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Copyright  ©  2012  by  Nik  Lemmens  

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publica@on  may  be  reproduced,  distributed,  or  transmiBed  in  any  form  or  by  any  means,  including  photocopying,  recording,  or  other  electronic  or  mechanical  methods,  without  the  prior  wriBen  permission  of  the  author,  except  in  the  case  of  brief  quota@ons  embodied  in  reviews  and  certain  other  non-­‐commercial  uses  permiBed  by  copyright  law.  For  permission  requests,  email  the  author  at:    [email protected]  (hBp://careerjourney.co.uk)

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Table  of  Contents  1.   General  Interview  Prepara7on        2.   Basic  Interview  Ques7ons  3.   Tough  Interview  Ques7ons  4.Prac7ce  5.Dress  Code  6.   Time  Keeping  7.   Engaging  Your  Interviewer/s  8.Good  Ques7ons  To  Ask  The  Interviewer  9.Closing  The  Interview  10.Follow  Up  Techniques    11.Interview  Success  Formula

3Sunday, 23 September 12

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1.  General  Interview  Prepara1onIn  terms  of  general  interview  prepara@on,  it  is  important  to  make  sure  that:

1.Your  CV  is  in  an  impressive  state;

2.You  have  done  a  large  amount  of  organisa@onal  research;  and

3.That  you  have  the  relevant  skills  for  the  role  and  valid  examples  to  showcase  these  skills.  

So,  to  firstly  address  your  CV,  it  is  crucial  that  it  stands  out  from  the  crowd.  Therefore,  do  not  download  a  basic  CV  template  online  and  just  fill  it  in,  nor  should  you  merely  edit  a  friend’s  CV.  You  must  make  your  CV  unique.

You  must  make  your  CV  relevant  to  each  job  that  you  apply  for,  making  sure  that  you  reference  skills  in  your  CV  that  are  men@oned  in  each  job  specifica@on  and  that  you  locate  your  relevant  experience  and  achievements  to  the  role,  at  the  very  top  of  your  CV.  This  process  will  take  longer,  however,  the  effort  you  make  will  be  recognised  by  poten@al  employers  and  you  are  more  likely  to  be  offered  an  interview,  than  if  you  just  send  off  the  same  generic  CV  in  every  applica@on.  

4Sunday, 23 September 12

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1.  General  Interview  Prepara1onIf  you  are  applying  for  jobs  directly  with  the  organisa@on,  instead  of  through  recruiters,  then  you  must  make  sure  that  you  have  done  your  research;  that  you  know  what  their  organisa@onal  objec@ves  and  goals  are  and  that  you  have  read  any  recent  news  ar@cles.  

Do  not  be  afraid  to  do  some  more  in  depth  research  using  social  media  plaYorms;  such  as,  LinkedIn,  Facebook,  Google+  and  TwiBer,  as  you’ll  be  able  to  be  pick  up  extremely  useful  @tbits  of  informa@on  that,  if  used  in  an  interview,  could  really  impress  your  interviewers.  

Remember  that  interviewers  are  on  your  side,  they  want  you  to  do  well  as  they  want  to  find  their  ideal  candidate.  So,  keep  this  in  mind  and  ensure  that  you  have  the  skills  that  are  needed  for  the  role  and  that  you  have  real  examples  that  you  can  use  to  showcase  how  you  have  these  skills  and  how  you  have  used  them  posi@vely  in  the  past.

5Sunday, 23 September 12

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At  the  start  of  an  interview,  the  interviewer  will  always  try  to  relax  a  candidate  first,  with  a  few  simple  ques:ons  that  generally  focus  on  the  candidates  themselves.  As  this  is  the  subject  that  candidates  know  most  about,  it  helps  to  calm  them  down  and  get  the  interview  started  on  a  posi:ve  note.  Below  are  the  top  5  basic  ques:ons  that  candidates  should  be  prepared  to  answer  in  an  interview:

Tell  me  about  yourself.  What  are  your  strengths  and  weaknesses?  Why  do  you  want  this  job?  Where  would  you  like  to  be  in  your  career  five  years  from  now?  What  aCracted  you  to  this  company?  OR  What  do  you  know  about  our  company?  

2.  Basic  Interview  Ques1ons  

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For  every  basic  interview  ques:on,  there  will  always  be  at  least  two  tough  interview  ques:ons,  so  candidates  would  do  well  to  prac:ce  answering  as  many  of  the  tougher  standard  of  ques:ons  as  possible.  Below  are  a  few  examples  of  tough  ques:ons  that  candidates  might  expect  to  be  asked  in  an  interview:What  can  you  do  for  our  company  that  someone  else  can't?  How  long  would  it  take  you  to  make  a  significant  impact  on  our  firm?  How  do  you  feel  about  having  to  do  mundane  or  repe11ve  work?    Why  are  you  leaving  your  current  employer?  If  successful  in  your  applica1on,  how  long  would  it  be  before  you  would  expect  a  pay  rise/  promo1on?  How  have  you  managed  to  aCend  this  interview  during  work  1me?    What  areas  of  this  job  appeal  to  you  the  least?  What  is  your  current  bosses’  biggest  weakness?  

If  any  of  the  above  ques:ons  make  you  feel  uncomfortable,  then  make  sure  that  you  have  a  standard  generic  answer.Some  ques:ons  are  not  all  they  seem  and  are  designed  to  see  if  you  will  be  rude  about  your  current  organisa:on  or  boss,  in  order  to  test  your  loyalty  and  professional  manner.  No  organisa:on  will  want  to  hire  someone  who  is  openly  disrespecIul  about  their  place  of  employment.  

3.  Tough  Interview  Ques1ons

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Now  you  have  an  idea  of  the  sorts  of  ques:ons  that  you  might  be  asked,  you  must  prac1ce,  prac1ce,  and  prac1ce.  

Do  not  be  embarrassed  about  doing  a  prac:ce  interview  with  a  friend  or  family  member.  AKer  all,  they  want  you  to  excel  in  the  interview  and  will  be  able  to  advise  you,  as  well  as  point  out  where  you  might  be  going  wrong  in  answering  any  of  the  ques:ons.  

They  might  also  be  able  to  remind  you  of  examples  that  you  have  forgoMen  where  you  have  shown  off  various  skills  and  achievements.  Especially  helpful  is  prac:cing  with  someone  who  has  done  some  interviewing,  so  knows  exactly  what  organisa:ons  will  be  looking  for  in  an  ideal  candidate  and  also  what  mistakes  are  common  amongst  candidates  and  can  be  avoided.  

Keep  in  mind  the  old  adage  of  ‘Prac&ce  makes  perfect’,  as  when  it  comes  to  interviews;  you  can  never  be  too  prepared.

4.  Prac1ce

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It  should  come  as  no  surprise  to  learn  that,  in  order  to  make  the  best  impression  on  poten@al  employers,  you  should  always  wear  appropriate  clothing  to  an  interview.  

It  is  generally  assumed  that  the  following  is  the  appropriate  clothing  for  a  man  to  wear  to  an  interview:

•Suit  (solid  dark  colour  –  black,  navy  or  grey)  •Long  sleeve  shirt  (usually  white  but  other  plain  colours  are  acceptable  as  they  are  coordinated  with  the  suit)  •Dark  colour  belt  •Plain  @e•Dark  socks  with  smart,  clean  dark  shoes  •Neat,  professional  haircut•Clean  shaven,  or  styled,  neat  facial  hair  •LiBle  or  no  jewellery  •PorYolio  or  a  briefcase.

5.  Dress  Code

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For  a  woman  aMending  an  interview,  it  is  generally  accepted  to  wear  the  following:

•Dark  Suit  (navy,  black  or  grey)  •If  wearing  a  skirt,  it  should  be  long  enough  to  sit  down  comfortably  without  showing  too  much  leg  •Neutral  @ghts  should  always  be  worn  when  wearing  a  skirt•Coordinated  blouse  •Conserva@ve,  smart  shoes  •Professional,  neat  hairstyle  •Neutral  make-­‐up  and  perfume  •Neatly  manicured,  clean  nails  •Limited  or  no  jewellery•PorYolio  or  a  smart  bag.

5.  Dress  Code

10Sunday, 23 September 12

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It  is  absolutely  essen@al  that  candidates  arrive  on  @me  to  an  interview.  Remember  that  this  is  the  very  first  impression  you  will  be  giving  to  your  poten@al  employer,  if  you  are  late  this  says  to  them  that  you  are  disorganised,  bad  at  @me  keeping  and  don’t  really  care  about  the  interview.  Not  a  good  start.  

To  ensure  you  are  on  @me,  follow  these  simple  steps:

•Plan  your  route  a  few  days  in  advance;•Print  out  a  hard  copy  of  the  address  of  where  the  interview  is  taking  place;•Make  sure  you  have  the  telephone  number  of  the  office  in  case  something  beyond  your  control  occurs  and  you  need  to  cancel  or  delay  the  interview;•Ensure  that  you  know  which  bus  or  tube  lines  you  must  take;•Have  a  plan  ‘B’  route  as  a  backup,  in  case  of  tube/  traffic  problems;•Have  extra  money  on  you  in  case  you  need  to  get  a  taxi;•Leave  more  than  enough  @me  to  get  to  the  interview;  being  1  hour  early  is  beBer  than  being  1  minute  late.  •Aim  to  register  at  recep@on  10-­‐15  minutes  before  the  interview  is  due  to  start

6.  Time  Keeping

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One  of  the  most  important  things  to  achieve  in  an  interview  is  engaging  your  interviewer.  This  is  not  always  easy;  however,  there  are  a  number  of  pointers  that  you  should  take  on  board  that  can  help  you:

Research  your  interviewer  -­‐  before  the  interview  you  can  search  for  the  person  interviewing  you  online,  in  places  such  as  LinkedIn,  where  you  might  be  able  to  see  what  their  hobbies  and  interests  are.  It  can  then  do  no  harm  if  you  just  ‘happen’  to  men:on  something  of  interest  in  the  interview  to  get  their  full  aMen:on.    Eye  contact  –  looking  your  interviewer  directly  in  the  eyes  when  they  are  asking  you  a  ques:on  communicates  interest  and  is  an  absolute  must,  as  is  maintaining  the  eye  contact  when  you  are  providing  answers,  as  this  communicates  honesty.    Tell  a  story  –  you  need  to  cap:vate  your  interviewer,  so  make  sure  you  are  animated  when  speaking  and  try  to  tell  a  story  when  you  are  answering  their  ques:ons,  so  that  they  are  eager  to  hear  more.    Don’t  lecture  -­‐–  on  the  flip  side  to  the  above  point,  you  need  to  make  sure  you  do  not  drone  on  and  on  when  speaking,  as  this  will  only  bore  your  interviewer  and  you  will  not  make  a  good  impression.    

7.  Engaging  Your  Interviewer/s

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• How  would  you  describe  the  responsibili1es  of  the  posi1on?  

• How  would  you  describe  a  typical  day  in  this  role?  

• Who  does  this  role  report  to?  If  I  am  offered  the  posi1on,  can  I  meet  him/her?  

 • How  much  travel  is  expected?  

• What  is  the  typical  working  week?  

• What  are  the  prospects  for  growth  and  development?  

• What  do  you  like  about  working  here?  

• If  I  am  offered  the  job,  how  soon  would  you  like  me  to  start?  

• When  can  I  expect  to  hear  from  you?  

If  you  are  a  bit  more  daring:

•  When  can  I  start?

8.  Good  Ques1ons  To  Ask  The  Interviewer

13Sunday, 23 September 12

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An  interview  should  be  thought  of  as  a  sales  process,  in  that  you  are  ‘selling’  yourself  in  order  to  be  given  the  job.  With  this  in  mind,  you  should  work  on  “closing”  the  interview  in  the  right  manner,  as  you  would  a  sale.  

1.Before  you  leave,  ask  if  there  is  anything  else  that  you  can  provide,  e.g.  references,  background  informa@on,  a  porYolio.  

2.At  the  end  of  the  interview,  re-­‐emphasise  your  interest  in  the  posi@on.  Make  sure  you  sound  energe@c  and  interested  and  restate  the  value  that  you  can  bring  to  the  job.  

3.Enquire  about  the  next  step  in  the  interview  process,  e.g.  when  can  you  expect  to  hear  their  decision.  

9.  Closing  The  Interview

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www.careerjourney.co.uk | [email protected] | +44 (0) 1279 21 64 80

The  hard  work  does  not  finish  once  the  interview  is  over.  You  must  make  sure  that  you  are  remembered  and  at  the  forefront  of  the  interviewer’s  mind  for  the  days  aier  the  interview.  The  following  steps  will  provide  you  with  recommended  interview  follow  up  techniques  that  can  help  you  to  achieve  this:

Thank  You  LeCer/  Email  –  wri:ng  to  your  interviewers  to  thank  them  for  taking  the  :me  to  interview  you  is  not  a  requirement  but  it  is  looked  upon  with  posi:vity  and  will  certainly  give  a  great  impression.  Be  sure  to  reference  and  thank  everyone  that  was  in  the  interview  with  you.    Timing  –  make  sure  that  you  send  the  thank  you  leMer  or  email  within  twenty  four  hours  of  being  interviewed.    Length  –  it  is  best  to  keep  the  leMer/email  at  only  two  paragraphs;  the  first  to  express  your  thanks  and  reference  anything  specific  that  was  discussed  in  the  interview  and  the  second  to  clarify  why  you  want  the  job  and  think  you’re  the  ideal  candidate.    Chasing  –  if  you  have  not  heard  anything  about  whether  you  have  been  successful  in  your  applica:on  within  a  week  or  so,  it  is  generally  accepted  to  send  another  email  to  the  organisa:on  or  simply  call  in  to  find  out  what  the  latest  status  is.  Make  sure  you  enquire  politely  and  double  check  the  contact  details  that  they  have  for  you.  

10.  Follow  Up  Techniques  

15Sunday, 23 September 12

Page 16: PowerPoint Presentationcareerjourney.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Interview-Guide.pdf · Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Nik Lemmens Created Date: 9/23/2012 8:20:53 AM

www.careerjourney.co.uk | [email protected] | +44 (0) 1279 21 64 80

Interviews can be very stressful. Being well prepared is the key to success.

Over the last two years we have been working hard to put together a simple and effective formula to help you pass interviews. The eBook recently got published on Amazon kindle and has received amazing reviews.

Here are some of the highlights:

“Much Needed Today”“Great and Valuable Guide”

“You CAN Get The Job!”“This  book  shares  @ps  to  winning  jobs  using  your  strengths”

The  book  is  available  now  on  amazon.com  and  amazon.co.uk

The  e-­‐Book  also  comes  with  handy  templates  which  you  can  download  from  our  website.  

Click  here  to  get  your  INTERVIEW  SUCCESS  FORMULA  now!

11.  Interview  Success  Formula

16Sunday, 23 September 12

Page 17: PowerPoint Presentationcareerjourney.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Interview-Guide.pdf · Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Nik Lemmens Created Date: 9/23/2012 8:20:53 AM

www.careerjourney.co.uk | [email protected] | +44 (0) 1279 21 64 80

Final  Words

Interviews can be very stressful. Being well prepared is the key to success and with our e-Book we think you should be able to succeed. However some people prefer a more personal approach.

Interview  coaching  can  help  you  over  the  last  hurdle  in  obtaining  that  all  important  job.

Our  coaching  program  includes:

•Curriculum  Vitae  review•Job  descrip:on  assessment•How  to  conduct  research•Confidence  building•Selling  your  strengths•Ques:on  and  answer  prepara:on•Succeeding  at  competency  based  interviews

The  Program  is  spread  over  4  hours  of  telephone  coaching.  These  can  be  4  one-­‐hour  calls  or  they  can  be  bundled  to  suit  your  needs.

The  interview  coaching  program  is  geared  towards  people  who  have  failed  previous  interviews,  lack  confidence  or  want  to  land  that  next  job  as  soon  as  possible.

Best  of  luck  and  if  this  guide  has  helped  you  feel  free  to  email  us  your  story.  We  might  even  publish  it  on  our  blog.

email:  [email protected]

17Sunday, 23 September 12