post graduate diploma in clinical leadership · this post graduate diploma in clinical leadership...

Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership Level 7 - 38 Credits EQF (European Qualification Framework) 2020 Virtual Course PROSPECTUS The integrity of industry standards is the future of patient safety. PgD Clinical Leadership Copyright © Diane Irvine May 2020 1

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Page 1: Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership · This Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership is part of a Suite of Three individual Professional Qualifications that can be taken

Post Graduate Diploma in

Clinical Leadership

Level 7 - 38 Credits

EQF(European Qualification Framework)


Virtual Course PROSPECTUS

The integrity of industry standards is the future of patient safety.PgD Clinical Leadership Copyright © Diane Irvine May 2020 1

Page 2: Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership · This Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership is part of a Suite of Three individual Professional Qualifications that can be taken

1. PG Diploma in Clinical Education2. PG Diploma in Human Factors and Neuroscience3. PG Diploma in Clinical Leadership




Entry Level Criteria

Course Fees


Faculty Biographies

How HCS work with EduQual

HCS and Brain First Partnership

EduQual Masters Access

Level Descriptor

This Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership is part of a Suite of Three individual Professional Qualifications that can be taken separately or together.

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Page 3: Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership · This Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership is part of a Suite of Three individual Professional Qualifications that can be taken

Post Graduate Diplomas Short Course Professional Qualifications

At HC Skills International, we believe that Professional development – doesn’t need to take forever. WHETHER you are a clinician with a teaching role as part of your professional responsibility or an employee of a medical device company who has a responsibility to provide support to clinical teams, our courses provide the additional skills for professional development in these respective roles.

All HC Skills International learning programmes are tailored to the Professional Development requirements of those undertaking them and they conform to their respective professional disciplines and specialties.

Furthermore, our courses are delivered in our virtual classroom by experts with the defining knowledge and experience in their fields.

How can we deliver a Postgraduate Diploma learning programme over a short period of time?

The answer lies in the level of entry to our courses. Delegates registering for our short-course qualifications are professionals who have Accredited Prior Learning (APL) or Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) evidence that is verifiable, at degree level or above.

The PGDip in Clinical Leadership, for example, has been approved by EduQualas being commensurate with Level 7 (Postgraduate) Qualifications in the United Kingdom.

This course is a vocational qualification and is open only to those who have recognised prior learning (RPL) in their specialty and have a responsibility for support or training i.e. a medical, nursing or healthcare-related degree.

HC Skills International is a fully registered and accredited training institution delivering sector-leading courses and officially recognised and externally regulated qualifications to medical professionals and to healthcare industry employees who are required to interact with them.


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e unit develops t e knowled e and skills re uired for an understandin of leadership through Human Factors and Neuroscience e ualification esta lis es t e professional competencies necessar to identif t e nature of Human Factors and Neuroscienceand develop leadership strate ies for individual Healt care professionals alone and ina team to use awareness of t ese factors to avoid common errors in t e process of care

e pro ramme uilds on t e principles of professional communication t specificall tests and improves t e dele ates understandin of uman factors identifies w at t e underl in neural-mec anisms and s ows ow understandin t e neuroscience of uman interactions can lead to improved outcomes for teams and patients


As a professional qualification there are four key elements to be formall assessed:

at are Human Factors and t e underl in neural mec anismsHow do t e impact on Healt care DeliverHow do dele ates use t is knowled e to avoid errors in careHow will dele ates teac t ese elements to ot er Healt care professionals


Participants will e asked to

Deliver a lecture lead a discussion on Human Factors and Neurosciencedentif c an es in practice ased on an understandin ofHuman Factors and NeuroscienceProduce a plan to introduce c an es ased on course contentComplete a knowled e ased e amination on course content

The Facult will address the areas of neuroscience, communication skills, and professional and clinical education e facult will be individuals with the defining experience and are qualified in t e field of Human Factors and neuroscience. ey will also have a remit for the education of other relevant professionals.

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This meets the QAA (Qualifications Assurance Agency) for higher education equivalences of:

Processes Accountability

Display mastery of complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills.

Demonstrate expertise in highly specialised and advanced technical, professional and/or research skills.

Conduct research, or advanced technical or professional activity, using and modifying advanced skills and tools. Design and apply appropriate research methodol-ogies. Communicate results of research to peers.

Develop new skills to a high level, including novel and emerging techniques. Act in a wide variety of unpredictable and advanced professional contexts.

Accept accountability in related decision making including use of supervision.

Take significant respons- ibility for the work of other professional staff; lead and initiate activity.

Level 7 QAA level descriptorsA systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current

problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the

forefront of their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional

practice.• A comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own

research or advanced scholarship

• Originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical

understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are

used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline

Typically, holders of the qualification will be able to:• Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgments in the absence of complete data, andcommunicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences

• Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementation oftasks at a professional or equivalent level

• Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level


It is a pre-course requirement that delegates must be a qualified clinician or have held a senior role in medical device or pharma industry for

five years. This course is a vocational qualification, enabling the delegates to improve their ability to present, instruct, and demonstrate

clinical/technical skills to others. It is achievement of a medical degree and other appropriate graduate qualifications including professional

C D that provides the required ecognised prior learning which in turn contributes to the number of education credits available and

informs the ost raduate status of this qualification as a short course.

Conceptual understanding that enables the student:• To evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in

the discipline

• To evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses

Entry Level Criteria

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Postgraduate Diploma In Clinical Leadership

The course fees are:

1800 per dele ateplus

24 per dele ate for t e ualification re istration paid to t e Government wardin od


e Course Fees are

1750 per dele ateplus

24 per dele ate for t e ualification re istration paid to t eGovernment wardin od

f you would like to register for a place on this course, please email:


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Introductory Session • Introduction to Human Factors

Managing Clinical Outcomes • Facilitating the Optimal Patient Pathway

Situational Awareness • What is it? How do you know if you have it or not?

Good Situational Awareness Begins with Self-Awareness• Neuromechanisms involved in situational awareness


Decision Making • What factors contribute to good decision making?

How to deal with decisions that go wrong.

Neuromechanisms – decision making • Ten basic instincts and the key neural mechanisms.


Brain Friendly Strategies • The Amygdala Hijack – how to ‘quiet the Amygdala’

Human Factors of Situational Management • Human Factors in practice


Effective Communication • The key elements of effective communication

Managing the Speech Chain • The neural mechanisms of communication skills

Closing the Day • Questions and reflections.

Self study: Leadership Model and Human Factors Grid

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership:


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Opening Session • Reflections on day one

Reflections on homework.

Introduction to Leadership • Your leadership style

Situational Management• Managing the Unaware, Untrained, Uninformed,



Managing Challenging Situations:1 • Practical session one – identifying the what

Managing Challenging Situations:2 Practical Session two – developing the How


Leadership Skills in Practice • The Why,What, How, of situational awareness, decision

making, communication, and leadership skills

Consolidation/Review • Course review

Planning application of learning in practice

Closing Sessions • Course Review

Planning application of learning in practice.

CLOSE 16:30

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership:


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With more than 35 years experience in the healthcare medical devices industry, Diane worked for major multinationals whose products became market leaders in the UK and worldwide through technical innovation. Since 1989, Diane has focused on new surgical technologies and development of the required training courses for surgeons and clinical teams to support advances in surgical technique. HC Skills International Ltd. is a licensed international EduQual Centre delivering professional healthcare qualifications that are internationally recognised.


Denise began a career in clinical research, service, management and education in the field of communicative disorders at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the USA, over thirty five years ago. She has worked in both public and private healthcare, the medical device industry and in graduate degree, as well as professional education, including serving as an assessor of clinical competence and external examiner for professional organisations, hospitals and universities in the USA, UK/Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Australia for surgeons, clinicians and industry professionals.

ac ui orked or t e N S or ears initiall as a nursing au iliar and or t e last .. as a onsultant Surgeon S e as t e irst olorectal trained surgeon appointed to er area

ic ad ig le els o depri ation S e retained a pragmatic and cost e icient approac to ealt care e panding muc needed lo er G ser ices b training nurses in e tended roles S e initiated training o nurse colonoscopists in er region ic led to a neser ice of 'direct-to-test' GP referals being established to check for bowel cancer. The role of the Colorecral Nurse Specialist was also developed to support pateints and staff and improve standards of bowel disease detection and treatment. she secured a full salary for the first Colorectal Nurse Specialist in her region from the medical device industry, which was ket to timely success (recognition of the role followed two years later, when three posts became funded by the NHS), and so began an interest in the industry that supports healthcare. Subsequently, when her ageing hospital premises moved into a new PFI build, she one again became involved with medical device companies when she oversaw tendering for theatre lights and endoscopy. Jacqui has been taching device representations on Healthcare Skills since 2000.

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Follo in post raduate trainin in the est o cotland and Hon on , raham as appointed as a Consultant Colo rectal ur eon in urin his sur ical career he as responsi le or de elopin the Colo rectal ser ice in outh las o and as responsi le or a hi h ualit and inno ati e ser ice He as appointed Clinical irector or ur er in reater

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cottish Field Hospital


Anne’s career spans over 30 years in the perioperative field. She has held the positions of Lead Nurse for Theatres, and Day Surgery and in Education as a Professional and Practice Development Sister within the largest Health Board in Scotland. She is also a registered Nurse teacher. She is also involved in developing and implementing bespoke training courses for several high profile Medical Companies.

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Page 11: Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership · This Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership is part of a Suite of Three individual Professional Qualifications that can be taken

S is an appro ed du ual centre deli ering a range opro essional competence based uali cations a arded b

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.. Pro essional S uali cations de eloped it emplo ersdu ual ork it t e rele ant sector skills bodies and industr

pro essionals to ensure t at t e uali cations t e o er meet t e needs o emplo ers and pro ide t e latest industr t inking

Guaranteed and reliable ualit du ual is underpinned b a commitment to meeting t e ig est standards o ualit ts

uali cations are de eloped in line it t e standards speci ed on t e uali cations and redit rame ork produced b t e

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Wit du ual uali cations deli ered b S corporationsrepresentati es can pro ide e ternall alidated e idence ocompetence to demonstrate teac support and promotet eir products

“Working with EduQual has been a great success. Through EduQual, HCS are able to deliver professional qualifications based on professional standards. There are many training courses available for business professionals; the advantage of EduQual courses is that learners achieve professional qualifications”


o o k ll ter at o al ork t al

PgD Clinical Leadership Copyright © Diane Irvine May 2020 11

Page 12: Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership · This Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership is part of a Suite of Three individual Professional Qualifications that can be taken

k ll ra r t art er

ea o e bra tra g o r e la e

Skills is e panding its port olio o class leading trainingprogrammes b introducing a ne rain irst course orpro essionals in t e ealt care sector

e initiati e ill see t e compan orm a partners ip itresearc scientist and clinical educator Denise a arelli Dees

it t e aim o turbo c arging our brain po er

e rain irst course is a pro essional de elopment programme ic ill result in t ea arding o a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership uman actors andNeuroscience to t e success ul candidates

e aim o t e course is to enable clinicians to make better decisions or greater impactit more e ecti e engagement ne o t e re olutionar aspects o t e programme ill be

t e ocus on demonstrating t e act t at t e acti it o t e brain and its p sicalc aracteristics c ange en decisions are made or ideas concei edt is t is a areness or a ing t e brain in mind t at ill result in better decision makinga greater understanding o patients re uirements and an en anced abilit to interact itcolleaguesSituational a areness e ternal engagement communications leaders ip relations ipin luencing and inner and outer impro ement are some o t e core principles e plored bt e course

ptimal unctioning is t e global goal as is t e a oidance o brain o erload ic canad ersel a ect decision making and pro essional per ormance

ur brains a e tremendous capacit to learn o training is deli ered and t e learningen ironment in ic it is deli ered impact on t e mental capacit to trans er ne lac uired kno ledge and skills rain riendl c anges to t e a training is deli ered canimpro e t e opportunit or t e trans er o learning

o date courses on decision making a e been presented b Skills andDenise a arelli Dees o rain irst to indi iduals orking in t e ealt care industr , andeperienced ̀ clinicians rom across urope t e iddle ast and rica o ereparticipating in a course on comple case management en o ed a irst session on t eNeuroscience o Decision aking and Patient ducation in t e clinical management o

patients it comple needs or o present it c allenging surgical issuesDecision making is in t e locus o someone s control e a e t e po er to breakpatterns o be a iour simpl b making better decisions e can c ange t eir mind andactions at an time e en en t e re stuck in a c cle o esta lished eha iours

a ing a better understanding o t e neuroscience be ind decision making elps peoplemake decisions t at lead to impro ed outcomes

PgD Clinical Leadership Copyright © Diane Irvine May 2020 12

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EduQual Qualification Framework Page 1 of 4

EduQual and HCS Programmes, Issue 1.0, August 2018 Copyright © EduQual Ltd. 2018

Health Care Skills International

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EduQual and HCS Programmes, Issue 1.0, August 2018 Copyright © EduQual Ltd. 2018

Recognition In the United Kingdom, there are four government-sponsored qualifications regulators:

• Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)

• Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)

• Qualifications Wales (QW)

• SQA-Accreditation (SQA)

EduQual is recognised as an awarding body by SQA-Accreditation – you can find us on the SQA- Accreditation list of approved awarding bodies here.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is a partnership whose members include the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, College Development Network, SQA and Universities Scotland. Many EduQual qualifications are credit-rated for the SCQF and are listed on the SCQF Qualifications Database.

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) work across all four nations of the United Kingdom to protect the standards and improve the quality of higher education. The QAA have produced a guide to comparing qualifications across the UK and Europe, including the Ofqual Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)

EduQual qualifications are recognised by universities, professional membership bodies and many other stakeholders in the UK and beyond.

Holders of EduQual qualifications can ‘top-up’ to degrees at First and Master’s degree level (SCQF Level 11/RQF Level 7) awarded by many British and international universities, including, but not limited to:

• Anglia Ruskin University

• Bath Spa University

• Binary University of Business and Entrepreneurship (Malaysia)

• University of Bedfordshire

• University of Chester

• University of Dundee

• University of East London

• Edinburgh Napier University

• London Metropolitan University

• Newman University

• University of Northampton

• University of South Wales

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EduQual and HCS Programmes, Issue 1.0, August 2018 Copyright © EduQual Ltd. 2018

Exemptions Holders of EduQual qualifications can also obtain exemptions from professional membership bodies.

Qualification Levels: Definitions EduQual qualifications are based on the EduQual Qualification Framework (EdQF), which consists of Awards, Certificates and Diplomas and which follows guidance set by Ofqual, the regulator for qualifications in England.

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What do Levels mean? EduQual qualifications are based on the EduQual Qualification Framework,whichconsists of Awards, Certificates and Diplomas following levels set by Ofqual, the regulator for qualifications in England.

EduQual Qualification Framework

Qualification level

Award 10-120 hours

Certificate 130-360 hours

Diploma 370-900 hours

Extended Diploma

>900 hoursLevel descriptors

7 Postgraduate Award

Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma



Achievement at level 7 reflects the ability to reformulate and use relevant understanding, methodologies and approaches to address problematic situations that involve many interacting factors. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of action that initiate or underpin substantial change or development, as well as exercising broad autonomy and judgement. It also reflects an understanding of relevant theoretical and methodological perspectives, and how they affect their area of study or work.

6 Graduate Award

Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Extended Graduate Diploma

Achievement at level 6 reflects the ability to refine and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address complex problems that have limited definition. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of action that are able to underpin substantial change or development, as well as exercising broad autonomy and judgement. It also reflects an understanding of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the theories that underpin them.

5 Advanced Professional


Advanced Professional Certificate

Advanced Professional


Extended Advanced

Professional Diploma

Achievement at level 5 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address broadly-defined, complex problems. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of action as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within broad parameters. It also reflects understanding of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the reasoning behind them.

4 Professional Award

Professional Certificate

Professional Diploma

Extended Professional


Achievement at level 4 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address problems that are well defined but complex and non-routine. It includes taking responsibility for overall courses of action as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within fairly broad parameters. It also reflects understanding of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work.

3 Advanced Award

Advanced Certificate

Advanced Diploma

Extended Advanced Diploma

Achievement at level 3 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. It also reflects awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work.

2 Intermediate Award

Intermediate Certificate

Intermediate Diploma

Extended Intermediate


Achievement at level 2 reflects the ability to select and use relevant knowledge, ideas, skills and procedures to complete well-defined tasks and address straightforward problems. It includes taking responsibility for completing tasks and procedures and exercising autonomy and judgement subject to overall direction or guidance.

1 Foundation Award

Foundation Certificate

Foundation Diploma

Extended Foundation Diploma

Achievement at level 1 reflects the ability to use relevant knowledge, skills and procedures to complete routine tasks. It includes responsibility for completing tasks and procedures subject to direction or guidance.

Entry Entry Award

Entry Certificate

Entry Diploma

Extended Entry Diploma

Achievement at Entry level reflects progress towards making use of skills, knowledge and understanding (i) that relate to the immediate environment, or (ii) to carry out simple, familiar tasks and activities with guidance, or (iii) to carry out structured tasks and activities with guidance.

This certificate is the property of EduQual. Any alteration renders it invalid and could constitute a criminal offence. PgD Clinical Leadership Copyright © Diane Irvine May 2020 16

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PgD Clinical Leadership Copyright © Diane Irvine May 2020
