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POWER YOUR BUSINESS 2010/2011 Annual Report Singapore infocomm Technology Federation

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Power Your


2010/2011Annual Report

Singapore infocomm Technology Federation

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In financial year 2010 – 2011, SiTF has ramped up efforts in market creation to help members leverage the revitalised Singapore economy and ride the wave in resurgent regional markets.

Power Your Business

SiTF’s mission is to serve as the voice of the Singapore infocomm industry and to deliver value by providing our members with opportunities to strengthen their capabilities, increase their market presence and extend their business reach.

To achieve our objectives, we adopt a six-pronged approach which comprises:

Mission & Strategy

We help to create greater awareness of our members’ products, services and solutions, thereby helping them to increase both mindshare and marketshare.

We provide members with insights into the latest trends and developments, so that they are better positioned to capitalise on new business opportunities.

We help open doors to our members to venture into regional and international markets.

We provide leadership and give a voice to the infocomm industry so that our members’ views may be heard at the national and international level.

We work with our members to enhance their knowledge base and develop their organisational capabilities.

We provide networking opportunities for our members, paving the way for them to collaborate and establish new partnerships.







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40 Digital Media10 executive Director’s Message

30 siTF Golf Classic 2011

38 Best sourcing06 The siTF Councillors

26 uPClose Connexions

39 Cloud Computing08 Highlights of 2010/ 2011

28 iCT Business outlook Forum 2011

36 The siTF Chapter reports04 Chairman’s Message

24 siTeX 2010

44 security and Governance

16 Meet the Members

42 eLearning

12 Key initiatives and events

33 siTF Academy

46 wireless

20 siTF Volunteer Day 2010

eGovernment41The siTF secretariat

enterpriseiT 201132

singapore enterprise45iCT idol 201018

Green iT43Project optimus14

Calendar of events47siTF Awards 2010 and APiCTA Awards 201022

34 internationalisation

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According to our latest business outlook survey conducted in January 2011, 73 per cent of the 126 respondents achieved positive business growth in 2010 compared to 61 per cent in 2009, and 87 per cent expect their profits to grow in the next 12 months compared to 82 per cent last year.

However, behind the rosy picture is the concern that profit growth has lagged behind top-line performance, pointing to an increase in underlying costs such as the cost of manpower.

In our role as the voice of the industry, SiTF has continued to keep close tabs on business sentiment and has raised this and other issues with Government agencies and other relevant parties. In March this year, we participated in a ministerial dialogue with then Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Mr Lui Tuck Yew, during which we had the opportunity to raise issues faced by our members and the industry as a whole. We also discussed the future of ICT in Singapore and updated the Minister on SiTF’s initiatives.

Foremost among these was the effort to ensure that there is an adequate pool of infocomm talent in Singapore. In line with this, we have taken the first steps towards

CHAirMAn’s MessAGe2010 has been a year of strong growth for the singapore economy as a whole and for the iCT industry in particular.


establishing an SiTF Academy. We partnered International SQL Star Pte Ltd in September 2010 to provide Android app developer training, and more than 130 developers have benefited from the SiTF-certified course to date.

More recently, at imbX 2011 in June, we launched Singapore Green IT certification course targeted at organisations looking to improve their Green IT credentials and IT professionals wishing to develop their skills in this domain. The course aims to promote and develop a better understanding of Green IT as well as the underlying environmental and business drivers behind the technology. This initiative has been made possible with the help of our strategy partner e2readiness, accredited training partners COMAT Training Services Pte Ltd, Ingram Micro Asia Ltd, NetAssist Services Pte Ltd and NTUC LearningHub Pte Ltd, and supporting vendors Fuji Xerox, Microsoft and Ricoh.

In the area of market development, the business outlook survey has shown a positive trend in the number of local infocomm companies actively engaged in building up their overseas presence. In view of this, SiTF has called on the government to help foster a conducive environment for internationalisation.

On our part, SiTF signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Botswana, Egypt, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam and undertook 28 outbound missions in 2010.

Our Infocomm Singapore Centres in China have also done us proud. Over the years, they assisted some 60 iLEs in developing their business and paved the way for deals worth $45 million as well as a pipeline of potential transactions worth another $78 million. In the past financial year, they organised more than 25 mission trips, seminars and business matching and networking events and signed six MOUs and Collaboration Agreements.

SiTF has also continued to deliver value to our members by facilitating in market creation on home ground. In line with this, we are pleased to report that our flagship Project Optimus has gathered momentum. Eight new initiatives have been introduced to catalyse ICT adoption in various economic sectors.

For example, we assisted in carrying out surveys for the air cargo and the private education sectors, and organised targeted trade fairs for the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS) and for childcare centres, the latter in association with the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS). The fairs helped introduce companies in the various sectors to ICT solutions that were appropriate for their respective business domains.

The off-shoot of Project Optimus, MatchiT, has also gained widespread acceptance. The web service that matches business IT requests to the relevant solution providers received more than 50 requests from a wide range of industries including travel and trade associations, education, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, retail and hospitality. The range of services offered through MatchiT has also been extended to include IT master planning and consultancy.

SiTF has also continued to take the lead in promoting ICT innovation. In our engagement with government agencies and other organisations, we have highlighted the ICT industry’s call for more R&D support and investment in innovative - even if untested - technology.

We also actively select and promote role models for Singapore ICT innovation through our annual SiTF Awards. 2010 awards had attracted 147 nominations in different categories ranging from schools to multinational corporations. The winners and finalists proved the quality of their products and services when six of them outshone their peers at the 10th Asia-Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards in Kuala Lumpur, returning with four wins and two merit awards.

We also support innovation through our SiTF Mentorship Programme (SMP) which provides individuals and start-ups with an industry-led platform for funding and assistance in taking ideas through to proof of concept and possible commercialisation.

One local ICT company that has benefitted from SMP is CEOlusion Pte Ltd. Its solution for the rapid deployment of mobile learning content on multiple platforms has reached commercialisation stage,

after having been successfully introduced in organisations such as the Singapore Zoological Gardens and the National Heritage Board.

For the various chapters, the year has also been another busy and successful one. The Service Oriented Architecture Chapter transformed itself into the Cloud Computer Chapter to keep pace with the latest industry developments. Many successful events were also organised for Chapter members and the industry. The ones that stood out included the GCIO luncheon graced by IDA’s Chief Executive Officer RADM(NS) Ronnie Tay and more than 100 of the industry’s movers and shakers, and the ICT Business Forum which attracted a record 600 industry professionals.

On the lighter side, we had our first ICT Idol competition spicing up our entertainment calendar. The inaugural event attracted such a warm response that it is set to become a permanent addition to our recreational offerings.

Another milestone on the recreational front was the evolution of SiTF’s Volunteer Day (V-Day) into the National ICT Industry Volunteer’s Day, which will be observed on the second Saturday of July every year. This development was due in large part to the efforts of Miss Shirley Wong, our tireless V-Day Organising Committee Chairman, to aggregate volunteer projects by the industry.

The activities and initiatives of 2010 have helped in various ways to raise the profile of the local ICT industry, facilitate its continued development and brought the ICT community closer together. At this point, I would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to the Secretariat who have been proactive in contributing ideas and highly efficient in seeing ideas to fruition.

My gratitude also goes to our members, particularly those who have served on the Council or in our nine Chapters. We would not have been able to achieve what we have in the past year without your invaluable advice and assistance.


Senior Vice PresidentApplications, Asia Pacific Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd

Ms TAn Yen Yen


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CounCiLLorMs Kelly TanManaging Director andVice President, Global SalesHewlett-Packard Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd

CounCiLLorMr Julian PersaudManaging DirectorGoogle, Southeast Asia

Ms sHirLeY wonG

CounCiLLorMr Craig John GledhillVice President, APJCisco Consumer Products Pte Ltd

THe siTF CounCiLLors

CounCiLLorMs Jessica TanManaging DirectorMicrosoft Operations Pte Ltd, SingaporeMember of Parliament East Coast GRC

CounCiLLorMr Lim Seng KongVice President, Global AccountsSingapore Telecommunications Ltd


FirsT ViCe CHAirMAn

HonorArY seCreTArY

seConD ViCe CHAirMAn

Senior Vice PresidentApplications, Asia Pacific Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd

Founder/ CEOBrandtology Pte Ltd

General ManagerGovernment and Health IndustryIBM Singapore Pte Ltd

Managing DirectorBT Frontline Pte Ltd

HonorArY TreAsurer& CHAirMAn,

BesT sourCinG CHAPTer

CEO, Opus IT Services Pte Ltd (1 July 2010 – Mid June 2011)

Vice President and Account ExecutiveSingapore Government SOE AccountHewlett-Packard Services (Singapore)

Pte Ltd (Since Mid June 2011)

Ms TAn Yen Yen

Mr eDDie CHAu

Mr Foo JonG TonG

Mr CHArLes FAn


CounCiLLor Mr Ng Tian BengVice President and Managing Director, South Asia and Korea CSMBDell Global B.V. (Singapore Branch)

CounCiLLorMr Ng Chong KhimDeputy President, Corporate Services and MarketingSingapore Technologies Electronics Ltd

CounCiLLorMr Vijoy VargheseCountry Head, SingaporeTata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor& CHAirMAn, eGoVernMenT CHAPTerMr Tan Sian LipVice President, Domains and TechnologyCrimsonLogic Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor (Co-oPTeD)Mr Pek Yew ChaiDirectorP3 Technologies Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor& CHAirMAn, Green iT CHAPTerMr Peter GohPartner, Health and Public Service, ASEANAccenture Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor Mr Ronnie LeeDirector of Relationship Segment,Lenovo ASEAN

CHAirMAn, seCuriTYAnD GoVernAnCeCHAPTerDr Ngair Teow HinChief Executive OfficerSecureAge Technology Pte Ltd

CHAirMAn, DiGiTAL MeDiA CHAPTerMr Roderick ChiaVice President, Strategic ProjectsInfocomm Asia HoldingsPte Ltd

LeGAL CounseLMr P. BalachandranVice Chairman, DirectorRobert Wang and Woo LLC

CounCiLLor (Co-oPTeD)Mr Yow Tau KeonManaging Director1-Net Singapore Pte Ltd

CHAirMAn, CLouDCoMPuTinG CHAPTerMr Kendrick LeeSolutions DirectorManaged Services Sector, Asia, Computer Sciences Corporation

CHAirMAn,wireLess CHAPTerMr Ken ChuaChief Executive OfficeriCELL Network Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor Mr Vincent LimGroup General ManagerCommercialGeneral BusinessProducts and ServicesNCS Pte Ltd

CHAirMAn, eLeArninG CHAPTerDr Tay Chor TerChief Executive Officere2Learn Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor (Co-oPTeD)Mr Stephen LimChief Executive Officer and Managing DirectorSQL View Pte Ltd

CounCiLLor (Co-oPTeD)Mr Phey Teck MohManaging Director, Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions (Asia Pacific) Motorola Solutions, Inc.

CHAirMAn, sinGAPoreenTerPrise CHAPTerMr Eric SngChief Executive OfficerS&I Systems Pte Ltd

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HiGHLiGHTs 2010/ 2011JuLY-AuGusT2010







• More than 250 members attended the Meet the Members session to mingle and learn about SiTF’s upcoming plans• Mr Jim Whitehurst, Chief Executive Officer of Red Hat, shared his insights into cloud computing in his UpClose Connexions talk with some 100 ICT executives • About 240 ICT employees and their families helped clean up East Coast Park beach for 2010 SiTF Volunteers’ Day. The initiative has also been re-named National ICT Industry Volunteers’ Day and will be held annually on the second Saturday of July• The Cloud Computing Chapter’s Verticals Day at Brewerkz Riverside Point attracted 60 people

• 120 people attended SITEX hospitality, an event to appreciate the continuous support of partners• The Digital Media Chapter organised a seminar on the topic “Digital Media on the Move”• The Security & Governance Chapter celebrated the Lunar New Year with a “Lou Hei” Townhall meeting• SiTF organised a Singapore pavilion at the RSA Conference in the United States• A record crowd of over 600 IT professionals thronged Raffles City Convention Centre to find out how to take advantage of innovation to achieve greater productivity and growth at the ICT Business Forum 2011• M r Ignacio de Castro, Deputy Director of the Worldwide IP Organization, gave a talk on Understanding ICT Dispute Resolutions during the Best Sourcing Chapter’s Distinguished Speaker event

• A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the Korea International Trade Association to forge stronger business ties for the ICT industry• SiTF launched the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) together with four other trade associations.• More than 70 people had attended an afternoon event with Geoffrey Moore.• A Cloud Practitioners’ Day was held at Nanyang Polytechnic, focusing on the building of enterprise cloud frameworks• SiTF Security and Governance Chapter had led a SiTF members’ pavilion at Government Ware 2010• SiTF had jointly organised an IT Solutions Fair for the Travel Industry with IDA, NATAS and STB • SiTF had jointly organised MCYS Technology Fair @ MCYS Technology Seminar with IDA and MOE• 147 nominations from 90 companies were received for SiTF Awards 2010• 13 companies were presented Singapore’s highest accolade for infocomm innovation at the biennial National Infocomm Awards (NIA) jointly organised by IDA and SiTF• A trade mission to Vietnam allowed Singapore companies to visit some of their Vietnamese counterparts. • Singapore companies walked away with four top accolades and two merit awards at the 10th

International APICTA Awards 2010• 30 “C” level executives had the opportunity to engage with then-Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Mr Lui Tuck Yew at the first Ministerial Luncheon organised by the Singapore Enterprise Chapter• SiTF had co-organised Infocomm Industry Forum with IDA at Orchard Hotel

• A talk was organised by the e-Government and Singapore Enterprise Chapters for enterprises interested in exploring opportunities in the the eGovernment market• Developers in the mobile Internet space shared experiences and insights at the Android-themed Developer Garage• Mr Michael Klayko, CEO of Brocade, and Alvin Kok, SingTel’s Head of Infocomm Services, spoke about the cloud at an UPCLose Connexions session at Shangri-La Hotel• ISC signed a MOU with the Chongqing New North Zone during a successful trade mission to the city• SiTF participated in The Internet Show held at Suntec Convention Centre

• More than 250 participants took part in the SiTF Golf Classic 2011• The GCIO Luncheon organised by the Singapore Enterprise Chapter, was graced by RADM(NS) Ronnie Tay, IDA’s Chief Executive Officer and attended by over 100 people from the public and private sectors• More than 30 local ICT companies showcased their products and services at the Infocomm Singapore Pavilion at the Infocomm Media Business Exchange.

• 7 Singapore companies participated in Singapore IT Seminar at Lao, a jointly organised event by SiTF and Lao National Authority of Science and Technology• The eLearning Chapter organised the participation of SiTF members in a webinar on 21st Century Leadership Practices• Almost 50 people attended a Social Media Marketing Workshop at IAH Singapore• The e-Government Chapter hosted a lunch for a Government delegation from Vietnam.• 350 ICT professionals took part in the inaugural ICT Idol 2010 at Zirca, Clarke Quay• SITEX 2010 broke sales and attendance records with more than 900,000 people buying almost $52 million worth of ICT products• The Infocomm Singapore Centre’s Xian-Singapore ICT Business Matching Session drummed up $1 million in sales• SiTF inked a MOU with Egypt’s Information Technology Institute to grow the ICT industries of both countries• SiTF organised a business-matching trip to Changsa, China• 120 people attended the China-Singapore Outsourcing Summit which was organised at the request of the China embassy• SiTF held its Singapore Enterprise Chapter’s Christmas celebration at the Wine Arcade

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Effective engagement of our members is key to our success as an organisation. To this end, we have leveraged social media to connect with you. Our Facebook presence has been enhanced with a fan page and we have standardised our user name across Facebook and Twitter for ease of use.

We have also taken your feedback into account and revamped our enewsletter – SiTF News Bytes. Since June this year, we have included short informative stories as well as postings on upcoming events. To make our presence felt without being intrusive, the frequency has also been reduced to once a fortnight.

eXeCuTiVe DireCTor’s MessAGe

All channels – Facebook, Twitter and News Bytes – are also open to receiving and posting news from members. We look forward to contributions about upcoming events, company news and notable achievements.

In tandem with the booming economy, our calendar of events has been reinvigorated with nearly 100 different activities organised during the year. Some old favourites continue to be popular. The Golf Classic was well received as usual, with over 250 golfers participating in the event. SITEX, our consumer fair, achieved new records in visitorship and sales – more than 900,000 people visited the 2010 show, spending a total S$52 million at the event.

There were also new additions to the calendar, from the hit ICT Idol competition to targeted chapters’ offerings such as the Vertical’s Day organised by the Cloud Computing Chapter (formerly known as the Service Oriented Architecture Chapter).

In the past year, we have also worked to foster closer collaboration with trade associations and other institutions. Our Singapore Infocomm Centres in China have signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with the Chongqing New North Zone as well as the Wuhan Software Association. Here in Singapore, SiTF also signed an MOU with Nanyang Polytechnic to set up a Cloud Enablement

The highlights of the year in review cut across the wide and varied spectrum of the Secretariat’s activities as we strive to run SiTF efficiently and effectively while reaching out to our members and promoting your interests.

Centre, which will be operational by October 2011. To encourage the development and adoption of innovative technologies in digital advertising and to build up a vibrant digital advertising sector in Singapore, SiTF and four other trade associations formed the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) in September 2010.

The 3 year lead program has also ended in May 2011. As a result of internationalisation effort under this program, members closed about S$24.5 million worth of deals, with projects worth another S$300 million in the pipeline.

Going forward, we are committed to improve our Secretariat operations so that we can perform our task of serving you better. We plan to formalise the documentation of critical operating procedures and to invest in ICT to further enhance our operations.

I am confident that we will be able to achieve our goals with the continued backing of the Council and our members. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your unwavering support in the past year.


MeeT siTF seCreTAriAT

Seated in front: Ms Claudine Ang, Operations ManagerFrom behind, starting from left: Ms Anita Tang, Business Executive, ISC; Ms Joy wong; Admin Executive, ISC; Mr sim wee Leng, Industry Alliance Manager; Ms Jacqueline Khoo, Industry Alliance & Events Management Manager; Mr Gary Tan, Industry Alliance Manager; Ms Cheam Gim Chng, Marketing & Sponsorship Manager; Ms Alicia Chong, Marketing Executive; Ms Angelyn Abrogar, Operations Support Executive

Seated in front: Ms Ho se Mun, Executive DirectorFrom behind, starting from left: Ms soh Hui wen, Operations Support Executive; Mr Alan Lek, Infocomm Singapore Evangelist; Ms Charleen Phor, Senior Business Support Executive; Mr Benjamin ng, Membership Care Executive; Ms serene ng, Administrator; Ms sun Lin, Accounts Executive; Ms Vivian Jin, Business Development Manager, ISC; Mr George Yang, Centre Director, ISC; Mr weber Zhou, Business Development Manager, ISC

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ICT Idol 2010

UPClose Connexions

SiTF Awards 2010 and APICTA Awards 2010

Project Optimus

Key InItIatIves and events

SiTF Golf Classic 2011

SiTF Volunteer’s Day 2010

ICT Business Outlook Forum 2011

SiTF Academy


SITEX 2010

Meet the Members

EnterpriseIT 2011

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market creation for the members in conjunction with the Federation’s other internationalisation support programmes.

SiTF and IDA also supported two industry-wide surveys in 2010. The Air Cargo Agents IT Readiness Survey was conducted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Singapore Aircargo Agents Association in September to promote efreight, while the Private Education ICT Survey was organised by the Council for Private Education (CPE) in October to review the adoption of ICT in the private education sector.

It aims to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) enhance their business performance by harnessing infocomm. At the same time, Project Optimus aims to fulfill the Federation’s missions in market creation for the members while promoting ICT innovation and capability.

TravelIn September 2010, SiTF co-organised an IT Solutions Fair for travel agents. This followed the success of the Hidden Resources Seminar for members of the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore, which was held in May 2010. Through the seminar, SiTF members were able to identify the gaps in IT adoption among travel agents and thus the showcase of appropriate solutions at the September fair.

HealTHcareSiTF also supported the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) on two joint EDB-MOH healthcare initiatives in August 2010.

The inaugural National Grand Challenge (NGC), was part of a drive to make Singapore a “Living Lab” in the preventive health space, to prevent and/or control obesity and pre-diabetes.

The Silver Community Test-bed Programme (SCTB), on the other hand, provides seed funding and a test bed for new prototypes to encourage the development of age-friendly products and services for senior citizens.

SiTF, EDB and MOH co-organised a Call for Proposals briefing session with the ICT industry for a complete solution – encompassing technology innovation and a viable business model for these initiatives.

MatchiTMatchiT, a free web service which was launched in 2010 to match SMEs’ business IT requests with SiTF’s network of solution providers, has continued to receive the support and many praises from SiTF’s members, partners and the requestors. This year, the services offered on MatchiT have been extended to include assistance for IT master planning/consultancy.

MatchiT has achieved a wide reach, with requests coming in from sectors such as travel and trade associations, education, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, retail and hospitality.

Coming into 2010, MatchiT has also garnered and expanded the strategic alliance with fellow associations such as the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS), the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC), the eCommerce Alliance of Singapore (ECAS), Sim Lim Square Association and the Singapore Aircargo Agents Association (SAAA). Today, the MatchiT facility is also available to the members of this alliance from most of the respective associations’ websites.

ProJeCT oPTiMus

Pre-ScHool/cHildcareSiTF also partnered Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) to organise a Technology Fair at the MCYS Technology Seminar in September 2010. The event was aimed at helping childcare centres to harness IT to improve their operations and optimising learning for every child in an IT-enriched environment. The Fair attracted an audience of about 2,000 visitors who were primarily childcare operators and professionals.

reTailSiTF also teamed up with IDA and the Sim Lim Square Association to help SMEs within the ICT retail sector by organising an Infocomm Roadshow. The event took place in March 2011. The Roadshow informed and provided the retailers with the various assistance schemes available for them to embrace ICT and the business development platforms that they can tap on for business advantage.

oTHer iniTiaTiveSTo promote the expansion of local infocomm companies outside Singapore, SiTF also worked with IDA International on overseas projects, for example, in organising an Invitation to Submit for Proposal for the Manpower Augmentation Programme. Through this effort of encouraging qualified ICT companies to partner IDA International in the execution of overseas projects, Project Optimus is also doing its bid in

Project Optimus is SiTF’s flagship programme to link industry verticals with the iCT industry.




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Close to 250 people braved heavy rain to attend the 2010 SiTF Meet the Members session, which was held together with an i.Jamming session organised by the National Research Foundation’s Interactive Digital Media Programme Office (IDMPO). i.Jam or Interactive Digital Media Jump-start And Mentor is an initiative to support grassroots innovation in the IDM sector

Held at Fusionopolis on 1 July 2010, the SiTF session presented a good opportunity for members to network and get updates on key initiatives such as Project Optimus, the SiTF Mentorship Programme as well as the various Chapters. Mr Eddie Chau, 1st Vice Chairman of SiTF, delivered the welcome address.

IDMPO’s Executive Director and the Media Development Authority’s (MDA) Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mr Michael Yap, presented the key milestones in the advancement of Interactive Digital Media in Singapore.

The event also featured an exhibition by SiTF members including Elixir Technology, Hoiio Pte Ltd, Maxus Media and Software Pte Ltd, RWD Technology, Providence Solutions Pte Ltd and Tata Communications.

MeeT THe MeMBers




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From left: Mr Vijoy Varghese, Country Head, Singapore, Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (SiTF Councillor) ; Ms Ho Se Mun, SiTF Executive Director; Mr Michael Yap, MDA Deputy CEO; Mr Eddie Chau, Founder/ CEO, Brandtology Pte Ltd (SiTF 1st Vice Chairman) ; and Mr Phey Teck Moh, MD, Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions (Asia Pacific), Motorola Solutions, Inc. (SiTF Councillor Co-opted)

Close to 250 people attended the Meet the Members session held at Fusionopolis on 1 July 2010

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The idea of an ICT Idol competition proved to be red hot! The inaugural event which was held at Zirca, Clarke Quay, on 12 November 2010 was an instant hit, an audience of over 300 people.

The event allowed members to discover the hidden talents of their colleagues. The contestant who wowed the crowd and impressed the judges most with his powerful vocals and star appeal was Mr Leo QiJun of StarHub. The runner up was the trio of Jasper Tan, Shin Xu and Marshall Ma from the Institute of Systems Science, National University Singapore, followed by the dynamic Desiree Villavieja from OPUS IT Services. The Mr Congeniality Award went to Mr Fong Weng Seng, also from OPUS IT.

iCT iDoL 2010




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Supporters from StarHub

Mr Lau Shih Hor from Elixir Technology singing his heart out

Dance by Radikal Forze

Mr Fong Weng Seng from Opus IT Services, winner of Mr Congeniality Award

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More than 240 infocomm industry employees and their families took to Singapore’s beaches in a community clean-up effort for this year’s Volunteers’ Day (V-Day) at East Coast Park on Saturday 10 July 2010.

Ms Shirley Wong, Chairman of the V-Day Organising Committee, also announced SiTF’s commitment to hold V-Day. It was declared the observance of the 2nd Week of July as the National ICT Industry Volunteers’ Day.

The V-Day initiative was launched in 2004 to encourage infocomm companies to come together and collaborate with the community. Ms Wong said the latest development is aimed at aggregating and promoting the efforts to assist the less fortunate, promote environment-friendly practices and raise funds for worthy causes.

siTF VoLunTeers’ DAY




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More than 240 infocomm industry people and families participated in the clean up East Coast Park beach on 10 July 2010

Volunteers from Nokia in bright green T-Shirt! Cool!

Volunteers from Opus IT Services Pte Ltd

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singapore Companies @ APiCTAwinners

MeriT AwArD reCiPienTs

Smoov Pte Ltd

G Element Pte Ltd

EPhone International Pte Ltd

EPhone International Pte Ltd

Ohanae Pte Ltd

Scoreless Music Pte Ltd


EPI Life

EPI Life

Scoreless Music Suite


Universal Cloud ID


New Media & Entertainment




New Media & Entertainment








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The spirit of innovation is alive and well! The SiTF Awards 2010, which gives recognition to innovative ICT products and solutions developed by local companies, attracted 147 nominations, up from 117 the previous year.

A total of 89 multinationals, local enterprises, startups, government agencies, institutes of higher learning and schools showcased their best efforts to 18 judges in the preliminary round. Of these, 48 nominations from 40 entities made it to the final round, where the 9 winners and 10 merit winners were selected by a panel of 17 judges.

The three-month process culminated in the grand finale which took place at Fusionopolis on 30 September 2010 that was attended by 250 guests. We have introduced the first Judges’ Choice Awards and it went to Computer Processor Cooling Technology of Gate Keeper Laboratories Pte Ltd.

siTF AwArDs 2010

roll of HonourCATeGorY

Digital Media

Emerging Technology




Mobile Applications

Primary Student

Tertiary Student


Secondary Student

Judges’ Choice

Winner - MXR Corporation Pte Ltd (MXR Web3D Platform)

Winner – Gatekeeper Laboratories Pte Ltd (Computer Processor Cooling Technology)Merit – Ephone International Pte Ltd (EPI Life)

Winner – AllProperty Media Pte Ltd (PropertyGuru.com.sg)Merit – Ephone International Pte Ltd (EPI Life)Merit – Smoov Pet Ltd (Smoov.me [Organise, Localise, Socialise])

Merit – Technology & Systems Research Pte Ltd (TP-100M Pico Projector)

Winner – StreetSine Pte Ltd (Home Report)Merit – Ephone International Pte Ltd (EPI Life)

Winner – Scoreless Music Pte Ltd (Scoreless Music Suite)

Winner – Jurong West Primary School (Doggy likes clean water)Merit – Tampines Primary School (Fruity Orders)

Winner – The Digital Movement (Virtual Sandbox)Merit - Temasek Polytechnic, School of Informatics & IT (EyeBuddy)

Winner – Ohanae Pte Ltd (Universal Cloud ID)Merit – Fotegrafilk Pte Ltd (Prophecy Video Analytics)

Winner – Crescent Girls School (OnionVine)Meirt – Raffles Institution (Buddy)Merit – Raffles Institution (Ecozone | Media Driven Green Portal)

Computer Processor Cooling Technology of Gate KeeperLaboratories Pte Ltd


APiCTA Awards 2010 Winners of the SiTF Awards went on to do Singapore proud at the 10th Asia-Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards. Held in Kuala Lumpur on (15 October 2010), the APICTA Awards showcase innovation, creativity and excellence in ICT in the Asia Pacific region.

Of the 19 nominations submitted by Singapore from among the winners and finalists of the SiTF Awards, four went on to win the APICTA Award and two emerged merit winners. One company, EPhone International Pte Ltd, won the award in two categories - e-Health and Start-Up.

Associate Professor Sharen Liu, Director for Educational Technology and Production of SIM University presented the awards for the Best Presenter in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary School Categories

Ms Jessica Tan, MD of Microsoft Singapore & MP for East Coast GRC, presented the awards to the Winner of Mobile Applications Category, Scoreless Music Pte Ltd

Ms Tan Yen Yen, Chairman of SiTF (from Left) and Mr Eddie Chau, Organizing Chairman of SiTF Awards 2010 and 1st Vice Chairman of SiTF (from right) presented Judges’ Choice Awards to Gatekeeper Laboratories Pte Ltd (Center)

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Singapore’s longest-running consumer electronics and IT exhibition, SITEX, scaled new heights in its 22nd year, helped by strong consumer confidence and its proximity to the year-end festive season.

More than 900,000 people visited the show and spent S$52 million on gadgets and gizmos - the highest visitor and spending numbers in five years.

Taking up an unprecedented 25,000 sq m at the Singapore Expo, the four-day show from 25 to 28 November 2010, attracted over 160 exhibitors. Of these, 44 were participating for the first time.

Electronics, IT and telecom companies sought to build up market share at SITEX by offering attractive discounts and bundled deals. Mr Wesley Han, Managing Director of Mojito Group, expressed feedback typical of fellow exhibitors when he said, “Sales at our SITEX booth was extremely encouraging and was, in fact, better than last year. Perhaps because it was the year-end festive season, we saw people buying in bulk at wholesale prices.”

siTeX 2010




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UPClose Connexions, a power series for the business elite, featured two high-flying speakers in its second year.

On July 2010, Mr Jim Whitehurst, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Red Hat, elaborated on the benefits of cloud computing as he spoke on “Unlocking the Value of Cloud” to an audience of close to 100 executives.

In March 2011, a breakfast session was arranged with Mr Michael Klayko, CEO of Brocade and Mr Alvin Kok, SingTel’s Head of Infocomm Services. The cloud was again on the agenda, with Mr Klayko speaking on “Getting to the Cloud: Navigating Change in a Changing World” while Mr Kok shared the insights garnered from SingTel’s experience of moving to the cloud. The session attracted some 70 participants.

uPCLose ConneXions

A breakfast session with Mr Michael Klayko, CEO of Brocade and Mr Alvin Kok, SingTel’s Head of Infocomm Services.

UpClose Connexions with Mr Jim Whitehurst, CEO of Red Hat

Mr Michael Klayko, CEO of Brocade, addressing SiTF audience.

Mr Kendrick Lee, Chairman of SiTF CloudComputing Chapter, giving his opening speech

Mr Alvin Kok, Head of Infocomm Services, SingTel

Mr Charles Fan, UpClose Connexions Organising Committee Chairman, presenting a token of appreciation to Mr Jim Whitehurst , CEO of Red Hat

Ms Ho Se Mun, Executive Director of SiTF and Charles Fans, UpClose Organising Committee Chairman with Red Hat Key Executives

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Participants in the panel discussion “Cloud Computing and NGN - What it means to my business?”. (From L-R) Dr. Leong Mun Kew (CTO, National Library Board), Mr. Harish Pillay, Mr. Manoj Menon, Mr. Heng Wai Mun (Director, Savvis Asia Pacific), Mr. FX Drouet (ASEAN Cloud Architect Leader, IBM Singapore), and Mr. Daryl Webb (Director & CIO, Webvisions)

Participants in the panel discussion on “Aligning Business with Technology”. (From L-R) Mr. Roger Loo (Director, BDO Consultants), Mr. Raju Chellam (Managing Director, Tech-Trenders Asia) and moderator of this discussion, Mr. William Chin (General Manager, of Universal Steel) and Mr. Yap Chee Yuen (Senior VP at RW Sentosa)

Nearly 600 decision makers and business leaders gathered at the Raffles City Convention Centre on 24 February 2011 for the SiTF’s ICT Business Forum 2011, to find out how their organisations can take advantage of innovation to achieve greater productivity and growth.

Mr Vijoy Varghese, the event’s Organising Chairman, delivered the welcome address while Guest of Honour RADM(NS) Ronnie Tay, Chief Executive Officer of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, elaborated on the government’s initiatives and plans to grow Singapore’s ICT sector in his keynote address.

The topics covered in the forum included Indovation – India Innovation – by Mr Girija Pande, Chairman of Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific; ICT Trends and Forecasts for 2011by Mr Manoj Menon, Partner with Frost & Sullivan, Cloud Computing by Mr Harish Pillay, Open Source Evangelist of Red Hat Asia Pacific; and Smart Cities, Smart Planet by Mr Irving Tan, Managing Director of Cisco Systems.

Mr Ignacio de Castro, Deputy Director of the Worldwide IP Organization and head of its IP Disputes Management Section, also gave a presentation on effective dispute resolution

through mediation and arbitration.

The event also included panel discussions on Competency and Talent Retention, Cloud Computing and Next Generation Networks, as well as an exhibition

of ICT products and solutions.

iCT Business ForuM 2011

Mr Vijoy Varghese, Organising Chairman, ICT Business Forum 2011 and Country Head of Tata Consultancy Services Singapore

Mr Manoj Menon, Partner with Frost and Sullivan

Mr Irving Tan, Managing Director,Cisco Systems

Participants in CEO Panel Discussion. (L-R) Mr Anil Das (Senior Director, Industry Skills and Planning Office, WDA), Mr Andrew Khaw (Senior Director, Industry Development Group, IDA), Ms Jessica Tan (Managing Director, Microsoft, and MP for East Coast GRC), Mr Tim Hird (Managing Director, Robert Half International), Mr Mohan Belani (Co-Founder, Gokil Games), and Mr Stephen Lim (CEO and Managing Director, SQL View)

Guest-of-Honour: RADM(NS) Ronnie Tay, CEO, IDA Singapore

Mr Ignacio de Castro, Deputy Director, Head – IP Disputes Management Section, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center

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siTF GoLF CLAssiC 2011 Rain and lightning proved to be no handicap for close to 260 golfers taking part in the SiTF Golf Classic 2011, which was held at the Lake and Palm courses of the Raffles Country Club on 13 May 2011.

With the golfers organised into 64 flights, the tournament teed off as scheduled at 1 pm in spite of a lunchtime shower. However, it had to be temporarily suspended due to lightning.

The golfers took the opportunity to recharge and refresh before resuming the game at about 4pm. With no further interruptions, the tournament closed with the last flight which returned at around 7pm.




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Close to 260 ICT industry people participated in SiTF Golf Classic 2011 at Raffles Country Club. In the evening, all golfers were treated to a sumptuous dinner.

(L-R): Mr Charles Fan (Organising Chairman of SiTF Golf Classic, also Honorary Treasurer of SiTF; Vice President and Account Executive, Singapore Government SOE Account, HP Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd), Mr Andrew Khaw (Senior Director, Industry Development Group, IDA), Ms Tan Yen Yen (Chairman of SiTF; Senior Vice President, Applications, Asia Pacific, Oracle Corporation, Singapore Pte Ltd), and Mr Seah Chin Siong (CEO, IDA International)

All geared up for the golf game.

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More than 30 local ICT companies showcased their products and services at the Infocomm Singapore Pavilion at EnterpriseIT, which was held in conjunction with the Infocomm Media Business Exchange from 21 to 24 June 2011. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of Information, Communications and Arts was the Guest of Honour for the opening ceremony of this exhibition. EnterpriseIT presents an ideal opportunity for local companies to showcase their innovations and solutions to regional visitors. With this in mind, SiTF worked closely with International Enterprise Singapore and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore to lead the Singapore contingent at the show.

enTerPriseiT 2011

Ms Tan Yen Yen, SiTF Chairman (Senior Vice President, Applications, Asia Pacific, Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd , Singapore Pte Ltd) speaking at the opening ceremony of Infocomm Media Business Exchange

Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of Information, Communications and Arts, touring the exhibition hall

The Business Times, 22 June 2011

Eco-Business.Com, 21 June 2011

OneFinanceAsia, 22 June 2011

Singapore Informer, 22 June 2011

siTF ACADeMYSiTF Academy, an initiative of SiTF, has announced the launch of Singapore Green IT Certification during EnterpriseIT 2011 on 21 June 2011. This certification aims to enhance professionals’ knowledge and skill in Green IT arena. SiTF Chairman – Ms Tan Yen Yen, SiTF Academy Chairman – Mr Foo Jong Tong, Minister of Information, Communications and Arts – Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, e2readiness CEO – Mr Ian Tolond and SiTF Academy’s four training partners (COMAT Training Services Pte Ltd, Ingram Micro Asia Ltd, NetAssist Services Pte Ltd, NTUC LearningHub Pte Ltd) were present to mark the launch by signing on a commemorative board.

The launch of Singapore Green IT Certification received some good coverage from the media such as The Business Times, The Business Times Online, CIO Asia, MIS Asia, Computerworld Singapore, Eco Business.com and Green Business Times Online.

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inTernATionALisATionSiTF’s endeavours in the international arena are largely focused on China, where it has established Infocomm Singapore Centres (ISC) to assist Singapore enterprises to penetrate the China market. Their support ranges from finding project leads to assisting them until a deal is closed.

In the last financial year, the ISCs have organised more than 25 mission trips, seminars and business matching and networking events. A major thrust has been mission trips to China’s second and third tier cities. The outreach to Chongqing, Xian and Wuhan was particularly successful and resulted in business opportunities worth at least $1 million each. Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) were also signed with the Chongqing New North Zone as well as with the Wuhan Software Association.

By passing on leads, linking up with the decision-maker and other such invaluable help, the ISCs facilitated some 60 Singapore companies to develop their business and clinch deals worth $45 million. Another $78 million of potential deals are in the pipeline.

Back in Singapore, SiTF promotes international trade and collaboration mainly through hosting visiting delegations or organising and participating in mission trips. In the year in review, SiTF had hosted 33 inbound delegates from countries such as Botswana, China, Egypt, Korea, Oman Trinidad and Tobago, and Vietnam. SiTF also organised 28 outbound missions to countries such as Botswana, Lao PDR and Vietnam. Through this outreach, five MOU were also signed with counterparts in Botswana Egypt, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. It also resulted in $24.5 million worth of deals closed and over $300 million more in the pipeline.

Mr Eddie Chau, 1st Vice Chairman of SiTF represented SiTF to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Chongqing New North Zone. Mr Lee Sze Chin, Center Director of IDA’s Shanghai Office was present to witness this MOU ceremony.

ISC organised Business Matching Session at Nanjing, China

A networking session with CIO in Shanghai, China was arranged by ISC

Other Business Matching Sessions organised in China included at HeFei and Chengdu. ISC signed MOU with Wuhan Software Association

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Digital Media

Security and Governance


Best Sourcing

the sitF Chapter reports



Singapore Enterprise

Green IT

Cloud Computing

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The Best Sourcing Chapter (BSC) aims to enhance Singapore as a business outsourcing destination and raise awareness of the benefits of business process outsourcing. It helps improve the branding and awareness of the industry while keeping members updated on the latest industrial trends.

On 30 November 2010, BSC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Information Technology Institute of Egypt to promote the growth and development of the

BesT sourCinG CHAPTer ICT industry in both countries.

BSC was invited by China’s embassy in Singapore to speak at the China-Singapore Outsourcing Summit in December 2010 and at the China-Singapore IT Services Summit in April 2011.

In February 2011, Mr Ignacio de Castro, Deputy Director of the Worldwide IP Organization, was invited to give a talk on Understanding ICT Dispute Resolutions.

2010-2011 executive CommitteeCHAirMAn Mr Charles Fan

Mr Gyanendra Kumar

Mr Vinod (Vin) Menon

Mr Brij Bagga

Opus IT Services Pte Ltd(1 July 2010 – Mid June 2011)Hewlett-Packard Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Since Mid June 2011)

infoTrust Singapore Pte Ltd

Mindwave Solutions Pte Ltd

Zenith Infotech (S) Pte Ltd


eXCo MeMBers

HonorArY seCreTArY

HonorArY TreAsurer

Ms Cheryl Tong Pursuit Pte Ltd

CLouD CoMPuTinG CHAPTerThe Service Oriented Architecture Chapter has been renamed as The Cloud Computer Chapter (CCC) since 1 July 2010. Its aim is to catalyse business opportunities for its members and foster collaboration by maintaining close working ties with the public and private sectors.

CCC spearheaded the formation of a Cloud Enablement Centre (CEC) at Nanyang Polytechnic. On 24 February 2011, SiTF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the polytechnic to set up the centre, which will raise awareness, develop capabilities and foster adoption of innovative cloud computing solutions, especially among small and medium enterprises.

It held two networking events: Vertical’s Day on 24 August 2010 and a discussion on security issues relating to the cloud on 26 April 2011.

2010-2011 executive Committee

Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers

eXCo MeMBers

Mr Syn Hon Beng ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems) Pte Ltd

Mr Brock Mahoney Accenture Pte Ltd

Mr Chin Hong Hua SAP Asia Pte Ltd (until Feb 2011)

Ms Lyndy Ng Mui Yong NCS Pte Ltd

Mr Sanjeev Kumar Orange Business Services

Mr Saith Saket Progress Software Corporation Pte Ltd(Until Mar 2011)

Mr Andy Ow 1-Net Pte Ltd

Ms Loh Chuu Yi Nanyang Polytechnic

Mr Daniel Ng Dell Singapore Pte Ltd

Mr David Siah CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd

Mr Gary Luton Salesforce.com

Mr Vikram Mengi Latize Pte Ltd

Mr Troy Chung TroyTech International Consulting Pte Ltd

L-R: Mr Richard Tan (Consultant, Dispute Resolution, Stamford Law Corporation), Mr Igancio de Castro (Deputy Director, Head - IP Disputes Management Section WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center), Mr Charles Fan (Chairman of Best Sourcing Chapter, also Honorary Treasurer of SiTF; Vice President and Account Executive, Singapore Government SOE Account, HP Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd), Mr B Prabhu Deva ( Exco Member of Best Sourcing Chapter; Director, Shape Technologies Pte Ltd) and Ms Ho Se Mun (Executive Director, SiTF) at Understanding ICT Dispute Resolutions Talk

Mr B Prabhu Deva Shape Technologies Pte Ltd

Ms Grace Euinto CBL Data Recovery Technologies (S) Pte Ltd

CHAirMAn Mr Kendrick Lee CSC Asia Group

ViCe CHAirMAn Mr Chew Tat Leong Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd

HonorArY seCreTArY

Ms Cheong Lai Siong IBM Singapore Pte Ltd

HonorArY TreAsurer

Mr Albert Tay Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd

Over 30 practitioners and cloud professionals attended “Is There Security in the Cloud” event on 26 April 2011 at at Brewerkz

Vertical’s Day on 24 August 2010 at Brewerkz @ Riverside Point

Delegates from Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC), Japan, visited SiTF on 3 November 2010

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DiGiTAL MeDiA CHAPTerThe Digital Media Chapter (DMC) aims to promote the adoption of interactive digital media technologies and content in Singapore. It represents the industry in interactions with other organisations and seeks to create opportunities for digital media companies to reach out globally by providing business mentorship to start-ups and young companies. A major DMC initiative is the SiTF Mentorship Programme (SMP) which is an industry-led platform providing funding and support for innovative individuals and start-ups to take ideas from conceptualisation to proof of concept and to possible commercialisation.

SiTF joined the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) in September 2010 and partnered Interactive Digital Media Programme Office (IDMPO) to launch the Digital Advertising Call for Proposal to encourage development and usage of innovative technologies in digital advertising. The Digital Advertising Call for Proposal has attracted some 30 applicants.

Activities DMC organised included a social media workshop in November 2010, and an interactive seminar Digital Media on the Move, in January.

2010-2011 executive CommitteeCHAirMAn Mr Roderick Chia

Mr Neo Shi Yong

Mr Andrew Lim

Mr Low Ka Hoe

Mr Anol Bhattacharya

Infocomm Asia Holdings Pte Ltd

Kai Square Pte Ltd

BuzzCity Pte Ltd

Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (1 Jul 2010 - 8 Feb 2011)

GetIT Pte Ltd

Mr Lim Shee Chee Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Mr Terence Teo Tata Communications International Pte Ltd

Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers


eXCo MeMBer

HonorArY seCreTArY

HonorArY TreAsurer

Ms Goh Li Li StarHub Ltd

Mr Lim Chong Jin Temasek Polytechnic

Ms Wendy Lee Singapore Polytechnic

Mr Terence Lai Tuck Leong

Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (from 9 Feb 2011)

The eGovernment Chapter (eGOV) aims to provide thought leadership and act as an exchange platform to foster business collaboration. It also aims to strengthen international ties to promote the exploration of overseas markets.

In the past year, the eGov Chapter hosted two overseas delegations, one from Trinidad and Tobago and the other from Vietnam. It also signed two Memorandums of Understanding, one in September 2010 with the Korea International Trade Association and the second with the Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority during an eGovernment mission to Botswana.

eGov teamed up with the Singapore Enterprise Chapter (SEC) to organise SiTF’s first cross-chapter networking event “Exploring the eGovernment Market” in March 2011. In June 2011, it hosted a group of emerging economy government delegates attending the ‘Singapore Cooperation Programme Training Award & Small Island Developing States Technical Cooperation Programme’.

eGoVernMenT CHAPTer

2010-2011 executive CommitteeCHAirMAn Mr Tan Sian Lip

Mr Suresh Agarwal

Mr Lau Shih Hor

Mr Alvin Low

Mr Joseph Teo Chin Guan

Mr Vincent Leoh

Dr Foong Wai Keong

Mr Stephen Lim

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd

Infotech Global Pte Ltd

Elixir Technology Pte Ltd

ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems) Pte Ltd

eGL Singapore

Web Professional House

Ecquaria Technologies Pte Ltd

SQL View Pte Ltd

Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers


eXCo MeMBers

HonorArY seCreTArY

HonorArY TreAsurer

Mr Wee Teck Hin NCS Pte Ltd

Mr Toh Su Po ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems) Pte Ltd

eGov signed Memorandum of Understanding with Korea International Trade Association (KITA) on 7 September 2010

Over 50 participants attended the eGov and SEC joint chapters’ networking session held on 18 March 2010 at CrimsonLogic office.

eGov hosted Vietnam delegates on 10 November 2010

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The eLearning Chapter (eLC) acts as the voice of Singapore’s eLearning industry, which it champions as a distinctive brand. It represents the industry in discussions with the public sector, media, user groups and other local and international industry organisations and facilitates networking and alliance formation, locally, as well as internationally.

It helps members by providing information on industry trends and forecasts and developing industry benchmarks to measure and upgrade their competence and ensure their compliance with international standards.

Members were treated to a free live webinar with a presenter from the US and an audience spanning Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. Shawn Hunter, Executive Producer from Skillsoft explored emerging ideas in leadership and suggested ways to fuel actionable innovation for over a week.

eLeArninG CHAPTer

2010-2011 executive CommitteeCHAirMAn Dr Tay Chor Ter

Mr Victor Chow

Mr Yong Yam Tong

Mr C K Narayanan

Assoc Prof Philip Wong

Assoc Prof Daniel Tan

Mr Ho Jen Chan

e2Learn Pte Ltd

Inchone Pte Ltd (1 Jul 2010 - 31 Dec 2010)

Hewlett-Packard Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd

International SQL Star Pte Ltd

National Institute of Education

Nanyang Technological University

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers


eXCo MeMBers

HonorArY seCreTArY

HonorArY TreAsurer


Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers


eXCo MeMBers

HonorArY seCreTArY

HonorArY TreAsurer

2010-2011 executive CommitteeMr Peter Goh

Mr Gyanendra Kumar

Mr Ian Tolond

Mr Chong Too Yen

Mr Alex Ng

Mr James Lee

Accenture Pte Ltd

Infotrust Singapore Pte Ltd


Enera Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Clearmanage Pte Ltd

Asiasoft Solutions Pte Ltd

Mr Suresh Agarwal

Mr Willie Chan

Mr Chan Yew Meng

Mr Kenny Ng

Mr Tay Choon Hong

Infotech Global Pte Ltd

NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Nanyang Polytechnic

IBM Singapore Pte Ltd

ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems) Pte Ltd

The Green IT Chapter aims to raise awareness of environmentally-friendly best practices within the ICT industry. It also provides members with a platform to nurture innovative ideas and explore business opportunities in green IT technology and services.

On 14 September 2010, the Chapter held a Green IT Breakfast Session to spread its message among various verticals of the IT industry.

It also organised a Green IT Distinguished Speaker Event on 8 October 2010. The three-hour seminar cum exhibition presented the audience with insights into green IT solutions and provided Chapter members with networking and business opportunities. The Green IT Distinguished Speaker Event was organised with the support of Nanyang Polytechnic, Asiasoft, Enera Asia Pacific, Infotrust and the Work Development Agency.

Green iT CHAPTer








Mr Eugene Liew Lenovo (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Wilmar Consultancy Services Pte Ltd

Mr Paul Gilbert

Mr Chng Eng Leok MC Online Pte Ltd

Mr Justin Hill Skillsoft Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

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seCuriTY & GoVernAnCe CHAPTer (sGC) The Security & Governance Chapter (SGC) aims to promote awareness of the need for IT security and the role of governance while building up security as a key competency. It strives to reach out not only IT professionals but also to auditors and consultants, as well as legal and compliance organisations that complete the picture for the effective implementation and management of IT security solutions.

Last September, SGC led 20 companies to showcase their products and services at GovernmentWare 2010, the annual seminar organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs,.

Its social calendar included a combined Lunar New Year celebration, annual Townhall and networking session with the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore’s Infocomm Security Division (iSec) in January 2011 and a networking event in March 2011. The latter was a cross-association event with the Association of Information Security Professionals (AiSP).

2010-2011 executive CommitteeCHAirMAn

Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers


eXCo MeMBers

HonorArY seCreTArY

HonorArY TreAsurer

Dr Ngair Teow Hin

Mr Anthony Lim

Mr Thomas Lim

Mr Benjamin Mah

SecureAge Technology Pte Ltd

IBM Singapore Pte Ltd

Computer Security Initiative Consultancy Pte Ltd

Oracle Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd

Mr Tan Yuh Woei Symantec Singapore Pte Ltd

Mr Ian Monteiro Image Engine Pte Ltd

Mr Aung Win Tin Nanyang Polytechnic

Mr Gerry Chng Ernst & Young Advisory Pte Ltd

Mr Wally Lee McAfee Singapore Pte Ltd(from Feb 2011)

Mr Hock Beng Goh BoxSentry Pte Ltd

Mr Alvin Tan Yong Sheng McAfee Singapore Pte Ltd (Sep 2010 - Jan 2011)

Mr Foo Jong Ai Netrust Pte Ltd CHAirMAn

Co-oPTeD eXCo MeMBers

1st ViCe CHAirMAn

2nd ViCe CHAirMAn & HonorArY TreAsurer

eXCo MeMBers

HonorArY seCreTArY

2010-2011 executive CommitteeMr Eric Sng

Ms Lee Wah Poh

Mr Yap Kah Lip

Mr ViswanathaRamasubramanian

Mr Steven Lim

Mr Goh Chin Teck

Ms Mary Lee

S & I Systems Pte Ltd

UIC Tecnologies Pte Ltd

ADC Power Pte Ltd

Eastcom Systems Pte Ltd

RSTN Consulting Pte Ltd

Visionedge Ventures Group Pte Ltd

NetAssist Services Pte Ltd

Mr Dennis Ang Keng Leong

Mr Anton Ravindran

Nanyang Polytechnic

RapidStart Pte Ltd

The Singapore Enterprise Chapter (SEC) supports the holistic development of Singapore infocomm companies, helping them to build up capabilities and gain traction in markets in the region and beyond.

A major new event was SEC’s first Ministerial Luncheon with then-Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Mr Lui Tuck Yew on 26 October 2010. It complemented the traditional highlight of the SEC calendar, the GCIO Luncheon. Held on 19 May 2011, guest of honour RADM(NS) Ronnie Tay, CE of IDA and more than 100 people from government and private sectors attended the event.

Other events organised by SEC included a forum featuring consultant and author Geoffrey Moore, who spoke on his latest book “Dealing with Darwin” in September 2010 and a Christmas get together in December.

sinGAPore enTerPrise CHAPTer

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The Wireless Chapter (WIC) brings together major industry players and startups in the fast-growing wireless and mobile communications sector by providing a forum for information exchange. It helps members to familiarise themselves with newer technologies and provides them with a platform to promote their wireless and mobile solutions.

WIC supported the Digital Media Chapter in the SiTF Mentorship Programme (SMP), in the area of mobile applications.

It organised two events: Mobile Monday (Momo), which provides an opportunity for experts from the mobile industry to network and learn from one another was held on 24 January 2011 and on 30 June 2011, Innovation Day. The latter, supported by StarHub, was an opportunity for industry movers and shakers to share about trends in the mobile apps industry.

wireLess CHAPTer

eXCo MeMBers



HonorArY seCreTArY HonorArY TreAsurer

2010-2011 executive CommitteeMr Ken Chua

Mr Alex Toh

Mr Aw Peng Soon

Mr Ashok Agrawal

iCELL Network Pte Ltd

Ezy Snap Pte Ltd

Advanced Network Technology Laboratories Pte Ltd

RPI eSolutions Pte Ltd

Dr Chow U-Jin Ephone International Pte Ltd

Ms Wang Li-na M1 Ltd

Mr Soo Kean Thai HP Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd

Mr Gene Ng Motorola Electronics Pte LtdCo-oPTeD eXCo MeMBer

siTF KeY eVenTs

seP 2011 • upClose Connexions with Honourable Justice Sir Vivian Ramsey on 7 sep. Sir Ramsey will share with you Insights of IT Disputes.

oCT 2011 • Cloud Practitioner’s Day, 6 oct, event is designed for practitioners, developers, architects and IT professionals where distinguished speakers and industry leaders will share their perspectives on building enterprise cloud frameworks.

noV 2011 • Sing and dance your path to stardom through the iCT idol, 25 nov. An excellent way to identify the hidden talents in the ICT industry. Come and mingle with the stars!

• SITEX, 24 - 27 Nov is one of the largest and most significant consumer IT & digital exhibitions in Singapore, for companies to showcase and promote their IT products, services and technologies.

DeC 2011 • Meet the Members, is an event for SiTF members to understand the latest happenings in SiTF, its activities and events, while networking with members across all chapters in SiTF.

FeB 2012 • iCT Business Forum, 28 - 29 Feb provides valuable insights of emerging ICT trends, market and technology development through distinguished analysts and leaders of the ICT industry. The experts will also discuss business opportunities, challenges and trends in the infocomm industry.

APr 2012 • siTF Golf Classic, 26 Apr, gathers more than 260 leaders of ICT industry; an excellent platform to mingle and network.

Jun 2012 • enterpriseiT, 19 - 22 Jun, is Asia’s definitive enterprise technology event where cutting-edge solutions are showcased under one single platform.

MAY 2012 • The annual GCio Luncheon is held in conjunction with iDA Annual Industry Briefing, a rare opportunity specially organised for iLEs to showcase their products and solutions to government CIOs from over 40 government agencies.

JuL 2012 • iCT Volunteers’ Day, 14 Jul reaches out to the community with volunteer outings and fund-raising activities for selected beneficiaries.

AuG 2012 • The siTF Awards and 30th Anniversary, 30 Aug, a special night to recognise and showcase “Made In Singapore” ICT innovation, and to celebrate SiTF 30th anniversary.

Ms Angela Ang StarHub Ltd

Mr Jason Teo Research in Motion Pte Ltd(1 Jul 2010 - 31 Dec 2010)

Mr Jean Claude Danato ColorZip SEA Pte Ltd

Mr Kang Aik Siang Singapore Telecommunications Ltd

For sponsorship opportunities, please email to [email protected] For events details, please visit www.sitf.org.sg

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Singapore infocomm Technology Federation(SiTF)55/55A Neil Road, Singapore 088892Tel : +65 6325 9700 Fax : +65 6325 4993Email : [email protected]

Connect and Engage

We recognise that identifying the right IT solution provider for your business may not always be easy, especially when you are without the help of an internal IT department.

SiTF MatchiT aims to bridge this gap for the small and medium sized enterprises in their efforts to harness IT for competitive advantage. SiTF MatchiT is a web service and helpline that focuses mainly on matching your business IT needs to the relevant solution providers in an effective

technology network. With an always up-to-date database of the best-in-class solution providers, you now have a fast and convenient access to a pool of ICT partners through a single-point-of-contact, the SiTF MatchiT. This gives you the time to focus on your core business.

simple online request or call us at 6325 9700request is received by SiTF, we are committed to respond to you within two working days. During which, we will verify the information received for a good understanding of your requirements and preferences before commencing with the preliminary searching/short listing process. You will then be informed of an indicative time frame for us to provide a short list of


For more information about SiTF MatchiT, please email [email protected]

Look for this button today, available on www.sitf.org.sg, www.natas.travelwww.ecommerce.org.sg

matchTo Your Advantage

Click here

6325 9700




Supporting Associations:


and www.saaa.org.sg.









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Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF)55 Neil Road Singapore 088892 T: 65 6325 9700 F: 65 6325 4993E: [email protected]. www.sitf.org.sg

Infocomm Singapore Centre (ISC)No. 1038 Nanjing West Road, Westgate TowerRoom 1801 – 1802, Shanghai, P.R. ChinaZip Code: 200041T: 86 21 62178833F: 86 21 62189213W: www.isc.org.sg