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Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that teaches

you a lesson. Give reasons to support your answer.

Tips To Answer the Question:

Give only ONE incident (an incident)

Give only ONE lesson ( a lesson)

Mention the Incident first

Then relate to the lesson


In the novel the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope, the incident ]

that teaches me a lesson is when Rudolf Rassendyll has to impersonate ]

King Rudolf V. The King is unable to attend his own Coronation because ]

he is unconscious as a result of drinking drugged wine sent by his own ]


brother, Duke Michael. Trying to save the throne from falling into the ]

hands of Duke Michael, Colonel Sapt asks Rassendyll to take the King’s ]

place. Even though his life is at risk, never once does Rassendyll regrets ]

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his decision to help the King.

This incident has taught me that we must help one another. ]

Someone is counting on us to help them, and if we fail to do so, ]

we are going to disappoint them. Likewise, the King’s life depends on ] lesson

Rassendyll and if he does not keep his promise to help the King, ]

the King’s life would be in danger. If we have helped someone like what ]

Rassendyll has done, we have done our duty as a human being that ]

is to help someone in distress.


Based on the novel that I have read, the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope,

the incident that teaches me a lesson is when Rudolf Rassendyll has to give

up the love of his life, Princess Flavia. Even though they deeply love each

other, they have to sacrifice their love as she is expected to marry King

Rudolf V and to become the Queen of Ruritania.

This incident has taught me a very great value that is not to be selfish. We

are not to think of ourselves and our needs only but rather to put the needs

of the others first. By sacrificing something, we may think that we have lost

something very precious. But in actual fact, we are gaining something that is

our self respect and the respect of the others.

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Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that teaches

you a lesson. Give reasons to support your answer.

Tips To Answer the Question:

Give only ONE incident (an incident)

Give only ONE lesson ( a lesson)

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Mention the Incident first

Then relate to the lesson


In the novel the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope, the incident ]

that teaches me a lesson is when Rudolf Rassendyll has to impersonate ]

King Rudolf V. The King is unable to attend his own Coronation because ]

he is unconscious as a result of drinking drugged wine sent by his own ]


brother, Duke Michael. Trying to save the throne from falling into the ]

hands of Duke Michael, Colonel Sapt asks Rassendyll to take the King’s ]

place. Even though his life is at risk, never once does Rassendyll regrets ]

his decision to help the King.

This incident has taught me that we must help one another. ]

Someone is counting on us to help them, and if we fail to do so, ]

we are going to disappoint them. Likewise, the King’s life depends on ] lesson

Rassendyll and if he does not keep his promise to help the King, ]

the King’s life would be in danger. If we have helped someone like what ]

Rassendyll has done, we have done our duty as a human being that ]

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is to help someone in distress.


Based on the novel that I have read, the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope,

the incident that teaches me a lesson is when Rudolf Rassendyll has to give

up the love of his life, Princess Flavia. Even though they deeply love each

other, they have to sacrifice their love as she is expected to marry King

Rudolf V and to become the Queen of Ruritania.

This incident has taught me a very great value that is not to be selfish. We

are not to think of ourselves and our needs only but rather to put the needs

of the others first. By sacrificing something, we may think that we have lost

something very precious. But in actual fact, we are gaining something that is

our self respect and the respect of the others.


Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that teaches

you about trustworthy. Give reasons to support your answer.

Tips To Answer the Question:

Mention only ONE incident

Give textual evidence


I would like to write about the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope. The

incident that teaches me about determination is when black Michael sent a

bottle of drugged wine to King Rudolf V, his own brother. His plan was

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successful because the King became drunk and was unable to attend his own

Coronation the next day. But, he was saved by Rudolf Rassendyll, a visitor to

Ruritania whom he hardly knew.

From this incident, I learn about the value of trustworthy. Colonel Sapt and

Fritz trust Rudolf Rassendyll to help them to save the King and the throne

from Black Michael, even though he is a complete stranger to them. Keeping

this trust in mind, Rassendyll tries everything in his power to make this a

reality. In the end, he manages to do just that.


Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that teaches

you about determination. Give reasons to support your answer.

Tips To Answer the Question:

Mention only ONE incident

Give textual evidence


I would like to choose the novel the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope. The

incident that teaches me about determination is when Rudolf Rassendyll

makes an attempt to save King Rudolf V from the Zenda Castle. He gets

great help from Colonel Sapt, Fritz and Antoinette de Mauban. He also has to

fight the King’s enemies, The Famous Six and Black Michael.

From the incident I learn about determination. Rassendyll is very determined

to save the King even though he knows that it is very risky. He may die in the

process of the rescue, but this does not stop him from saving the King’s life.

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He does everything in his power to make sure that the king is saved and the

throne is safely back in his hands. With this determination he manages to

fight off his enemies and also to rescue the King.


Based on the novel that you have read, write about the incidents that teach

you about courage. Give reasons to support your answer.

Tips To Answer the Question:

Give more than one incident (the incidents)

Mention the Incidents (2/3 incidents)

Give textual evidences


Based on the novel that I have read, the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope,

there are many incidents in the story that tell me about courage. One of

them is when Rassendyll goes to meet Antoinette de Mauban at her summer-

house to get the news of the King . Although he knows that it is a trap set by

Black Michael, he insists on going there alone. Once there, three of the

Famous Six tries to kill him, but he courageously defends himself and

manages to kill two of the Famous Six.

Another incident is when Rassendyll bravely and daringly rescues the King

from the Zenda Castle. The castle is heavily guarded by the members of the

famous Six and he encounters many obstacles throughout the mission. But

because of his braveness he is able to defeat them and finally rescues the


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Based on the novel that you have read, write about the incidents that teach

you about loyalty. Give reasons to support your answer.

Tips To Answer the Question:

Give more than one incident (the incidents)

Mention the characters who are loyal (2/3 characters)

For each character, give textual evidence(s)/incidents


The novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” by Anthony Hope Hawkins has taught me

many things. One of them is the value of loyalty. In this story, we can see

many characters who has shown their loyalty to the King and country such as

Rudolf Rassendyll, Princess Flavia, Colonel Sapt and Fritz.

Rudolf Rassendyll, for instance has shown his loyalty in many ways. He is

loyal to the King when he does not take Princess Flavia away from the King

even though he is very much in love with her. Instead, he lets her marry the

King. He is also loyal in love and to Princess Flavia when he never fails to

send her a note and red rose every year even though she is already married

to the King.

The most loyal servants here are of course Colonal Sapt and Fritz. They stand

by the King through thick and thin. They even go to the extent of asking

Rassendyll, a complete stranger to them to impersonate the King in order to

make sure that the throne as well as their beloved King are saved.

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1) The Prisoner of Zenda – Anthony Hope

2) Potato People - Angela Wright

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1) The Prisoner of Zenda – Anthony Hope

2) Potato People - Angela Wright

Based on the story that you have read, write about a tense situation. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

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1) The Prisoner of Zenda – Anthony Hope

2) Potato People - Angela Wright

Based on the story that you have read,write about what the writer is trying to convey from the story. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

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1) The Prisoner of Zenda – Anthony Hope

2) Potato People - Angela Wright

Based on the story that you have read,write about

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1) The Prisoner of Zenda – Anthony Hope

2) Potato People - Angela Wright

Choose one of the novels above, then write why you would or would not recommend it as good reading to your friends.Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

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AREA NOTESPoet A.Samad SaidLiteral meaning - an ordinary man (poet) on the street saw death and sickness all

around him.

- He questions why there is suffering in a land so rich

- He wishes to have a clean environmentSymbolic meaning

- Human beings are very selfish and careless

- They destroy the environment by causing air, water and land pollution

- As a result, there is much suffering everywhere

- He appeals to the authority to protect the environment for the sake of future generations.

Theme Take care of our environmentLanguage - vivid, clear

- appeals to our emotionTone/mood Anger and indignation

- at the irresponsible act of human beingsPoetic Devises 1. Repetition : He saw a dead crow

2. Personification : The rivers run free3. Alliteration : baby, barely ; rivers, run4. Assonance : post office.5. Symbol :

a) a crow – symbolizes death or bad luck

b) an old man – represent the older generation

c) the baby – represent the new generation

d) the politician – represent the people in power

e) the crowded clinic – to show many people are affected by the pollution

f) grass – represent green environmentMoral Values 1. Man must not pollute the environment

2. Man must not destroy the forest3. Authorities must ensure that we have a clean and healthy

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environment to live in.

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AREA NOTESPOET William ShakespeareSYNOPSIS 1. This poem is a short speech by Lord Macbeth near the end of his life.

2. It is taken from the play “Macbeth”. In the story Macbeth, with the encouragement of his wife, Lady Macbeth kills King Duncan to become the King.

3. In the end after his wife dies, he feels life is meaningless and he wishes to die too.

4. He also feels guilty of the murder.

5. His friends and family leave him and he is left all alone. LITERAL MEANING

- Macbeth’s wife has just died and he was very sad.

- Therefore, he finds each day empty without anything to look forward to.

- Time passes very slowly for him.

- He wonders how many more tomorrows he will have to live through.

- Macbeth has lost all hope and wishes to die.

- He feels that life could be snuffed out like a candle.

- He thinks that he has not done any beneficial things.

- So, he accepts defeat and prepares himself for death.SYMBOLIC MEANING

- The whole poem expresses Macbeth’s sense of meaninglessness in his life.

- It appears to him that life is very short.

- No matter what a man does, ho soon will be forgotten.

- Those who make a great fuss about their lives are only fools.

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THEME The persona talks about the uncertainty, unpredictability and meaninglessness of life :

1. Life is compared to a candle

- Man has a short moment of fame before he dies.

1. Life has no meaning

- The persona is very tired of life.

- Time for him seems to drag or move very slowly

- Life has no meaning because finally there is nothing to look forward to.

TONE/MOOD a) sad and pessimistic:

- life is just dragging on with death waiting at the end

b) despair:

- everything that he has done is useless

- He feels bitter that all his life has come to nothing

c) acceptance:

- he accepts the idea of death and hopes to die soon.POINT OF VIEW

- It is written from a first person point of view.

- The persona is at the end of his life reflecting upon the hopelessness of it all.

- It is actually the voice of Macbeth who speaks these lines in his famous dramatic monologue.


1. Imagery : Lighted fools, brief candle, a walking shadow2. Personification : A poor player that struts and frets his hour

upon the stage.3. Metaphor : Life’s but a walking shadow; it is a tale told by an

idiot.4. Alliteration : dusty death; poor player; full fury.5. Repetition : “Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow”; “from

day to day”; “out, out”


1. Life must be lived to the fullest or one would regret later2. We should take time to mourn and remember our loved ones

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who had died3. We should try to find some meaning in life.4. Time is precious and should not be seen as a dull routine.




1. There is nothing to look forward to in future

- “tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps in….”

1. Life is too short

- “a brief candle”

1. Life is something small

- “shadow, petty”

1. Life has no meaning

- “life is .. nothing”

1. Life is like a foolish story

- “a tale told by an idiot”

1. Life is like a short journey and made by fools2. Life is like a bad and short play

- “hour upon the stage”

1. Life is full of trouble, not calm and peaceful

- “full of sound and fury”

1. Life seldom brings any advantage to oneself or other people

- “signifying nothing”

1. Before you know it and before you can do anything useful, you die.


1. short

2. Petty (unimportant)

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3. Slow

4. Useless

5. meaningless

6. falling apart

7. a story told by a foolish person


1. a candle – very short

2. a shadow – not real

3. a poor player – a bad actor

4. a stage – a platform for the acting

5. a tale – story

His feelings:

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AREA NOTESAUTHOR Heidi MunanSETTING A small village by the Oya River- in SarawakSUMMARY When the chief dies, two of his sons begin to fight for power.

Following the tradition, the eldest son, Galau is appointed as the new chief. However, the second son did not agree with the custom because he wants to be the leader. When the fight breaks out between the two brothers, Umat is killed. Galau renames the village “Dalat” which means “flies”.


1. Galau:

- eldest son

- appointed new chief

- fair, wise and peace-loving

1. Umat:

- second son

- wants to break tradition and become new chief

- brave, hot-tempered and a good leader

1. Lutong:

- youngest son

- tries to prevent a fight between Galau and Umat

- sensible, patient and peace-loving THEMES 1. Greed

- Umat is over-ambitious. His greed causes his downfall.

2. Order and Chaos

- When we live in harmony, there is order. When we fight, there is


3. Effect of family quarrel on society

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- Fighting among family members is a private affair, but it has

serious effects on society.POINT OF VALUE

Third person point of view


1. The wise, old village chief dies2. The villagers meet to choose a new chief3. The villagers begin to quarrel over who should become chief4. Umat goes to see the enemies5. Galau makes preparation to defend the village6. Umat attacks the village7. War begins- Umat and his men attack the village by using


1. Umat and the enemies are killed2. Umat is buried3. Galau wants to make a memorial pole4. The villagers object to Galau’s wish5. Galau rename the village “Dalat” which means “flies”6. Peace is restored in the village


1. We must have respect for customs2. We must love our family and love one another3. We must be united to maintain peace and harmony4. We must always listen to advice from our elders

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1. Symbols

Use of objects, signs, marks etc. to represent ideas, emotion

Eg.: Galau -justice, peace

: Flies - death

2. Contrast

Comparisons showing differences.

Eg.: Umat was a good and famous fighter.

: This was once a happy village. Now it is a

a place of death.

3. Dialogue

To create a dramatic effect

Example : “Brother, don’t talk like that!”

4. Sarcasm

A remark meant as a ridicule

Eg. : “a weak, soft-boned chief”

5. Simile

To create specific images in the readers minds

* Eg. : “as safe as a big ship”

6. Repetition

An idea is repeated for emphasis

Eg. : “For three days and three nights”

THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREEAREA NOTESPOET William Butler Yeats (W.B.Yeats)SYMBOLIC The word “Innis” is symbolic for the words “inner free”, that is to be free

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MEANING from the hustle and bustle of city life in order to enjoy a quiet and peaceful life.

LITERAL MEANING Innisfree is a small and peaceful island surrounded by a lake in Innisfree. In the poem, the poet wishes to go back to Innisfree, a place that is quiet, tranquil and close to nature. He wants to build a cabin and lives a simple life planting his own vegetables and rearing honey bees for honey. In the silent glade, he can hear crickets singing, linnets flying, bees buzzing and the sound of water lapping in the lake.

Now, he is standing on the roadway in a modern city but he can always escape to the peaceful Innisfree in his mind whenever his heart wants solitude.

LANGUAGE Use of diction that appeals to the senses and makes the readers see, hear, feel and smell.

TONE/MOOD 1. A sense of determination in searching for inner peace.

2. One of wistful longing

1. Meditative2. Calmness and peace

POINT OF VIEW First person narrative:

- “I” is used throughout the poem

- As the poet is reminiscing to himself the poem can be called a monologue.

THEMES 1. Bonds with nature

- The poet lives alone in a small cabin by the lake

- He depends on bountiful nature for his subsistence.

- He feels contented listening to the voices of nature.

- By taking off from the hectic city life, the poet is rewarded with a rich experience of bonding with nature in Innisfree.

2. Inner Peace

- The poet get inner peace when he can enjoy his own company

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and live alone with nature

- The poet can be feel peace dropping slowly and enveloping

him like a mist, and the experience is so powerful.

- Inner peace comes when man learns to appreciate and treasure

the gifts of nature in solitude . MORAL VALUES 1. Man can live a simple life and be happy

2. Man’s appreciation of nature can give him peace and joy3. Man can look within himself to find contentment in life.


Write about an outstanding character in the story “The Pencil”. Give reasons to support your answer.

How to answer the Question:


Based on the short-story “The Pencil” I think Zahid is the best and a very dynamic character. His personality changes as the plot develops. Zahid comes from a poor family but he has a kind heart. He is willing to share his special pencil with his friends. Besides that, he is also a determined and stubborn young boy. This can be

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seen when he never care if he hits Dollah. He just wants Mr. Jamal to know that Dollah steals his pencil.

He is also being described as a shy, timid and quiet boy who lacks confidence. But he is just a misunderstood boy who wishes to be noticed by his teachers. Halfway in the story, Zahid becomes rebellious and fierce, but in the end Zahid is on good term again with Dollah. It also shows that he is a forgiving person.


Based on ONE of the short stories above, write about a moral value found in that story. Give reasons to support your answer.

How to answer the Question:


In the short story “How Dalat Got Its Name” by Heidi Munan, there are many moral values that we can find in the story. One of them is “We must not fight with one another” . In the story, the old chief dies and according to the custom,the eldest of the three sons, Galau is chosen as the new chief.

However, Galau’s youngest brother, Umat does not agree with this as he himself wants to become the new chief. He thinks that he is stronger and a better fighter than Galau. As a result, a war breaks out between the two brothers and their people. In the end, many people die including Umat himself. So, we can see that fighting does not bring any good to anybody except more harm and destruction.

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Based on the story that you have chosen, what lesson do you learn from that story? Give reasons to support your answer.


I learned many lessons from the short-story “The Pencil” by Ali Majod. One of them is ‘We must not lie to one another”. In the story, the main character, Zahid got into a lot of troubles because someone was lying about him. Zahid had an unusual pencil which he bought with his own money. But Dollah was jeoulous of Zahid because he wanted to have that pencil as well. So, Dollah stole that pencil from Zahid and claimed it as his own. He then lied to his teacher Mr. Jamal and in turn accused Zahid for lying. Thus, Zahid was scolded by the teacher and was sent to the Principal’s office. In the process, Zahid also has changed from a quiet, shy boy to a bad bully. But, in the end everything was fine. The problems were solved by the wise and patient Principal, En.Brahim.

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TITTLE THE PENCILAUTHOR Ali MajodSETTING In a primary school situated in a rural areaSUMMARY The story explores the painful experience of a boy named Zahid. He

bought an unusual pencil with his own money. The pencil was stolen by Dollah and he had a quarrel with Dollah over the pencil. The incident causes Zahid to change from a shy, quiet boy to an aggressive bully. After he had hurt Dollah with his pocket-knife, he was sent to the Principal’s office. Finally, the headmaster and Mr.Jamal help Zahid to overcome his problem.

THEMES 1). The effects of using physical violence in punishment.

- the use of violence to discipline Zahid is not effective.

- In fact, this form of punishment brings Zahid pain and anger.

2) The use of non-violence method is more effective in training a

child’s behaviour.POINT OF VIEW

Third person narrative


1) Zahid

- a quiet and shy boy; later becomes a trouble-maker and bully.

2) Dollah Udin

- Zahid’s classmate; steals Zahid’s unusual long pencil and then tells lies to cover up his wrongdoings.

3) Mr.Jamal

- Zahid’s geography and also the duty teacher.

- uses violent punishment such as: cane, pulling ears and pinch

4) Mr.Berahim

- a caring Principal: looks into the chold’s family background

- diplomatic towards the teacher, Mr.Jamal

5) Grandmother

- a poor, loving and soft-spoken ladyLITERARY DEVICES

1. Dialogue

- helps the reader feel the tone of the exchanges

- Eg: “I mean it – admit what you did”

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a character that you like best. Give reasons to support your answer.


The novel which I like to write about is the “Potato People”. This is about the people of Ireland during the great famine. The character that I like best in the novel is Marie. Marie is a gypsy girl who claims that she is a princess. I like Marie because even though things are very difficult for her, she always manages to be happy. She is also very clever and manages to get food for herself and Patrick when they are hungry. Marie is a good and trustworthy friend to Patrick. She also offers Patrick good advice when the soldiers come to arrest Sean. I like Marie because she is brave and faithful.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a character that you think has admirable qualities. Give reasons to support your answer.


I think the character of Marie in the novel “ Potato People” has great and admirable qualities. I admire her courage and independent nature. She is able to take care of herself even though the situation in Ireland at that time is full of hunger and danger. For example, she has the courage to sneak into a mansion to steal food for survival.

Apart from that, I especially like her cheerful spirit and absence of self-pity. Although she is poor and hungry, she remains cheerful and does not dwell on her misfortune. Even Patrick falls for her optimistic outlook of the world.

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In the story, we also learn how Patrick is fascinated with Marie’s laughter as he had not heard anybody laughing for a long time. Thus, Marie brings a sense of cheerfulness and brightness into the novel.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about an outstanding character from that novel. Give reasons to support your answer.


The character in “ Potato People” that I am writing about is Patrick Flynne. He is kind, determined and adventurous. When there was starvation in Ireland, he emigrated to America. He was determined to have a better life in a new country. He joined the Army and fought against slavery. After many adventures and dangers, he finally got married to Marie and they settled down in a cattle ranch in California.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the protagonist of the story. Give reasons to support your answer.


I choose the novel “ Potato People” by Angela Wright. The protagonist or the main character of the story is Patrick Flynne, a young man from the Irish village of Skullgoragh. He leaves his village and prepares to emigrate to America after his village was burned down by the landlord. He has to go through hunger, homelessness, hardships and difficulties and miserable moments but survives them all.

Patrick is a round character who has to go through a difficult period in his young life and then hardship in America before finally settling down in California.

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He has come a long way from a desperate, hungry young Irish boy who has to eat a dead dog’s meat to a Captain who fought against slavery in the American Civil War. Then he worked for Union Pacific railway company and finally makes his home at a small cattle ranch


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the antagonist in the story. Give reasons to support your answer.


I choose the novel “ Potato People”. The antagonist here is Mr.Oswald Graystone, the manager hired by Lord Egham, the English landowner. He looks after the estate for Lord Egham and collects the rent. He is a hard man who rules the state like a dictator with an army of slaves. He rides around on a big black horse with his wolfhounds as his personal guards. Mr.Graystone has the characteristics of a ruthless and heartless man. He has no mercy for the poor and starving villagers of Skullgoragh or any other villagers. He would destroy the village, burn all the cottages to the ground and stands there smiling broadly and feeling pleased with himself. He does not care that the poor villagers are made homeless.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, choose one character that you think has good qualities. Write about the character that you have chosen and give reasons why you think the character has good qualities.


I think Patrick Flynne in “ Potato People”, has many good qualities. Though he was a starving orphan from a poor farming family, he does not give up on life. He has strong survival instincts and this is shown in his actions. In his hunger, he is willing to share what he has with others who are also hungry. That shows that he is a kind person. He is also brave as he warns his fellow villagers about the approaching British soldiers. He is also gentle and helpful to Marie. He is a loving person as shown in his concern for Sean, his friend


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a character that is brave. Give evidence to support your answer.


Based on the story “Potato People”, Patrick is a strong character. This is because he did not give up despite the fact that he faced starvation while at Skullgoragh. He ate anything he could find – roots, leaves and even a dead dog. Although he was only sixteen years old and had no family, he was not afraid to face new challenges. He was excited when Sean asked him to meet him in Cork and to go to America from there. His courage could also be seen during his journey. Even though he was afraid when he saw many soldiers while on his way to Cork, he did not quit. In a strange, new country America, Patrick worked hard and made a success of his life.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, who do you think is the bravest character in the story? Give reasons to support your answer.


In my opinion, Sean from the “The Potato People” is the bravest character. Sean’s family was one rich and powerful. They owned a lot of land. But, due to famine, he had lost his family and wealth. Although he was poor, he still had a fighting spirit. He lead a group of the villagers to fight the British soldiers and Mr.Graystone’s men when they came to Skullgoraph to destroy the village. He offered to get some money for Patrick to leave Ireland and start a new life in America. Throughout the story, Sean’s character can be seen to be strong and bold. He had the spirit to survive and was willing to do anything in order to survive.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, who do you think has a brave nature to face the difficult life during the starvation period. Give reasons for your choice.


I think Patrick Flynn in the novel the “Potato People” is very brave. He has strong survival instincts which helped him flee Ireland. He was an orphan, so he did not have parents to guide or take care of him. He was forced to leave the village where his family had lived for many generations. When he went to the city, he saw many hungry, desperate and sick people. Most of them were so weak and

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pale that he had difficulty deciding if they were alive or dead. He was brave because, as a sixteen- year-old, he did not let the horror of the famine and the starving people destroy him. He was determined to seek a better life in America. Leaving for America was not an easy thing to do. He bravely faced and overcome a lot of hardship.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the character that is intelligent. Give reasons for your answer.


The character in “ Potato People” who is intelligent is Marie. She claimed that she was an Egyptian princess. She had travelled a lot with her parents. She knew how to protect herself and taught Patrick to do so. She could tell the future by reading palms. She also knew how to get food for both of them. When Sean was captured by the soldiers for killing and stealing Mr.Graystone’s money, Patrick wanted to approach Sean. Fortunately, her clever action in stopping him from doing it saved their lives. So based on the above-mentioned reasons, Marie was clearly an intelligent girl.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the character that is independent. Give reasons to support your answer.

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Marie, a character from the“ Potato People” is clearly an independent girl. She was a young girl of 15 and had dark hair and bright, shining eyes. She was strong- willed and full of life in spite of the hardships that she had to endure during the Great Hunger period. She knew what she wanted and tried to get it. She wanted to go to America.

She was brave and daring. One night she went into a house and stole food for herself and Patrick. She almost got caught. She traveled alone until she met Patrick. She was adventurous and fun-loving. She liked to have fun and enjoyed reading the future. She told Patrick’s future by reading his palm.

Beside that, she was also intelligent and determined. She held Patrick back when Sean was arrested and advised him to stay away to avoid being caught too.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the character that is heartless. Give reasons for your answer.


Based on the story “ Potato People”, the most heartless character is Mr. Graystone. He looked after Lord Egham’s enormous estate. Mr.Graystone was a hard man who ruled the estate like a King with an army of slaves under him. He was always cruel and mean to the people of the land by giving orders to destroy the village and drive the people out of their homes. He was very happy when all the cottages in Patrick’s village were destroyed. He was a very cruel and mean man and was disliked by everyone.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the character that is heartless. Give reasons for your answer.


Based on the story “ Potato People”, the most heartless character is Mr. Graystone. He looked after Lord Egham’s enormous estate. Mr.Graystone was a hard man who ruled the estate like a King with an army of slaves under him. He was always cruel and mean to the people of the land by giving orders to destroy the village and drive the people out of their homes. He was very happy when all the cottages in Patrick’s village were destroyed. He was a very cruel and mean man and was disliked by everyone.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the character that suffers a lot. Give evidence to support your answer.


The novel “Potato People” has many characters. This novel is about the people of Ireland during the great famine. Some characters like Patrick Flynn suffer a lot in the novel. Patrick’s village is attacked by a potato blight that caused the people to suffer. Patrick and the villagers have no food for days. At one time, Patrick and his friend Donald have to eat a dead dog. Patrick’s suffering gets worse when the landlord and soldiers come to chase them out of their homes. Patrick decides to go to Cork. He has very little to eat on the journey. Before he sails to America, Patrick is very sad because his good friend Sean, is being arrested for the murder of Mr. Graystone. Patrick really suffers in the story before he finds his happiness in America.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a character that you think is determined. Give evidence to support your answer.


The character in “Potato People” who is determined is Patrick. The young Patrick is innocent and inexperience. However, the adult Patrick shows determination. In America, life was very difficult. He had to accept the worst jobs for the lowest pay. He was determined to make it in the new country, so he persevered despite the hardship. Life became much better when he was promoted to Captain and he had the support of the people. Finally, he became a wealthy cattle rancher in California.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a character that is kind. Give reasons to support your answer.


I think Peter O’Connor in the novel “Potato People” is a kind person. He finds a small orphan girl. Named Mary in a deserted farmhouse and helps her. He decides to take her along with him when he leaves the place. He also buys Patrick some meat pie and fresh bread when they cone to the town of Kilkaddy. This shows that, even though he is poor, he is willing to use the little money that he has to

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buy food for others. After he parts with Patrick, he goes off in search of a doctor to treat Marie who is ill. This shows his concern for the orphan girl even though he hardly knows her.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a character that you would like to have as a friend. Give reasons to support your answer.


The “Potato People” tells us about the hardship of the Irish people during the great famine. Among all the characters, I would choose Sean to be my friend. He is really brave when he defends Skullgoraph from Mr. Graystone. He is also kind and generous when he gives money to Patrick and Marie to travel to America. He sacrifices himself for his friend. He would surely be a good friend to me.


Based on the story that you have chosen, write about characters that work together. Give examples of how they work together to support your answer.


The novel of my choice is “Potato People”. In this story, we can see many people working together to help each other. Patrick and Marie work closely together to survive the difficulties they face. They do not fight or quarrel. They share their food and problems. Later, they work together to steal the left-over food from a

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rich man’s house. They then travel together to America. They remain good and helpful friends. Beside helping one another, Patrick and Marie also work together to help the Irish people.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, compare and contrast any two characters in the novel. Give illustrations from the novel.


I would like to compare Patrick Flynn and Marie, the gypsy girl in the “Potato People”. They are different in terms of character. Patrick is a serious person who has seen much wickedness in Skullgoraph. Marie is a bright and bubbly person who laughs easily despite her tough life. Patrick also comes across as naïve and simple-minded whereas Marie to be smart and wise. When Marie becomes suspicious of Sean’s sudden wealth, Patrick thinks that Sean found some of the Viking gold said to be buried in his old village. Marie’s suspicion is proven right when Sean is arrested for stealing Lord Egham’s money.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about ONE theme from the novel. Give examples from the story.


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One of the theme of the novel “Potato People” is friendship and loyalty. It is obvious in the story in the relationship between Patrick and Sean, and between Patrick and Marie. Patrick’s relationship with Sean is one of friendship and loyalty. Patrick regards him as the leader of his village and the last Irish Lord. He listens to Sean’s advise to leave for America and to fulfill Sean’s last wish to let the world know about Ireland’s Great Hunger of the 1840’s.

Between Patrick and Marie, there is a deep bond of friendship and loyalty toward one another that carries them through all the hardships during the journey to America and while in America. Today, this theme of loyalty and friendship is still very relevant. One would not find it very easy to live and survive without friends. Loyal friends give us the strength to overcome hardships, misery and difficulties and makes our lives brighter in a dark world.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, choose three themes in the novel. Write about the three themes that you have chosen and give examples from the story.


The three themes of “Potato People” are the theme of the Irish potato blight in 1840s, the theme of perseverance and the theme of hope.

Ireland was hit by the deadly potato disease which caused famine and mass starvation. Many Irish, including Patrick and Marie decided to emigrate to America. In the new country, life was tough as they accepted the worst jobs. However, they persevered as they had hoped for a better life. Their struggle paid off when life became better for both Patrick and Marie.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the theme of courage. Give examples from the story.


The theme of courage is well portrayed in “Potato People”. Sean was prepared to defend his fellow villagers of Skullgoraph when Mr.Graystone came to burn their village. To get the money for the ship ticket, he stole Mr.Graystone’s money after killing him. In America, Patrick also showed courage. He joined the Union Army and fought against slavery. He was promoted to the rank of Captain for his bravery. After many adventures and dangers, he settled down is California.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the theme of kindness and compassion. Give examples from the novel.


The theme of kindness and compassion is well portrayed in “Potato People”. Peter O’Connor and Patrick show kindness and compassion. Peter adopted the little girl abandoned at a deserted farmhouse. He looked for a doctor to treat her cough. He wanted to bring her along with him to America. Patrick could never forget his hungry days in Ireland. When he became a wealthy cattle rancher, in

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California, he used to talk about those sad moments. His house was always open to the hungry and poor people


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the theme of survival. Give examples from the novel.


The theme of survival is well portrayed in “Potato People”. Patrick learnt how to survive during the famine. He had to eat leaves, roots and even rotten meat of a dead dog. Marie also had a strong survival instincts. She knew how to defend for herself from others and how to steal food from rich people’s homes. In America, they survived the hardship, accepting the worst job. Their struggle paid off and life became much better when they settled down in a cattle ranch in California.


Main Themes in The Story

Consequences of the potato blight in Ireland in 1840s

- people were dying by the thousands from starvation and diseases.

- Patrick ate the meat of a dead dog.

- Sean stole the money and committed murder.

Ruthlessness and cruelty during chaotic times.

- The rich and powerful were insensitive to the suffering of the poor.

- The rich become richer

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- The poor, homeless and landless were the one who really suffer.

Human goodness and decency during bad times.

- Some people still showed some sympathy

- Peter O’Connor helped an abandoned orphan

- Sean turned up to keep his word to give the money to Patrick

Patrick’s emigration to America

- The only solution for him to start a new life

- Marie shared the same opinion

- So did Peter O’Connor and thousands of other Irish people.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the moral value from that novel. Give examples from the story.


The moral value of the novel “Potato People” is that “one should help one another” in times of hardship. This is shown through Patrick being the watchman or “the boy in the tree”. As the watchman, he helps to look out for trouble in the form of Mr.Graystone and then warns his people.

Beside that, Peter O’Connor kindly asks Patrick to walk with him together to Cork. He shows his kindness by taking care of a little girl he found. Patrick and Marie also help and support each other throughout their journey to America. Finally, Sean sacrifices to help Patrick to ensure that he has money for his passage to America. Without such help, the hardships would not be bearable and opportunities for something better may be lost. As such, Patrick and Marie are able to make it and settle down successfully in America.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about three moral values from the story and give examples from the story.


The novel “Potato People” brings readers’ attention to the values of courage, hope and compassion. Patrick and Marie struggled in America with courage and perseverance. Like Patrick, we must show compassion to the less fortunate. Patrick would never turn away a hungry man from his house. By hoping for a better future, we work hard towards achieving it. Patrick did, and he finally became a successful rancher in America.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about a good lesson that you have learned from the story. Give reasons to support your answer.

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The novel “Potato People” is about the suffering in Ireland during the great famine. There are many lessons we can learn from the novel. I have learnt that human beings can behave like animals when they become greedy. This is shown in the story by the actions of the British landlords, and Mr.Graystone. These people’s greed for land and wealth makes them behave cruelly towards the Irish farmers. They not only burn down all the houses in the village but they also chase the villagers out of their own village.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about one good lesson that you get from the story. Give evidence from the story.


I’ve learnt a very good lesson from the novel “Potato People”. In this story, Sean had murdered Mr.Graystone who was cruel and mean to all the other villagers. Not only he murdered Mr.Graystone, he also stole the money from him. However, at the end of the story the police arrested him and he was to be hung. The moral of the story is that we should not do harm to others although they are cruel to us. Murdering someone or stealing is a serious offence. We should never resort to that kind of punishment no matter what the reason is.


Based on the novel that you have chosen, what can you learn from the story? Give evidences from the story to support your answer.


From the novel “Potato People” we learn that we must always show our true heart and good nature towards the sorrows and hardship. We must not

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forget the sufferings that we have gone through even though we are rich now. Try to be generous in our words, thoughts and deeds to people that we talk to. This is true in the case of Patrick. When he became a successful rancher in America, he never turns away any poor people who dropped by his house.

We must be brave enough to face the difficulties that come along the way. Patrick and Marie are very good examples of characters that have a brave heart. That had to face hardships first before they achieve their success.

We also learn that crime does not pay. In the story, Mr.Graysone is an evil and heartless man. He has no pity for the poor and helpless people. He treated the people of Sullgoraph badly. But in the end, he met his fate when he was killed by Sean

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, what important lesson do you learn from the story?. Give evidences from the story to support your answer.


I have learnt an important lesson from “Potato People”. It is the importance of shaping our own destiny towards a better future. On arriving in the New World, Patrick and Marie had to endure many years of hardship. They had to take up the worst job for the lowest pay. However, the hope for a better life in a new country made them persevere. Their perseverance bore results, for life became much better many years later. Patrick became an army Captain and then married Marie. Finally they settled down in California and became cattle ranchers. I learn that if one is determined to struggle, one can achieve one’s dream of a better future.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the value of generosity. Give evidences from the story to support your answer.


In the story the “Potato People”, I learn the value of generosity. This is illustrated in the friendship between Patrick and Sean. Towards the latter part of the story, we read how Sean kills Mr.Graystone and then steals his money. He then willingly gives a large sum of money to Patrick to enable him and Marie to leave for the land of America. Because of his generosity, Patrick is able to start a new life in America.

This value of generosity is also conveyed in the actions of old mother O’Dougherty who distributed the food and money to the village children. The caring deed of Peter O’Connor towards an abandoned child further demonstrates this value. Peter is also generous to Patrick by buying him a meat pie. In America, Patrick never forget his hungry days. He is generous to the poor and hungry who come to his ranch. These three characters portray generosity.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about the value of courage. Give examples from the novel.


“Potato People” “Potato People” bring attention to the value of courage. The character of Sean shows courage. To get the money for the ship tickets, he killed Mr.Graystone and stole his money. Patrick and Marie bravely set off for a new country to start a new life. In America, Patrick also showed courage. He joined the Union Army and fought against the slavery. After many adventures and dangers,

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he settled down in California with Marie. Patrick, Marie and Sean truly portray the value of courage.

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Based on the novel that you have chosen, write about its message of loyalty. Give examples from the novel.


“Potato People” has a message of loyalty for its readers. Sean and Patrick were loyal towards their friendship. Sean killed Mr.Graystone to get the money for the ship tickets. He did not reveal the identity of Patrick and Marie to the soldiers. When Patrick saw Sean being led away by the soldiers in chains, he wanted to approach his friend, thus showing his loyalty. Fortunately, Marie stopped him from doing so. Like them, we must be loyal to our friends and must not betray their trust in us.


Potato people has values relating to man, attitudes and actions:

1. Compassion for the poor and suffering

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- In any situations, people must show compassion for those who suffer more than others.

1. Kindness and generosity

- In the story, Sean was kind to Patrick

1. Courage and determination

- Patrick and Marie show courage and determination in waiting to leave Ireland for America for a bright future

1. Hope for a better future

- Patrick, Marie and Peter believed that they would have a better future in America

1. Crime and punishment

- Sean committed murder and he was arrested by the soldiers.

1. Learning from one’s past

- Patrick could never forget his past and the hungry days.


The novel puts forward the message of:

1) We should always try to show compassion for people who are facing hard times.

2) We should try to be kind and generous to other who need help.

3) We should have the courage and determination to face hardship to achieve our goal.

4) We should always hope for a better future and work towards it.

5) We should realize that crime does not pay; we have to face punishment in the end.

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6) We should always remember our past so that we can appreciate our present.


NO TERM MEANING/EXAMPLES 1 Alliteration The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning

of words or syllable

Eg: baby barely able to breath2 Assonance The repetition of vowel sound in several parts of a


Eg: live with dignity3 Inversion Reversal of normal order of words

Eg: “And a small cabin build there”

- It is to be used as a hideout for the poet3 Onomatopoeia Word that imitate the sounds described

Eg: “Lake water lapping” – the sound made by the

water in the lake.4 Diction Choices of words

Eg: truth and love5 Imagery - The pattern of images in a particular stanza or


Reveals the ideas of the poem and leads to its meaning

6 Irony Words that are used to say one thing, but have an opposite meaning.

7 Metaphor A word nor phrase to indicate something from the

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literal meaning.

Eg: She has a heart of stone8 Personification A figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or

an abstract term is made human

Eg: Let the trees clap their hands9 Simile A stated comparison using “like” or “as” between 2

different ideas

Eg: My love is like a red, red rose10 Symbol A person, object or place used to represent an idea

Eg: “The Dead Crow” signifies the threat to the survival of certain life form.

11 Satire Its tone is one of detached amusement or great contempt.

12 Sarcasm Words used to convey irony become bitter or mocking

13 Contrast It is used to show two opposite ideas

Eg: “night and day”- the notion of time between morning and night.