portfolio 2014

Hello! 2014 Natalia Papadopoulou M.Sc. honors student Design for Interaction Industrial Design Faculty, TU Delft B.Eng. honors Product & Systems Design Engineering University of the Aegean http://www.linkedin.com/in/natp39 Interaction Design Concept Design Service Design

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My master's in a natshell (pun intended).


Page 1: Portfolio 2014



Natalia PapadopoulouM.Sc. honors studentDesign for Interaction

Industrial Design Faculty, TU Delft

B.Eng. honors Product & Systems Design Engineering

University of the Aegean


Interaction Design

Concept Design

Service Design

Page 2: Portfolio 2014

who am I?

... a designer, a wanderer, a knowledge seeker, a curious human being after all


THINKING (conceptualising)


WANDERING (researching)


WORKING (alone)

COMMUNICATING (visualizing/presenting)

GETTING TOGETHER (organising workshops )

MANIPULATING (managing teams/processes)

introvertingbehaviour observer

well-being social issues


meaning is found in simple things

I’d go anywhere for you (design)!





design is the means

need for learning



ever noticed our “bad” assets, are actually our “good” assets at the same time?

everything is a riddle

Idealistgoal-oriented need for a fast-paced context



easily bored




Page 3: Portfolio 2014

:)Amido | Ascom

Lift Life | Microsoft

TeamBoard | Reinier de Graaf

Together Apart

Your Next Crew | KLM

Fly away with me | Zodiac


Buddy | VicarVision









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Course: Usability and User eXperience Assesment in Design, 5 months, 2012

AMIDOassistive device for older people

BriefAscom Wireless Solutions asked for the redesign of the assistive device for elederly, considering the assesment of usability, user experience and product innovation for a future generation of the device.

Team: Andre Taris | Andriy Yasynetskyy | Claudia Poma-Murialdo | Laura Holtkamp | Natalia Papadopoulou

SolutionAmido is a device to assist indepent living of older people, enabling them to communicate with their doctor and their family via a gateway. The redesign included usability testing of the existing mode, focus on the alarm function, the redesign of a new GUI, and product’s aesthetics, in order to achieve a more pleasant interaction. The product now fits the target context and group, de-stigmatizing ambient health support and wearable technology at the comfort of your home.

ContributionUser tests, menu information design, interface detailing (buttons, moving transitions between different menu levels and screens), interactive prototyping using keynote and an ipad, final project’s video realisation using keynote.

Jaap, a 65-year old male is living alone gets a reminder every day, to check his blood pressure

When he notices something unusual he can call his doctor

In case he doesn’t feel very well

he can activate the remote alarm


concept evolution, from GUI doodles of a nested menu to functional form concepts with hight priority for an alarm


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User tests on the existing device

Different concepts’ foam models

Testing the alarm button’s position

Interactive prototype with laser cut shell

More user tests!

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Course: Interactive Technology Design, 5 months, 2012

Interactive social elevator

BriefMicrosoft organises a design expo every year for schools. This year’s topic was “information in my world”. The team interpreted the brief as “information in my social world” for large apartment buildings where the problem is that not only we don’t know who our neighbours are but we usually run away from the common spaces (as the entrance and the elevator) trying to avoid the awkwardness of facing those people.

Team: Jaap Rutten | Natalia Papadopoulou | Segourney Mustlag | Iris Ploum | Maarten Karemans 2

ConceptThe concept is an interactive installation in the elevator situating in apartment buildings. Each person’s colour is presented in an animated illustration in the elevator that triggers interactions. This facilitates non-committal communication and feeling more comfortable about those close in vicinity. The result (presented in I.T.D. exhibition day and the Microsoft design expo 2012 in Seattle as part of the Microsoft Faculty Summit) included prototype building combined with the actual programming of an interactive set of sensors indented to facilitate the concept.

lift life

ContributionConceptualization, interactive prototyping using MAX/MSP, processing, sensors, cameras and iPad/TV screen as output, embedding interactive components to the physical prototype/callibrate sensors and reseting the system throughout the exhibition.

recognize appreciate

your neighbors


prototype user trying to find his prefered color

concept evolution, balancing privacy, intimacy and belonging


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Medium size, interactive prototyping...

Getting feedback at Microsoft Design Expo ‘12

Small size, low-fi prototyping...

Big size prototyping...

It’s alive! (Observing people using the prototype)

outside the elevator prototype inside

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Course: Design of Poducts in healthcare, 2 months, 2012

TeamBoardCollaborative crisis-management tool for hospital staffre-enacting badly handled incidents

BriefIn collaboration with the hospital “Reinier de Graaf” in Delft, the assignment required to design considering the non-technical (or medical) skills of the emergency room’s staff. The limitations were that the design had to be placed in the coffee room and not in the actual spaces of the hospital. The team focus on the collaboration within the staff (doctors, nurses) since a lot of problems were observed in that area and the problem might affect the patients as well.

Team: Anne Heikamp | Jean Lin | Natalia Papadopoulou 3

ConceptUsing the method of contextual inquiry, research was conducted in the hospital of Reinier de Graaf. The goal was to suport non-medical teamwork, facilitate idea exchange between the staff members and at the same time keep things practical and physical. In order to make a final proposal 3 rounds of visits and presentations were made to the staff members so that they can be involved in the design decision process making the solution fit to their needs and wants. In the 1st visit we observed, in the 2nd one we brought 3 different prototyped ideas, and in the 3rd one we presented the evolution of the selected idea. Despite the fact that they liked the ideas, in the final presentation the staff gave us the suprising feedback that they wouldn’t use our proposal, since they thought it is not practical enough. The team stepped back and reconsidered what went wrong and what right, proposing something that combined the insights in a practical way. Our proposal was basically a role-playing supporting tool where staff members could re-enact problematic incidents in order to find out what went wrong in communication to prevent future-mistakes for the sake of the patients.

ContributionConceptualization, contextual design observations and model creation out of data gathered, co-design sessions presenting 3 prototyped concepts, final concept metaphor, visualization and presentation using keynote.

concept evolution, note-doodling of team’s directions after each visit to the ER.

ER’s floorplan is imprinted in the magnetic white-board


Pre-fixed magnets represent staff members, patients, name tags and post-it notes

When something goes wrong staff members re-enact the incident using the board

At that time, Jenny, the ER doctor, was on shift.

The patient arrived at 5:00pm and sat at the waiting room

Shortly after ‘triage’ took place and gets a transfered to room T3

An hour later the patient’s fever spikes over 39 degrees

The doctors wonder if anyone even checked the temperature during the triage

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Presenting the pre-final idea. They wouldn’t use it!

At the hospital, “shadowing” the staff

Initial directions: expressiveness of emotions

ER staff interacting with the 3 concepts

Analysing data into contextual inquiry diagrams

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Course: Exploring Interactions, 5 months, 2012

Together | ApartA collaborative journal for grandchildren-grandparents

BriefEven though there is only one certain thing in our lives, that there is always an end in every living being, society is just accustomed to ignore that fact and treat interactions involved as a taboo. Designers have just begun to engage with the topic and by using design as an inherently persuasive means, they attempt to trigger the needed social change in people’s perceptions. The aim was to address this area, and more specifically to design for facilitating interactions of higher quality (exchange of feelings, memories, moments) between grandparents and grandchildren before it’s too late.

Natalia Papadopoulou 5

ConceptTime passes by, but we never try to cherish the time left. Having as a design goal to facilitate interactions of higher quality between grandparents and grandchildren co-creating something to be proud of (together before it is too late), a game for adults is being designed.

Having as a starting point for designing my own experiences on this issue, I began an explorative and participatory research where I involved grandchildren (age 20-27) that have lost a grandparent in order to gain understanding of the current situation and the involved interactions. Using questionnaires, interviews, roleplaying and context mapping the initial results showed me that the problem area in this case evolves around the distance we have with our grandparents.

Grandchildren complete “quests” possed by their grandparents throughout the year (1 picture per day) keeping an open, unconditional and unusual conversation to create a cherish tower that will accompany them when their grandparents won’t be there anymore.

The whole communication is saved in the journal as a precious modern memory-treasure box for the grandchildren to look back to.

ContributionConceptualization using exploratitive techniques to test interactions without interactive prototypes, visualisation, presentation, final concept video realisation using keynote, premiere and footage from camera.

problem area


concept proposal

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The thing with grandparents is that they get so old and get trapped

in a home living through the TV. Communication

gets down to formal

phone calls...phone calls...

When I started livingalone, after school far away, they had no real idea on how my life was. She wouldn’t approve She wouldn’t approve but I would like her to know better who I am and I would like to know better who she was...

Testing constructed story-sharing and telling

Mindmapping experiences to select a direction

Gathering insights from interviews

Translating interaction to a seesaw metaphor

Prototyping the “quest-treasure” box of memories

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Course: Design for Emotions and Subjective Well-Being, 2 months, 2013

Your Next CrewA welcoming system for the crew in the crew-center

BriefThis assignment posed the question “how do we evoke specific emotions”? My team’s intended emotions were respect and joy. They team collaborated while visiting and analysing the context (the crew-center of KLM). After interviews and observations as a team we produced 20 ideas that were pitched in front of KLM representatives. Four of them were selected and each one of us refined and finalized one of them. My idea was about re-designing the system that is currently used when the crew members arrive at the crew-center before their flights. What we observed is that the current system is a “cold” welcoming which evokes emotions rather opposite to respect.

6Team: Arnold Jan Quanjer | Hella Hekkelman | Joey Liao | Natalia Papadopoulou

ConceptPolicies do not allow name tags making employees feel like “numbers” when scanning their passports in the entrance. Moreover crew members never work twice with the same crew, they are always “strangers amongst strangers”. When they are ready to board the next flight they just get a name list of the crew members. Imagine you could have a system that prints out a nice picture of all your fellow cabin crew members instead of a list of names. It’s not only about the picture that could make you feel welcomed it’s also about the profile you get in the new check-in system. You can already read few more info about your today’s crew!

ContributionDetailed, pitched, re-defined, prototyped and presented the concept for evoking “Respect”.


Take a nice photo of you to start your registration to the welcoming crew system.

Create your profile. You decide what to reveal to your future crew co-members!

Next time you will scan your passport at the crew reporting desk you will be surprised.

The system welcomes you with a picture of your next crew!

No strangers anymore, you can even keep a diary of your past flights to keep in touch!

concept evolution, co-design session drawings from crew members on their flight roadmap


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These are your fellow crew members today!


interview quote indicating the problem area

“I still remember the first time I flew after my training. It was special, all the crew members were welcoming me and gave me their wishes for a good start. But now I don’t even know who will I work with. And it is not bad, it is always interesting to meet new people. The surprising thing is that there are never problems and nobody understands this is the first and only time these crew members will work together. But it feels like you are not taken into account beforehand in order to be more prepared.”

Final presentation at the crew center

Observations at the crew center: before the flight

Moodboard-ing on respect

Pitching 20 ideas so that 4 get selected

Getting ready for the final pitch/idea exhibition

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Course: Service Design, 2 months, 2013

Fly away with meConnecting people between the ground and the air

BriefZodiac deals with the challenge of moving from engineering products towards designing Product-Service Systems. The aim of the course and the assignment in general was to build on a solid service presentation by pitching the concept to stakeholders from within the company targeting to change the flying experience in 2018.

7Team: Natalia Papadopoulou | Ivo Salters | Jenny Tsay

2. upgrade of meal

- message from family (digital) with RFID + ipad

- receive hard copy photo of family photo (NAT)

Receives Surprise Meal Upgrade with a Photo Card from FAMILY.


Opens up interaction between passengers and passengers, also among crew members and passengers.


KLM Travel Book Postcard / Photo card DIY service.


Select/Take PhotoScribble







For your inspiration

Choose your CAMERA




Mom! Dad! I love the beef stew you pampered me with!

2. upgrade of meal

- message from family (digital) with RFID + ipad

- receive hard copy photo of family photo (NAT)

Immediately send a message back to Mom!


Show appreciation for those picking you up at the destination.


Make a Gift Card Purchase



Gift from KLM :Voucher for a treat!Printed postcards.


Authentic gift from departure country with a Thank You Photo Card.

Send Postcards home at KLM service desk.


ConceptThe concept is about providing people who travel away from their home country for a long period. They have either said goodbye to loved ones from home, or would soon be welcomed by a new life at their destination. Being on board, even on flights that take many hours, doesn’t mean that you cannot be close to your family and friends! Entertaining travelers, providing a creative service on board that allows you to explore your flight destination and create already your first impressions away from home is the key to this service-system concept.

ContributionConceptualization, storyboarding, detailing the technology-related aspects of the project, pitching the concept as a means of developing it further to the company, presenting the technology aspects.



Jenny is to leave her home country, Taiwan. Her family waves goodbye at the airport

At the airplane she discovers her meal is upgraded as a gift from her parents.

The in-flight entairtainment system allows her to take pictures of herself on board!

A whole new travel experience is getting revealed to her. A digital travel diary!

She can design new postcards while explor-ing her flight destination.

She can even order a gift for her parents back at home.

She decides to order the print-out of her favourite postcard of the ones she made.

When she arrives at Schiphol, all she has to do, is mail the envelop with the postcard!

concept evolution snapshot, visualising pitching material

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Interactive version of the application

Free-flying post-it current customer journey

Mapping opportunities for a future service

Business model for a service idea

Preparing example cards for print-out

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Course: Ubiquitous Product Service Innovation, 5 months, 2013

A ubiquitous system for children to learn by playing

BriefThis is one of the large collaborative projects of my master taking place throughout a whole semester. Just to make the project even more challenging and since I enjoy exploring cultures and collaborating with people from different backgrounds, the nature of the project is ubiquitous by itself. My team consists of 3 Colombian, 1 South African and 2 Chinese students, each of us living far away (in time and space)! Our vision is to work towards a design solution using ubiquitous technologies on educating children 6-12 on nutrition and persuade them to adopt more healthy nutritional habits. To do so we use a virtual pet and the context of the supermarket. Children do not learn in the same way as adults do. By making them responsible of a pet that gets happy when eats healthy food and sad when not children can start realising the patterns behind healthy nutritional habits.

8Team: Melisa Gaviria | Alejandro Mejía | Jida Huang | Jian Kang | Natalia Papadopoulou | Francois van der Merwe | Susana Vásquez


Children scan products at the super market using a game device. After scanning they can feed their pet and learn through his reactions if the food is healthy or not! At the same time parents get advice on whether to buy scanned items or not.

ContributionConceptualization, team managment, design research, animating characters to respond to scanned items, presentating and exhibiting the concept using “fake products” using an android mobile prototype in a week-long workshop in Wuhan University of Technology. storyboard


concept evolution, when working with a team based on 4 different locations on earth, the need for more talk (not less work though) can be bothersome for a designer

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a ubiquitous system for children to learn by playing


Mel isaGaviriaAlejandroMejiaFrancoisVanDerMerweJidaHuanJianKangNata l iaPapadopoulouSusanaVasquez

A Team

For more information, visit:http://www.foodamon.com

With the power

of the



Ubiquitous Product & System Innovation

21st June, 2013Wuhan



I like this and

so does my pet!

Parents, worry no more

Foodamon Factor

Feed Your Pet

Final presentation at Wuhan University

Creating a remote-team written service senario

Visualising the service from a device point of view

Final prototypes’ exhibition

Prototyping the service in one week’s workshop

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Graduation Project, 2014

BuddyAn artificial companion for retired baby boomers

BriefThe goal of the graduation project is to research through design the effectiveness of a companion for older people aiming to stimulate social interaction or provide new interactions to support them psychologically. This graduation project is the last part towards the master “Design for Interaction”, following the Medisign track, of TUDelft.

8Natalia Papadopoulou 8

Storyboard, Trusting a robot needs different levels of intimacy


Application area revolved around the notion of emotional isolation and loneliness. Emotional isolation, unlikely social isolation, cannot be alleviated by bring people in contact to other people. Preliminary user explorations showed that it must be an internal trigger to chase your goals that makes you feel less lonely in a crowded room. In an attempt to humanize robots, and make them acceptable to the target group, baby boomers, the whole term ‘robot’ was challenged into creating something that would be more of a product, and less of an untrusted robot. Buddy, triggered the feeling of ‘another being’ during the final tests by sending its owners motivational SMSs and allowing them to borrow its tokens for tracking their tasks.

Hello!I am


Acquaintance phase

Buddy will introduce itsel f, what it can do for the user and the role of tokens .

Connecting phase

Buddy will share personal secrets to the user, asking for a secret back, what would

the user like to achieve someday ?

Companionship phas e

Buddy will allow the user to ÔborrowÕ one of its tokens. Each token is a shor t-term goal

that contributes towards the long-term one .

Hey, now that you are my host, may I share a secret

with you? I used to be a

coach, now IÕm retired. I dream of travelling the world

one day. What would make

you happy to achieve


Hey Buddy, I would like

to live healthie r. Most of

the time I am too busy

to think anything but work, work, work .

Anything is possible if you plan

it and act towards achieving it. Think, what can you do today to

come closer to your goal? Take

this token, it will t rack time for

you. When the task is over, you can return it to me. Many little

tokens, focusing on one at a

time, makes a mickle !

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Testing a procrastinating robot on a procrastinating user

Envisioning the future of robots, workshop

Testing the mechanism behind achieving goals

Inception mode of a prototype

Is it a box, or a robot? Can it think on its own?

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Thank youNatalia Papadopoulou

[email protected]