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  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos




  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    An outpatient nurse is responsible for theoverall care of patients seeking treatment atan outpatient medical facility.

    At outpatient clinics, patients seek treatmentand minor surgery for physical and mentalillnesses, and injuries.

    It is the responsibility of an outpatient nurseto ensure the comfort of patients before,during and after medical procedures andsurgery

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    INITIAL CARE Patients placed in an outpatient medical

    facility must be under careful watch to ensurethey are prepared for treatment andrecovering adequately from medicalprocedures.

    An outpatient nurse observes patients on aregular basis and charts symptoms andprogress.

    It is the responsibility of an outpatient nurseto report changes and concerns to physiciansand specialists

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    PRIMARY DUTIES Outpatient nurses draw blood, check vital

    signs, monitor blood pressure, temperatureand pulse, and ensure that IV lines aremaintained.

    An outpatient nurse may also be required toassist with surgery, supplying physicians withneeded surgical tools and instruments

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    In many cases, patients do not stay overnight at

    outpatient clinics. Therefore, an outpatient nursemust ensure that a patient is prepared to recoverat home.

    Before discharge, an outpatient nurse will check

    symptoms, administer medication and providewritten precautions for patients.

    In addition, an outpatient nurse instructs patientsand caretakers on how to take medication andperform minor medical procedures, such as in-home therapy for recovery.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos



    An outpatient nurse can work with patients in

    their homes. They ensure the patient is taking

    his or her medications, take pulse and blood

    pressure, and document the status of each

    patient assigned to them.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    HOSPICE DUTY RNs working with outpatients can be called on

    to help people who have decided to go homewhen they have been diagnosed with aterminal illness.

    Their duties include checking on the patient atassigned times or days, giving the patientmedications to relieve pain and making thepatient as comfortable as possible.

    The RN works closely with the doctor assignedto the patient and reports any concerns ormedical problems found during visits.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos



    An RN can work for an individual as a private

    nurse. The RN serves this one patient every

    day for a set amount of time. The RN changesdressings, hands out medications and checks

    the patient's vital signs, as well as documents

    any medical findings to the doctor.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos



  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    One of the primary responsibilities of an

    emergency nurse is to provide care topatients when they need it the most. Theyprovide care to patients who have sufferedserious and sometimes life-threateningphysical injuries e.g. Car accidents, workrelated injuries and suicide attempts. Theseinjuries can potentially result in secondarycomplications such as respiratory failure,shock and death..

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos



    Providing care to patients in an emergencysituation.

    Administering emergency procedures e.g. codeblue and CPR.

    Acting fast and thinking on their feet.\ Handling complex and difficult situations. Operating healthcare machines.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT Upon evaluation, the ER nurse will assist the

    doctor on-call in multiple tasks includingstabilizing a critical patient, stopping theeffects of any injury and immediate life-saving

    steps such as advanced cardiac life supportprocedures. The nurse will document thediagnosis of the doctor and the plannedtreatment of the patient as directed by thephysician. Nurses will assist the doctor inexamination of the patient and treatment of the patient.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    DOCUMENTATION The ER nurse will document all the vital

    statistics of the patient including the heartrate, blood pressure and temperature. Thenurse will compile a medical history of the

    patient, past medical treatment, medicationsprescribed and any other matter material tothe care of the patient. This documentationwill continue throughout the care of thepatient from evaluation, prognosis,stabilization and ultimately release of thepatient from the ER.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    AWARENESS It is the responsibility of the ER nurse to be aware

    of all the emergency room conditions. A nursemust know the inventory of medical supplies,which units are free and clean in order to placepatients, replace used equipment and clean theequipment and environment, resupply medical

    supplies and keep abreast of any new regulations.Part of this duty is to also remain educated on allnew equipment or medical procedures beingintroduced. The ER nurse must be aware of all thehospital policies and protocols as well ascommunicate these policies to other ER teammembers.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos



  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    Critical care nursing is the field of nursing witha focus on the utmost care of the critically illor unstable patients

    Sub specialities of critical care nursing includesuch areas as Neonatal Intensive Care(orNICU, also called Nursery ICU), PediatricIntensive Care (or PICU), and Adult IntensiveCare (or ICU). The patient population of these

    units is generally based on the age of thepatient

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    DEFINITION OF CRITICAL CARE NURSING Critical care nursing is that specialty within

    nursing that deals specifically with humanresponses to life-threatening problems. Acritical care nurse is a licensed professionalnurse who is responsible for ensuring thatacutely and critically ill patients and theirfamilies receive optimal care.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    DEFINITION OF A CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT Critically ill patients are defined as those

    patients who are at high risk for actual orpotential life-threatening health problems.

    The more critically ill the patient is, the morelikely he or she is to be highly vulnerable,unstable and complex, thereby requiringintense and vigilant nursing care.

  • 8/2/2019 Power Point Dra. Ramos


    DUTIES OF A CRITICAL CARE NURSE Respect and support the right of the patient or

    the patient's designated surrogate toautonomous informed decision making.

    Intervene when the best interest of the patient isin question.

    Help the patient obtain necessary care. Respect the values, beliefs and rights of the

    patient. Provide education and support to help the

    patient or the patient's designated surrogatemake decisions.

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    Represent the patient in accordance with thepatient's choices.

    Support the decisions of the patient ordesignated surrogate, or transfer care to anequally qualified critical care nurse.

    Intercede for patients who cannot speak forthemselves in situations that require immediateaction.

    Monitor and safeguard the quality of care the

    patient receives. Act as a liaison between the patient, the patient'sfamily and other healthcare professionals.