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February 2015 Powered By The Reader’s Edition Carbohydrate Periodization By: Luke Harris Burn Fat, Build Muscle? By: Brad Dieter, PhD Meeting of the Minds Brad Dieter, Joakim Adzievski, Filipe Teixeira Glutamine: Good for Muscle, or Good for the Gut? Brad Dieter

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February 2015

Powered By

The Reader’s Edition

Carbohydrate PeriodizationBy: Luke Harris

Burn Fat, Build Muscle?By: Brad Dieter, PhD

Meeting of the MindsBrad Dieter, Joakim Adzievski, Filipe Teixeira

Glutamine: Good for Muscle, or Good for the Gut?Brad Dieter

Driven By ScienceGuided By Evidence

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Industry, to Deliver you Evidence-Based Nutrition Information



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Carbohydrate periodization

Meeting of the Minds

Burn Fat, Build Muscle

Main Articles

DepartmentsLetter from the Editor





Glutamine: Gut or Muscles? 35

Letter From the Editor

This edition of Science Driven Nutrition is

unusual. We had several articles slated to go

out but decided to run with something

intriguing that happened. You will find a large

section of this edition is a conversation

between a reader, myself, and another


There is a very important reason for the

lengthy discussion put forth in this issue, it

shows the importance of scientific discourse

and having conversations in which we leave our

biases at the door and are open to view points

that run orthogonal to our own.

I hope that you find the discussion

enlightening, productive, and civil as I believe it

was. I learned a lot from the discussion so I

figured it would be valuable to all of you!

In this issue we also have a really interesting

piece from Luke Harris, a reader of Science Driven

Nutrition. I was introduced to Luke through a

mutual friend and he proposed a really

interesting topic for the February issue,

carbohydrate periodization. I was unsure of what

exactly he meant by that, and curiosity got me so

I told him to take it and run with it. What we got

from Luke was a masterfully written article on a

pretty controversial topic, it is to date my favorite

piece in Science Driven Nutrition.

The quality of the readers (you) continues

to impress me. You are engaging, thoughtful,

and force me to grow and evolve, I am

sincerely thankful for that. So cheers to you,

the reader!

Brad Dieter, Director and Editor-in-Chief.

P.S. Next month’s issue is already lined up

and it is also going to be quite spectacular!


A tool for cyclists and other endurance athletes?

ince the gain in popularity of low

carbohydrate and ketogenic diets and other

trends that limit carbohydrate intake, many

athletes and performance driven individuals

have been manipulating their diet and

adopting a to low carbohydrate (CHO) diet.

These athletes are in the search of better

health, body composition changes, or

performance benefits. In a country where

diabetes will affect more than half of the

population by 2020, CHO are a

macronutrient that is more of a concern for

Americans than it’s ever been. In the realm

of sports nutrition, the role of CHO has

been well documented, and the role that

glycogen plays in endurance exercise has

also been well established.

It is now known that glycogen depletion

negatively impacts endurance exercise

performance, while glycogen content for

resistance exercise is less clear. For the

purposes of this article, let’s try to focus our

discussion on endurance exercise- though

that still includes high intensity work in the

form of HIT.

Carbohydrate manipulation for sports

has long been a tradition in endurance

sports, with carbo-loading a commonly

known term. Researchers, athletes and

coaches have been looking into ‘fat

adapting’ athletes for a long time (1985-

2005) in order to decrease glycogen

utilization, increase fatty acid oxidation and

improve performance. We know that a

habitually adapted athlete to a high CHO

diet will in turn utilize a higher percent of

CHO for fuel during exercise [1], when

compared to a fat adapted athlete.



Thus, there is a theory behind a potential

performance enhancement when an athlete

adapts a low CHO, high-fat (LCHF) diet. This

will then allow a fat adapted athlete to have

a nearly unlimited resource of energy

derived from fat (triglycerides) stores due to

the augmented and sensitized fatty acid

enzymes. If we train our bodies to need

CHO less, the hope is that we will not

limited by their depletion during exercise.

Thus far, very few studies have shown

that a LCHF will effectively improve

performance. A summary below

demonstrates what we know about LCHF

diets and some important physiological

changes that happen when glycogen is low:

• Low-glycogen availability causes a shift in

substrate metabolism, both during and

after exercise. It also induces an increase in

systemic release of amino acids and

increases fat oxidation – causing a drop in

exercise intensity and a rise in perceived

effort – important considerations for

athletes. [2]

•Expression of genes that stimulate fat

catabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis

are promoted – causing an improvement in

oxidative capacity and a rise in fat oxidation

at rest and during exercise by up to 3x. [3]

•It takes as few as 5 days to ‘retool’ muscles to

increase fat oxidation and reduce CHO oxidation


•Adaption or ‘retooling’ occurs by way of

changes in concentrations or activity of proteins

or metabolites that regulate fatty acid

availability (transport, storage, oxidation) and a

decrease in dependency on glucose for fuel [5].

•Because of this ‘retooling’, the ability to utilize

glycogen is severely limited – leading to a

reduction in CHO oxidation. Proponents

consider this a ‘sparing effect’, while critics may

consider it an ‘impairment effect’. This is in part

due to the down regulation of PDH, showing a

decrease in metabolic flexibility. [12]

•It is unknown how long it takes in the face of

increased CHO availability to wash out the

‘retooling’ effects of a LCHF diet – though we

know they persist in the face of at least 36

hours of aggressive CHO loading and


There is little in the research to indicate the

LCHF diets are beneficial to endurance

performance, though studies have shown very

mixed results. In general, only submaximal/low

intensity exercise was benefited- and even

those findings were mixed [6].



Training Status LCHF adaption









trained cyclists

n=7 F


7 days

LCHF = 1.2g/kg

bw CHO

HC = 6.4 g/kg bw


Cycling TTE at

80% VO2max

3-4 h after meal,

no CHO intake

during exercise

No, TTE reduced




N=5 M


14 days


HC= 74% E CHO

Cycling 30s

wingate test +

TTE @ 90%

VO2max + TTE @

60% VO2max


+ no CHO intake

during exercise

No: high intensity


Yes: Submaximal

by 87%



n=16 M


14 days

LCHF = 17% E


HC= 74% E CHO

Cycling 150 min

at 70% VO2max +

40 km TT


measured day

0,5,10 and 15

MCT intake 1.5 h

before event


MCT and CHO (.8

g/kg/h) during



TT Performance

increased in both

groups, but no


Adaptions of high

fat diet were

found by day 5.



N=7 M


14 days

LCHF = 2.4g/kg

bm CHO

HC= 8.6g/kg bm


Cycling 5h

including 15 min

TT + 100 km TT

LCHF = high fat

pre-event meal

HC = high CHO

pre-event meal

Both = 0.8 g/kg/h

CHO during

Yes: Submaximal

No: Higher


Small NS


between groups.



N=11 M


5 weeks

LCHF = 3.6g/kg

bm CHO

HC = 6.9g/kg bm


Cycling 40 min


protocol + 20 min

TT @ 89% VO2


Running 21km TT

(another day)

LCHF = high fat

pre-event meal

HC = high CHO

pre-event meal

No data on 21km

TT run



work output was

similar among

treatments. No

difference in run


BM body mass, CHO carbohydrate, E energy F female, HC high-carbohydrate diet, LCHF low-

carbohydrate high-fat diet, M male, MCT medium chain triglyceride, NS not significant, TT time trial,

TTE time to exhaustion, VO2 max maximal oxygen uptake

Regardless of the lack of immediate

benefits – the muscle ‘retooling’ effects of a

LCHF diet are very intriguing and have lead

many, including myself to consider what the

results would be once CHO are

reintroduced in the diet of the LCHF athlete.

This might mean that we introduce CHO for

days leading up to competition day, shorter

duration < 3 days, or only during exercise.

To the rightare the findings of the majority

of current research behind the hypothesis

of ‘training low, competing high’:

It would appear that there are no clear

benefits of adapting an athlete to a LCHF

diet and then flooding the system with

available CHO to improve performance. It is

very important to mention that with all the

studies cited up to this point there are

limitations. Varying dietary protocols,

exercise prescription, statistical crunching,

and training levels of the subjects. Though

as the number of interventions and

adaptions increase, the likelihood that

individual variation in underlying factors

such as insulin sensitivity, cellular level

adaptions, hormonal and cognitive

influencers, and even daily life stresses and

activities will undermine the validity of the

study’s results.

So what’s the point of discussing this? A

recent study by Marquet LA, et al. called

Enhanced Endurance Performance by

Periodization of CHO Intake: "Sleep Low"

Strategy peaked my interest in this topic once

again and lends valid consideration that

CHO/glycogen manipulation in accordance with

training may work under certain training and

timing conditions. This study is summarized


• 21 triathletes were split into two groups for 3

weeks- a ‘sleep low’ group and a control group.

• Both groups consumed 6g/kg/day CHO, but

with different timing to manipulate availability

during training sessions.

• The ‘sleep low’ group performed interval

training sessions (HIT) in the evening with high-

CHO availability, and then were restricted of

CHO overnight (‘sleeping low’), and then

performed ‘train-low’ sessions with low

endogenous and exogenous CHO availability.

• The control group undertook the same

training protocol, but without CHO restriction

and with high CHO availability for all training


• The sleep low treatment significantly

improved TTE at 150% of aerobic peak power

and 10km running performance. Fat mass was

also decreased to a larger extent in the sleep

low treatment while muscle mass was not. [20]



Training Status LCHF protocol CHO restoration Performance








N=8 M


5 days LCHF


LCHF = 2.5g/kg

bm CHO

HC = 9.6 g/kg bm


1 day rest + high

CHO 10g/kg bm

Cycling 120min @

70% VO2 max +

30min TT

Fasted + no CHO

intake during

Varied between

individuals. NS


between trials in

TT, though an 8%

enhancement with

LCHF trial

Well-trained cyclists

and triathletes

N=8 M


5 days LCHF


LCHF = 2.5g/kg

bm CHO

HC= 9.3g/kg bm


1 day rest + high

CHO 10g/kg bm

Cycling 120min @

70% VO2 max +

30 min TT

CHO intake 2 h

before exercise

(2g/kg bm) and

during (0.8g/kg/h)


NS differences

between trials.

Highly-trained cyclists

and triathletes

N=7 M


6 days LCHF


LCHF = 2.5g/kg

bm CHO

HC = 11g/kg bm


1 day rest + high

CHO 11g/kg bm

Cycling 240 min @

65% VO2 max + 60

min TT

CHO intake

before exercise

(3g/kg bm)

and during (1.3


No difference

between trials, but

possible TT

enhancement with

LCHF adapt (4%)

Highly-trained cyclists

and triathletes

N=7 M


5 days LCHF


LCHF = 2.5g/kg

bm CHO

HC= 11g/kg bm


1 day rest + high

CHO 11g/kg bm

Cycling 240min @

65% VO2 max + 60

min TT

CHO intake

before exercise

(3g/kg bm)

and during (1.3


No difference

Trained cyclists and


N=5 M


10 days LCHF


LCHF = 1.6 g/kg

bm CHO

HC = 5.8 g/kg bm


3 days high CHO

7g/kg bm + 1 day


Cycling 150min at

70% VO2max +

20km TT

MCT intake 1 hr

before event

(14g) & CHO

during (0.8



4% enhancement

with LCHF adapt

Well-trained cyclists

N=7 M


11.5 days LCHF


LCHF = 2.4g/kg

bm CHO

HC = 8.6g/kg bm


2.5 days high CHO

6.8 g/kg bm

Cycling 5-hr

protocol with 15-

min TT + 100km


HC = High CHO

pre-exercise meal

Both = 0.8 g/kg/h

CHO during


Maybe for


exercise, small NS

benefit in 100-km


Well-trained cyclists

N=8 M


6 days LCHF


LCHF = 1.8g/kg

bm CHO

HC = 7.5g/kg bm


1 day rest + high


8-10 g/kg bm

Cycling 100km TT

including 4x4-km

sprints + 5x1-km


CHO consumption

during ride.

No, NS differences

between TT and

4km sprints.


reduction in

power for 1-km

sprints in LCHF


This study is important because it used a

novel approach to CHO manipulation and

showed significant performance benefits. It

sheds some light on the possible protocols

to ‘retool’ muscles for fat adaption without

compromising high intensity performance,

while working them into a program that

utilizes both exercise intensities. It shines

light on the gray area of CHO manipulation.

In this study, over-all CHO intake is not

limited, only the timing is changed. Athletes

were also completing all high-intensity work

with high CHO availability. However, this

study utilizes both exercise intensities on

the same day – not necessarily a common

practice amongst most athletes or cyclists –

though more common among triathletes,

track cyclists, and professional athletes. It

would be interesting to see this study

undertaken on a more macro-scale –

restricting CHO during training periods of

prolonged submaximal exercise, and

ensuring high CHO availability during the

‘peak’ or times when mostly high intensity

exercise is performed.

Consider periodization in the role of program

creation for athlete’s in terms of strength or

endurance training. All coaches will tell you

that it is important in order to elicit training

adaptions. Why shouldn’t nutrition

periodization beyond caloric totals and timing

of macronutrients be implemented in

accordance with training under the supervision

of a sports nutritionist? The research doesn’t

indicate a clear path towards how this will

happen, and more research certainly needs to

be done in the area – but the idea is an

interesting one.

Why should a cyclist who’s clocking in 25+

hours of training in a week at very low

intensities be consuming roughly the same diet

(besides caloric content) of when they are

training at other intensities, durations, and

frequencies later in the season? No study has

been done where cyclists consume a LCHF diet

over their ‘base’ period where all exercise is

done at sub-maximal intensities, and then

switched to a high-CHO diet once they

commence higher-intensity training. Based off

studies done and an understanding of the

underlying mechanisms, this could be of

benefit to athletes


In a more acute sense, in regards to the

previously mentioned study, some cyclists

(or any other athlete who partakes in both

aerobic and high intensity exercise) could

benefit from manipulating CHO intake

between sessions.

Too often in the realm of nutrition are

things stated in black and white. We as

humans like to compartmentalize overly-

complex processes and make them easier

to understand and adhere to- and we often

like to think about diets in black and white

terms. It is important that research, as well

as the field, attempts to bridge this

understanding in the body’s adaptions to

low CHO availability, and how to implement

it without raising the fatigue levels of

athletes to a compromising degree. Training

‘low’ has many implications for fatigue and

therefore requires careful treading. It is

also abundantly clear that a lack of CHO is

detrimental to high intensity performance.

As a sports nutritionist, I think it’s important

that we continue to advance our field and

not settle for blanket dietary

recommendations regardless of

interpersonal, lifestyle and environmental

differences for athletes.

With the advancement of personalized

testing for nutritional, enzymatic, and

hormonal inadequacies – this change is

already taking place. I believe it is possible,

with further research and field work that

we can use these tests in the future to

make evidence-based nutrition programs

utilizing micro and macro periodization of

CHO intake for athletes in order to improve

their performance, and ultimately hit their

peak when they need to – rather than

searching for a yearlong dietary strategy

that will improve performance all year long.

Author Bio

Luke Harris is the founder and owner of

Enclave Performance Nutrition in Portland,

Oregon. He is a recent transplant from

Colorado, where he studied nutrition at

Colorado State University at the

undergraduate and graduate level. Luke is a

certified sports nutritionist with the ISSN, a

certified strength and conditioning

specialist, and CF-L1 coach who works with

CrossFit athletes, weight lifters, and cyclists

to improve their performance, body

composition, and health.



1. Cox GR, Clark SA, Cox AJ, Halson SL, Hargreaves M, Hawley JA, et al. Daily training with high carbohydrate availability increases exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during endurance cycling. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2010;109:126–134. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00950.2009.

2. Blomstrand E, Saltin B. Effect of muscle glycogen on glucose, lactate and amino acid metabolism during exercise and recovery in human subjects. J Physiol. 1999;514(Pt 1):293–302. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7793.1999.293af.x. [

3. Bartlett JD, Hawley JA, Morton JP. Carbohydrate availability and exercise training adaptation: Too much of a good thing? Eur J Sport Sci. 2015;15:3–12. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2014.920926.

4. Goedecke JH, Christie C, Wilson G, et al. Metabolic adaptations to a high-fat diet in endurance cyclists. Metabolism. 1999;48:1509–1517. doi: 10.1016/S0026-0495(99)90238-X.

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6. Burke LM. Re-Examining High-Fat Diets for Sports Performance: Did We Call the ‘Nail in the Coffin’ Too Soon? Sports Med. 2015; 45(Suppl 1): 33–49. Published online 2015 Nov 9. doi: 10.1007/s40279-015-0393-9 PMCID: PMC4672014

7. O’Keeffe KA, Keith RE, Wilson GD, et al. Dietary carbohydrate intake and endurance exercise performance of trained female cyclists. Nutr Res. 1989;9:819–830. doi: 10.1016/S0271-5317(89)80027-2.

8. Lambert EV, Speechly DP, Dennis SC, et al. Enhanced endurance in trained cyclists during moderate intensity exercise following 2 weeks adaptation to a high fat diet. Eur J Appl Physiol. 1994;69:287–293. doi: 10.1007/BF00392032.

9. Goedecke JH, Christie C, Wilson G, et al. Metabolic adaptations to a high-fat diet in endurance cyclists. Metabolism. 1999;48:1509–1517. doi: 10.1016/S0026-0495(99)90238-X.

10. Rowlands DS, Hopkins WG. Effects of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets on metabolism and performance in cycling. Metabolism. 2002;51:678–690. doi: 10.1053/meta.2002.32723.

11. Vogt M, Puntschart A, Howald H, et al. Effects of dietary fat on muscle substrates, metabolism, and performance in athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35:952–960. doi: 10.1249/01.MSS.0000069336.30649.BD.

12. Stellingwerff T, Spriet LL, Watt MJ, et al. Decreased PDH activation and glycogenolysisduring exercise following fat adaptation with carbohydrate restoration. Am J Physiol. 2006;290:E380–E388.

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14. Burke LM, Hawley JA, Angus DJ, et al. Adaptations to short-term high-fat diet persist during exercise despite high carbohydrate availability. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002;34:83–91. doi: 10.1097/00005768-200201000-00014.

15. Carey AL, Staudacher HM, Cummings NK, et al. Effects of fat adaptation and carbohydrate restoration on prolonged endurance exercise. J Appl Physiol. 2001;91:115–122.

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17. Lambert EV, Goedecke JH, Van Zyl CG, et al. High-fat versus habitual diet prior to carbohydrate loading: effects on exercise metabolism and cycling performance. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2001;11:209–225.

18. Rowlands DS, Hopkins WG. Effects of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets on metabolism and performance in cycling. Metabolism. 2002;51:678–690. doi: 10.1053/meta.2002.32723.

19. Havemann L, West S, Goedecke JH, et al. Fat adaptation followed by carbohydrate-loading compromises high-intensity sprint performance. J Appl Physiol. 2006;100:194–202. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00813.2005.

20. Marquet LA, et al. Enhanced Endurance Performance by Periodization of CHO Intake: "Sleep Low" Strategy. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print]



Editorial note: the following email has been edited. It

was edited only to correct grammatical mistakes and no

content has been changed. Additionally, the reader has

agreed to have our discussion made available as this is

an excellent example of discourse in which differences in

data interpretation and clarification can make a

thought process better and more coherent.

Readers Comment (Joakim)

Got the free November issue of Science

Driven Nutrition. Have just read one article

yet, but found a couple of, what I believe,

faulty interpretations of the science. I’m

completely open to that I myself can have

interpreted it incorrectly (I am not a

researcher), but maybe you could shed some

light here.

It is regarding the article, “Is nitrogen spiking a

joke” by Filipe Teixeira.

The first is regarding the statement

”Although adding leucine to a suboptimal dose

of whey enhances muscle protein synthesis

(MPS) to the same extent as 25g of whey at

rest, only whey can enhance MPS post-

exercise [31].”

I read the referenced article and my

interpretation is that leucine increased MPS

similar to whey in the first hour whereas

whey where the only protocol that were

able to sustain MPS for longer periods of

time (3-5h) (the faster uptake and peak for

EAA compared to whey is no news, and

does not mean that EAA is ineffective post-


Below is some excerpts for the article

backing up my claims:

”MPS were increased above FAST over 1–3

h post-exercise recovery (P = 0.001; EAA-

LEU = 0.069 ± 0.012; LEU = 0.068 ± 0.014;

WHEY = 0.064 ± 0.007). However, the rates

of MPS remained increased above FAST at

3–5h exercise recovery only after ingestion

of WHEY versus LEU and EAA-LEU (EAA-LEU

= 0.050 ± 0.005; LEU = 0.048 ± 0.012; WHEY

= 0.088 ± 0.010; Fig. 3B).”

”In this study we report that a dose of whey

protein, previously shown to be less than

maximally effective for stimulating muscle

protein synthesis after resistance exercise

(Moore et al. 2009a), supplemented with

leucine (LEU) resulted in an early (1–3 h

post-exercise recovery) increase in both FED

and EX-FED rates of MPS equal to that seen

following ingestion of 25 g of whey protein


”However, despite similar early responses of

MPS, EX-FED rates over 3–5 h were only sustained

following WHEY, whereas EX-FED rates of MPS in

both LEU and EAA-LEU had decreased to values

not significantly different from FAST.”

Frankly, it seems like he just read the part

above the abstract named “key points” and not

the entire article.

The second thing in the SDN article I reacted to

was: ”Adulteration with amino acids probably

does not pose a risk to consumer’s health,

however it defrauds costumers both financially

and physiologically, since consuming free amino

acids does not have the same effect than whey

protein on MPS [39].”

I think this statement misrepresent the body of

research regarding protein and amino acids when

it relates to MPS. The study referenced compared

15g of whey and its constituent EAA content

amounting to only 6.72g of amino acids. And since

the dose was ingested in a fasted state, after an

overnight fast, adding the fact that whey is not

free form amino acids and thus requires more

time for uptake, I think it is no wonder that the

group consuming twice the amount of more

slowly digested protein showed a more positive

protein balance.

The authors of the referenced study even

note that in a previous study they found that

ingestion of 15 of EAA promotes muscle protein

accrual more so than 15 of whey, clearly

showing, I believe, that its more so the amount

and essentiality of the amino acids that makes

the difference, and not that EAA is simply less

effective than whey, regardless, that Teixeira

seems to claim.

Article quote to back this: ”These findings

may appear to differ from our previous findings

in the elderly that ingestion of 15g of EAA

promotes muscle protein accrual [8], and that

the response following ingestion of 15 g of EAA

is greater than that following ingestion of 15g of

whey protein [14]. These apparent discrepancies

are likely explained by the total EAA content of

the mixtures (15 g vs 6.72 in the present study).”

Once again it seems like barely the abstract

was read and that the body of research was not

taken into consideration. Teixeira does however

partly disclaim this statement with, “However,

more recent research in older women shows

equivocal results in this subject matter [41].”

But I think the first part of that paragraph is

misleading should not have been there in the

first place, just adding confusion.



I’m not claiming that I am even close to fully

proficient in interpreting science, so I’m open to

the fact that I myself have done some


Response from the Editor (Brad Dieter)

I thank you for the insightful comments and

thorough read of the supporting literature in

the article presented in the November issue. As

the editor I try to review every article

thoroughly but will admit that I do not have

time to read every single reference in every

single article to confirm every statement. I

appreciate your thoroughness and bringing this

point to my attention I think this serves as an

excellent place to begin a discussion regarding

this topic

After a thorough read of the referenced

paper I find that Filipe’s statement that, “only

whey can enhance MPS post-exercise” holds

true. When you look at the Figure 3 please

compare the data in panel A showing the effect

of Leucine and Whey on FSR in a purely fed

state (no exercise) and in panel B showing the

effect of leucine and whey (shown below for

ease of reading). Upon examination you will

notice that 1-3 hours post feeding shows an

increase in FSR for both whey and leucine in a

non-exercise and an exercise state.

This suggests that there is no effect of

exercise on whey or leucine induced FSR

between 1-3 hours in this cohort. When we

examine the data at 3-5 hours there is

increased FSR in only the whey group, not

the leucine group. Also compare the

amounts between the leucine in the

exercised and non-exercised state, they

both appear to be around 0.068 in the non-

exercised group at 1-3h and 0.068 in the

exercised group. So my interpretation is

that leucine induced FSR similarly between

exercised and non-exercised states,

whereas the whey group showed increased

FSR at 3-5 hours in only the exercise group.

This suggests that at the dose of leucine

given (~3.0g), there is no real difference in

FSR in an exercised and non-exercised state.

In the whey group there was enhanced FSR

in the exercised group, thus I feel his

interpretation, “Although adding leucine to

a suboptimal dose of whey enhances

muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to the same

extent as 25g of whey at rest, only whey

can enhance MPS post-exercise.” is indeed



Data referenced from Churchward-Venne et al. 2012 J Physiol


I believe you make some excellent points

in regards to the specificity of which Filipe

mentions free amino acids and better care

could have been taken in that sentence.

Indeed, it appears that free-form essential

amino acids can induce greater accrual of

muscle protein than whey in an elderly

population of individuals as noted in the

study by Paddon-Jones and colleagues

(Paddon-Jones et al., 2006). However, to

date, no studies (that I am aware of) show

that non-essential amino acids are a large

contributor to muscle protein synthesis. For

example, Volpi and showed that 18 grams

of amino acids lead to similar increases in

FSR as 18 grams of essential amino acids +

22g of amino acids, indicating that while

essential amino acids account for virtually

the entirety of amino acid induced muscle

protein synthesis (Volpi et al., 2003).*

This brings us to the point at hand. Your

comment of “I think this statement

misrepresents the body of research

regarding protein and aminoacids when it

relates to MPS”.

A slight change of a word or two in that

sentence (will rectify at the end of this

paragraph) should clear up the confusion,

also remember the context of the

statement as I do believe the context of

that statement is important and can

illuminate the message that sentence

(while not written as clear as possible)

meant to send. The article, “Is Nitrogen

Spiking a Joke” discusses primarily using

non-essential amino acids such as glycine

and taurine, along with arginine to increase

nitrogen content.

Would altering the sentence to read,

“Adulteration with non-essential amino

acids probably does not pose a risk to

consumer’s health, however it defrauds

costumers both financially and

physiologically, since consuming non-

essential free amino acids does not have

the same effect as whey protein on MPS”

alleviate your concerns regarding the

representation of the literature?


Also, as a note of decorum, when bringing

issues to light in a discussion aimed at

forwarding knowledge and fostering

understanding, ad hominem ought to be

avoided, especially when they are

assumptions. Claiming an author only read

the abstract distracts from the conversation

in a mud-throwing manner.

*The use of sedentary, non-exercising

participants helps elucidate the direct role

of exercise-independent effects of specific

amino acids on muscle protein synthesis.


Paddon-Jones D, Sheffield-Moore M,

Katsanos CS, Zhang XJ, Wolfe RR: 2006.

Differential stimulation of muscle protein

synthesis in elderly humans following

isocaloric ingestion of amino acids or whey

protein. Experimental gerontology 41:215-


Volpi E, Kobayashi H, Sheffield-Moore M,

Mittendorfer B, Wolfe RR: 2003. Essential

amino acids are primarily responsible for

the amino acid stimulation of muscle

protein anabolism in healthy elderly adults.

The American journal of clinical nutrition


Response from the Author (Filipe Teixeira)

I feel the editor fully addressed the first

issue raise so I shall focus my attention on

the second issue.

Editorial Note: I have taken the liberty of

putting the reader’s comments in bold and

the author’s response in normal type.

First we need to address the claim that,

“adding the fact that whey is not free form

amino acids and thus requires more time

for uptake”.

In fact whey is mainly absorbed in di and

tripeptide form through PEPT1 transporters

in the gut. These are high capacity

transporters that can further allow the

hydrolysis e di and tripeptide inside the

enterocyte (a small part passes intact since

di and tripeptides are found in circulation)

(Grimble et al. 1986, Lis et al. 1971,

Gromova and Gruzdkov 2003). Peptides are

responsible for over 60 % of the absorption

of amino acids while free amino acids are

only responsible for ≈40 % (Grimble et al.

1987, Zaloga et al.).


Assuming that whey is digested at a slower

rate than free amino acids is wishful thinking

and is debatable at least. This is not an

argument to dismiss the work made by

Katsanos et al.

The authors of the referenced study even

notes that in a previous study they found that

ingestion of 15 of EAA promotes muscle

protein accrual more so than 15 of whey,

clearly showing, i believe, that its more so the

amount and essentiality of the aminoacids that

makes the difference, and not that EAA is

simply less effective than whey, regardless,

that Teixeira seems to claim. What I seem to

claim is the interpretation of the reader. The

mentioned study showing that 15 g of EAA

promotes muscle protein accrual more than 15

g of whey has limitations that the reader

seems to have missed… So I have to state that

the interpretation of the research quoted is

faulty indeed but from the reader’s side. I

would suggest the reader to read the review

below from Hulmi et al :

It pretty much wraps all the whole discussion,

since it quotes both studies cited by the

reader (excerpt below for ease of reading).

“As alluded to previously, the effects of

whey on muscle adaptations may not be solely

dependent upon its EAA concentration. A

study that may confuse that argument was

one in which the consumption of 15 g of EAA

almost doubled the muscle protein balance in

elderly subjects, compared to consuming

whey [118]. Of note, however, the subjects

consumed isocaloric amounts of either EAA or

whey, and thus the whey trial consisted of

~50% less EAA. From this study, it would

appear that whey may be energetically less

efficient than consumption of its constituent

EAA for increasing muscle protein balance, at

least for elderly individuals, as its constituent

non-essential amino acids do not seem to be

as important in enhancing protein

balance/synthesis [3,108,109].

Contrastingly, acute whey PRO ingestion

(15 g), under resting conditions and in

elderly men and women, resulted in greater

muscle protein balance than consumption

of its constituent EAAs (6.72 g) or non-

essential amino acids (7.57 g) [10]. This

result may suggest that something other

than EAAs within whey are important for

muscle hypertrophy. For example, it is

possible that via the PEPT-1 cotransporters'

high capacity, low specificity rate of

transport, and an apparent increased

transport affinity for L-valine bound

peptides, that the bound form of an EAA

may be more efficiently utilized than when

delivered in its free-form [119]. Similarly,

new discoveries continue to surface

regarding bioactive peptides present within

dairy, and specifically in whey that may

facilitate improved recovery and

antioxidative capacity to support

physiological adaptations to exercise

[104].However, possible long term

superiority of whey compared to its

constituent amino acids (all, or just its

EAAs) is not known.”



Grimble GK, Silk DB. The optimum form of

dietary nitrogen in gastrointestinal disease:

proteins, peptides or amino acids?

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft

fur Innere Medizin 1986; 92: 674-685.

Grimble GK, Rees RG, Keohane PP, Cartwright T, Desreumaux M, Silk DB. Effect of peptide chain length on absorption of egg protein hydrolysates in the normal human jejunum. Gastroenterology. 1987 Jan;92(1):136–42.

Gromova LV, Gruzdkov AA. [Kinetic analysis of glycine and glycylglycine absorption in rat small intestine in chronic experiment]. Rossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni IM Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk2003; 89: 173-183.

Hulmi JJ, Lockwood CM, Stout JR. Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A case for whey protein. Nutrition & Metabolism. 2010;7:51. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-7-51.

M.T. Lis, R.F. Crampton, D.M. Matthews, Rates of absorption of a dipeptide and the equivalent free amino acid in various mammalian species, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Volume 233, Issue 2, 1971, Pages 453-455, ISSN 0005-2736, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0005-2736(71)90342-7.


Zaloga GP, Siddiqui RA. Biologically active dietary peptides. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2004 Oct;4(8):815–21.

Reader’s Response to Editor and Author’s


Again, below is edited solely for

grammar, content remains intact. Reader’s

comments in bold

Once again thank you for answering my

comment so thoroughly. Here is my reply.


”Reading the full article not knowing the

all body of research or not having a critical

view of what is being claimed can be more

misleading to some people than just

reading the abstract.”

Completely agree. Want to expand a bit on

that also

One should never use only the info in

an abstract as evidence. When one does

not understand the article then one can at

most use the abstract as a very rough hint

as to whats going on, but never to prove

ones point and as evidence.

And when one does have the ability to

understand the article, then i do not think

that an abstract should ever be used as

anything else than an aid in helping one

decide whether the article is relevant and

worth reading.

Also, I am not claiming that you

didn't read the full-length article here,

it just seemed like that to me based

on my interpretation of the article,

which, I now realize, after

correspondence with B. Dieter, was



”After a thorough read of the

referenced paper I find that Filipe’s

statement that, “only whey can enhance

MPS post-exercise” holds true. When

you look at the Figure 3 please compare

the data in panel A showing the effect of

Leucine and Whey on FSR in a purely

fed state (no exercise) and in panel B

showing the effect of leucine and whey

(shown below for ease of reading).

Upon examination you will notice that 1-

3 hours post feeding shows an increase

in FSR for both whey and leucine in a

non-exercise and an exercise state. This

suggests that there is no effect of

exercise on whey or leucine induced

FSR between 1-3 hours in this cohort.

When we examine the data at 3-5 hours

there is increased FSR in only the whey

group, not the leucine group.


Also compare the amounts between the

leucine in the exercised and non-exercised

state, they both appear to be around 0.068

in the non-exercised group at 1-3h and

0.068 in the exercised group. So my

interpretation is that leucine induced FSR

similarly between exercised and non-

exercised states, whereas the whey group

showed increased FSR at 3-5 hours in only

the exercise group. This suggests that at the

dose of leucine given (~3.0g), there is no

real difference in FSR in an exercised and

non-exercised state. In the whey group

there was enhanced FSR in the exercised

group, thus I feel his interpretation,

“Although adding leucine to a suboptimal

dose of whey enhances muscle protein

synthesis (MPS) to the same extent as 25g

of whey at rest, only whey

can enhance MPS post-exercise.” is indeed


Yes, I see. Thanks for clarifying that. I

withdraw my previous remark.

”I believe you make some excellent

points in regards to the specificity of

which Filipe mentions free amino acids

and better care could have been taken

in that sentence. Indeed, it appears that

free-form essential amino acids can

induce greater accrual of muscle protein

than whey in an elderly population of

individuals as noted in the study by

Paddon-Jones and colleagues (Paddon-

Jones et al., 2006). However, to date,

no studies (that I am aware of) show

that non-essential amino acids are a

large contributor to muscle protein

synthesis. For example, Volpi and

showed that 18 grams of amino acids

lead to similar increases in FSR as 18

grams of essential amino acids + 22g of

amino acids, indicating that essential

amino acids account for virtually the

entirety of amino acid induced muscle

protein synthesis (Volpi et al., 2003).*”


I didnt mean that NEAA is responsible

for MPS (aware that EAA is the major, if

not sole, contributor to MPS), i meant that

in a situation where sub-optimal amounts

of protein is consumed the total amount of

AA (i speculate) might be important in the

sense that NEAA might contribute to other

bodily processes and thus work somewhat

sparingly. (i dont have any research to back

this up).

”This brings us to the point at hand. Your

comment of “I think this statement

misrepresents the body of research

regarding protein and aminoacids when it

relates to MPS”. A slight change of a word

or two in that sentence (will rectify at the

end of this paragraph) should clear up the

confusion, also remember the context of

the statement as I do believe the context of

that statement is important and can

illuminate the message that sentence

(while not written as clear as possible)

meant to send. The article, “Is Nitrogen

Spiking a Joke” discusses primarily using

non-essential amino acids such as glycine

and taurine, along with arginine to increase

nitrogen content.

Would altering the sentence to read,

“Adulteration with non-essential amino

acids probably does not pose a risk to

consumer’s health, however it defrauds

costumers both financially and

physiologically, since consuming non-

essential free amino acids does not

have the same effect as whey protein on

MPS” alleviate your concerns regarding

the representation of the literature?”

Yes, that would be excellently put!




















The single biggest marketing slogan for

nutrition or fitness programs is “Lose Fat

and Gain Muscle”.

Whether it is actually possible to do so

has remained a topic of great debate over

the last several decades. Recent studies in

the past years have given us the data

needed to draw a conclusion on whether it

is indeed possible.

Before we dive into the studies and the

data lets discuss the hypothesis and

arguments surrounding the issue.


The main argument against the idea of

losing fat and gaining muscle

simultaneously is essentially the notion of

calories in versus calories out.

The argument goes something like this:

depending on your caloric balance your

body is either in a net state of anabolism

(building new tissue) or catabolism

(breaking down tissue)

The calories in calories out (CICO) model

holds a lot of truth and can explain a lot of

the variation in body weight, yet it is


I like to compare the CICO model with

Newtonian Physics… it is accurate and

describes gravity for a majority of cases but

it is not complete. We need Einstein’s

theories of relativity to describe the

enormously large* and fast and we need

quantum theory for the incredibly small.


I believe the CICO model breaks down in

certain situations.

One such area where it breaks down is

for anabolism and catabolism to be

occurring simultaneously in different

“compartments” of the body.

The CICO model essentially treats the

body as a bomb calorimeter and an isolated

system immune to perturbations. This is

inaccurate. The body is not simply a bomb

calorimeter, nor is it an isolated system.

The body is dynamic and responds to both

internal and external stimuli (Figure 1).


I want to take the internal stimuli first and

relate it to the topic at hand (building


Without even touching nutrition we have

data to show that the body has internal

signals that simultaneously induce muscle

protein synthesis and increase fat oxidation,

namely the hormone testosterone. It is well

documented that testosterone increases

muscle protein synthesis and that it can do so

without increased amino acid uptake into

cells (1,2,3). Additionally testosterone can

simultaneously increase lean mass and

decrease fat mass in an older population (4).

Now onto external signals. It is clear that

ingestion of protein elicits muscle protein

synthesis in humans (5,6,7). Now there are

good arguments for what type of

protein/amino acids are the biggest

inducers of muscle protein synthesis but

that is superfluous to the point at hand. It is

enough for this argument that as a nutrient,

protein elicits an anabolic signal of muscle

protein accretion in humans. This effect is

robust and reproducible in various


The next external signal that elicits a robust,

repeatable signal for muscle protein synthesis is

exercise, with resistance training showing the

greatest amount of muscle protein

synthesis(8,9,10). In addition to signaling muscle

accretion, exercise can also induce a signal for

lipolysis and fat oxidation.

So let’s stop and review. The CICO model only

really accounts for total body mass and predicts

overall changes in the mass of a system. The

body is more than a bomb calorimeter, it is

dynamic and responds to signals and can change

the masses of different “compartments” in

accordance with the signals.

We have two easily modifiable signals we can

use to elicit our goal of increasing muscle mass:

1) consuming protein, 2) engaging in resistance

exercise. We also have covered 1 signal for

eliciting our goal of fat loss: exercise.**

This figure wraps up these ideas quite nicely.


Dietary protein and exercise essentially

can act as leverage points. So to take

Archimedes favorite quote, “Give me a

place to stand and with a lever I will move

the whole world” and spin it … “Give me

some protein and with a good resistance

training program I will build muscle and lose

fat simultaneously”.

So without getting too far into the weeds

we have a mechanism by which the goal of

“gaining muscle while losing fat” is, at least

in theory, possible.

Now let’s look at two separate studies

using two very different approaches to see

how this translates into practice.

I am going to summarize the findings

over the next few paragraphs but a full

discussion of each can be found at



The first study was a protein overfeeding

study in which they had resistance-trained

volunteers consume either a “normal”

protein diet or an overfeed protein diet in

which they were instructed to consumer

more than 3g/kg of protein per day (see

table below for macronutrient and calorie

breakdown) (11). Briefly, the high protein

group consumed about 500 calories more

per day, with about 80 of those calories

coming from carbohydrates (not statistically

significant from the normal protein) and

about 350 calories extra from protein (this

was statistically different), and about 60

calories from fat (also not statistically



During the dietary intervention the

participants continued to resistance train

for 5days/week for 8 weeks.

At the conclusion of this study the high

protein group lost an average of 1.6 kg of

fat mass with the normal protein group only

lost 0.3 kg. Additionally, the high protein

group saw a 2.4% decrease in body fat with

the normal protein group saw a 0.6%

decrease in body fat.

Although the high protein group

consumed 350 more kcals per day than the

normal protein group, the high protein diet

group saw no change in body weight (-0.1

kg) while the normal protein diet group saw

an increase in body weight (1.3 kg). This is

quite interesting in that the increase in total

body weight suggests that the normal

protein group was likely already in a

hypercaloric state as they increased their

body weight, yet the high protein group

which consumed even more calories (about

20,000 kcals more over the whole study)

did not see an increase in BW.


Where the first study was considered

“protein overfeeding” and hypercaloric, the

second study is presented in the context of

eating higher protein in the context of

caloric restriction***.


In this study the researchers recruited 40

overweight (BMI >25) young men (mean

age 23 years old) for this single-blind,

prospective trial. All the participants were

recreationally active, but were not regularly

performing resistance training (so this is a

relatively untrained population compared

to the study from the Antonio lab)


The participants were randomly assigned

to either a high protein (2.4 gkg/day) or

control protein (1.2g/kg.day) diet that was

energy restricted by approximately 40%.

Please see Table 2 for a complete

breakdown of the diets and the differences

between them. Briefly, one was a high

protein, low fat diet, while the other was a

“normal protein”, “normal fat” diet.


These tables and figures are directly from the Longland et al. 2016 AJCN paper

The participants also began a 6 days/week

exercise program for the duration of the study (4


When we look at the results of the study, we see, as

expected in a 40% calorie restricted diet, that both

groups lost body weight with similar weight losses

between groups.

Now here is, in my opinion the big result from

this study. The LBM stayed the same in the CON

group but increased in the PRO group. Meaning the

PRO group lost fat and simultaneously increased




The CICO model only really accounts for total

body mass and predicts overall changes in the mass

of a system. The body is more than a bomb

calorimeter, it is dynamic and responds to signals

and can change the masses of different

“compartments” in accordance with the signals.

By manipulating the signals going into the system

through proper diet and exercise it is indeed

possible to simultaneously increase lean mass while

reducing fat mass. It appears that this

phenomenon may be more robust in untrained

individuals than trained individuals, yet based on

the studies from the Antonio lab it appears possible

in trained populations as well.

For the interested reader please continue to the

work below for more in-depth analysis of the two



1. Griggs RC, Kingston W, Jozefowicz RF, et al.Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis. Journal of applied physiology 1989; 66: 498-503.

2. Brodsky IG, Balagopal P, Nair KS. Effects of testosterone replacement on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis in hypogonadal men--a clinical research center study. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 1996; 81: 3469-3475.

3. Ferrando AA, Tipton KD, Doyle D, et al.Testosterone injection stimulates net protein synthesis but not tissue amino acid transport. The American journal of physiology 1998; 275: E864-871.

4. Wittert GA, Chapman IM, Haren MT, et al. Oral testosterone supplementation increases muscle and decreases fat mass in healthy elderly males with low-normal gonadal status. The journals of gerontology Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2003; 58: 618-625

5. Tang JE, Moore DR, Kujbida GW, et al. Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein, or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men. Journal of applied physiology 2009; 107: 987-992.

6. Moore DR, Robinson MJ, Fry JL, et al. Ingested protein dose response of muscle and albumin protein synthesis after resistance exercise in young men. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2009; 89: 161-168.

7. Burd NA, Gorissen SH, van Vliet S, et al.Differences in postprandial protein handling after beef compared with milk ingestion during postexercise recovery: a randomized controlled trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition2015; 102: 828-836

8. MacDougall JD, Gibala MJ, Tarnopolsky MA, et al. The time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis following heavy resistance exercise. Canadian journal of applied physiology = Revue canadienne de physiologie appliquee 1995; 20: 480-486.

9. Phillips SM, Tipton KD, Aarsland A, et al. Mixed muscle protein synthesis and breakdown after resistance exercise in humans. The American journal of physiology 1997; 273: E99-107.

10. Hasten DL, Pak-Loduca J, Obert KA, et al.Resistance exercise acutely increases MHC and mixed muscle protein synthesis rates in 78-84 and 23-32 yr olds. American journal of physiology Endocrinology and metabolism 2000; 278: E620-626.

11. Antonio J, Ellerbroek A, Silver T, et al. A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined with a heavy resistance training program improves body composition in healthy trained men and women--a follow-up investigation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2015; 12: 39.

12. Longland TM, Oikawa SY, Mitchell CJ, et al.Higher compared with lower dietary protein during an energy deficit combined with intense exercise promotes greater lean mass gain and fat mass loss: a randomized trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2016.



Glutamine is one of the twenty amino

acids used by humans in metabolism. It is

conditionally essential, meaning your body

can manufacture it, but not in sufficient

quantities during times of extreme stress

(i.e. disease or extreme exercise).

Glutamine has been highly touted as being

able to increase muscle mass. Interestingly,

glutamine is a critical component of gut

health and for the immune system due to

the fact that glutamine is often a

preferential fuel source in gut and immune


What the Research Says

The research behind glutamine is vast in

both breadth and depth. After a thorough

reading of over 50+ papers on glutamine

supplementation, I have made the following


1. Glutamine does not increase muscle

protein synthesis above normal in

healthy individuals. In people who are

sick, have significant muscle trauma, or

a wasting disease, glutamine can be

effective in building muscle.

2. Glutamine supplementation is

beneficial for individuals with GI

dysfunction and can aid in reducing

symptoms of GI distress, especially in

those who engage in heavy training.

3. During heavy training cycles, or times

of stress, glutamine supplementation

can improve the function of the

immune system



Typical dosing is approximately 5g per

day, with an upper limit of about 14g.

Typically, individuals who consume a high-

protein diet, especially those who

supplement with whey protein are unlikely

to need additional glutamine


Individuals with gut or immune issues

could benefit from additional glutamine

supplementation in pill form as more

glutamine is available to the intestines

when consumed in that form.

Bottom Line

Glutamine supplementation is effective

in muscle building for those in an infirmed

state. It can help improve gut health and

augment immune function in those

engaged in heavy training. Most people

who consume a higher protein diet (i.e.

1g/lb/day) get adequate glutamine and

further supplementation is not needed.



• Can be beneficial for gut health

• In periods of heavy training in may have an

immune boosting effect


• You can get enough glutamine in your diet.

• There is no real benefit of glutamine for

building muscle