powerciser 2.0 manual

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  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual



    MM VenturaDesigns

    (913) 829-0404

    Version 2.0

    illustrated exercise program for Windows

  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual






    The Software.......3

    License Agreement.......4

    Program Overview.......5


    Software Security.......7

    Control Panel.......8Menu Controls.......9

    Control Panel.......10

    Accelerator Keys.......11

    Exercise Module.......12

    Exercise Module.......13

    Express Print for Exercises.......14

    Express Print for Exercises.......14

    Using Express Print.......15

    Muscle Module.......16Muscle Anatomy Module.......17

    Muscle Anatomy.......17

    Patient History.......20

    Patient History.......21

    Printing Considerations.......22

    Group Print.......23

    Import Graphics.......24

    Custom Slide Shows.......25

    Custom Slide Shows.......26Custom Slide Show.......27

    Technical Support.......28

  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual



    The Software

    PowerCiser is a photo illustration exercise prescription software for the health care

    professional. It contains easy access to the 246 most commonly used exercises in rehab


    What sets PowerCiser apart is the direct link to the built-in muscle anatomy lab. Every

    exercise has a hyperlink that when clicked instantly shows the target muscles for that

    exercise. And in a reverse manner, virtually every muscle in the anatomy lab has a set of

    exercises to work that muscle.

    PowerCiser is also loaded with several convenience features like "Express Print" for

    printing any or all exercises from a single control panel. Every program comes with built-in

    prescription sheets, printable in any quantity, for use with Express Print.

    Don't see the exercise you need? PowerCiser has a custom exercise creation feature

    that lets you add unlimited custom pages for exercises. Import or past images, add text

    descriptions and save these pages for future use.

    And if that wasn't enough, you can use the unique "Slide Show" feature to view/print

    preset groups of exercises. This is a fast and reliable method of creating commonly uses

    exercise "sets" over and over.

    I sincerely hope you find this software useful. Should you encounter any difficulties,

    please call me personally at (913) 829-0404


    Joseph Ventura D.C.Author

    The Software

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    SOFTWARE LICENSE: This is a legal document between you, the end user and VenturaDesigns By entering and accessing the

    program, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement, which includes the software license and software disclaimer of warranty

    (collectively called the "Agreement". If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, do not load the program on your computer

    and return to VenturaDesigns or to the place of original purchase.

    VenturaDesigns LICENSE

    1.GRANT OF LICENSE: VenturaDesigns grants you the right to use one copy of the enclosed computer program (the "Software")

    on a single terminal connected to a single computer (i.e. with a single CPU). You may not network the software or otherwise use it

    on more than one computer terminal at the same time. VenturaDesigns reserves all rights not expressly granted to Licensee.

    2. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE: As the licensee, you own the magnetic or other physical media upon which the SOFTWARE is

    originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but VenturaDesigns retains title and ownership of the SOFTWARE recorded on the original

    disk, copy(ies) and all subsequent copies of the software regardless of the form or media in or on which the original and other copies

    may exist. This license is not a sale of the original SOFTWARE or any copy.

    3. COPYRIGHT: The SOFTWARE is owned by VenturaDesigns and is protected by United States and International treaty provisions.

    Therefore you must treat the software like any other copyrighted material (e.g. a book or musical recording) except that you may make

    either (a) one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you

    keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the software.

    4. OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE to another person or business, but you may transfer the

    SOFTWARE and accompanying written materials on a permanent basis provided you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the

    terms of this agreement. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE.

    5. TERMINATION: This license is effective until terminated. This License will automatically terminate without notice from Ven-

    turaDesigns if you fail to comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination you shall destroy the written materials and all

    copies of the SOFTWARE, including modified copies, if any.


    VenturaDesigns warrants as the sole warranty to you that the diskettes on which this program is furnished will be free of defects in

    materials and workmanship under normal use and conditions for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery to you as

    evidenced by a copy of your receipt.

    No distributor, dealer or any other entity or person is authorized to expand or alter either this warranty or this Agreement; any suchrepresentation will not bind VenturaDesigns

    License Agreement

  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual



    PowerCiserversion 2.5

    Please view the tutorial on the CD ROM before installing this program.

    Thank you for choosing PowerCiser . Please take a few minutes and read this instruction

    manual at least twice. The program is very easy to install and operate, but you will have

    some questions. We have anticipated your questions and have attempted to answer them

    in this manual. Should you require technical support, please read the last page of this

    manual for additional information.

    Program Overview

    Thank you for using PowerCiser. Should the program ever fail to meet your expecta-tions, please call us immediately. We are here to make the program as good as it can be

    and welcome your suggestions.


    The exercise module is a very powerful exercise prescription program that allows easy

    and fast prescription of over 240 custom prescribed rehab exercises. Each fully illustrated

    exercise contains recommendation boxes that can be edited onscreen. In addition, only

    PowerCiser uses Express Print that allows printing of any or all exercises from a single

    screen. Another exclusive feature is Muscle Target. This shows the muscle group(s) tar-

    geted by a particular exercise and is perfect for exercise review with the patient beforeprinting.

    Many insurance companies realize the importance of rehab exercises in the healing

    process. The key to reimbursement is to prescribe a custom program for the patient. No

    exercise program is easier to use or is more complete than PowerCiser.

  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual



    Go to the PCINST directory on the CD and double click on SETUP.EXE. This opens

    the installation program and you should see the following screen.

    Select Full Install from the opening program on the CD.

    On the CD ROM is a directory titled "PCINST". This directory contains the necessary

    files to install the program to your hard drive. Double click on SETUP.EXE

    Installation from the CD ROM

    You can install PowerCiser from the CD's main screen or . . .


    At the end of installation you will be asked if you want to create a program group and

    program icon. Just click on "Yes".

    You can now open PowerCiser from the Start/Programs/PowerCiser program group.

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    Software SecurityTo ensure that you have received a "legal" copy of PowerCiser 1., we protect each

    copy with a software security routine. When you first install the software and openPowerCiser for the first time you are presented with the registration screen. Here you enter

    your name, business name and the unlock code provided by VenturaDesigns.

    You will need to provide VenturaDesigns with the ID number that appears in the upper

    right hand screen of the registration screen.

    We can then issue an unlock code for the current computer. Each computer must have

    it's own unlock code.

    For more information contact VenturaDesigns at (913) 829-0404.

    Software Security


    PowerCiser will enter into a demo mode if the correct unlock code is not entered. In

    the demo mode the word demo appears across all the exercise and anatomy screens. In

    the demo mode you can test the programs various functions.

    To unlock the software you must purchase the software and provide VenturaDesigns

    with your computer's PowerCiser registration screen ID number. When the software is

    unlocked, the word DEMO is removed from the screen.

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    The control panel will appear in the middle right of the screen at the start of each

    session. To move the control panel, move the mouse arrow over the top white bar of the

    control panel and hold down the left mouse button. You can now drag the control panel

    anywhere on the page.

    The control panel will not appear on any page that is printed. To hide the panel, click

    on the upper left button of the panel. To make the panel reappear, select Control Panel

    from the top bar menu.

    NOTE ON TAG and -TAG: In the bottom right hand corner of each printable page is a

    barely visible check box. When TAG is selected from the Control Panel, a check mark will

    appear in this box. Pressing -TAG will make the check mark disappear.

    Before we get started with program content, lets review methods used in navigating through the pro-

    gram and using menu controls. The first object we will discuss is the floating control panel that is used to

    activate the most commonly used functions.

    Navigates to the

    previous page in the


    Selects the page for

    group printing

    Number of the

    current displayed


    Navigates to the

    next page in the






    Deselects the

    page for group


    Returns to the last

    displayed page. Not

    always the previous

    page in the program. Creates new

    exercise page

    returns to the main menu

    Navigates to the

    group print page

    Control Panel

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    In addition to the unique floating control panel, PowerCiser also features a full pull

    down menu system. On the following pages is a review of these menu features.

    Open another program

    Save this program

    Setup up printer

    Open Print Pages Dialog Box

    Go To Group Print Page

    Exit Program

    Clear print check boxes

    Go to index page

    Go to main menu

    Go to next page

    Go to previous page

    Go to the last page visited

    Go to a specific page

    Magnify view x 2

    Return to normal view

    Menu Controls

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    Advance the next page in

    the slide show

    These options mirror the control panel functions

    Show control panel

    Go to next page

    Go to previous page

    Check print box

    Uncheck print box

    Go to group print page

    Go to last page visited

    Go to a specific page

    Go to main menu

    Opens control panel to

    create and edit custom


    Show Custom Page Control


    Control Panel

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    The simplicity of the PowerCiser program lies in the extensive use of navigation



    These graphic symbols will send you back to the previous page of the program orforward to the next page.


    This special button allows for very complicated navigations. No matter where you go

    in the program or how many buttons you press, using the "Go Back or "Back" but-

    ton will backtrack your path and bring you to your original page. Do not confuse "Go

    Back" with previous. Previous takes you to the previous page in the numbered

    order of the program. Go Back takes you to the page that brought you to where you

    currently are. This is not necessarily the previous page.


    Pressing the HOME key on the Keyboard will take you to the Main Menu.


    Pressing F12 on the Keyboard will pop up a Go To... box.


    Pressing F5 on the Keyboard will take you to the Group Print Screen.


    Pressing F1 will take you to the index page.

    Ctrl +T

    Tags the print box on a page

    Ctrl +U

    Un-tags the print box

    Accelerator Keys

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    Select the exercise button

    Upon program start-up, or selection of Main Menu from the control panel or top menu bar, the

    program will navigate to the Main Menu. The large selection buttons on the left will allow access to

    the programs features. We will start with the exercise module

    The PowerCisertm exercise module consists of 246 fully illustrated rehab exercises and integrated

    target anatomy illustrations. The exercises are grouped by anatomical location and by type of exercise.

    There are two methods of viewing an exercise. First select the navigation buttons that take you to the

    exercise you wish to view. For example, select "Cervical", then "Flexibility", then "Upper Trap Stretch" to

    view cervical exercise C23.

    The second method of viewing is to use the hyperlink contained on many muscle anatomy screens.

    Click on the Exercise identifier number to go to that page.

    Exercise Module

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    In the upper left hand corner of the screen is the exercise identifier (AF1, B23, etc).By placing the mouse arrow over the name of the exercise and pressing the left

    mouse button, you will be taken to a full color image of the target muscle group.

    Press Go Back to return to the exercise.


    This text box allows either automatic or manual recommendations entry. For manual

    entry simply place the mouse cursor over the text box and left click. The mouse

    arrow changes to a text tool and information can now be entered. For automatic

    entry, click on one of the options in the upper right hand corner (Hold, Reps, Sets,

    Color). You will be presented with a set of options. Click on your selection and it will

    be automatically entered in the text box.

    Remember the check box at the bottom of each exercise screen. Check this box to

    print a random selection of exercises.

    You can also edit the description of how to do the exercise.

    To select this exercise for group printing, check the box on the screen or click on the

    checkmark on the floating control panel.

    Exercise Module

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    Express Print for ExercisesOne of the most powerful features of PowerCisertm is Express Print. Every program exer-

    cise is represented by it's ID number. Use Express Print to print the exercises without ever

    having to view the exercise.

    You can use Express Print along with the Rx sheets to quickly select the exercises youwant to prescribe for a patient and then have another print the exercises for you. The Rx

    sheets are contained in an Adobe Acrobat pdf file. When you want to print more copies,

    simply select the Rx Sheets button from the exercise main menu and print as many copies

    as you need.


    Express Print for Exercises

    When you first enter Express Print you

    are asked if you want to assign the print job

    to a patient in the Patient History. If you

    select no, you simply select the exercises

    you want to print and click on the Print

    button on the screen.

    If you select Yes, you will see the next

    sequence of screens

    A text box will open with a list of the

    names currently in the Patient History

    list. Click on a name and it will appear at

    the bottom of the Express Print screen,

    as seen below. This is the name to

    which the exercises will be assigned.

    After you have assigned a name,

    select the exercises to print and click on

    the Print button.

    NOTE: You CANNOT select all the

    buttons at one time. The print que list

    cannot hold that much information. You

    can print 10-15 exercises at a time.

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    After the selected exercises have been placed in the Print Que, the Print

    Pages dialog box will open.

    The only thing you need to verify on this

    page is the target printer and the printarrangement.


    The Arrangement appears at the top of

    the Print Pages dialog box. It shows how

    many exercises will print on a single

    sheet of paper, and how the exercises willprint, Portrait or Landscape.

    We recommend the following arrange-

    ment form:

    One exercise per page - - - -set printer orientation to Landscape

    Two exercises per page------set printer orientation to Portrait

    Four exercises per page------set printer orientation to Landscape


    After the check marks disappear, the Print Pages box will appear. From

    this box you can customize the final look of your printout.

    Select Setup to change your target printer.

    Select Header or Footer to change what prints at the top and bottom ofeach page.

    Using Express Print

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    The muscle anatomy module of PowerCisertm contains almost every skeletal muscle

    grouped by its action or anatomical location. Each muscle has been isolated for easier

    viewing and understanding of its action by the patient. In addition, each muscle has spe-

    cific information regarding its origin, insertion, action, reversed action, nerve supply and

    synergist muscles.

    A unique feature of the PowerCisertm muscle anatomy module is Exercise Targettm.

    Most muscles pages will show specific target exercises for that muscle. Simply click on the

    exercise and you

    will navigate to the

    exercise for view-

    ing. This makes the


    muscle module an

    outstanding patient

    education tool.

    There are

    two ways to view

    an individual

    muscle. First,

    select from the

    muscle main menu

    the muscle group to

    view. Next, select

    the specific muscle.

    The second

    way is to use Ex-

    press Lookuptm.

    When you click on this button, you

    can quickly enter the name of the

    muscle for express navigation to

    that page.

    Muscle Module

    Express Look-up

    Selecting Express Lookup will

    cause a lookup box to be dis-played. Scroll down to the de-

    sired muscle and click on it (the

    mouse arrow will change to an

    index finger when over special

    navigation text). You can also

    enter the name of the muscle in

    the text box. The lookup box will

    move to the closest match.

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    Muscle Anatomy Module

    Each skeletal muscle in the muscle anatomy lab is isolated and described in a

    Gray's Anatomy manner. At the bottom of the muscle description are exercises that

    target the muscle, or the muscle's synergist.

    To navigate to the exercise, place the mouse arrow over the exercise number.The arrow will change to a finger. Left click to navigate to the exercise.

    Muscle Anatomy

    Once on the exercise screen you can check the Group Print box to assign that exer-cise to a print que.

  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual


    18Creating Custom Pages

    PowerCiser comes with the ability to create custom exercise pages that you can save

    and use just like other exercises. You do this by creating a blank exercise screen and then

    import your own pictures and writing your own descriptive text. PowerCiser will hold as

    many new exercises as your hard drive will allow.

    To create a custom exercise page, select the New Exercise buttonfrom the floating control panel.

    You will then see a blank exercise screen with a second floating con-

    trol panel.

    At this point you should enter the name of the new exercise. This is how it will be

    recognized by the program. Please limit name to 25 characters and spaces. You will not

    have another opportunity to name this exercise, so plan the name in advance.

    After you have assigned a name and click

    on OK, you will see the following screen.

    From here you can import any jpg, gif, pcx,

    or bmp image. You can also clear an image and

    paste an image from the Windows clipboard.

    IMPORTANT: After you have created a new

    exercise page, and you are happy with the

    results, save the program. This ensures you

    work will be saved. If you exit the programwithout saving, it's like you never created a new


    After a new page has been created it can be treated like any other exercise in the


    Picture Will

    Go Here!

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    Using the Patient History feature you

    can keep a log of everything printed for


    The first page you will see when

    entering the patient history section is the

    Patient history Index page. This page will

    show you every patient in the History list.

    The list is automatically updated upon

    entering this screen, or by selecting the

    Update button.

    Click on the name of the patient to

    navigate to that page.

    Patient History Module

    One of the most powerful features of

    PowerCisertm is thepatient history module.

    After a patient history page has been created (a

    simple two step process) anything printed for a

    patient can be automatically logged into an indi-

    vidual patient's database. The log will include the

    date, patient's name, time of day and a list ofevery page printed for the patient. In addition,

    this log is editable for the addition of patient


    The following pages describe the use of the Patient History module and some of the

    features of this PowerCisertm exclusive.

    Patient History

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    The patient history page is used to keep a record of

    every page printed for a patient. These pages may be

    exercises, protocols or virtually any page in the pro-


    To keep this history, you must first enter basic patient

    information (as little as their name) and press Save.

    This will create a permanent record that the program

    will look for when printing group print jobs.

    When entering the patient history module you will always be taken to the first page. From there you

    can create a new record or search for an existing record. Below is a review of the patient history

    action buttons.


    This button must be pressed after initial information is entered. You only need to do this once.


    Selecting New Page will create a new, blank patent history page.


    Will delete the current page.


    Will open the program Find program. Enter the text to find and other search restrictions. NOTE:

    check this background to limit search to record files. Otherwise, the entire program will be



    Will open the reports dialog box. You can create a variety of reports. Experiment to find the bestsuited for your needs.

    Patient History

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    When invoking the Find command you can limit

    the search to this page only or all database record

    fields by selecting These Record Fields Only.

    Find is very useful for express navigation to a

    patient's history page. NOTE: The program will not

    find by closest match. The spelling must be exact(however either capital or lower case letters may be

    used) or a no match message will be displayed.

    To generate a report, select the fields to use. Generally you would select both Nameand History.

    Next define the pages to use under "Page Range". Select "This Page Only", when

    generating a report for a single patient or select "Current Background" when doing a report

    for all patients.

    By using Preview, you can experiment with different looks before printing.

    The reports generated are in a summary form only and cannot be further defined.

    Printing Patient History Reports

    Patient History

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    Printing Considerations


    Every attempt has been made to print to a wide variety of printers. As a general rule, if

    your printer is installed under Windows, PowerCisertm will print to it. Many factors can

    affect performance. If you experience very slow printing, try two things. First make sure you

    have the latest version of the printer driver installed. This can be determined by calling the

    printer manufacturer. Second, under Options of the Print Pages dialog box there is a

    selection called Print as bitmap. If it is checked, uncheck it and try another print


    There are three ways to print from PowerCisertm. You can print exercises using Ex-

    press Print as previously described, you can use the program File/Print Pages menu com-

    mand, and you can use Group Print.

    When using the program File/Print Pages command, remember that there is no con-

    nection to the patient history module when printing in this fashion. The patient history logis only enabled during Group Print or Express Print.

    Printing Considerations

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    Click to add a new doctor or clinic name to the footer (prints at bottom of page) for each page. The

    name that appears in the blue bar area will print at the bottom of each page.

    CLEAR NAMESSelecting this button will clear all names in the doctor/clinic list. The name that was last to appear in

    the blue bar will remain until a new name is entered.


    Group print will step through each page in the program, look for a checked tag box, print that page

    and then uncheck all tagged pages. Selecting clear all tags will cause the program to step through

    each page and remove the tags without printing.


    This button will start the group print process.

    On the Print Pages dialog box there is a selection marked Options. Under Options there is a selec-

    tion marked Print as bitmap. If this box is checked, try printing with it unchecked. Some printers

    handle the images better as a bitmap image and some do not.

    Group Print Page

    Group Print

    Upon entering the Group

    Print screen you will be asked if

    you want to assign the group print

    to a particular name in the History


    If you select No, click on Click Here

    to Print to begin the print job.

    If you select Yes, you may select

    the patient's name from the list. It will

    then appear at the top of the screen. All

    the information about this group print

    will be sent to that patient's record.

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    24Import Graphics

    New Import Graphic Tool

    The new import tool supports the following file types ONLY:






    At the present time TIF files are NOT supported. Trying to import a non-supported

    file type will cause an error message.

    There are two methods of bringing im-

    ages into a custom page. You can use thePaste button to paste an image from the

    Windows Clipboard. This is useful if you are

    using Quick Snap and SNAPPY to capture

    video images.

    You can also import image files using the

    new image import button.

    Clicking this button opens a standard

    Windows import box. Simply select the file to

    import and it will be placed on screen, as inthe image to the right.

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    1. Index list of page names in the program.

    2. View help info for this page

    3. Select button to either navigate to a slide, or add a slide to a presentation.

    4. Clear entries from a presentation.

    5. Print a presentation.

    6. Load and view a presentation.

    7. Select which presentation to use.

    8. Name a presentation.9. List and order of the slides.

    10. More Slide Shows.

    Remember: Update Index list if new pages have been added.

    To update list, select Pages/Update Index from the top menu. This will update all index

    lists in the program.

    Use the slide show feature when you want to group together exercises that you will

    frequently use. You can create up to ten different slide shows for viewing or printing.

    Custom Slide Shows

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    Custom Slide Shows with PowerCiser

    Each screen in the program can be thought of as a slide. In creating a slide show, we

    are telling PowerCiser to display certain slides in a certain order. Version 1.1 provides the

    resources to create 10 different slide shows. You might want to set up certain pages to

    show each new patient and name it "initial consultation" another show for the report of

    findings, another for carpal tunnel and so forth. PowerCiser comes with two slide showspre-loaded, Refer to the tutorial for more info on how to use these pre-loaded shows.

    You can also print all the pages in a show. Simply click on the print button and all the

    pages in the show can be printed.

    To create a new slide show:

    1. Select the slide show number to create.

    2. Use the onscreen index guide to select a slide or navigate to the slide to review the

    slide. (The button at the bottom of the page will display "Navigate when you can go to a

    selected slide, or "Select Page" when you can add a selected slide to a presentation.

    Slides are entered in the order they will play back. The page number of the slide will

    be placed in the play list box. This box can be edited like any other text box.

    Custom Slide Shows

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    To Run a Slide Show

    When you select "Load#" the following will happen.

    1. The program will load slides for the selected slide show.

    When a program has finished loading a text box will appear letting you know you

    may start a slide show.

    To Start a Slide Show

    3. Press the Page Down key on the keyboard or Next Slide from the top menu to

    start the slide show. After you reach the last slide, pressing Page Down or Slides/Next

    Slide will cause no action to happen. After that, a message will appear on the screen

    letting you know the end of the presentation has been reached.

    NOTE: The last slide show loaded is retained in memory until the program is exited.

    It will need to be reloaded for each new session.

    If you want to save a slide show for future use, make sure you save your work when

    exiting the program. Remember, if you are using the program from the CD ROM, you

    cannot save your work.

    Also, during a slide show, you are free to navigate to any other page or pages

    in the program. To return to the next slide, simply press the PgDn key.

    To Print a Slide Show:1. Select the Print button from this page.

    2. This opens the Print Pages dialog box showing the selected pages in the "Print

    Where" option.

    3. Only page names are found by the program when printing from the "print" key on

    this page. It will not find a page number ( it will still display the page during a show, but

    will not print). This happens because we tell the program to print the page names listed in

    the box. Since no page names are the same as a page number (page numbers can

    change if pages are added or deleted), the program ignores all listings for numbers only.

    Custom Slide Show

  • 8/2/2019 Powerciser 2.0 Manual



    PowerCiser Technical Support Guidelines

    Product is guaranteed to be free from defects for a period of 90 days from date of


    As with all of our products, PowerCiser comes with free technical support via phone

    or e-mail.

    (913) 829-0404

    Technical Support