pp on conventions music vid

EVAULTION TASK 1 Evaluating the music video

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Post on 22-Jan-2015



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Evaluating the music video

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Our music video starts of conforming to a typical music video as the first clips of the video is of the artist far away in a spooky atmosphere, she too looks spooky and slightly weird- which is what we wanted.

We also had fast cut movement at the beginning of the artist jumping forward getting closer and closer to the camera, this conforming again as the artist is normally introduced is a positive way. Having a weird opening scene to our video challenges the artist as they should be intrigued as it is not like any normal video.

Opening few clips

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You can see the jumpy movement between the shots of the opening few shots of the video.This adheres to normal videos as the artist is noramally introduced as a friendly or good character. Doing what our group did confuses and questions the audience about what sort of character the artist is.

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Close ups

Using close up of artists is very conventional as it allows the audience to understand the artist, we used our close ups in a conforming way as we used extreme close ups from strange angles, this creates a weird and unusual feel to the artist which is what we want to portray- she is meant to be alternative and strange.

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Close up of her looking down, shows her mysterious side of her

Close up of her face allows the audience to have a clear image of her image.

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Make up and costumes

For our artist we tried to make her stand out from the others in the video, one of the ways we did this was made the twin wear identical make up and costumes because this meant that when standing together with the artist she stood out as she was different.

We alse used very alternative make up throughout the video as this

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This picture you can see that her artist has a different outfit to the twins, this makes her stand out more, they have exactly the same outfits on which doesn’t make the stand out as much.We also out her in the middle which is conventional.

Close up of her unusual make up allows the audience to see that her style is very different.

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Use of colourThey use of colour conforms music videos as they normally stick to one colour theme or tone, we used darks in the studio with dark grundy colour tones on the set, but when shooting in the woods we set of mulitcoloured smoke bombs, these two shots juxtapose each other as they are very different although they work really well.

Lighting and fast cut editingThey lighting in our music video was conventional to our genre. We had dark mood lighting to create the dark atmosphere we wanted. We also used fast cut editing which is conforming to usual music videos as this very unusual to see, we used this because its an alternative music video therefore having attracts the right target audience we are trying to reach.

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We used quick editing between these two shots as they juxtapose each other as they are very different.

This shows the dark lighting in the set

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We used dancers in our video which is very conventional as it is very common to see dancers in music videos.We used our dancers in adhering way, as we changed the shots and made the more unusual like speeding them up, reversing them, and fast editing them, this automatically challenges the audiences.

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