possible questions for the oral test

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  • 8/2/2019 Possible Questions for the Oral Test


    Possible Questions for the Oral Test

    1. Tell me something about your hometown.I am originally from a ranch called "haw" famous for its traditions. there is made a party in honor

    of San Isidro Labrador on May 15. this place is very small and has several social and cultural

    problems. some of them are the alcoholism because most young people start work early and does

    not finish his studies.

    2. What (will you do/did you do) during Spring Break this year?I'll be with my family at home. we are not accustomed to travel. muchi us spend time together.

    3. What place do you like best in Mexico? Why? (not your hometown and Quertaro)I like zacatecas. I like this place because it has a lot of rich architecture. I like looking at its

    buildings, churches, temples, etc.

    4. What places in Mexico should a foreigner visit? Why? (not your hometown and Quertaro)A foreigner should visit Guadalajara or Guanajuato. these two places have much historical content.

    5. If you had the choice, where would you choose to live in the world? Why? (not yourhometown and Quertaro)

    I choose to live in Guadalajara. I love that city for employment opportunities. for its location and

    its color.

    6. Which is the worst place you've been to in your travels? Why?I like to travel and see new places I've visited places bad neck, there is something beautiful in

    every place ..

    7. Which is the best place you've been to in the World? (not Mexico)disney. I visited this place when I was 4 or 5 years. at that age dream about princesses and fairy

    tales so it was an unforgettable experience to visit the birthplace of these characters

    8. Are the traditional masculine/feminine roles within the family changing?Si. Things within the family are not like before. these days there is more openness to new ideas,

    new ways of living. paradigms are being broken as the belief that women should stay home and

    men working.

    9. Is the marriage rate decreasing in Mexico? Is it a problem? Why?

    10. How should a child be disciplined?

    11. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying? Why?

    12. Do women still have too heavy a burden in their day to day life? Why?

    13. Is the increasing influence of developed nations largely a positive or negative thing? Why?

    14. What, according to you, has been the greatest change in recent years? Explain.

    15. What, according to you, has been the most problematic change in recent years? Explain.

    16. What, changes have you seen in education over the past few years? Explain.

    17. What can be done to improve education in rural areas?

    18. Have recent political/social change

    s affected jobs or education in any way in Mexico?

    19. Do you agree with private education? Explain.

    20. What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas?

    21. If you had the power, what reforms would you carry out within education?

    22. Describe a typical day for you.

  • 8/2/2019 Possible Questions for the Oral Test


    23. If you had the opportunity to change your career, or if you could study a double major, what

    would you do instead?

    24. Which country/place would you most like to visit? Why?

    25. What changes do you think Mexico will see in the next few years?

    26. Will any possible future changes affect jobs or education in any way? How & Why?

    27. How do you think you will cope in the U.S.? Explain.

    28. Does anything worry you about going to the US? Explain.

    29. What would you look forward to if and when you visit the US? Explain.

    30. What do you do in your spare time? Explain.