as •SeraiitQii- coaL." T«H ,_. ,

.of 'stea.ifter started. ai-$2»85> fell-to :$l.W,' -ttteh- to' ^ . i r '" " ' "'.gOjflgp toy ' '"'"^""""••"""^jf^-

y &#o aapta: §M7'&n"d'"t2.Sp5 yo OGO'tons ofsteve- were: started - at :$$M,' iapMly

tofcr-of 'ch'estnhit'w&jat off at- $ 2 : ^J>2Mi-a ;nd427a-:;- w ' ~ :••:±^

M I B B(;kt.lo;feconsistecr6f.tons? :of •the Eh;iJa.de};phra;:& Bes#ii>jgCoal arjd; irbsc- CJompaw." Of this

atid-the-P, Q, •$>,"#. Eort Bichriabnd> .. . .enty-frve 'thqasaiid: ton$- w.(ir6-'.'Srstpu£/up. arid;S,060 t*ra§M egg.-weht at§2:§7A j'23afl()U tons' of-tne'satBe staf t-

:e.d': ia-GQj' ady-aneed'.' "ip -I2.62.1., w«?ritdoto'.'tb $2:60,. then to. 82,5%-.aarl•th'ea''fo "S2.'f0-, at;whlbii^" flatter :.prl<Je;the balance VfeaSTaouightfijli; §I>;OUU•toXis.stote eoinmencedat$3.*20y/•at once tQ S8.f22|rand then'adivEf& SSi'S; 'W,Mtf-$o0:' chestn'a't•tor -S2.20.;' l;Oip,O(J tons steafflfeg^t, de-•HxTibVnKiri: o*''vttrtV»*-"' t^v/»iiV«^;-n<'TL - Q 7 j ^

started :at S2-.45 and'then; juaip.ed totlJTQ- ind': then $g.S5, j,s-peeulato.r buying;'; §,«00 'tonk" at•.$2.45 ;;35^tW tpnsAr eggi sanie' cpn^'d f c j , wefe iexfc'-offered,' ftnd l ttoo

t . at". $ZM.: > The- • blddin

aiid then to' S^dVi, at which pride i• * - [ T ^ l - « * - r - r ' W ^ • ' : z ^ e £

at whichJ .pri.e^vtbebaiantje .of the.l o | j ' cbusisung. dit," §300ij, tdnsj" was'•brought up:i ;Io,:0U0 tqns 6.f;eh.etinitt

&mmM0^o^MML.(l flaially tfie ppee dwindtedto

Si.T^ a t ' which, the. btilan^e.. was..ijonigh.fc.Mp.'--;. - •• -.;..:'•'.•-.•'•. 1?he next- I&t offered ^onsi&ted of

80,000 tons of tlie PennsykaiiJaCoiil.(pbrafmny ;-2&,eOO Ions of'^ra'te sold•at S*.6r^-atid"I&70-, -S,<jOtf. ions-.ofs.teanier-w6iitoff quickly-afe$2.8SJ5

-7,i!W.tQt)SJ)£egg cbmiiienced at $2.85and"closed at-§20$.ZqMlj-"tons oistove >veie; next' put up aiid '5,.0tU3boagJiiat'$aS()5 lliepricefeiiqulcii-ly t© $3.75, then to §8S(3, ai_..T _ .balance was disposed.Qf at-the latterpiice- Tlbe last sale ojt- the'day con-*sistedolA&)0tonsof ehestnixti.:TheBiddiug oeeaine brisk!" and'buyersseeineti' anxious f"Q be in at theriniblu • The first sale was" • at t3.4±l,ahd ' thb price qdickly ran "u-p tof3.oO, and•-tiien; to &Mi then/ SS,7W,and finally the. baitanee was disposed•of'At' S3. Tills eoneiuded the sale,:and. the "bayers" dispersed, Fflcesh.ave'tunatlVd froni $1 \o §2 per tonpa all grades of* coal." It- fe" said

coal -sales wift -soon

-,.4..y^.j,o v.jLjJujjji, Fa;,- A u g v 29;—-Huwprices realized.by-tbe aiictiptt safeof vq&l iii New" Ybi'fewere 'apxiQiis-ly rocked for by-Ji'Ii engaged in thecoal-.' trade.'"-.-' Much., stir prise' and',&tac8? was shown.:as. ilje- pdcerWere'bu|let±ned7 thegeiieialespect-

, aff<jn- being that tn'o sale#bulu be;adjo.'ijrned..if"$$»oQ...per ton, as .thelowest ^gurevCbiild;'not;, be obtained,Th> coal operators:-say the pricesbrought will' eoaipel them all tosuspend opei-ationa Unless tolls andLapps eau, be yedneBd tb a .much

**„•.• «~u-i. *K^ „, preserrt^withv^v chances against.' t&,eiv», even ot

r:gr.eat rediictionj as-.the:miners willr lurdly subnait to iswer "prices thanare BOW prevailing;, a.ad the, sttua-tlon haga gloohiy b;

Cushpig, the. sculptor,has received a cbm^'^PD to ?fei>ft)d u # lili pifasteje cast btjst of'the lateCierflt Siaith- In. i8&tffli&i and he is

gdi^ the wort,, fJ?fag bust


ants. ii. s, i.A^pnEK, -j

A s

. stalks it o'ei: the woriil.stride?, . • . .

Marring the .beauty of tlie 5-ou,ng and pure,^tlJike.,tti& deadly eWuoprnj-pofeoniag a l l .is liiere BO hana to lay the tyrant low . •Audi saya -our cowolj'y Xrom his' foarXul

-.- p b w r ? .. •- .. _•, . . . .Stetesmeii. and heroes J.-wUlyou no.tuniteT-j Stay Jiis' wily inflneiice.in our land,.'Ere all, our 'youth ftfe t-bared irjilito h"s

'' " "

Te who toivfe"corned a'nsuno" j.tBpc.iJ.-iUabie, .•By science aided j ' . ' nea th ' the <leep blue

' ' ' 'in o?cean's.coral cayefj.liaYe.saleiy laid . ..Thi»linjc that Ijiiids Euxope . lobur shores,

J p y , $ Messom 'hoiy land;^t>iiis -uhspofefid,' ap-\vh'.to.aee shal l p a s s ;Then- feriglit sh'ait he m e clear- a ^ i i

The wlfe4trdTn.otlfe!-AT-eio: tbestsiJofjwy,

O"h;_lheB a ijeight crsvrn yo.a too may-wfiar.I ts idsfergiv'eu by Mite'great KiWg of-lia-n'gs,.U}<J •wilfe.on eart1i.-yoiirjiam.es .'•', .'-."graTed.. • - • - . •.-. - . - - -• :*

1Upon..odr.heart, of faearfaT-in Heaven yoitt. ->; ,S?at ..'.:"_'...-,•.".... ;." - , , - '.-. .Wijt .be.anioh.,;. Hie. iwgfls evermore1.

' ' •'.. • '. -. -M&a-.ti" ~. • j a e l l i i ' , 5 F , %.-., - . . - . ,

State Pomeutlon.

i l i e thfid^ awfitial .C0n,v£htti>ii ofthe- aSTew;. i^brk"; State- - ^

i'mperaffG .ti'tiiOflj \vllt. be lldld. In-the city- of "'Syracuse',.Tuesday,:i5ep.. i:a, jtrid.feojitlithree day^. I t is Hoped every aax 'iJIaty.' Onimi- in ;the State," Will feerepresented In th.eConveti.tlon.," yar-iotis-tbpK'-s'S'ill tedfeeusse'(\ ;a'B3.ring.Which-Will;-be.-. - •-- ,....'..* •-. .--.-.-."The 'lifrpor-tanc'e.----of- '.J.uvewil

'_"••;" What.iaii; 'WotiieTi:.do Wltha'ef-eretice .fc .the political. aspect of'the.T i B f ^ ' '

"Xs• TeuipefancB/ \veife. .'Cbqiv\V0tWi"':[ "' . '- '""• '"';"••; '::';[ ":->[

,.- The- -deiegateA. "as?&; requested; to•coiae prepartd- to'speak-ti-pon -theses u b j e c t s . . ' ' ' " - '• ' . •- . ;•• ; . . - • • • - ' • • •'••

^ s K^-Mrs;. I M I O B ;-"]jutfer,Syracuse."..". ' "'- • -.' .. ".-.-' .!"".•' ' . ' -

CoPvJ-^-Et.TiJf-t.Aiiy—ilir.f,' Dr.Yiirse-j j S y f t t c u s ? ? ' . ' ' . • ' . ' " . . • ' ' • • ' ' - • ' • " - ' • • " ;

i ir.vii v^frii- "Mary. Ov' ' ' '

• ' .T-EJ^ASVKJht—,3Ii^,; S . , S.-'iTriiaif,.y x a e i s i ? " ' / : i / i : ' '"'' ' " : ' ' '

seadrheir names to;; Jt|rs.'. G. iJ;Gi:eeiy,KQ, ,60. ;3,^rren Street, Syracuse, bythe I'rtth of .Septeaiber, and enters

Oif. arriving, in. the. Xuiy they willplease .report .ttttfiei -Priendiy -l^xnon". Pjcankiin'.Street, where ei "'

-..The Sseeuttve i ^ would

which gives' direct iorf'fof. feecpnaiaga u x i l l a i ^ "" ; : ; '''"''' ':''':'- AkQ.io -Ariicle Six of .lhe';Constttatio'iv 6f tlie a^«rial I|nion, vv&It'h

to Its ;Ocnayei>Tequires tKe'cteiegatestions'.to toe chosen,' one'froia. eachCongxegsTonal District- in-the States.. Thitee-'IMegatesaretobe' electedbj; the Jlepreieritetives of the. Dis^,tr&tsaf.|be Attiijial'-; Mefeting.of .the$.tafeUnrari. " •'.''• • / ... "--.. •' ..'•"

3ft "Isgreatly'.'-'desired' .ih'at' every'District in'-the- State" of Kew> rork

' d the Annual ineet-•Ing-.iiiByrae.Uie, September. 19th.'£Oth » « d ; ^ l s t , i s m ; . •..--.". •••••- ' : ''."-. ":' :' MBS.P.STBS.-KEB.-Ch'n-.

.' --SAS- 'M.jS&hHAiz^&EitK- " * - Veoin feittee' "of -WV C.. T,

.'-.. '.7i3.iipei'dnce Cnionyof.pm-State df' ' M ' • York,.-..'.' • . .- ' . . . .• . "-."*

1 >-E:S ;I rsTjjKs-TTl-ouare earnestlysoiicifj ii to- identify yo.ufselves-.with0Ut".S; .tie .vcprlr. If you are strongwe ii. yd, you. ' If'you are weafe'yoa••vigfid-, Qur.'' sfeehgtli, and' joidy: byCQiiibjhliig the full strengtlVof our-.tbrceiea-n' we .cprnbafc • yfiili. success,the enemy'against 5vhich-w« are-ar-ray^ed... We-wan^tofeel.the sh.oul--.(ler of «ver=y Ghrlstiaii.Woman -firni-.|y. sustaining .o.uy' rainis, falfeejtfingJno:fc, thtiUigh darkness gad dlscoui>ageuient appear;; •••;:.. ••': •, ' •'

Th&.taleiio ~aad e^p jrienee. of thejnostsiiG^sful laboi-ei^in this aiid,Qthej $t&tes are foiind. a t ourings., Instructiiig, en eoaraging aiidstrengtheriHig sill, department's «four.work.- l)o you sot. neecl.suchMlpi.fQr the' perpetuating' aiid iu-terest of;y<3uar society, •

"Gom.e, go v?ith 'as,1, .and we willsurely do yoa good..

' MRS. L L E X BX'TLER, Pres.i i i P. S ^ i

A.tamper;'.&•%.:C,;Gf-i'and liodge of JieW Yorfctiswan of steriiig' Wortn.- By mofaSzsioji, a lawyer, hg ha? afeadyjae--.quired a fine -reputation for legsrablj-';ily, and'soineyeais 'since, took apos- -atlon of p^bmljaeBeeinthfifratejcnity'.For years he- ba»' be^n 'pa\ cfcivej •:earniest; aneiigetie and '.efflcreiit ineift-ber of tks Qr&nd 3Lo3ge,' Hlei has heldaiid filled aeceptahly. the oflficep of •.Q... %.$„. By W, -43^ anfl Member of..tlie Board of JCanagers, 'Se.'haEfgraced these 'several pagitians by his ..i ^ ^

,. ii. GjmEiA^'Cor. Sec.'.. .. W..i\ T: &mon,.qfState of 2Sr.T

. If..this.', comes to the notice <sf anysociety not having f eceived It .fromthe Secretary.^ please act'upon IE asifMdBsedpe&onally.. f. \VilI E

ase CJopy," ' • •.

jr as Domestic M

. J£c Maies jittti ehatey ofStdckton,CJaMforiiia, has for a yeav or two beenraising quafte in a vefy successfulWay, H e reeeiitty set fifty Quailseggs under. & hen, and some-days,sines thirtj'elght of tneliyeliest Fjuai-hlebees' evsr^een.wexehatcfied- put.Then seem tb take particular- delighiin their big Ujtrfher, gatheringarotiiid and. under- her consjanly,obeying her call and ia^iB^th'e foodshe scratches for tbem^ ^litjle she isthe proudest old hea tbjai; «ver laiafin egg or raiseaa family." Mr, iittilehale has besides thirty or fortygrowa quails thatkeep thelainily ineggs,whfchJalioughsmall, lie assertsto be of Aner aad richer-flavor tliaiiany other he eyer ats«. The qnall^are. .of two "species, ttie mountainquails, brown,, With whiteAnd lilaekspots, md the valley quails, P"5~w

', with blacktuftson

ESOBifls of flie;4?iiid.tofle«. of Good: :-'.V;;;-•:^effipiar%:"i' -;V :.-.;-.;-,.

niedes >f the. order,.1 .ijrk-fisperieuce-V' th^e%verat"4epa*tp;^ •ineptfy. fitted, him rfor/thfe Isig.responfeibie jodsJUbii/Gf ;-G. "W." •>-... »He" has the cp.riflQejiee of £b'e eij^re.,oi dpr, anil audgir. Ms. adpiiiiistrattai

uen. aydhealtby- impetusrattst be

ii=t>"v. Wrii. iR".'• Hp]iQj=, is a nariieiiot unfcnovru in .G.'Li iiistory,.. Parjeai$ Irfi- has heen'J tin aptive. nje.nUjer..

ttee'teroM Lodge, -aotl ageQd\.p'cfr--ti.qn.o?.tf}ft.ti'nie has.-.Seised:as GV-W,.(' A d v o t d S j t V r h h i fe o t e d eervaSjtVrthehiifefer,lie" ha% coflsserateu 'bis., high, talent -to the fcerviCfi of hairrjanj1y,a3H^'arriOnf'its workers.!b|re ai^'nou'e tmuce earn-4M d & x o i J ' a n d j ' ] ' '

i fyK-eleoted to tijeresponsiblepoiit-ioti of .G.B::J':'T- nxidli. $¥y%%5salady ; ;Wjio 'lias w a i e C f t h h i j "Wjio '.lias wa i



yg.b'e ftViogs to aid. lief iu.itw.rWorli. -The cause .«ftbg:.Jii.vg»i3e3-wiil''.!lwt.,scffilr tfnder Met* admjms.trati'on and.we liespeak the.aotive- ixttens'st..a:tTd;.hearty .corop.pratiolj of-our entire or- '•

D. W^feofeer,G^Wforth.e fftprth- tifie txfAj.stBost re-!•spousi-bfe' posi'ticHiV *s. ;a.-i^taiilr every5v-ay:fi,ttecL-fcr-thfi.ptoe . ."Sigh"Bj-todr;..-eel,- bo.iJorab}.e1.smjpttibasjjr -eotiscis-ii- "•tious, and entirsly.efevoted-to the bestinterest;"bf th*;-ofd?ri'imd wifbaJL'a,i h ; .car'isiifl:o',*-fre.'lias a.jpe

f.nfe{neiriberahi^' • /. • v -.-. ; •... \D. M-^aii Cottj-tbe ijeWJy elected.' /;G^W."Treasurer,*is ayauiig •niaa.'of •: "•

i i^ , a y i g iaa.of :tianilugj-UliidY afiiable; earliest, ^vho - .

wbQ. Ms pbSiti& ^y'.wHi-Bing.-ljje-'he^ts .of. the .Giind.iodgel- The- .;•"(3l^nd .liOilge' niayV sVfel^ trust Mill.. ,

W i t h t h e i r - i r e . a W a i y i % . ; • • > . -.. •.:'"-••-"•-.--* '•;;': HMV.:. T3?l'Parker, 4 ^ < i i needs..... •.'no mcjjtiony. llis'WiitliigshaveHjkde-., ; :Ii'ini Xitnioas. .Be' has-.been a inem.

.ber of (he boar*!', of Maixageis,' Q'. $j?f ';•"' ."' C;, -and'has. .perforr^ed .;thesa. .several.....dntfes w'itta honor to "Mmseif.aid to 'the orfiefc • "" " ' : ' • ' ' '' ""has for three sui/efesrro;yfesres stuod'ut. •..tke'beael of -the 'oidtr, arfd iilminte- .tei'ed- 'itaafiki^-to.lls'cn-tir«:.5aUsfee-' •' '•;.^ . UMop.,- as was evidenced by .the uiiaiji^

i t H b b i iiu.-t-he p pber of thjj ijaard ,t>S' jilanagers, aiwl. = -.•Beiifesentatfye to.-tlie ;B..- Wv<*X%r, • •':-ieacIiiiKithat aelegation'©t;'£?BfctoiiK a t g t , . © ; £"has .;been fyr. the -last .eiglit y . * a . .Urety engagetl'in proip&tlng.theIn- . .ierest of" tbe f?rder. Jn-ae^epting the. ' ;'"':position.^f Gi"'W.vt\'T., he saeriJTCeCJ . .largely a ,'JucEatiVelatitl. iiacreasiiag ; ".J3"Qsraet;gt&- attend io.the WPPk of thft •-•order, jlebronght totliat work'Jarge . .'.'•'espci-tence and a rare es«euKve abitj^ty. - HI? positicfn on ..the . JBbarf ef :. :Hauagers ^3 a" nseful aiid" Impsjitant '•• .o n e . * - : ; : - ; . . ; - ; -r.". •'•'.";.••?• •.'•- ; . . - / • :"- : / ' - '

." -The .Board of ifaijiagers Consists ofE . . E ; Buitou,. :4V-B- E'%t,;;33;rv;..'G..'.'':

jBoughi<in. Three jnen Mpwjghighlv -" •(jMalifled for. t Ii is .Jmjpi^aikfr position ." .could searei4y be foir&cL JSS3jericn=eed •and suecees'ftd- bgsi^ess nien^Xyith .;•'•h iar t s taf«wgh.Fy";'^BHsred-.'. hV. Hit* ."•-.'cavise of Initeaiitty, they possess j dt-t • .. •

V ii| n . | sssaiy tsuc<is?ss ill wiiat ever shall, pfjOninferesfe ofaor belayed -reform. -

.toof. ih$ :ciffle6rs pposiMofiS. at the Jjisi ^sesMorir ,Did .. .-space, allo-w.we sbbdld beglaSto. men-.:tLon iii .tietall' th.eaBpo.HJfed<iUi«ew. . •and JR.. 'WJ Q-.;.L,;it t . .;

Lodge generally. 'Siiffice.it t% say-. !-that oar ofdei .ibMHgliouitlie.^tate" '.; "should ral|y re (iie ^u^pQi-t ©f thepresent a/toinistojawti..' Trie*, tra.f,. r ,and able leaders -in. every capacity are . •at the bigmi tbose In w'hoiai perlteti. ;"-trustandcoafideiieeis.reposed; .iSTmy;let the iHehiherabvprise- jf.o.a;seiisejof .'• ;tbe imporfence of' tbje >ispirkj .ep&se'-r."; •fii^te tiiernseiTes-uni-e'tervedly totjieir . ;

task of *'saving • the fa 1 lea and keep-ingothsrs fponifalllagr," ivntfa vtvvk. '•:• \befitting this grapjl'.'OVnteuBM^ear :. ..:niay'b'e acCQroptilhss.S. JSiotbers'.tiD5: *•sisteti, Ie| tfe-iaii j iff tlie-rescue of ha-. -.uianriyy."front the driafc ©r^e, remeni* 'bering -rliiat the "libMof |i$RtB'!';Js. ...•-.bur Leader, and: trasling to .Siaa We"shall b t t i "

An Arab, under seirfeiice oA3fk h E i d•lit

idouedj hnX to:ba.aiio>t««i W> bfte?futeCby.. .the .sabre. IiiiiieiVfl of -tfie-illotio'e """ " • ' ' " " ' ' / ' "

. Huppy the jnaa.iYbo.cfn :'eij4urfc-tlie-'htgUest an<| lowest'ioxtunei' "Jje-Wbo Sfedtei feiWbo ias eaSfed:steiii Hfeisijtadi.Swith equawialtnMyyha&deprlvvG mi's-fermTieofi^power. •. ;.*. •• • - '

The leases x>Z thk tjiree/tifeaiMSowned, by. tlie ©Ity 'of .^wlsi-sw^-^i"to 3:^iin:<r--"&^" inwiifclpaltty' W8

' V '-V,

y y w l i ^ ^ i 1

to 3: ,iin:<.r--"&^" inwiifclpaltty.'- W8ithen 601 the. l3U.it#ngs:at' publle auc-tion-having feund-tlieat' a traifle^'some ana.;u i

JktBHif Who bad-':been, Wpnntieij feia railroatiaeGideni- was d e n i e d d i ision. .to « hotel, 4it Gafelnuyj €icause, ue iaigbt fc*"n*.-i|ie'bbawafeej. smt- Id. th«. poraing QieboarSeis' Sit Jefl hepaBse he 3iad ootj i t e J f