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Book Study & MeditationThe Marriage of Sense and Soul

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Ken Wilber (from Wikipedia) :

. . . is an American author who has written about mysticism, philosophy, ecology, and development-al psychology.

• Founded the Integral Institute in 1998.• The AQAL (all quadrants all levels)

Model represents the core of his work.

• Advocates mapping a neo-perennial philosophy.

• Has a debilitating illness called Rnase Enzyme Deficiency Disease.

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AQAL: An Introduction to Ken Wilber’sIntegral Framework – Part 1

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Brian McConnell:

. . . first read Ken Wilber’s, Eye to Eye in 1997, which coincided with his introduc-tion to Theravada Buddhism.

• Has authored recent articles for the Integral Leadership Review and OpEdNews.• Is affiliated with the Integral Institute and Integral Without Borders as a Researcher/ Practioner.• Serves as acting Director for Group Epignosis.

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The Marriage of Sense and SoulPart 1: The Problem - Chapters 1 & 2

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“There is arguably no more important and pressing topic than the relation of

science and religion in the modern world. Science is clearly one of the most

profound methods that humans have yet devised for discovering truth, while

religion remains the single greatest force for generating meaning.”

1 - The Challenge of Our Times . . .

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“The reconciliation of science and religion is not merely a passing academic

curiosity. These two forces—truth and meaning—are at war in today’s world.

Modern science and premodern religion aggressively inhabit the same globe, each vying in its own way, for world


1 - The Challenge of Our Times . . .

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What do we mean by ‘religion’?

. . . one thing is immediately obvious: many of the specific and central claims of the world’s great religions contradict

each other, but if we cannot find a common core of the world’s great

religions, then we will never find an integration of science and religion.

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The Great Chain of Being

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The Great Chain of Being

. . . virtually all of the world’s great

wisdom traditions subscribe to a belief in

the Great Chain of Being.

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The Great Chain of Being

As Arthur Lovejoy abundantly demon-strated in his classic treatise on the Great Chain, this view of

reality has in fact ‘been the dominant official

philosophy of the larger part of civilized

humankind through most of its history.’

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The Great Chain of Being

. . . the actual view is more like the Great Nest of Being, with

each senior dimension enveloping or enfolding its junior dimension(s) –

a situation often described as ‘transcend

and include’.

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What do we mean by ‘religion’?

. . . this simple hierarchy of body, mind, and spirit was nonetheless the backbone of even the earliest

shamanic traditions, showing up as the hierarchy of earth, human, and heaven. This three-level scheme reappears in the Hindu and Buddhist notion of the

three great states of being: gross (matter and body), subtle (mind and

soul), and causal (spirit).

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The Modern Denial of Spirituality

With the rise of modernity in the West, the Great Chain of Being almost entirely


In its place was a ‘flatland’ conception of the universe as composed basically of

matter (or matter/energy), and this material universe, including material

bodies and material brains, could best be studied by science, and science alone.

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What is ‘Modernity’?

Various scholars . . . have suggested that what specifically defines modernity is

something called ‘the differentiation of the cultural value spheres,’ which

especially means the differentiation of art, morals, and science.

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“The wonderful differentiations of modernity went too far into actual

dissociation, fragmentation, alienation. Dignity became disaster.

Science became scientism—scientific materialism and scientific imperialism—

which soon became the dominant ‘official’ worldview of modernity.”

What is ‘Modernity’?

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“In the wake of modernity . . . associated with the eighteenth-century

Enlightenment and often continuing today . . .

There arose four or five major stances toward the

relation of science and religion.”

2 – A Deadly Dance

1. Science denies any validity to religion.

2. Religion denies any validity to science.

3. Science is but one of several valid modes of knowing, and thus can peacefully coexist with spiritual modes.

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“The traditional view of epistemological pluralism was given perhaps its clearest

statement by such Christian mystics as St. Boneaventure and Hugh of St. Victor: every human being has the eye of flesh, the eye of mind, and the eye of contemplation. Each of

these modes of knowing discloses its own corresponding dimension of being (gross,

subtle, and causal) . . .”

Epistemological pluralism . . .

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Thanissaro Bhikkhu :

. . . also known as Ajaan Geoff, (born 1949) is an American Theravada Bhuddhist monk of . . . the Thai forest kammatthana tradition.

• Practiced meditation under Ajaan Fuang Jotiko.

• He is abbot of the Metta Monastery in San Diego County California.

• He is recognized most notably as a highly skilled translator of the Pali Cannon and is also a prolific author.

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Goodwill Has to Be Circumspect

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Book Study & MeditationThe Marriage of Sense and Soul