positively i msig

8$ H I fcJ, eaeJMtMssMiislWMaMWPJMMWWMMsWWWJi aj I W ! jMWaMlsjsaWWaMjew ,.f t; , !..- i t Vol. xrv. No. 2:km. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2. 1889. 60 OENTB euuaoniPTioN PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN la pnnteil and published at tho office, Queon Street , Honolulu; H. I., every afternoon (SmAiaya excepted). Subscription, - GO conlt per Month. Addrosa all CommuuicatioiiB Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, to etuure insertion, should be handed in before ono o'clock r. u. WALTER HILL.!' "Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Btpani Printing Office Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of ull kinds done on the most favorable lei ma. Hell Telephone..... No. 250 Mutual Telephoned No. S25B THE DAILY .BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and romprclieiisivc publication, contains S3 columns of rending mutter on local topics, and a coraplcteiesumcot Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper uubllshed in the Kingdom to send to fileuds ubro.id. Mulisrrlntlou: Island : : : $4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. UACKFBLU &; Co., H, Gonoral Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACFAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, - Honolulu. 11. 1. . 1048 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BUKWEB & COMPANY, ' G (Limited) GttNBUAL MERCANTILE AND ' COUUISBIOH AOKNTS. ' LIST or OFFICEUS: I. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Mauager J. (). Cautkh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary DIUBCTOUBS Hon. O. K. Bibuop. S. C. Allkn, II. Watkbhousk. aaaiy T. "WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castle.-- J. B. Alherton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKE, CASTLE) Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Ueueral Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 CIuub Sprectele. Win. O. Irwin. IBWIN & COMPANY, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission cnts, Honolulu. 1 a CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Maluriala of every kind, cor. fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 . Luwom, K. J. Lowioy O. M.Uooko. & OOOKK, LEWER8 to Lowers &. Dickson.) Importers and Doalcrs in Lumber aud all uinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. M.ui,iml TeleplioiM No. 4. B7tf VETERINARY. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, AK. aud pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotol Stables, corner Hotel and Ulchard streets. Scientific treatment in all (lis-eas- of domestic animals. Orders ior plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone it54, P. O. Box 320. mh.18 8'J LADIES' NURSE. HB. MONROE, ladies' nurse, lias M removed to JNo. a, liUKui jane. Feb-1- 4 89 FOR SALE FIRST CLASS A Phaeton in per. feet order. Apply nt this office. 341 tf THE WEEKLY BULLETIN- -i. !i8 columns, purely local mattei Mailed to foreign countries, 0 per annum, Professionals. JM. MONSAHItAT, at Law & Notary Public 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf J ALFRED MAUOON, Attoruoy at Law & Notary I'ublic 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice In tho lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect ing iu all its brunches, renting of houses and any other business entrusted to him. Olnco 91 King Street UpMairs. Feb 9 PIOINISJER, STEAM CANDY FACTOR! .A.IV I JJA-ICElt- F. HORN, Practical JUonfocttoner, Pastry Coolc and Baker. 71 Hotel St, Telephone 74. H0LLI8TER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, JIG Honolulu, H. I. rx. U. UKNSOn. a. W. BU1TH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boerickc & Sccchlk's HOfrfCEPATHIC MEDICINES, ,.;rIHcksecker's Perfumes aud Toilet Requisites, i2y WENlfER & QO. JUnnufacturluc Jowellero, no. oa jpoivjc fcixutiairr. Constantly on bund large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silvor Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specially. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Oillce. (ST1 Particular attention paid to all kiuds of repairs. jun.l!) 89 Hustace& Robertson: DRAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-X- tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllcc, next door to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. THE0. PSEVERIN, View and Landscape Photographer. Makes a specialty of photographing residences, interiors, groups, decora-lion- s and all kiudu of out and indoor views. Also, docs printing aud develop- ing for amateurs and others at the lowest rates. Satisfaction given and all orders receive prompt attention. Views mounted in books to order. Okkiok: Corner of Kiug and Alakea street. P. O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. 2VJ. 122 tf A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs. New Zealand Jams ! JUST recclvtd a consignment of New Jams, assorted cases. For sale at low prices by J. E. BROWN & CO., 227 tf 28 Met chant street. DAVID KAAIHUE HAS the best and cheapest Hliick Rock, Coral, Baud and Soil for sale iu any quantity. Apply ut the law olllro of William 0. Arhi, No. Hit Met. chant street, Honolulu, 11. 1. U01 Sm MAMMOTH POPULAR - 104 N.'S. SACHS, To Commence S&- - aCA-ltlS Positively Dry & -- WILL BE IN ORDER TO Kvcryiliiiijj SOLD in WE WILL MENTION A OF MANY WE WILL LACE 75 cts yard. ORIENTAL LACE 50 oti ORIENTAL LACE Length, 75 cts COLORED CO eta a" dozen. Ladies FANCY FLANNELETTES, 8 for SATINS BEAVER ik SALOON Tho Lunoh In Town, Tea and Ooffee'at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of Wm.JsfiL Titan - sEsgs5y Always on Hand. 11. J. NOITJB, 'Proprietor. THE Metropolitan Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail AND NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly I Beef, FlNli, Vecelnbles, &., Always on hand at the HONOLULU (Successors to Win. McCamlleas), No. n Nt., : : KlMh Slurliet, Honolulu, II. I. tSy-Fam- ily nud Shipping Oidcrscnrc, attended to. Live furni3bed to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. miTdiiKit. Citv Market. ... Nuiianu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages 1 Every tSTU is Sausages are hy the every btat machinery, and all oidcrs entrusted to IiIh caru will ho delivered with promptness nud dispatch, anil his prices are as low as anywhere iu the KTTry Bologna . oct fi 8S SIXTH GRAND ANNUAL- - :- - CLEARANCE -:- - SALE ! A.T THE : - MILLINERY Fort Street, - - on Monday, Nov. 1889. NOTICE I TAKE NOTICE I - for Two Weeks ! Goods, Fancy GoOuS I Gents Goods, Bona- - ENTIRE STOCK OF- - OFFERED at COST MAKE ROOM FOR AN IMMENSE e ! nuine STOCK. Ketlnccd itn Former Price AHiioolH Marked lIain Figures ET'OR, BUT PEW THE OFFER: VALENOIENNE FLOUNCING, Skirt FLOUNCING, Skiit ynrd. FLOUNCING, Skirt extra quality, vaid. BORDER English Balbriggan extra STRIPIOD yards $1. (For Best lf Butchers Choicest Pork, &. MARKET O.IHM-- fully Stock TINKER, Fresh Day. noted made city. Ills Sausagos.'iS THE Fancy Work), 25 cents ynrd. Honolulu, 4, Only Laflies Meat Mutton ! -- S5fi NEW tsaracains from ! ! ONLY- - Length, a Length, n a HANDKERCHIEFS, a MEN'S UALURIGGAN SHIRTS, 50 cents each. MEN'S BRITISH SOCKS, $2.40 per dozen. UNIOJy FEEP CO., OFFER AT BED ROCK1 PRICES ' o Call lorn ia Hay, Oats, Bran, i Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal, j Barley, Rolled Barley, ,, ' Middling Ground Barley, ' Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR -- Alla, Golden Gat & SnHnns- -t FLOUR rolephouoa, No. 175. Htoll "XVlopltone, GO id&tsr HAWAIIAN No. 24 AND OF "PEDRO IS SIMPLY gT Which will be add AT 2170 -:- - HOUSE, PROPRIETOR. Msig PRICE O.A.SSJ3: Hose, -- sa BARGAINS THAT I fine. 25 cts a pair. ' Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts. -- - Alutnal OCloplioiie, 371 WINE GO, --o- THIS KINGDOM. JIMENEZ" SUHLIME. LOWEST RATES l.y FRANK BROWN, Mnuagci, Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. HAVE. THE BEST QUALITY EACH EVERY KIND CALIFORNIA-WIN- ES IMPORTED INTO Our r NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. I 1 AlakoH, near (hccu St. Telephone 55. WALKER & REDWARJ), Contraotora Sc ItxillUcra. Brick, Stone and Woodun liuildings; given. .Tobhlug promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. 1 O. Box, 42,".. ap 5.1y GEORGE LUCAS, and Builder,' Honolulu Steam l'lanlnc Mills, hspla uado Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackts, Window Frann-s- , Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinila of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawlng.j All kinds of Sawing and lean- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to aud work i(uarantccd. Orders from the other Is- lands solicited ,CMr HONOLULU IRON -- WOBK3, SgHUflBStcam engines, sugar mills, boil ers, coojers; iron, brass and lcadcaBl ings; mauhiuery of every description made loader. Particular atteutiou paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at) abort notice. 1 J. E BROWN & CO.. M Merrhnnt Ht., Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUNTANTS. ConYeyancers & General Ageuts REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Sole Agents for the Burlington Ronlt Across America, nud to the Azores. Sole Agents for Pitt & Scott's Foreign Parcels' Expi ess fe General Shipping Agency! Sole Agents for Sunny South Aerated Waters.) Sole Agents for Matelleld Bros.' New Zenlauil Mullet aud Cauucd Goods. Special Agents for Leading New Ze.i land and Australian- - Mercantile Finns Special Agents for the California Lund AsBOciaiion, ' ' " "r ' " 3.r 4 Specikl Agents for the Honolulu IJusi ness Directory. AIko, Other Special Agench'.s. I Customs' Entries 1'iissoil. Pro peitles (Managed. Assignees ami Audi tors'- - Work done promptly. Hoiisci Leased 'and Rents Collected. New Business Solicited j 1 Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Telo. No. 3G0. Dec-S- Ji Post Office Box 469. 8S-l- y P. O. Box 351. -- CBW Ilell Tole. 74. A Corner Kort & Merchant Streets, llouolulu, II. I. GENERAL AGENTS. Aci'oimtniitH A Cullertora KOU THE Hawaiian Bell Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department tok the "NupepaKuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special alien, lion nud returns promptly made. Real Estate bought, solif aud leased. Taxes Paid and properly sufuly insured Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices, leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance cilrctiil in first, class Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty Records searched and correct A listrucls of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hiinil somely eugrnsHed, Copying and Translating iu nil language in ucncral use iu this Kingdom. Custom House Baslness tr,iii9iirtid with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated nt favorable rates, Gold, Silver and Certificates bought nud rold. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited for publishers. Skilled and Unskilled labor furnished. Any Articlo purchased or sold, Inter-Islan- d Orders will icceive parti- cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot (ages ludcsirablu localities ut ruisouuhlu rentals. Several Valuable Properlles in and around tho city now for sale and lean.-o- easy terms, JyAll business entrusted to our rate will ruclvu prompt aud faithful alien. tints at moderate charges Feh-- 4 ti'J aajajatluy NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000.00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every ngo, on ovory premium table, and in every year, tliu AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tiinliiic Policies nf the Now York Life Insurance Co. Iiine beon LARGER than tlmsu OF ANY OTHER COMPANY isxtiing Miuilnr policies. For particulars apply to C. O. KKUUKlt, Gen'l Agent Huwnii m Isliuuls. 28U tf FIRE, LIFE, and MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insaranco Co. AsseU, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuronco Co. (Firo and Marine) AueU, $460,000 Anglo-Neva- Assurance Corpoiation (Fire and Jlaiiue) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British .Firo and .Marine In. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Inauranco Co. Asset, $95,000,000 C.Q.BERGElt HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Islands. 1G53 "ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire c Marino Insur'oe Agents. AQBNTS pun The New Knglnnd MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y of Boston. Tho iEtna Firo Insurance Cos of Hartford, Conn. The Union fr'lre and Marine Insurance Co., of Han Francisco, Gala. lUIIy Prussian National Insurance Comu v B8TAUI.ISUBD 1845, Capital 9,000.000 Relchsmarks HjHE undersigned, having bteu np. X puiulvd agent of the above Company fur the Hawaiian Islands, is prepnrulto accept risks, agulnst Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce.Sugai Mills etc., nu the most Favorable 'IVruis Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. II. RIKMENSCHNEIDKR. Jly87 1y at Wlhlcr & CVa. FILTER PRESSES ! Paauiiau Piantation, ) Hauaii, March SI, 1S88. f ItlHdou Iruu Jk I.oeouiollvu Works, Hau PrnnrlMro. Okntlkmkn: We have used two of your 30 Chambered Filter Presses' thl enoii. They nie convenient, easily handled nud are working entirely to our sutlidnctlou. 1 can iccuiiiineiui no on them. Vi'iy ienpeclfully youis, (Signed) A. MOORE, Man igcr Pnaiili.tii Plnutation. Hi.BU, Sept. 28, lUdU. Mh. .Ioiin I)vi:u, Aeut Hiidou liou Wcirks, Honolulu, DiCAiiSiUi Please ship us one mt your :i(J Couiparlmcnt Filter Presses, SM0 equate feci biirfacc, same as the one supplied us List fcenkuu, which I am pleund'to xny bus gleu us entire satitfaitiou Yours trnlv, OhO, R. EWART, Manager llcela Agricultural fd, Tlir-- o I'ips'cs uw! iiiiulo extra heavy ff)i high piesviiios, oeeupy a lluui space II feet by IU et. uud present a tillering bin face of 240 square tect. A limited number In stock in llouo- lulu and uie sold ut vory low prices. Rtidon Iron & Loco, Works, San Friiuelseo. sjr Tor partli'iiliira enqulio of JOHN DYKR, llouiUulu, Roihii No. it fpH'cki'lrt' Block. WW tf w, 0. Irwin & Co., AgeuL to l

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H I fcJ, eaeJMtMssMiislWMaMWPJMMWWMMsWWWJi aj I W ! jMWaMlsjsaWWaMjew




!..- i


Vol. xrv. No. 2:km. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2. 1889. 60 OENTBeuuaoniPTioN



la pnnteil and published at tho office,

Queon Street , Honolulu; H. I., every

afternoon (SmAiaya excepted).

Subscription, - GO conlt per Month.

Addrosa all CommuuicatioiiB DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, to etuure insertion,should be handed in before ono o'clockr. u.WALTER HILL.!' "Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Btpani Printing Office

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofull kinds done on the most favorablelei ma.

Hell Telephone..... No. 250Mutual Telephoned No. S25B


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and romprclieiisivcpublication, contains S3 columns ofrending mutter on local topics, and acoraplcteiesumcot Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper uubllshedin the Kingdom to send to fileudsubro.id.

Mulisrrlntlou:Island : : : $4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.

UACKFBLU &; Co.,H,Gonoral Commission Agents.




Queen street, - Honolulu. 11. 1.. 1048


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.




I. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & MauagerJ. (). Cautkh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. K. Bibuop. S. C. Allkn,II. Watkbhousk.


T. "WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castle.--J. B. Alherton-- G. P. Castle& OOOKE,CASTLE) Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inUeueral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

CIuub Sprectele. Win. O. Irwin.IBWIN & COMPANY,WG.Sugar Factors and Commission

cnts, Honolulu. 1

a CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Malurialaof every kind, cor. fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

. Luwom, K. J. Lowioy O. M.Uooko.& OOOKK,LEWER8 to Lowers &. Dickson.)

Importers and Doalcrs in Lumber aud alluinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

M.ui,iml TeleplioiM No. 4.B7tf

VETERINARY.ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,AK. aud pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotol Stables, corner Hotel and Ulchardstreets. Scientific treatment in all (lis-eas-

of domestic animals. Orders iorplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone it54,

P. O. Box 320. mh.18 8'J

LADIES' NURSE.HB. MONROE, ladies' nurse, liasM removed to JNo. a, liUKui jane.

Feb-1- 4 89


FIRST CLASSA Phaeton in per.feet order. Apply nt

this office. 341 tf

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN- -i.!i8 columns, purely local mattei

Mailed to foreign countries, 0 perannum,


JM. MONSAHItAT,at Law & Notary Public

11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

J ALFRED MAUOON,Attoruoy at Law & Notary I'ublic

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice In tho lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collecting iu all its brunches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him.

Olnco 91 King Street UpMairs.Feb 9



F. HORN, Practical JUonfocttoner,Pastry Coolc and Baker.

71 Hotel St, Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLKSALK AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,JIG Honolulu, H. I.

rx. U. UKNSOn. a. W. BU1TH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boerickc & Sccchlk's

HOfrfCEPATHIC MEDICINES,,.;rIHcksecker's Perfumes aud Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WENlfER & QO.JUnnufacturluc Jowellero,no. oa jpoivjc fcixutiairr.

Constantly on bund large assortmenof every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silvor Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specially.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Oillce.

(ST1 Particular attention paid to allkiuds of repairs. jun.l!) 89

Hustace& Robertson:

DRAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-X-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllcc, next door to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

THE0. PSEVERIN,View and Landscape

Photographer.Makes a specialty of photographingresidences, interiors, groups, decora-lion- s

and all kiudu of out and indoorviews. Also, docs printing aud develop-ing for amateurs and others at thelowest rates. Satisfaction given andall orders receive prompt attention.Views mounted in books to order.

Okkiok: Corner of Kiug and Alakeastreet. P. O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. 2VJ.

122 tf

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.

New Zealand Jams !

JUST recclvtd a consignment of NewJams, assorted cases. For

sale at low prices byJ. E. BROWN & CO.,

227 tf 28 Met chant street.


HAS the best and cheapest HliickRock, Coral, Baud and Soil for

sale iu any quantity. Apply ut the lawolllro of William 0. Arhi, No. Hit Met.chant street, Honolulu, 11. 1. U01 Sm




To CommenceS&- - aCA-ltlS


Dry &





LACE 75 cts yard.ORIENTAL LACE 50 oti

ORIENTAL LACE Length, 75 ctsCOLORED CO eta a" dozen.




Tho Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Ooffee'at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of

Wm.JsfiL Titan- sEsgs5y

Always on Hand.11. J. NOITJB, 'Proprietor.


Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail





FlNli, Vecelnbles, &.,Always on hand at the

HONOLULU(Successors to Win. McCamlleas),

No. n Nt., : : KlMh Slurliet,Honolulu, II. I.

tSy-Fam-ily nud Shipping Oidcrscnrc,attended to. Live furni3bed

to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8


Citv Market....

Nuiianu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages 1


tSTU is Sausages are hythe every btat machinery, and all oidcrsentrusted to IiIh caru will ho deliveredwith promptness nud dispatch, anil hisprices are as low as anywhere iu the

KTTry Bologna. oct fi 8S


:-- CLEARANCE -:- - SALE !


Fort Street,- -

on Monday, Nov. 1889.NOTICE I TAKE NOTICE I -

for Two Weeks !

Goods, Fancy GoOuS I Gents Goods,

Bona- -



e ! nuineSTOCK.

Ketlnccd itn Former PriceAHiioolH Marked lIain Figures




FLOUNCING, Skirt extra quality, vaid.BORDER

English Balbriggan extraSTRIPIOD yards $1.










fully Stock


Fresh Day.

noted made


Ills Sausagos.'iS


Fancy Work), 25 cents ynrd.







! -- S5fiNEW

tsaracainsfrom !



Length, aLength, n


aMEN'S UALURIGGAN SHIRTS, 50 cents each.

MEN'S BRITISH SOCKS, $2.40 per dozen.



Call lorn ia Hay, Oats, Bran,i Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,j Barley, Rolled Barley,

,,' Middling Ground Barley,' Wheat and Corn Flour.

FLOUR --Alla, Golden Gat & SnHnns- -t FLOUR

rolephouoa, No. 175.

Htoll "XVlopltone, GO id&tsr


No. 24




gT Which will be add AT


-:- - HOUSE,







fine. 25 cts a pair.'

Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.-- -

Alutnal OCloplioiie, 371








Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.







PLANING MILL. I1 AlakoH, near (hccu St.Telephone 55.


Contraotora Sc ItxillUcra.Brick, Stone and Woodun liuildings;

given. .Tobhlug promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. 1 O. Box, 42,".. ap 5.1y


and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam l'lanlnc Mills, hsplauado Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackts, Window Frann-s- , Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinila of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawlng.j All kinds of Sawing and lean-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to aud worki(uarantccd. Orders from the other Is-

lands solicited

,CMr HONOLULU IRON --WOBK3,SgHUflBStcam engines, sugar mills, boilers, coojers; iron, brass and lcadcaBlings; mauhiuery of every descriptionmade loader. Particular atteutiou paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at) abort notice. 1


M Merrhnnt Ht., Honolulu, II. I.


ConYeyancers & General Ageuts


Sole Agents for the Burlington RonltAcross America, nud to the Azores.

Sole Agents for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels' Expi ess fe General ShippingAgency!

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.)

Sole Agents for Matelleld Bros.' NewZenlauil Mullet aud Cauucd Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Ze.iland and Australian- - Mercantile Finns

Special Agents for the California LundAsBOciaiion, ' ' " "r ' " 3.r 4

Specikl Agents for the Honolulu IJusiness Directory.

AIko, Other Special Agench'.s.I

Customs' Entries 1'iissoil. Propeitles (Managed. Assignees ami Auditors'- - Work done promptly. HoiisciLeased 'and Rents Collected.

New Business Solicitedj 1

Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Telo. No. 3G0.Dec-S- Ji Post Office Box 469. 8S-l- y

P. O. Box 351. --CBW Ilell Tole. 74.


Corner Kort & Merchant Streets,llouolulu, II. I.

GENERAL AGENTS.Aci'oimtniitH A Cullertora


Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising Department

tok the"NupepaKuokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special alien,lion nud returns promptly made.

Real Estate bought, solif aud leased.Taxes Paid and properly sufuly insuredHouses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices,

leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance cilrctiil in first,

class Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Records

searched and correct A listrucls of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn and hiinilsomely eugrnsHed,

Copying and Translating iu nil languagein ucncral use iu this Kingdom.

Custom House Baslness tr,iii9iirtid withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated nt favorable rates,Gold, Silver and Certificates bought nud

rold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

cited for publishers.Skilled and Unskilled labor furnished.Any Articlo purchased or sold,Inter-Islan- d Orders will icceive parti-

cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot

(ages ludcsirablu localities ut ruisouuhlurentals.

Several Valuable Properlles in andaround tho city now for sale and lean.-o-

easy terms,

JyAll business entrusted to our ratewill ruclvu prompt aud faithful alien.tints at moderate charges Feh-- 4 ti'J



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000.00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every ngo, on ovory premiumtable, and in every year, tliu AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tiinliiic Policiesnf the Now York Life Insurance Co.Iiine beon LARGER than tlmsu OFANY OTHER COMPANY isxtiingMiuilnr policies.

For particulars apply to

C. O. KKUUKlt,Gen'l Agent Huwnii m Isliuuls.

28U tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insaranco Co.

AsseU, $5,288,000Commercial Insuronco Co.

(Firo and Marine)AueU, $460,000

Anglo-Neva- Assurance Corpoiation(Fire and Jlaiiue)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British .Firo and .Marine In. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Inauranco Co.

Asset, $95,000,000


General Agent, Uaw'n Islands.

1G53 "ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire c Marino Insur'oe Agents.

AQBNTS punThe New Knglnnd


Tho iEtna Firo Insurance Cosof Hartford, Conn.

The Union fr'lre andMarine Insurance Co.,

of Han Francisco, Gala.lUIIy

Prussian NationalInsurance Comu v


Capital 9,000.000 Relchsmarks

HjHE undersigned, having bteu np.X puiulvd agent of the above Companyfur the Hawaiian Islands, is prepnrultoaccept risks, agulnst Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce.SugaiMills etc., nu the most Favorable 'IVruis

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

II. RIKMENSCHNEIDKR.Jly87 1y at Wlhlcr & CVa.


Paauiiau Piantation, )

Hauaii, March SI, 1S88. fItlHdou Iruu Jk I.oeouiollvu Works,Hau PrnnrlMro.

Okntlkmkn: We have used two ofyour 30 Chambered Filter Presses' thlenoii. They nie convenient, easily

handled nud are working entirely to oursutlidnctlou. 1 can iccuiiiineiui no

on them.Vi'iy ienpeclfully youis,

(Signed) A. MOORE,Man igcr Pnaiili.tii Plnutation.

Hi.BU, Sept. 28, lUdU.Mh. .Ioiin I)vi:u, Aeut Hiidou liou

Wcirks, Honolulu,DiCAiiSiUi Please ship us one mt your

:i(J Couiparlmcnt Filter Presses, SM0 equatefeci biirfacc, same as the one suppliedus List fcenkuu, which I am pleund'toxny bus gleu us entire satitfaitiou

Yours trnlv,OhO, R. EWART,

Manager llcela Agricultural fd,

Tlir-- o I'ips'cs uw! iiiiulo extra heavyff)i high piesviiios, oeeupy a lluuispace II feet by I U et. uud present atillering bin face of 240 square tect.

A limited number In stock in llouo-lulu and uie sold ut vory low prices.

Rtidon Iron & Loco, Works,San Friiuelseo.

sjr Tor partli'iiliira enqulio ofJOHN DYKR, llouiUulu,

Roihii No. it fpH'cki'lrt' Block.

WW tf w, 0. Irwin & Co., AgeuL

to l

Page 2: Positively I Msig



Hi'Itiwfm''" '' Viuuuve.

Applications iui i lie .1 of ex-

change on San Francisco in bankfi'-dra- ft

will ho teceiwd nt the HawaiianTieasuiy up to tlit' 12th Ins!., to (lie

tuimnni of $30,000 ;nvnble lit-i- in

uilver coin.S. M. DAMON.

Minister of Kiiiiiiii'i'.

Honolulu, Nov. 2. 1SS!). '.I'M 2l


Scaled toniWis rtiii lo iv .SmI hi

lljo Interior Officii until WEDNES-DAY- .

Xo. 0, ISS'.t, l 1:2 oVlo.--

noon, fur llie construction of i ro.nl

from th,' lauding to the uppei Gov-

ernment rind ill lfolnuli'ii, KoiilKomi. Hawaii

Specification1" for llie work eim l

scon til UkmiIVu'i of tho Snpoiintoii-dun- !

of Public Woik, Honolulu, and:i1ko nt the More of .J. ICtelennikulrKnilun, Noi Ih Konn.

All biihVinuM.bm'iidnwd " render-.SlUo.u- l,

North Kuiui, llnv."iii."Thh Mtn'f-le- r of the I lili r due-no- t

bind li'ms-el- to ueeopt tie- - love.--lor any bid.

L. A. THURSTON,,)iinitHei of uvular

Interior Mi- l- o-t- . nj, 1SS9.293 4t

School House at Hilolii, S. Kon.i.

Tender? will be jen-iit- J "hi I Ik

office 'oT the llojid of Eduoaiiutiuntil 12 o'olor-- noon, on WEIINE."-DA-Y.

the "JOth of Not'inbr net,for the cimMrtiPticti and completionof a School Hnti'-e-, 20x30x12 feel

with one roun, on the Gmeninieotfchool lot 11! Milolii, South Konn.Hawaii.

Plan and epecitioiilion can befeen tit the. olllce of thu Roanl ofEducation, Honolulu, and at MiH. N. Greenwell's, Konn, Hawaii.

Bv ordei of the Board of Educa-tion". W.JAP. SMITH,

Secretuiy.Education Office, Oct. Ill, 1S8H.

3'J2 3t-l- li It

r 11 kf)ailu UirfU fin

SATURDAY, NOV. L', 1889.


iiy ;ulll i.

And o the Hilo electors hae con-

gregated together and endorsed a

"platform" that is, the majorityapproved. The "platform, " as pub-

lished in the Advertiser, is a queeiindefmitcjoiid of document. It

to tell what it means. A com-

mentary thereon should be furni-.li-- e

1 the public by some learned Hilopolitician, to elucidate tho drill, ol

thin mysterious production. JVI'ght

employ the gifted writer of I he

famous 'genealogical report" foi

thai purpose. The third paragraphof the platform "ihat thepay of public oMciah should be

commensurate with llieii dulius."That is just exactly ft hat everybodybelieves; uut'ar wc to undirstandthat the llilo electors think Unit thepay of public olli-ia- ls is at. presenttoo high or too lov. ': 11 it is thewish ol Hilo to leducr the pay ofpublic Bf.rwiuts, I im in opposition10 Hilu. I refer pailieularly toxliobe olllcialft who do the woik.Their interests, rteli-bein- honor-

able treatment, aud sutllcient re-

muneration for &erviees performed,are nfattem' which 1 apecially audimmediately concern the public.For the non-woiki- vesponsibluheads I care nmliing. Those who

do the' frotb of the countryare deserving of the n'Oit nrnikedpublic consideratioo, and theyshould be well piid for their ser-

vices. They should be protectedfrom inju-tic- e, and preserved fromany 1.1ml of temptation to dishonortheir public position ; and, more-

over, an invasion of new anivaK,whateve'r their intlueuco or recom-

mendations, should never be allow-eJt- o

supersede lhoo olllceis whoselong practice Iiiim rendeied themcompetent, and whose faithful dis-

charge of their duliei; has entitledthem to the thanks of tin1 country.

Is the Attoriiey-CJener- compe-

tent to discharge the duties of his

olllce, or is ho not? II ho Is, whyhas he had associated with him, iu

the State triala for treason aud con-

spiracy, another lawyer, in additionto his deputj , presumably at the ex-

pense of the publlo treasury!1 Audif he is not, why should he hold thatolllce? Tlient "gain, if he is compe-

tent, why should tho Minister of tho

Interior spend ?o much time in


Court prompting hte colleague!Anjhow, 1 think the lasMinniciiligui'an, had belter uttcntl lo tin'lu.ies of hiw own department, run

ml live in thu Supremo Court duringme holm of it? Region- - It in.iUt"tioi) tire impertinent, ruli

item out; but I tun only teiU-iutiu- .

vlun llnnrfr "e ot ilhen.1 ntu tckl, tnai on the night ol

.July lliltli, near llie po-- olllce, 11

join Ionian loudly deehiimed againstthe uiithuiltu'i lor hot having shotWilcox, llie lu.ndet of the insurrec-tion, at llie time oT hfa surrender.This "eiiilcmaii fontemlcd that Wll-co- x

M1011UI liuvu been shot down likta dog, when he surrendered, and beallowed no qunrter. He. didn't be-

hove in the usages of honorable war-

fare. Now, I huve no word to sayin defeuie of Wilcox and his asso-

ciated fur their disturbance of thepence; lut I have feelings which no

words can express in regard to a

mm is ho ould murder an enemy.vUo Inn surrendered, especiallyaIumi tlitit mini profescj to be a foi-ow-

of the Groat Teacher who deivervd "The Sermon on the .SJouul,"11 which the injunction is j?ien,Love tuir enemies, pray for thoseho despitefully Uac you." 3Iy ad-

vice to llie gentleman is, to carefullycad ovei that sermon and conformo its tradiiugs, or else abandon hisuofeMsioii of diieiplerhip, and ap-ic-

in Ilia true fohn- -.

The Advertiaei ays, "Patriotismi. the love of country." This

luntted to be the generally-accept-- d

definition of the terra. But tinite Lord Kcaconyilcltl, in one of hi'

famous speeches, extemporised a

aew definition: he said, "Patriotismis another word for selfishness," 01

vords to that effect. Now, oldwas no fool. If you doubl

ny word, ask Bismarck. Thefurther says that Cromwell,

'y fighting against his king andcutting his head off.

'proved that his love of countrjwas greater than his loyalty to theing." I don't believe a word of it.

My reading of history, when I was1 school boy, has left the impressionon my mind that Cromwell's love ofouutry was strongly tinctured withovcof self in fact, that love of selfvas the strongest passion of bitcruel nature and the

ing of England that he mightoe king of England liini3elf.


The following interesting accountif Chinese Secret Societies was takenrom the London Mail f Septemberioth, A. I). 1880, and is all thenore significant owing to recentivents in our own island community.The occasion giving rise to theirticle iu question was the recentxccution in Sarawak of certain Chi-ics- e

on twenty-fou- r hours' notice,for simply being active members ofi Chinese secret society known ashe Ghee Hin or Sara Tiau Chi-ie-- e

Scout Society.

The swilt severity of the punish-nei- it

inetid to ceitain members of aJblncsu s cret society rn Sarawaky a court over which Rajah BrookeumselJ piesiued is iiaole to ue rais-iml- ti

stood in this country by per-ton- s

who know nothing of the wayit these aveociatiom or of their disistrous results in the past history oSaiiiiwik. The propensity of theChini'si', 1,1 home a'f well as abroad,:o unite in secret societies ot a serai-- n

liious, semi-politic- nature isne of the most curious characteris-

tic, of llie race, and has long beendanser to public

order and tranquillity mallcouRtiicbiu which they live. In China itoellthese as'joeintious are attacked without mercy ; they are a constant-- ouiei- iji terror to llie olllcials, whonever know the moment when a oilyor piowine may be thrown into di-

rect and brought to a con-

dition nl lebellion by the machina-tions of tlic3e bodies. Tho penaltyon till connected with them is death ;

yet, in spile ot this, in spite, of theutmost iyilance on tho part of theolllcials ai d absolute mercilessnessiu the pm suit of their members,ihev exil and flourish. Societieslike UieTiiad, tho White Lily, andothers are found in every provinceiu a slate of more or less activity.The menders are hound by thennsl solemn oaths before the idoUto inviolate secrecy, and new formsof adjuration have been invented tomake this the more eecurc.

In our own Eastern colonies aswell us in thoac of the Dutch, thePhilippine, and elsewhere, specialmeasures have had to be takenagninst lliis danger. For not onlyhat, it been found that tho powergiven by the rules of the societieslo their headmen arc inconsistentivith public order not only Ins itgiven tho .rcietics at critical periodsan almoht overwhelming weightbut great ciuelliea have boon per-petrated on those who have refusedlo join ihem, Assassinations andriots are frequent, and iu all thecountries above mentioned to bolon;

DAlltf BtJLLBl'Itf i

1 a Cliincto secret society is in it-- If

a crime. In every annual re-'O- i

t from the Straits Settlements-specia- l

section Is devoted to tinlisdeeds of lhc&c societies. Foiears past a law has been in forceHere compelling rcglsi ration of nl'hinese friendly societies, and de

illegal all tliat are not regis-.:r- cd

; although this is administered.lib. jireat v gilance and stringency

.t has been toiind unequal to thetask of restraining Illicit cotnbini-Ion- ,

and lecontly a bill wm la'd be-

fore the Legislative Councl at Sing,apore lor the suppression of nilChinese secret societies. This wouldnave passed unanimously, were itnot that Lord Knutslord thought itdesirable to give this drastic policymore consideration before finallyagreeing to it. One recent officialreport from the Straits says that"the state of the Chinese secret so-

cieties is such as to seriously engagethe attention of the Government."The members of registered secretsocieties iu Singapore number about70,000, and in Penaug about 100,-00- 0.

It will be remembered thatdiese are wealthy colonies, with apowerful police force of British,Malays and Chinese, that a largejody of troops is always stationedthere, and that a squadron of warvessels is always within easy reach,flic alarm which these bodies excite.n other places where the guardiansof public order arc not so numerousor elllcicnt can, therefore, be readilyunderstood. The reports from thevarious protected States of theMalay l'cniiiaiilti also constantlyrefer to these pests, and in the.Spanish and Dutch colonies they arcpursued and extirpated withoutmercy.

The experience of Sarawak withthese societies has been of a pecu-ikiil- y

painful character. At onelime it looked as if all the work ofSir James Brooke were to be undoneby them, and there seemed a pros-pect of the country returning to theuiarchy and bloodshed from whichthat illustrious man had rescued it.In 1S.")7 there was in Sarawak alarge secret society composed mainlyjf gold miners, who, having beenchased out of the adjoining Sambas,tvere received with hospitality, andprotection at Kuciiiug, the capital.Suddenly, without a word of warn-ing and without provocation, theyrose 111 insurrection. It is supposedthat the Biilish relations with Chinajust at that tunc it was but a fewmouths prior to our Chinese warand a violent outbreak of the secretsocieties in Singnpore a month be-

fore, led these refugees to think thatwas a favorable moment to ejectIfajah Brooke from Borneo. Fortu-nately there were only about 4,000Chinese in the country altogether,and these were scattered about. Ina single night the town was reducedlo ashes, the forts were seized, andthe Rajah's house, with all its con-tents, was burnt to the ground. Heescaped himself in the darkness bydiving under a boat belonging tothe rebels.

The news of the outbreak spreadrapidly ; fighting Dyaks hurried infrom nil quarters, and the infuriatedpopulation took a terrible vengeanceon the Chinese, who were pursued,harassed, and killed in their flighttoSambas. When all was over the Ra-jah wrote that it was an incalculableadvantage to have got rid, root andbranch, of a body of Chinese with a

aI organization, and forvcars the Chinese were anathema inSarawak.

Sarawak is not in a position tomaintain a large force in perpetuallywatching Chinese secret societies;it did what is done in China itself aswell as elsewhere, and what it isproposed to do in Singapore viz.,suppressed them outright. Thosewho are acquainted with the pasthistory of the Chinese there will notbe surpiised that those responsiblefor the maintenance of order shouldview with dread and dismay theprospect of a revival of the terriblescenes of 30 years ago, or even ofthe ditui bauces which occur inother countries where these secretassociations have managed to main-tain themselves.


Editok Ruij.ltin: The man whodoes not disbelieve the straightfor-ward explanation in yesterday's Ad-

vertiser regarding its editorial of lastweek on "Native Races," is "want-ed." He is described as singularlystraight iu figure, with thin, sharpfeatures, prominent cheek bones,eyes deeply sunken and an exceed-ingly pallid complexion. Whenlast seen he was closely shaven andwore a pair of black trouscrH, awhite shirt and an expression of pro-found peace. In short the man isdead. Hawaiian.

O-- t. 2D.


Kuitou Buu.r.'iiN: The charm-ing insouciance with which the Ad-

vertiser makes the oflico boy respon-sible for its "misfit" editorials, is anew departure in journalism andmarks a step forward in the "divineeconomy" of running a newspaperwithout an editor. Hereafter all"contributions" should be addressedio tho mailing clerk and markedplainly whether they are intendedfor publication as correspondence oreditorially. No contributions shouldbo received unless tho above in-

structions arc strictly adhered to.This will obviate any mistakes beingmade aud savo the' bookkeeper theannoyance of making the necessaryexplanations.

Now is the time to subscribe totho "great paper." Ahchimedes,

HONOLULU, 11. 1., ttOVtttoUlCtt 2, lf5d

Anctlon Sales by James F, Morgan,

Auction Salo ot Leasos ot

ttible Buililinf Lois!0


n WED v KSIA Y, Nov. 13AT 3 O'CLOCK xoox,

U my Salesroom, Queen street, by orderof II. K. 11. LllluoUalani, I will

sell ai Public Auction,

The Lease fir 20 Years !

Of the following Dealrablo BuildingLots, suilablo for residences, sitmitcil attVnikiki, on the main ronil, and being aportion of tho Waiklkl property of II.U. II. Liliuoknlani:LOT A Blzo 175 feet front and 1SG feel

deep; this Lot adjoins thebridge and is on the mainload lcndlnc to the Park.Tho Lot is fenced.

LOT B Adjoining Lot A, has a front-ag-e

ot 120 feet on main road,aud is 180 feet deep.

LOT C Adjoining Lot B, irontnee or120 feet on main road, 180feet deep.

LOT D Adjoining Lot O on mainmad. 11ns 120 feet frontageand a depth of 18G fed.

LOT E Size HO feet by U0 feci, ntrear of Lots A, B, (J, D; 1ms afroutago n a new road 05feet wide, connecting withmain road to Park.

LOT F Adjoining Lot E; size 140 bj:iG0 feet.

LOT G Adjoining Lot F; size 140 bv300 feet.

LOT H Adjoining Lot G ; size 140 bv300 feet.

LOT I Adjoining Lot H; size 140 by300 feet.

All these Lots are level and wellplanted with grnssfcTho Waiklkl Carsrun past the front or the Lots.

Thu Lots nie situated about fiO feelfrom llie bench.

Parties puichnsing any of these LoUwill receive gratia a 20 year lease of fiO

tccl of lnnd on the bench, tor erection ol!)iUh. houses and bathing facilities.

Heats payable in ad-

vance.A Chart of the Property can he seen

at my Salesroom.t'Por further particulars apply to

'JAS. F. MORGAN,:J31 22t Auctioneer.

ELECTION of OFFICERS.A T the adjourned annual meeting oll. the stockholders ot the HonoKaa

Sugar Co. held this day, the followinggentlemen were elected otllccra for theensuing year:

I A. Scliaefer. President.J. Holing t.

J. Hoting Treasurer.II. Kenjus Secretary.M. Mcinerny. .. . . . .Auditor.

II KENJES,Secretary.

Honolulu, Nov. 1,18S9. 1103 31


A T Hie adjourned annua meeting oft. the stockholders of the PaeilleSugar Mill held this day, the followingA'ero elected officers lor the ensuingyear:

F. A. Scliaefer President.C. H. Bishop t.

J. Ilotinjj; Trcusmer.II. Henjca Secretary.J. II. Paty Auditor.

II. KEXJES,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 31, 1889. 392 St


A T the annual meeting of the stock.X. holders of Puia Plantation held

this day, the following named officerswere elected to serve for the comingyear:

President II. P. Baldwin.Vice-Preside- W. O. Atwater.Treasurer J. B. Athcrton.Secretary T. II. llobron.Auditor T. May.

T. W. llOBKON,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 29, 1889. 380 lw


AT the annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Haiku Sugar Co.

held at tho office of the agents, the 29thday of October, the following oflkeiswere chosen for the ensuing year, towit:

President Hon. II. P. Baldwin... Hon. S. 31. Damon.

Treasurer Hon. S. N. Castle.Secielary Hon. J. U. Athcrton,Auditor E. W. Peterson.

J. IJ. ATHEKTOX,Secretary II. S. Co.

Honolulu, Oct. 29, 1889. 390 lw

irsa NOTICE.

ALL persons are hereby forbiddenfrom trespassing and shooting

upon tho laud known as Kcnhua iuwaiawa, Ewn, said land having beenleased to me by JJrfl. Leihulu Morris.All trespassers will be prosecuted.

KELIIUTPLOctober 30, 1889. 1192 lw


I HAVE this day sold all my right,ti tin and interest in the Carriage

Manufactory Business as carried on byme on Fort street, lo Mr. Gideon Weal.Thanking tho public for their maaypast favors I would bespeak the sametor my successor and haviug knownMr. West for a number of years as apracticul carriage builder I am satisfiedthat he will give general satisfaction.

(Signed): W. II. PAQE.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889. 391 3w


HAVING bought out Mr. W. H.in the "Honolulu Carriage

Manufactory," at 128 Fort street, I amprepared to continue the above businessunder the old namo of Honolulu Car-riage Manufactory, and being an oldexperienced carriogo builder I solicitthu patronage of my old friends and thonubile in general, aud w ith my thoroughknowledge of tho business aud with

workmen and using only thobefit material I guarantee general Bulls-faclio-

Please call and see mo befoiegoing elsewhere.


Honolulu, Oct, 88, 1689. 891 If

'MK'l'll ffy-A-

h issuing a new form of insurance, which provides, in the event of death, for a return of all premiums paid in ad- -

lltion to the amount of the po'icv, or, should the Insured survive n given number of yenrs, the Company willturn all llie premiums paid wilh'intcre-- ; or, instead uf accepting the policy mid profits in cash the letral holder


'leu thereof the amount of policy and piotits in FULLY PAID UP tiisiiiunce, participating annually in dividends.

Remember, this contract is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Company in the United States, and the Lar-

gest Financial Institution in the World, its assets exceeding One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.

BtaT" For full particulars call on or

3G0 lm











Havana CigarsJust Received a New Lot of


For Sale in Quantities to Suit

RM.S. CRINBAUM&Co,391 Queen Street. lw


PROPERTY on the Plainsfrontage of 100

feet on Bcrctania and Kinaustreets and 300 feet deep; cottage on theplace, also out-hous- ; grape vines andtruit trees; excellent soil. Apply atSirs. Kingsley's, 110 King street.

300 lm

Valuable Property For Sale

Ujm miuanu Avenue, anewly furnished

House containing 8 looms.kitchen, bathroom, closets, carriagehouse, stable, henery, etc. Gioundscontain 2 0 acres, well laid out inlawns, shade and fruit trees, (lowers,etc. Will be sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriage?, live stock,and all the appointments needed iu afirst-clas- s residence, as the owner

leaving these Islands.HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

Cottage To Let.NEAT Cottage, in per-fe-

order, contaiuini; 4rooms, mosquito nroof. nar- -

tially lurnislied, with large kitchen,fchndc trees, etc. Conveniently located.Rent $20 per month to good tenant.



CONTAINING 1 largeveranda


with bftth.room, dining-roo-

and kitchen detached, on ICekaulikostreet, opposite Hotel street. Hunt $10per month. Apply at


rpiIE best remedy forX wounds, ulcers,

Cc galls, proud llesli audbores of every deserln- -

Sfe1 tlon to persons or animals. Adopted by lending liorso rail-road, club and livery stablex, etc., iuthe United States and elsewhcie. Weare prepared to prove this statement bytestimonials aud leferences to plantersand liverymen in this Kingdom.Apply to


Island Views.LARGE assortment of PhotographsA and Stereoscopic Views of the

most attractive scenery, buildings, eto ,iu theso Islands, for sale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGKNOY.Corner Foit and Merchant sticets,

2303 tf

THE BEST PAPER to subscrlboL for Is tho "Daily Bulletin." 60ent per mouth.




.- .-




3G2 lm

-- or-

Black Spanish Laco Flouncing, from $1 yard upward.Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing, from $2 yard upward.Ecru, Cream & White Oriental Flouncing, from fiUcts yard upward.Extra Heavy (new style) Oriental Flouncing, from .$1.25 yaid upward.

Dress IMets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.Full assortment of all shades of Cashmere, Moireo, Satin & Gros

Grain Ribbon. Velvet Rugs in all sizes just received.Best variety in Cambric, Swiss & Nainsook Embroideries at

3B. J? &: CO.Dressmaking Department







ITU1E Deputy Assessor &JL Collector of Toxcs for tho District

of Lahalna, Island of Mnui, herebygives notice to tho tax payers of the

t that he will meet them atthe time aud places below specified fortho purpose of receiving their taxesA. I). lS89i

Nov. Oth, 1889, at Ka.

THURSDAY, Nov. 7th, 1889, at Hono.kohau.

FRIDAY, Nov. 8th, 1889, at Kaana.prdi.

Nov. 13th, 1889, atOlowalu,

And all other days during tho month ofNovember and of to the 15thday, at bin olllce in the Court House ntLulmiuu, Maui.

D. TAYLOR,Deputy Assessor & Collector of Tuxos,

Dibtrint of Lahalna, Maui,Lahalna, Mnui, Oct. 22, 18&9. 385 3w


EJOLi-.lffiSa- S

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.








under the management of MISS

Horse & Carriage For Sale.OR8E is young,

sound and ecntle,broken to Baddle aud

harness. Double Carriage In goodorder. Low price. Apply at this olllce.

303 lw


FURNISHED Rooms to lot.corner of

Punchbowl and Beretaniastreets, would be very convenient for asmall family, 255 6m

European Billiard Parlors.rpiIE Handsomest Billiard Parlors IuX the city, and fitted up in the most

approved style. Four tables with all tholatest Improvements,

J. P. BOWKN & CO.,270 tf Proprietore.


Chas. J. Fishers New Advertisement



Colgate Co.'s Celebrated Perfumes & Toilet Soaps,

Photographic Goods of Kinds.


Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines,Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

Notice! Notice!






Page 3: Positively I Msig



i- -

flail!! SuTlttfiiSATURDAY, NOV. 2, 1P89.


Stiiii l.iKellke from MnulStint a. MaKee from Kan ilstuir Walal- alu ir in KauniStun- - Kluuu from Hawaii uud Maul


Gcr bk G N Wilcox for Paget Sound.Tein Mury Douye for Columbia Klver


Stmr Llkellkc for Muni at 5p inllr bk Velocity, Mttrtlni, for HongkongSelir Luku for KolinlaJichr Ku Mol for llutnakuaStun- - Wuimaiiulo for Walanae anil Wai-alu- a


From Kanaa pcrtinr.liisMakcc, Noa G Puuehild,0 I'urdy, and V l:nsle.

Prom windward ports per stmr Kl-

uuu, Nov L' Geo O Bouidinun, Kev S 1.

Desha, iT U Marllu, .T Kclnliart, .Ir, MisK WiUichn, J Moukliotisc, J Mitchell.T Hlliolt, W J Brodie, Miss Kapcln,Miss M Holmes, Miss A Holmes, J N SWilliams, D Maker, .1 A Byron, A Ilau-nebur- g,

Sirs N Gokler, Major W 11

Cornwall and a;l deck.Prom Maui ports per stun- - Llkcllke

Nov L J S Walker, .) Ityion, DToomeyC X tipeueer, W 1" Hcynolds, Mrs Lee,

U Hoffgurd, Dr X H Kmcr.son, licv 01 Kmorson, and 35 deck.

SHIPPING NOTES.r The .stmr Iwuluui came off the MarineRailway this morning.

Tho stmr Waliilcalo brought l!trS bgpaddy fromllanalel.

Following is a list offieight broughtby the Llkcllke this morning from Maulports : 2 horses, 15 hogs, ysisf t koa lum-ber, G5 sks corn, 10 hides, 78 pkgs sun-dries and 1 wagon.

S The Kiuau brought this mornlug OOlf

bags sugar, 1U0 bgs potatoes, 110 bag1-cor-

27 bags ginger, 01 bbls molasses,18 bales wool, iiUu hides, 27 pigs and liilpkgs sundries.

BORN.MOUIUTZ-- At Hilo, Hawaii, October

10th, to the wife of Dr. A. Mourilz.a daujrbtcr.



Satukimy, Nov. 2d.,Tlie Court opened at 10 a. m.The King vs. 'William Mullens.

Extortion in the second degree byobtaining the sum of $72 from aChinaman. The defendant who wasa police oilicer at the time of theoffense pleaded guilty and made astatement.

His Honor said that from rumorshe had made up his mind to deal

v severely with the first case of extor-tion by a foreign police olllcer, butin this instance there seemed to besome mitigating circumstances. Thesentence would be one year's im-

prisonment at hard labor.The Court remarked to the Mar-

shal that he hoped he would makehis police olllcers nnderstand thatthey had nothing to do with bailmoney.

The King vs. Alexander Smith.Conspiracy. The defendant, whohad pleaded guilty, was brought upfor sentence. Di puty Attorney-Gener- al

Peterson aul Mr. Kinneyasked for mitigation ol sentence.The Court sentenced him to pay afine of S75.

The King vs. Ah Fat. Perjury.The Cfown moved that a nolle pros,be entered. Motion granted.


The Iolani Baseball Club beat theKamehameha Junior by 11 to 10runs on Saturday, Oct. 2Glh, ac-

cording to the following score:


names. T. K. B.H. O. A. K.

Prvce, c. 4 3 2 J 1 r.

Holt, l.f 5 2 1 3 0 0Clark, p i 2 0 2 10 0Hart, ss 5 1 1 :l A

Kellet, lb., 2b.... 5 1 14 11Willis, r.f 5 0 0 0 0 1

Nlhou,3b 4 0 0 0 10Wright, c.f 2 1 0 1 0 1

Harris, 2b., lb... 5 1 3 7 2 2

Total 30 11 8 27 2U 14


namus. T. It. B.H. O. A. E.

Werner l.f 5 0 0 0 0 0Lnukl, B. r.f 4 2 0 1 0 2

Muliukn, S. lb... 5 1 1 7 0 0Ilowlaud3b 5 2 110 2.Solomon e 5 2 2 11 0 1

Harbottle, I c.f... 5 2 0 0 2 0Meheulap., s.s... 5 0 2 1 10 0Kauhaue, X. 2b.. 0 10 1 2 2J.emon, J. s.s,, p. 4 0 1 2 0 4

EBTotal 44 10 7 21 14 11

Earned runs lolan! "A.

Home run Kellet.HHDoublo Plav Olurk and Kellet.jUase on balls By Meheula :), byClark 1...Base ou hit by pitched ball By Me-

heula 1, by Clark 1.b. Passed balls Pryi--e 1.

PWIId pitches Meheulu 1.r Left on bases Iolani 8, KamelminehaJr. 8.

SHtruck out By Clark 8, by Meheula 7.of game lhr. 30mlu.

Umpire It. Paiker.Scorers II, Lyinuu and A. Perry.

The Emperor of China has issuednn edict authorizing the building ofa railroad between Peking mid Han-kow. Another line hud previouslybeen sanctioned and others awaitimperial approval. These edlcta in-

dicate a victory of Viceroy Li audother progressive leaders over theprotests and conjurations of censorsand astrologers.


.raiitfhSiwwSdlwiSLOCAL & CEKSuAL HEWS.

This is All Souls' Day.

UAt.LOOX ascension at R o'clock ale Park,

fur. bund will not. play ul timnu. iItturo this afternoon.

l't'iiscii llcokloy reports nice raini.gtho llutnakua coast.

KM'.vem passengers lull on the'. Hull yesterday for the Volcano.

Theiie will bo union service nliviiumnhapili Church Sunday even-ing at 7 :30 o'clock.

The Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety meets this evening at the

of Mr. C. M. Cooke.

Tiik annual meeting of the Hawai-ian Rillo Association will be held thisevening at the Hotel at 7:110.

Tin: steamer l'elo took the pill-drive- r

to Mualaea Hay to be used inrepairing the landing at that place.

It is said that Joseph Aiu, JohnMima nnd M. Patau were the thieelisscnting jurors in the Wilcox case.

Editoiuai. and otthcr matter is de-

ferred in order to make room for stuffrowded out from day to day for t

week past.

Tenmkhs for the construction oi aroad at Holualoa, North Kona, Ha-viii- i,

are called for in our By Author-ity column.


Tin: Portuguese paper O Lusocame out in mourning to-

day out of respect to the memory ofthe King of Portugal.

The annual meeting of the Witi-kap- u

Sugar Company will be held on.Monday at 11 a. m., at the office ofG. W. Macfarlane fc Co.

A wateii main burst on ltobolliland yesterday and was repaired im-

mediately on notice being given tothe Water Works office.

Sunday, is the thirty-sevent- h

anniversary of the birth ol.Mutsu lligo, Emperor of Japan. He-wa- s

born November lird, 1852. TinHawaiian band plays at the Japan;se Consulate Monday morning, inhonor of the event.

An inquest was held on the bodof K. Goto, who was found hangingto a telephone post at Honokaa. tinjury returning a verdict that the de-ceased came to his death at thchaiuhof persons unknown. Sheiiir Hitch-cock is investigating the all'air.

A party of about fifteen ladies andgentlemen enjoyed a moonlight bathin the briny element at Mrs. J. T.White's Branch Hotel, Waikiki, lastevening. A supper was served afteithe ramble on tho bcacli and an en-joyable time was had by every onepresent.

.- -.

Tin: rails of the Oahu railioad arc-no-

laid to a distance of 8 mileifrom Honolulu, or within about ahalf mile of Dr. McGrew's countryresidence, on Pearl Harbor." A com-pany of gentlemen went there bytrain yesterday, by invitation of Mr.B. F. Dillingham.

Mr. N. S. Sachs' mammoth clear-ance sale commences on Monday ,nndis for the purpose of making room fornow goods just received. Our read-ers may rest assured that this will bea chance to obtain bargains not oftenolleicd. Mr. Sachs' now advertise-ment on the first page mentions afew of the many bargains.

We are requested to give an au-

thoritative contradiction to the state-

ment made in the "News Letter,"and reproduced in the Advertiser'sissue of this morning, that in 187-1- ,

Major Wodehousc, then, as now,British Minister at Honolulu, con-

sulted his government as to what heought to do in view of the proposedReciprocity Treaty with the UnitedStates, which seemed to him a steptowards annexation, and that he wastold to promote such annexation byevery means in his power.


Concert to Felix Ollert at Hawai-ian Opera House, at 8 o'clock.

Meeting Typographical Union No.37, at 7.

Meeting Hawaiian Mission Societynt C. M. Cooke's residence, at 7 :!50.

Annual meeting Hawaiian RifleAssociation at Hotel, at 7:30.


This evening the complimentaryconcert to Mr. Felix Ollert takesplace at the Hawaiian Opera Housecommencing at 8 o'clock. Tho boxplan for the sale of seats is open atthe olllce of J. E. Brown & Co. Fol-

lowing is the excellent programmearranged for the occasion:1. Piano, Sulut a Pesth "Marclio

Hongioise" do Concert. Kowalski2. Piano The Elite Valso Bril

liant J. WieniawskiFelix Ollort.

3. Duet (Soprano and Alto) Ilurpof tho Winds Abt

Miss D. Dowsett and Miss M. Rhodes.

i. Violin Solo Chanson PolonaiseII. Wieniawski

Miss Katie McGrew.

SongMrs. J. 11. Puty.

Piano Solo Tannhauser March(Arrungedjby Lizst) Wagnor

Felix Ollort.

7. Comic SongMr. W. II. Hoogs.

8. Piuno Solo Recollections ofHome.. Mills

Felix Ollert.

riBgMiV ,r. tiJjfcjASbjffc'..i.S

bAthl BBtiLStfJfli 4C.&$&


From tha Hilo Accord, 'Oct. 2d.)


A horrible murder was committedfew days ago in North Kona, near

ho new plantation.A Chinaman wa9 living in a. small

4QUSO which ns burnt up. Ilisoily was found under the ruins ollie house lying on his face andones heaped on his body. An

was held of which we havtnot heard the results.

One or more Cliinnnien livingnear were arrested, and as the evi-dence did not appear to be sufficientto tho justice examining the case,the parties were discharged. TheSheriff leaves by the Kinnu, to goover to examine into the matter.

The Baldwin survey party, whileputting up their "trig," station onone or the hills on tkc mountainhack of Pahala, went out on theirwork one morning, and when theyreturned in tho afternoon found thattheir camp had taken fire and wasentirely burnt up with all in il. Theystud; it out, however, for three dayswith only a pint of water to drinkand finished their job. Good gritfor the boys. They arc now tryingtup luiiani station back of the Vol-cano.

Parties from the Volcano reportplenty of fire in the South Lake.

We noticed some Chinamen yes-terday on the beach on Front street,skinning some hogs, that had diedon the passage up from Honolulu inthe Kinnu. Look out for fresli pork

y. Where is the Agent of theHoard of Health?

The lcv. Mr. Harris, formerly ofthe Mission to Japan, gave an inter-esting discourse on the missionsthere.

Our harbor presented a lively ap-pearance yesterday morning, thereoeing at that time three steamersuul one schooner lying at anchor init.


The news of the day is easilygiven. Great interest centres in

the Congress, themembers of wliicli arc visiting thegreat agricultural region of theWest, having "done" the manufac-turing sections of the Middle andXew England States. It is hopedthat practical good may result fromthis Congress, but I suspect thiswill be found to be in the futurerather than in the present. Thediscussion of international recipro-

city in trade, finance and navigationwill bring out points upon which allmay agree and so lay the foundationfor future action by the respectiveGovernments. But it is quite cer-

tain that all the influence and wealthof the European powers will be ex-

erted to thwart the policy of anAmerican customs and monetaeunion.

The Protectorate Treaty agita-

tion has created a ripple on the sur-

face of American public life, andthe London Times, while not object-ing to an American protectorate inthe abstract, would oppose anyother power taking a hand in Ha-

waiian affairs. Meantime the or-

gans of public opinion in the UnitedStates arc averse to a protectorate,for the reason that it would makethis country responsible for thevagaries of Hawaiian politicians.And their objection is the tariff.They object to a unilateral bargain.It is not proposed by the drafttreaty to adopt the United Slatestariff. This would strike at Britishand German interests and invest-ments, and would probably lead toopposition on the part of thosepowers. On the other hand thequestion is asked : What is the Ha-waiian Government afraid of? Theuniteu stales rciuscu to join inguaranteeing its independence whilerecognizing it under the jointguarantee of England and France.Have these powers shown any dis-position to withdraw from theirjoint obligation? If not, what addedstrength would a guarantee by theUnited States give, and why shouldit alone, of all the guaranteeingpowers, have the right of militaryoccupation?

It is also unfortunate that thedenial and subsequent admission of.Minister Carter, as published by theSan Francisco papers and telegraph-ed all over the world, should be in-

consistent in substance aud intentwith the written statement of Minis-ters. Which is correct is the prob-lem which romaius to be solved. Ilis perhaps unfortunate that thisquestion was broached at n timewhen the attention of Europe isfixed upon the United States' foreignpolicy in the matter ot thc"two Am-

ericas" as represented at Washing-ton by the Congress of Americannations before alluded to and Mr.Blaine's alleged instructions toMinister Douglas, to sound Haytiwith the view of establishing anAmerican protectorate. Indeed, itis even said that the Minister toSpaiu has been instructed to treatfor the independence, or an Ameri-can protectorate over Cuba. If thetime had been opportune the Ha-

waiian treaty might have slippedthrough without attracting muchattention. It may excito far morediscussion than it really deserves,because everyone feels that Ameri-can policy should predominate inHawaiian affairs.

San Francisco, Oct. 19th.

fji. - -JigfciLfa -


tiftS?QS3RS2i 3gi ;''yfc?ir,, f t



Friday, Nov. 1st.In ro estatcof Thos. H. Ilobron

of Honolulu, Oahu, deceased tes-

tate. Petition of Fi E. Ilobron torprobate of will and letters testamen-tary. Ordered that will bo admit-ted to probate and that Utters boosuod as prayed without bond. W.0. Smith for petitioner.


The funeral of the late Mr. GeorgeF. Holmes took place Sunday, Oct.27th, at Kohala, Hawaii. Ills deathwas mourned all over the district.The body was drawn from the houseto the Episcopal Church by hun-dreds of natives. The services wereconducted by the Rev. J'. M. Silver.Flags throughout the district were fly-ing- at

d there was a vastconcourse Of natives and foreignersin attendance at the funeral. Theball bearers were W. J. Brodic, E.A. Burchardt, C. E. Kcmpstcr, JohnMaguirc, J. R. S. Kynnerslcy, II.It. Bryant, C. II. Bragg and C. S.hlynnersloy. The floral offeringswere numerous and very beautiful.


By the Alameda a letter was re-

ceived at this olllce from Mr. A.Marques, who has arrived in NewYork on his return to Honoluluafter a lengthened tour in Europe.Mr. Marques will be here the latterend of November. He states thathe spent six weeks at the ParisExhibition. While in Portugal heinterested people in Lisbon for thecreation of a public library for thePortuguese in Honolulu, with theresult that about one thousand vol-

umes will be forwarded at the firstopportunity, and so constitute thefoundation of an institution whichwill be of special use and benefit forsuch of our Portuguese who cannotyet aud perhaps never will readEnglish. He started, the basis of anew maritime company which willrun from Lisbon to China and fromthere to California via Hawaii, withseveral other branches, one beingdirect from Lisbon to Philadelphia.Another thing he obtained at Lisbonwas, the appointment of ScnhorCanavarro as Consul-Gener- al andCharge d'Affaircs, which gives himand the Portuguese colony in Ha-

waii a different diplomatic standing..Mr. Marques at the present time ispreparing a geographical essay onMacao and Timor, for the LisbonAcademy of Sciences. He passed avery pleasant time in Spain visitingthe wonderful remains of Arabiccivilization, spent a month in Lon-

don visiting the British MuseumLibrary very frequently.

CHESS.The following are the moves in the

Chess correspondence games betweenHonolulu ami Kilauea, Kauai, to date.

Gamu No. l."Knights Game of Buy Lopez."

White (Honolulu) Bluek (Kilauea K.)P to K 4 1. r to K4Kt to KB3 O Kt to QB3B to Kt5 fi'. Kt to KB3Castles 4. Bto K2Q to K2 5., P to 03PtoQl C: 1'xPKt x P B to Q2B x QlCr. BxB

0. Kt x 15

Gamu No. 2.Scotch Gambit.

White (Kilauea K). Black (Honolulu)P to K4 1. P to K4Kt to KB3 Kt to QB3P toQl 5'. PxPKtxP 4. B to QB4P to QB3 5. Q to KH3B to K3 C. Kt x KtPxKt 7. B to QKto (oh.)Kt to QB3 8. Q x KP

Whlto has the more.Game No. 1 was commenced by Ho-

nolulu ou September 'Jth, 1889.Game No. 2 was commenced by Ki-

lauea on September 19th, 1889.


Will return on tho Australia due Nov.ember 15th and resume practico nt hisformer olllce, US Hotel street. 383 Ul

WANTED APAltTMENTSfor a smallI71UKNISHED.foreign with

plain board. A separate Cottage with the usual conveniences wouldbe preferred, and near a line of streetcars. State Inclusive terms to "Maul,"Bulletin Olllce. 891 2w


NOTICE is hereby ctven to all per.having claims against tho

Estate of Thomas II. Ilobron, lute ofHonolulu, deceased, to present the sameto the undersigned within six monthsfiom the date of tho publication of thisnotice, or they will be forever barred.And those indebted to said Estate arcrequested to make immediate payment.Claims may bo presented at the ofllcuof W. O. Smith, Ksq.

Mits. P. E. IIOBKON,Executrix Will of T. II. Ilobron, de-

ceased.Houolulu, Nov. 1, 1889. 391 il


THE annual meeting of tho HawaiianAssociation will bo held ut

the Hawaiian Hotel, on SATUHDAY,Nor. 2nd, at 7:30 1 si. o'clock. Full

is requested. Election ofolllcers.

J. BIlOniE, M. D.,390 fit President.


rPIlE annual meeting of the stock.X holders of the Wulkupu Sugar

Co. will he held at tho olllce of G. W.Mncfarlauu & Co., oS MONDAY, Nov.4tb, nt 11 o'clock a. m.

WU. M. GHAHAM,Hocrotary,

Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1899, 3sJ lw

"MWiLliiU 2, k&.A.. l'lj - HJJ,V'?T. w. .ii'irfe tiy.'Tffif;'

IMTMER nnnicn'a Photos. J. J.has for tfclo by special

pertnUMon at his studio Fort street,photographs of tho lite Fattior Dimicnttken shortly beforo lila death. Alf.o, nJcrlea of scientific photon uf intrrctt totho medical faculty. OSS tf

Celt braird KoorhnwrUSTicnelvcd from China; a splen.did asortincnt of tine Teas. The JHwnlion Mixturo, In Hi package-- . Tin-Hos-

Brand Tea, in --J lb p eka;c,d..Mtrhtfully fragrant; Ilxtra yupeillneIJlrtck Tea, 10 lb boxen In bulk HrstCrop I8B9-1B9- 0 Congou, In 10 ft boxr,

package to a pound, to be hnd oalyof Gonanlvea & Co., Honolulu fi2 if



Grand Yocal and Instrumental

corsTci2tt'.i'--AT TIIK

-- 0N-

Saturday, Nov. 2nd,By Mr. FELIX OLLERT,

Assisted by Local Amatours.

iQr Particulars will appear Inter.Tickets will be on sale and teats re-

served without cxtia clinrge, by .1. E.Drown & Co., 28 Merchant strert.

389 Ct

Hawaiian Tramways Co.,


B alio oil Ascension i t If njHG- -

lani Park !

TO meet tho requirements of poscn.gcrs to Waikiki on Saiuidny next,

a y. hourly service will be run through.ouftho day from Lilihn street; thehourly service to the Utile ltano willbe discontinued for the day. no earlynnd avoid the crush. Cars "will be pro.rided for the return to town after theperformance. W. II. PAIN,!I92 at Manager.


ALL persons arc hereby uotiileildebts contracted on behalf oi

the estate of Jose Cspimla, without inwritten order, will not be paid. And ulpersons arc also cautioned not to puchase any of the personal properly In

longing to the Bald e3tnte except Ironthe undersigned.

Mils. MARLVESPIXDA.Executrix under tho Will uf .lone

late of Lalmius, Mini, de-

ceased.Lauainn, Maui, Oct. 28, 169. 391 1

WANTEDWOMAN to take the sole care ofA family of three email ehlldn.u. s

competent person will dad linrardiai'mployment on application to



ANDER'S Baggage Express Off!O has removed to the old hlnnd, N

Kine street, directly oppoaiiu the onecccntly occupied 8 In

jpoja .UL,:e:!

ATIt. HARRY .1. AGNEW, on account1VJL of leaving the Kingdom lo locatelu California, offers for sale the Pro-perty owned by lilm. Said Propertyconsists of his present residence utKaploluul Park known as "Greenfield,"this Property must be uxamiued to beappreciated. The House Is nearly newand well built ami of the best maleilal.The Stable s are commodious, iiry handynnd ample room for the stotage' of carriages, feed, etc., lu addition in that It

lias been the home of such horses as"Angle A.," "Johnny Gold-mlth- ,"

"Queen Knpiolaiii," "Mink," uudothers that will long be reuif-mbcrr- bythe public nf Honolulu. Also, theHousehold Furniture lu said house.The Land has a frontage on the mainavenue of tho Park of 250 feet and adepth of 200 feet. Also,

About 10 Acres of T.nud, foinifilvapart of tho Lunalllo Estate, and lyingbetween the property of W. II. Baileyand Jus. Campbell, Esq. Also,

A Beautiful Building Lot of about 'MiAcres joining the line lesldence of CecilBrown, Esq. Alo,

About 20 Lots lu Kaplolanl Park.Also,

All that Piece of Land whh Improve-ments, corner Peiibacola and Kiuaustreets, now occupied by Chas. A.Brown, Esq. AIfo,

Shares lu Walmanalo Susrnr Co.,Mutual Telephone Co. uud KnplolanlPark Association.

Fine Top Buggy, Road Curl, 1

Phuetou, 1 Sulky. Double uud SingleHarness, Boots, Bltts, Bridle?, huddles,and a complete outllt for breaking andtraining horses.

i3 For particular. and prices applyto II..I. AUN'KW.

Or, Phil Oi'iTiiuKLi. 391 2mcod

Painting Lessons.

MR. 11ARNFIEL1) will give iiiinu-- .

tlou in Painting and Drawing athis studio, Hpieckels' Block, on rue-da- ys,

Thursdays and Saturdays ofier.noon, commencing October 29th, 'I hocourse includes Freehand uud Meahanlcal Drawing, Perspective, Ktc. Draw.Ing aud Blinding from tho object.Monochrome Painting and Paintingfrom Nature, Still Life, Kto., In oil andwatercolors Loiters may he addressedto P. O. Box N0.I6U. 3ll lw

THE DAILY BULLETIN-Tl- mA. most popular pap or publUhA-l- .

tiViiiiiiifeaA... .aar. .y.,;, v, .






1 1

.. StL-



New Free i


Life Assurance SiciaivOF 1HF. INII'FL) SI.UE


fl'rom tho Xiu Ymuk Time, .luuo '.'.. lV.)The Equitable Life Auram-- Society ha adopted n ncwUflnu $J

policy which, like a bank draft, U a simple piroiniiu to pay without condUlions on the back. ' ,

tho Cniewio

Always on the alert, an t m-n- r anvioua to give Un1 public tin tnflStadvantageous contract in life iinnriinc!, ihe Liteciety of New York ha, in the pad, m nK- - in my advances on old methodsand has been tho means to liberalize lilo a iiUMucn in n iroatr decreeperhaps, than uny other li Is tint at ail surprising, there-fore, that this great company now cimea beforo. lh peophi with a nftwcontract, Ihe like of wiii'-l- i bin not before b :cn knnvu in life insiirauce.

; Kr.vrrruv llrnisini. Bioluunud. Kj., .tuur- - i. In!l.l

The Equitable Life Assurance So-io- ty hn, in tho pnM, done more tocreate and maintain confidi'iiei in life limn any other company.Conseqiumtlyits busineji U than ihatoi any of its cumpptitors.Furthermore, it ha now taken n step which pr.ieticallv -- wep-i every ob-

jection of the character referred to ou' of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, will be that llioitaauds of men ulin have 1irolof,ir lu-ko- confidencein life assurance, will evamino llm iiiw filtered by the Equitable,and assure their lives forthwith.

I from the

This company has done more than any other in simplify tho assurancecontract, and to maintain pnblir confidence in lite nssiirflnoe.

(From the Pacuio LTN'iii:i:vuirr.i!, San Fram-Uo-- i .)tih i. mo j

The Equitable has already established u world-wid- e vrputallon ivclibeial dealings with its policy-holde- r! uud for its prompt of oilolegitimate claims against it, and this new policy-canno- t fail to enhauoa Itf?"

reputation for enterprise and progre'lvoui"W In dealing with the subject,of lilt- - assurance.

tGS For full partioular-"- - est! ou

Oct-19-8- 0,

ALEX J.General Aont for the Howuiiu.'i Idn.,ld.330 lm



i unr






- .fii ,rri






online Policymi

Boston 1'osr.)


M uona e B--flni f

l ItOUy 1 B ubh i

Saturday, Nov. M,AT !1 nt'LUCH I'. .

Drill MlBMl MeA'rnt.vc;i'ior t

B.butillo Acini Exploit?!

The Prevailing European & kmtimSaasaliou !

VAN TASSELL BROS..Pr.-mi.-- f Aftjvi- -

uuut oi lb.- - Woild.

llcoes of over Two IlundfdI'.itluon A:.eu-ii)- o unit

Juiape- -

TlirVjguartintfe to a will) theiiMlii-uo- i ISnli-jni- t tn the di.iy heisbtof 1 mill- - ami jump tn nintlior eur tilwith only tho sup), rt iii thtiii FrailPatent Parachute

Admission 6'0 cts. Ctilidfeti 25

gjttTAny luiliiio oi- - t)i.- - ttbovv, alliiifuicy will bo by Mr. L. J.Levey, wlm will handle tho

rTii l.Ofifrtl tl-:il I...I, l.pvev'ii((lR'f P. PHOST,:;f0 M Mana"i-- i



lotice !


-- OP



Ladies' & Gsnts' Furnishing Goods,LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDREN'S

SHOES ant! SLIPPERS- -BOOTS, -:- - -:- - -;- -


hm, itarfiiy



S. EHRLICH,Coruer Hotel ti Furi rilrM.

U.jJi JV.-Jt.


. VJ?






Page 4: Positively I Msig




Ocuaiic SteisMii ConiD'y.

TI3IK TAltLK:Arrive at Honolulu: ..

Australia November 15

Loavo Honolulu:Zealnntlia November 10Australia November SJi!

Alameda December 14218 If

Australian Mill Service

FOK NAN PltANCIKCO,Tlic new ami line Al Blccl steamship

"Zealandia."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

lie due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland ou or about

November 16, 1889.And will leave for the above port withnuiila ami passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-


WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Acentt.

For Sydney and Auckland

The new and line Al steel ste.iraahtp

a ianposa,Of the Orcanie. Steamship Company, will

he due at Honolulu from SimFrancisco ou or about

November 23, 1889.And will have prompt dispatch willmails and passengers lor the above porta

For Height or passage, having SUPKKIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, appl)toH7 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Aeont


;ETELE!'MMIE "ELELE" Is now being publishedJL iu both Native and English oi

trial for a period of six mouths. Thbhas greatly iuereascd the expenses. Timeet this, frieuds bave already addeelargely to our subscription lists, and

iu Euglish will be continned permanently, if a few hundredmore subscribers can be obtaiucd. Tin"ELELE" is aThoroughly Independent Newspaper !

Devoted to the interest of all the lieopliof Hawaii, without regaul to Cliynes,Parion or Political Parties. Tin"ELELE" is always, lirilit, Spmhliui;and Siry! Read it!

fifflTCall at the Elelc Publishing Co .

No. 08 King stieet, for a sample copy.Esrsuii3cripuoiis received at the ran

of $2 50 for the six months. MutuaTelephone No. 544. H04 t1

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

la prepared to design and contract foiall classes of Sugar Extraction Mucinnery, Irrigating Machinery, Evaporating Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engine1-o- t

all kinds and for all purposes, WateiWheels, Water Conduits, both pipesand llumesj, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, Railroad Material and RollingStock, Etc , Etc.

JIFFUSIOX IhTACHIXKKY,In all its branches a specialty.

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus ot the very bestdescription to order.

0 Close attention paid to all orders-an-

satisfaction to the purchaser gnaranteed. P. O. Ilo.v 280 Fort stieet,Honolulu. scpl.0 89.1

The CrandalT


Change of Type in 6 Seconds !

Writing in Plain Sight !

Simple and Durable !

HT" Call and see sample midline at

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,General Agents for Hawaiian Islands.



Residences Cottage No. 1, HiwalianHotel, or at the residence of the pupil.

372 1m


Mflfgii fi IVEN by Felix Ollcrt atrftW JT No. 27 Alakea street, orat the residence of Ihe pupils accord-ing to agreement. Charges moderate.

!IQ7 lm

FOR SALEWilcor & White ParlorANEW with eight stops. Suitable

for school or church. A Hue lustrii.menU Apply at 07 Punchbowl Mreet.opposite N. P. Mission Institute. 273 If




HAS RECEIVED por "AUSTRALIA,"Kits Tongues t SouihIh, Kils Salmon Ik-Hie- MiH'korol, Smoked Reef, BlockCotllisli, llamsiv Bacon, Clit'"M', l.ihb'n Completed Tig's Keel, SmokedJleiiingK, Geimun Sausages, Lunch Tongues Honed Cbieken, llunvn, FioshApples, Yellow Turnips Potatoes, Unions-- Table Fmils, Raisins, Diied Apii-eol- s

I'lunes, Diied Ponchos, Cnl. .loins &. Jellies in glass, Flench Pens At

Mulininms, Snuliiies Top O'Cnn Btiltt'r, Whitney's Buttci in 1 and '2 lbtins, Desfciealed Coeoanul, Dales

A FULL LINE OF PETALUMA JARS TABLE FRUITS,CniuleiiM'd Milk, Plum l'liddinc, tlelaline, Almonds, Walnuts, .bus TablePiunes Golden (Jnte, E.xtm Faintly Floui, .lapan Tea, Comet Tea, MapleSjiup, Cition Peel, Peailino, Snpolio, Slur of the Kitchen Soap, Cavior, HamHaulages Vienna Sausages N. Mullet, Cunied Fowl, Cluin.i, Chocolate,Coeoatheta, Ridges' Food, lmpoiial Oranum, Ftiiinn, Mushroom Catsup,

Duvet's Olive Oil, Sauces Salad Diessing,

And a Complete Assortment of Choice Goods at Lowest PriceB


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

r- -

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFicsb California l'lodttcoby every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toind Goods delivered to any part of the city free of ohargo. Island oiders soli,uitid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Ottlcc Bos 145. Telephone No. 02 iiov.4.8.r

telephone 240.- - -- 'jaoBsr- O.

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


sar on i c ig -- a

Ry each steamer uf tho O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresli Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

ITIhIi, Gmue, Vefretu.lleN, Etc., Etc.A line ol Crosse & Blackwoll's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of

xcrauui 1'alcH & Pottcrir Meals & Itottlcil J'renerved FrnitH,(juwis b Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cuied Hams & Bacon,

New Rreakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-1- 6 Satisfaction Guaranteed. 87

JOHN NOTT," IMiuontl liloclr," Nos. iC5 Ss 97 Kiugr Stre't.

tfVJ-Vg- g


F f rs.Granite, Iron and Tin Ware 1

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIH, COPPER AND993 Sheet Iron Work.

acific Hardware Go., L'd,lTOBT STREET, HONOLULU.

li""ii""""BB"lHonolulu Library


Room Association,

Cor. Hotel & Alulicu Stre(H.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at the presenllime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Reading Room is supplied wltaabout llfty of tho leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationud games.Terms of membership, fifty cents n

month, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required iu joining exoptsigning the roll.

Strangers fiom foreign countries andvisitors fioin tho other islands are wel-come to the rooms nt all times as guests.

Tills Association having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, It is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deslro to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and all who feelan Interest In maintaining an institutionot this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. .1. OARTWRIGHT, Pics.,11. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside-

II. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer.O. T. RODOERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall ami Library Committee


DAILY 2, 1S89.'


--P. Box 2U7







Turpentino. Etc., Etc.


Revere Rubber Co,, Boston.


RuDher & Wire Bonnfl Hose.gjBT Call and examine our New

Goods. Atig-:i-8- 8

trxtA.TSCJE:.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.I 36 Hue do Dunkorauo. - . Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgiau,Swiss, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prires.

Commission, per cent.All Tiade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Homo and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,MubIius, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannols, Feathers, Pearls,Roots and Shoes, Glass, andChlua.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jowellry, Fancy GoodB,Electro-plat- e, JluBieal Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Glwunos. Machinery. &o &c.

1801v U)




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444444444444444444444444 M

FOR --jSALE.1 will Bell nt the very lowest prices,

all my


Clocks, -:- - Watches,dilTITAKN. HA X.J ON.

Violins, Curios, Etc.If l ratinol sell them before December

1, 1SS1I, they will he sold atiuellon.

:isr I m A. UHAl'T.

T II l.J


m-i KPA 'lmGTONI


n sttBDcr.asn im

Anderson &Lundy,

Ieiitists.Artificial Teeth from one to an entire

set inserted ou gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber , plates which are a constantsourco of irritation to the mouth anilthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All opetationsperfouned in accordance with the latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtiaetcd without pain by the use orNitrous Oxide Gas.

E2?Qfllcc at Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb-20.8- 'J

wTwTWrliht&Son,79 & 81 JgilI5 Bell Tele.

King SUsmLno. 381.

(The Rose Premises.)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription filled with promptness.

First-clas- s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty


Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., ETC., IVTC, ETC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the management of R.

ocMtiJ Cayford. 3m

WRI&HT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

Carriage Builders,Shlpts Blacksmilhlng, Drays, Carls &

Wagon Building as specially.

Evcjy description of work in theabove, lines performed in a first-clas- s

maniKJr and executed at short notice.ALU WORK GUARANTEED.62TTI Orders from the other islands

solicited. Will be pleased to see allour old customers as well a3 new ones.Mutual Telephone No. 575.

apr-19-8- 9

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs.

The, undersigned heirs to inform thepublic of these Islands that he Is makinghrilitrtH ly TVTeuHiii-eiiiei- i, !

Directions willbe given on application.

White Skirts, Overshirts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampleShlit to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Tolcphono 410

fiOly A. m. HIFXLIN.


General Shipping Agency

Pai'cels Eixpress.Chlol Office lor Hawaiian Islands: 20

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

juiANcu oi'Kicn:

Walluku, Maul.... .W. II. Daniels.Pain, West Maul... Geo. Helumanu.Mahukona, Hawaii ...W. J. Brodte.Hilp. Hawaii.. .Hoi incs&Willfong.Keiilia. Knuai. G. E. Falrcliild.Kilauea, Kauai.... ..Kilauea Store.Hanalel, Kauai.... J. C. Long.Wal men, Kauai,...

Vt lit Hofgaaid & Co.Koloa, Kauai E. Strehz.Goods purchased and shipped to and

from any of above ports, and all partsof the world.

Goods received from abroad, clearednt Custom House and forwarded to des-tination per island steamers.

JGayRuti'H furnished on application to

J. E. BROWN & Co.,375 tf 88 Merchant street.


iPtir "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool.

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Slock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Canes,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

iry aim Glassware !

A large assortment.



Sugar t&



Other Varieties.

STATIONERYLatest Novelties.



American andPortuguese




Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin'a Dairy.

Oils J OiI !

Boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zina!Flowfer Pots,

Ferni Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc.


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

F&nce Wire !

Annealed,Galvanized Barbed,

Patent Steel Barbed




California Groceries

Of all varieties, always In Btock.Also.

Hay, Feed & Flour


The Tlioroilikcil Stallion


"MARIN"Will stand at set vice at


ml $75 insurance.

RHConn 2:22)6, Sacramento, Kept. 15,1887.

PKinmiKK: Mariu was sired byQulnn's) Patchen, he by Geo. M. Pat.clicn, .Irf; Marin's dam bv Emigrant, heby Billy! McCrackcnj Billy McOraekenby McCJ-nckcn'-

s Black Hawk, 707, (thusire of Lady Dooley, ami of the dam ofOvormah, 2:10K). McCrackcn's UlnckHawk, 707, by Vermont Bl&ck Hawk, 5;2nd dam by Marshall's Black Uawk, heby Eastlm's Black Hawk. The dam orQulun'sJ Patchen by Stockbrldge Chief,bo by Vermont Blank Hawk, 5.

R. T,1 Carroll of San Francisco, theformer (iwncr of Marin, vouches, thatout of thlrty-si- x mares Bervcd by thishorse (luring his last season iu Call,fornia, Uiirty-flv-e proved with foal.

PAUIi K. SF,lti:itjly.2!K8.


74 King st. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Mating and Carpets Laid.


Fine JJpMstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

Ctf AIRS TO RENT.apr.10-8- 8


Aerated Waters!



Oopol, 28 Merchant Sheet.

JUST RECEIVEDEx "Eskdale" from Liverpool, a large

assortment of



40, CO & 75 cts. dn7on.


40, CO & 75 cts. dozen.

LEMONADE,40, CO & 75 cts. dozen.

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.



GINGER - POP,At CO cts. dozen.

J. E. Brown & Co.ool-- l Agents. 1 1830


ALL persons who want to comrauniwith tho Poituguese, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,eorvants or any other helps, will llnd itihe most protltable way to advertise inthe Luso awaiiano, the new organ ofthe Portuguese colouy, which Is pub.lished ou Hotel streot, and only chargesrvaiouablo rates for advertisements.


