poster analysis

Sci-Fi Movie Posters Analysis and Reference

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Post on 09-Apr-2017



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Sci-Fi Movie Posters

Analysis and Reference

Page 2: Poster analysis

Alien 1979 Poster

The title is while small easily legible, due to the white letters on a black background. Interestingly the title does not dominate the poster and instead of large font it is spaced out to make it more appealing.

The prop of the alien egg is used as the centre of the movie poster. Although the alien is never seen, this brings a mysterious edge to the poster. The egg seems to be leaking as if at any moment the alien will be free, a suspenseful method.

Interestingly most of the background in this image is entirely black. This draws the audiences eyes to the only colour on the page that of the egg. Everything is produced it seems to make the audience wonder what Alien could be in the egg.

Here the slogan is clearly legible white on black background. Again it does not take priority over the centre of the poster which is that of the Alien egg. The phrase also sets the theme of the poster that of sci-fi horror. Easily remembered and ominous.

Page 3: Poster analysis

The dominating features of this poster are that of the two stars. This is done for the reason that they are such massive stars. Some of the biggest names in the industry at it’s release date. People will be drawn to the movie without knowing anything simply for the A list actors.

Here we can see what looks like lights illuminating Jennifer Lawrence’s face. While it is not clear what they are it does however have connotations of science fiction, giving the poster a different feel to that of a romantic movie.

The font here is while legible unique and different in it’s style. This again has connotations of something futuristic, breaking from a normal font for the title of the movie.

Passengers 2016 Poster

The release date while not dominating is clearly visible.

To play on the fame of the stars their names are clearly written on the poster.

The ways in which the movie can be viewed are clearly portrayed at the centre of the poster. Meaning the movie is more accessible.

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Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 Poster

I reference this poster due to the fact that it was the most successful sci-fi movie of 2014. While it is in the clear Marvel layout, with the heroes in the foreground surrounded by events of the movie I can take inspiration from the key items included. These being: stars clearly portrayed, title easily eligible and clear, movie studio features, star’s names. Furthermore the tagline for this is not a quote that summarises the movie rather referencing another successful movie which is that of the avengers. This is done as the concept for this movie was not entirely popular but the avengers was therefore this was used to sell the movie. The clear themes of science fiction are also portrayed as we can see space, spaceships and laser guns: all of which portray a science fiction theme.

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Avatar 2009 Poster

I reference this poster due to the fact that again it was a hugely successful science fiction movie. Similarly to the Alien poster we see a minimalistic approach focussing around one character in this case again an: Alien. This poster is particularly striking as the woman is beautiful yet alien which intrigues audiences. Titanic is also used at the top as a pull a hugely successful movie which brings in loyal fans, knowing the director produces quality movies.

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Oblivion 2013 Poster

This poster breaks from the norms seen in most of the posters previous. This focusses more on the scenery of the movie rather than the stars. This is perhaps a key feature of Tom Cruise productions as he is such a well known star. His involvement gives an instant quality sealing and therefore the poster can focus on concept rather than the star.