portfolio english elodie lepaludier

Elodie Lepaludier Portfolio

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Page 1: Portfolio english Elodie Lepaludier

Elodie Lepaludier Portfolio

Page 2: Portfolio english Elodie Lepaludier
Page 3: Portfolio english Elodie Lepaludier

Profession Industrial design



Adress:Vesterå 20, 2 tv 9000 Aalborg, Danmark

Contact Denmark:+ 45 42 80 49 98 (available)Contact France:+33 06 41 68 26 29

[email protected]

Privat: http://elodielepaludier.com/

Linked in: http://fr.linkedin.com/in/elodielepaludier

Page 4: Portfolio english Elodie Lepaludier


Goal: To make life easier for elderly

The problems facing the elderly in the kitchen :

-Lifting heavy elements-Graping peaces of food-Carrying heavy elements-Putting warm elements in a place-Eating in front of the television

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This work was made in partnership with therapists and elderly people.The four ergonomics options make this kitchen special.

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This kitchen is made for the el-derly. The «U cook» kitchen will be built in September 2011 by the company ICADE in new resi-dences for seniors in Chevilly La rue.


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The first option is the «work plan slider» call «U push».You can easily slide the food into the pan. Also drag items or heavier ele-ments to the sink.


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The second option is «the plank swing» called «U put» it can carry heavy elements before you open the microwave.

You can also drop items to cool them.


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The thrid option is the «service» called «U push». With it they can carry a meal tray, a newspaper and medica-tions.They can carry all the elements.

The elderly can easly eat in front of the television or outside on the balcony.There is no risk of falling with the brake system.


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The fourth option is the «trash-service» called «U push».

The elderly can easily get the garbage to the rubbish bin.

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Made for APAJH, an association for physical handicaps.

The handicap walker:

I worked over a period of four months with the APAJH associa-tion in order to better unders-tand the needs and desires of young people with leg handicaps.

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After several meetings I crea-ted «Speeed», a handicap wal-ker with a younger and sportier image with aerodynamic shapes and bright colors.The aim is to make the user feel like taking it in hand and getting on.

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Salon du végétal

«Coup de coeur» award (visitors’ first award) the Horti-culture International Show An-gers 2008.

This herb-stand for high quality restaurants is for customers to cut herbs with scissors and place them on their plates.

«Light-line» also gives style to the table, on account of its lea-ther covering.

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Design Concern

Challenge:Creating an elegant and original set of tables for the i sit chair.

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Design Concern

Challenge:The goal was to create accessories that are used in the bedroom in the same aesthetics as the bed.

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Solution:I made the aesthetics of a stool match with the functionality of the bedside table, the bench and the shelf.

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CONCEPT DESIGNDesign Concern(Danish company)

Challenge:The bike share system cph green is an ecological concept for motivating the Copenhageners, commuters and tourists, to use cycling in Copenha-gen.

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You can save a lot of CO2. See the result of your efforts directly on the web site.

When you ride the cph green you save the environment.

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Team work (with an Italian and a Spaniard)

The aim was to give a new image to the UCPA (Union Nationale des Centres Sportifs de Plein Air), In an «Open your senses» spirit, the project redefines the hall, the corridor and the living-room in the UCPA building.

The «light cave» (the corridor) plays with the natural and the artificial.

The choice of the Obersound material for the walls is meant to deaden noises in the corridor, create a muffled sound and en-hance the smell of wood made by the wall.

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The «wave» is the entrance to the building. It plunges the visi-tors into calm and pure forms.

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Scénario d’usage Emporter son téléphone partout dans la maison

Analogie avec l’animal de compagnie et avec le bijouxInspiration des animaux ( marsupiaux) qui s’accrochent avec leur queue. Et inspiration des bijoux africains (ethnique) et de l’univers de la maison (maté-riaux: bois, tissus, cuire, verre).Pouvant s’accrocher sur notre corps cet objet s’apparente à un accessoire.

Clac! rupture de la position verticale

Scénario d’usage Emporter son téléphone partout dans la maison

Analogie avec l’animal de compagnie et avec le bijouxInspiration des animaux ( marsupiaux) qui s’accrochent avec leur queue. Et inspiration des bijoux africains (ethnique) et de l’univers de la maison (maté-riaux: bois, tissus, cuire, verre).Pouvant s’accrocher sur notre corps cet objet s’apparente à un accessoire.

Clac! rupture de la position verticale

Le téléphone fixe est désuet, que faire? ClaPhone

FRANCE TELECOML’école de design Nantes atlantique

Elodie Lepaludier / Maximilien Tenneguin / François Rousseau


Orange(French phone company)

ClaPhone is an accessory for mobile phones inside the house. It allows to take and send phone calls hands-free. A decorative object based on the universe of the house.

Scénario d’usage En communication

Lame en métal auto rétractablehabillage tissusune lame qui épouse la forme de la tête

Téléphoner ne veut plus dire s’arrêter de tout faire à côtéUne bande en tissus rembourrée s’applique sur la tête et maintien le télé-phone en place.Nous pouvons faire une autre activité tout en étant relié au gens que l’on apprécit.

Mais ils m’embêtent ces designers à faire des produits qui dé-font ma coi�ure!!Pour les plus récalcitrants nous avons voulu créer un produit pouvant s’utiliser comme un téléphone traditionnelLe bloc de communication pivote afin que l’on puisse téléphoner en position casque audio et en position téléphone traditionnel et aussi bien avec l’oreille gauche que l’oreille droite

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«SLE Jardinerie innovante», a store for gardening tools and plants. Creation of their logo.

The aim was to highlight the pro-ducts on the shelves in a spirit of natural materials.

Le téléphone fixe est désuet, que faire? ClaPhone

FRANCE TELECOML’école de design Nantes atlantique

Elodie Lepaludier / Maximilien Tenneguin / François Rousseau

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FURNITURE DESIGN Flensbourg library (Germany) The aim of the see-saw was to create an interaction between the children and the books of the library.

They can play with the weight of the book if they want to go up or down.


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This outside furniture made in aluminium. The manufacturing process reduces the price and make the process easier and fas-ter because it is only cutting and bending.

Moreover, I chose a brushed alu-minum because scratches caused by wear are less likely.

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PACKAGING DESIGNFromarsac (cheese company)

The goal was to refresh the brand image of «P’tit louis». The research was focused on the graphic and colorful style. The idea of the monsters makes the cheese more appealing and fun to eat.

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The hull and the cheese have the shape of the monster. This detail is a surprise for the children when they open it.

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I declined the product of the trade-mark in small tattoos and magnets to collect on the refrigerator.

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-«New-York street» is a painting which represents the life by night in New-York streets.

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[email protected] - Contact Denmark :+ 45 42 80 49 98/France : +33 06 41 68 26 29