portfolio 01-03-14

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  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14



  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14



    hi, im james


    I like space

    and learningmore about it

    Im a recent industrial design graduate. I specialize in user centred design and do this

    through a focus on human factors knowledge and creating functionally beautiful graphics toaccompany my work. Im currently looking for employment in a role were I can use these skills.

    Im interested in understanding

    people, the why they want, not just what they want.

    I enjoy making instructions asits a puzzle to make sure theymean the same to everyone.

    I work best in groups where Ican use my multidisciplinaryknowledge to support thosearound me.

    I like travellingto strangeplaces

    I like havingdiscussionsabout...Well

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    can we make our constantlychanging technologysustainable?

    in collaboration with

    and to be featured in the

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    The challenge set by Sonywas to design a product, or

    products, which could cracktechnology obsolescence andensure the products value tothe user for a lifetime.

    The project was offered to Brunel design students anda group of seven of us decided to work together on it.

    We worked with Sony as design consultants

    developing the work over a period of four months. Wesplit the design work between us to maximising ourindividual strengths.

    In this project the initial idea of a Core productwas mine and my main role was to supervise theproduction of communication materials with thirdparties.

    Project: Wandular

    Client : Sony

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    A lifetime bond in a small item that you carry withyou, holding your memories and your experiences.It also serves as a personal cloud connection,managing the connection and enabling any deviceit connects with to contact the cloud.

    The Play monitors sound as well as health andhappiness and adapts its output to how a child feelscreating fun or helping soothe, depending on whatsneeded.

    A platform for Cores to share data that mightotherwise be forgotten. It forms a social hub for afamily or other network and shares information basedon the group context and personal preferences.

    core play nest

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    This AR tablet interacts with the world just by lookingat it. Designed to be used from childhood to senioryears, with a simple interface supported by buttonsthat grow out of the surface.

    A product for the professional, it provides a screenand methods of control in a tiny package. It providesa portable desktop on the go.

    The design was kept to a minimal shape to increaseappeal across genders and age. The technology ishidden when you dont need it. This produces a verysubtle piece of technology which doesnt clash withthe owners choice of fashion

    wand view wear

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    maxim world, designing forthe largest hotels in the world.

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    Role: DesignerMaxim World

    My role is to create hotel products mainly small room accessories and restaurant items for some of thelargest hotels in the world. My products are now used in the Burj Al Arab, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park andThe Savoy among many others. Working in both metal and leather the designs must be produced in veryshort time frames to meet the clients demand.

    A selection of breadbaskets, salt and pepperholders and napkin rings

    A full table set producedfor a private island off


  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    The design work for theseluxury hotels is intense, our

    small team handling overtwo hundred projects ayear.

    These are anythingfrom furnishing multiplerestaurants and roomsfor a single hotel, to oneoff products for specialoccasions.

    One of the most notablespecial commissions wasthe creation of a table setfor a $20,000 (AED) perhead meal at the Burj AlArab

    Role: DesignerMaxim World

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14




    Oysters, bloody mary soup

    Scallops, spiced tomato chutney, samphire,pepper concasse, pomegranate, samphire

    soured cream

    Assiette of lamb, garlic puree, boulangeriepotatoes, sauted leeks, apricot jus

    Chilled chocolate fondant, salted buttercaramel

    Aselection of hand picked cheeses.

    Dear Friends,

    Happy NewYear.

    Dine With Your Chef provides chefsin the comfort of your own home.

    This month Dine With YourChef can provide you a perfectgift for those dearest to you.We can ensure you have aunique valentines meal, sureto be remembered.With thespecial day fast approaching,Dine With Your Chef is offeringthis gift experience of a dinner

    for two. Take a look at oursample menu or request yourown custom meal.

    Warmest Regards

    The Dine With Your Chef Team

    Contact us at0208 842 4260www.dinewithyourchef.com

    January Newsletter 2014

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to the Dine With Your Chefmonthly newsletter.

    Dine With Your Chef is a bespokeexperience, offering you and your party achef for any event.

    The Dine With Your Chef issuethis month is dedicated to one ofthe most important person in ourlives, our mothers. With Mothersday coming up we would liketo invite you to purchase ourexperience as a special treat to

    your Mum. This will be a greatopportunity to show her howmuch you love and appreciateher and give her a completelyunique home cooking experience.

    For some Mothers Day inspirations pleasesee our delicious recipe that is the ideal toboth impress and delight your mums. For more information or to purchase thegift experience please contact us on0208 842 4260 or email us [email protected].

    600ml doublecream

    150ml wholemilk

    100gcaster sugar


    Rosewater totaste

    tsp of groundcardamom

    Put thecream, milkandsugar inapanand

    slowlybring toboil. Simmer for 5minutesuntilreducedbya third.

    Soakthegelatineincoldwater for veminutesuntil soft.

    Drainandsqueezeout theexcesswater.

    Takethe cream, off theheat, andthen stir intherosewater, cardamom andgelatine.

    Pour themixture intofour 100millilitresdariolemoulds. Thenchill for twohours.

    January Newsletter 2014

    Rose and CardamonPannacottaServes 4

    I have also been responsible for the graphic design and brand developmentof the company Dine With Your Chef,. Run as a new venture the company offers

    luxury meals cooked by a personal chef in the privacy of your own home. This is aluxury service and I have developed the brand accordingly as the company wasonly just starting when I joined Maxim World.

    This included, logo design, newsletters, leaets and adverts for numerousmagazines. Also I developed brand guidelines for layout, colour and image use.Most recently I have also produced a promotional booklet which will delivered tohouses on the most expensive streets in London.

    This is content from the booklet



    Asele ction of dips, rustic breads, antipasti

    An option of salmon, chicken or beef with a variety ofsalads

    Beetroot, butternut squash, goats cheese bulgurwheat salad, toasted pistachios, cherries salsa verde

    Grilled asparagus, kale, chilli, lime, Himalayan salt

    Courgettes, lemon, mint, feta, sun dried tomatoes

    Tomato and pomegranate allspice salad

    Aselection of petit fours

    Menu options

    When the food came out we were speechlessit all looked so pretty and tasted even better

    Natasha Woodson Chelsea

    600 ml double cream

    150 ml whole milk

    100g caster sugar

    3 leaves gelatine

    Rose water to taste

    tsp of ground cardamom

    Put the cream, milk and sugar in a pan and slowly bringto boil.

    Simmer for 5 minutes until reduced by a third.

    Soak the gelatine in cold water for ve minutes until soft.

    Drain and squeeze out the excess water.

    Take the cream, off the heat, and then stir in the rosewater,cardamom and gelatine.

    Pour the mixture into four 100 millilitres dariole moulds.Then chill for two hours.

    Try adding fruit for extra avour


    PannacottaRose and Cardamon

    What we o er Restaurant Qualityto your kitchen


    Te wholeexperience wasa pleasure. Te

    chef brought thierunique passion to

    my home


    To experienceour culinaryexcellencecontact us on

    Spanish devilled eggs with chorizoand prawn tapas

    Rose and Cardamon Pannacotta

    Peruvian Tilapia, prawn and avocadocerviche

    Before Rebrand After RebrandRole: Graphic DesignerDine With Your Chef

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    handpumps in africa keepbreaking and remain broken.we need to know why?

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    Project: Intuitive water pump for AfricaStudent work : Final year major project

    goal To replace broken pumpswhich have working boreholesto make use of this hugeinvestment.

    1 in 3Pumps in Africa are broken.Some studies suggest pumpsare breaking faster than theyare being put in.

    $1000The minimum cost to provide aborehole for a pump to accesswater in dry areas.

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    Signicant time andeffort went into thedevelopment of a set ofinstructions that would beunderstood by Africans.

    As the were not the

    resources to do this inAfrica a series of testswere created for samplegroups in the UK to tryand obtain informationwhich would be usefuldespite the culturaldifference.

    The design of the pumpitself was complicatedby the need to havethe components andmanufacturing locallysourced in Africa.

    The design developmentfocused mainly on tryingto improve the waterextraction technique andexperimenting with locallyavailable materials.

    The project had two main focuses: theproduction of a working pump suitable forthe environment and the creation of a systemof instructions to allow users in Africa toassemble and maintain the product.

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    The output of theproject producedthree main results.

    A set of rules was produced with detailed instructionswhich would allow more instructions to be created,

    especially how to construct or repair the system. Thesewere created through repeated testing of differentinstructional techniques.

    A pump was also designed which could take all itsrequired components from locally available materials

    and be constructed using local tools and skills. This isa massive improvement over many pumps which relyon imported technology and components.

    The nal achievement was proving that the designcould function and with further development extract

    enough water to feed a real need.

    Rule 2Changingangle

    The ruleIf youmust changeperspectiveorrotatetheproduct,itsbest todo it through procedural images of therotation.

    Changing theview stepby stepkeeps peoples orientationwith theproduct andreduces thechances of mistakes.

    This principlecanalso beapplied if youneedtozoom ontheobject infora extendedpart of theinstructions,If youneedtocontinueshowing theconstructionof theproductat acloserview point.

    RecommendationsYoushouldnot needmorethanfour photos toconvey atransitionunless it is particularly complicated.Aftershowingonetransitionyoucanreducethe numberof steps showingthetransitionif it is repeated.

    Whenshowing transitions donot show theobject revolving

    purely onits own.Its moreadvisableto show humansmoving it inthe pictures as seenhere.

    Zoom images requires only twoimages;onebeforezooming andone afterthezoom.Both shouldbetakenfrom thesameangleandof thesame content.

    Rule 3Oneprocessper image

    The ruleOnly completeoneprocess perimage.

    By only having oneprocess perimagetheinstructions aremuch less likely mis interpreted.Each imagehas only onething tocommunicateandso individuals ndeasier tonoticewhat is going onineach image.

    This alsogoes forrepetitivetasks. Forexampledonottry toshow multiplescrews being placedin oneimage

    just becausethey arethesameprocess.This canleadtoindividuals missing components ornot perceiving everyscrew.

    RecommendationsWhentaking pictures of processes donot expect users todoanything they havenot beeninstructedtodo.An imageof anut on ascrew threadis not enough tocommunicatethat nut must bedoneup.

    Rule 4Propertool use

    The ruleWhenshowing instructions relating toprocesses suchas tightening screws,show procedural images toimplydirectionof movement.

    By adding twophotos insteadof onetoshow ausertightening upanut it is moreeffectiveinimproving usersuseof tools.Many users foregotheuseof tools andjust usengers if not properly instructed.

    RecommendationsWhentaking photos try tomakethe movement asunambiguous as possible.Inthetwo adjacent picturesyoucansee thearm clearly moveclockwise.This canbeunderstoodfrom theimages becauseit wouldbe highlyunlikely forthearm togo from therst steptothesecond inacounterclockwisemanner.

    Inprocesses requiring precisionorsmall amounts of forcethis methodcanalso beused tocommunicateaneedforagentle touch. This is doneby showing pictures of verysmall movements which helpcommunicatethe needfordelicacy..

    Rule 1Perspectiveof photos

    The ruleWhentakingphotos,try totakepicturesfrom aconsistentperspectivewhich only variesby small degrees.

    It isalso important tonot changethe croppingof thephotoand stay at asinglezoomsetting.

    Doingthis helpspeoplestay orientatedwith theprocess.Changingangle ofview abruptly canlead toconfusionresultinginerrors inconstruction.

    RecommendationsTakephotosforma 3/4perspectiveto theproduct.It allowsthemost visibility.

    Whentakingphotos try toincludehumans inthe imagebecauseit alsoprovidesreferencetoboth scaleandorientation.

    Usea consistent platformor set forthe processbecausethisalso aidsorientation.

    Pick yourscaleafter lookingthrough all componentsandprocessesinvolvedinthe assembly.Beingcroppedtoowidecan causeproblemsif theproject hasmany smallcomponents.

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    is the QR code really the bestwe can do?

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    Hex was a design exercise to replace the QR code with a better alternative. The QR code has numerousproblems which has resulting in poor usage by the public and improper use by advertisers. The goal was tocreate a code which could supply the same functionality as a QR code but targeting some of the problemareas by improving its functionality and visual appeal

    Project: HexStudent workGraphics module

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    A Y


    research design renement

    The development of Hex followed two paths: the creation of a code which would theoretically work,and the development of icons to communicate the type of media the code would lead to. This wasshown to be important by user research because users never knew what type of content they werebeing connected to, leading to an apathy over using QR codes.

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    Hex eventually evolved into the graphicseen here. A small library of icons wascreated to represent the different types ofmedia accessed through QR codes.The concept was completely based onhow QR codes work and as such wouldwork with custom scanners.

    Hex had a measurable improvement overQR codes in these factors:

    - It supports analytics providing accurateinformation on who uses Hex and where.

    -Its shape can be customised

    -It requires a smaller amount of space tofunction

    - It provides pictorial information on whatthe content it provides at a glance.

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    protecting those who protect.

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    Project: POC ZephyrStudent workContextual Module

    The goal of this project was to alter an existing companies position in the marketwhile keeping their design style and company values constant. Our team chosethe company POC. POC produce high end, visually stunning, safety equipment forgravity sports such as mountain biking and skiing. I decided to create a gas maskfor the re services targeting the problems with current masks.

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    Core Values

    When developing a product at POC, we do it in thespirit of doing the best. We never compromise inchoosing materials or construction, and we never

    compromise safety, quality or performance.-POC





    The rst step was to produce a report on the company and the future directionthe group aimed to take the company. We considered the needs of users wereand how we could best provide for them using POCs style and ethos.

    18 POC

    Mood Board

    This mood boarddemonstrates what POC isall about. POC is a brandfor the extreme, for peoplewho push the limits, forthose who do things out ofthe norm. It is a brand thatprides safety and protectionabove all else, allowing itscustomers to go out, enjoythemselves and creatememories. It allows you toget the most out of what youdo, whatever you do, and atwhatever level you do it at.POC focuses on good, cleandesign based around thelatest technology and soundmedical knowledge.

    19 POC

    Design Work: James Burchill, Adam James, Dan Tanner, Gelson Marcon,Josh Rex and Penn Lingris

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    This is a collection of some of thedevelopment sketches from thecreation of the POC Zephyr

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    This was the nalresult. Producedmainly from Ureal,3d printed piecesand vacuumformed plastic

    The Zephyr was producedin conjunction with veother students whoalso produced items forPOC to create of familyof products within newmarket area and thebrand style.

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    other work Im proud of.

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    Year in IndustryCompany: CCDPosition: Student Designer

    For my placement I worked at CCDdesign & ergonomics. My role wasmainly as a graphic designer where Icompleted...

    -Redesign of companys literature-Production of poster and yers-Icon design-Production of complex maps-Production of style guide

    As well as graphic design I was also responsible forother tasks, including...

    -3d Modelling-Meeting with clients-Rig building-Talking with focus groups

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    Year in IndustryCompany: CCDPosition: Student Designer

    For security reasons a lot of the graphic work I didover the year is unavailable for sharing. Here aresome samples of the work I completed for frontpages, diagrams or pamphlets which can be shared.

    The artwork is all stock imagery a lot of which waseither composed together or otherwise altered by meso as to stand out.

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    JAAK was a ctionalcompany created fora project with the goalto encourage childrento cook with adultsby adding characterto everyday kitchenproducts.

    The JAAK conceptcompany needed designguidance for its products.We generated a styleguide and used thecompanys background

    to help produce a groupof products all for JAAK.

    Design Work: JamesBurchill, Adam James,Alicia Jenkins andKatherine Harris

    Project: Innovative Kitchen DesignStudent WorkDesign process module

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    The design of my productfocused around creating a childfriendly measuring jug whichergonomically accommodatedchildren and adults.

    The result was Twoo.An owl shaped measuring jugwhich functioned like a Talameasuring cone pictured below.

    The design was produced with lots of low delity prototypes. This wasto test the various potential shapes and designs as well as test howit would function when completing tasks.

    Twoo was designed to be highly grippable by bothsmall children and adults it accomplished this byhaving rubberised sides and adding a slot on theback for grip which also had a window in it. Thisallowed children to see in to the measuring jug sothey did not have to lean over the product to gaugehow full it was.

    Project: Innovative Kitchen DesignStudent WorkDesign process module

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    May 2011 - Le NurbLe Nurb - May 2011

    of what I do; my manifesto wasbuilt around the concerns andissues that havebeen brought tomy attention throughout the last

    threeyears at Brunel.I am a Social Anthropologyand havebeen involved with theUnion for 2years.

    Theaim ofne xt year,for me,is tocampaign and put policy in placeto build stronger foundationswithin the University; throughlecturer delivery,teaching quality,the resources available, contacthours and Student voice. Toomany times, I haveheard peoplesay that things arenot consistent,things arenot thesame.I say,letschangethat.

    The build-up and the commotionof this years elections are overnow, and I am really grateful thatI havebeen successfully voted into

    theposition.Seeingthebeliefandsupport you all have given mehas been very humbling,and forthat I am truly thankful.I am keento highlight what theSU is reallyabout,how you all can makeadifference as individuals and howworkingas a groupcan improvestandards throughout.

    As your elected Vice PresidentAcademic Representation, I amhere foremost for you, to supportyou and represent you throughoutthe next year. Your ideas andissues haveto be at theforefront

    My main aims for next year are: TO BETAUGHT,NOT LECTURED

    We n ee d to b e E NG AG ED ,CHALLENGEDand INSPIRED.

    Co nt i nu e t he I L OV E M YPT CAMPAIGN and DevelopAssessment Feedback.


    Next year is a year to watch,with many new faces and fantasticindividuals being elected recently.As a group,wehave a lot to offerbut we cannot do it without you.So get in touch with us.Your ideasand your involvement makes thedifference.

    possibleand to makethemas funand informative as possible.Theyhaveall beenincrediblysuccessfulandImhopingto havethemagainn ex t y ea r a nd m ak e t he m e ve nmoresuccessful.Ihave alsoresolvedw el fa re i ss ue s r el at in g t o P HDstudents.

    Sowhat do I have p lanned fo rn ex t y ea r? T he re a re c ur re nt lyabout2000 studentswhovolunteerfo rthe Unionand whodont getaccreditation.Iwantthemall togetaccredited to acknowledge all thehard work that theyve pu t inandto help boost theiremployabilitystatus.I wantto continueworkingwith theun iversity to becomea

    Helloeveryone.ImAvinaPatelandI amso gratefu l to everyonewhovotedduringthe electionsandhavegivenmetheopportunitytobeyourVPCommunityWelfarefora secondyear.I amthe onlyreturningofficernextyearandI wanttocontinuealltheworkIvebeendo ingover thepastyear.

    During th is year, I have raisedawarenessof issuesrelatingto thestudentbodyby organisingvariouscampaignssuch as Sexual HealthandGuidance(SHAG) Week,AlcoholandDrugsWeek, FairtradeFortnightandStressLessAnd Well Being .Ihaveorganised thesecampaigns toreachthemostamountofstudents

    Fair trade accredi ted un iversityandto continueraisingawarenesso f i ss ue s r el at in g t o s tu de nt sthroughcampaigns.Lastyear,I splitSHAGWeekup in to several datesthroughoutyearsoI couldreachouttomorestudentsandthiswasreallysuccessfulsoI wanttodothisagaininthe upcomingyear.

    I also want to encouragemorepeop le to start vo lun teering att he U ni on s o w e v e s et u p a nappl icat ion fo rm online at www.brunelstudents.com/volunteer foranyone interested in volunteeringa nd g et ti ng i nv ol ve d i n U ni onactivites.


    local community but to nationaland even international years.Letslook forward to a year whereeveryindividual at Brunel (whether partofa cluband society or not) cansay they have had the best yearever; where they can say thattherehavebeen moresteps takeninto ensuringand creatingsuccessand wherethey can say the unionwere efficient in providing asmany opportunities as possible.

    I havemany ideas that werein

    my manifesto,i haveone ofthemwhich is currently already beingworked on with the volunteeringchair.You guys arethevoiceofthis

    Hi guys,my nameis Gary OBriena current 3rd year sport sciencesstudent,squash chair and generalBrunel enthusiast...somemay evensay keeno.

    Firstly,I would liketo thank all of you who took timeto votefor yourfavourites in the elections; youcan expect all ofthe elected towork very hard for you next yearespecially your VP SA elect!

    Next year is all about increasingthe status of Brunel RAG, sport

    and societies to a level likeneverbefore.This status will not just beincreased within the university,itwont just beincreased within the

    university, i want to hear all yourviews and really stepu pon unionefficiency to transfer your viewsinto actions.

    Finally i would just liketo addthat other candidates had somecracking ideas which i would loveto take on board and includeinmy programme as i know somewerewell supported and will beof great benefit to us.

    It will bea pleasureworkingforthestudents ofthe best universitythere is....BruWha?

    Gary OBrien

    work of the outgoing team, whocollectively have added so muchto the positive direction andfocus of the UBS.

    During the election, my sellingpoint was to empower andengage students to achieve thebest for themselves while in theuniversity. It is my intention tocreate or develop more avenuesthat will better the studyingenvironment for students whilein the university and a network toreconnect to the university aftertheir studies. With the above inmind, I sincerely seek for the full

    Hi everyone. My name is PromisePhillips. I am a final year studentcurrently studying financialcomputing and the Presidentelect of the Union of BrunelStudents.

    Firstly, I will like to thankthe team of 2010/11 and mostimportantly the outgoingPresident, Priya Pallan. I believe alarge proportion of students willagree when I say she has beenan inspiration and a positiveexample to the entire staffthat served under her. I ai m tocontinue with the remarkable

    co-operation of all the studentsof Brunel University to be part of a new era that will bring aboutquality and excellence to thetime spent while studying here.

    Finally, I am deeply honouredto have been elected as Presidentand hope you will all participatenext term in what will stand outto be a wonderful year.

    [email protected]

    UBS President

    VP Student Activities

    VP Community Welfare

    VP AC Representation

    Union News

    H e l l o

    . . .B I G NE WS : G RE EN WO O D I SFINALLY LEAVING BRUNEL! Yesfolks it is true, I am actually leavingBrunel after a fair few years.As astudent it was amazing and as astudent officer,it has been superbwith many ups and a few downs. There havebeen some absolutelysublime moments such at the

    demonstration and achievingthe sports strategy. I have metsome great peop le along theway, but I havealso met my fairshareof clowns. This balance of people is why being a studentofficer is so great,you can educateas well as being supported onyour campaigns. I would alwaysrecommend anyone go ingfor election because it a greatexperience and a cracking C.V.builder. You are always learningand when I first cameinto the jobI didnt have a cluehow to do it

    (and somewould say I still dont)and this is wheremy first thankyou comes in.

    UBS staffI saluteyou. Throughyour great training and supportit has developed myself and theother student officers into whatweare today, always fighting thestudents corner.

    My second goes to all thepart timers (Sam Middlewoodexcluded) and chairs ofthe Union,especially my sports chairs. Youguys have had a tough timehavingto work with me,but I thinkwe got though it really well in theend,and there will always betimefor a students activities tequila.

    To the student officers, it hasbeen immense workingwith youguys.You are the best collegesanyone could ask for. I hopewehavepassed on all the knowledgewe can to the new lot (they

    dont know what they are lettingthemselves in for, but we werenever goingto tell them that).

    But my biggest thanks go to allthe students who I havemet andhavesupport meth rough my timein office.It wouldnt havebeen thesame without you guys (becausesomeoneelse would havegot it!!).

    So what is the futurefor me?Well I might become a studentagain doing a masters (dontworry not at Brunel),o r I mighthit the big bad world and get a job. I think that optimises how Ihavechanged at Brunel and whatI think ofuniversity life and I shallend it with a quote.

    Always keepyour options open,becauseyou dont which ones willclose

    Coming towards theendof mytermand I have decided that i t sastrangejobbeinganOfficerofa SU.

    12monthsasaStudentOfficerisnotlongenough,but whenyoulookatGreenwoodandPriya Iguess2 yearsistoolong!

    Being a student in Freshers isamazing,andbeingaContactofanyvarietyisevenbetter, soIhad noideawhatto expect asan Officer.Asidefromthe StudentRep recruitmenttalksandtheinductiontalkstoover400newfreshersevery day,FreshersWeekasaVPis prettysweetindeed.Workingwithafantasticteamin theUnion, the Contacts representingtheUnion and seeing thefreshersh av in g a d amn g oo d t ime absolutelyawesome.Butfromthenitgoes downhill.

    Emails,meetings,phonecalls,webupdates,articles forLeNurb,reportwriting,conferencesand projectsall

    reallykick offwhen Freshersisdoneanddusted,and noneofit stopsuntil justbeforeyou areleavingOff ice.

    I knowmost studentsat Brunel,andprobab lyat anyUni ,see theStudent Officers as layaboutsthatgetpaidtodo prettymuchnothingb ut s it i n t h e b a r a l l d a y a nd Iagreethat Greenwoodportraysthatbeautifully butit reallyis somuchmore.Thisyearalonewehavedonesomuch,.

    Personalhighlightshave beenmyownprioritycampaignofI

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 01-03-14


    thanks for reading

    contact me at [email protected]

    or call me on07775337868




    11 Le Nur 11

    ofwhat I do; my manifesto wasbuilt around theconcerns andissues that havebeen brought tomy attention throughoutthelastthreeyears at Brunel.

    I am a Social Anthropologyand havebeen involved with theUnion for 2years.

    Theaim ofnext year,for me,is tocampaign and put policy in placeto build stronger foundationswithin the University;throughlecturer delivery,teachingquality,theresources available,contacthours and Student voice.Toomany times,I haveheard peoplesay that things arenot consistent,things arenot thesame.I say,letschangethat.

    Thebuild-upand thecommotionofthis years elections areovernow,and I am really grateful thatI havebeen successfully voted intotheposition.Seeingthebeliefandsupport you all havegiven mehas been very humbling,and forthat I am truly thankful.I am keento highlight what theSUis reallyabout,how you all can makeadifferenceas individuals and howworkingas a groupcan improvestandards throughout.

    As your elected VicePresidentAcademic Representation, I amhereforemost for you,to supportyou and represent you throughoutthenext year. Your ideas andissues haveto beat theforefront

    My main aims fr n t y r r : T O B E TA U GH T, T L E T U E

    We n e ed t o E G G E ,C HALLENGEDand I IE .

    C on t in u e t h e I LV E YP T C A MP A IG N n v lAssessment F eed .

    S TU D EN T R E E E T T ISCHEMERevamp.

    Next year i s a yr t t h ,wi th many new fa n nt t ii ndividuals beingl t r nt l y.As a group, wehv l t t rbut wecannot d it ithut yu.S o get i n t ouch wi th u. ur iand your i nvolve nt t hdifference.

    possibleandtomakethem asfunandinformativeas possible.Theyhaveallbeen incrediblysuccessfulandImhopingtohavethemagainnextyearandmakethemevenmoresuccessful.Ihavealsoresolvedwel fare i ssues rel ati ngto P HDstudents.

    S owhatdoIhaveplannedfornextyear?Thereare current lyabout2000studentswhovolunteerforthe Unionandwhodont getaccreditation.Iwantthemalltogetaccreditedtoacknowledgeallthehardworkthattheyve putinandtohelp boosttheir employabilitystatus.I wanttocontinueworkingwi ththeunivers i t ytobecomea

    Helloeveryone.ImAvinaPatelandIam sogratefulto everyonewhovotedduringtheelectionsandhavegivenmetheopportunitytobeyourVPCommunityWelfareforasecondyear.Iamtheonly returningofficernextyearandIwantto continuealltheworkIvebeen doingoverthepastyear.

    Duringthi syear, I haverai sedawarenessofissuesrelatingto thestudentbodybyorganisingvariouscampaignssuch asSexual HealthandGuidance(SHAG)Week,AlcoholandDrugsWeek,FairtradeFortnightandS t ressLessAndWel lB eing. Ihaveorganisedthesecampaignstoreachthemostamountofstudents

    F ai rtrade accrei t univri t ya nd t o c o nt i nu e r i i n r no f i s s ue s r e l a ti n t t u n tthroughcampaign. L ty r, I l i tS HA G Wee k u p i nt v r l tt h ro ug h ou t ye a r s I u l r h u ttomores tudent sn t hi r l l ysuccessfulsoI wantt thi inintheupcomingy r.

    I a l so w an t t o n u r m rp e op l e t o s t a rt v l u nt r i n tt h e U ni o n s o w v t u na p pl i ca t io n f o rm n l in t .brunel s tudents . com/vlunt r ranyoneint eres t edinvlunt rina nd g et t i ng i n v l v i n U n i nactivites.

    S eeyoual lnextyr!

    local community but to nationaland even international years.Letslook forward to a year whereeveryindividual at Brunel(whether partofa cluband society or not) cansay they havehad thebest yearever; wherethey can say thattherehavebeen moresteps takeninto ensuringand creatingsuccessand wherethey can say theunionwere efficient in providing asmany opportunities as possible.

    I havemany ideas that wereinmy manifesto,i haveoneofthemwhich is currently already beingworked on with thevolunteeringchair.You guys arethevoiceofthis

    Hi guys,my nameis Gary OBriena current 3rd year sport sciencesstudent,squash chair and generalBrunel enthusiast...somemay evensay keeno.

    Firstly,I would liketo thank all of you who took timeto votefor yourfavourites in theelections; youcan expect all oftheelected towork very hard for you next yearespecially your VP SA elect!

    Next year is all about increasingthestatus ofBrunel RAG,sportand societies to a level likeneverbefore.This status will not just beincreased within theuniversity,itwont just beincreased within the

    univers i t y, i want t h r l l y urvi ews and real l y t u n unineffi ciency to tran r yur viinto actions.

    Finally i would jut li tt hat other candi t hcrackingideas whih i ul l vto t akeon board n i nlu i nmy programme i nwerewel l support n i l lgreat benefit to u.

    It wi l l bea pl eaur ri n rthestudents ofth t univr itythere is....Bru Wh

    Gary OBrien

    work of the outgoing team, whocollectively have added so muchto the positive direction andfocus of the UBS.

    During the election, my sellingpoint was to empower andengage students to achieve thebest for themselves while in theuniversity. It is my intention tocreate or develop more avenuesthat will better the studyingenvironment for students whilein the university and a network toreconnect to the university aftertheir studies. With the above inmind, I sincerely seek for the full

    Hi everyone. My name is PromisePhillips. I am a final year studentcurrently studying financialcomputing and the Presidentelect of the Union of BrunelStudents.

    Firstly, I will like to thankthe team of 2010/11 and mostimportantly the outgoingPresident, Priya Pallan. I believe alarge proportion of students willagree when I say she has beenan inspiration and a positiveexample to the entire staff that served under her. I aim tocontinue with the remarkable

    co-operat ion of l l t h t u ntof Brunel Univerity t rta new era that ill rin utq u al i ty a n d ex l l n t t ht ime spent whi l e t uyin hr .

    F i na l ly , I am d l y h n u rto have been el ect r i ntand hope you wil l l l rt i i tnext term in wht ill t n utto be a wonderful y r.

    su.president@brunl. .u

    UBS President

    VP Student Activitie

    VP Community Welf

    VP AC Representati

    n i n

    H e l l o

    . . .IG E : G EE I

    F I L L Y L E V I G U E L! Yl i t i t r u , I t u l ly l v i n

    r un l t r i r y r .t u n t i t i n nt u n t i r , i t h n u ri t h n y u n n .h r h v n l ut l yu l i n t u h t t h

    n t r ti n n hi v i nt h r t tr t y . I h v t

    r t l l n t hy, u t I h v l t y i r

    h r l n . hi lnl i hy i n t u n t

    i r i r t ,y u n u tl l i n u r t n

    y u r i n . I u l l yr n ny n in

    r l t i n u i t r tr i n n r k in . V.

    u il r . u r l y l r ni nn h n I ir t i n t t h j

    I i n t h v l u h t i t

    (n m ul y I t i l l nt)n t h i i h r y i r t t h n

    yu in .U t I l u t y u. h r u h

    y u r r t t r i ni n n u r ti t h v l y l n tht h r tu n t i r in t h t

    r t y , l y i h ti n tht u n t r n r.

    y n t ll t hr t ti mr ( m i ll u ) n h i r f t h U ni n ,

    i l l y y r t h i r. uu y h v h t u h ti

    h v i n t r i t h , u t I t h int t huh i t rl l y l l i n t h

    n , n th r i l l l y t ir t u n t t i v it i t u i l .

    th t u n t i r , i t hn i n r i n i th y u

    u y . u r t h t l ln y n ul r . I h

    h v n l l t h n ln t t h n l t ( th y

    n t n h t th y r l t t i nt h l v i n r , u t rn v r i n t t l l th m t h t ).

    u t y i t t h n t l lt h tu n t h I h v t nh v u r t t hr u h y t ii n i . It u lnt hv n t h

    m i th u t y u u y ( um n l u l h v t it !! ).

    h t i t h utur rl l I i h t t u nti n i n m t r ( n t

    rry nt t runl ), r I m ihth i t t h i r l n t j .I thin tht ti i h Ih v h n t ru n l n h tI thin univri t y li n I hl ln i t i t h ut . l y y u r t i n n ,

    u y u n t hi h n i l ll

    m in t r t h n f m yt r m n I h v i t h t it t r n j i n n f f i r f U .

    1 2m n th t u n t f f i r i n tl n n u h , ut h n y u l tGr n n r iy I u 2 y ri t l n !

    i n t u n t i n r h r im i n , n i n n t t f n y

    v r i ty i v n t t r , I h n ih t t t n ffi r . i

    r m t h t u n t r r ui tm n tt l n t h in u t i nt l t v r

    n r h r v r y y , r h r V i rtty t in .

    r i n i t h n t t i t m i n thU ni n , t h n t t r r n ti nt h U ni n n i n th r h rh vi n m n t im

    l ut l y m . u t r m th ni t n hi ll .

    E mi l ,m t i n , h n l l ,u t , r ti l f r L ur , r r t

    r it in , n r n n r j t l l

    r l l y i h n r h r i nn u t , n n n i t t u n ti l

    jut fr yu r l vin ffi .I n m t t u n t t r un l,

    n r l y t n y Uni , t ht u n t f fi r l y u t t h tt i t r t t y mu h n t hi n

    u t i t in t h r l l y n Ir t h t Gr n r tr y th tu t i ul l y u t i t r l l y i m u h

    m r . hi y r l n h v nmuh,.

    r n l h i h l i h t h v n m yn r i ri ty m i n I < y

    n t h m i n j in t r t t hf fi r n h i r i n r m t i n f

    t h ti n l m i n t f nu t hi h r u l t in y um i n l n ! h u th n t th y u

    t h t t t h t im t l t m ny ur th u ht n h t r n

    h t n t i t h r n l u t ri n ,r u l t r i n t t h Un i v r i t y

    t hi m nt h n t i n i ll t nt i m r v it in h h l t t hl v l t h t y u n t t it . hu th m i n i l r l y

    n t t h v l un t r h l lh l u ti nt h r m , ih n t l l t h i n v l v .

    Th m lutlyt n in ! u h r t y u t u tl r v in t ht t u n t n t

    h r . r l t h nv r n th u n t h

    vi l nt t , I m t il l r u th v m r h i th r u n l i n t .

    r i n i n y ur U ni n l n ith r t t r i nt n Vir i n t t h t th U h n

    h n n i nr i l r iv il nl ur n I i ll l y r mm r

    i t my t y r t U ni .l l th t m . y r i l n

    t im n I m t ti n t h h ll u th r . I t n l u r ru n l

    yuinth r.

    H u i k ly t im fl y yI t l l i n l y y t r y I

    r f f t il l H l l i th u tr i n r i l i r , n r v un h y ; l it tl i I n i y r

    l t r (y i y r , n n I mn t th f m l j ) I u l

    ri t in y yr i n t U .

    h l t t y r ,u n u t l y r th t y r

    y l i n t hi h n nt n t h i n ; t h l . I h v

    t i n t u n tn r i th n r u l n

    in i rt i n l l t h it hinth Univri t y n t h Unin.

    h hi h l i h t y y rr i n t , i t h u t u t , h

    t t h n t r t i n n. . , h r v r r un lt u n t t ur n u t t h

    t h i r i u t f r th l i ti n v u t t h i h r u t i n . I

    n t il l t h v i i n i n y hh un r r un l t u n t

    i n t h t , r r y in n n rn h n t in t h i r h r t u tn t h t r t f L n n . v r

    h v I n r u i nur t u nt ul l y n

    i n t l y t n i n u rht thy l i v i n . ht yi l l t y i th rv r. hrr ny t hr hihl i ht

    t h y r I u l i t h r rh i l n l i t t h , u t i I th in

    u t t h t i t , i t l yi l n t th r n

    r t n t t i l .I t n ti r n tf fi r n h i r t h t h

    U ni n n t i t t n h i h t .

    I i h yu l l t h t r t hi n y r . u r y u tt h t i t r l i h y u r r l , n j yy u r l n t h l , t h y rh t y n r y u n

    i t , it vr.I I n l v y u i t h l n I

    h v l r n t; i t u l tth t vry rtunitytht yur y urinU n iv r i t y n i n l i . l yr r y u i ll nl y t

    h t y u ut i n, t tu t i y u r r t n n

    t rut yu i l l l rn t hinu t y u r l t h t y u u l

    n v r h v n n !I t h n n l u t l u r

    n h n u r r v in y u r Vir i n t n r i n t n Ii h y u l l t h t h r v r

    y u r j u r n y t y u .

    Union News8