position paper 2 (country - usa)

Committee : UNOCHA  Name : Jennifer Surjo Delegation  from : United States of America Topic : Crisis in Japan Recently an unfortunate tragedy took place in Japan, earthquake and tsunami has stroked Japan and it is resulted into numerous problems. Nuclear crisis caused a farming problem such as food problems in Japan where radiation from the nuclear is a threat towards foods that are consumed by the people. The death toll was 10,489 and it is estimated until 18,000. 16,600 people are still missing and still trying to be found with more mass burials with the upcoming number of 400 burials. US$ 15 billion is the total damages of Japan’s natural catastrophe. Not all the people provided with en ough supplies. I n certain a rea called Minamisoma, people are provided with electricity and water, but no food. Similar to other area where people were not provided with fuel for stove and rice. Cause Since 1703, Japan is often experienced earthquakes because Japan is located in the volcanic zone within the Pacific Ring of Fire. March 11, 2011 was the day an earthquake with 9.0 M resulted a tsunami. For years, buildings are made to be resistant from earthquakes, but there are still lots of people die. As we can see, Japan is one of the largest national economies in the world, fourth largest importer and exporter but regarding disaster it is a difficult situation to overcome not only for Jap an but every country in this world. U.S.A believe s that other states should support Japan because by the unexpected disaster it is affected Japan’s economy collapse. Before economic crisis occur, U.S.A would like to pursue and oblige all the international community to support Japan as the best that every country can to help on the recovery of Japan since it is for the benefit of each country. Policy President Barack Obama gave response towards crisis in Japan and declared, "The United States stands ready to help the Japanese people in this time of great trial. The friendship and alliance between our two nations is unshakeable, and only strengthens our resolve to stand with the people of Japan as they overcome this tragedy.” United States of America would like to express its deep condolences towards the sudden tragedy, which has happened recently in Japan and U.S.A believes to support Japan by providing any useful supplies in order to form a better environment for the people and Japan. U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as well as USAID (disaster assistance response team) were sent as a team, to help overcome the Japanese crisis. 20,000 U.S troops were sent to Japan to provide food and water supplies. U.S. marines were also serving to clean up the debris in order to find

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Page 1: Position Paper 2 (Country - USA)

7/27/2019 Position Paper 2 (Country - USA)

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Committee : UNOCHA

 Name : Jennifer Surjo

Delegation from : United States of America

Topic : Crisis in Japan

Recently an unfortunate tragedy took place in Japan, earthquake and tsunami has stroked

Japan and it is resulted into numerous problems. Nuclear crisis caused a farming problem

such as food problems in Japan where radiation from the nuclear is a threat towards foods that

are consumed by the people. The death toll was 10,489 and it is estimated until 18,000.

16,600 people are still missing and still trying to be found with more mass burials with the

upcoming number of 400 burials. US$ 15 billion is the total damages of Japan’s natural

catastrophe. Not all the people provided with enough supplies. In certain area called

Minamisoma, people are provided with electricity and water, but no food. Similar to other 

area where people were not provided with fuel for stove and rice.


Since 1703, Japan is often experienced earthquakes because Japan is located in the volcanic

zone within the Pacific Ring of Fire. March 11, 2011 was the day an earthquake with 9.0 M

resulted a tsunami. For years, buildings are made to be resistant from earthquakes, but there

are still lots of people die. As we can see, Japan is one of the largest national economies in the

world, fourth largest importer and exporter but regarding disaster it is a difficult situation to

overcome not only for Japan but every country in this world. U.S.A believes that other states

should support Japan because by the unexpected disaster it is affected Japan’s economy

collapse. Before economic crisis occur, U.S.A would like to pursue and oblige all the

international community to support Japan as the best that every country can to help on the

recovery of Japan since it is for the benefit of each country.


President Barack Obama gave response towards crisis in Japan and declared, "The United

States stands ready to help the Japanese people in this time of great trial. The friendship and

alliance between our two nations is unshakeable, and only strengthens our resolve to standwith the people of Japan as they overcome this tragedy.” United States of America would

like to express its deep condolences towards the sudden tragedy, which has happened recently

in Japan and U.S.A believes to support Japan by providing any useful supplies in order to

form a better environment for the people and Japan.

U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Nuclear 

Regulatory Commission as well as USAID (disaster assistance response team) were sent as a

team, to help overcome the Japanese crisis. 20,000 U.S troops were sent to Japan to provide

food and water supplies. U.S. marines were also serving to clean up the debris in order to find

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7/27/2019 Position Paper 2 (Country - USA)

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 bodies and missing people. United States of America also provided Japan barges with

500,000 gallons of fresh water by the US 7th

Fleet. Fulfilling the request from the government

of Japan, U.S.A has given supplies of 10,000 sets of personal protective equipment (funded

 by the government) such as masks, gloves, suits, decontamination bag and other supplies.

U.S.A believes that other countries should contribute any useful supplies whether it is foods,

water, and any other equipment because no countries could expect natural disasters or even

 prevent any natural disasters to happen.

Solutions proposed

1.  Regarding strong relation on military, United States of America will be focus on the

20,000 U.S troops aimed for the humanitarian mission and clean up the mess until

Japan’s infrastructure is back to normal.

2.  All of the states should collaborate within each other and put aside any conflict with

Japan aimed to what UN Charter stated about strengthening the universal peace and

support Japan by providing foods, shelter, and water especially rice and fuel for the

 people who live in the shelter. By means, to alleviate the suffering of people of Japan.

3.  Promote preparedness for a state assuming that another unexpected disaster might

happen in the future.